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Contrasting monophthongs in pairs
[i:] [i]
lead lid, read rid, feel fill, deal dill, heel hill, team Tim, keen kin, seen sin, teen tin, leave live;
peak pick, seek sick; sheep ship, heap hip, leap lip, beat bit, feet fit, seat sit;
[i:] [i]: eat fish, be sick, feel ill, see him, meet Bill, deal with, read this, beat it; [i] [i:]: kiss me, lip cream, till
[i] [e]
bill bell, fill fell, till tell, him hem, pin pen, tin ten, win when, bid bed, did dead, Liz Les, since
pit pet, sit set, Nick neck, pick peck, miss mess, wrist rest, lift left;
[i] [e]: Big Ben, six guests, live well, since ten; [e] [i]: tell Tim, test him;
[e] []
bed bad, said sad, beg bag, leg lag, hell Hal, hem ham;
Ben ban, pen pan, den Dan, ten tan, men man; bend band, lend land, send sand;
bet bat, met mat, pet pat, set sat, mess mass, wreck rack, peck pack, letter latter, better batter;
[e] []: red bag, fell back, met Alice, pen pal; [] [e]: Ann said, bad pen, add ten, marry Mary;
[] [a:]
bad bard, lad lard, Pam palm, cam calm, carry car, Barry bar;
cat cart, hat heart, mat mart, pat part, cap carp, back bark, pack park,
[] [a:]: Dan's father, last part, fast cars; [a:] []: smart Alex, hard candy, Karl's cat;
[] []
fan fun, ran run, sang sung, land lung, Dan done, man month, frank front, Sam some, ram rum,
damp dump, bag bug, rag rug;
cat cut, bat but, hat hut, fat fuss, last lust, task tusk, back buck, lack luck, tack tuck, stack
[] []: bad cut, bad blood, bad luck, black gun, last month, Ann's mother; [] []: some tan, one man, a bag,
a hat;
[a:] [o:]
far four, car core, tar tore, star store, card cord, bard board, barn born;
park pork, stark stork, part port, cart court, Marty Morty,
[a:] [o:]: carport, Bart bought, hard core; [o:] [a:]: four cars, ball park, small yard;
[a:] []
barn bun, calm come, drama drum, march much, darn done, far sofa, father mother;
bark buck, dark duck, lark luck, tar tuck, stark stuck, heart hut,
[a:] [r]
hard heard, card curd, far fur, farm firm, barn burn, large splurge, charge church;
heart hurt, cart Curt, dark dirt, lark lurk, park perk, carton curtain,
[o:] [r]
call curl, hall hurl, all earl, Paul pearl, saw sir, lawn learn;
war were, ward word, warm worm, reward reword, walk work, wart worth;
four fir, sore sir, store stir, core occur, pour purr;
born burn, torn turn, form firm, board bird, cord curd,
course curse, caught curt, short shirt, talk Turk;
[o:] [r]: warm words, four birds, call Kurt; [r] [o:]: first floor, third door, learn all;
[o] []
bomb bum, rob rub, college color, common come, comma company, body buddy, bother brother;
gone done, nonsense none, honor honey, monitor money, monument Monday, fond front, tongs
tongue, sponsor sponge;
conference confess, continent contain, content (n.) content (adj.) , contract (n.) contract (v.), contrary
control, policy police;
lock luck, sock suck, cop cup, hot hut, not nut, cloth nothing, bottle butter, bottom button;
[u:] [yu:]
food feud, fool fume, cool cute, who hue, ooze use, moose muse, boot beauty;
[u:] [u]
fool full, pool pull, womb woman, food foot, Luke look, tooth took, shoot should;
[u] [o]
cook cock, look lock, rook rock, took stock, put pot, good god;
[u] []
book buck, look luck, took tuck, put but, push hush, full dull, pull hull;
The sounds [] (but) and [r] (bird)
[] [r]
bud bird, cub curb, bun burn, ton turn, fun fern, soda coder;
luck lurk, shut shirt, but Bert, hut hurt, such search, bust burst, sofa suffer, quota quarter;
stressed [] unstressed []
son lesson, some awesome, muss famous, numb venom, thud method,
stressed [r] unstressed [r]
fur offer, refer suffer, sir answer, purr helper, burn stubborn, turn lantern;
Contrasting monophthongs and diphthongs in pairs
[e] [ei]
pen pain, den Dane, many main, fell fail, sell sail, bed bade, fed fade, red raid;
let late, met mate, debt date, bet bait, wet wait, sec sake, wreck rake, neck snake;
[e] [ei]: next day, let's stay, Ben met Kate, felt great, tell tales; [ei] [e]: make friends, raise hell, say when;
[a:] [ai]
par pie, are eye, bar by, charm chime, hard hide,
park pike, spark spike, harp hype, cart kite, Bart bite;
[a:] [ai]: far cry, hard to find, barfly; [ai] [a:]: die hard, my card, like art;
[a:] [au]
hard hound, darn down, lard loud,
art out, part pout; start stout; shark shout;
[a:] [au]: start now, calm down, dark house, farther south; [au] [a:]: how hard, downhearted;
[] [ai]
pal pile, pan pine, man mine, band bind, candy kind, hand hind;
lack like, tap type, rap ripe, mass mice, rat right, fat fight;
[] [au]
Al owl, lad loud, sand sound, tan town, Dan down, Fran frown,
mass mouse, lass louse;
[o:] [au]
nor now, hall howl, fall foul, dawn down, drawn drown, crawl crown, cord crowd, pause spouse;
short shout; port pout, sport spout;
[o:] [ou]
saw so, law low, raw row, lawn lone, drawn drone, clause close, pause pose, cause cozy, caught
coat, ought oat;
hall whole, mall mole, bald bold, called cold, call comb, walk woke, falcon folk;
more mow, bore bow, door doe, sore sew, tore tow, lord load, born bone, torn tone, mourn mown;
[o:] [ou]: more roads, call Flo, lawn mower; [ou] [o:]: cold sore, old Ford, no laws, so tall, don't fall, close call;
[o] [ou]
nod node, odd owed, model modal, modern motel, mob mobile, monument moment, column colon,
doll roll;
option open, pot potent, hot hotel , lost ghost, monster most, positive post, hostel host;
[o] [ou]: hot rolls, pot roast, hostile host; [ou] [o]: role model, don't bother, most hospitals;
[] [ou]
mud mode, nut note, but boat, must most, bust boast, bus both, Russ gross;
done donor, done don't, won won't, one only, mother motor, does dose, cover clover;
[] [ou]: a boat, a donor, the host, some notes; [ou] []: only one, both mothers, won't trust, most buses, no
Contrasting diphthongs in pairs
[ai] [au]
high how, nine noun, bright brow, find found, hind hound, signed sound;
[ai] [au]: nice town, try now, light-brown, night owl, five rounds; [au] [ai]: how nice;
[ai] [oi]
rye Roy, tie toy, buy boy, file foil, bile boil, pint point, lied Lloyd;
[au] [ou]
now no, how owe, pow mow, allow low, cow crow, thou though;
owl own, brown bowl, cowl coal, drown drone, town tone, noun known, loud load,
couch coach, pouch poach;
[ai] [ou]
die doe, tie toe, lie low, my Moe, sigh so, guy go;
ride road, lied load, tile toll, pile poll, cries crows, flies flows, night note;
[ai] [ei]
buy bay, pie pay, die day, lie lay, sty stay, high hey, rye ray;
file fail, mile mail, pile pale, tile tail, time tame, line lane, pine pain, sign sane, rise raise;
rice race, fight fate, light late, right rate, height hate;
[ai] [ei]: my day, white paint, why wait, crime rate; [ei] [ai]: take time, eight miles, late night, say hi;
[ei], [ai], [au], [oi], [ou]
bay buy bough boy bone;
bait bite bout boil boat;
Dane dine down Doyle dough;
tame time town toy tone;
ale I'll owl oil old;
great grind ground groin grow;
paint pint pound point poll;
maize mice mouse moist most.
Vowel sounds in this material
[i:], [i], [e], [], [a:], [o:], [o], [u:], [yu:], [u], [yu], [r], []
Spelling examples: see hit red cat car more not rule use book fury sir but.
The sound [i:] as in SEE
be me he she we eve these theme scene scheme Pete Steve;
compete complete delete supreme extreme Chinese Maltese Japanese Vietnamese;
Egypt equal even evening evil legal detail female media meter Peter secret sequence veto;
recent region remake (n.) regency premium previous preview;
recycle rewrite (v.) remake (v.) reorganize prepay prewar prehistoric;
hero zero period series serious serial cereal; material bacteria criterion superior experience;
bee see fee free tree three knee feel keen seen seem feed need speed cheese sleeve;
meet feet sleet seek peek meek week deep keep sleep steep geese;
agree degree proceed succeed trainee refugee; employee;
sea tea team cream clean lead read deal meal leave please tease breathe easy;
heat meat seat peak speak weak leak leaf leap heap teach peach peace lease least
feast beast; release;
piece field brief chief priest siege yield; achieve believe relieve belief relief;
seize ceiling leisure; receive deceive perceive receipt;
ski liter pizza; machine marine police casino regime naive unique technique; magazine;
key people Aesop.
[i:] before final [r]
here mere sphere atmosphere; sincere severe interfere;
beer peer cheer sheer steer queer; career engineer pioneer volunteer;
fear hear ear near clear rear tear dear year beard; appear disappear;
fierce pierce pier tier; cashier.
Note: The sound [i:] before final [r] in words like "here, sincere, near, appear, cheer, engineer" usually has
diphthongal character. Transcription symbols for this sound in American ESL materials may be [i:r], [ihr], [ir], [i:
()r], [ir].
: [i:] [r] "here, sincere, near, appear, cheer, engineer"
[i:r], [ihr], [ir], [i:()r], [ir].
Note: In AmE, [i:] or [e] (usually [i:]) is pronounced in the word "leisure". ( AmE, [i:] [e] ( [i:])
The sound [i] as in HIT
hit it fit bit sit quit tip dip lip lick pick sick kiss miss this;
did kid lid rid bid rib lib pig fig dig his is Liz live bridge;
fist list mist risk disk gift drift lift stiff fix six dish fish rich witch;
fill kill bill swim him Tim win pin pink drink sing bring rinse;
finish limit visit critic liquid river dinner idiot city pity sister history distance dizzy;
consist resist admit forbid begin ignore inform invite disturb dislike mistake mislead;
cabin habit unit justice public critical stupid foolish terrible active primitive;
running stopping talking hitting eating living leaving growing trying doing;
English England pretty;
enough ecology emotion equip erase expand expect become because before decide design
depart deposit despair security;
refer regard relax remove renew repair repay repeat reply report return review;
predict prefer prepare present (v.) pretend prevent presume preliminary;
actress illness madness easiness fruitless bullet pocket rocket;
classes prizes mixes watches bridges added loaded painted counted;
symbol lyrics crystal system mystery myth sympathy synonym typical pyramid;
build building built guilt guilty biscuit circuit;
busy business minute.
The sound [e] as in RED
red bed bet let met set dress mess stress yes rest test chest desk deck neck peck;
bell tell sell well pen men rent end spend leg peg help self;
bent lent sent spent went kept crept slept swept wept left held felt;
berry very every empty better letter tender central mental lesson second sentence entrance
fellow yellow;
record (n.) reference register residence present (n.) preference prejudice precious prevalent;
accept connect inspect respect impress address intend invent invest;
embrace employ engage enjoy enlarge enroll escape establish estate;
bread dead head lead read spread thread sweat threat breath death health wealth dealt
meant deaf;
ready steady sweater weather leather measure pleasure treasure pleasant heavy jealous
breakfast weapon;
any many; said says; friend; leopard; bury;
[e] before final [r]
care dare bare rare share spare stare scare; declare compare prepare;
chair fair hair air affair pair stair; repair despair;
wear swear bear pear tear; there where.
Note: The sound [e] before final [r] in words like "care, share, compare, air, repair, wear, bear" usually has
diphthongal character [e()r].
Note: In AmE, initial "e" in words like "embrace, employ, engage, enjoy, escape, establish" is pronounced [e] or [i].
The sound [] as in CAT
bad lad sad mad had glad add cab lab tab bag lag flag rag drag tag;
cat rat sat mat cap lap map tap wrap back pack lack rack sack stack;
catch match latch batch patch cash cache clash slash dash mash rash crash;
ham Pam Sam tram tramp camp lamp damp stamp; lamb;
fan pan Ann Annie Dan tan man ban plan clan ran span;
bank tank rank frank bang hang rang sang anger angry angle;
land hand band sand stand ant pant can't; command demand;
dance chance glance fancy answer dancer cancel castle;
class glass grass grasp task ask last fast past master pass mass bath path jazz; disaster;
craft draft raft after staff; half calf halves calves;
talent family travel panel manner matter grammar camel camera carry marry;
fashion fashionable rational national natural sanity vanity;
happy happen apple battle cattle rattle candle handle; example;
tact fact act action actor accident access actually;
aunt laugh draught (draft).
Note: In AmE, "a" in words like "ask, after, class, dance, demand, last, path, castle" may be pronounced [a:] in
some regions.
The sound [a:] as in CAR
car are far bar star card hard garden pardon yard guard; regard;
harm charm farm farmer arm army argue large charge margin;
start art artist cart part party Marty; depart apart compartment;
dark bark lark park parking spark mark market marker march;
father calm palm balm drama bravo spa;
mirage garage massage facade; ensemble;
heart hearth;
The sound [o:] as in MORE
core more bore shore sore store tore; before explore ignore;
cord lord sword order port sort sport short fork pork force horse north porch torch;
form norm normal storm born torn horn corn corner;
boring story sorry glory borrow sorrow morning forum forest orange; tomorrow;
law saw draw crawl lawn dawn awful awkward hawk;
call hall ball tall wall all always false salt halt; walk talk chalk;
cause pause sauce Saul Paul haul launch laundry sausage; because;
August autumn audio audience auto author fraud fault vault;
quart quartz quarter quartet quarrel;
caught taught daughter slaughter;
bought brought fought ought thought cough;
four pour course source court; of course;
door floor roar board broad;
war warm warn warning ward warden dwarf; award reward;
water want wash swan;
long wrong song gone boss loss lost cost dog fog log;
coffee off soft often office offer.
Note: In AmE, [o:] or [o] is pronounced in words like "gone, coffee, office, borrow, orange, sorry, dog, song, loss,
lost, quarrel, want, wash, water".
Note: In AmE, "o" before "r" in some words, e.g., "port, force, more", may be pronounced [ou] (as in "no").
The sound [o] as in NOT
hot lot not got bottle bottom body model modern; forgot forgotten;
lock clock cock mock rock sock doctor document;
top stop pop popular job rob robber hobby lobby;
profit problem project (n.) proper proverb prompt;
college collar dollar doll follow hollow holiday;
Tom mom comment common comedy compliment; bomb;
John bond fond pond concert conference monitor monster; respond beyond;
possible positive probably bother honest hostel hostage;
object (n.) occupy odd option optimist optical;
squad squash squander quality quantity quantum;
waffle wand wander wasp watch what swamp swallow.
The sound [u:] as in RULE
rude rule rumor ruin brutal truth June junior Julia Luke Lucy lunatic luminous parachute;
do two who whom whose lose move prove tomb shoe; improve;
too zoo food mood cool school fool foolish pool tool boom room groom moon soon
choose soothe;
boot root shoot booth tooth boost rooster goose loose proof roof;
group soup wound coupon route routine souvenir boulevard through;
flew blew crew drew Jew jewel;
blue glue clue true cruel fluent;
fruit juice juicy cruise bruise;
rheumatism; rheumatic leukemia lieutenant.
Note: In AmE, [u:] or [u] is pronounced in "room, broom, groom, roof, root, soot, hoof, coop, boulevard".
In AmE, [u:] or [yu:] (usually [u:]) is pronounced after "d, n, s, t" in words like these:
duty due dew dual dude dune duplicate; produce (v.) reduce;
new newspaper nude nuclear numeral neutral; nutrition; neurosis neurotic;
suit sue Susan super supermarket; consume consumer pursue;
tube tune tuna tulip tumor student studio stupid stew stewardess.
The sound [yu:] as in USE
use useful usual union unit; unite unique university utility;
fuse future cute cube huge humor human fuel; confuse refuse;
music mute mutual menu pupil; amuse community computer dispute museum;
few view mew ewe nephew;
feud feudal feudalism;
beauty beautiful;
you youth youthful;
yule yuletide.
Note: In AmE, [u:] or [yu:] (usually [u:]) is pronounced after "d, n, s, t" in words like "duty, due, produce, new,
newspaper, neutral, suit, super, consumer, tune, tulip, student, stupid".
The sound [u] as in BOOK
book cook hook look shook took brook crook;
good hood stood wood foot wool woolen;
childhood brotherhood motherhood neighborhood;
put push pull full bull bush;
bullet bushel butcher pudding sugar cushion;
plural rural jury during durable; duration endurance insurance;
could should would; tourist tourism;
woman wolf wolves;
poor moor tour sure lure; assure endure insure.
Note: The sound [u] before final [r] as in "poor, tour, sure, lure, endure, assure, insure" usually has diphthongal
character [u()r].
Note: In AmE, [u:] or [u] is pronounced in "room, broom, groom, roof, root, soot, hoof, coop, boulevard".
Note: In AmE, [u] or [yu] (usually [u]) is pronounced after "d" in "during, durable, duration, endurance".
The sound [yu] as in FURY
fury furious curious purity bureau bureaucrat; curiosity;
Ural Uranus urine urinate; urology uranium;
Europe euro; eureka European;
cure pure; secure obscure.
Note: The sound [yu] before final [r] as in "cure, pure, secure, obscure" usually has diphthongal character [yu()r].
The sound [r] as in SIR
her err were herb verb verse serve nerve nervous certain;
perk clerk jerk perch merge verge term; emerge determine;
perfect person perfume merchant kerchief kernel;
perhaps perform permit perceive percent; concern prefer reserve;
better later mister teacher buyer never cover finger differ paper powder;
heard learn search pearl early earn earth;
fur purr burn turn curb curse nurse purse church urge hurt burst;
hurry current currency curtain burden furnish further murder murmur purple purpose turkey
urgent urban; return disturb occur;
lecture nature picture furniture pressure pleasure measure;
fir sir stir bird shirt skirt firm girl circle circus circuit dirty third thirty first thirsty;
word work worm worry worse worst worth world;
favor humor visitor doctor terror comfort effort; forget forgive;
courage courtesy journey journal glamour;
amateur chauffeur; liqueur;
grammar dollar sugar beggar burglar solar vulgar similar popular;
coward steward backward forward.
Note: The word "amateur" has several variants of pronunciation.
The neutral sound [] as in BUT
but cut nut bud mud bus plus fuss buzz must dust just rust trust;
hush rush brush blush plush much such cuff stuff buff puff;
duck luck truck rug bug lug mug cup cub club rub tub;
fun bun gun nun pun run sun dull gull hull null skull gulf gulp;
hum rum drum plum slum; dumb numb thumb plumb plumber;
jump jumper dump dumpling lump plump pump;
lucky funny ugly under supper suddenly study punish publish bundle jungle stumble;
unhappy unreal undo understand submit suggest supply support;
helpful skillful difficult minus bonus; adult consult result;
about afraid again ago aloud around aside asleep away alarm alert accept advise arrive
assume avoid;
central metal signal human urban constant distant instant likable portable cinema opera
assistant consultant official musician technician comedian; republican;
come some son ton done won one tongue glove love dove;
honey money mother brother other onion oven dozen color company wonder;
melody memory history lesson person button custom freedom wisdom random ransom;
correct collect consult contain complain observe obtain opinion;
blood, flood;
rough tough touch country cousin couple double trouble young famous jealous;
gallery operate tolerate liberal golden often darken system agent different difference payment
terrible horrible possible festival animal family;
station nation mention fashion mission vision question; attention production promotion reaction
Note: The following transcription symbols are generally used for the neutral sound in American ESL materials: 1. []
(caret) in stressed syllables (fun, son) and [] (schwa) in unstressed syllables (about, lesson); 2. [] (schwa) in
both stressed and unstressed syllables.
[ei], [ai], [au], [oi], [ou]
ray ride how boy no;
The sound [ei] as in RAY
rate late Kate fate race base place same name take ache lake rage age wage save
cave wave;
dictate educate decorate celebrate concentrate investigate;
cable table able cradle range change strange taste waste;
baby bacon paper April danger angel stranger basis lazy crazy;
patient racial nation nature fatal patriot radio vacant;
ray gray play lay day may say way pray stay stray delay;
hey prey they convey obey;
rain main aim brain drain train stain remain explain complain;
fail mail sail rail raise raid afraid wait straight faint paint;
weight weigh eight vein neighbor;
break great steak;
betrayal portrayal layer player conveyor surveyor;
saying staying playing laying praying delaying conveying obeying archaic.
The sound [ai] as in RIDE
ride nice ice life file smile line fine quite rise wise prize hi;
polite combine arrive surprise despise organize modernize;
private library final minus crisis climate bicycle horizon item Ida;
idea ideal identity identical biology;
find kind mind blind child mild wild climb rifle trifle title idle;
high sigh sign right fight night light sight height;
lie die tie dye rye bye eye buy guy alibi;
cry dry fry try by my sky style type hype;
nylon cycle cyber hybrid dynamite dynamic hyperactive;
rely reply apply deny satisfy modify signify analyze paralyze;
buying lying flying frying trying drying crying dying denying replying;
diet client quiet riot giant lion violet dial diary diagram denial trial science society
buyer flyer dryer higher iron liar prior;
fire hire dire wire tire tired entire aspire expire desire require acquire empire.
The sound [au] as in HOW
how cow now allow owl brown down town clown drown crown crowd powder browse
loud proud cloud out shout about doubt foul noun house mouse mouth south couch;
found ground around pound sound count amount mountain announce bounce;
allowing plowing / ploughing;
towel bowel Powell;
power tower flower shower coward Howard;
hour our sour flour.
The sound [oi] as in BOY
noise voice avoid poison join coin point boil foil oil spoil toil exploit;
joy toy boy annoy employ destroy;
toying employing destroying annoying;
loyal royal voyage annoyance oyster destroyer employer.
The sound [ou] as in NO
role bone phone stone close note notice lonely home hope open ocean remote suppose;
go ago no so toe hero zero veto ego echo radio studio Mexico potato tomato logo
solar polar modal total motor moment bonus focus vogue social soldier coworker;
cold gold hold old bold sold told roll poll control bolt colt folk yolk comb don't won't;
most post host hostess ghost both;
road load boat coat oat oak soak goal coal coach approach roast toast boast coast;
soul shoulder though although dough;
OK obey omit hotel motel;
low know mow snow show tow owe own bowl blow blown grow grown growth throw
follow borrow narrow sparrow window yellow;
knowing going growing throwing showing sewing towing blowing owing flowing;
following borrowing narrowing zeroing echoing;
heroic stoical poet poetry;
lower slower mower borrower follower widower.
Consonant sounds
[p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g], [f], [v], [], [], [s], [z], [sh], [zh], [h], [ch], [j], [m], [n], [], [l], [r], [w], [y];
pen, be, ten, do, Kate, go, feel, very, thin, this, so, zoo, show, beige, he, cheese, just, me, no, sing, live, red, we,
The sound [p] as in PEN
peel piece peer pick pin pen pair pack palm part pause pour port pond pool pure poor
put pull person public pay pain pie pound point pole post;
please plenty plan plural plug play split splendid splash splurge;
pretty press practice prune pray price proud prose spring spread spray sprout;
speak spin spend span sport spoon space spy spoil spoke;
paper pepper happen happy creepy tipping kept napkin apple people staple;
tap nap cup lip drop trip keep help soup tape ripe rope grasp crisp;
The sound [b] as in BE
be beat beer big bit best bed bare bad back balm bar bore boss bought boom beauty
book burn burst bus bun baby buy bound boy bone;
bleed bless black block blue blur blood blame blind blow;
breed bring bread brand broad brother brain break bright brown broken;
habit rabbit ribbon robber robot absent number able terrible rouble gamble tumble;
tab lab stub rub rib rob knob Bob robe bulb;
The sound [t] as in TEN
team tip tell tan task tar tall torn taught top tool tune tour took turn ton take time
town toy toe tone;
treat trip trend track true trust train trace try street strong struck straight strike stroke;
steam stick step stare stand star store stop student stir stun stable style stout stone;
city pity kitten total potato writer later better little rattle title twenty mister pizza;
set meet rate write part coat short tact draft belt point spent kept last taste roast;
looked stopped laughed passed released reached washed;
The sound [d] as in DO
deep deal dear dip den dare Dan dark door dog do duty during dirt dull day die
down don't;
dream drink drip dress drag draw drop drew drum drain dry drown drone;
lady hidden admire edition Edward heading idle riddle cradle handle bundle;
kid did read ride made mad add odd cord heard would could send kind wind round;
played studied called bored lived turned managed hated started needed ended;
The sound [k] as in KATE
keen keep kill kiss Ken chemistry can cap calm car call corn cool cute cook curse
come Kate case kind coast cone;
clean clear click class clue clerk club claim climb cloud clown close;
cream critical credit crash crawl cruise crush crazy cry crowd scream scratch scrape;
fact active action token lecture awkward Arctic mechanics archive miracle;
[sk] scan scale scare score school scope escape skate ski skin skirt skunk sky;
[k] account accommodate according accumulate accuse occur;
[ks] access accent accept succeed;
[ks] fix relax maximum axis excellent exceed except excess exchange explain explore;
[ksk] exclaim exclude excuse excursion;
[kw] question quite quick queen quality equal require request;
cake took walk talk dark oak rack pick panic magic unique bank link risk task;
The sound [g] as in GO
give gift get guess gas gap guard gorge gone goose good girl gun gust game guy
guide go gold;
glimpse glare glance glamor glue gloomy glum glide global glow;
green grip grab grasp grew groom great ground grow;
begin again ago legal eager beggar regular ignore ugly giggle eagle struggle single anger
[gw] language linguist Guatemala Gwen;
[gz] exist exert exam exact exhibit;
big bag dog leg egg rug dialogue vague vogue;
The sound [f] as in FEEL
feel feed fear fit finish fell fed fair fast far four form fond food few full foot fur
firm fun fame fate final find found phone photo;
flick flesh flag floor floss flew flu flirt flame fly flight Floyd flown;
free freeze frigid friend fresh fragile fraud frog fruit frame phrase fry frown froze;
office offer often suffer effect coffee muffin defend after left drift soft;
if life safe loaf half deaf stiff staff cuff rough tough enough laugh;
The sound [v] as in VERY
veal vivid vet very variant vast vault verb vein vague vine vital vouch voice void vote;
even evil fever eleven event level lever ever every invest review prevail prevent provoke;
leave give live active love move brave groove stove curve;
The sound [] as in THIN
theme thief theater theory thin thick thing think therapy thank thorn thought third thirty
thirsty thermometer Thursday thoroughly thumb thunder thousand;
three thrifty thrill thread threat throb through threw thrust thrive throw throat throne;
method author lethal anything everything nothing diphthong without sympathy;
breath bath path booth tooth teeth truth north cloth moth earth birth faith south both
health wealth length strength width fifth sixth thirteenth thirtieth with;
The sound [] as in THIS
these this then them their there that than the they those though;
other mother father brother leather feather weather whether together gather either neither
although without southern northern rhythm clothes;
breathe bathe soothe smooth clothe with;
The sound [s] as in SO
seem seen sin simple city send center sad sack saw sore song soon suit sir certain
sun suck save sail side sign sound sour so soul;
lesson listen associate society privacy agency test waste;
sleep slope smell smile snake snow speak span split splash spray spring stay stone strain
stripe sweet swim;
[sk] scale scare escape scatter score school scoundrel screen scrub skate skin sky;
[s] scene scent science scissors scythe miscellaneous;
[ks] accent access accept except excess explain relax fix mix;
kiss pass advice nice notice release increase reduce use (n.) loose rinse since chance;
looks takes asks stops keeps types laughs coughs fits hates tests insists;
The sound [z] as in ZOO
zebra zero zip zigzag zest zap zoo zoom zone;
music reason poison present dozen citizen horizon razor resign resist busy crazy lazy
puzzle sizzle dazzle realism idealism capitalism socialism;
[gz] exist exert exam exact exhibit;
lose choose use (v.) rose those wise always advise surprise organize quiz jazz;
is does has pays runs teams finds tells rubs lives classes loses changes fixes;
The sound [sh] as in SHOW
she sheep sheer chic ship shed share champagne short shot shoe sure sugar should
shook shirt shut shame shake shape shine show;
shriek shrimp shrink shrug shrine;
special social official financial politician efficient patient delicious suspicious precious cautious
discussion expression mission pressure fashion nation section condition;
push bush leash fish flash rash cash cache publish foolish;
The sound [zh] as in BEIGE
usual casual visual vision explosion erosion measure pleasure treasure leisure;
beige mirage collage sabotage prestige garage rouge;
The sound [h] as in HE
he heat here him history help hair hand have half heart hard horn hot who whose
hook her heard hurry hunt hundred hate hide how home hope hold whole;
behind behold inherit inhibit inhabit inhale;
The sound [ch] as in CHEESE
cheese cheap cheer chip chin check chess chair chance chapter charity chart charter chalk
chore choose chew church chunk chain China chime chose choke,
teacher preacher kitchen matching watching teaching;
much such touch search torch teach rich branch lunch batch catch patch pitch watch
The sound [j] as in JUST
jeans jeep Jim gin gym jet general gentle jam jazz John journey journal just jump
judge June jail Jane giant joint joke;
region surgeon agent angel danger stranger engine Egypt tragic energy object subject
injection suggest fidget;
age page rage large huge emerge package message hostage manage bridge badge porridge
change range strange sponge;
The sound [m] as in ME
me mean mere middle mint men man mark more Mommy moon mute murder must
mother main make mind my mode most;
smell smash smart small smooth smug smile smoke;
summer Emma command memory murmur family female mumble ramble;
seem some dame time form firm stem plum lamb thumb climb comb;
The sound [n] as in NO
need neat knee never nap nasty normal not noon new nutrition nut name nature knife
night nine now noun nose know no;
sneeze sniff snack snap snore snob snug snake snail sniper snow;
funny manner inner winner annoy finish internal Nancy kindness signature;
lunch bench branch change range find mind bend sound round aunt faint point student
sent dance science sense;
ban tan kin pin thin sin son sun born sane main sign nine noun known own Indian;
The sound [] as in SING
[] sing singer singing sang sung hang hanger hanging hung lung song king bang slang
ring ping thing wrong long young strong tongue going cooking reading;
[]+[g] finger anger angry hunger hungry linger longer longest younger youngest stronger
strongest congress (n.) single angle strangle tangle lingo language linguist;
[]+[k] bank banker frank spank tank ankle drink think sink link ink pink punk drunk
skunk uncle;
The sound [l] as in LIVE
lead leap live let less lack last lark law lord lock lot lost lose loop look learn luck
lady late life like light lie loud loyal Lloyd load;
blood blow plain plan clear close glide glow split splash;
sleep slip slap slash slot sluice slur slum slave slight slide slouch slow slogan;
alone alive Elizabeth elect valley lily silly really lonely nicely wisely;
cold hold held mild field build fault salt felt melt consult;
apple couple table terrible little bottle needle idle miracle vehicle;
all fall call tell well will whole role roll soul deal boil mail tale file cool girl;
The sound [r] as in RED
read reap real rear risk wrist red rest rare ran rap raw wrong roof route room run
rust rain raise rise right round royal road rope rose wrote;
bring proud spread true stripe dry free crow scrape grab throw shrink;
around arrange arrive arrogant narrow berry carry sorry hurry during period barbaric
murderous careless reference tolerance story salary;
carp hard park large carve born form horse porch morgue term earn birth first girl curb
curl hurt turf;
more tore four car bar far care pair fear hear sir were fur purr fire hire poor tour
our power;
The sound [w] as in WE
we week wheel wind will wet west when where wax wall war warm water want wool
would word worse won one once way wait wild why white wound won't;
sweet swim swift sweat swear swallow twelve twenty twice twinkle twist dwell dwarf;
[kw] question quite quick queen quality equal request require;
[gw] language linguist Guatemala Gwen;
The sound [y] as in YES
year yield yes yesterday yellow yet yard yawn York yacht yearn young yoga yolk you
use unit utility;
beyond canyon Tanya Tonya million billion onion union music human few view.

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