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EC MM Guide
1. Introductory Rites
EC MM Preparation:
1. Lay the sheet music of the ENTRANCE SONG on the music stand.
Cue: Commentator: .let us all stand and sing our entrance song.
EC MM Actions:
1. Immediately play the intro and sing the ENTRANCE SONG.
2. Prepare for the next song LORD HAVE MERCY.
2. Penitential Act
Cue: Priest: May the almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to
everlasting life. All Amen.
EC MM Actions:
1. Immediately play the intro and sing LORD HAVE MERCY to be immediately
followed by GLORIA
2. Set the lyric sheet of the response to the First Reading. (THANKS BE TO GOD)
3. First Reading
Cue Reader: the word of the Lord.
EC MM Actions:
1. Immediately play the intro and sing THANKS BE TO GOD.
2. Prepare for the next song (RESPONSORIAL PSALM)
4. Responsorial Psalm (RP)
Cue Cantor: Gives signal that he/she is ready.
EC MM Actions:
1. Play the intro of the RESPONSORIAL PSALM.
2. Complete the RP as practiced.
3. Prepare for the response song (THANKS BE TO GOD).
5. Second Reading
Cue Reader: the word of the Lord.
EC MM Actions:
3. Immediately play the intro and sing THANKS BE TO GOD.
4. Prepare for the next song (GOSPEL ACCLAMATION)
6. Gospel Acclamation (GA)
Cue Cantor: Gives signal that he/she is ready.
EC MM Actions:
4. Play the intro and cantor leads the singing of the GOSPEL ACCLAMATION.
5. Complete the GA as practiced.
7. Gospel Reading
Cue: Priest: The Word of the Lord.
EC MM Actions:
1. Immediately play the intro and sing PRAISE TO YOU, LORD JESUS CHRIST.
2. Prepare for the next song (OFFERTORY SONG)
9. Profession of Faith
10. Prayers of the faithful
Cue: Priest: we ask this through Christ our Lord. All Amen.
EC MM Actions:
1. Immediately play the intro and sing the OFFERTORY SONG.
2. Prepare for the next song (HOLY, HOLY, HOLY)

CIO August 2017

EC MM Guide
11. Presentation of the Gifts (Offertory)
12. Pray over the Offerings
13. Eucharistic Prayer
Cue: Priest: And so, with all the Angels, we praise you, as in joyful celebration, we acclaim
EC MM Actions:
1. (LIVELY) Immediately play the intro and sing the HOLY, HOLY, HOLY.
2. Prepare for the next song (MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION)
14. Mystery of Faith
Cue: Priest: The mystery of faith.
EC MM Actions:
1. Immediately play the intro and sing the MYSTERY OF FAITH.
2. Prepare for the next song (THE GREAT AMEN)
15. Doxology and Great Amen
Cue: Priest: Through him, and with him, and in him, O God, almighty Father, in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, all glory and honor is yours, for ever and ever.
EC MM Actions:
1. Immediately play the intro and sing the THE GREAT AMEN.
2. Prepare for the next song (THE LORDS PRAYER)
16. The Communion Rite
Cue: Priest: At the Saviors command and formed by divine teaching, we dare to say.
EC MM Actions:
1. Immediately play the intro and sing OUR FATHER and DOXOLOGY after the cue from the
2. Prepare for the next song (LAMB OF GOD)
17. The Rite of Peace
Cue: Priest: The peace of the Lord be with you always.
All And with your spirit
P Let us offer each other the sign of peace.
18. Breaking of the Bread
EC MM Actions:
1. After all have given the sign of peace, play the intro and sing LAMB OF GOD
2. Prepare for the next song (COMMUNION SONG)
19. Invitation to Communion
Cue: Priest: Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world.
Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb.
All Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my
soul shall be healed.
20. The Holy Communion
EC MM Actions:
2. Stop singing when it is the choirs turn to receive the Body of Christ.
21. Prayer after the Communion
22. Pray over the People
23. Dismissal/Recession
P Go forth, the Mass is ended.
All Thanks be to God.
EC MM Action: Immediately sing the RECESSION SONG.

CIO August 2017

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