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toddler period 1-3 (12-36 months)

average weight gain of toddlers on a yearly basis 3-5 lbs.
3 inches per year. By 2, toddlers generally
average growth in height for toddlers per year reach half their adult height.
Otitis media, upper respiratory infections,
illnesses common among toddlers and tonsillitis
age toddlers typically develop sphincter control, allowing for 18-24 months
potty training?
age a child reach the adult number of alveoli in their lungs? Around age 7
cardiovascular system change in toddlerhood when The heart rate decreases and the blood
compared to infancy pressure increases
age bladder and kidney function in children reach adult 16-24 months of age
1 ml/kg/hour (children at this age are
normal urine output for toddlers more prone to UTIs).
According to Erikson, toddlers are at what stage of Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
psychosocial development?
The child is struggling for self mastery,
According to Erikson, what are the wants to do for himself what others
major characteristics of the autonomy vs. shame & doubt have been doing for him, emotionally
stage of psychosocial development? labile, loves to say no (negativism),
and ritualization provides comfort.
toddler's anterior fontanel closes at ______ months of age. 18 months
According to Freud's psychosocial theory, what stage are The anal stage, frustration is tied to
sphincter control. This is the time with
toddlers in?
id, ego, and superego are developed

According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, what Sensorimotor continues until age 24
months, then toddlers move into the
stages are toddlers in?
preoperational stage (ages 2-7)
Toddlers develop awareness of causal
characteristics of the cognitive development of toddlers relationships, experiment with
in the sensorimotor stage as described by Piaget? behaviors to see what happens, uses
symbols and delayed imitation.
Able to use symbolic thought, engage
in dramatic play, learn spatial
characteristics of the cognitive development of toddlers relationships, attribute human feelings
in the preoperational stage as described by Piaget?
to inanimate objects (animism), limited
concept of time.
age the following gross motor skill typically observed? 12-15 months
Walks independently
age the following gross motor skill typically observed? 18 MOS.
Climbs stairs with assistance, pulls toys while walking.
age is the following gross motor skill typically observed? 18 months
Climbs stairs with assistance, pulls toys while walking.
age the following gross motor skill typically observed?
Runs, kicks ball, can stand on tiptoe, carries several toys or 24 months/2 years old
a large toy while walking, climbs onto furniture.
age the following gross motor skill typically observed?
Climbs well, pedals tricycle, runs easily, takes stairs with Three years old/36 months
alternate feet
age the following fine motor skill typically observed?
12-15 months
Feeds self finger foods, uses index finger to point
age the following fine motor skill typically observed?
Masters reaching, grasping, and releasing: stacks blocks, puts
things in slots. Can turn pages in a book, remove socks & shoes,
18 months
stack four cubes
age the following fine motor skill typically observed?
Builds tower of six or seven cubes, establishes dominant hand, 24 months/2 years old
imitates circular and vertical strokes, scribbles, paints, turns knobs
age is the following fine motor skill typically observed?
Undresses self, copies circle, build a tower of 9-10 cubes, holds a 3 years old/36 months
pencil in writing position
the average visual acuity of a toddler? 20/40-20/50 in both eyes
They lack a complete ability for
toddlers at risk for poisoning at this age? taste discrimination and will put
anything into their mouth
Differentiation of self from
key tasks related to social development for a toddler? parent, individualization and
developing independence.

age normal for toddlers to develop separation anxiety again? 18-24 months, it usually
subsides by 24-36 months.
Toddlers usually understand more words than they can say. When More advanced receptive
describing this, we say that they have a more advanced ________ language than expressive
language than ________ language. language
What stage of moral development are toddlers in according to Preconventional or Premoral

characteristics of the moral stage of development toddlers are Morality involves punishment
and obedience, actions are
in, according to Kohlberg?
either good or bad.
Bilingual toddlers should be speaking ______ different words in 20 words
either language by 20 months.
age children start to demonstrate telegraphic speech patterns like, Three
"want juice raisens?"
age toddlers able to recognize sexual differences 2 years old
They have voluntary sphincter
control, able to stay dry for 2
hours, can remove their own
clothing, have willingness to
signs that a toddler is ready for toilet training please parents, expresses
discomfort with wet/soiled
diapers, expresses knowledge
of need to go (i.e. hiding in a
corner to poop).
Weaning from the bottle should occur by ________ months old. 15-18 months
Iron deficiency anemia with _______ years of life is associated First two years of life
with developmental and psychomotor delays.

dietary deficiencies are vegan toddlers at a higher risk for? Deficiencies in Vitamin D, B12
and iron
During the toddler period, juice should be limited to ______ oz. a Juice: 4-6 oz. Milk: 16-24 oz.
day and milk should be limited to ______ oz. day.
A phenomenon where toddlers
experience a decrease in
appetite because they simply
physiologic anorexia? don't require as much food
intake for their size as they did
in infancy.
In children younger than 3, what is the greatest risk factor for the Having an overweight/obese
development of obesity? parent
hours of daily sleep are required during the following ages? 18 18 months-13.5 hours of sleep
months 24 months 36 months a day 24 months-13 hours 36
Ready to eat infant chicken,
white or purple grape juice,
Fluorsis is most likely to occur during the toddler years. What are processed foods and cereals
foods that contain fluoride?
that were manufactured with
fluoride containing water.
Motor vehicle accidents,
most common causes of injuries suffered by toddlers? drowning, choking, burning,
falls, and poisoning.
By _______ of age, a toddler should have a full set of primary 30 months (just under three)
age a child should begin having regular dental exams? Starting at age 1
age children do have the physical and mental ability to learn how Age
to swim?
Offer realistic choices and allow
How can toddlers be given a chance to gain a sense of mastery? them to decide an outcome
when possible
Systematic ignoring of an undesired behavior is a discipline Extinction
technique called...
age do toddlers generally develop a gender identity Age 3
immunizations generally given to children aged 12-15 months?
Hib, PCV, IPV, MMR and
immunizations generally administered between 15-18 months? DTaP
immunizations generally administered to children aged 12-36 The f

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