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Oral Communication in Context - Long conversations not -Lack of formality

Communication 3. Written Communication- use of written words
-is a process of sharing and conveying messages or - 3 Stages of Progression:
information from one person to another. 1) Information- pictograph
Nature of Communication: 2) Communication- paper papyrusmobile
- A process 3) Revolution- electronic
- Occur between two or more people Levels of Communication/Types of Speech Context
- Expressed through words, action or both at the same 1. Intrapersonal- comm. with himself; within/inside
time 2. Interpersonal- between 2 or more people;
Elements of communication: exchanging roles as sender and receiver; dyadic and
1. Speaker/sender 6.Channel small group
2. Listener/receiver 7. Feedback 3. Small Group Discussion- more than 2 people;
3. Message 8. Barrier number of people is small
4. Encoding 9. Context 4. Public Communication- one person talks to a big
5. Decoding assembly
Models of Communication: 5. Mass Communication- comm. between one or few
1. Liner Model/ Shannon-Weaver Model of Comm. people to unseen audience using printed or electronic
-mother of all communication models medium
-one directional; straight path of relying information 6. Intercultural Communication- communication
-\Claude Shannon & Warren Weaver among people from diverse background/ culture
2. Interactive/Schramms Model of Communication Intercultural Communication
-feedback; give- take- give interaction Problems in Intercultural Communication:
-shows importance to intercultural communication - Bigot- holds opinions against racial, ethnic or
-Wilbur Schramm- each person has a FOE* religious groups
*cultural background and other frames of references - Fanatic- sees no wrong on a group, despite evidences
an individual may bring into interaction - Dogmatist- thinks that his beliefs are unbendable and
3. Transactional Model has the right to be imposed to others w/o reservation
-simultaneously & continuously; two-way process - Racist- believes that his race is superior over another
-noise may occur at any part of comm. Process Barriers of Intercultural Communication:
-Dean Barnlund - Ethnocentrism- idea that ones own culture is
4. MU Constructivist Model (Mutual Understanding Theory) greater than the other
-common field of experience is emphasized - Stereotyping- classify and oversimplify the
-modified version of the Schramm model overpowering amount of information
5. Berlo Model - Prejudice- prejudgement prior to becoming aware of
-transpires within 4 functions; sender, message, the pertinent class
channel, receiver - Discrimination- unfairly treating of a person
-David Berlo differently from other people
6. Lasswells Model Intercultural Comm. Competence and Ethnocentrism:
-five common variables; Who? (Comm. / Sender) Identity- linked in intercultural competence
Says what? (Message) In which channel? (Medium)To Competent Communicator- can express and put across a
whom? (Receiver) With what effect? (Effect) sense of comm. suitability and useful in varied cultural context
Forms of Communication: Characteristics of Competent Communicators:
1. Verbal/Oral Communication- makes use of spoken words 1. Flexibility & ability to tolerate high level uncertainty
2. Non-verbal Communication- non-word messages; using 2. Reflectiveness or mindfulness
various words other than language. 3. Open-mindedness
Forms: 4. Sensitivity
a) Visual 5. Adaptability
Posture 6. Ability to engage in divergent thinking
Gesture/Body movement 7. Politeness
Facial Expression Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity:
Eye Movements Stage 1 Denial- refuses to recognize distinction
Proxemics Stage 2 Defense- threatened by differences
Geographic Location Stage 3 Minimization- recognizes differences, they
Time perceive human universals as more significant
Artifacts Stage 4 Acceptance- start to accept differences in
Physical Characteristics/Personal behavior, then in values
Appearance Stage 5 Adaptation- become more proficient by
b) Auditory changing their point of view
Paralanguage- vocal features that may alter Stage 6 Integration- initiate to overcome their own
the meaning of the message native culture
Silence Strategies in Dealing with Domineering Structures:
c) Tactile- communicating through the sense of touch 1) Assimilation Strategies
d) Olfactory- communicating through the sense of smell - Non-assertive
e) Gustatory- communicating through the sense of taste - Assertive
Advantages of Non-verbal Communication - Aggressive
- Complementary - Help illiterate people 2) Accommodation Strategies
- Easy presentation - Help handicapped people - Non-assertive
- Substituting - Attractive presentation - Assertive
- Accenting - Reduce wastage of time - Aggressive
- Repeat - Immediate express msg. 3) Separation Strategies
Disadvantages/Limitations of Non-verbal Communication - Non-assertive
- Vague and imprecise - Expensive - Aggressive Separation
- Continuous - Alteration of Comm. - Not giving privilege to use their position
- Multi-channel - Difficult to understand 5 Dimension:
- Culture bound - Not everybodys prefer.
1) Power To Inform- obtain information that they do not know
2) Individualism vs. Collectivism - Objects - Concepts
3) Femininity vs. Masculinity - People - Issues
4) Uncertainly Avoidance - Events - Processes
5) Long-Term Orientation To Persuade
6) (High Context vs. Low Context - Manipulative- not being honest
7 Stages to Transverse Ones Temporary Stay in a Place: - Pure- truthfully consider; will bring good to
1) Honeymoon others
2) Hostility Values
3) Humor Attitudes
4) In-Sync Beliefs
5) Ambivalence o Core- since you were little
6) Re- Entry Culture Shock o Dispositional- can easily be
7) Re-Socialization altered
Culture Shock- unfamiliarity to another culture To Entertain- to captivate, amuse, enjoy; serious
Cultural Differences- cultural distinctions are founded on topic that adds humor for the enjoyment
deeply rooted values. Geert Hofstede - After dinner- adds a serious topic
Sensitivity- key to success for casual or business comm.. - Ceremonial- explicit content
Euphemism- changing the words so it wont be offensive - Inspirational- aims to motivate an audience
Inference- predicting
Communication Breakdowns
Linear Barrier:
- Lack of Common Knowledge
- Poor grammar and punctuation
- Poor vocabulary
- Semantic Barrier- words can have diff. arbitrary
- Roundabout Verbiage- usage of words or phrases that
are overworked or exhausted
Physical Barrier:
- Distance
- Noise
- Time- human relationships can be influenced
according to the amount of time that passes
Social Psychological Barrier:
- Abstracting- some details are left out
- Different perception of reality
- Inference- based on facts or those beyond them;
induction, deduction, reduction
- Close-mindedness- prejudiced, self-centered person
- Distorting, filtering and editing- may decrease
accuracy of message
- Bad listening
- Emotions
- Resistance to change
- Attitude and values
Factors Affecting Communication
1) Status/ Role
2) Cultural Differences
3) Selection of Communication Channels- choose what
is suitable for specific purpose and the receiver
4) Length of Communication
5) Usage of Language- poor choice of words/ weak
sentence structure
6) Disabilities
7) Recognized or Unrecognized Receiver
8) Individual Perceptions, Attitudes and Personalities
9) Atmosphere/Noise/Distraction- puts strain on comm.
10) Clarity of Message
11) Absence of Feedback
Socio Cultural Dimension of Communication:
1) Culture
2) Gender
3) Age
4) Status in Life
Functions of Communication:
1) Social Interaction- communication between people
in the setting; produce social relationships
2) Regulation and Control- to control ones behavior
3) Motivation- uses positive words to motivate/inspire
4) Information- to give you information/details
5) Emotional Expression- facilitates peoples
expression of their feelings and emotions

Purpose of Speech

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