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Game art mixes creativity and talent with the latest technology, love for games, their

graphics, their characters. I have started being interested in games and the artistically ways to
create them since I was a child, but the real passion came at 16 years old when someone told me
that my drawings are good for this kind of art and I contemplated a lot until finally concluding
This is what I want to do!. Games mean also art, modern art and this course will help me with
what I need to success, for example: doing concept art, 3D modeling, working in a team for
developing games and creating game characters.

Creating my own personality and working for what I wanted and what I liked, I had the
opportunity to participate in many national contests, namely: National Competition Gheorghe
Naum, Margareta Sterian, Carmen Sylva, National Olympiad of Architecture, Visual Arts
and Art History. Moreover, together with my classmates, I attended a theatre competition where
we played a scene from Shakespeares play called A midnight summers dream.
I am a friendly person, I always like to smile, I like to meet new people and I like
teamwork. Why? Because it is an easy way to hear different opinions and to make things more
relaxed by cooperating with others. That is why we also tried to have class projects. One of them
was when we painted the decorations for our theatre colleagues who were participating in the
National Olympiad. Other example was when we did face painting at different events, helping in
the organization of a charity exhibition or volunteering painting at a kindergarten.

Although the only foreign language that I know is English, I am happy with it because I
love communicating in this language. This will guide and help me to leave my home country for
something better. I want to study in England mainly because I want to do something serious with
my future. Secondly, studying abroad can give me the chance to experience the different style of
education, discovering a new culture,thus enhacing my personal development and career
opportunities. In order to develop my language skills, I participated in the Universalio
SummerCamp, where we had many debates, workshops, teamwork, funny and interactive games.
Even if we had not known each other, we quickly became friends.

Even if I like art, my hobbies also includes reading, going out with my friends, analysing
architecture of the buildings and sometimes drawing these styles. Alternatively, I dedicate my
time to photography and playing video games. My passion for video games and art started since
I was a child and I was looking at my cousins drawings. She made me eager to start creating for
myself a future in art. After some years, I would see the world with other eyes. My siblings were
playing video games and I was staring for hours at them. Since my cousin got a job at Ubisoft,
she was giving us games. The first game that I played was Heroes of Might and Magic III.
When I got my own computer, I installed my own games that I wanted to play, namely: the other
games from the series Heroes of might and magic, Assassins Creed, Darksiders, Alice
Madness Returns, Sims, Mortal Kombat, League of Legends and many others.

In highshool, things became even more interesting and serious for me. In the meantime, I
have started watching interviews, videos, tutorials and reading about other game artists
experience. A game artist I admire is Irina Crudu, a Romanian woman who works at RIOT and
who wanted to leave her mark in the industry by creating a championwith a Romanian past
acting in the popular game of League of Legends. Last but not least, with games I started and
with games I will end. I pla to help the development of this industry and assimilate information
and discover my potential and skills with the sole purpose of becoming a game artist who will
leave her mark in the game industry.

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