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Human Resource Management

(Case Study)


Submitted By: Shanzay Sadiq

Student ID: 16p00030

Class: MBA 1-A


Batch 20016-18
Core Problem:
Did not valued employees according to their UVP:

Met sole did not valued its employees on their individual strengths, and performance, not all
employees add same value to the organizational process and the management at net sole know
that, but their policies dont represent it.

Other problems:
1. High attrition rate:

The attrition rate at met sole is really high, especially in technical department where it is 35%,
but what concerns the most is that they are losing their best programmers.

2. Career growth

At Met sole employees where being trained well, in a health and cooperative environment but
had few opportunities for career growth. They were not being promotes easily.

3. Less career enhancement opportunities for women:

Women at met sole had lesser chances of promotion, and had to put in extra effort to retain any
important position.

4. Equal compensation for team:

Not all members in team work equally but equal compensation for all was demotivating some
more capable employees.

5. Long and late work hours:

Work hours at Met sole were not fixed but depended on work tasks and deadlines.

6. No one at met sole is individual:

At met sole it was all about team work, which created a health environment but made employees
insure about their individual identities.
7. Smaller salary packages:

Met sole salary packages where not bad according to Pakistani industry but they were competing
in international market and employees expected to be compensated according to that.

Core Recommendation:
Unique Value Preposition:

Met sole need to reward the UVP of its employees in actuals terms, just words would not do it.
They need to revise their compensation polices to that. They need to make them feel valued.

1. Engaging Employees in contracts:

Considering the way Infosys is trying to catch Met soles best employees, Met sole can make
contracts with its employs this will create a barrier in leaving the job and they will be able to
retain their employees for the contractual period, but they really need to design attractive
contacts and also impellent other recommendations.

2. Career growth :

Should provide more career growth and enhancement opportunities

3. Gender equality:

Gender equality in appraisals and promotions.

4. Individual bonuses:

They should also provide individual bonuses for the members who perform best in their team.

5. Over time pay :

Over time pay should be given, as at met sole software teams have to stay late to meet the
deadlines and even to cover up for other employees who left the organization.

6. Increase salaries:
Should increase the pays packages to compete with those of industry.

Analysis outside the premises of the case:

Met sole only has 5% female in its technical department, which is low when compared to female
employment rate of the industry. In Pakistan women can prove themselves as better
programmers as the work requires long hours and patience. If allowed to work form the domain
of their house they can add more hard work than men. Therefore Met sole should try to increase
the number of female programmers

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