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Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 293295 (2001) 752757

Structural evolution of sodium silicate solutions

dried to amorphous solids
Hans Roggendorf *, Dorit B
oschel, J
org Trempler
Institut f
ur Werkstowissenschaft, Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg, D-06099 Halle (Saale), Germany

Sodium silicate solutions with a molar SiO2 :Na2 O ratio of 3.3 were dried at temperatures up to 100 C to solid,
amorphous and transparent materials with water contents between 45 and 12 wt%. A timetemperature-transition
diagram of the specic drying process was established. The dried materials were investigated by optical microscopy, X-
ray diraction, electron microscopy, and thermal analysis. Materials with higher water contents had structural units
with sizes of 50100 nm, whereas materials with lower water contents did not show a structure in this size range. At least
two thermal eects were detected and are discussed with respect to composition, glass transition and structure of the
materials. Hot stage microscopy was applied to correlate these eects to a liquidsolid transition. A model of the
structural evolution of the materials during drying is discussed. 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction applied static light scattering. Our measurements

of concentrated solutions (SiO2 content 25 wt%)
Sodium silicate solutions are commonly pro- with dynamic light scattering yielded values be-
duced by dissolving sodium silicate glasses in water tween 30 and 100 nm [2]. Possibly, in the latter case
at hydrothermal conditions. Commercially avail- larger aggregates consisting of smaller colloids
able solutions have compositions characterised by were present.
a molar SiO2 :Na2 O ratio of 1.83.8 (ratios of 2.0 For some applications the materials have to be
and 3.3 are standard compositions) and a SiO2 dried, e.g. for their use as re protecting layers in
content of 2530 wt%. Concentrated sodium sili- glazings (e.g. PyrostopTM , Pilkington). In the ap-
cate solutions can structurally be described as plication case they are heated up and foam to a
dispersions of colloidal amorphous silicates in an porous thermal insulation layer. During drying the
aqueous solution. The sizes of the colloids re- viscosity of the solution raises within a narrow
ported in the literature dier. Many publications concentration range by a few orders of magnitude
report sizes between 1 and 5 nm, e.g. Iler [1], who as a function of the water content [3].
extracted the colloids with tetrahydrofuran and Dent Glasser and Lee [4] investigated dried
sodium silicate solutions with a molar SiO2 :Na2 O
ratio of 3.42 and water contents between 10 and 37
wt% by thermal analysis. Two endothermic events
Corresponding author. Tel.: +49-34 61 37 39; fax: +49-34 61
38 39.
were detected: the rst at lower temperatures was
E-mail address: (H. Rog- explained by the rearrangement of interstitial ions
gendorf). and water molecules, whereas the second at higher

0022-3093/01/$ - see front matter 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 2 2 - 3 0 9 3 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 7 8 5 - 2
H. Roggendorf et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 293295 (2001) 752757 753

temperatures was attributed to the evaporation of surface analysed with transmission electron mi-
H2 O which is formed by the condensation of sil- croscopy (TEM; Jeol JEM 2010). Details of the
anol groups. preparation method and rst results are published
It is possible to melt crystalline sodium me- in [8].
tasilicate hydrates (e.g. Na2 O  SiO2  nH2 O, n: 5, 6, Thermal analysis was performed with a Simul-
9) and to solidify them in the vitreous state by taneous Thermal Analyser Netzsch STA 409 C.
cooling to low temperatures [57]. Glass transition The dried hydrous silicates were crushed to a
temperatures below room temperature were mea- particle size of about 100 lm. The samples were
sured either via vapour pressure [6] or by deter- heated in a DSC furnace up to 350 C with a
mining the peak shapes in 29 Si MAS NMR spectra heating rate of 10 K/min. A closed crucible
(MAS: magic angle spinning; NMR: nuclear (Netzsch, autoclave crucible) with 27 ll volume
magnetic resonance) [7]. was used in order to suppress evaporation and
The aim of this paper is to discuss the results of foaming reactions. The crucible consisted of
structural characterisations of commercial sodium stainless steel coated with gold. The crucibles
silicate solutions dried to amorphous solids. (weight: 900 mg) were lled with 1220 mg of the
crushed samples. The application range of cruci-
bles is limited to 100 bar. At temperatures below
2. Experimental 80 C the results obtained with the pressure-tight
crucible could not be evaluated, due to the high
Technical-grade sodium silicate solutions thermal mass of the crucible. Details of the ther-
(Roth, Karlsruhe, Germany) were used as raw mal analysis are published in [9].
materials. The composition of the starting mate- A hot stage microscope (Jenapol u, Carl Zeiss
rials was analysed chemically: 8.6 wt% Na2 O and Jena, combined with hot stage Mettler FP 84 HT)
27.3 wt% SiO2 SiO2 :Na2 O mole ratio of 3.27). The was used to monitor the structural changes of the
solutions (515 g) were dried in open polypropyl- samples during heating. Transparent samples
ene beakers with a volume of 120 ml. The beakers (fracture pieces, size ca. 1 mm) were heated at the
were placed in closed drying ovens at temperatures rate of 10 K/min up to 200 C. Photos were taken
between 30 and 100 C above a desiccant. After in 5 K intervals. In two cases the combined DTA/
drying, the beakers were closed with a lid and TG (dierential thermal analysis; thermogravime-
stored for further 24 h at the drying temperature in try) mode of the Netzsch STA 409 was used to
order to minimise concentration gradients due to measure the water release of similar samples dur-
the diusion of water. Drying times between 8 h ing heating (up to 300 C; rate: 10 K/min) with
and 91 d were applied. The weight loss of the so- open crucibles.
dium silicate solutions was measured and was used
to calculate the residual water content. In one se-
ries of drying experiments designed to establish a 3. Results
timetemperature-transition diagram the masses
of the samples were balanced at regular intervals. Concerning the results of the drying process the
The dried materials were examined by optical mi- following can be stated:
croscopy and X-ray diraction in order to identify The solutions were usually dried to transparent
and eliminate crystallised or cracked samples. Be- and brittle materials.
tween the analytical investigations, the samples Solidication occurred gradually in less than 24
were stored in a desiccator. h at water contents of about 50 wt%.
The replica technique was applied for structural At temperatures 6 60 C, crystallisation at wa-
characterisation. Fracture surfaces of dried so- ter contents between 24 and 30 wt% (decreasing
dium silicate solutions were etched (1 N HCl, 60 s) with temperature) was observed. The amount of
and then coated with carbon and gold. The origi- crystals was too low for X-ray identication.
nal sample was dissolved and the replica of the Formation of carbonates cannot be excluded.
754 H. Roggendorf et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 293295 (2001) 752757

Above 60 C cracks developed at water contents

of about 12 wt%, which are probably due to me-
chanical stresses induced by concentration gra-
Fig. 1 shows the timetemperature-transition dia-
gram for the applied conditions.
By transmission electron microscopy the fol-
lowing structural sequence was detected:
Samples dried at 4060 C for 6 48 h (H2 O con-
tent >30 wt%) have a particulate structure with
a size range between 30 and 100 nm (called 50
nm structure). A smaller substructure is indi- Fig. 1. Timetemperature-transition diagram for isothermal
drying of sodium silicate solution (molar ratio
cated (Fig. 2(a)). SiO2 :Na2 O 3:27; 27 wt% SiO2 ; eye-lines are drawn to loca-
Samples with more extensive drying (H2 O con- lise the `phases'; result valid for specic drying conditions ap-
tent <25 wt%) do not have a structure in the plied here (drying oven, sample above desiccant).
same size range. Instead, the distribution of

Fig. 2. Electron micrograph of replicas of fracture surfaces of dried sodium silicate solutions; scale bar in the picture; (a) sample dried
24 h at 50 C, water content 32.5 wt%; (b) sample dried 26 d at 40 C, then 5 d at 60 C, water content 24.6 wt%.
H. Roggendorf et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 293295 (2001) 752757 755

the gold colloids suggests either a homogeneous

structure or a particulate structure with a size
range 6 5 nm (Fig. 2(b)).
Thermal analysis with pressure-tight crucibles
led to the detection of DSC steps similar to Dcp
steps occurring at glass transition. Two dierent
thermal events, a low temperature event h1 and a
high temperature event h2 , respectively, were
identied. The midpoints of the DSC steps were
evaluated. The h1 eect was observed in three
samples with 12 wt% H2 O content at temperatures
between 130 and 150 C. The h2 eect was detected Fig. 4. DTA/TG analysis of a dried sodium silicate solution;
composition of the starting solution as in Fig. 1; water content
in all samples with water contents between 12 and 21.8 wt%.
40 wt%, even in those samples which already
showed the h1 eect. Its midpoint temperature in- In order to study the nature of these eects hot
creased from about 80 C (water content: 3540 stage microscopy was applied. The temperatures at
wt%) to 270 C (water content: ca. 12 wt%). The which the foaming of the materials was observed
shape of the h1 and h2 eects is dierent: h1 covers are included in Fig. 3. Fig. 4 shows the result of
a smaller temperature range (DT ) but has a larger one of these DTA/TG runs for a sample contain-
step height (Dcp ). The temperatures of the mid- ing 21.8 wt% water after drying. The following
points of the DSC steps are shown in Fig. 3 as a observations can be reported:
function of the water content after drying. The Slight mass loss of 1.0 wt% during heating up to
second eect found by Dent Glasser and Lee [4] is 138 C.
included for comparison. It coincides with the h1 Signicant and unsteady increase of weight loss
eect. However, Dent Glasser and Lee applied rate (mass per time) at 138 C.
open crucibles but did not correct their data with Foaming at 147 C (observed in hot stage).
respect to evaporation. The rst DTA eect de- Slight and unsteady increase of weight loss rate
tected by Dent Glasser and Lee which is expected at 157 C.
at about 100 K lower than the second one was
not observed in the DSC runs with pressure-tight
crucibles. 4. Discussion

Concerning the structural evolution, the fol-

lowing results can be reported:
The sodium silicate solutions are colloidal sols.
Drying between 30 and 100 C leads to a grad-
ual solidication. Dried sodium silicates with a
water content between 45 and 12 wt% are trans-
parent, non-crystalline, X-ray amorphous and
brittle if crystallisation and cracking are
avoided. According to [10] they can be recog-
nised as vitreous materials.
In the rst drying stage, structural units with
Fig. 3. Midpoints of DSC steps (analysed with pressure-tight sizes between 30 and 100 nm can be detected.
crucibles) and foaming temperatures (hot stage microscopy) of At a later drying stage, a ner or even homoge-
dried sodium silicates as a function of the water content after
drying; composition of the starting solution as in Fig. 1; heating
neous structure is observed.
rate 10 K/min; higher temperature eect reported in [4] in- Two dierent reactions were observed during
cluded. heating of the materials, which show typical fea-
756 H. Roggendorf et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 293295 (2001) 752757

tures of glass transition in thermal analysis: one 5%: density q 0:017c 2:41 (c: concentra-
(h2 ) was observed in all samples with water con- tion of H2 O in wt%; 30 < c 6 100).
tents between 12 and 40 wt%, and the other (h1 ) 6. Further loss of solvent requires a reorganisa-
only in samples with low water contents (<15 tion of the aggregate structure towards a more
wt%). In the latter samples both eects, h1 as dense random close packing of the primary col-
well as h2 , were observed. loids.
A macroscopic transition between a solid and a 7. Further drying requires the vanishing of the
deformable state was observed. voids between the primary colloids.
A correlation between foaming of the dried so- On the basis of the presented model the relative
dium silicates and the h1 or h2 eects, respec- volume distribution of the primary colloids, the
tively, was not found. voids between the colloids, and the voids between
On the basis of these results a model of the the aggregates was calculated as a function of the
structural changes during drying is proposed: water content (Fig. 5).
1. The starting material of the drying process is a The starting point of the calculation is a mate-
colloidal dispersion consisting of aggregates rial having a H2 O content of 50 wt%. According to
with sizes between 30 and 100 nm. They consist point 3 of the model, the colloids occupy 34% of
of smaller primary particles with sizes of possi- the volume of this material ( 217:9 cm3 for 1 kg),
bly 15 nm, corresponding to the sizes reported the aggregates ( colloids + voids between col-
in the literature [1]. loids) 34/0.58 58 vol.%, whereas the rest ( 42
2. Drying of the sodium silicate solutions reduces vol.%) represents the volume fraction of the voids
the volume of the interstitial solution until the between the aggregates. Further drying reduces the
aggregates approximate each and form a rigid water content.
structure at a water content of 50 wt% (experi- Example: 1 kg of the dried material containing
mental result, room temperature). The interpre- 50 wt% H2 O ( 0:5 kg H2 O) is dried to 0.98 kg
tation is that the aggregates form a random containing 0:48 kg H2 O ( 48:98 wt% H2 O).
close packing. Thus the solidication is ex- Point 5 of the model allows to calculate the density
plained as a solcolloid glass transition or a of the new material ( 1:577 g=cm ), a value,
solgel transition. which in turn gives the volume of the residual
3. The packing density of a random close packing material (621:4 cm3 for 980 g of a dried material
is about 58 vol.% [11]. Assuming that the pri- with 48.98 wt% H2 O). One further assumption was
mary colloids have a similar packing density used: The absolute volume of the solid colloidal
within the aggregates, the total volume of the
solid phase at the point of solidication can
be calculated as 34 vol.% (0:582 0:34). The
rest of the volume contains the solution phase.
4. The density of these materials at the point of
solidication is about 1:56 g=cm3 . 100 cm3 of
the just solidied hydrous sodium silicate
( 156 g; water content: 50 wt% 78 g) consist
of 34 cm3 solid phase and 76 cm3 solution
phase. Estimating the density of the solution
3 3
as 1:05 g=cm yields 2:24 g=cm as density of
the colloids.
5. The density is a function of the water content.
An approximation based on own density mea- Fig. 5. Calculated volume distribution of the solid phase, the
voids between aggregates and colloids and the free solution in
surements allows one to calculate the density materials prepared by drying sodium silicate solutions as a
of dried sodium silicate solution with a molar function of the water content; composition of the starting so-
SiO2 :Na2 O ratio of 3.3 with an accuracy of lution as in Fig. 1.
H. Roggendorf et al. / Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 293295 (2001) 752757 757

phase is unchanged during drying. The absolute glass transition. Based on these structural ndings
volume of the colloids of 217:9 cm3 is the basis for a model of the structural evolution of the solutions
calculating the absolute volumes of the aggregates during drying was developed. In this process the
and the absolute volume of the voids between the structure of the solutions is converted from a sol to
aggregates. These data were then converted to a particulate structure. Further drying leads to the
relative volumes by using the volume calculated formation of a ner structure.
from the density values as 100%. When the volume
of the aggregates plus the calculated volume of the
voids between them is greater than the volume Acknowledgements
calculated by the density, the relative volume is set
to 100%. The kind support of the electron microscopy
Some conclusions can be drawn: A rough esti- team of Professor Dr G.H. Michler and the ex-
mation of the density of the solid colloids yields perimental assistance of Mrs S. Brinke and Mrs H.
2:24 g=cm3 , which is close to the density of a silica Schwalbe are gratefully acknowledged.
glass. At water contents between 50 and 30 wt%
both structures, the 50 nm structure and the 2 nm
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