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Englez: Gramatic

o articolul hotrt (The Definite Article)
o articolul nehotrt (The Indefinite Article)
o articolul zero (The Zero Article)
o verbe copulative
o verbe auxiliare
o verbe modale
o verbe noionale - timpul prezent
prezentul simplu (Present Tense Simple)
prezentul continuu (Present Tense Continuous)
prezentul perfect (Present Perfect)
prezentul perfect continuu (Present Perfect Continuous)
o verbe noionale - timpul trecut
trecutul simplu (Past Tense Simple)
trecutul continuu (Past Tense Continuous)
trecutul perfect / mai mult ca perfectul (Past Perfect Simple)
trecutul perfect continuu / mai mult ca perfectul continuu (Past Perfect
o verbe noionale - timpul viitor
viitorul simplu (Future Tense Simple)
viitorul continuu (Future Continuous)
viitorul de intenie
viitorul apropiat
viitorul n trecut (Future in the Past)
viitorul perfect (Future Perfect Simple)
viitorul perfect continuu (Future Perfect Continuous)
o verbe - condiionalul
o verbe - subjonctivul
o verbe neregulate
o concordana timpurilor

clasificarea propoziiilor
numele predicativ
elementul predicativ suplimentar
complementul direct
complementul indirect
complementul prepoziional
complementul circumstanial
ordinea cuvintelor n propoziie

Englez: Gramatic: Adjectivul

Caracteristici generale
n limba englez, adjectivele sunt invariabile (nu i modific forma n funcie de gen i numr), nu se
acord cu substantivul pe care l determin.


the boy is clever

the boys are clever
the girl is clever
the girls are clever

Dup cum se observ, forma adjectivului nu se schimb.

Adjectivul st:

de obicei, naintea substantivului: a clever boy, a red flower, an interesting book, a beautiful
girl, a good teacher etc.
dup substantiv, n anumite expresii, structuri fixe: knight errant, Court Martial, Poet
Laureate etc.
dup verbele to be, to become, to feel, to look, to seem, to taste, to smell, to stay etc:
o Dan is tall.
o Mike feels nervous.
o They look anxious.

n funcie de numrul de silabe, adjectivele se mpart n dou categorii:

scurte (una sau dou silabe): small, great, big, dry, hot, fast etc.
lungi (mai mult de dou silabe): interesting, beautiful, comfortable, expensive etc.

Tipuri de adjective
opinion adjectives (adjective de opinie): descriu ceea ce credem despre cineva sau ceva.

Exemple: beautiful, great, nice, expensive, cheap, ugly etc.

fact adjectives (adjective de fapt): descriu ceea ce fiinele sau obiectele determinate sunt cu

Exemple: short, large, long, green, round etc.

Adjectivele de opinie stau naintea adjectivelor de fapt

Gradele de comparaie ale adjectivelor (Degrees of Comparison)

Adjectivul are urmtoarele grade de comparaie:

comparativ de inferioritate (nu aa de)
comparativ de egalitate (tot aa de)
comparativ de superioritate (mai).
superlativ (cel mai).

Comparativul de inferioritate se formeaz astfel:

not as as (nu att de ca / nu la fel de ca)

not so as (nu att de ca / nu la fel de ca)


He is not as tall as his brother.

Comparativul de egalitate se formeaz astfel:

as as (tot att de ca / la fel de ca)


She is as pretty as her mother.

Cazul adjectivelor scurte

Pozitiv Comparativ de superioritate Superlativ

se formeaz adugnd -er se formeaz adugnd -est
small (mic) smaller (mai mic) the smallest (cel mai mic)
fast (rapid) faster (mai rapid) the fastest (cel mai rapid)
great (mare, greater (mai mare, mai the greatest (cel mai mare, cel mai
important) important) important)


Adjectivele care se termin n -y precedat de o consoan schimb aceast liter n -i cnd adaug -er / -

dry - drier - the driest

lazy - lazier - the laziest
happy - happier - the happiest

Exist i excepii:

shy - shyer - the shyest

Adjectivele monosilabice care se termin ntr-o singur vocal + o singur consoan dubleaz consoana

hot - hotter - the hottest

big - bigger - the biggest

Cazul adjectivelor lungi

Pozitiv Comparativ de superioritate Superlativ

se formeaz cu ajutorul adverbului se formeaz cu ajutorul adverbului
more most
interesting the most interesting (cel mai
more interesting (mai interesant)
(interesant) interesant)
beautiful (frumos) more beautiful (mai frumos) the most beautiful (cel mai frumos)
expensive (scump) more expensive (mai scump) the most expensive (cel mai scump)
wonderful (minunat) more wonderful (mai minunat) the most wonderful (cel mai minunat)

Adjective neregulate (Irregular Adjectives)

good - better - the best

bad - worse - the worst
little - less - the least
much / many - more - the most
few - less - the least
far - farther - the farthest (n spaiu)
far - further - the furthest (n timp)
old - elder - the eldest (despre membrii aceleiai familii: his elder brother)

Modificatori (Modifiers)

Se folosesc aa numiii modificatori (modifiers) pentru a pune n eviden sau a diminua (pentru a
grada) sensul unui adjectiv. n ordinea gradrii:

not at all
a bit/fairly

n limba vorbit sunt destul de frecvente a bit, a little, pretty i really.

Adjectivul demonstrativ
Adjectivul demonstrativ desemneaz fiine sau lucruri pe care le artm preciznd n acelai timp
apropierea sau deprtarea n timp sau spaiu.


o this (acest, aceasta)
o that (acel, acea)
o these (aceti, aceste)
o those (acei, acele)


This man is a doctor.

That girl is a pupil.
These children are small.
Those boys are playing in the schoolyard.

Adjectivul posesiv
Adjectivul posesiv desemneaz raportul de posesie dintre un posesor i ceea ce acesta posed:


o my (meu, mea, mei, mele)
o your (tu, ta, ti, tale)
o his (lui, su, sa, si, sale)
o her (ei, su, sa, si, sale)
o its (lui, ei, su, sa, si, sale)
o our (nostru, noastr, notri, noastre)
o your (vostru, voastr, votri, voastre)
o their (lor)


This is my house.
It is his car.
That is our shop.
Those are your books.

Ordinea adjectivelor
Cnd se succed mai multe adjective, acestea trebuie aezate ntr-o anumit ordine. Aceasta este cea mai

1. opinion: lovely, nice, boring, ugly

2. size/weight: huge, tiny, light, little, big
3. age: ancient, old, new, young, brand-new
4. shape: round, long, triangular, square
5. colour: grey, blue, white
6. origin: German, Spanish, Greek
7. material: plastic, leather, stone, wooden, concrete
8. purpose: student book, can opener, walking boots

I saw some lovely, old, gold earrings in a jeweller's yesterday.

De obicei, nu se pot folosi mai mult de trei adjective naintea unui substantiv. n limba vorbit, se
folosesc rar mai mult de dou adjective. De exemplu, se poate reformula astfel:

I bought an expensive, black, leather jacket on Saturday.

I bought a black, leather jacket on Saturday. It was really expensive.

Adverbul este partea de vorbire care determin sau caracterizeaz un verb, un adjectiv, un alt adverb, o
propoziie ntreag sau o parte din ea.

Aspecte generale
I. Particule adverbiale

Sunt 3 tipuri de particule adverbiale:

Adverbe Exemple Propozitie Traducere

Little Tommy fell Micuul Tommy a

care repet nelesul verbului pe to fall down, to climb up, to sink
down and broke his czut i i-a rupt
care-l insotesc in, to spread out, to stand up
leg. piciorul.

to come in, to give back, to go Come in and close

care adaug ceva la intelesul Intr i nchide ua
away, to knock out, to let in, to the door behind
verbului pe care-l insotesc dup tine.
put on, to take off, to write down you.

A se compara:
A se compara:
1. Alice a spart o
care schimb nelesul verbului 1. Alice broke a cup.
down, in, off, on, out, over, up, ceac.
pe care l nsoesc i formeaz 2. Margaret broke
with 2. Margaret i-a
mpreun phrasal verbs down and started
pierdut controlul i a
nceput s ipe.

II. Funciile principale ale adverbelor

Exemple de
Functia Exemple de adverbe Traducere

1. adverbul determin sau 1. personal: 1. personal:

caracterizeaz un verb la Well never forget Nu vom uita niciodat
modul personal sau the wonderful time ce minunat ne-am
nepersonal (infinitiv, gerund we had during the distrat n vacana pe
sau participiu) holidays spent care am petrecut-o
together. mpreun.
2. nepersonal 2. nepersonal (infinitiv):
(infinitiv): Nu vei nva s vorbeti
You will not learn to engleza fluent dac nu
speak English exersezi mai mult.
fluently unless you 3. nepersonal (participiu
practice more. prezent):
3. nepersonal Copilul chiopteaz din
(participiu prezent): cauza pantofilor care-i
The child is limping vin ru.
because of his ill
fitting shoes.

almost, approximately, a little,

2. adverbul determin Our companys sales Anul acesta, vnzrile
at all, completely, doubly,
calitatea, dimensiunea sau are slightly better companiei noastre sunt
enough, fairly, fully, just, less,
modul adjectivelor pe care than average this ceva mai bune dect
much, more, most, partly, such,
le precede year. media.

3. poate determina i un They spent the night

Au petrecut noaptea n
substantiv sau un pronume here, there, above, near in the cabin near the
cabana de lnga lac.
cnd se refer la loc sau timp lake.

Forma adverbelor
I. Adverbe simple

Adverbele simple nu pot fi desprite n alte pri. Exist un numr mare de adverbe care provin din
adjective, fr s-i schimbe forma, dar cu sensuri diferite|

1. din adjective prin conversiune, deci nu i schimb forma.

2. din adjective crora li s-a adugat sufixul ly.
3. din alte pri de vorbire (participii, substantive sau din alte adverbe), crora li s-a adugat sufixul ly

1) Adverbe provenite din adjective:

Au aceeai form ca i adjectivele, dar de obicei cu sensuri diferite (early, fast, hard, high, late, near,
straight, wrong).

Adjectiv Traducere Adverb Traducere

We saw many high Am vzut multe cldiri The bird flew high in the Pasrea a zburat sus pe
buildings. nalte. sky. cer.

n unele cazuri, adverbul i poate schimba complet nelesul (clean, dead, easy, free, direct).
Adjectiv Traducere Adverb Traducere

Hes wearing a clean shirt. Poart o cma curat. I clean forgot about it. Am uitat complet de asta.

Unor adjective le corespund dou forme adverbiale, care au sensuri diferite: deep, direct, first, hard,
light, just, last, late, most, near, prett, right, round, short, wrong.

Adjectiv Form adverbial 1 Traducere Traducere
adverbial 2

He looked deep into her She is deeply in Ea este profund/pn peste

deep El s-a uitat adnc n ochii ei.
eyes. love. cap ndrgostit.

Does this train go direct Acest tren merge direct/n He went there A mers acolo direct/fr
to Edinburgh? mod direct la Edinburgh? directly. ntrziere.

2) Adverbele se formeaz de cele mai multe ori prin adugarea unui -ly la forma de
singular a adjectivului (careful/carefully, quick/quickly, slow/slowly), a
numeralului(first/firstly, second/secondly), a participiului (admiring/admiringly,
surprising/surprisingly, supposed/supposedly).

3) Cteva adverbe (precum afar, aloud, anew, below) sunt derivate din adjective prin
adugarea unui prefix.

I saw them afar. (I-am vzut de departe.)

Let's leave everything and start anew.(S lsm totul i s o lum de la nceput).

4) Alte adverbe sunt derivate din substantive, prin adaugarea unor prefixe sau
sufixe: across, away, besides, bodily, daily, weekly etc.

At its widest points, the river is almost a mile across. (n cel mai lat punct al su, rul are aproape o mil

II. Adverbe compuse

Adverbele compuse sunt formate din dou sau mai multe elemente, de exemplu: always, henceforth,
hereby, however, indoors, nowhere, outside, sometimes, nevertheless etc.

I would like to buy these shoes, however much they cost. (A dori s cumpr aceti pantofi, orict ar
I sometimes have to work late. (Cteodat, trebuie s lucrez trziu.)

III. Adverbe complexe

Adverbele complexe sunt formate din dou sau mai multe cuvinte, de exemplu:
1) Adverb + adverb: soon after, shortly after, long after, over there, down there, up there, right
round, far behind, back there, near by, close by, far off, over again, once again, long since, upside
down, no more etc.
She came shortly after they left. (A venit imediat dup ce ei au plecat.)

2) Prepoziie + adverb: at once, before long, at last, at least, at most etc.

The trip will last at least five days. (Excursia va dura cel puin cinci zile.)

3. Adverb + and + adverb: by and by, here and there, now and then, in and out, on and off, now
and again, on and on, again and again, over and over again, once and for all etc.

Im telling you this once and for all. (i spun asta o dat pentru totdeauna.)

IV. Locuiuni adverbiale

Locuiunile adverbiale exprim timpul, modul sau intensitatea unei aciuni, de exemplu: at present, at
the time, in short, in the long run, of late, day and night, once upon a time, once in a blue moon,
one day, summer and winter, time and again, in vain, on purpose, at large, without fail, in
abundance, no doubt, for better, for worse, little by little etc.

Specialists say that there have been some changes in the weather of late. (Specialitii spun c n ulima
vreme au fost unele schimbri ale vremii.)
I hope that, little by little, Ill make some progress. (Sper c, puin cte puin, voi face un oarecare

Modificri ortografice
1) Dac adjectivul se termin in -y, acesta se va inlocui cu -i + -ly:

easy - easily
angry - angrily
lucky - luckily 2) Cnd avem un -le terminal (-able, -ible, -le), dispare -e si este inlocuit cu -y. * probable
- probably * terrible - terribly * gentle - gently

3) Adjectivele terminate in -ic adaug -ally.

basic - basically
economic - economically
tragic - tragically

Excepie: public - publicly

4) Forme neregulate:

true - truly
due - duly
whole - wholly

Compararea adverbelor
1. Au grade de comparaie adverbele care caracterizeaz un verb, modificndu-i nelesul, precum: fast,
fine, hard, high, long, low, soon, seldom, beautifully, clearly, coldly, directly, nicely, slowly etc. Aceste
adverbe se numesc adverbe calificative (modifying adverbs)
2. Ca i adjectivele, adverbele au trei grade de comparaie: pozitiv, comparativ i superlativ.
3. Adverbele formeaz comparativul i superlativul la fel ca i adjectivele:

Adverb Mod de formare Pozitiv Comparativ Superlativ

Adaug -er pentru comparativ i -

adverbe formate dintr-o singur silab hard harder hardest
est pentru superlativ

adverbe formate din dou sau mai Adaug more pentru comparativ i more most
multe silabe i cele terminate n -ly most pentru superlativ seriously seriously

badly worse worst

Unele adverbe au forme neregulate little less least
alte adverbe
la comparativ i superlativ well better best
much more most

Uneori most poate avea sensul de very:

We were most grateful for your help.(Suntem foarte recunosctori pentru ajutorul vostru.)
I am most impressed by this painting. (Sunt foarte impresionat de acest tablou.)

Tipuri de adverbe
A) Adverbe de loc

Adverbele de loc arat unde are loc o aciune, oferind informaii n legatur cu poziia, direcia sau
destinaia. Se aaz, n general, dup verbul principal sau complementul su.
Poziia sau destinaia pot fi exprimate de adverbe precum : aboard, abroad, above, ahead, anywhere,
around, ashore, behind, below, beneath, besides, between, downstairs, downtown, everywhere, halfway,
here, here and there, in front of, indoors, out of doors, near, nearby, nowhere, opposite, over, overseas,
somewhere, there, under, underground, underneath, underwater, upstairs etc.
-Dup verb:
I looked everywhere.(M-am uitat peste tot)
John looked away/up/down/around. (John s-a uitat n alt parte/n sus/n jos/n jur)
I'm going/out/back.(M duc afar/napoi.)
-Dup complement:
They built a house nearby.(Au construit o cas n apropiere.)
She took the child outside.(A dus copilul afar.)
A. Here / there. Cu verbe de micare, here exprim ideea de nspre/ cu / mpreun cu vorbitorul, iar
there contrariul, departe, fara participarea vorbitorului:
Come here (= spre mine)
It's in here (= vino impreun cu mine s vezi)
Put it there (= departe de mine)
It's in there (= du-te singur s vezi)

Expresii cu here/ there: down here, down there, over here, over there, under here, under there, up here,
up there.
B. Adverbele de loc terminate n -wards - exprim ideea de micare ntr-o anumit direcie:
backwards, forwards, downwards, upwards, inwards, outwards, northwards, southwards, eastwards,
westwards, homewards, onwards.
Cats don't usually walk backwards.(Pisicile nu merg napoi.)
The ship sailed westwards.(Corabia navighez spre vest.)
De reinut!
Towards este prepoziie, nu adverb, astfel nct va fi ntotdeauna urmat de un substantiv sau pronume:
Ex: He walked towards the car.(A mers nspre main.)
She ran towards me. (Ea alerga nspre mine.)

Adverbe de timp

Adverble de timp arat cnd a avut loc o aciune dar i durata sau frecvena aciunii.
Cnd: today, yesterday, later, now, last year
Durata, pentru ct timp: all day, not long, for a while, since last year
Ct de frecvent: sometimes, frequently, never, often, yearly
De obicei, adverbele de timp se aeaz la sfritul propoziiei sau emfatic, la nceputul ei:
One of my children wrote to me yesterday.(Unul dintre copii mei, mi-a scris ieri.)
Later the boy understood the story. (Mai trziu, biatul a neles povestea.)
Adverbele care indic durata se aeaz la sfaritul propoziiei:
She stayed in the house all day. (A stat n cas toat ziua)
My mother lived in France for a year. (Mama a locuit n Frana 1 an.)
De reinut!
For este ntotdeauna urmat de o expresie de durat: for three days, for a week, for several years, for
two centuries.
Since este ntotdeauna urmat de expresia unui moment punctual n timp: since Monday, since 1997,
since the last war.
Adverbele de frecven exprim frecvena unei aciuni i se aeaz de obicei n faa verbului principal,
dar dup verbele auxiliare (cum ar fi be, have, may, must):
I often eat vegetarian food. (in fata verbului principal)
You must always fasten your seat belt. (dup verbul auxiliar must)
I have never forgotten my first kiss. (dupa verbul auxiliar have si in fata verbului principal forgotten)
Unele adverbe de frecvena exprim regularitatea incidenei unei aciuni i se plaseaz la sfaritul
This magazine is published monthly.(Revista se public lunar.)
He visits his mother once a week.(i viziteaz mama o dat pe sptmn)
Adverbe de fecventa: frequently, generally, normally, occasionally, often, regularly, sometimes, usually.
De reinut!
Yet se foloseste in propoziii interogative sau negative:
Have you finished your work yet? No, not yet.(i-ai terminat tema? Nu, nu nc.) They haven't met him
yet.(Nu l-au ntlnit nc.)
Still exprim ideea de continuitate. Se foloseste in propoziii pozitive sau interogative.
I am still hungry.\\(Tot mi-e foame)
Do you still work for the BBC? (Tot mai lucrezi la BBC?)
Ordinea adverbelor de timp
Dac este nevoie de mai multe adverbe de timp n aceeai propoziie ordinea lor va fi:
Ordinea Exemple

1: adverbe de durata 1 + 2 : I work (1) for five hours (2) every day

2: adverbe de frecventa 2 + 3 : The magazine was published (2) weekly (3)last year.

3: adverbe de timp 1 + 3 : I was abroad (1) for two months (3) last year.

1 + 2 + 3 : She worked in a hospital (1) for two days (2) every week (3) last year

Adverbe de mod

Adverbele de mod ne arat cum, n ce mod are loc o aciune. Ele se aeaz n propoziie dup verb sau
dup complementul acestuia.
Exemple:\\fast, high, late, low, well, accurately, carelessly,cheaply, closely, comfortably, distinctly,
easily, faithfully, freely, greedly, nicely, quietly, rapidly, smoothly, strangely, thoroughly, vaguely,
widely, etc.
He swims well.(noat bine) -dup verb
He plays the flute beautifully. (Cnt la flaut minunat)- dup complement
De reinut!
Adverbul de mod nu se aeaz ntre verb i complement:
Incorect: He ate greedily the chocolate cake.
Corect: He ate the chocolate cake greedily.
Poziia adverbului n propoziie este foarte important mai ales atunci cnd exist mai multe verbe n
propoziie. Dac adverbul este aezat la sfritul propoziiei, atunci acesta modific ntregul sens
exprimat de propoziie.
Observ diferenele de sens n funcie de locul adverbului n propoziie:
He quietly asked me to leave the house. (M-a rugat n oapt s prsesc casa.)
He asked me to leave the house quietly. (M-a rugat s prsesc casa n linite.)

Adverbe de cauz

Adverbele de cauz determin rezultatul unei aciuni menionate anterior. Therefore i that is why sunt
cele mai ntlnite adverbe de cauz.
Therefore se poate traduce prin: de aceea, deci, pentru acest motiv, n consecin, prin urmare, astfel i
poate fi folosit:
- pentru a lega dou adjective
The climate in this region is cooler and therefore more agreeable. (Clima din regiunea aceasta este mai
rcoroas i deci mai placut).
- pentru a lega dou propoziii
He didn t know the exact hour of the planes departure ; therefore he had to phone the travel agency.
(Nu tia ora exact a plecrii avionului; deci a trebuit s sune la agenia de voiaj.)
Therefore poate sta dup un verb auxiliar sau modal.
I havent seen the film yet. I cant, therefore, say whether is good or bad .(Nu am vzut nc filmul. Nu
pot, deci, s spun dac e bun sau nu.)
That is why se poate traduce la fel ca therefore i introduce propoziia circumstanial de cauz.
It was rather late; therefore/ that is why we took a taxi. (Era destul de trziu de aceea am luat un taxi.)

Adverbe de cantitate, msur, grad i aproximaie

Aceastea exprim intensitatea sau gradul de ndeplinire a aciunii unui verb, adjectiv sau adverb:
almost, nearly, quite, just, too, enough, hardly, scarcely, completely, very, extremely, fairly,
absolutely, really, slightly, entirely, only, well, etc. Locul lor n propozitie este fie n faa adjectivului
sau adverbului pe care l determin, fie n faa verbului principal:
The water was extremely cold. ( Apa era foarte rece.)
He was just leaving. (Tocmai pleca.)
She has almost finished. (Aproape a terminat.)

Adverbe de certitudine

Acestea exprim ct de sigur este vorbitorul de aciunea sau evenimentul pe care l relateaz: certainly,
definitely, probably, undoubtedly, surely, maybe, obviously, perhaps, possibly, really. Se aeaz n
propoziie ntre verbul auxiliar i verbul principal.
He has certainly forgotten the meeting. (Sigur a uitat de ntlnire.)
Pentru o formulare emfatic sau o reliefare a afirmaiilor, se aeaz n debutul frazei:
Undoubtedly, Winston Churchill was a great politician.(Fr ndoial, Winston Churchill a fost un mare
De reinut!
Surely aezat la nceputul propoziiei nseamn c vorbitorul este convins de adevrul unei afirmaii, dar
ncearca s obina o confirmare:
Surely you've got a bicycle? (Sigur ai o biciclet? )
Perhaps i maybe sunt dou adverbe care stau la nceputul propoziiei:
Perhaps she is going to be late. (Probabil va ntrzia.)
Maybe he is right.(Poate c are dreptate.)

Englez: Gramatic: Articolul

Articolul este partea de vorbire care:

constituie un mijloc de individualizare a obiectelor i fenomenelor ntr-un context lingvistic sau

nu are forme flexionare, fiind neflexibil din punct de vedere morfologic;
ndeplinete funcia de determinant.

Exist urmtoarele tipuri:

articol hotrt (The Definite Article)

articol nehotrt (The Indefinite Article)
articol zero (The Zero Article)

Cnd se folosete
Articolul se ntrebuineaz pentru a realiza:

Referin Explicaie Articol folosit Exemplu Traducere

Where is the Unde este
book I gave cartea pe care
you? i-am dat-o?
referina unic atunci cnd se identific se folosete articolul hotrt Where are Unde sunt
(unique un membru anume al the pentru substantive the books I crile pe care
reference) unei clase numrabile i nenumrabile gave you? i le-am dat?
Where is the Unde este
chalk I gave creta pe care
you? i-am dat-o?
There is a
cnd referirea se face la Este o carte pe
referina se folosete articolul book on the
orice membru al unei mas.
individual nehotrt a sau an, cu table.
clase, fr ca acesta s Este o
(individual substantive numrabile la There is an
fie identificat n mod portocal pe
reference) singular orange on the
unic mas.
There are
se folosete articolul zero sau (some) books Sunt (nite)
some/any, cu substantive on the table. cri pe mas.
numrabile la plural i There is Este (nite)
substantive nenumrabile (some) salt sare pe mas.
on the table.

Folosirea generic a articolului

Substantivele folosite generic nu au distincia de numr deoarece ele denumesc ceea ce este tipic,
general pentru membrii unei clase. De aceea, folosirea generic apare cu cele trei articole:

Articol Exemplu Traducere

The tiger lives in the
articolul hotrt the Tigrul triete n jungl.
A boy runs faster than Un biat alearg mai repede
articolul nehotrt a sau an
a girl. dect o fat.
articolul zero pentru substantive numrabile Boys like to play
Bieilor le place s joace fotbal.
(nu apare) football.
articolul zero pentru substantive Milk is good for our Laptele e bun pentru sntatea
nenumrabile (nu apare) health. noastr.

Numele proprii i referina unic

Numele proprii au urmtoarele caracteristici:

sunt substantive cu referin unic prin excelen, deoarece ele sunt considerate membri unici ai
clasei din care fac parte: Helen, Mount Everest, the Danube, France, Monday

se scriu cu litera mare: Mr. Thomson, the English Channel, the Hague
Numele proprii nu au contrastul articulat-nearticulat; unele nume proprii sunt folosite cu articolul zero
(Australia, Italy), altele cu articolul hotrt the (the Arctic, the Ukraine, the Albert Hall), fr s existe
o opoziie ntre ele.

Numele proprii nearticulate primesc articol hotrt cnd se intenioneaz restrngerea referinei la un
anumit timp sau loc:

in the Romania of today (n Romnia de azi)

the Bucharest I like (Bucuretiul care-mi place)
the young Eminescu (tnrul Eminescu)
in the England of Queen Victoria (n Anglia Reginei Victoria)

Englez: Gramatic: Articolul hotrt

Articolul hotrt se folosete atunci cnd ne referim la lucruri pe care le tim, n momentele n care
particularizm sau individualizm.

Forma articolului hotrt

Articolul hotrt are forma unic the.

ntrebuinarea articolului hotrt

1) Articolul hotrt este folosit pentru a exprima ''referina unic'', ndeplinind mai multe funcii:
Funcie ntrebuinare Exemplu Traducere

1. ntr-o ncpere: 1. Close the window,

the door, the will you? 1. nchide fereastra, te
window, the rog.
table, the
radiator, the 2. The ground is
radio etc covered with dry 2. Pmntul este acoperit
2. ntr-o pdure: leaves. cu frunze uscate.

cu substantive a cror referin the wind, the sky,

este imediat neleas de the ground etc
1.1 3. ntr-un ora: 3. Can you tell me how 3. Putei s-mi spunei
vorbitorii limbii, ea fiind
deictic the townhall, the to get to the cum s ajung la primrie?
definit specific n contextul
police station, the townhall?
situaional al comunicrii
railway station,
the hospital etc 4. Ce (program) este la
4. ntr-o ar: the 4. What's on the radio radio la ora 8?
radio, the press, at eight o'clock?
the telephone,
the drama, the 5. n seara asta e lun
film etc 5. The moon is full plin.
5. n univers: the tonight.
sun, the moon,
the earth etc

cu substantive determinate Am vzut o ppu.

1.2 I saw a doll. The doll
definit prin menionarea Ppua era foarte
anaforic was very expensive.
anterioar scump.

cnd determinarea definit Omul care conduce

The man who is
apare dup substantiv, fiind maina roie este
driving the red car is
exprimat printr-o propoziie profesorul nostru de
1.3 our English
relativ restrictiv sau printr-o englez./Omul din
cataforic teacher./The man
construcie prepoziional maina roie este
(who is) in the red car
provenit dintr-o propoziie profesorul nostru de
is our English teacher.
relativ restrictiv englez.

cnd substantivul este folosit n

sensul su cel mai general, ca
1.4 reprezentant al unei clase. n The horse is a useful Calul este un animal
generic aceast funcie, the nsoete animal. folositor.
substantive numrabile la
numrul singular

2) cu unele nume proprii

Numerele proprii sunt precedate de obicei de articolul hotrt cnd n structura lor intr i un adjectiv
sau un substantiv folosit adjectival: The United Kingdom (Regatul Unit), the United States
(Statele Unite), the Art Gallery (Galeria de Art); sau o construcie prepoziional postpus
(cu of): The University of Bucharest (Universitatea din Bucureti), the Houses of Parliament. n
aceste cazuri, articolul the este folosit chiar dac unul dintre cele dou elemente este omis: the (river)
Thames, the Tate (Gallery), the Pacific (Ocean), the Mediterranean (Sea), the Intercontinental (Hotel).

Articolul hotrt se folosete cu urmtoarele clase de nume proprii

1. substantive la plural:
o the Browns (familia Brown); the Nertherlands (Olanda) the Hebrides (insulele Hebride); the Alps
2. denumiri geografice:
o nume de ape: the Danube (Dunrea), the Olt (Oltul), the Black Sea (Marea Neagr), the Atlantic
Ocean (Oceanul Atlantic)
o nume de canaluri: the Suez Canal (Canalul de Suez), the Panama Canal (Canalul Panama)
o nume de muni, dealuri: the Carpathians (Carpaii), cu excepia vrfurilor, care se scriu Omul,
Mount Everest
o nume de deerturi, golfuri, capuri: the Sahara (Sahara), the Persian Gulf (Golful Persic), the
Cape of Good Hope (Capul Bunei Sperane)
3. nume de instituii:
o hoteluri i restaurante: the Lido (Hotel), the Berlin Restaurant, the Savoy
o teatre, cinematografe, cluburi, sli de concerte: the National Theatre, the Capitol Cinema, the
o muzee, biblioteci: The British Museum, the National History Museum, the Central University
4. nume de ziare:
o The Times, The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian
5. nume de trenuri, vapoare, avioane:
o the Orient Express, the Titanic, The Comet
6. obiecte sau noiuni unice:
o the French Revolution (Revoluia francez), the Ice Age (Era glaciar)

3) naintea cuvintelor "one", "other" sau "rest", pentru a particulariza

Leave the ones there, but bring the rest with you. (Las-le pe acelea acolo, dar adu restul cu tine.)

4) naintea numeralelor ordinale

the third woman (a treia femeie), the twentieth century (secolul douzeci)

5) n fraze ce conin instrumente muzicale

to play the piano

6) cu superlative ce au valoare atributiv sau substantival

She was by far the best player of all. (Ea a fost pn acum cea mai bun juctoare dintre toi.)

7) pentru a desemna clase de oameni

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. (Bogaii devin mai bogai, iar sracii devin mai sraci.)

Englez: Gramatic: Articolul nehotrt (The

Indefinite Article)
Forma articolului nehotrt
Articolul nehotrt este ntlnit sub form de a sau an

1. Forma a este folosit naintea cuvintelor care ncep cu o consoan:

o a door, a pen, a chair
2. Forma an este folosit naintea cuvintelor care ncep cu o vocal:
o an apricot, an onion

ntrebuinarea articolului nehotrt

Articolul nehotrt are mai multe funcii:

1) Funcia epiforic

1.1) n situaia n care obiectul sau persoana menionat n comunicare nu este cunoscut asculttorului:

A man came and knocked at our door. (A venit un om i a btut la u.)

1.2) n situaia n care vorbitorul nu dorete s determine definit obiectul sau persoana respectiv, ci se
refer doar la un membru al unei clase:

I saw a cat on the stairs. (Am vzut o pisic pe scri.)

1.3) n situaia n care se introduce o noiune nou:

A dog and a cat were in front of my house. The dog was barking and the cat was sleeping. (n faa casei
mele erau un cine i o pisic. Cinele ltra i pisica dormea.)

2) Funcia numeric

2.1) n situaia n care forma "a" sau "an" are valoarea numeralului "one"

1. cu substantive numrabile la singular, de obicei n serii numerice:

o She bought a dress, two blouses and an umbrella. (Ea a cumprat o rochie, dou bluze i o
2. cu numeralele (n locul lui one):
o a hundred (n loc de one hundred), a thousand (n loc de one thousand), a fifth (n loc de one

2.2) dup "not":

not a thought, not a word

2.3) n anumite fraze fixe:

one at a time

2.4) avnd valoare distributiv:

twice a week, once a month

Not: Funcia epiforic i cea numeric apar deseori combinate. n exemplul:

There came a man singing down the road. (Un om venea cntnd pe drum.)

se face referire la un membru al unei clase i la faptul c era un singur om, nu doi.

3) Funcia generic

Articolul nehotrt poate fi folosit i cu valoare generic, cu substantive numrabile la singular, pentru a
reprezenta o ntreag clas:

A cow give us milk. (Vaca ne d lapte.)

Not: Se observ diferena dintre folosirea articolului hotrt i a celui nehotrt pentru exprimarea
funciei generice cu substantive numrabile:

1. articol hotrt:
o The horse is a useful animal. (Calul este un animal folositor.) Este vorba de ntreaga
clas, de specia respectiv.
2. articol nehotrt:
o A horse is very useful. (Un cal este foarte folositor.) Este vorba de orice cal i deci
de ntreaga specie.

4) naintea numelor predicative exprimate printr-un substantiv i a substantivelor n apoziie care

denumesc o profesie, naionalitate, gen, religie etc:

He is a teacher. He became a headmaster. (El este profesor. El a devenit director.)

He is a poet. (El este poet.)
I want to meet with Michael Evans, an American poet. (Vreau s m ntlnesc cu Michael Evans, un poet


1. naintea numelui predicativ se folosete articolul zero dac acesta este un reprezentant unic al unei
o Mr. Thomas Brown was guest of honour at their party. (Dl. Thomas Brown a fost oaspetele de
onoare la petrecerea lor.)
2. Numele predicativ poate fi precedat i de articolul hotrt, cnd este urmat de o complinire care i
confer un caracter definit:
o He remained the headmaster you know. (El a rmas directorul pe care l tii.)

5) Articolul nehotrt se folosete doar cu substantive numrabile la singular:

I saw an envelope on the table. (Am vzut un plic pe mas.)

Not n cazul substantivelor numrabile la plural, determinarea nedefinit se realizeaz:

1. cu articolul zero:
o There are films on TV. (Sunt filme la televizor.)
2. cu ajutorul lui some sau any:
o I saw some envelops on the table. (Am vzut nite plicuri pe mas.)

6) n anumite fraze fixe

Expresii Traducere

to give someone a hand a da cuiva o mn

all of a sudden deodat

to keep an eye on something a sta cu ochii pe ceva

to take an interest in a avea un interes n

to take a dislike in a avea o aversiune fa de

to be in a position to a fi n situaia s

to have an opportunity to a avea ocazia s

to have a pain a avea o durere

on an average n medie

to put in a word for a pune o vorb (bun) pentru

as a rule ca regul

it's a shame e o ruine

to make a fool of oneself a se face de rs

to have a chance to a avea ocazia s

to have a headache a avea o durere de cap

to have a cold a fi rcit

to make a point of a face caz

to be in a hurry a fi grbit

at a premium la un pre mai mare

Englez: Gramatic: Articolul zero (The Zero

n unele cazuri, substantivele nenumrabile (1), substantivele numrabile la plural (2) i numele proprii
(3) par nensoite de articol:

1. She drinks tea every day. (Ea bea ceai n fiecare zi.)
2. Clothes do not make the man. (Hainele nu-l fac pe om.)
3. Bobby Charlton was a good football player. (Bobby Charlton a fost un fotbalist bun.)

n astfel de cazuri, absena articolului echivaleaz ca funcie cu prezena unui articol, de obicei numit
articolul zero. Specific pentru acest articol este faptul c el nu apare.

Este necesar s se fac distincia ntre existena unui articol zero i omisiunea articolului hotrt sau
nehotrt, pentru c articolul zero apare n situaii opuse celor n care se folosesc celelalte articole:

articolul zero pentru folosire generic: I like chocolate. (mi place ciocolata.)
articolul hotrt the = referin unic: The chocolate you bought is nice. (Ciocolata pe care ai cumprat-
o este gustoas.)

ntrebuinarea articolului zero

1) cu substantive nenumrabile (funcia generic)

1. pentru a indica o cantitate nedefinit, cantitatea n general:

o You can buy sugar, flour, rice and oil at the grocer's. (Poi s cumperi zahr, fin, orez i ulei la
2. aceast ntrebuinare este des ntlnit n proverbe i n limbajul tiinific:
o Haste makes waste. (Graba stric treaba.)
o Light travels faster than sound. (Lumina se deplaseaz mai repede dect sunetul.)
3. nume de substane n general:
o Oil floats on water. (Uleiul plutete pe ap.)


1. Articolul zero cu substantive nenumrabile exprim i determinarea definit cnd substantivele

nenumrabile sunt precedate de un adjectiv:
o I like Romanian literature. (mi place literatura romn.)
2. n cazul n care substantivele nenumrabile sunt urmate de o complinire care limiteaz folosirea
generic, de obicei o construcie cu of, este necesar articolul hotrt the:
o I like the literature of the Scandinavians. (mi place literatura scandinavilor.)

2) cu substantive numrabile la plural (funcia generic)

Aceast ntrebuinare se refer la toi membrii unei clase:

Metals are malleable. (Metalele sunt maleabile.)

3) cu nume proprii

1. nume de persoane nsoite sau nu de apoziii: Peter, John Brown, Dr. Smith, Mr and Mrs
Freeman, Lord Tomlinson, Admiral Nelson, King Michael, Uncle Sam, Inspector Martin
2. numele membrilor familiei, folosite cu referin unic:
o Father/Daddy/Dad is washing the car. (Tata spal maina.)
o Mother/Mummy/Mum is cooking. (Mama gtete.)
o Uncle/Aunt(ie)/Grandmother/Grandfather/Grandpa is staying with us. (Unchiul,
mtua/bunica/bunicul st cu noi.)
3. diviziuni de timp: zilele sptmnii (Monday, Friday), lunile anului (April, May, June), srbtorile
(Liberation Day) etc
o Let's meet on Monday. (S ne ntlnim luni.)
4. denumiri geografice (continente, ri, orae, lacuri, muni): Europe, Romania, Bucharest, Lake
Ontario, Ben Nevis, Cape Trafalgar, Constana Harbour, Hudson Bay Numele de continente, ri i
orae au articolul zero i cnd sunt precedate de adjective: Central America, northern Romania, ancient
Callatis, suburban Bucharest etc
5. nume proprii urmate de substantive comune, denumind cldiri, strzi, poduri, piee, parcuri
etc: Windsor Castle, Westminster Abbey, Oxford Street, Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, Hyde Park,
London Bridge etc
6. combinaii cu nume de persoane: Newton's theory (teoria lui Newton)

4) n expresii idiomatice

Unele substantive comune se folosesc cu articolul zero, avnd referin unic n anumite contexte
situaionale, ntr-um mod similar cu numele proprii. Majoritatea acestor cuvinte intr n componena
unor expresii idiomatice, n care sunt folosite cu articolul zero. Unele dintre ele ns pot fi folosite i cu
articolul hotrt n alte contexte:

Ce denumesc substantivele Articolul zero Articolul hotrt

in spring
Anotimpuri (in, during) in the spring
during spring

be in bed
lie down on the bed
go to hospital
modernize the hospital
Anumite instituii (at, in, to etc) be in prison (ca
be in the prison (ca vizitator al nchisorii)
walk past the school
be at school

travel by bicycle sit on the bicycle

Mijloace de transport (by)
come by train take the train

at sunrise admire the sunrise

Momente ale zilei i nopii (at, by, after, before noon in the afternoon
before) by night wake up in the night
(by) day and night in the daytime

before lunch
after supper
Mesele zilei
at dinner She cook the dinner.
Breakfast is ready. I enjoyed the breakfast.

diabetes the flu

Nume de boli
anaemia the measles

hand in hand
day by day
face to face
from dawn to dusk
Structuri paralele from morning till night
From the beginning of the book to the end
from beginning to end
of it.
from right to left
Keep to the right.
from east to west
He lives in the west.
arm in arm
He took her by the arm.

5) cu elementul predicativ suplimentar, pentru referin unic:

They elected him president. (L-au ales preedinte.)

6) naintea denumirilor limbilor

We study English. (Noi studiem engleza.)

Do you speak French? (Vorbeti franceza?)

Cnd numele limbii este nsoit de cuvntul language se folosete articolul hotrt:

This book aims at description of the English language. (Aceast carte are ca scop descrierea limbii

7) cu substantive asociate cu numerale sau literele alfabetului:

page ten, chapter one, lesson five, act two, figure C, position A, question B

8) cu cuvinte ca: poor, old, young, saint, little, good:

poor Nick (sracul Nick), Saint Peter (Sfntul Petru)

9) n construcii fixe i expresii:

by mistake (din greeal); in concluzion (n concluzie); for money (pentru bani); at first sight (la prima
vedere); by train (cu trenul); to shake hands (a da mna)

Englez: Gramatic: Conjuncia


Este partea de vorbire neflexibil care leag dou propoziii ntr-o fraz sau dou cuvinte cu acelai rol
sintactic ntr-o propoziie.

Conjunciile coordonatoare (Co-ordinating Conjunctions)

Leag pri de propoziie cu aceeai funcie sintactic sau propoziii de acelai fel:

I visited the Art Museum and the Art Galleries yesterday.

It started to rain but we continued playing tennis.


Dup relaiile pe care le stabilesc, conjunciile coordonatoare pot fi:

a) copulative: and - i; as well as - precum; both and - att ct i; not only but also - nu
numai dar i;
b) disjunctive: or - sau; ori; eitheror - sau sau; neithernor - nicinici;
c) adversative: but - dar, ci

Observaie Either or arat faptul c numai o alternativ este posibil, n propoziii afirmative sau

We can either have a snack now, or we can have lunch later.

You can either read or watch a film.

Pentru a exprima o negaie se folosete either or + verb negativ sau neithernor + verb pozitiv:
I cant come either today or tomorrow.
I can come neither today nor tomorrow.


Conjunciile coordonatoare se aaz ntre unitile sintactice pe care le unesc:

Mary opened the door as well as the window.

Nu pot fi aezate la nceputul frazei:

I finished reading and went out for a walk.

Conjunciile subordonatoare (Subordinating Conjunctions)

Leag propoziiile secundare din fraz de elementele lor regente:

I went to the bookshop, where I bought two books. M-am dus la librrie, de unde am cumprat
dou cri.


Dup felul propoziiilor pe care le introduc, conjunciile subordonatoare pot fi:

a) de loc: where - unde; wherever - oriunde;

b) de timp: when - cnd; since - de cnd; till/until - pn cnd; while/as - n timp ce; before -
nainte ca; after - dup ce;
c) de mod: (exactly) as; (just) as - (aa) cum; (exact) cum;
d) de cauz: as, since, because - deaorece, fiindc;
e) de scop: so that, in order that/so (that) (mai formal) - (pentru) ca, cu scopul ca. Scopul
negativ este exprimat de: for fear (that) - de team s; in case; lest (formal) - ca s nu;
f) condiionale: if - dac; provided (that) / on condition (that) as long as/so long as - cu
condiia; unless - afar dac, (numai) dac nu;
g) consecutive: so that - nct; so (familiar) - nct; so/such (that) aa/astfel nct;
h) concesive: though, although (mai formal), while, whereas (formal), even if/though dei, cu
toate c, chiar dac;
i) comparative: asas - mai (mult) dect; as if/as though - ca i cum, de parc.


I. Conjunciile that - c i whether - dac pot introduce mai multe tipuri de propoziii subordonate:

Whether he will come remains to be seen (subiectiv)

I dont know whether she is saying the truth or not (completiv direct)
The best way to find out is if she goes there herself (predicativ)
If I had money, I should be free (condiional)

II. When, as (temporale)

When indic simultaneitatea a dou aciuni sau succesiunea lor imediat n timp:

When I am tired I go to bed. Cnd sunt obosit, m culc.

When she rang, he answered. Cnd ea a sunat, el a rspuns.

As este folosit pentru aciuni paralele:

She laughed as she spoke. Rdea n timp ce vorbea.

As I was crossing the street, I heard somebody call my name. n timp ce / Pe cnd traversam
strada, am auzit pe cineva strigndu-mi numele.

III. As, since, because (cauzale)

As exprim cauza aciunii din propoziia regent:

As I liked the book, I bought it. Fiindc mi-a plcut cartea, am cumprat-o.

Since presupune un argument admis de vorbitor:

Since you need the money, Ill get it for you. Deoarece ai nevoie de bani, am s-i fac rost de ei.

IV. Unless (condiional)

Unless este opusul lui provided/providing that (doar dac, cu condiia ca), iar cnd este folosit, verbul
din propoziia condiional este la forma afirmativ:

You may see the dentist provided you have an appointment. Poi s intri la dentist cu condiia s
fii programat.
You cant see the dentist unless you have an appointment. Nu poi s intri la dentist dect dac
eti programat.


Conjunciile subordonatoare se aaz la nceputul propoziiei secundare, care poate precede sau urma
propoziia regent:

As we were in a bad mood, we did not go to the movies after all.

Although the foreigner was speaking very slowly, I could not understand him.
I will be home late because I am busy at the office.
I liked the film so much that I saw it five times.

Spre deosebire de conjunciile coordonatoare, conjunciile subordonatoare pot fi precedate de alte


We left early because we were bored and because we had something important to do.

Englez: Gramatic: Interjecia


Interjecia este o partea de vorbire neflexibil prin care se exteriorizeaz senzaii, sentimente,
manifestri de voin sau se reproduc sunete din natur.

1. Interjecii care exprim senzaii i sentimente:

bucurie: Ah!, Ooh!, Jippee!, Hurray! (a, ah, ura!)

surpriz: Oh!, Wow! (a, ah, oh!): Oh, what a nice weather!
mirare: My!, Oh, dear!, Dear me!, Indeed! (vai, vai drag, vai de mine, ntr-adevr): Oh, dear,
Ive lost my keys. Dear me! What is that?
admiraie: Whew! (ah, doamne): Whew, how beautiful she is!
nelegere: Aha! (a, aha!): Aha, this dress is exactly what I was looking for.
dispre: Fie!, Pshaw!, What a shame! (Ptiu, pah, ce ruine!): Fie upon you ! You ought to be
ashamed at what you have done.
dezgust: Ugh! (h!): Ugh, how dirty your hands are!
aprobare: Well done!, Congratulations! (Foarte bine! Felicitri!): Well done! Youve passed all
your exams.
dezaprobare: Nonsense! What a nuisance! (Prostii ! Ce pacoste!): What a nuisance! Now Ill
have to do it all over again!
regret: Ah! Oh! What a pity! (a!, oh! ce pcat!): What a pity you couldnt come! It was a great
durere: Ouch! Ow! (vai, ah, aoleu!)

2. Interjecii care exprim manifestri de voin:

rugminte, ndemn: Oh! Help! (Oh! Ajutor!); Ssh! Hush! Silence! (Sst, linite!): Hush! The

babys sleeping!

ncurajare, ndemn: Cheer up! Come on! (Curaj! Haide!): Come on, lets do it!
avertizare: Look Out! Fire! (Atenie! Foc!)

3. Interjecii care reproduc sunete i zgomote din mediul nconjurtor:

Bow - wow! Miaow! Baa! Buzz! (Ham - ham ! Miau! Beh! Bzz!)
Bang! Click! Crash!


Aceeai interjecie poate avea mai multe sensuri:

Ah, here they are at last! (bucurie)

Ah, its painful! (durere)

Englez: Gramatic: Numeralul

Numeralul este partea de vorbire care exprim un numr, ordinea unor obiecte sau numrul lor.

1. Numeralul cardinal
2. Numeralul ordinal
3. Numeralul multiplicativ
4. Numeralul repetitiv
5. Numeralul adverbial
6. Numeralul nehotrt
7. Numeralul distributiv
8. Numeralul fracional

Numeralul cardinal
1 - one

2 - two

3 - three

4 - four

5 - five

6 - six

7 - seven

8 - eight

9 - nine

10 - ten

11 - eleven

12 - twelve

13 - thirteen

14 - fourteen

15 - fifteen

16 - sixteen

17 - seventeen

18 - eighteen

19 - nineteen

20 - twenty

21 - twenty-one

22 - twenty-two
23 - twenty-three

24 - twenty-four

25 - twenty-five

26 - twenty-six

27 - twenty-seven

28 - twenty-eight

29 - twenty-nine

30 - thirty

31 - thirty-one

40 - forty

50 - fifty

60 - sixty

70 - seventy

80 - eighty

90 - ninety

100 - a/one hundred

101 - one hundred and one

102 - one hundred and two

110 - one hundred and ten

127 - one hundred an twenty-seven

1,000 - a/one thousand

1,000,000 - a/one million

Numeralul ordinal
n limba englez, toate numeralele ordinale se formeaz prin adugarea sufixului th la numeralul

al patrulea fourth (4th)

al aselea sixth (6th)

al treisprezecelea thirteenth (13th)

Exist ns i o serie de excepii:

primul/a first (1st)

al doilea second (2nd)

al treilea third (3rd)

al cincilea fifth (5 th)

al optulea eighth (8th)

al noulea ninth (9th)

al doisprezecelea twelfth (12th)

al douzecelea twentieth (20th)

n cazul numeralelor ordinale compuse, numai ultima cifr este scris ca un numeral ordinal:

al douzeci i unulea twenty-first (21st)

al patru sute douzeci i unulea four hundred and twenty-first (421st)

NOT: Data se scrie folosind un numeral ordinal:

The 1st / 2nd / 3rd/ 4th of January 2009

Numeralul multiplicativ
o dat once

de dou ori twice

De la trei n sus, numeralul multiplicativ se formeaz din cel cardinal + times

three times = de trei ori

four times = de patru ori

a hundred times = de o sut de ori

double = twofold = dublu = ndoit

triple = threefold = triplu

fourfold = mptrit
tenfold = nzecit

a hundredfold = nsutit

a thousandfold = nmiit

Numeralul repetitiv/iterativ
(for) the first time = (pentru) prima dat

(for) the second time = (pentru) a dou oar

(for) the third time = (pentru) a treia oar

(for) the fourth time = (pentru) a patra oar

(for) the fifth time = (pentru) a cincea oar

Numeralul adverbial
first(ly) = n primul rnd

second(ly) = n al doilea rnd

third(ly) = n al treilea rnd

fourth(ly) = n al patrulea rnd

fifth(ly) = n al cincilea rnd etc.

Numeralul nehotrt
much = mult, mult

how much = ct, ct (mult, mult)?

so much = att, atta (mult, mult)

not so much = nu att(a) (mult, mult)

too much = prea mult, mult

many = muli, multe

how many = ci, cte (muli, multe)

so many = ai, attea (de muli, multe)

not so many = nu att(ea) (de muli, multe)

too many = prea muli, multe

several = mai muli, mai multe (necomparat, nedefinit)

several days = mai multe zile

tens of = zeci de cri

hundreds of = sute de cri

millions of = milioane de cri

Numeralul distributiv
one by one = unul cte unul / una cte una

two by two = doi cte doi / dou cte dou

one after another = unul dup altul

one at a time = (cte) unul o dat

two at a time = (cte) doi (dou) deodat

every day/ moment = n fiecare zi/ moment

every week/ month/ year = n fiecare sptmn / lun / an

every two days - every other/ second day = la fiecare dou zile, din dou n dou zile

every other Tuesday = din dou n mari, marea din dou n dou sptmni

Numeralul fracional
one whole (1/1) = un ntreg

one half (1/2) = o jumtate

one third (1/3) = o treime

one quarter (1/4) = un sfert, o ptrime

one tenth (1/10) = o zecime

two tenths (2/10) = dou zecimi

Englez: Gramatic: Prepoziia

Prepoziia este partea de vorbire neflexibil care exprim raporturi sintactice de dependen ntre pri
de propoziie diferite. De obicei, leag substantive, adjective, verbe sau adverbe de alte substantive sau
substitute ale acestora:

The little girl is sitting in the corner of the room.

She was pleased at the thought of going to the movies.

1. Prepoziiile sunt instrumente gramaticale, lipsite de indici formali, care nu au neles de sine stttor sau
funcie sintactic. Ele marcheaz funciile sintactice ale prilor de propoziie pe care le nsoesc. Toate
prepoziiile din englez sunt urmate de cuvinte n cazul acuzativ, cu excepia lui of, care este urmat de
genitiv, i a lui to, care este urmat de dativ:
o Look at that painting!
o The roof of the house is made of bricks.
o Give the pen to John, not to Jim!
2. Prepoziiile nu pot forma singure pri de propoziie, dar intr n alctuirea acestora: in the corner of the
room din primul exemplu este un complement circumstanial de loc.
3. Majoritatea prepoziiilor englezeti sunt urmate de substantive articulate, spre deosebire de limba
o The boys are playing in the park. Bieii se joac n parc.
4. Verbele precedate de prepoziii sunt la modul gerunziu:
o I am good at remembering peoples names. mi amintesc cu uurin numele oamenilor.
(Excepii: But i except sunt urmate de infinitivul scurt: They did nothing but stare. N-au fcut
altceva dect s priveasc lung.)
5. Multe prepoziii deriv din adverbe, avnd forme omonime cu acestea sau cu alte pri de vorbire:
o Prepoziie:
They rowed up the river.
o Adverb:
He looked up.
o Particul adverbial:
They have made up their mind.

Observaie. Exist i multe prepoziii care apar n construcii cu substantive nearticulate:

at home; at breakfast/lunch/dinner, at play; at war; at sea;;

at/in/to school, college, church.
by car, bus, train, plane, boat;
in/to bed, class, town

Folosirea articolului cu unul dintre aceste substantive produce schimbri de sens:

He is at home. Este acas.

He is at the home of his friends (= o cas anume).

De obicei, prepoziia apare naintea cuvntului la care se refer. Poate aprea n post-poziie n
urmtoarele situaii:
1. n stilul informal, atunci cnd corelativul ei se afl la nceputul unei propoziii interogative:
o Where is she going to?
o What is he thinking of?
o Which bed did you sleep in?
2. Dup pronumele relativ that n acuzativ:
o This is the book (that) I told you about.
3. n propoziiile relative contrase:
o The book alluded to was famous.
4. Atunci cnd what, aflat la nceputul unei propoziii, are sensul ceea ce:
o What I should like to insist upon is this
5. n construciile pasive provenite din verbe intranzitive cu prepoziii:
o The plan was agreed upon by all the members.
6. n construcii infinitivale eliptice:
o There was something more important to think of.

1. Dup form:
o simple (in, on, by),
o compuse (into, without, out of),
o locuiuni prepoziionale (on account of = din cauza, in keeping with = n conformitate cu, as a
result of = n urma)
2. Din punct de vedere semantic:

I. prepoziii spaiale:

Ann is at school.
John went to school.
Mary is coming from school.
The children are in the classroom.
They came into the classroom.
The books are on the table.
Jane put the books upon the table.
The door is between the two windows.
The letter is somewhere among the books on the shelf.
Mary was standing in front of the window.
Before us lay a river.
There is someone behind you.
I am near the entrance.
The museum is close to the park.
He walked past my house.
The actor walked onto the stage.
They sailed across the ocean.
They walked up and down the street.
We drove by the lake without stopping.
The book fell off the table.
Many important documents are kept within the walls of this museum.

Atenie! at a buiding (= instituia); in a building (= cldirea):

He is at school. E elev. He is in school. E n coal.

He lives in New York (ora mare). They stopped at Brussels on their way to Ney York (punct pe hart,

II. prepoziii temporale:

We shall stay here until/till tomorrow.

Please read the novel by Tuesday.
There are five minutes to ten.
They met towards evening.
It happened during summer.
I have lived in Bucharest since 1998.
I have been learning English for three years.
She has been here from ten to eleven.
I talked to her before noon.
Ring me up after the meeting.
It rained throughout the autumn.
We went to the mountains over the weekend.

Se spune:

At a time: at the/that time, at 8 oclock, at noon, at night, at dawn, at daybreak, at sunset, at modnight,
at dinner (time), at the week-end, at present, at the time
On a day: on Sunday, on Monday morning, on New Years day, on the 1st of March, on the following day
In a period: in the (late) afternoon, in July, in summer, in 1990, in the following months, in the 20th

On time nseamn la momentul stabilit, in time nseamn nu mai trziu de:

The plane took off on time.

They arrived at the airport just in time to board the plane.

Since arat momentul cnd ncepe aciunea, for arat perioada n care a avut loc aciunea verbului:

Kings and Queens have been crowned at Westminster Abbey since 1066.
He has been in Paris for a week.

Till i until se refer la un moment precis, by nseamn nu mai trziu de un anumit moment: * I slept
from two till five. * They should be ready by nine.

III. prepoziii cauzale:

He could not come on account of the rain.

Owing to an incident, he could not be here.
We have succedeed thanks to your efforts.
Have you ever suffered from headaches?
I did it out of pity.
She has done it by mistake.
We have put off our trip because of the weather.
IV. prepoziii concesive:

They enjoyed the trip, in spite of the bad weather.

Despite her illness, she still goes swimming.
He was a good man, for all his defects.

V. prepoziii exprimnd referirea:

What is he talking about?

Are you sure of it?
This is a book on grammar.
Interesting documents concerning our ancient history have just been found.
As to this book, I have already read it.

Prepoziiile obligatorii
Unele cuvinte sunt urmate n mod obligatoriu de anumite prepoziii:

1. adjective i participii: absorbed in, according to. accustomed to, afraid of, ashamed of, aware of, bad at,
capable of, confident of, duet o, exposed to, fit for, fond of, good at, interested in, involved in, keen on,
nervous of, owing to, pleased with, proud of, ready for, responsible for, scared of, sorry for, successful in,
suspicious of, terrified of, tired of, useful to smb/for smth, yearning for:
o I am bad at figures.
o My sister is fond of reading.
o I was not used to being admired.
2. verbe: agree on sth/with smb, accuse smb of, apologize tos b for smth, apply tos b for smth, ask for,
attend to, beg for, believe in, blame smb for smth, charge smb with smth, consist of (several elements),
consist in (one element), confide in (a avea ncredere), confide to (a ncredina), confuse with, deal in (a
face comer cu), deal with (a problem), dream of (a se gndi la), dream about (a visa, a-i imagina), feed
smb on smth, fine smb fo smth, hope for, insist of, live on, look at, look for ( a cuta), look after (a avea
grij de), operate on smb, prepare on, punish smb for smth, refer to, rely on, remind smb of smth, resort
to, shout at, succeed in, substitute for, think of, wait for, warn sb of smth, wish for, yearn about:
o I am waiting for you.
o What are you thinking of?
o Can I depend on you?
3. substantive: interest, progress, satisfaction in, cause, chance, opportunity of, exception, invitation,
kindness to:
o I have no interest in this matter.
o You should show more kindness to children.

Neconcordane ntre propoziiile din limba romn i cele din

limba englez
in the street pe strad
in the playground pe terenul de sport
in the sky pe cer
in the sun la soare
in time la timp
in power la putere
on the way to n drum spre
on the first floor la etajul unu
on demand la cerere
round the corner dup col
at present n prezent
at the same time n acelai timp
at this moment n acest moment
at last n sfrit
at liberty n libertate
at variance n dezacord
at interest cu dobnd
in a year`s time peste un an
in my opinion dup prerea mea
in all probability dup toate probabilitile
by my watch dup ceasul meu
by heart pe dinafar
by mistake din greeal
by post prin pot
by force cu fora
by land/water pe uscat/ap
by train/bus cu trenul/autobuzul
by this time ntre timp
to go on a trip/on holiday a merge n cltorie/n vacan
on the tree n pom
on duty de serviciu
with Shakespeare n opera lui Shakespeare
to go (out) for a walk a merge la plimare
lo look out of the window a privi pe fereastr
to get in through the window a intra pe fereastr
he`s the tallest in the class e cel mai nalt din clas
outside the cinema n faa cinematografului

Englez: Gramatic: Pronumele

Pronumele este partea de vorbire care ine locul unui substantiv ntr-o propoziie.

1. pronumele personal
2. pronumele posesiv
3. pronumele reflexiv
4. pronumele reciproc
5. pronumele demonstrativ
6. pronumele interogativ
7. pronumele relativ
8. pronumele nehotrt

Caracteristici generale
a. Unele pronume au diferite forme pentru cazul nominativ i acuzativ:
I / me, who / whom

b. Au genuri diferite (masculin, feminin, neutru)

he / she / it

c. Unele pronume au forme diferite pentru persoane sau pentru lucrurile abstracte:

everybody / everything

Pronumele personal

Pronumele personale difer n persoan, numr, gen i caz. Astfel, se face diferena ntre:

a. persoana I (persoana care vorbete) - care are o form de singular i una de plural: Eu / noi (I / we)

b. persoana a II-a (persona creia te adresezi)- aceeai form att la singular, ct i la plural: you (tu /

c. persoana a II-a (persoana despre care se vorbete)- la singular, distincia se face astfel: el / ea (he /
she), iar cnd se vorbete despre lucruri, obiecte, animale etc. se folosete pronumele it. La plural,
pentru ei, att n cazul persoanelor ct i n cazul obiectelor, se folosete pronumele ei (they).

Folosirea genului pronumelor

Lipsa unui pronume care s denote att masculinul, ct i femininul, n limba englez, el (he) i ea (she),
se folosesc astfel:

If a person had not brought the book, then he or she just could not read.

Pentru cuvntul bebe, atunci cnd nu i se cunoate sexul, se poate folosi pronumele it, pentru a nu face

What a cute little baby it is!

Folosirea cazului pronumelor


1. persoana I: I - singular, we - plural

2. persoana a II-a: you - singular i plural
3. persoana a III-a: he / she / it - singular, they - plural


1. persoana I: me - singular, us - plural

2. persoana a II-a: you - singular i plural
3. persoana a III-a: him / her / it - singular, them - plural
Cazul GENITIV al pronumelui personal se exprim prin pronumele posesiv.

Cazul DATIV se exprim printr-o construcie de tipul: prepoziie + pronume. Ex: to me, to you, to her /
him, to us, to it, to you, to them.

Formele cazului acuzativ sunt folosite n urmtoarele situaii:

Dup prepoziii precum but, except i like.


Nobody else knew about it but me.

They are all clever except him.
People like us.

Dativul prepoziional

Verbele write, sing i play sunt urmate de dativul prepoziional atunci cnd nu este exprimat niciun
obiect direct.

Read to us; I wrote to her.

Dac obiectul direct este exprimat, atunci prepoziia este omis.

I wrote her a letter yesterday.

He is reading her the letter.

Verbe precum describe, mention, propose, introduce, listen, prescribe, announce, suggest, prove etc.
Sunt mereu nsoite de dativul prepoziional: Will you listen to me for a moment?

Utilizarea anumitor forme ale pronumelor personale

Pronumele I vs MYSELF pronumele myself este preferat pronumelui I n urmtoarele cazuri:

Dup un verb copulativ: The children you ask about are Steve and myself.
Dup but, than i as: All were there but myself.
n propoziii absolute: The party went on, he and myself being in the rear.
ntr-o succesiune de obiecte directe: He asked Kim, Jerry and myself and a few others where he could
find a better deal.
Dup and i like: A good friend like myself.

Pronumele WE este folosit n urmtoarele cazuri:

Vorbitorul plus ceilali: We (the children) had taken so little care of our clothes that
Vorbitorul i toi ceilali: We live to learn.
Vorbitorul, n cazul conductorilor (the royal WE): We, the Queen of England, decrete
Persoanei adresate (folosit n cazul copiilor i a celor bolnavi)
Can't we open our mouth a little wider?
How are we this morning?

Pronumele US: acesta se regsete n s-ul din let's: Let's go!, dar nu i n cazurile n care let are neles
de a permite: Please let us go with you!
Pronumele YOU este folosit n urmtoarele cazuri:

Pentru persoana a II-a singular i plural: You are all welcome; We promise we will behave.

Pentru persoanele adresate i pentru ceilali (chiar i vorbitorul poate fi inclus): You can never tell.

Pronumele IT poate fi folosit:

Pentru a face referire la substantive la numrul singular ce desemneaz un lucru.

Ex: A chair (it) is what I need.

Cnd se face referire la substantive colective. Se folosete att it ct i they.

The team (it) is on the field.

The team (they) are taking showers.

Cnd se face referire la bebelui sau copii atunci cnd nu se cunoate sexul.

How old is it?

Cu anumite verbe: find out, forget, know, manage, mind, refuse, remember, show, tell, try, understand

Ex: It all happened a long time ago. / Forget it.

Ca un factor anticipativ pentru a face referire la coninutul urmtoarei propoziii.

Ex: It was unbelievable: they actually welcomed me.

Ca subiect al verbelor impersonale atunci cnd are funcia de pronume impersonal.

Ex: It appears. It is said. It is easy.

Ca un factor emfatic pentru a da informaii referitoare la identitatea cuiva.

Ex: Somebody sat behind him, I saw it was his brother.

Ca i subiect gramatical, n construcia it+apoziie+gerunziu sau infinitiv.

Ex: It is nice of you to come. / It's no use shouting.

Pronumele posesiv
Pronumele posesiv vs. adjectivul posesiv


a. Pronumele posesiv:

- persoana I: mine singular, ours - plural

- persoana a II-a : yours singular i plural

- persoana a III-a: his / hers / its singular, theirs - plural

b. Adjectivul posesiv:

- persoana I: my singular, our - plural

- persoana a II-a: your - singular i plural

- persoana a III-a: his / her / its singular, their - plural

Adjectivul posesiv are funcie atributiv: That is his car.

Pronumele posesiv are funcie predicativ: That car is his.

Cnd se folosete pronumele posesiv

n contexte predicative: That book is yours.

n fraze precum: My best wishes to you and yours from me and mine.
n expresiile fixe de la sfritul scrisorilor: yours sincerely, yours faithfully.
n construcia of+ pronume posesiv: He is a friend of mine / Mary's.

Acest tip de construcie evideniaz posesia

Ex: a painting of Rembrandt's (= a painting belonging to Rembrandt)

Ex: a painting of Rembrandt (= a painting representing Rembrandt)

Cnd se folosete adjectivul posesiv

n faa substantivelor ce au funcie atributiv: This is your book.

Atunci cnd subiectul verbului ce cere gerunziu este diferit de subiectul verbului la gerunziu.

Ex: I don't like his borrowing money.

n vorbirea mai puin formal se folosete n loc forma de obiect a pronumelui personal.

Ex: I don't like him borrowing money.

Adjectivul posesiv vs. articolul definit

n limba englez se folosete adjectivul posesiv unde n alte limbi se folosete articolul definit.


Cu pri ale corpului: She has hurt her hand.

Cu articole personale de mbrcminte sau nclminte: I took of my shoes.

Cu obiecte de uz personal: I parked my car in the parking place behind the building.
Articolul definit se folosete n locul adjectivului posesiv n anumite expresii:

Ex: I have a cold in the head.

Pronumele formate cu self

Aceste pronume se formeaz prin adugarea lui self la singular i a lui selves la plural la adjectivele
posesive la persoanele I i a II-a, i la pronumele personale n cazul acuzativ la persoana a III-a.

Persoana I: myself singular, ourselves plural

Persoana a II-a: yourself singular, yourselves plural

Persoana a III-a: himself / herself / itself singular, theselves plural

Folosirea pronumelor formate cu self la reflexiv

Pronumele reflexiv poate fi:

Obiect direct: He shaves himself every morning.

Obiect indirect: You have given yourself a great deal of work.

Parte a predicatului a verbului to be: Ah, that is better, You are yourself again.

Pronumele reflexiv este folosit:

Cu verbe reflexive obligatorii: absent oneself from, avail oneself from, betake oneself, pride oneself on.

Ex: I pride myself on always having a tidy garden.

Cu verbe reflexive opionale (verbe la care poate lipsi pronumele reflexiv, fr a schimba sensul): adjust
(oneself), dress (oneself), prove (oneself to be competent).

Ex: I hope the children will behave (themselves).

Cu verbe non-reflexive

Ex: I am shaving myself, as opposed to I am shaving grandfather.

Cu neles reciproc: They were busy arguing among themselves (whit each other)

Pronumele formate cu self vs. pronumele personal

Ambele se folosesc dup as, like, but, except i dup alte elemente de coordonare.

Ex: For somebody like me / myself this is a big surprise.

Ex: My brother and I / myself went sailing yesterday.

Pronumele formate cu SELF sunt folosite n locul pronumelor personale n urmtoarele situaii:
Cu verbe non-reflexive, dup cum am ilustart mai sus.
Pentru a da claritate nelesului: She suspected that they recognized her sister but not herself.
Pentru un ton politicos: My wife and myself were invited to the party.
Ca i complemente prepoziionale: She thinks too much of herself.

Pronumele personale se folosesc n locul pronumelor formate cu self:

Ca i complemente prepoziionale atunci cnd nu exist nicio ndoial asupra persoanei desemnat de
pronume. Ex: We have the whole day before us.

Pronumele reciproc

Each other se folosete cnd se face referire la dou persoane. Ex: They gredeed each other.

One another se folosete cnd ne referim la mai multe persoane. Ex: The students of this group help
one another.

Folosirea pronumelor reciproce

Pentru a indica relaia de co-referin dintre subiect i obiectul nominal Ex: We could hardly see each
other in the fog.

Atunci cnd apare, prepoziia este pus naintea pronumelui reciproc. Ex: The two sisters played with
each other.

Pronumele demonstrativ

this these, that those

the former the latter

the same




This - these, that - those

Aceste pronume se folosesc n urmtoarele situaii:

Pentru a nlocui un substantiv: Is this (seat) taken?

Pentru a sugera poziia fa de vorbitor, this i these sugernd apropiera n spaiu, iar that i those
sugernd distana.
Ex: There is a seat here, near me, and there is that in the fourth row.

Pentru a face o anumit referire.

Ex: Those who are lazy will never pass. / That which upsets me most is his manner.

n engleza mai puin formal, se folosete cu valoare emotiv.

Ex: It gives you this great feeling. / Don't mention this wretched business again!

n expresii fixe:

that's the boy (= bravo!)

that is (to say) = (mai bine zis, adic)

this, that and the other (= ba una, ba alta)

and that's that (= i cu asta gata)

this many a day (= de mult vreme)

with this and that (= cu una, cu alta)

n formulri idiomatice:

that's the time of the day

that's another pair of shoes

that beats all

I know this much

let's put this and that together

that's what men are

but for that (if it hadn't been for that)

that's it, that s right,

that will do

that's the limit

that bangs the bush

with that she shut the door

THAT poate fi folosit ca:

Adjectiv sau pronume demonstrativ: That is my son.

Pronume relativ: This is the painter that the papers wrote about.

Conjuncie: He said that he would pay me a visit on Friday.

Adverb: The water was that deep.

The former - the latter

The former (= that / those) i the latter (= this / these) pot fi de asemenea privite ca fiind pronume

Ex: Work and play are both good for the health: the former (= the work) gives us energy and the latter
(= the play) gives us rest.

The former i the latter se folosesc atunci cnd este vorba despre obiecte sau lucruri, n timp ce the
first i the last sunt folosite pentru a face referire la mai multe persoane sau lucruri.

The same

Acesta este folosit n urmtoarele situaii:

Ca pronume demonstrativ: I did the same.

Ca adjectiv demonstrativ: The same boy came in.

n expresii idiomatice:

same here (i eu / i mie),

it's all the same to ne (mi-e egal),

all the same (cu toate acestea)


Se folosete n urmtoarele situaii:

Ca pronume demonstrativ: Such is life.

Ca adjectiv demonstrativ, cu valoare de intensificare: I have had such a busy morning.

n expresii idiomatice: on such and such a day / month / year (= n cutare zi / lun / an)

SUCH AS se folosete:

Pentru a nlocui expresia de exemplu: They export a lot of fruit, such as oranges, lemons etc.

Cu verbul a fi (to be) avnd valoare de depreciere: Hegave me his help, such as it was (= but it wasn't of
much use).

Se folosete n urmtoarele situaii:

Pentru a nlocui o afirmaie pozitiv, n special dup anumite verbe precum: say, think, hope, believe,
suppose, expect, hear, tell, imagine, fear, be afraid.

Ex: Is he very ill? I'm afraid so.

Pentru a nlocui o afirmaie negativ: I don't think / believe / suppose so.

Cu verbul a face (to do) pentru a face referire la verbul anterior. Ex: I told him to come and see me the
next day and he did so.

Pentru a reprezenta un adjectiv sau un substantiv cu verbele to be, to remain, to seem, to make.

Ex: He has been very helpfu to me in the past and I hope he will be so (= helpful) in the future.

Pentru a nlocui nelesul lui also: My husband likes French and so do I.

n expresii idiomatice: Miss and so (= domnioara cutare), so, so (= aa i-aa).


Poate s ndeplineasc urmtoarele funcii:

Pronume, n acest caz pluralul fiind some: One cannot do the work of twenty.

Pronume sau adjectiv demonstrativ: Our little ones.

Substantiv: Write 102 with one one.

Numeral: I remember only one day of the holiday we spent together.

Pronume sau adjectiv indefinit: One day you won't answer such questions.

Avnd funcie impersonal: One cannot believe that.

Ca ajuttor n formarea anumitor adjective: Brown's old car is a good one, it is much better than our.

Acesta este folosit n urmtoarele situaii:

Pentru a realiza opoziia mpreun cu other sau another.

Ex: There are two choices open to you. You must take either the one or the other. (pronoun)

One evening we went to the theatre, another evening we went dancing. (adjective)

Pentru a exprima timpul ntr-un mod mai vag:

He always hopes that one day he will win the prize (adjective).
One of these days I'll go and see him (pronoun).

Pentru a ine locul cuvntului people i pronumelui I: One can only do one's best.

Pentru a nlocui nelesul lui only i a lui single.

Ex: The one man who could have saved this situation is dead.

n expresii idiomatice:

He can go or he can stay; it's all one to me (= it makes no difference)

He was a man that was liked by one and all (= everybody)

Cnd apare o idee de selecie sau de comparaie. n acest caz pronumele one se pune dup
demonstrativele this, that, these, those.

Ex: That wardrobe is too big. I'll buy this smaller one.

Pronumele interogativ

Pronumele interogative sunt: who (whom, whose), which what.

Folosirea pronumelor interogative

Pentru a introduce:

O ntrebare direct: What happened after that?

O ntrebare indirect: He asked me what had happened after that.

n expresii idiomatice:

What about a cigarette? (= would you like? Shal we have?)

Oh, there's Mr. What's his name

It is a what-do-you-call-it

What with high prices

The two twins are so alike I can't tell which is which

You must tell me who's who

What is the English for?

What about you?

Who on earth?

nelesurile pronumelor interogative

Pronumele who / whom / whose

WHO este folosit doar pentru persoane, i nlocuiete o form masculin sau feminin.

Ex: Who split the coffee? Henry / Mary did.

Who este folosit la nominativ.

Whom este folosit la acuzativ.

Ex: Who(m) did you see? I saw George

Whose este forma posesiv: Whose are these gloves?

Pronumele what

Acesta este folosit n urmtoarele cazuri:

Pentru lucruri: What is this?

Pentru aciuni, iar n acest caz rspunsul va fi de obicei un verb n ing.

Ex: What are you doing? I am cleaning the car.

Pentru a ntreba despre naionalitatea sau profesia unei persoane.

Ex: What is the man talking to your father.

n construcia What .. like?

Ex: What is he like?

Pronumele which

Acesta este folosit pentru lucruri i persoane, la singular sau plural, subiect sau obiect. Nu poate fi

Pronumele who vs. what

Exist cazuri cnd este important ca s se fac o distincie:

ntre who (pentru persoane) i what (pentru lucruri).

Ex1: Who broke that window?

Ex2: What broke that window?

ntre who (cnd ntrebm despre identitatea cuiva) i what (ntrebnd despre profesia cuiva).
Ex1: What is that man talking to your father? He is a salesman.

Ex2: Who is that man talking to your father? He is Mr. Smith.

Pronumele what vs. which

WHAT se folosete pentru a face o selecie dintr-o mulime nelimitat.

Ex: What are you taking for your examination? I am taking English, French and German.

WHICH se folosete pentru a prezenta o alegere dintr-o mulime limitat.

Ex: Which will you have? Tea or coffee?

Distincia s-ar putea face in urmtorul caz:

Ex1: Which girls do you like best? (= vorbitorul dorete un rspuns care se bazeaz pe un numr limitat
de fete).

Ex2: What girl do you like best? (= nelesul este acela de ce tip de fete)

Pronumele who vs. which

Ex1: Who would like to come for a football game? (vorbitorul este pregtit s ia pe toat lumea care
dorete s vin).

Ex2: Which of you wouldlike to come for a football game? (vorbitorul este pregtit s ia doar un numr
anume de persoane).

Pronumele interogative care se folosesc cu prepoziii

Atunci cnd pronumele interogative se folosesc cu prepoziii, acestea din urm sunt poziionate astfel:

La sfritul ntrebrii: What is this product made of?

n limbajul scris, naintea pronumelui: By whom is that book written.

naintea pronumelui, cnd exprimm o nenelegere sau o mirare: Send that book by post! By what?

Dup pronume atunci cnd nu este exprimat o nenelegere sau mirare: Send that parcel. Who to?
Whom is never heard!

Pronumele relativ
Pronumele relative sunt who (nominativ), whom (acuzativ), whose (posesiv), which, that, what i, uneori
as i but.

Propoziii relative calificative

DEFINIIE: propoziiile relative calificative sunt idei necesare exprimate ntr-o propoziie. Dac
acestea sunt lsate n afara propoziiei, atunci aceasta nu are neles deplin.
Ex: The person who left the conference was Mark. / This is the house that Tom built.

Propoziii relative explicative

DEFINIIE: propoziiile relative explicative pot fi omise, n acest caz restul propoziiei avnd neles
deplin. Rolul acestora este de a da informaie adiional.

Ex: William Shakespeare, who wrote A Midsummer Nights Dream, died in 1616.

Not! Pronumele relativ nu se omite niciodat n propoziiile relative explicative.

nlocuirea propoziiilor relative cu infinitivul

Dup the first, the second, the last, the only:

The only man to helpher was her brother

Atunci cnd este exprimat scopul sau permisiunea:

There is a place to build a country house on.

Uneori, dup superlativ:

This is the best DVD to be found at the library.

Folosirea pronumelor relative

That ca pronume

Acesta se folosete n urmtoarele cazuri:

Dup un adjectiv la superlativ i dup majoritatea pronumelor nehotrte:

He is the most brilliant man that I have ever met.

Dup unele expresii de nceput: it is, it was i formele interogative corespunztoare:

It is the teacher that is important, not the kind of school he teaches in.

Atunci cnd substantivul antecedent este o persoan sau un lucru:

He talked brilliantly of the men and the books that interested him.

Dup cuvntul same:

She wore the same dress that she wore at Marys wedding.

What ca pronume

Acesta se folosete n urmtoarele cazuri:

Atunci cnd antecedentul nu este exprimat:

Tell me what you want to know.

Atunci cnd antecedentul este ntr-o propoziie care este urmatde that:

He is an interesting speker, and, what is more important, is that he knows his sbject thoroughly.

What vs. which

Pronumele relativ what nseamn lucrurile pe care le:

What he says is quite true.

Who vs. which

WHO / WHOSE / WHOM se folosesc n urmtoarele cazuri:

Cu persoane: The man who spoke was my brother.

Cu animale, atunci cnd este dat numele animalului:

Our dog Smiley, who had been lost for two days, was found and brought home by a policeman.

Cu substantive colective, atunci cnd substantivul este privit ca fiind la plural:

The team, who are just getting their tickets, will meet on the platform at 3.20.

WHICH se folosete n urmtoarele cazuri:

Cu lucruri i animale: The dof which was lost has been found.

Cu substantive colective ce denot persoane dac substantivul este privit ca fiind la singular:

The team, which played well, has left the stadium.

Atunci cnd antecedentul este o propoziie ntreag:

He invited us to dinner, which was very kind of him.

That vs. who, which

n urmtoarele cazuri, se prefer s se foloseasc that n loc de which:

Dup all, much, everything, none, no (i compuii acestuia), any:

All that glitters is not gold.

Dup superlative:

Toms composition is the most interesting one that I have ever read.
As ca pronume

AS se folosete ca i:

Pronume relativ dup pronumele demonstrative the same i such:

Dup such: I never heard such stories as he tells.

Dup same: I shall be surprised if he does this in the same way as I do.

Conjuncie: I dis as you said.

Adverb: I am as hungry as a wolf.

Pronumele nehotrt
Each vs. every (-body, -thing, -one)

Each i Every implic un numr de persoane sau lucruri luate n considerare individual. De asemenea,
acestea exprim totalitatea i sunt denumite i distributive.

EACH poate fi folosit pentru dou sau mai multe persoane sau lucruri ca i pronume sau adjectiv
determinant: Each (man) must do his best.

EVERY poate fi folosit atunci cnd totalul depete cifra doi: Every man must do his best. Acesta
poate fi folosit i cu expresii la plural: every two weeks.


Sunt mai multe diferene de sens ntre each i every ca i adjective. n timp ce every tinde s adune
lucrurile separate ntr-unul singur, each le evideniaz individual:

I visited him every day while he was in hospital. I visited him each day while he was in hospital.

Each nu l poate nlocui pe every n urmtorele expresii:

every other day

every now and then

every two days

He is every inch a gentleman.

You have every right to be angry.


SE FOLOSETE ca pronume sau ca adjectiv la singular sau la plural.

Ca pronume, nsemnnd everything: All is not gold that glitters. / All is well.

Ca adjectiv, nsemnnd the whole of: All the money is spent.


Ca adjectiv: All the girls were present at the awarding of the prizes.

Ca pronume: All were present at the awarding of the prizes.

POZIIE: atunci cnd subiectul este un substantiv, all l poate precede, sau poate sta dup el:

All the students agreed that the concert was good. The students all wanted to go on that trip.

Either vs. neither


EITHER nseamn unul sau cellalt din dou lucruri: Which one of the two pens do you want? Either
will do.

NEITHER nseamn niciunul nici cellalt: Neither of my friends has come yet.


Att either ct i neither pot ndeplini urmtoarele funcii:

A. ADJECTIVE SAU PRONUME DISTRIBUTIVE. Amndou sunt la singular: Neither statement

is true. I dont want either of them, though either is nice.

B. ADVERBE I CONJUNCII: I will certainly not go there and neither will my brother. He wont
go swimming this afternoon and his sister will not either.


Either se gsete la sfritul propoziiei: John doesnt either.

Neither se gsete la nceputul propoziiei, fiind urmat de forma inversat verbului: Neither does Tom.


Neither se folosete cu un verb la pozitiv.

Either se folosete cu un verb la negativ.


Poate fi folosit ca pronume sau adjectiv, indicnd totalitatea, dar acest lucru se aplic doar pentru dou
persoane sau obiecte.

Este folosit doar nainte de substantive la plural, iar verbul este tot la plural:
I dont know which book is better. I shall read both. (pronume)

Both his legs were broken in the accident. (adjectiv)

Expresia both and, (i i) nseamn not only but also (no doar ci i):

Both students failed.

She is both intelligent and kind-hearted.

None i no (-body, -thing, -one)

NO este folosit n urmtoarele cazuri:

Ca atribut adjectival: He is no fool. / He has no money.

Cu sens negativ, dat ntregii propoziii: You need have no fear.

Cu funcie adverbial: for a generation, but no longer.

NONE este folosit:

Ca substantiv: None are there.

Cu funcie adverbial: Its none too soon.

NOBODY I NO ONE se folosesc astfel:

Compui cu one, atunci cnd apare conceptul de grup limitat:

Since no one had an answer to this, silence fell over the luncheon table.

Compui cu body, atunci cnd nu apara conceptul de limitare:

Nobody has time for everything.

NOTHING este un pronume independent: Nothing ever happens.

Some (-body, -thing, -one)

SOME se folosete:

Ca substantiv, avnd un verb la plural: Some boys were late.

Cu substantive ce nu pot fi numrate: Coffee? I can do with some.

Atributiv, cu substantive ce se pot numra, la singular:

I hope to go there some day or another.

n ntrebri, atunci cnd ntrebarea este o invitaie, o cerere sau atunci cnd rspunsul ateptat este DA:
Will you have some more tea?

SOMEBODY i SOMEONE se folosesc astfel:

Compui cu one, atunci cnd apare conceptul de grup limitat:

Someone will show up for the meeting.

Compui cu body, atunci cnd nu apare conceptul de limitare:

Somebody might go.


Se folosete ca pronume independent: They could do something for the immediate relief of the destitute.

Something poate ndeplini funcie adverbial n urmtoarea situaie: He is something like his father.

SOMEWHAT se folosete doar naintea de prepoziia of: He is somewhat of a wizard with his hands.

Any (-body, -thing, -one)

ANY se folosete n urmtoarele situaii:

Dup hardly, barely, scarcely:

I have hardly any time to write the composition, but I will write it on Monday.

n ntrebri, ca i corespondent al lui some n afirmaii:

Hasnt he got any friends?

n propoziii negative: He hasnt any enemies yet.

n expresii ce exprim ndoiala:

I don't think he has any chance to succeed.

ANY OF se folosete i la plural i la singular, conform inteniei vorbitorului:

It is hard to believe that any of the forty men would come

It was not suggested that any of the accused was implicated.

ANYBODY i ANYONE sunt similare lui somebody i someone din punct de vedere semantic.

Much, many, (a) little, (a) few

MANY i FEW se folosesc nainte i cu subtsantive ce se pot numra:

He has bought many English books lately.

MUCH i LITTLE se folosesc nainte i cu substantive ce nu se pot numra:

Have you enough money: I haven't got much but I think I have enough to buy the furniture.

A LITTLE nseamn o cantitate mic: I have a little money left, let's have dinner in a retsaurant.

A FEW nseamn un numr mic: I made friends with a few physicians in London.

Other i another

OTHER se folosete:

Ca substantiv, la plural i la genitiv avnd sufixul s:

Two students were late but the others came on time.

Ca adjectiv: the other day, other books.

Pentru a aproxima numrul doi, n construcia every other: every other day.

ANOTHER poate fi:

Adjectiv: He became another man.

Pronume: At the party one girl was laughing, another was singing.

OTHER i ANOTHER se folosesc n expresii precum:

The one the other

On top of another

Each knew the other's thoughts.

Several i enough

Se folosesc la plural, cu substantive ce se pot numra:

John has made several mistakes in his essay.

There are enough players on the field.


Se refer la oameni n general. n propoziii informale, poate fi nlocuit de you:

One would think they'd have more patience.

You would think they'd have more patience.

One of + substantiv sau pronume la plural + pronume relativ variaz n numr n funcie de verbul
folosit, dar pluralul este considerat corect:
She is one of the few persons I know who have learnt from experience.

Englez: Gramatic: Substantivul

Pe lng caracteristicile generale, n limba englez substantivul are i caracteristicile descrise n

Clasificare dup structura morfologic

Din punct de vedere al structurii morfologice, substantivele se mpart n:

substantive simple: boy, meal, day

substantive compunse: schoolboy, classroom
substantive formate din derivare cu sufixe sau prefixe: childhood, disgust, unhappiness
substantive formate prin conversie din alte pri de vorbire:
o din adjective: the good, the evil, the rich, the poor
o din verbe la participiul trecut: the injured
o din verbe la infinitiv: cook, fall
o din verbe la gerunziu: reading, boxing
substantive formate prin contragere: ad (advertisement), fridge (refrigerator), gym (gymnasium),
lab (laboratory), liv (livingroom), poly (polytechnic), pram (perambulator), pub (public house)
abrevieri: MP (Member of Parliament), Dr (doctor), Mr Brown (Dl. Brown), Mrs Brown (dna
Brown), Miss Brown (dra Brown), Ms Brown (apelativ pentru femei, cstorite sau necstorite)

Clasificare dup gradul de individualizare

Din punct de vedere al gradului de individualizare, substantivele se mpart:

substantive comune
substantive proprii

Substantivele comune

Substantivele comune sunt lipsite de posibilitatea de a individualiza prin ele nsele. Ele denumesc un
element printr-o categorie de obiecte de acelai fel: table, school.

Substantivele comune se mpart n:

substantive apelative, care denumesc un element dintr-o categorie: table, school

substantive colective, care denumesc obiecte constnd din mai multe elemente de acelai fel:
family, people
substantive concrete, care denumesc obiecte sau substana constitutiv a unor obiecte: table,
wood, steel
substantive abstracte, care denumesc abstraciuni: difficulty, worry, peace, love, music

Substantivele proprii

Substantivele proprii sunt denumite i nume proprii. Acestea au capacitatea de a individualiza un obiect
dintr-o categorie de obiecte de acelai fel, denumind n principiu un singur element dintr-o categorie.
n limba englez, substantivele proprii denumesc:

nume de persoane: John, Churchill

denumiri geografice:
o nume de localiti
o nume de ri i continente
o nume de ape i muni
diviziuni temporale:
o lunile anului
o zilele sptmnii
o srbtori
nume de cri, ziare, reviste, filme i alte creaii
nume de instituii

n limba englez, substantivele proprii se scriu cu liter mare, ca i n limba romn: Helen - Elena;
Rome - Roma. Exist ns unele situaii n care uzajul n limba englez este diferit de cel din limba

numele lunilor anului i ale zilelor sptmnii se scriu cu liter mare n limba englez, fiind
considerate substantive proprii: April - aprilie, Sunday - duminic;
toate cuvintele (cu excepia articolelor, prepoziiilor i conjuciilor) dintr-un substantiv propriu
exprimat printr-o perifraz substantival se scriu cu liter mare n limba englez:
o titluri de cri: Dombey and Son - Dombey i fiul
o titluri de ziare: The Daily Mirror
o titluri de reviste: English Language Teaching Journal
o titluri de filme: Back to the Future - napoi n viitor
o titluri de capitole, articole, lucrri, instituii etc: The Conference for Peace an Security in
Europe - Conferina de pace i securitate n Europa; The United Nations Organization -
Organizaia Naiunilor Unite
numele de naionaliti i limbi se scriu de asemenea cu liter mare n limba englez: He speaks
English. El vorbete englezete. We are Romanians. Noi suntem romni.

Pluralul substantivelor

book-books carte-cri
boy-boys biat-biei


bench-benches banc-bnci
brush-brushes perie-perii
box-boxes cutie-cutii

consoana + y i+es

country-countries ar-ri
lady-ladies doamn-doamne

f(e) v+es

wife-wives soie-soii
wolf-wolves lup-lupi
shelf-shelves raft-rafturi
life-lives via-viei
knife-kinves cuit-cuite


man-men barbat-barbai
woman-women femeie-femei
child-children copil-copii
tooth-teeth dinte-dinti
foot-feet picior-picioare
goose-geese gsc-gte
ox-oxen bou-boi
mouse-mice oarece-oareci
louse-lice pduche-pduchi

substantive numai cu form de singular care se acord cu verbul numai la singular: sugar, tea, water,
coffe, oil, meat, money, homework, information, knowledge, furniture, music, advice, love, friendship,

Exemple: The money _is_ in the wallet. Banii sunt in portofel.

The furniture _is_ in the living room. Mobila este in camera de zi.

substantive numai cu form de plural care se acord numai cu verbul la plural: trousers, jeans, shorts,
scales (cntar), pyjamas, glasses, spectacles, tongs (clete), nail clippers (unghier), dregs (za), savings
(economii), chemicals, goods (bunuri), binocular.

substantive cu form numai de plural care se acord cu verbul numai la singular: news, mumps
(oreion), measles (pojar), cards (cri), billiards, ninepins (popice).

Exemple: Mumps _is_ contagious. Oreionul este contagios.

The news _is_ bad. Vetile sunt proaste.

Englez: Gramatic: Verbul

Pe lng caracteristicile generale, n limba englez verbul are i caracteristicile descrise n continuare.

Clasificare dup structura morfologic

Din punctul de vedere al structurii morfologice, verbele pot fi clasificate n:

verbe simple: go
verbe compuse: spotlight
verbe cu particul adverbial: put on, put off, put away
verbe cu prepoziie obligatorie: look at, listen to, wait for, succees in
locuiuni verbale: take care of, make use of

Clasificare dup sensul lexical

Din punct de vedere al sensului lexical, verbele pot fi clasificate n:
verbe cu sens lexical plin, numite i verbe noionale
verbe cu sens lexical redus, care sunt folosite mai mult cu funcii gramaticale; se mpart n:
o verbe copulative (be, i, conform gramaticii tradiionale: appear, seem, look, turn, become, get,
remain, stay etc.): He seems ill. Pare bolnav.
o verbe auxiliare (be, have, shall/should, will/would, may/might, can/could, do), care ndeplinesc
funcia de marc a categoriilor gramaticale de diatez, mod, timp, aspect, persoan i numr, a
formei interogative i negative la verbele pe care le nsoesc: He was told a lie. I s-a spus o
o verbe semiauxiliare sau modale (can/could, must, have to, may/might, shall/should, will/would,
ought to etc), care arat atitudinea vorbitorului fa de enun:
posibilitate: It might rain later. S-ar putea s plou mai trziu.
necesitate: You must finish before noon. Trebuie s termini nainte de prnz.

Clasificare dup funcia sintactic

Pe plan sintactic, verbele cu sens lexical plin sunt predicative, adic pot forma singure predicatul unei
propoziii, pe cnd verbele cu sens lexical redus sunt nepredicative, au nevoie de o complinire (verb
noional, nume predicativ) pentru a deveni predicate: The child is clever. n schimb ele marcheaz
anumite categorii gramaticale.

The film was seen by millions of people.
Filmul a fost vzut de milioane de oameni.
was are funcia de marc a diatezei pasive, timpul Paste Tense, persoana a III-a singular pentru verbul

Categoriile gramaticale ale verbului

n limba englez, verbul are forme gramaticale determinate de:

categoriile specifice de timp, aspect, diatez i mod

categoriile nespecifice de persoan i numr

n funcie de prezena sau absena categoriilor de timp, persoan i numr, formele verbale se mpart n:

formele personale ale verbului (Finite Forms of the Verb) - modurile indicativ i subjonctiv (la aceste
forme, verbul este marcat pentru a exprima categoriile de timp, mod, diatez, aspect, persoan i
numr, iar din punct de vedere sintactic, ele pot forma singure predicatul i se acord n numr i
persoan cu subiectul)
formele nepersonale ale verbului (Non-Finite Forms of the Verb) - infinitivul, Gerund-ul (Gerunziul),
participiul prezent i particupiul trecut. Aceste forme nu au categoriile de timp, person i numr i nu
pot forma singure predicatul propoziiei.

Categoria gramatical a timpului (Tense), categorie specific verbelor, se refer la ordinea
evenimentelor n timp, aa cum este perceput aceasta de vorbitor n momentul vorbirii.

Momentul n care are loc actul de vorbire este momentul prezent (now). Fa de acest moment care
constituie axa de referin a prezentului, unele evenimente sunt:
anterioare momentului vorbirii (evenimentele sunt amintite de vorbitor): Present Perfect
simultane cu momentul vorbirii (avnd loc n acelai timp): Present
posterioare fa de momentul vorbirii (evenimentele fiind anticipate de vorbitor, deoarece vor avea loc
dup momentul vorbirii): Future

Considernd momentul vorbirii punctul prezent, vorbitorul i poate aminti un eveniment care a avut loc
la un moment anterior momentului vorbirii (then). n raport cu acest moment, care d natere axei de
referin a trecutului, alte evenimente pot fi:

anterioare momentului amintit: Past Perfect

simultane cu momentul amintit: Past Tense
posterioare momentului amintit: Future in the Past

De asemenea, n momentul vorbirii (now), vorbitorul poate anticipa anumite evenimente (posterioare
momentului vorbirii). n raport cu un anume eveniment posterior momentului prezent (axa de referin a
viitorului), alte evenimente pot fi:

anterioare: Future Perfect

simultane: Future
posterioare: engleza nu are marc formal pentru aceste evenimente.

n analiza timpului, trebuie luate n consideraie trei elemente:

momentul vorbirii (momentul n care enunul este pronunat de vorbitor: now)

momentul svririi aciunii (momentul n care a avut loc aciunea sau starea: now, then, tomorrow etc)
momentul de referin (axa pe care se plaseaz vorbitorul n perceperea evenimentului: axa
prezentului, axa trecutului, axa viitorului)

Diateza (Voice)
Diateza este categoria gramatical a verbului care exprim felul n care poate fi modificat relaia dintre
subiect i obiectul verbului, fr ca sensul propoziiei s se schimbe.

Diateza activ (Active Voice)

Arat c aciunea exprimat de verb este svrit de subiectul gramatical i se rsfrnge asupra
obiectului direct, n cazul verbelor tranzitive:

The workers fulfilled the plan ahead of schedule. Muncitorii au ndeplinit planul nainte de temen.
The police are chasing the thief. Poliitii l urmresc pe ho.

Diateza pasiv (Passive Voice)

Arat c subiectul gramatical sufer aciunea exprimat de verb:

The plan was fulfilled by the workers ahead of shedule. Planul a fost ndeplinit de muncitori nainte de
The thief is being chased by the police. Houl este urmrit de poliiti.

Diateza pasiv se formeaz cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar BE plus participiul trecut al verbului de
conjugat: he is asked, he has been asked, he may have been asked etc.

De asemenea, se poate forma i cu ajutorului verbului GET, mai dinamic, folosit mai ales n vorbirea
curent, pentru a indica trecerea dintr-o stare n alta:

Her skirt got caught in the door. I s-a prin fusta n u.

All our glasses got broken when we moved. Ni s-au spart toate paharele cnd ne-am mutat.

Trecerea de la forma activ la cea pasiv presupune urmtoarele schimbri:

1. subiectul activ devine complement de agent

2. obiectul activ al verbului devine subiectul propoziiei pasive
3. se introduce propoziia by naintea complementului de agent:

Diateza activ:

Mary gave John a book.

Diateza pasiv:

A book was given to John (by Mary).

Complementul de agent

n trecerea de la forma activ la cea pasiv, complementul de agent devine subiectul logic sau real al
propoziiei, deoarece el svrete aciunea. Adesea, complementul de agent nu se menioneaz, mai
ales cnd la diateza activ, respectiva propoziie are un subiect generic (they, you, one, all, somebody,

1. cnd nu se cunoate subiectul real:

o All villages in Romania are supplied with electricity. Toate satele din Romnia sunt alimentate
cu curent electric.
o A doctor has been sent for. S-a trimis dup doctor.
2. cnd vorbitorul nu dorete s menioneze subiectul real:
o This subject will be fully treated in the next charter. Aceast problem va fi tratat pe larg n
urmtorul capitol.
3. cnd subiectul real al aciunii poate fi dedus din context:
o He was elected Chairman of the Board.

Care verbe se pot folosi la diateza pasiv

Spre deosebire de limba romn, n care diateza pasiv este proprie numai verbelor tranzitive, n
englez ea se extinde i la numeroase verbe intranzitive prepoziionale (care for/look after come to, deal
with, laugh at, listen to, look upon, rely on, send for, talk of, think of):

The doctor has been sent for. S-a trimis dup doctor.
Much was still to be accounted for. Mai rmneau multe de explicat.

Exist anumite verbe care nu pot aprea la diateza pasiv:

1. unele expresii: to teach somebody a lesson, to make no difference etc
2. verbele de relaie i cele car exprim ideea de incluziune: contain, possess, own etc, dei exist anumite
expresii pasive, cum ar fi to be possessed by the devil

Exist o alt categorie de verbe care pot avea dou variante pasive: teach, give, send, bring, cook. Este
vorba despre verbele tranzitive complexe, care sunt urmate de un obiect direct i de unul indirect:

Diateza activ:

Teachers teach undergraduates Italian in this school.

Diateza pasiv:

Italian is taught to undergraduates in this school.

Undergraduates are taught Italian in this school.

Cnd se prefer diateza pasiv

1. cnd intenia vorbitorului este de a sublinia aciunea n locul autorului ei:

This film has been seen by millions of people.

1. n stilul tiinific i jurnalistic, pentru impersonalitatea i obiectivitatea ei

n limba englez exist o categorie de verbe care au form activ, dar neles pasiv: sell, cut, read, wear,

The book has sold very well. Cartea s-a vndut foarte bine.

Aspectul (Aspect)

Aspectul este categoria gramatical specific verbului care se refer la felul n care este reprezentat n
timp aciunea exprimat de verb.

Spre deosebire de limba romn, verbele englezeti au forme morfologice distincte care permit
precizarea modului n care este perceput aciunea lor n timp. Exist dou contraste aspectuale n limba
englez: contrastul durativ non-durativ (sau continuu non-continuu), concretizat n sistemul
formelor nedefinite i, respectiv, continue i contrastul perfectiv non-perfectiv.

I. Contrastul continuu non-continuu

n primul contrast, opoziia se stabilete ntre o aciune conceput n desfurare ntr-un anumit moment
prezent, trecut sau viitor i o aciune care nu e neaprat raportat la momentul vorbirii, neavnd
determinare temporal concret care s i specifice durata:

John is reading an English newspaper. John citete un ziar englezesc.

John reads English newspapers. John citete ziare englezeti.
The performance was drawing to a close. Spectacolul se apropia de sfrit.
He draw a circle. El desen un cerc.

Formele continue au nevoie de ajutorul auxiliarului BE plus participiul prezent al verbului de conjugat:
is asking, was asking, will be asking.

Formele continue sunt:

Present Continuous : I am reading

Past Continuous: I was reading
Present Perfect Continuous: I have been reading
Past Perfect Continuous: I had been reading
Future Continuous: I will be reading
Future Perfect Continuous: I will have been reading

Deosebirea dintre formele aspectului nedefinit i cele ale aspectului continuu este o deosebire de sens
gramatical, ele desemnnd diferite raporturi ale aciunii fa de perioada de timp n care aceasta a fost

Categoria aspectului este proprie formelor personale i nepersonale ale verbului: to be asking.

Care verbe pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu

Verbele pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu n funcie de sensul lor: este cazul verbelor de activitate
durativ sau a verbelor care descriu un proces: eat, dress, drink, read, walk, rub, run, walk, iron a shirt,
make a dress, read a book, write an essay, change, deteriorate, grow, mature, slow down, widen.

Nu pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu verbele care exprim:

1. caracteristici constante ale obiectelor sau stri: belong, consist, contain, comprise, depend, include,
possess, have, mean, resemble, suffice, connect, contribute, date, appear, fail, chance, exist, be, be
clever, be able, know how
2. nceputul sau sfritul unei aciuni: begin, end
3. percepia senzorial: see, hear, smell, taste
4. activiti mentale i sentimente: believe, forget, remember, think, understand, like, love, want, wish,
prefer, loathe, mind, respect, value, dislike, detest, know, perceive, agree, appreciate, realise, recall,
recognise, recollect, trust
5. verbele de relaie: concern, consist of, depend on, deserve, fit, hold, involve, lack, matter, need,
6. verbele copulative
7. verbele care exprim o aciune momentan: kick, slam, bang, hit

Unele dintre aceste verbe sunt folosite totui la aspectul continuu cnd:

1. au alte sensuri, dinamice:

o Ill be seeing you! La revedere.
o The dog was smelling the shoes. Cinele mirosea ghetele.
o What are you thinking about? La ce te gndeti?
o I'm assuming responsibility for this.
2. dobndesc o valoare stilistic:
o You are forgetting your manners! Unde te trezeti?
o You are always seeing something strange! Mereu i se nzare ceva!

II. Contrastul perfectiv non-perfectiv

n al doilea contrast, opoziia se stabilete este ntre aciuni vzute ca terminate n momentul vorbirii sau
care au produs un rezultat relevant n rezent i aciuni despre care nu se d o asemenea informaie:

I have read an interesting article on pollution. Am citit un articol interesant despre poluare.
I have been reading since 10 oclock. Citesc de la ora zece.


Formele perfective au nevoie de ajutorul verbului auxiliar HAVE plus participiul trecut al verbului de
conjugat: have/has asked, had asked, will have asked, having asked

Formele perfective au drept caracteristic principal faptul c o aciune anterioar este legat de situaia
curent, momentul aciunii fiind irelevant. Ceea ce conteaz este aciunea n sine sau rezultatul ei:

I have known you for a long time. (= te-am cunoscut cndva nainte de momentul prezent i ceea ce
conteaz este faptul c te cunosc).

Valorile aspectului perfectiv

Aspectul perfectiv poate avea mai multe valori:

1. aspectul perfectiv rezultativ: I have broken the vase. Am spart vaza (= The vase is broken now. Vaza
este spart acum)
2. aspectul perfectiv continuativ: We have lived in Paris for ten years. Locuim n Paris de zece ani.
3. aspectul perfectiv al experienei: Whenever I have asked my mother a question, I have received a
straightforward anwer. Ori de cte ori i-am pus mamei meu o ntrebare, am primit un rspuns fr

Dup cte se poate observa, cele dou aspecte, perfectiv i continuu, se pot combina:

I have been typing letters all morning.

I had been waiting for my friend since four oclock when he finally arrived.
He shall have been writing for sixty minutes when the bell rings.

Modul (Mood)
Modul este categoria gramatical specific verbului care arat cum concepe vorbitorul ceea ce comunic
ntr-o propoziie ca fiind ceva real, presupus, de dorit, ca un ordin etc. Categoria modului este
indisolubil legat de cea a timpului, n care se concretizeaz, i include categoriile diatezei i aspectului.

n general, se consider c exist patru moduri (sau forme personale ale verbului):


Modul indicativ (Indicative Mood)

Modul indicativ prezint aciunea exprimat de verb ca real, sigur. Timpurile modului indicativ sunt

Pe axa trecutului:
o Past
o Past Perfect
o Future in the Past
Pe axa prezentului:
o Present
o Present Perfect
o Future
Pe axa viitorului:
o Future
o Future Perfect


He returned the book to the library after he had read it. A inapoiat cartea la bibliotec dup ce a citit-o.
I have read that book. Am citit cartea aceea.
He will return the book to the library next Monday. Va napoia cartea la bibliotec lunea viitoare.
He will have read the book by then. Va fi citit cartea pn atunci.

Modul subjonctiv (Subjunctive Mood)

Modul subjonctiv prezint aciunea ca posibil, ipotetic, de dorit sau nerealizat. Modul subjonctiv n
limba englez are forme sintetice i analitice.

Subjonctivul sintetic

Reprezint o rmi a subjonctivului din engleza veche i, n multe construcii, a cedat locul formelor
analitice. Are dou timpuri:

1. Subjonctivul prezent
2. Subjonctivul trecut (sau subjonctivul prezent 2), care s-a pstrat ca form distinct, la aspectul nedefinit,
numai n cazul verbului be: if I/you/he/we/they were

Subjonctivul analitic

n limba englez contemporan exist tendina de a folosi subjonctivul analitic mai frecvent dect cel
sintetic, pentru a exprima fapte sau aciuni ipotetice, sub forma unor presupuneri, ndoieli, urri,
condiii, concesii sau a unui scop.

Formele subjonctivului analitic conin n structura lor verbe modale (shall, should, may, might, would,
could), urmate de verbe noionale la infinitiv prezent sau perfect. Formele de subjonctiv alctuite din
verbe modale urmate de infinitivul prezent se refer la o aciune simultan sau posterioar aciunii din
propoziia principal, pe cnd cele urmate de infinitivul perfect redau o aciune anterioar aciunii din
propoziia principal.

Atenie! Dei conin verbe modale, formele subjonctivului analitic i-au pierdut n multe cazuri
nelesul modal, verbele modale devenind simple verbe auxiliare:

He left early so that he might arrive in time. A plecat devreme ca s ajung la timp.
ntrebuinarea subjonctivului analitic

Formele subjonctivului analitic sunt mai frecvente n propoziiile subordonate (introduse de that),
pentru a exprima o aciune posibil, presupus, spre deosebire de indicativ, care descrie o aciune deja
ndeplinit, sigur, real:

The idea is that sport facilities should be improved. Ideea este s se mbunteasc baza material
sportiv. (Aceasta se poate ntmpla sau nu).

The fact is that sport facilities will be improved. Fapt este c baza material sportiv va fi mbuntit.
(Aceasta se va ntmpla).

I. Should + infinitivul se folosete:

1. n propoziii principale, pentru exprimarea unei atitudini emoionale, n ntrebri ncepnd cu why sau
o Why should we quarrel about such trifle? De ce s ne certm pentru un asemenea fleac?
2. n propoziii subordonate:
o subiective, introduse de it is/was necessary, strange, unusual, important, impossible, natural,
(un)fortunate, remarkable, suprising, a pity, shame, surprise, wonder etc.:
It is necessary that the chairman should inform the committee of the decision taken.
Este necesar ca preedintele s informeze comitetul despre decizia luat.
It is a wonder that they should come so early. E o minune ca ei s vin aa devreme.
o atributive apoziionale, dup substantivele reason, supposition, though, idea, hint:
This is no reason why he should be late. Aceasta nu este un motiv s ntrzie.
o completive directe, dup verbe care exprim un ordin, o sugestie, o hotrre: order, command,
demand, request, insist, suggest, propose, offer, arrange, agree, settle sau dup adjective ca:
glad, pleased, anxious, sorry, care redau sentimentele vorbitorului:
They demanded that the meeting should be held without delay. Au cerut ca edina s
fie inut fr ntrziere.
She was anxious that they should see her dancing. Era nerbdtoare ca ei s-o vad
o circumstaniale de scop negative, introduse de lest, for fear (that), in case (that), urmate de un
verb la forma afirmativ:
He hurried for fear he should be late. Se grbea de fric s nu ntrzie.

II. May/might + infinitivul se folosesc:

1. n propoziii principale, pentru a exprima o urare, o dorin:

o May you live long ! S trieti muli ani !
o Oh, that he might recover soon ! O, de s-ar nsntoi repede !
2. n propoziii subordonate:
o subiective introduse de it is/was possible, probable, likely, la forma afirmativ:
It was possible that they might have visited the exhibition the day before. Era posibil ca
ei s fi vizitat expoziia cu o zi nainte. (La forma interogativ sau negativ, aceste
construcii sunt urmate de should + infinitiv: Was it possible that they should have
visited the exhibition alread ? Era posibil ca ei s fi vizitat deja expoziia?)
o completive prepoziionale, dup be afraid:
He was afraid I might turn down his offer. Se temea s nu-i resping oferta.
o circumstaniale de scop, introduse de conjunciile that, so that, in order that:
She repeated the explanation so that the pupils might understand the lesson better. A
repetat explicaia ca elevii s neleag mai bine lecia.
o concesive, introduse de though, although, whatever, however, no matter etc., pentru a reda o
aciune nesigur, presupus:
However tired he might be, he must come down and talk to us. Orict de obosit ar fi,
trebuie s coboare s vorbeasc cu noi.

Atenie! Dac verbul din propoziia principal este la un timp prezent, n propoziia subordonat se
poate folosi may/might + infinitiv/infinitiv perfect. Utilizarea lui might + infinitiv indic o nesiguran
mai mare dect may:

It is possible that he may come later. Este posibil/Se poate s vin mai trziu.
It is possible that he might come later. S-ar putea s vin mai trziu.

Might + infinitivul este ntrebuinat ntotdeauna dup un verb trecut n propoziia principal:

He spoke loudly so that everybody might hear him. A vorbit tare ca s-l aud toat lumea.

III. Would + infinitivul se folosete:

1. n propoziii completive directe, dup verbul wish, pentru a exprima o aciune dorit, dar avnd puine
anse de realizare n viitor:

I wish he would lend me his book. (but I dont think he will). A dori/Ce n-a da s-mi mprumute
cartea (dar nu cred c-o va face). - n propoziii circumstaniale de scop introduse de so that: She kept the
food in the oven so that they would eat it hot. A inut mncarea n cuptor ca s-o mnnce cald.

IV. Could + infinitivul se folosete n circumstaniale de scop, ca o alternativ a lui may/might +

infinitivul, fiind mai puin formal dect acesta din urm i indicnd, de obicei, o aciune mai sigur:

She sent him money so that he could buy the dictionary. I-a trimis bani ca s-i poat cumpra

Modul condiional (Conditional Mood)

Modul condiional exprim ipoteze i condiii. Are dou timpuri: Condiionalul Prezent (Present
Conditional) i Condiionalul Perfect (Past Conditional).

I. Condiionalul Prezent se formeaz cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar should la persoana I, singular i

plural, i cu ajutorul verbului would la celelalte persoane plus infinitivul scurt al verbului de conjugat:

I should like to say something.

They would not like to sell their flat.


1. exprim o condiie sau o opiune, ntr-o propoziie independent:

o I should like to meet him.
2. n fraza condiional

II. Condiionalul trecut se formeaz cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar should la persoana I, singular i
plural, i cu verbul would la celelalte persoane plus infinitivul perfect al verbului de conjugat:
He would have liked to say a word.
Would you have bought that house?


1. exprim o condiie sau o opiune nendeplinit, ntr-o propoziie independent:

o He would have come to the party, Im sure.
2. n fraza condiional

Modul imperativ (Imperative Mood)

Exprim ordine i ndemnuri.

1. Imperativul propriu-zis: Se folosete doar la persoana a II-a i are aceeai form ca infinitivul scurt:

Come here!
Do be quiet!

Negativul se formeaz cu ajutorul auxiliarului do i al negaiei not:

Dont go!
Dont be silly!

2. Echivaleni ai imperativului: Se folosesc la persoanele I i a III-a. Se formeaz cu ajutorul verbului

let plus acuzativul pronumelui/substantivului plus infinitivul scurt:

Let me tell you something!

Lets go home!
Let him see it!
Let them do their job!

Negativul se formeaz cu ajutorul negaiei not aezat naintea infinitivului: Lets not wait too long!

Englez: Gramatic: Verbele copulative

Verbele copulative (cunoscute sub numele de copular verbs sau light verbs sau linking verbs) sunt acele
verbe care i-au pierdut total sau parial sensul lexical i nu pot forma singure predicat. Ele formeaz
predicate nominale alturi de un alt constituent, care poart ncrctura semantic a predicatului
respectiv i are funcia de nume predicativ (de obicei, un adjectiv sau substantiv).


Andrew is clever. Andrei este inteligent.

The grapefruit tastes sour. Fructul de grapefruit este acru.

Verbele copulative stabilesc o legtur ntre subiectul propoziiei i numele predicativ. Ele sunt
intranzitive i, ntruct nu denot aciuni, n marea lor majoritate nu pot avea aspect continuu.
Clasificarea verbelor copulative
n funcie de gradul de slbire a valorii lexicale, verbele copulative se mpart astfel:

I. To be (a fi) este verbul copulativ tipic (copula), caracterizat prin cea mai mare golire de coninut
lexical i, datorit acestui fapt, prin cele mai numeroase posibiliti combinatorii:

Adjectiv: Michael is tall. Mihai este nalt.

Substantiv: Mary is his mother. Maria este mama lui.
Grup prepoziional: I am in need of money. Am nevoie de bani. (n romn nu mai apare
predicatul nominal).
O ntreag propoziie: This is what I want. Asta este ceea ce vreau.

Be copulativ poate avea aspect continuu, cu adjective non-statice, atunci cnd denot un comportament

Your child is being naughty. Copilul tu este obraznic. (n romn nu mai sunt evidente diferenele de

Atenie! Cnd be are sensul se afl, exist, se gsete, are loc, atunci este verb predicativ, deci poate
forma singur predicatul verbal:

Some beautiful houses are on the outskirts of the city. Sunt nite case frumoase la periferia
Where are my spectacles? Unde-mi sunt ochelarii?

II. Verbe copulative (copula-like verbs) parial golite de sens lexical. Ele se mpart n mai multe
categorii semantice i au mai puine posibiliti combinatorii (n general sunt urmate de adjective sau

verbe copulative incoative, care exprim schimbarea unei stri: become, come, fall, get, go,
grow, turn
o The leaves have become yellow. Frunzele s-au nglbenit.
o The heat in the room had became unbearable. Cldura din camer devenise
o All his dreams have come true. Toate visurile i s-au mplinit.
o The children fell asleep. Copiii au adormit.
o It was getting dark when I arrived. Se nsera cnd am ajuns.
o My father is going bald. Tatl meu chelete.
o She might turn an excellent singer. S-ar putea dovedi o cntrea remarcabil.
verbe copulative aspectuale, care exprim continuarea unei stri: continue, hold, remain, rest
o The weather continued cold for a whole week. Vremea a continuat s fie rece pentru o
sptmn ntreag.
o The scientists theory still holds good. Teoria omului de tiin nc st n picioare.
o Jane remained a widow. Jane a rmas vduv.
verbe copulative poziionale, care exprim poziia n spaiu: lie, loom, pass, rank, sit, stand.
Uneori sunt folosite cu sens figurat.
o The book was lying open on the desk. Cartea zcea deshis pe birou.
o The castel loomed menacing in the distance. Castelul se profila amenintor n
o He passes for a learned man. Trece drept un om nvat.
o His family ranks high in the community. Familia lui are o poziie nalt n comunitate.
o John stands alone among his colleagues. John iese n eviden dintre colegii lui.
verbe copulative ale aparenei: appear, look, seem
o The girl appeared sad. Fata prea trist.
o You seem ill. Pari bolnav.
o The child looks pale. Copilul pare palid la fa.
verbe copulative care exprim percepia senzorial: look, feel, smell, sound, taste
o His face looked sad. Chipul i era trist.
o I felt tired. M simeam obosit.
o The mans voice sounded hoarse. Vocea brbatului era rguit.
o This parfume smells sweet. Parfumul are un miros dulce.
o The cake tastes delicious. Prjitura este delicioas.

Observaie. Verbele copulative care denot percepia senzorial exprim o stare i nu pot fi folosite la
aspectul continuu dect dac i schimb sensul, exprimnd activiti deliberate:

The girl was feeling the velvet. Fata pipia catifeaua.

The little boy is sounding the drum. Bieelul cnt la tobe.
I was smelling the flowers in the garden. Miroseam florile din grdin.
Mary was looking at the crowd. Maria privea mulimea.

Verbele copulative pot fi identificate prin nlocuirea lor cu verbul to be. Dac acest lucru este posibil,
atunci avem de-a face cu un verb copulativ:

I feel fine = I am fine.

I am feeling the soft velvet. To feel n acest context nu poate fi nlocuit cu to be, deci nu este
verb copulativ.

Caracteristicile formale ale verbelor copulative

Formarea interogativului i a negativului

Cu excepia lui be, verbele copulative formeaz interogativul i negativul la timpurile prezent i trecut
simplu cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar to do:

Afirmativ: He became an architect.

Interogativ: Did he become an architect?
Negativ: He did not become an architect.

Verbul to be:
Afirmativ: I am beautiful.
Interogativ: Am I beautiful?
Negativ: I am not beautiful.

Excepie: Be cere i el inseria lui do la imperativ negativ: Dont be so naive!

Inversiunea cu subiectul

Se observ c be i inverseaz poziia fa de subiect n propoziiile interogative, pe cnd celelalte

verbe copulative nu fac acest lucru.
Englez: Gramatic: Verbele auxiliare
Verbele auxiliare au sens lexical redus, nu pot forma singure predicat i sunt folosite ca instrumente
gramaticale. Numrul lor este limitat, spre deosebire de clasa verbelor noionale/lexicale. Principalele
verbe auxiliare din limba englez sunt: do, have, be, will, would, shall i should.

I. Sunt golite de sens lexical, ndeplinind funcia de marc a categoriilor gramaticale ale verbului pe care
l nsoesc (diatez, mod, aspect, persoan, numr, forma interogativ i cea negativ):

I am waiting for you.

To be + participiul prezent al verbului de conjugat ajut la formarea aspectului continuu.

She has been here before.

To have + participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat ajut la formarea timpurilor perfecte.

II. La forma interogativ, i inverseaz poziia cu subiectul propoziiei:

Afirmativ: You have read this book.

Interogativ: Have you read this book?

Acest lucru nu este posibil n cazul verbelor noionale:

Afirmativ: You read this book.

Interogativ: Did you read this book?

III. La forma negativ, adaug adverbul de negaie not, cu forma contras nt, la primul element al
grupului verbal:

Afirmativ: You should pay her a visit.

Negativ: You shouldnt pay her a visit.

Acest lucru nu este posibil n cazul verbelor noionale:

Afirmativ: You payed her a visit.

Negativ: You did not pay her a visit.

IV. Pot fi folosite ca pro-forme, deci pot nlocui ntregul grup verbal, spre deosebire de verbele
noionale: I have given up smoking and my boyfriend has too. Has se refer la ntregul grup verbal
have given up smoking.

V. Pot fi folosite n ntrebri disjunctive (question tags), spre deosebire de verbele noionale:

The taxi has arrived, hasnt it?

He did not come, did he?
VI. Pot fi folosite n rspunsurile scurte, n locul verbelor noionale: Do you like this book ? Yes, I do.

VII. Sub raportul pronunrii, au att forme tari, accentuate ([kn], [hv]),ct i forme slabe,
neaccentuate ([kcn], [kn], [hcv], [v]). n mod obinuit, verbele auxiliare nu primesc accent sintactic n
propoziie dect dac sunt aezate la nceputul acesteia, n propoziiile interogative, sau la sfritul ei, n
rspunsurile scurte i ntrebrile disjunctive.

VIII. Sub raportul grafiei, verbele auxiliare au att forme pline, ct i forme contrase, folosite n
vorbirea curent i n exprimarea familiar n scris, n corelaie cu pronumele personale cu funcia de
subiect al propoziiei: Im, Ive, Ill, youre, youve, youll, hes, hell, shes, shell, its, were, weve,
well sau n corelaie cu negaia not: arent, isnt, havent, hasnt, dont, doesnt, shant, wont.


Youre not who you say you are.

Shes not making any sense.
Dont look at me like that!
I havent seen him for years.

Atenie! O form contras poate avea mai multe valori:

Hes come = He has come.

Hes here = He is here.

Observaie. Formele contrase ale verbelor auxiliare la interogativ nu pot fi folosite:

n rspunsurile scurte: Has she got a new car ? Yes, she has.
n propoziiile interogative: Shall we go to the theatre ?
n ntrebrile disjunctive: Mike isnt present, is he?
cnd sunt accentuate, pentru subliniere: She stole the book. I did see her doing it.

Verbe auxiliare primare

Acestea sunt: be, do i have.

a. Do este cel mai neutru verb auxiliar, neavnd semnificaie individual.


Prezent: do, does, do not, does not, dont, doesnt

Trecut: did, did not, didnt


formeaz negativul cnd verbul propoziiei este la prezentul simplu, trecutul simplu sau
o She doesnt love you.
o I did not do that.
o Dont talk to me like that!
formeaz interogativul cnd verbul lexical este la prezentul sau trecutul simplu:
o Do we know each other?
o What did he say?
o Does she live here?

Observaie. Do nu se folosete n propoziii interogative pozitive introduse de cuvinte ncepnd cu wh,

cnd acestea au funcie de subiect: What happened? Who came first?

n ntrebri disjunctive, cnd verbul este la prezentul sau trecutul simplu: You knew about it, did
you not? You didnt know about it, did you?

Regul. Cnd propoziia principal este afirmativ, ntrebarea disjunctiv este interogativ-negativ, iar
cnd propoziia principal este negativ, ntrebarea disjunctiv este interogativ.

Excepie. Atunci cnd subiectul propoziiei principale este un pronume negativ, ntrebarea disjunctiv
este interogativ, nu interogativ-negativ: No one saw you, did they? Acest lucru se ntmpl i atunci
cnd exist un cuvnt cu sens negativ n propoziia principal: Mary never forgot you, did she? You
hardly slept last night, did you?

n propoziiile substitutive, cnd verbul noional este la prezentul simplu sau la trecutul simplu.
Do nlocuiete ntregul grup verbal din propoziia principal:
o Mike drives a car and so do I/so does Jane.
o I dont like swimming, nor does my sister/and my cousin doesnt either.

n construcii emfatice, cnd verbul noional este la prezentul simplu, la trecutul simplu sau la
o She did say she would do it, didnt she?
o Do sit down!

n propoziii ce conin inversiuni produse de poziia unor adverbe sau grupuri adverbiale la
nceputul propoziiei, pentru accentuare, cnd verbul noional este la prezentul simplu sau la
trecutul simplu:

Poziia normal a adverbului:

Mary told us the truth only yesterday.

I read the book only after I had seen the movie.
He does not only lie, but he also blames other people.

Poziia emfatic a adverbului:

Only yesterday did Text ItalicMary tell us the truth.

Only after I had seen the movie did Text ItalicI read the book.
Not only does Text Italiche lie but he also blames other people.

Observaie. Exist i verbul lexical do (a face), care este nsoit la rndul lui de verbul auxiliar do n
toate situaiile de mai sus: I did do my best. Only yesterday did I do my research. You did it, didnt

b. Have are urmtoarele forme:

Prezent: have, has, have not, has not, ve, s, havent, hasnt, ve not, s not, having, not having
Trecut: had, had not, d, hadnt, d not

Utilizri. Verbul auxiliar have formeaz timpurile perfecte: prezentul perfect (Present Perfect): has
done, mai mult ca perfectul (Past Perfect): had done, viitorul perfect (Future Perfect): will have done,
viitorul perfect continuu (Future Perfect Continuous): will have been doing, gerunziul perfect (Perfect
Gerund): having done, infinitivul perfect (Perfect Infinitive): to have done.

Observaie. Exist i verbul lexical have, care are mai multe sensuri:

Have posesiv (a poseda, a avea), care n engleza britanic nu este nsoit de do, comportndu-se
ca un auxiliar, spre deosebire de engleza american: Jane has not any house in the country, fa
de Jane doesnt have any house in the country.

n stilul informal poate aprea alturi de got : Hes got a new car. Ive got no interest in religion.

Have habitual/dinamic, folosit n expresii: to have breakfast/lunch/dinner, to have a good time,

to have a shower/bath, to have a talk.

Dup cum se poate observa, poate fi nlocuit cu verbe dinamice, de unde i numele su: to have a good
time = to enjoy oneself.

Este obligatoriu nsoit de do, att n engleza american, ct i n cea britanic: What did you have for

Poate avea aspect continuu: I was having a bath when you rang.

Have rezultativ, folosit n structura have+substantive/pronume n acuzativ+participiul trecut

al verbului care exprim rezultatul: I had my hair cut yesterday. I had my car repaired last

Have existenial poate fi nlocuit de there is: The doorman had a taxi waiting in front of the
hotel (There was a taxi waiting in front of the hotel because the doorman had called it). Alteori,
un pronume nedefinit poate avea funcia de subiect: Mary had her purse stolen the other day
(Somebody stole Marys purse).

Observaie. Exist i verbul to have to, care este un nlocuitor al verbului modal must.

c. Be are urmtoarele forme:

Prezent: am, is are, am not, are not, is not, , m, s, re, isnt, arent
Trecut: was, were, was not, were not, wasnt, werent
-ing form: being
Participiu trecut: been


formeaz aspectul continuu cu ajutorul participiului prezent al verbului de conjugat:

o I am washing the dishes.
o What are you reading?
o He must have been sleeping.
formeaz diateza pasiv cu ajutorul participiului trecut al verbului de conjugat:
o John was beaten by some bad guys.
o The clothes were washed by my mother.

Observaie: exist i verbul lexical be (a exista). Nu formeaz interogativul i negativul cu ajutorul lui
do, dar la imperativ poate fi nsoit de verbul do emfatic: Do sit down!, Do be quiet! Be existenial poate
fi nsoit de subiectul formal there: There was a bird on the roof.

Alte verbe auxiliare

a. Shall i will urmate de infinitivul scurt i, respectiv, de infinitivul perfect ajut la formarea viitorului
i a viitorului perfect (Future Perfect). Shall se folosete la persoana I singular i plural, iar will la
celelalte persoane:


I shall be there by ten oclock.

He will be home soon.

Viitor perfect:

We shall have read the book by then.

You will have been there for two hours, when your friends arrive.

b. Should i would ajut la:

formarea timpurilor condiional prezent (Conditional Present) i perfect (Conditional Past), cu

ajutorul infinitivului scurt i, respectiv, al infinitivului perfect. Should se folosete la persoana I
singular i plural, iar would la celelalte persoane:
o Condiional prezent:
I should like to be at that party.
You would like to be her best friend.
o Condiional perfect:
I should have read that book if I had bought it.
John would have seen you to the station.

formarea viitorului n trecut (Future in the past), folosit n propoziiile secundare dup un timp
trecut n principal:
o I said I should be there. Am spus c voi fi acolo.
o Mike said he would come. Mike a spus c va veni.

Observaie 1. n romn nu exist concordana timpurilor.

Observaie 2. n vorbire se prefer utilizarea lui will i would inclusiv la persoana I singular i plural, n
locul lui shall i should, la timpurile viitor, viitor perfect, viitor n trecut, condiional prezent i perfect.

should la toate persoanele ajut la formarea subjonctivului analitic: It is strange that she should
talk like that. It is unbelievable that you should be here now.

Englez: Gramatic: Verbele modale

Verbele modale n limba englez sunt: can, may, might, must, ought to, will, would,
shall, should, have to, need. Ele se folosesc pentru a exprima: abilitatea,
posibilitatea, probabilitatea, presupunerea logic, necesitatea, obligaia,
permiterea, interzicerea, o ofert, o sugestie, un sfat, o rugminte.
Pentru a exprima abilitatea folosim can/ be able to. Can este folosit n
exprimri mai puin formale, pe cand be able to este o expresie mai formal:
I can pay you next week. (less formal)
I will be able to pay you next week. (formal)

Could este forma de trecut a verbului can. Pentru a exprima posiblitatea folosim: may/might/could +
infinitivul prezent I may/might/could pass the exam E posibil s iau examenul. (posibil n viitor sau la
momentul vorbirii)

may/might/could+ infinitivul perfect He looks very happy. He might have won the lottery. Pare foarte
fericit. Poate c a cstigat la loterie.

Could+ infinitivul perfect se mai folosete i pentru a exprima un lucru posibil dar care nu s-a ntamplat:

Dont drive so fast! You could have killed that man.

Nu mai conduce aa de tare! Puteai s-l omori pe omul acela.

Pentru a exprima probabilitatea folosim:

ought to/should + infinitivul prezent pentru a exprima un lucru probabil n prezent sau n viitor:

She ought to/should pass her exams.

ought to/should+ infinitivul perfect pentru a exprima un lucru care ne ateptm s se ntample dar
despre care nu tim dac s-a petrecut sau nu:

They ought to/should have arrived by now.

Probabil c au ajuns pn acum.

Pentru a exprima o presupunere logic folosim:

cant/couldnt + infinitivul prezent

They cant be at home. Nobody answered the bell. (din moment ce n-a rspuns nimeni
nseamn c nu sunt acas)
must+infinitivul prezent

Her face is red. She must be angry. E roie la fa. Sigur e furioas.

cant/could + infinitivul perfect pentru a exprima un lucru care e imposibil s fi avut loc n trecut:

He cant/couldnt have lost his dog. I heard it barking.

Imposibil s-i fi pierdut cinele. L-am auzit ltrnd.

must+infinitivul perfect pentru a exprima un lucru care probabil s-a petrecut n

You look tired. You must have worked hard.
Pari oboist. Trebuie s fi muncit din greu.

Pentru a cere permisiunea folosim:

can (informal)/could (more polite)

may (formal)/might (more formal)

Can/could I borrow your pen, please?
Pot/Se poate s mprumut stiloul tu?
May/might I talk to your manager, please?
Se poate/a putea s vorbesc cu managerul tu?
Pentru a interzice ceva folosim mustnt/cant n exprimri mai puin formale i may
not pentru exprimri formale, politicoase :
Im afraid you mustnt /cant come in.
M tem c nu ai voie s intri. (e interzis)
May I open the window? No, you may not?
mi permitei s deschid fereastra? Nu, nu ai voie.
Pentru a cere un lucru folosim: can pentru o exprimare mai puin formal , will
pentru o exprimare familiar, could n exprimri formale, oficiale:
Can I take your pen?
Pot s iau stiloul tu?
Will you bring me a glass of water?
mi aduci un pahar cu ap?
May I borrow your pen, miss?
Pot mprumuta stiloul dumnevoastr domnisoara?

Pentru a oferi ceva folosim: will, shall, would:

Ill wash the dishes for you.

O s spl eu vasele.
Shall I feed your dog?
i dau eu celului tu de mancare?
Would you like some more tea?
Mai vrei ceai?

Pentru a face o sugestie folosim: shall/can/could:

Shall we go to the mountain?

Mergem la munte?

We can?could go to Paris if you like. Putem/am putea merge la Paris dac-i place. Pentru a da un sfat
folosim: should/ought to+ infinitivul present, had better:

You should keep a diet.

Ar trebui s ii diet.
Youd better go home now.
Mai bine te-ai duce acas.

Pentru a exprima o critic folosim: should/ought to + infinitivul perfect:

You shouldnt have behaved like that yesterday.

Nu trebuia s te compori aa ieri.

Pentru a exprima obligaia folosim: must/have to:

You must go there.

Trebuie sa te duci acolo. ( e obligatoriu)

Ought to= duty, obligation

You ought to use a zebra crossing. (its the right thing to do)
Trebuie s traversezi pe la trecerea de pietoni.

Need= absence of necessity

You neednt take your umbrella. Its not raining.

Nu trebuie sa-i iei umbrella. Nu plou.
You didnt need/didnt have to buy any bread. It was enough.
Nu era nevoie s cumperi pine. Era destul.

Englez: Gramatic: Verbe noionale - Timpul

Cele patru timpuri ale prezentului din englez sunt:

Prezentul simplu (Present Tense Simple)

Prezentul continuu (Present Tense Continuous)
Prezentul perfect (Present Perfect)
Prezentul perfect continuu (Present Perfect Continuous)

Din cauza diferenelor dintre sistemele temporale ale limbilor, alegerea unui timp sau a altuia n anumite
contexte poate ridica dificulti.

Present Simple i Present Continuous

ntruct n romn nu exist dect o form de prezent, care exprim att un eveniment habitual, de zi cu
zi, ct i unul care se desfoar chiar n momentul vorbirii (Ion citete zilnic versus Ion citete acum),
trebuie avute n vedere urmtoarele reguli:

I. Opoziia dintre permanent i temporar:

folosim Present Continuous cnd vorbim despre evenimente care au loc n momentul vorbirii
sau sunt temporare:
o I am not working now. I am on holiday.
o John is watching a movie.
o Whom are you phoning?
folosim Present Simple pentru evenimente obinuite, repetate i permanente (mpreun cu
adverbele de frecven always, never, ever, usually, often, sometimes):
o I work as an accountant. (= Asta e meseria mea.)
o Mary doesn't know German.
o How often do you play football?

S se observe, aadar, diferena dintre aceste propoziii:

I live in Bucharest (aici locuiesc de obicei), but now I am living in Cluj (ceva temporar).
Usually we have breakfast at 9, but today we are having it at 10.
Why are you walking to work? Don't you usually go by bus?

II. Anumite verbe nu pot avea aspect continuu, fiindc descriu nite stri, deci pot fi folosite doar la
Present Simple: like, dislike, prefer, love, hate, remember, forget, believe, mean, seem, understand,
want, need, know, belong, own, see, hear, taste, smell, be, have.

I believe you are right.

Ann loves reading.
They want to be free.
Unele dintre aceste verbe pot fi folosite la aspectul continuu, dar n aceast situaie i schimb sensul:

I think you are right. Cred c ai dreptate.

I am thinking about my boyfriend. M gndesc la prietenul meu.

I see what you mean. neleg ce vrei s spui.

I am seeing my friends tonight. Disear m ntlnesc cu prietenii.

III. Att Present Simple, ct i Present Continuous pot exprima ideea de viitor. Diferena dintre ele
const n faptul c:

PC exprim planuri personale:

o What are you doing tonight?
o We are going to Rome for our holiday.
o Where are you stay ing in Rome?
PS exprim exprim aranjamente oficiale (orare, programe, rute, itinerarii):
o My plane takes off at 11.00.
o The Prime Minister arrives in Italy on 12 March.
o What time does your train leave?

Present Perfect este considerat un timp prezent, dei aciunea verbului s-a produs anterior momentului
vorbirii, fiindc rezultatul sau consecina acelei aciuni se reflect n prezent sau fiindc aciunea
verbului se desfoar ntr-un prezent deschis, nedeterminat. Nu exist un echivalent al lui n romn,
care folosete fie prezentul, fie perfectul compus pentru a reda aciunea exprimat de Present Perfect:

I have known him for five years. l tiu de cinci ani.

I have read this book. Am citit aceast carte.

Present Perfect Simple i Present Perfect Continuous

Ambele timpuri se refer la o aciune nceput n trecut i continuat pn n prezent sau care s-a
terminat foarte recent. Exist ns o diferen de sens ntre cele dou timpuri:

1. Present Perfect Simple pune accentul pe rezultatul aciunii exprimate de verb, pe cnd Present
Perfect Continuous pune accentul pe durata aciunii sau pe caracterul ei continuu:
o I have lost my keys. (= Rezultatul este c nu le mai am acum.)
o I have been writing for an hour. (= Asta fac de o or)
2. Present Perfect Simple exprim o aciune terminat, n timp ce Present Perfect Continuous
exprim o aciune neterminat, accentul cznd pe durat::
o I have done my homework. (= Temele mele sunt terminate acum.)
o Someone has drunk my coffee (= pe toat)
o I have been doing my homework. (= Asta am fcut pn acum. Nu conteaz dac temele
sunt gata sau nu.)
o Someone has been drinking my coffee (= o parte din ea).
3. Anumite verbe nu au aspect continuu (vezi mai sus), deci se folosesc doar la PPS:
o I have known you for a year.
o You have seen him before.
o They have been on holiday for a week.
Englez: Gramatic: Verbe noionale - prezentul
simplu (Present Tense Simple)
Cnd se folosete
Prezentul simplu (Simple Present) desemneaz un eveniment (o aciune sau stare) care se ntmpl
simultan cu momentul vorbirii (prezentul instantaneu) sau care include momentul vorbirii (prezentul
generic i habitual).

Prezentul simplu este folosit n urmtoarele situaii:

aciuni generale care au loc ntr-un interval de timp nespecificat (ce include momentul vorbirii):
Water boils at 100C

(adverbe de frecven tipice: always, never, regularly, ever, etc)

aciuni obinuite, repetate: I go to school every day.

(adverbe i locuiuni adverbiale utilizate n mod regulat: often, seldom, frequently, once a
week/month/year, occasionally, etc.)

aciuni vzute ca avnd loc n ntregime n momentul vorbirii (comentarii, demonstraii,


Valori temporale:

1) Valoare de viitor:

exprimarea datei: Tomorrow is December 21st.

aciuni planificate pentru viitor (mai ales cu go, come, leave, return, begin, start, end, finish,

2) Valoare de trecut:

n naraiuni (prezent istoric): One day, the princess finds the burried ring.

Cum se formeaz
Din punct de vedere al formei, prezentul simplu este identic cu infinitivul, la toate persoanele (singular
i plural), cu excepia persoanei a III-a singular, care se adaug -(e)s

La majoritatea verbelor adugm -s la persoana a III-a singular: He swims. She stays.

Terminaia devine -es, atunci cnd verbul se termin n s, x, z, sh, ch, tch sau o: She watches. He goes.

Verbele terminate n -y precedat de consoan schimb pe y n i i adaug -es: I cry - he cries

I play tennis. She does not play tennis. Does he play tennis?

The train leaves every morning at 9 a.m.

She always forgets her keys.

Englez: Gramatic: Verbe noionale - prezentul

Cum se formeaz

Verbul auxiliar apare de cele mai multe ori in forma sa contrasa:

I'm running
You're runnning
He's running
We're running
They're running


Se inverseaza ordinea dintre subiect si auxiliar:

Am I running?
Are you running?
Is he running?
Is she running?
Are we running?
Are you running?
Are they running?


Cuvantul not precedat de auxiliar apare de cele mai multe ori in forma sa contrasa (dar niciodata dupa

I'm not running

You aren't running
He isn't running
She isn't running
We aren't running
You aren't running
They aren't running

Am I not running?
Aren't you running?
Isn't he running?
Isn't she running?
Aren't we running?
Aren't you running?
Aren't they running?

Cnd se folosete
1. Pentru a descrie o actiune in curs de desfasurare in momentul vorbirii.

In acest caz, este insotit adesea de o indicatie temporala, cum ar fi now, at the moment.

Look! He's washing his car. Priveste! El isi spala masina.

What are you doing there? Ce faci acolo?

2. Pentru a descrie pozitiile corpului:

She's standing. Ea sta in picioare.

He's leaning against a wall. El sta sprijinit de un perete.

3. Cand e vorba de o actiune viitoare, prevazuta sau programata:

They're buying a new house in May. Ei isi cumpara o casa noua in luna mai.

What are you doing next Monday? Ce faci lunea viitoare?

4. Cand e vorba de ceva care s-ar putea produce in orice moment:

He looks funny when he's playing his trumpet. Arata comic atunci cand canta la trompeta.

5. Impreuna cu always, pentru a exprima iritarea sau dezaprobarea:

She's always coming in when we talk something Intotdeauna trebuie sa intre in camera fix cand vorbim noi
important. lucruri importante.

Englez: Gramatic: Verbe noionale - prezentul

perfect (Present Perfect)
Cnd se folosete
Prezentul perfect (Present Perfect) desemneaz o aciune trecut, care fie tocmai s-a ncheiat, fie c se
desfoar ntr-un timp deschis, nedeterminat.

Spre deosebire de trecut, care desemneaz tot o aciune trecut, la prezent perfect momentul ncheierii
aciunii nu e necesar s fie cunoscut.

Prezentul perfect corespunde n limba romn trecutului (perfectul compus). De exemplu:

A nins. = It has snowed. (momentul nu este determinat precis)

Dac momentul ar fi fost determinat, traducerea devenea:

A nins acum o or. = It snowed an hour ago.

Cum se formeaz
S+have\has+verb la a III-a


subiect have / has verb la forma a III-a (participiu trecut)

Verbul auxiliar la Verbul de conjugat la Continuarea
Persoana Traducere
prezent participiul trecut propoziiei
Eu am vzut-o de
I have seen her lately.
Tu ai vzut-o de
You have seen her lately.
El/Ea a vzut-o de
He/She/It has seen her lately.
Noi am vzut-o de
We have seen her lately.
Voi ai vzut-o de
You have seen her lately.
Ei/Ele au vzut-o de
They have seen her lately.

Observaie: Nu este determinat precis momentul cnd a fost vzut.

Am citit cartea saptamana trecuta.


have / has subiect verb la forma a III-a (participiu trecut)

Adverbe specifice
Adverbe de frecven
ntre cele 2 verbe (verbul auxiliar i verbul conjugat) pot aprea:

adverbe de frecven definit: often, seldom, ever, never, usually, sometimes

adverbe de frecven indefinit: just, recently, already

Exemplu: I have just met her.

Adverbul "yet"

Adverbul yet se aeaz doar pe finalul propoziiei i numai n propoziii interogative i negative.

n propoziii interogative are sensul de deja. De exemplu:

Have you met her yet?

Dac ar trebui transpus n propoziie afirmativ, yet ar deveni already:

I have already met her.

n propoziii negative are sensul de nc. De exemplu:

I haven't met her yet.

Adverbul "for"

Adverbul for, cu sensul de timp de, arat durata aciunii, fr a preciza momentul de nceput i de
final. n propoziie are poziie aproape final. De exemplu:

I haven't met her for 2 years. She has written her math teacher.

Adverbul "since"

Adverbul since, cu sensul ncepnd din, arat momentul de nceput, fr a preciza durata sau
momentul de final. Poziia este spre finalul propoziiei. De exemplu:

I haven't met you since Monday.

Dup since urmeaz ntotdeauna trecut dac urmeaz o alt propoziie. De exemplu:

I haven't met her since I came an hour ago. (este o aciune mai trecut dect momentul intalnirii, timpul
nefiind determinat)

Adverbe de timp deschis

Pe poziia final mai pot fi adverbe de timp deschis: lately, today, this year, this month, this week, this
weekend etc.

Afirmativ I have worked here since last year.
Afirmativ (forma contras) I've worked here since last year.
Negativ I have not worked here since last year.
Negativ (forma contras) I haven't worked here since last year.
Interogativ Have I worked here since last year?
Rspuns pozitiv Yes, I have.
Rspuns negativ No, I have not.
Rspuns negativ (forma contras) No, I haven't.

Englez: Gramatic: Verbe noionale - prezentul

perfect continuu (Present Perfect Continuous)
Cum se formeaz?
Have/ Has + been + verb + -ing


I have been writing for 2 hours now.

She has been reading for 20 minutes.


I have been writing

You have been writing

She has been writing

He has been writing

It has been writing

We have been writing

You have been writing

They have been writing


I have not been writing

You have not been writing

She/he/it has not been writing

We have not been writing

You have not been writing

They have not been writing


Have I been writing?

Have you been writing?

Has she/he/it been writing?

Have we been writing?

Have you been writing?

Have they been writing?

Cnd l folosim?
Present Perfect Continuous arat o:

aciune nceput n trecut i care continu n prezent

I have been living here since 2001. (Locuiesc aici din 2001) nc mai locuiesc n acest loc

aciune continu nceput n trecut, ncheiat recent

I have been talking on the phone until now. (Am vorbit la telefon pn acum) am nceput s
vorbesc la telefon mai devreme i de-abia acum am terminat convorbirea.

aciune continu desfurat n trecut, ncheiat, dar care are consecine n prezent

I look tired because I have been working all afternoon. (Art obosit pentru c am muncit toat
dup-amiaza) am terminat munca, ns acum art obosit din acest motiv
Oh, the kitchen is a mess! Who has been cooking? (Oh, buctria e un dezastru! Cine a gtit?)
activitatea de a pregti mncarea (o activitate continu, de lung durat) s-a ncheiat, ns
consecinele ei (faptul c buctria este murdar) sunt evidente n prezent.

Present Perfect Simple vs Present Perfect

Present Perfect Simple scoate n eviden faptul c aciunea s-a terminat i/sau consecina acesteia n

Pune accent pe cantitate (ct de mult? ct de des?).

I have written 5 letters.
I have been to London twice.

Present Perfect Continuous scoate n eviden durata aciunii (ct timp?).

I have been writing for an hour.

Adverbe caracteristice
Present Perfect Continuous este folosit adesea alturi de majoritatea adverbelor ce-i sunt caracteristice i
lui Present Perfect Simple, precum since, for, all week, for days, lately, recently, over the last few

I have been studying English since 2000.

Englez: Gramatic: Verbe noionale Timpul

Cele patru timpuri ale trecutului sunt:

Trecutul simplu (Past Tense Simple)

Trecutul continuu (Past Continuous)
Trecutul perfect (Past Perfect Simple)
Trecutul perfect continuu (Past Perfect Continuous)

Past Simple este echivalentul Perfectului Compus sau al Perfectului Simplu din romn:

I lived there for six years. Am trit acolo timp de ase ani.
Then he sighed and looked at me. Apoi suspin i m privi.

Past Continuous este echivalentul imperfectului:

I was crossing the street when I saw you. Traversam strada cnd te-am vzut.
I was having lunch, when she phoned. Mncam de prnz cnd m-a sunat.

Diferena dintre cele dou timpuri const n faptul c PS descrie o aciune trecut terminat, pe cnd PC
descrie o aciune trecut n desfurare.

Past Perfect Simple este echivalentul mai-mult-ca-perfectului, dar n romn nu exist MMCP continuu.
Astfel, trebuie avute n vedere urmtoarele:

I. Att Past Perfect Simple, ct i Past Perfect Continuous descriu un eveniment care a avut loc naintea
altei aciuni sau a altui moment din trecut, ns n cazul lui PPC, aciunea este n plin desfurare, deci
nu s-a ncheiat nc, accentul cznd pe durata ei:

When he entered the room, she had been typing for one hour. (= aciunea nu s-a ncheiat nc)
Yesterday at 20 I had already typed 10 articles. (= aciunea este ncheiat)
II. PPS se refer la o serie de evenimente individuale sau repetate, pe cnd PPC se refer la un singur
eveniment nentrerupt:

Before the end of the week they had given four tests (patru activiti individuale ncheiate).
It was exhausting. They had been giving tests since the beginning of the week (o singur
activitate nentrerupt i neterminat).

III. n vorbirea indirect, dup un timp trecut, PPS preia funciile lui Present Perfect Simple i ale lui
Past Simple, iar PPC, pe ale lui Present Perfect Continuous i ale lui Past Continuous:

I have lived here for a year.

She said she had lived there for a year.

I saw the film yesterday.

He said he had seen the film the day before.

I have been watching that movie for two hours.

He said he had been watching that movie for two hours.

I was reading a book when he phoned me.

She said she had been reading a book when he phoned her.

Englez: Gramatic: Verbe noionale - trecutul

simplu (Past Tense Simple)
Cnd se folosete
Trecutul simplu se folosete n una dintre urmtoarele situaii:

1. Pentru a desemna o aciune svrit i ncheiat ntr-un moment trecut.

Se folosete cu adverbe de timp ca: two hours ago (acum dou ore), yesterday (ieri), last week
(sptmna trecut), in 1970 (n 1970) .

Exemplu: I went to the opera last week. (Am fost la oper sptmna trecut.)

n aceast situaie, trecutul simplu se traduce prin perfectul compus (de obicei la persoana a I-a i a II-a)
i perfectul simplu (aproape exclusiv la persoana a III-a).


I lost my umbrella yesterday. (Mi-am pierdut umbrela ieri.)

He said goodbye and left. (Spuse la revedere i plec.)

2. Pentru a desemna o aciune repetat n trecut.

Se folosete cu adverbe de frecven:

definite: weekly (sptmnal), three times a day (de trei ori pe zi) etc
indefinite: often (des), usually (de obicei) etc
n aceast situaie, trecutul simplu se traduce prin imperfect.


She often left her English textbook at home. (Deseori i uita manualul de englez acas.)

Cum se formeaz

Aici exist o diferen n formarea timpului ntre verbele regulate i cele neregulate.

Verbe regulate Verbe neregulate

Englez Romn Englez Romn
Subiect verb (infinitiv Subiect forma a II-a a verbului
scurt)+ED neregulat
To work worked -
To write wrote - written
Am muncit mult Am scris o scrisoare
I worked hard yesterday. I wrote a letter yesterday.
ieri. ieri.
You worked hard Ai scris o scrisoare
Ai muncit mult ieri. You wrote a letter yesterday.
yesterday ieri.
He/she worked hard El/ea a muncit mult El/ea a scris o
He/she wrote a letter yesterday.
yesterday. ieri. scrisoare ieri.
We worked hard Noi am muncit mult Noi am scris o
We wrote a letter yesterday.
yesterday. ieri. scrisoare ieri.
You worked hard Voi ai muncit mult Voi ai scris o
You wrote a letter yesterday.
yesterday. ieri. scrisoare ieri.
They worked hard Ei au muncit mult Ei au scris o scrisoare
They wrote a letter yesterday.
yesterday. ieri. ieri.

ED se pronun astfel:

[D] cnd verbele se termin n vocal sau consoan sonor (b, g, l, m, n, v, z, dz)

Exemple: play-played, arrive-arrived

[T] cnd verbele se termin n consoan surd (f, k, p, s)

Exemple: like-liked, cross-crossed

[ID] cnd verbele se termin n t sau d

Exemple: want-wanted, nod-nodded


Formarea timpului ntre verbele regulate i cele neregulate se face identic.

Verbe regulate Verbe neregulate
Englez Romn Englez Romn
verb(infinitiv scurt) verb(infinitiv scurt)
Nu am muncit I didnt write a letter Nu am scris o
I didnt work hard yesterday.
mult ieri. yesterday. scrisoare ieri.
You didnt work hard Nu ai muncit mult You didnt write a letter Nu ai scris o
yesterday. ieri. yesterday. scrisoare ieri.
He/she didnt work hard El/Ea nu a muncit He/she didnt write a letter El/Ea nu a scris o
yesterday. mult ieri. yesterday. scrisoare ieri.
We didnt work hard Noi nu am muncit We didnt write a letter Noi nu am scris o
yesterday. mult ieri. yesterday. scrisoare ieri.
You didnt work hard Voi nu ai muncit You didnt write a letter Voi nu ai scris o
yesterday. mult ieri. yesterday. scrisoare ieri.
They didnt work hard Ei nu au muncit They didnt write a letter Ei nu au scris o
yesterday. mult ieri. yesterday. scrisoare ieri.


Formarea timpului ntre verbele regulate i cele neregulate se face identic.

Verbe regulate Verbe neregulate

Englez Romn Englez Romn
DID Subiect verb (infinitiv DID Subiect verb (infinitiv
scurt) scurt)
Did I work hard Am muncit mult Did I write a letter Am scris o scrisoare
yesterday? ieri? yesterday? ieri?
Did you work hard Did you write a letter Ai scris o scrisoare
Ai muncit mult ieri?
yesterday? yesterday? ieri?
Did he/she work hard El/Ea a muncit mult Did he/she write a letter El/Ea a scris o scrisoare
yesterday? ieri? yesterday? ieri?
Did we work hard Noi am muncit mult Did we write a letter Noi am scris o
yesterday? ieri? yesterday? scrisoare ieri?
Did you work hard Voi ai muncit mult Did you write a letter Voi ai scris o scrisoare
yesterday? ieri? yesterday? ieri?
Did they workhard Ei au muncit mult Did they write a letter Ei au scris o scrisoare
yesterday? ieri? yesterday? ieri?

Englez: Gramatic: Verbe noionale - trecutul

continuu (Past Tense Continuous)
Cnd se folosete
Trecutul continuu se folosete n una dintre urmtoarele situaii:
1. Pentru a desemna o aciune n desfurare ntr-un moment trecut. Momentul n trecut poate fi
exprimat prin:
1. adverbe de timp ca: two oclock yesterday (la ora 14.00 ieri), at this time last week (la ora
aceasta sptmna trecut) - ce exprim un moment specific. Exemple:
I was writing a letter at two oclock yesterday. (Scriam o scrisoare ieri la ora
I was writing a letter at this time last week. (Scriam o scrisoare sptmna trecut
la ora asta.)
2. o alt aciune n trecut exprimat prin un alt timp trecut (past simple). Exemplu:
Mother arrived when I was writing a letter. (Mama a venit pe cnd eu scriam o
2. Pentru a desemna dou aciuni paralele n desfurare n trecut. Exemplu:
o She was eating while I was writing a letter. (Ea mnca n timp ce eu scriam o scrisoare.)
3. Pentru a desemna o aciune repetat n trecut, iritant pentru ceilali; urmat de always
(ntotdeauna), forever (mereu), continually (continuu), all the time (tot timpul). Exemplu:
o He was always coming late to the English lesson. (Totdeauna ntrzia la ora de englez).
4. Pentru a desemna o stare, aciune trecut cu caracter temporar. Exemplu:
o He was living in Braov when I met him. (El locuia n Braov cnd l-am ntlnit).

Toate situaiile se traduc prin imperfect.

Cum se formeaz

Englez Romn
I was writing a letter at two oclock yesterday. Eu scriam o scrisoare ieri la ora dou.
You were writing a letter at two oclock yesterday. Tu scriai o scrisoare ieri la ora dou.
He/she was writing a letter at two oclock yesterday. El/ea scria o scrisoare ieri la ora dou.
We were writing a letter at two oclock yesterday. Noi scriam o scrisoare ieri la ora dou.
You were writing a letter at two oclock yesterday. Voi scriai o scrisoare ieri la ora dou.
Ei/ele scriau o scrisoare ieri la ora
They were writing a letter at two oclock yesterday.


Englez Romn
Eu nu scriam o scrisoare ieri la ora
I wasn't writing a letter at two oclock yesterday.
Tu nu scriai o scrisoare ieri la ora
You weren't writing a letter at two oclock yesterday.
El/ea nu scria o scrisoare ieri la ora
He/she wasn't writing a letter at two oclock yesterday.
Noi nu scriam o scrisoare ieri la ora
We weren't writing a letter at two oclock yesterday.
Voi nu scriai o scrisoare ieri la ora
You weren't writing a letter at two oclock yesterday.
Ei/ele nu scriau o scrisoare ieri la ora
They weren't writing a letter at two oclock yesterday.


Englez Romn
Was I writing a letter at two oclock yesterday? Scrim o scrisoare ieri la ora dou?
Were you writing a letter at two oclock yesterday? Scriai o scrisoare ieri la ora dou?
Was he/she writing a letter at two oclock yesterday? Scria o scrisoare ieri la ora dou?
Were we writing a letter at two oclock yesterday? Scriam o scrisoare ieri la ora dou?
Were you writing a letter at two oclock yesterday? Scriai o scrisoare ieri la ora dou?
Were they writing a letter at two oclock yesterday? Scriau o scrisoare ieri la ora dou?

Englez: Gramatic: Verbe noionale - trecutul

perfect (Past Perfect Tense Simple)
Cnd se folosete
Trecutul perfect simplu se folosete n una dintre urmtoarele situaii:

1. Pentru a desemna o aciune trecut ncheiat naintea unui moment trecut. Exemplu:
o I had finished my lessons by ten oclock yesterday. (mi terminasem leciile nainte de
ora zece ieri.)
2. Pentru a desemna o aciune trecut ncheiat naintea altei aciuni trecute. Exemplu:
o I had finished my lessons by the time mother arrived home.( mi terminasem leciile cnd
mama a ajuns acas.)
3. Pentru a desemna o aciune trecut, ncheiat imediat naintea unei alte aciuni trecute. Se
folosesc adverbele: just, hardly, no sooner (tocmai, de-abia)than. Exemple:
o I had just/hardly got into the classroom when the bell rang. (Tocmai/de-abia intrasem n
clas cnd a sunat clopoelul.)
o No sooner had I got into the classroom than the bell rang. (De-abia intrasem n clas
cnd a sunat clopoelul.)
4. Pentru a desemna o aciune trecut, ncheiat ntr-o perioad de timp anterioar unei alte aciuni
trecute, dar care ajunge pn la aceasta. Se folosesc adverbele: for (arat perioada de timp n
care a fost fcut aciunea) i since (arat momentul nceperii aciunii). Exemple:
o He had been in the classroom for two minutes when the teacher came in. (Era n clas de
dou minute cnd a intrat profesorul.)
o He had lived in Bucharest since 1975 when I met him. (Locuia n Bucureti din 1975
cnd l-am cunoscut.)

Toate situaiile se traduc cu mai-mult-ca-perfectul (folosit mai frecvent n englez pentru exprimarea

n romn se folosete adeseori i perfectul compus cu valoare de mai-mult-ca-perfect:

The passengers got out as soon as the train had stopped. (Pasagerii au cobort de ndat ce s-a
oprit trenul.)

Cum se formeaz

Exist o diferen n formarea timpului ntre verbele regulate i cele neregulate.

Verbe regulate Verbe neregulate

Englez Romn Englez Romn
Subiect HAD verb Subiect HAD forma a
(infinitiv scurt)ED III-a a verbului neregulat
To wash washed - To write wrote -
washed written
I had washed two shirts Eu splasem dou cmi I had written a letter Eu scrisesem o scrisoare
when mother arrived. cnd mama a venit. when mother arrived. cnd mama a venit.
You had washed two
Tu splasei dou cmi You had written a letter Tu scrisesei o scrisoare
shirts when mother
cnd mama a venit. when mother arrived. cnd mama a venit.
He/she had washed two El/ea splase dou He/she had written a
El/ea scrisese o scrisoare
shirts when mother cmi cnd mama a letter when mother
cnd mama a venit.
arrived. venit. arrived.
We had washed two Noi splaserm dou Noi scriseserm o
We had written a letter
shirts when mother cmi cnd mama a scrisoare cnd mama a
when mother arrived.
arrived. venit. venit.
You had washed two Voi splaseri dou Voi scriseseri o
You had written a letter
shirts when mother cmi cnd mama a scrisoare cnd mama a
when mother arrived.
arrived. venit. venit.
They had washed two They had written a Ei/ele scriseser o
Ei splaser dou cmi
shirts when mother letter when mother scrisoare cnd mama a
cnd mama a venit.
arrived. arrived. venit.


Exist o diferen n formarea timpului ntre verbele regulate i cele neregulate.

^Verbe regulate^^Verbe neregulate^^

Englez Romn Englez Romn
Subiect HAD NOT
Subiect HAD NOT verb
forma a III-a a verbului
(infinitiv scurt)ED
Subiect HADN'T forma
Subiect HADN'T verb
a III-a a verbului
(infinitiv scurt)ED
To wash washed - To write wrote -
washed written
I hadn't washed two Eu nu splasem dou Eu nu scrisesem o
I hadn't written a letter
shirts when mother cmi cnd mama a scrisoare cnd mama a
when mother arrived.
arrived. venit. venit.
You hadn't washed two Tu nu splasei dou You hadn't written a Tu nu scrisesei o
shirts when mother cmi cnd mama a letter when mother scrisoare cnd mama a
arrived. venit. arrived. venit.
He/she hadn't washed El/ea nu splase dou He/she hadn't written a El/ea nu scrisese o
two shirts when mother cmi cnd mama a letter when mother scrisoare cnd mama a
arrived. venit. arrived. venit.
We hadn't washed two Noi nu splaserm dou We hadn't written a Noi nu scriseserm o
shirts when mother cmi cnd mama a letter when mother scrisoare cnd mama a
arrived. venit. arrived. venit.
You hadn't washed two Voi nu splaseri dou You hadn't written a Voi nu scriseseri o
shirts when mother cmi cnd mama a letter when mother scrisoare cnd mama a
arrived. venit. arrived. venit.
They hadn't washed two Ei/ele nu splaser dou They hadn't written a Ei/ele nu scriseser o
shirts when mother cmi cnd mama a letter when mother scrisoare cnd mama a
arrived. venit. arrived. venit.


Exist o diferen n formarea timpului ntre verbele regulate i cele neregulate.

Verbe regulate Verbe neregulate

Englez Romn Englez Romn
HAD Subiect forma a
HAD Subiect verb
III-a a verbului
(infinitiv scurt)ED
To wash washed - To write wrote -
washed written
Had I washed two shirts Splasem dou cmi Had I written a letter Scrisesem o scrisoare
when mother arrived? cnd mama a venit? when mother arrived? cnd mama a venit?
Had you washed two Had you written a
Tu splasei dou cmi Tu scrisesei o scrisoare
shirts when mother letter when mother
cnd mama a venit? cnd mama a venit?
arrived? arrived?
Had he/she washed two El/ea splase dou Had he/she written a
El/ea scrisese o scrisoare
shirts when mother cmi cnd mama a letter when mother
cnd mama a venit?
arrived? venit? arrived?
Had we washed two Noi splaserm dou Had we written a letter Noi scriseserm o
shirts when mother cmi cnd mama a when mother arrived? scrisoare cnd mama a
arrived? venit? venit?
Had you washed two Voi splaseri dou Had you written a Voi scriseseri o
shirts when mother cmi cnd mama a letter when mother scrisoare cnd mama a
arrived? venit? arrived? venit?
Had they washed two Ei/ele splaser dou Had they written a Ei/ele scriseser o
shirts when mother cmi cnd mama a letter when mother scrisoare cnd mama a
arrived? venit? arrived? venit?

Englez: Gramatic: Verbe noionale - trecutul

perfect continuu / mai-mult-ca-perfectul
continuu (Past Perfect Continuous)
1.)Mai-mult-ca-perfectul continuu exprim o aciune n desfurare n trecut, produs naintea unei alte
aciuni din trecut sau naintea unui moment trecut2.)Mai mult ca perfectul exprima o atiune aflata in
desfasurare intrerupta de o alta actiune mult mai importanta

Cum se formeaz
Mai-mult-ca-perfectul continuu se formeaz cu ajutorul formei de mai-mult-ca-perfect a verbului
auxiliar primar be plus participiul prezent al verbului de conjugat.


It was cold because it had been snowing. Era rece pentru c ninsese.
Had you been looking for us long? Ne-ai cutat mult?
I had not been sleeping well that night and I felt tired. Nu dormisem bine n noaptea aceea i
eram obosit.

Cnd se folosete
1. Exprim o aciune trecut n desfurare, care are loc naintea:
o unui moment anterior: Mary had been eating before Johns phone call. Maria mnca
cnd a sunat-o Ion.
o unei alte aciuni trecute: When we finally met, you had been looking for us for two
hours. Cnd ne-am ntlnit n cele din urm, ne cutai de dou ore.
2. Exprim aciuni care au fost n curs de desfurare pn cu puin naintea unui anumit moment
din trecut: I had just been dressing when the phone rang. Tocmai m mbrcam cnd a sunat
3. Exprim aciuni aflate n desfurare o anumit perioad de timp naintea unui moment din
trecut, menionat sau nu i continund nc n acel moment: Since the death of her parents, the
children had been living with their uncles. De la moartea prinilor, copiii locuiau cu unchii lor.
4. Se folosete n vorbirea indirect i n contexte trecute, n propoziii completive, atunci cnd
exist un verb la timpul trecut n propoziia principal, n toate situaiile n care se folosete
prezentul perfect continuu n vorbirea direct:
o atunci cnd vorbitorul este interesat de aciunea verbului, nu de rezultatul acesteia: Jane
said she had been translating the whole morning. Jane a spus c a tradus toat dimineaa.
o pentru a exprima caracterul incomplet al aciunii: Monica was surprised to see that
somebody had been eating her sandwich (= part of it). Monica a fost surprins cnd a
vzut c cineva i-am mncat sandviul.
o nainte de for i since cu valoare temporal: Diana complained that it had been snowing
for three days/since the beginning of the week. Diana s-a plns c ningea de trei zile/de la
nceputul sptmnii.
o dup since, atunci cnd aciunea verbului care urmeaz continu nc: Joan said she had
been looking after her little brothers since she had been lying in bed with a broken leg.
Joan a spus c are grij de fraii ei mai mici de cnd zace n pat cu piciorul rupt.

Englez: Gramatic: Verbe noionale Timpul

Timpurile viitorului sunt:

Viitorul simplu (Future Tense Simple)

Viitorul continuu (Future Continuous)
Viitorul de intenie
Viitorul apropiat
Viitorul n trecut (Future in the Past)
Viitorul perfect (Future Perfect Simple)
Viitorul perfect continuu (Future Perfect Continous)

Viitorul perfect simplu i viitorul perfect continuu

Att viitorul perfect simplu ct i viitorul perfect continuu descriu un eveniment din viitor care are loc
naintea altui eveniment din viitor. VPC se refer la un eveniment n desfurare:

We shall have been discussing for over an hour by the time John arrives.
Mona will have been teaching at the university for more than three years by the time she leaves
for Rome.

VPS descrie aciuni individuale sau repetate, pe cnd VPC descrie o singur aciune continu,
nentrerupt, incomplet:

By 7 o'clock I shall have been washing the car for two hours. (o singur activitate nentrerupt).
By 7 o'clock I shall have washed the car and replaced the tyres. (dou activiti ncheiate care
sunt fcute succesiv).

Viitorul simplu i viitorul de intenie

Primul se folosete atunci cnd decidem ceva n momentul vorbirii:

A: Let's have a party

B: That's a great idea. We'll invite lots of people.

Al doilea se folosete cnd am decis deja ceea ce vom face:

Mary and I have decided to have a party. We're going to invite lots of people

Atenie! n propoziiile secundare temporale nu se folosete viitorul:

I shall cook a soup when I arrive home.

Anumite verbe nu pot avea aspect continuu:

Mary will be at my house when you arrive.

Englez: Gramatic: Verbe noionale - Viitorul

Viitorul Simplu se formeaza cu auxiliarul will urmat de infinitivul verbului de conjugat.

1. Viitorul Simplu l folosim n legtur cu ateptri, predicii, opinii sau presupuneri care se vor
desfaura n viitor.

Don't worry. She'll come back. Nu te ngrijora. Se va intoarce.

My son will be ten next month. Fiul meu va mplini zece ani luna viitoare.

1. Viitorul Simplu se folosete pentru a descrie aciuni obisnuite ce vor avea loc n viitor.

Drivers will always have to pay their speed tickets. Soferii intotdeauna vor trebui sa-i achite
amenzile pentru depirea vitezei.
Babies will be born and old people will die, as usual. Copii tot se vor nate, i batranii se vor
stinge, ca de obicei.

1. Viitorul Simplu se folosete in cadrul propoziiilor condiionale de tip 1, precum i n propoziii


We will punish him if he does it again. l vom pedepsi dac va mai face acel lucru din nou.
He will come home when he finishes his work. El va veni acas dup ce i va termina treaba.

1. Viitorul Simplu se folosete pentru a descrie aciuni ce exprim intenia (mai ales cele luate in
momentul deciziei).

I will have some Pepsi, please. A dori un Pepsi, v rog.

I like this car. I will buy it. mi place aceast main. O voi cumpra.

1. Forma afirmativa:

I will come

You will come

He will come

We will come

You will come

They will come

2. Forma interogativa:

Shall I come ?

Will you come ?

Will he come ?

Will we come ?

Will you come ?

Will they come ?

3. Forma negativa:

I will not come

You will not come

He will not come

We will not come

You will not come

They will not come

4. Forma interogativ-negativa:

Will I not come ?

Will you not come ?

Will he not come ?

Will we not come ?

Will you not come ?

Will they not come ?

Englez: Gramatic: Viitorul continuu

Viitorul continuu (will be + ING) se folosete:

1. pentru a exprima aciuni n desfaurare n viitor, cnd timpul este menionat sau dedus:

Cathy will be wearing her red dress at the party on Saturday night.

This time next week I will be lying on a hot sunny beach.

2. pentru a exprima ceva ce a fost deja plnuit sau decis, fr intenia vorbitorului i fr

a se meniona un timp anume:

Ill be going to the supermarket soon. Do you want something?

3. pentru a intreba politicos despre planurile altora:

Will you be using your car this evening? No, why? Could I borrow it?

4. pentru a exprima o supoziie n legtur cu aciune ce are loc n present:

Hell be swimming now.

Acum o fi notnd.

Viitorul de intenie
Going to Future
Cnd se folosete
Going to Future se folosete n urmtoarele situaii :

1.Cnd avem o aciune viitoare apropiat de momentul vorbirii

Exemplu :

We are going to see a film tomorrow.

Vom vedea un film mine.

2.Cnd avem o aciune viitoare ce va avea loc ca urmare a unei intenii prezente.

Exemplu :

We are going to spend our holiday in the mountains .(Weve already booked a room in Poiana Braov.)

Avem de gnd/intenionm s ne petrecem vacana la munte.(Am rezervat deja o camer la Poiana


3.Cnd avem o aciune viitoare care va avea loc ca rezultat al unei cauze prezente.
Exemplu :

Its going to rain. Look at the clouds.

Cred c o s plou./Are s plou. Uit-te la nori.

Cum se formeaz
Se formeaz cu ajutorul formei be going to la prezent, urmat de infinitivul scurt al verbului de


Englez Romn

I am going to write Eu inteionez s scriu

You are going to write Tu intenionezi s scrii

He/She is going to write El/Ea intenioneaz s scrie

We are going to write Noi intenionm s scriem

You are going to write Voi intenionai s scriei

They are going to write Ei/Ele intenioneaz s scrie


Englez Romn

I am not / Im not going to write Eu nu intenionez s scriu

You are not/ You arent going to write Tu nu intenionezi s scrii

He/She is not / She isnt going to write El/Ea nu intenioneaz s scrie

We are not / We arent going to write Noi nu intenionm s scriem

You are not/ You arent going to write Voi nu intenionai s scriei

They are not / They arent going to write Ei/Ele nu intenioneaz s scrie


Englez Romn
Am I going to write ? Intenionez eu s scriu ?

Are you going to write ? Intenionezi tu s scrii ?

Is he/she going to write ? Intenioneaz el/ea s scrie ?

Are we going to write ? Intenionm noi s scriem ?

Are you going to write ? Intenionai voi s scriei ?

Are they going to write ? Intenioneaz ei/ele s scrie ?

Forme de viitor apropiat

Cnd se folosete

Aceast form exprim un viitor imediat.

Exemplu : We are about to leave. Suntem pe punctul de a pleca.

Cum se formeaz



Englez Romn

I am about to leave Eu sunt pe punctul de a pleca

You are about to leave Tu eti pe punctul de a pleca

He/She is about to leave El/Ea este pe punctul de a pleca

We are about to leave Noi suntem pe punctul de a pleca

You are about to leave Voi suntei pe punctul de a pleca

They are about to leave Ei/Ele sunt pe punctul de a pleca


Englez Romn
I am not about to leave Eu nu sunt pe punctul de a pleca

You arent about to leave Tu nu eti pe punctul de a pleca

He/She isnt about to leave El/Ea nu este pe punctul de a pleca

We arent about to leave Noi nu suntem pe punctul de a pleca

You arent about to leave Voi nu suntei pe punctul de a pleca

They arent about to leave Ei/Ele nu sunt pe punctul de a pleca


Englez Romn

Am I about to leave ? Sunt eu pe punctul de a pleca ?

Are You about to leave ? Eti tu pe punctul de a pleca ?

Is He/She about to leave ? Este el/ea pe punctul de a pleca ?

Are We about to leave ? Suntem noi pe punctul de a pleca ?

Are You about to leave ? Suntei voi pe punctul de a pleca ?

Are They about to leave ? Sunt ei/ele pe punctul de a pleca ?

Cnd se folosete

Aceast form exprim :

a. un aranjament.

Exemplu : I am to move house soon. Urmeaz s m mut n curnd.

b. un ordin.

Exemplu : You are to return before nightfall. Trebuie s v ntoarcei nainte de cderea nopii.

Cum se formeaz


Englez Romn

I am to move soon Urmeaz s m mut n curnd

You are to move soon Urmeaz s te mui n curnd

He/She is to move soon Urmeaz s se mute n curnd

We are to move soon Urmeaz s ne mutm n curnd

You are to move soon Urmeaz s v mutai n curnd

They are to move soon Urmeaz s se mute n curnd


Englez Romn

I am not to move soon Urmeaz s nu m mut n curnd

You are not to move soon Urmeaz s nu te mui n curnd

He/She is not to move soon Urmeaz s nu se mute n curnd

We are not to move soon Urmeaz s nu ne mutm n curnd

You are not to move soon Urmeaz s nu v mutai n curnd

They are not to move soon Urmeaz s nu se mute n curnd


Englez Romn

Am I to move soon ? Urmeaz s m mut n curnd ?

You are to move soon ? Urmeaz s te mui n curnd ?

He/She is to move soon ? Urmeaz s se mute n curnd ?

We are to move soon ? Urmeaz s ne mutm n curnd ?

You are to move soon ? Urmeaz s v mutai n curnd ?

They are to move soon ? Urmeaz s se mute n curnd ?

Englez: Gramatic: Verbe noionale - Viitorul
n trecut
Viitorul n trecut (Future-in-the-Past) exprim o aciune posterioar unei alte aciuni din trecut:

Mr Jones asked his wife if she would give him something to eat.
Dan said he would send us a postcard from France.
You did not tell me you would come by tonight.
She told me she would be having her parents over the week-end.

Se observ c viitorul n trecut se folosete numai n propoziii secundare, dup un timp trecut.

Viitorul n trecut are dou forme: simpl i continu:

viitorul n trecut simplu/nedefinit se formeaz cu ajutorul verbelor SHOULD i WOULD,

urmate de infinitivul scurt al verbului de conjugat.
viitorul n trecut continuu/progresiv se formeaz cu ajutorul lui SHOULD i WOULD, urmate
de participiul prezent al verbului de conjugat.

Forma simpl a viitorului n trecut exprim:

1. opinia vorbitorului:
o He said he thought he would be back soon.
2. aciuni viitoare habituale:
o Mike said it would be too dark to see anything.
3. se folosete n propoziia principal atunci cnd exist o propoziie temporal n fraza complex:
o Ann asked me whether I should tell John everything when I saw him.

Forma continu a viitorului n trecut exprim:

1. o aciune n desfurare n viitor:

o He said that by that time on Friday they would be flying to Rome.
2. o aciune viitoare care va avea loc n cursul normal al evenimentelor:
o They confirmed that the company would be signing contracts on the fifteenth of the

Viitorul n trecut din limba englez se traduce prin viitorul propriu-zis sau viitorul popular din limba

Mary said she would give us a call.

Maria a spus c ne va suna/o s ne sune.
Tom promised me that he would not interfere.
Tom mi-a promis c nu se va amesteca/n-o s se amestece.
Englez: Gramatic: Verbe noionale - Viitorul
Cnd se folosete
Viitorul Perfect (The Future Perfect Simple Tense) desemneaz un eveniment anterior unui moment sau
eveniment care este la rndul su posterior momentului vorbirii.

Viitorul Perfect este folosit pentru a exprima :

1. o aciune viitoare care va avea loc naintea unui moment viitor

Exemplu : He will have finished the book by Monday. El va fi terminat cartea pn Luni.

2. o aciune viitoare care va avea loc naintea unei alte aciuni viitoare

Exemplu : He will have finished the book by the time you come back home. El va fi terminat cartea
pn cnd te ntorci tu acas.

3. o aciune viitoare care va avea loc ntr-o perioad de timp anterioar unei aciuni viitoare, dar
ajungnd pn la aceasta

Exemplu : He will have worked in this factory for forty years when he retires. Va fi lucrat n aceast
fabric timp de 40 de ani cnd se va pensiona.

Not : Viitorul perfect este o form verbal caracteristic limbii scrise, fiind rar folosit n vorbirea

Cum se formeaz
Se formeaz cu ajutorul formei de viitor simplu al verbului auxiliar To HAVE + participiul trecut al
verbului de conjugat (Verb+Ed verbe regulate; sau Forma a III-a a verbului neregulat verbe

Afirmativ ^Englez^Romn^

I shall/will have worked/written Eu voi fi lucrat/scris

You will have worked/written Tu vei fi lucrat/scris

He/She will have worked/written El/Ea va fi lucrat/scris

We shall/will have worked/written Noi vom fi lucrat/scris

You will have worked/written Voi vei fi lucrat/scris

They will have worked/written Ei/Ele vor fi lucrat/scris

Not : n limba englez contemporan formele cu Shall de la persoana I singular i plural au fost
nlocuite cu forma Will.

Negativ ^Englez^Romn^

I shant/wont have worked/written Eu nu voi fi lucrat/scris

You wont have worked/written Tu nu vei fi lucrat/scris

He/She wont have worked/written El/Ea nu va fi lucrat/scris

We shant/wont have worked/written Noi nu vom fi lucrat/scris

You wont have worked/written Voi nu vei fi lucrat/scris

They wont have worked/written Ei/Ele nu vor fi lucrat/scris

Not : Forma Shant este prescurtarea formei Shall Not iar forma Wont este prescurtarea formei Will

Interogativ ^Englez^Romn^

Shall/Will I have worked/written ? Eu voi fi lucrat/scris ?

Will You have worked/written ? Tu vei fi lucrat/scris ?

Will He/She have worked/written ? El/Ea va fi lucrat/scris ?

Shall/Will We have worked/written ? Noi vom fi lucrat/scris ?

Will You have worked/written ? Voi vei fi lucrat/scris ?

Will They have worked/written ? Ei/Ele vor fi lucrat/scris ?

Englez: Gramatic: Verbe noionale - Viitorul

perfect continuu
Cnd se folosete
Viitorul Perfect Continuu (The Future Perfect Continuous Tense) exprim o aciune n desfurare n
viitor, nainte i pn la o alt aciune viitoare (i poate i dup aceea).


When the bell rings, we shall/will have been writing for fifty minutes. Cnd va suna clopoelul, noi vom
fi fost ocupai cu scrisul/noi vom fi scris de 50 minute.
Not : aciunea svrit n aceast perioad de timp viitoare anterioar unui moment sau unei aciuni de
asemenea viitoare, este la viitorul perfect continuu dac se specific lungimea perioadei de timp sau
nceputul ei (By 6 oclock p.m. she will have been selling blouses for 8 hours. Pn la ora 18.00 ea va fi
vndut bluze timp de 8 ore.) i la viitorul perfect simplu dac este prezent o precizare numeric n
legtur cu aciunea.(By 6 oclock p.m. she will have sold 80 blouses. Pn la ora 18.00 ea va fi vndut
80 de bluze.)

Not : Viitorul Perfect Continuu este rar folosit n vorbire, fiind o form caracteristic limbii scrise.

Cum se formeaz
Viitorul Perfect Continuu se formeaz din viitorul perfect al verbului auxiliar To BE urmat de forma
Verb de conjugat + ING.


Englez Romn

I shall/will have been writing Eu voi fi scris

You will have been writing Tu vei fi scris

He/She will have been writing El/Ea va fi scris

We shall/will have been writing Noi vom fi scris

You will have been writing Voi vei fi scris

They will have been writing Ei/Ele vor fi scris

Not : n limba englez contemporan formele cu Shall de la persoana I singular i plural au fost
nlocuite cu forma Will.


Englez Romn

I shant/wont have been writing Eu nu voi fi scris

You wont have been writing Tu nu vei fi scris

He/She wont have been writing El/Ea nu va fi scris

We shant/wont have been writing Noi nu vom fi scris

You wont have been writing Voi nu vei fi scris

They wont have been writing Ei/Ele nu vor fi scris

Not : Forma Shant este prescurtarea formei Shall Not iar forma Wont este prescurtarea formei Will


Englez Romn

Shall/Will I have been writing? Eu voi fi scris?

Will You have been writing? Tu vei fi scris?

Will He/She have been writing? El/Ea va fi scris?

Shall/Will We have been writing? Noi vom fi scris?

Will You have been writing? Voi vei fi scris?

Will They have been writing? Ei/Ele vor fi scris?

Englez: Gramatic: Fraza condiional

Tipuri de baz
O fraz condiional este format din 2 tipuri de propoziii:propoziia subordont condiional (If
Clause), care exprim o condiie si propoziia principal sau regent (Main Clause), care exprim
rezultatul condiiei. In limba englez exist patru tipuri de baz de condiionale:

Tipul 1.
Tipul 2.
Tipul 3.
Tipul 0.

Structura unei fraze condiionale

O fraz condiional poate avea o structur de tipul:

IF Condiie Rezultat
If she has time, she will help you.


Rezultat IF Condiie
She will help you if she has time.

Observai folosirea virgulei n primul exemplu.

====Fraza condiional de tipul 1

O fraz condiional de tipul 1 se refer la o condiie posibil si la rezultatul probabil al acesteia.Ea
implic obinerea unui anumit rezultat prin indeplinirea unei condiii date. Folosim timpul prezent in
subordonata condiionala(pentru exprimarea conditiei) si viitorul in regenta (pentru exprimarea

De exemplu, pentru a trece un examen, un student trebuie s invee.In cazul in care studentul
inva,probabilitatea ca el sa treac examenul e ridicat.Am putea, asadar, formula urmtoarea fraz:

IF Condition Result
Present Tense Simple Future Tense
If he studies, he will pass the exam.
Dac nvat, el va trece examenul.

In exemplul de mai sus facem referire la doua aciuni viitoare, realizarea primei dintre ele ( Daca
inva ) fcand-o posibila pe cea de-a doua (el va trece examenul).

Fraza condiional de tipul 2

O fraz condiional de tipul 2 se refer la o condiie improbabila sau ipotetica si la rezultatul

probabil al acesteia. Folosim acest tip de condiional pentru a exprima o situaie imaginara contrar
realitii prezente sau pentru a exprima o situaie improbabil intr-un moment viitor. Folosim timpul
trecut in subordonata si Condiionalul prezent in regent.

IF Condition Result
Past Tense Simple Present Conditional
If I had money, I would buy a car.
Dac a avea bani, a cumpra o main.
If he won the lottery, he would travel all over the world.
Daca ar catiga la loterie, ar cltori in toata lumea.

Primul exemplu se refer la o situaie imaginar contrar realitii prezente: eu nu am bani in prezent,
asadar nu voi cumpra o main.

Al doilea exemplu exprim o situaie improbabil n viitor: ansele ca el s ctige la loterie sunt
reduse, aadar e puin probabil cltoria lui n toat lumea.

Fraza condiional de tipul 3

O fraz condiional de tipul 3 se refer la o condiie ireal trecut si exprim o situaie imaginar
sau contrar realitii intr-un moment trecut.Folosim mai mult ca perfectul in subordonat si
condiionalul perfect in regent.

IF Condition Result
Past Perfect Tense Perfect Conditional
If I had known the truth, I would have been happier.
Dac a fi tiut adevarul, as fi fost mai fericit.
Exemplul de mai sus se refer la o situaie contrar realitii trecute- eu nu am stiut adevarul si nu am
fost mai fericit.

Fraza condiional de tipul 0

Fraza conditional de tipul 0 se refer la un rezultat care este intotdeauna valabil pentru o anumit
condiie.Folosim timpul prezent atat in propozitia subordonat, cat si in cea regent.

IF Condition Result
Present Tense Simple Present Tense Simple
If you heat ice, it melts.
Daca nclzeti gheaa, se topete.

Tipuri mixte
Atunci cand cele doua pri ale unei fraze condiionale(condiia si rezultatul)se refer la perioade
diferite de timp, fraza rezultant este ceea ce numim o fraz condiional mixt. Exist urmtoarele
tipuri de condiionale mixte in limba engleza:

Rezultat prezent al unei condiii trecute

Timpul folosit in subordonata condiional este mai mult ca perfectul, iar timpul din propoziia
principala este condiionalul prezent.


If + past perfect present conditional
If he had taken my advice, he would be rich now.
Daca mi-ar fi urmat sfatul, acum era bogat

O astfel de fraz condiional se refer la o condiie trecut ireal si rezultatul probabil al acesteia in
prezent, exprimand o situaie contrar realitii atat in prezent, cat i in trecut. In exemplul de mai sus,
If he had taken my advice exprim o situaie contrar realitii din trecut(He did not take my advice/
el nu mi-a urmat sfatul), iar he would be rich now exprima o situaie contrar realitii prezente (he is
not rich/el nu e bogat)

Rezultat trecut al unei condiii prezente sau generale

Folosim trecutul simplu in subordonata condiional si condiionalul perfect in regent.


If + simple past Perfect conditional
If you could speak English, you would have got the job.
Daca ai fi stiut/stiai engleza, ai fi obtinut slujba.

O astfel de fraz condiional se refer la o condiie prezent ireal si la rezultatul trecut probabil-
dar ireal- al acesteia. In exemplul de mai sus, If you could speak English este o situaie contrar
realitii prezente (you cannot speak English/tu nu stii engleza), iar you would have got the job este
contrar realitii trecute ( you did not get the job/tu nu ai obinut slujba).
Englez: Exerciii: Condiionale mixte
Punei verbele din parantez la timpul corect, dup modelul de mai jos:

1. If you pass your examination, we (have) a celebration.

2. What (happen) if I press this button?

3. If you go to Paris where you (stay)?

4. The flight may be cancelled if the fog (get) thick.

5. If the milkman (come), tell him to leave two pints.

6. You would play better bridge if you (not talk) so much.

7. If you (read) the instructions carefully, you wouldnt have answered the wrong question.

8. Unless they turn that radio off I (go) mad.

9. You (not have) so many accidents if you drove more slowly.

10. Youll get pneumonia if you (not change) your wet clothes.

11. If I had known that you couldnt eat octopus, I (not buy) it.

12. She (be able) to walk faster if her shoes hadnt such high heels.

13. If you had touched that electric cable, you (be) electrocuted.

14. If the story hadnt been true,the newspaper (not print) it.

15. Dial 999 if you (want) Police, Ambulance, or Fire Brigade.

16. I shouldnt have taken your umbrella if I (know) it was the only one you had.

17. Unless they leave a lamp beside that hole in the road somebody (fall) into it.

18. In case George (arrive) here before us, ask him to write a detailed report about the accident.

19. Had I met that girl before, I certainly (merry) her.

20. The room (not look) so dark if she cleaned the windows more often.

Completai urmtoarele propoziii:

1. If he had taken my advice,

2. They wouldnt have seen London, if.

3. Had I known the way to the village.

4. Well send for the doctor if.

5. The weather is as cold as if.

6. If Tom rings while Im out,.

7. Mother would have been angry if.

8. The grass would look better if..

9. If she had accepted his proposal,..

10. If Martin missed the train,.

11. Were I you,..

Alegei ntre: unless / provided / providing / as long as / suppose / supposing, dup modelul de mai

1. You can park your car here unless / providing you take it early in the morning.

2. Well go for a walk tomorrow unless / providing it rains.

3. Doris will not get good marks unless / as long as she learns all the lessons.

4. They will not understand the film unless / as long as they read the whole book, too.

5. You will not finish your work in time unless / provided she helps you.

6. These people will come to your party unless / provided you invite them.

7. What would you do providing / supposing she does not arrive in time?

8. I will repeat the question unless / suppose she doesnt understand it.

nlocuii only if cu unless, fcnd toate modificrile necesare, dup modelul de mai jos:

1. Grandpa will answer the phone only if he hears it.

2. I will give him the book only if I see him.

3. She will recover only if she takes this medicine.

4. You will eat the sandwiches if you are hungry.

5. My little brother will chase your cat only if he sees it.

6. You would go on the trip only if your parents gave you the money for it.

7. Rebecca would play the piano much better only if she practices more often.

8. This letter will reach Mary on Tuesday only if you post it tomorrow.
9. The employer would be pleased with them only if they worked harder.

10. I will solve many problems only if my brother helps me.

Completai spaiile libere cu if sau in case, dup modelul urmtor:

1. They evacuated the room in case the ceiling should collapse.

2. Mike will have to get into the house through the window .. he doesnt find the key.

3. .. Mary finds my phone number, she will ring me up.

4. .. I were you, I wouldnt buy that car.

5. Take some money with you .. you miss the train.

6. They will join us on the trip .. they finish their work.

7. I wrote down her address .. I should forget it.

8. .. they recognize him, they will call the police.

9. What will happen .. nobody hears us?

10. She left the lights on .. her neighbour needed her help again.

Traducei n limba romn:

1. If you should find a skeleton in the cellar, dont mention it to anyone.

2. If someone offered to buy you one of those rings, which would you choose.

3. Someone will sit on your glasses if you leave them there.

4. What shall I do if I here the burglar alarm?

5. I could repair the roof myself if I had a long ladder.

6. Well have a long way to walk if we run out of petrol here.

7. I should have brought you some beer if I had known that you were thirsty.

8. She wont get a good mark unless she learns the lesson.

9. If she is honest, she would have told the truth.

10. If anyone attacked me, my dog would jump at his throat.

Traducei n limba englez:

1. Nu tiu ce am fi fcut dac nu ar fi fost acest om curajos s ne ajute.

2. Fr grdini i parcuri, oraul nostru ar arta dezolant.

3. Sunt sigur c bieii ar intra n livada dac n-ar fi cinele acela.

4. Dac va vrea s ne ajute, vom termina toat treaba n mai puin de dou ore.

5. Oamenii vor avea ncredere n tine atta timp ct te vei ine de cuvnt.

6. Ce ar spune prinii ti dac s-ar ntmpla s te ntlneac n parc n timpul orelor de curs?

7. Poate s-mi ia maina cu condiia s mi-o aduc pn la ora 12:00.

8. De-ar ti omul ce-ar pi, dinainte s-ar pzi.

9. Dac ar fi nvat carte, poate c ar fi fost i el printre dansatori, vesel, fr gnduri grele [].
(Liviu Rebreaunu Ion)

10. Dac te vei menine pe linia consecvenei teologice, vei ajunge la extazele []. (Lucian Blaga
Luntrea lui Caron)

Englez: Gramatic: Verbe - subjonctivul

Exist trei forme ale timpului subjonctiv:

1. subjonctiv prezent 1
2. subjonctiv prezent 2
3. subjonctiv trecut

De asemenea, mai exist o form care poate s nlocuiasc subjonctivul: should + short infinitive.

Forma timpului subjonctiv prezent 1

Cu excepia verbului to be, subjonctivul prezent 1 este identic n form cu timpul prezent simplu la
modul indicativ. Subjonctivul prezent al verbului to be este be pentru toate persoanele. De asemenea,
subjonctivul prezent 1 este ntotdeauna identic n form cu infinitivul scurt al verbului.


Suppose I be late, what then?

Forma timpului subjonctiv prezent 2

Subjonctivul prezent 2 este identic n form cu cu timpul trecut simplu la modul indicativ. Cu toate
acestea, diferena de sens este major, deoarece acest timp face referire la prezent sau la viitor. De aceea
numim acest subjonctiv prezent 2, pentru a evita confuzia cu timpul trecut simplu la modul indicativ.

If I had money, I would give it to you.

Forma timpului subjonctiv trecut

Acest timp este identic n form cu timpul trecut compus la modul indicativ (past perfect indicative).


I wished my brother would be in Romania.

Cnd se folosete
Subjonctivul prezent 1 este folosit n urmtoarele situaii:

1. n expresii idiomatice care exprim urare sau rug. Exemple:

o God save the Queen.
o The Devil take him.
o God bless you.
2. Dup verbe care exprim o dorin n viitor. Exemplu:
o It is my wish that you go home next year.
3. Dup verbe precum propose, suggest, order, demand, insist, advise. Exemplu:
o I suggest that you leave and take care of your babies.
4. n propoziii subordonate concesive care nu ncep cu o conjuncie. Exemple:
o Cost what it may, we'll go there
o Come what may, I'll go there.
5. Dup expresii impersonale precum it's impossible, it's unbelievable, it's strange, it's natural, it's
improbable. Exemplu:
o It's impossible that she win the prize.

Formele timpului subjonctiv sunt folosite n urmtoarele situaii:

1. Dup verbe care exprim o dorin, n situaii ipotetice:

o Subjonctiv prezent 2. Exemplu:
She wish her sister were here.
o Subjonctiv trecut. Exemplu:
She wished her sister had been here
2. Dup expresiile as if, as though
o Subjonctiv prezent 2. Exemple:
She looks as if she were sad.
She looked as if she were sad.
o Subjonctiv trecut. Exemplu:
She looks as if she had cried all day long.
3. Dup expresiile it's high time, it's about time
o Subjonctiv prezent 2. Exemplu:
It's high time we left.
4. Dup expresiile would rather, would sooner
o Subjonctiv prezent 1: se folosete atunci cnd subiectul expresiei coincide cu subiectul
subjonctivului. n acest caz, cel de-al doilea subiect este omis. Exemplu:
I'd rather write my homework.
o Subjonctiv prezent 2: se folosete pentru a face referire la prezent sau la viitor, n cazul
n care subiectul este diferite. Exemplu:
I'd rather she wrote her homework.
Subjonctiv trecut: se folosete pentru a face referire la trecut, n cazul n care subiectul
difer. Exemplu:
I'd rather you had went home instead of going to the disco.
5. Dup verbul suppose:
o Subjonctiv prezent 1 - se folosete pentru a face referire la prezent sau la viitor.
Suppose I be the winner, what can I say?
o Subjonctiv prezent 2 - se folosete pentru a face referire la prezent sau la viitor.
Suppose I were the winner, what could I do?
o Subjonctiv trecut - se folosete pentru a face referire la trecut. Exemplu:
Supposed I had been the winner, could I have said?

Englez: Gramatic: Verbe neregulate

Urmtorul tabel prezint verbele neregulate din limba englez. Unele dintre acestea au dou variante de
conjugare, regulat i neregulat. n acest caz, varianta mai uzitat este trecut prima.

Infinitiv Past Tense Participiu trecut Traducerea infinitivului (sensul principal)

arise arose arisen a se ridica

awoke awoken
awake a se trezi
awaked awaked

backslide backslid a decdea

be was / were been a fi

bear bore a purta

beat beat a bate

become became become a deveni

begin began begun a ncepe

bend bent bent a se ndoi

bet bet
bet a paria
betted betted

bid bid
bid a licita, a porunci
bade bidden

bind bound bound a lega

bite bit bitten a muca

bleed bled bled a sngera

blow blew blown a sufla, a bate

break broke broken a sparge

breed bred bred a crete, a educa

bring brought brought a aduce

broadcast broadcast
broadcast a difuza
broadcasted broadcasted

browbeat browbeat a intimida

build built built a construi

burned burned
burn a arde
burnt burnt

burst burst burst a izbucni, a nvli, a crpa

busted busted
bust a rupe, a strica
bust bust

buy bought bought a cumpra

cast cast cast a arunca

catch caught caught a prinde

choose chose chosen a alege

cling clung clung a se aga

clothed clothed
clothe a (se) mbrca
clad clad

come came come a veni

cost cost cost a costa

creep crept crept a se tr, a se furia

cut cut cut a tia

daydreamed daydreamed
daydream a visa cu ochii deschii
daydreamt daydreamt

deal dealt dealt a trata, a se ocupa de

dig dug dug a spa

disprove disproved a infirma

dive dived a plonja

do did done a face

draw drew drawn a trage, a desena

dreamed dreamed
dream a visa
dreamt dreamt

drink drank drunk a bea

drive drove driven a ofa, a mna

dwelt dwelt
dwell a locui
dwelled dwelled

eat ate eaten a mnca

fall fell fallen a cdea

feed fed fed a hrni

feel felt felt a (se) simi

fight fought fought a (se) lupta

find found found a gsi

fitted fitted
fit a se potrivi
fit fit

flee fled fled a fugi, a se refugia

fling flung flung a arunca

fly flew flown a zbura

forbid forbade forbidden a interzice


forecast forecast
forecast a prevedea
forecasted forecasted

forego forewent foregone a preceda

foresee foresaw foreseen a prevedea

foretell foretold foretold a prezice

forget forgot forgotten a uita

forgive forgave forgiven a ierta

forsake forsook forsaken a prsi

freeze froze frozen a nghea

frostbite frostbit frostbitten a degera

get got gotten a primi, a obine

give gave given a da

go went gone a merge

grind ground ground a mcina

grow grew grown a crete

hand-feed hand-fed hand-fed a hrni cu mna

handwrite handwrote handwritten a scrie de mn

hang hung hung a atrna

have had had a avea

hear heard heard a auzi

hew hewed a despica

hide hid hidden a (se) ascunde

hit hit hit a lovi

hold held held a ine

hurt hurt hurt a lovi, a rni, a durea

inbreed inbred inbred a procrea

inlay inlaid inlaid a ncrusta

input input
input a introduce
inputted inputted

interbreed interbred interbred a ncrucia

interwove interwoven
interweave a (se) ntreese
interweaved interweaved

interwind interwound interwound a se rsuci

jerry-build jerry-built jerry-built a construi prost

keep kept kept a ine, a pstra

knelt knelt
kneel a ngenunchia
kneeled kneeled

knitted knitted
knit a tricota
knit knit

know knew known a ti, a cunoate

lay laid laid a pune, a aeza

lead led led a conduce

leaned leaned
lean a se apleca, a se sprijini
leant leant

leaped leaped
leap a sri
leapt leapt

learned learned
learn a nva
learnt learnt

leave left left a pleca, a lsa

lend lent lent a da cu mprumut

let let let a lsa, a permite

lie lay lain a zcea, a se afla

lit lit
light a aprinde
lighted lighted

lip-read lip-read lip-read a citi pe buze

lose lost lost a pierde

make made made a face

mean meant meant a nsemna

meet met met a (se) ntlni

miscast miscast miscast a distribui ntr-un rol nepotrivit

misdeal misdealt misdealt a mpri crile greit

misdo misdid misdone a face greit

mishear misheard misheard a auzi greit

mislay mislaid mislaid a pierde

mislead misled misled a ndruma greit

mislearned mislearned
mislearn a nva greit
mislearnt mislearnt

misread misread misread a citi greit

misset misset misset a aeza greit

misspeak misspoke misspoken a se exprima greit

misspelled misspelled
misspell a ortografia greit
misspelt misspelt

misspend misspent misspent a risipi (bani)

mistake mistook mistaken a grei

misteach mistaught mistaught a instrui greit

misunderstand misunderstood misunderstood a nelege greit

miswrite miswrote miswritten a scrie greit

mow mowed a cosi
offset offset offset a compensa

outbid outbid outbid a licita mai mult ca

outbreed outbred outbred a ncrucia cu alt varietate

outdo outdid outdone a ntrece

outdraw outdrew outdrawn a scoate mai repede ca

outdrink outdrank outdrunk a bea prea mult

outfight outfought outfought a lupta mai bine ca

outfly outflew outflown a depi n zbor

outgrow outgrew outgrown a (se) face prea mare

outleaped outleaped
outleap a depi n sritur
outleapt outleapt

outride outrode outridden a ntrece

outrun outran outrun a ntrece

outsell outsold outsold a (se) vinde mai bine ca

outshone outshone
outshine a eclipsa
outshined outshined

outshoot outshot outshot a trage mai bine ca

outsing outsang outsung a cnta mai bine ca

outsit outsat outsat a sta mai mult dect

outsleep outslept outslept a dormi prea mult

outspeak outspoke outspoken a vorbi tare

outspend outspent outspent a cheltui mai mult dect

outthink outthought outthought a fi mai detept ca

outthrow outthrew outthrown a arunca mai bine ca

outwrite outwrote outwritten a scrie mai bine ca

overbid overbid overbid a supralicita

overbreed overbred overbred a (se) supranmuli

overbuild overbuilt overbuilt a (se) construi n exces

overbuy overbought overbought a cumpra n exces

overcome overcame overcome a covri

overdo overdid overdone a exagera

overdraw overdrew overdrawn a depi

overdrink overdrank overdrunk a bea n exces

overeat overate overeaten a mnca n exces

overfeed overfed overfed a (se) supraalimenta

overhang overhung overhung a atrna peste

overhear overheard overheard a auzi din ntmplare

overlay overlaid overlaid a pune peste

overpay overpaid overpaid a plti prea mult

override overrode overridden a nclca

overrun overran overrun a depi

oversee oversaw overseen a supraveghea

oversell oversold oversold a supraevalua

oversew oversewed a coase marginile mpreun

overshoot overshot overshot a trece peste

oversleep overslept overslept a dormi prea mult

overspeak overspoke overspoken a vorbi prea mult

overspend overspent overspent a cheltui prea mult

overtake overtook overtaken a depi

overthrow overthrew overthrown a rsturna

overwind overwound overwound a rsuci prea mult

overwrite overwrote overwritten a suprascrie

partake partook partaken a mprti

pay paid paid a plti

pleaded pleaded
plead a pleda
pled pled

prepay prepaid prepaid a plti n avans

presell presold presold a vinde n avans

preset preset preset a preconfigura

proofread proofread proofread a corecta

prove proved a (se) dovedi

put put put a pune

quick-freeze quick-froze quick-frozen a nghea rapid

quit quit
quit a abandona
quitted quitted

read read read a citi

reawake reawoke reawaken a se retrezi

rebroadcast rebroadcast
rebroadcast a redifuza
rebroadcasted rebroadcasted

rebuild rebuilt rebuilt a reconstrui

recast recast recast a remodela

recut recut recut a tia din nou

redo redid redone a reface

redraw redraw redrawn a retrasa

refitted refitted
refit a reutila
refit refit

regrow regrow regrown a recrete

rehear reheard reheard a reaudia

relearned relearned
relearn a renva
relearnt relearnt

relit relit
relight a (se) reaprinde
relighted relighted

remake remade remade a reface

repay repaid repaid a recompensa

reread reread reread a reciti

rerun reran rerun a relua

resell resold resold a revinde

resend resent resent a retrimite

reset reset reset a reaeza

resew resewed a recoase

retake retook retaken a relua

reteach retaught retaught a reinstrui

retell retold retold a repovesti

rethink rethought rethought a regndi

retread retread retread a parcurge din nou

rewoke rewaken
rewake a (se) retrezi
rewaked rewaked

rewed rewed
rewed a se recstori
rewedded rewedded

rewin rewon rewon a rectiga

rewind rewound rewound a derula napoi

rewrite rewrote rewritten a rescrie

rid rid rid a scpa de, a se descotorosi

ride rode ridden a clri

ring rang rung a suna

rise rose risen a rsri, a se ridica

run ran run a fugi

saw sawed a tia cu fierstrul

say said said a spune

see saw seen a vedea

seek sought sought a cuta

sell sold sold a vinde

send sent sent a trimite

set set set a pune

sew sewed a coase

shake shook shaken a scutura, a tremura

shave shaved a (se) rade

shear sheared a tunde oi

shed shed shed a vrsa (lacrimi, snge)

shone shone
shine a strluci
shined shined

shoe shod shod a potcovi

shoot shot shot a mpuca

show showed shown a arta

shrink shrank shrunk a se strnge, a se scoroji

shut shut shut a nchide

sight-read sight-read sight-read a citi la prima vedere

sing sang sung a cnta

sink sunk a (se) scufunda

sit sat sat a edea

slew slain
slay a ucide
slayed slayed

sleep slept slept a dormi

slide slid slid a aluneca

sling slung slung a arunca

slink slunk slunk a se furia

slit slit slit a (se) crpa

smelled smelled
smell a mirosi
smelt smelt

sneaked sneaked
sneak a se furia
snuck snuck

sow sowed a semna

speak spoke spoken a vorbi

sped sped
speed a grbi, a accelera
speeded speeded

spelled spelled
spell a ortografia
spelt spelt

spellbind spellbound spellbound a fermeca

spend spent spent a cheltui, a petrece

spilled spilled
spill a vrsa
spilt spilt

spin spun spun a toarce

spit spat spat a scuipa

spit spit

split split split a despica

spoiled spoiled
spoil a rsfa
spolit spoilt

spoon-feed spoon-fed spoon-fed a hrni cu linguria

spread spread spread a (se) ntinde

spring sprung a izvor, a sri

stand stood stood a sta (n picioare)

steal stole stolen a fura, a se furia

stick stuck stuck a lipi

sting stung stung a nepa

stink stunk a mirosi urt

strew strewed a presra

stride strode stridden a merge cu pai mari

strike struck a lovi

string strung strung a nira (pe o a)

strove striven
strive a nzui
strived strived

sublet sublet sublet a subnchiria

sunburned sunburned
sunburn a se arde de soare
sunburnt sunburnt

swear swore sworn a jura, a njura

sweat sweat
sweat a transpira
sweated sweated

sweep swept swept a mtura

swell swelled a se umfla

swim swam swum a nota

swing swung swung a legna

take took taken a lua

teach taught taught a nva, a preda

tear tore torn a rupe, a sfia

telecast telecast telecast a teledifuza

tell told told a spune, a povesti

test-drive test-drove test-driven a testa o main

test-fly test-flew test-flown a testa un avion

think thought thought a (se) gndi

thrive throve thriven a prospera

throw threw thrown a arunca

thrust thrust thrust a nfige

tread trod a clca

typecast typecast typecast a distribui ntr-un rol tipic

typeset typeset typeset a culege pentru tipar

typewrite typewrote typewritten a dactilografia

unbend unbent unbent a (se) dezdoi

unbind unbound unbound a dezlega

unclothed unclothed
unclothe a (se) dezbrca
clad clad

underbid underbid underbid a oferi un pre prea mic

undercut undercut undercut a submina

underfeed underfed underfed a subalimenta

undergo underwent undergone a trece prin

underlie underlay underlain a sta la baza

undersell undersold undersold a vinde mai ieftin dect (concurena)

underspend underspent underspent a cheltui prea puin

understand understood understood a nelege

undertake undertook undertaken a lua asupra sa

underwrite underwrote underwritten a subscrie

undo undid undone a anula

unfreeze unfroze unfrozen a dezghea

unhide unhid unhidden a iei din ascunztoare

unlearned unlearned
unlearn a dezva
unlearnt unlearnt

unsew unsewed a descoase

unwind unwound unwound a desfura

uphold upheld upheld a susine

upset upset upset a tulbura

woke woken
wake a se trezi
waked waked

waylay waylaid waylaid a acosta

wear wore worn a purta

wove woven
weave a ese
weaved weaved

wed wed
wed a (se) cununa
wedded wedded

weep wept wept a plnge

wet wet
wet a uda
wetted wetted

win won won a ctiga

wind wound wound a rsuci

withdraw withdrew withdrawn a (se) retrage

withhold withheld withheld a reine

withstand withstood withstood a rezista la

wring wrung wrung a stoarce

write wrote written a scrie

Englez: Gramatic: Verbe noionale -

Concordana timpurilor
Corespondena sau concordana timpurilor (sequence of tenses) se refer la faptul c timpurile verbale
folosite de vorbitor ntr-o propoziie secundar, subordonat propoziiei regente, sunt ntotdeauna
condiionate de aceasta din urm, n sensul unui raport logic gramatical.

Raportul amintit trebuie s fie logic, adic s in cont de nlnuirea faptelor din perspectiv
cronologic. De asemenea, raportul logic trebuie s fie i gramatical, adic s fie exprimat prin forme
gramaticale adecvate, respectiv prin timpurile verbale care ndeplinesc funciile cerute de logica frazei.

Sistemul corespondenei timpurilor din limba englez difer considerabil de cel din limba romn, fiind
mult mai strict, ceea ce constituie un avertisment mpotriva transpunerilor mecanice dintr-o limb n

La baza regulilor de corespondena timpurilor stau cteva principii generale:

1. un timp prezent din principal/regent poate fi urmat de orice timp verbal cerut de logica
o Tom knows that Mary has sent the letter.
o I know they came yesterday.
o They know he will conduct the concert tonight.
2. un timp trecut este urmat de un alt timp trecut:
o Tom knew (that) Mary had sent the letter.
o We knew (that) they were away.
o He knew (that) she would help him.
3. un timp viitor, de un timp prezent:
o I shall inform him that I need his report tomorrow.

Abaterile i nuanrile sunt ns numeroase.

Excepii de la regulile corespondenei timpurilor:
Dup un verb la un timp trecut n principal (preterit sau mai-mult-ca-perfectul):

1. n propoziiile secundare ce exprim un adevr general sau un adevr considerat absolut se

folosete timpul prezent:
o The pupils didnt know that water freezes at 0 degrees Celsius.
o We were told that Shakespeare is the greatest English writer.
o The pupils were taught that English is an analytical language.
2. n unele propoziii comparative se folosete orice timp, n funcie de intenia vorbitorului:
o Diana spoke English better last year than she does now.
3. n propoziiile relative se folosete orice timp, n funcie de intenia vorbitorului:
o Mary met the man who will lead the searching party.
4. n propoziiile cauzale se folosete orice timp, n funcie de intenia vorbitorului :
o I didnt call him because I shall meet him tonight.
5. n stilul jurnalistic se poate folosi viitorul:
o The delegate said that he will not participate in the aft ernoon debates.

I. Concordana timpurilor n propoziia completiv

I. Dup un timp prezent (prezentul sau perfectul prezent indicativ) n regent, verbul din completiv este
condiionat exclusiv de intenia vorbitorului:

I think that it is no distance to the post office.

I hear that he will return tomorrow.
I know you were there.

Pentru a exprima o aciune trecut fa de prezentul din principal, n completiv se pot folosi
perfectul prezent, preteritul sau subjonctivul analitic urmat de infinitivul perfect, care subliniaz
sentimentul exprimat de verbul din principal:

I am sorry that you have misunderstood me/that you misunderstood me/that you should have
misunderstood me.

n ceea ce privete situaiile care cer subjonctivul, se observ c:

1. dac verbul din regent la timpul prezent exprim cererea, insistena sau recomandarea (order,
give orders, insist, ask, demand, require, propose, suggest, recommend, agree, arrange), atunci
verbul din completiv este la subjonctivul prezent, forma analitic:
o He demands that new solutions should be sought.
o I insist that you should write more carefully. (n variant american a limbii engleze se
prefer subjonctivul prezent sintetic: He demands that new solutions be sought.)
2. dac verbul la prezent din principal exprim un sentiment (regret, be sorry/
surprised/astonished/amazed/disappointed), verbul din secundar este fie la prezentul
indicativ, fie la prezentul subjonctiv analitic, acesta din urm accentund sentimentul
exprimat de verbul din principal:
o I am sorry that you misunderstand me/that you should misunderstand me.
3. verbul wish la prezentul indicativ n principal este urmat n secundar de:
o subjonctivul trecut pentru a exprima posibilitatea realizrii n viitor a unei dorine. (De
remarcat c n romn wish se red prin condiionalul prezent):
I wish I met him. A dori s-l cunosc.
She wishes she were with us. Ar vrea s fie cu noi.
o would la toate persoanele pentru a reda ideea c svrirea aciunii exprimate de verb
depinde de subiectul propoziiei completive, iar dorina exprimat de wish devine
I wish you would come too. A vrea s vii i tu.
o mai-mult-ca-perfect pentru a exprima regretul fa de o aciune nerealizat n trecut:
I wish you had come too. Pcat c n-ai venit i tu.

II. Dup un verb la timpul viitor n principal, verbul propoziiei completive este condiionat logic:

I shall try to describe what I saw there.

I shall only tell you what I know.
We shall not forget how we had been treated there.

Pentru a reda ideea de viitor n secundar, se folosete prezentul:

I shall tell you about what I find there. i voi relata despre cele ce voi constata acolo.

III. Dup un timp trecut (preterit sau mai-mult-ca-perfectul) n principal, exist trei situaii:

1. atunci cnd aciunea verbului din principal este simultan cu cea a verbului din secundar, n
secundara completiv vom folosi preteritul:
o I did not know you were there. Nu tiam c eti aici. (n aceast situaie, echivalentul
romnesc din completiv este prezentul)
2. atunci cnd aciunea verbului din principal este posterioar celei din secundar, n secundara
completiv vom folosi mai-mult-ca-perfectul:
o He said that he had made up his mind. A spus c s-a hotrt.(n aceast situaie,
echivalentul romnesc din completiv este, de obicei, perfectul compus.)
3. atunci cnd aciunea verbului din principal este anterioar celei din secundar, n secundara
completiv vom folosi viitorul n trecut (Future-in-the-Past):
o Tom had believed that his rich friends would help him in need. Tom crezuse c bogaii
lui prieteni l vor ajuta la nevoie.
o Didnt I tell you that I should pay him a visit? Nu i-am spus c am s-i fac o vizit?
(n aceast situaie, n romn folosim viitorul propriu-zis sau viitorul familiar.)

Atenie! Dup cte se observ, n romn nu exist corespondena timpurilor, deci putem folosi un
prezent sau un viitor dup un trecut.

n concluzie, se observ c, n limba englez, dup un timp trecut n principal, verbele din secundar se
modific conform regulilor pentru vorbirea indirect:

Present Tense devine Past Tense

Present Perfect i Past Tense devin Past Perfect
Future devine Future in the Past

n ceea ce privete utilizarea subjonctivului, se aplic urmtoarele reguli:

1. dac verbul la trecut din principal exprim cererea, insistena sau recomandarea, verbul din
completiv este la subjonctivul prezent analitic:
o The doctor insisted that I should stop smoking.
2. dac verbul la trecut din principal exprim un sentiment, verbul din completiv poate fi:
o la subjonctivul prezent analitic pentru a exprima simultaneitatea:
I was sorry that he should act like that. Mi-a prut ru c procedeaz astfel.
o la subjonctivul prezent analitic urmat de infinitivul perfect pentru a exprima
I was sorry that he should have acted like that. Mi-a prut ru c a procedat
3. verbul wish la trecut n regent este urmat n completiv de:
o subjonctivul trecut pentru a exprima posibilitatea realizrii n viitor a unei dorine:
I wished I met him. A fi vrut s-l cunosc.
o subjonctivul mai-mult-ca-perfect pentru a exprima regretul fa de o aciune
nerealizat n trecut:
I wished you had come too. Mi-a prut ru c nu ai venit i tu.

Se observ c echivalentul romnesc al preteritului verbului wish din principal este condiionalul

II. Concordana timpurilor n propoziia subiectiv

I. Dup un timp prezent n regent, verbul propoziiei subiective este condiionat logic:

It is certain that Tom was there/had been there/will be there.

Este sigur c Tom a fost acolo/fusese acolo/va fi acolo.

n ceea ce privete situaiile care cer subjonctivul, se observ c:

1. dup expresiile verbale impersonale it is necessary/important/advisable/desirable/meet and

proper/better/inevitable/strange/surprising/annoying, propoziia subiectiv, introdus prin that,
are verbul la subjonctivul prezent analitic la toate persoanele:
o It is better that she should not insist.
o It is important that they should be announced. (n varianta american a limbii engleze
se prefer subjonctivul prezent sintetic: It is natural that the fog be lifted by noon.)
2. dup expresiile it is possible/probable, verbul din propoziia subiectiv este la subjonctivul
prezent analitic cu may/might, dar la forma interogativ se folosete should:
o It is possible that he may come tomorrow.
o Is it possible that he should come tomorrow?
3. pentru exprimarea anterioritii se folosete subjonctivul prezent analitic plus infinitivul
o It is strange that he should not have accepted your invitation.

II. Dup un trecut n regent, verbul propoziiei subiective este condiionat astfel:

1. pentru a exprima simultaneitatea, el este la preterit:

o It was certain that he worked well. Era sigur c lucreaz bine.
2. pentru a exprima anterioritatea, este la mai-mult-ca-perfect:
o It was certain that he had worked well. Era sigur c a lucrat bine.
3. pentru a exprima posterioritatea, la viitorul-n-trecut:
o It was certain that he would work well. Era sigur c va lucra bine.

n situaiile care cer subjonctivul, se observ c:

1. dup expresiile verbale it was necessary/important etc. se folosete subjonctivul prezent

o It was necessary that he should act like that.
2. pentru exprimarea anterioritii, dup aceste construcii se folosete subjonctivul prezent
analitic urmat de infinitivul perfect:
o It was strange that he should not have accepted your invitation.

III. Concordana timpurilor n propoziia circumstanial de

I. O propoziie regent cu verbul la prezent este rareori nsoit de o circumstanial de timp. Cnd se
ntmpl totui acest lucru, n temporal se folosete tot un prezent:

When I am tired, I go to bed.

II. Spre deosebire de limba romn, dup viitorul din principal, n circumstaniala de timp nu se
folosete un timp viitor, ci un timp prezent:

1. prezentul simplu pentru a exprima simultaneitatea:

o I shall do it when I can. Am s fac asta cnd am s pot.
o We shall speak to them as soon as they return. Vom vorbi cu ei de ndat ce se vor
2. perfectul prezent pentru anterioritate:
o You will go out when you have finished your homework. Vei iei dup ce-i termini

Se recomand atenie la transpunerea dintr-o limb n alta! Prezentul din temporala englezeasc se
traduce n romn prin viitor.

III. Atunci cnd verbul din regent este la viitorul-n-trecut, n circumstaniala de timp se poate observa

1. simultaneitatea se exprim prin preterit:

o John said he would come when he could. John a spus c va veni cnd va putea.
2. anterioritatea se exprim prin mai-mult-ca-perfect:
o Tim said he would go to the movies when he had finished reading. Tim a spus c se va
duce la film dup ce va termina de citit.

IV. Atunci cnd verbul din principal este la trecut, verbul din temporal este la:

1. preterit pentru a exprima simultaneitatea:

o I was writing a letter when my friend called me up. Scriam o scrisoare cnd m-a sunat
prietenul meu.
2. mai-mult-ca-perfect pentru a exprima anterioritatea:
o I found the book after you had left. Am gsit cartea dup ce ai plecat.

V. Concordana timpurilor n propoziia circumstanial de

Problema corespondenei ntre timpul din principal i cel din secundar se pune numai dac cele dou
subiecte sunt diferite. Altminteri, timpul verbal din final se transform ntr-un infinitiv:
They will leave early in order to arrive before noon. Vor pleca devreme ca s ajung nainte de

I. Dac verbul din principal este la prezent, viitor sau imperativ, verbul din final este la subjonctivul
analitic cu may sau la viitorul cu will. n propoziiile negative, se folosete subjonctivul analitic cu

Write to him at once so that he may take the first plane. Scrie-i imediat, ca s ia primul avion.
He is locking the door lest thieves should enter. ncuie ua ca s nu intre hoii.

II. Dac verbul din principal este la un timp trecut, verbul din final este la subjonctivul analitic cu
might. n propoziiile negative, se folosete subjonctivul analitic cu should:

I gave him my textbook so that he might learn the lesson. I-am dat manualul meu ca s nvee
The plane flew high lest the storm should overtake it.

VI. Concordana timpurilor n propoziia circumstanial

I. O regent cu verbul la prezent sau trecut se asociaz rar cu o condiional. Cnd se ntmpl acest
lucru, verbul din secundar este condiionat logic:

If Susan is not at home, she must be at work.

If Mike left early this morning, he will probably arrive there in time.

II. Viitorul din principal se asociaz cu prezentul n condiional pentru a exprima o posibilitate
viitoare sau, dup cum spun anumite gramatici, o condiie real (aceast combinaie se numete i
condiional de tip 1):

I shall speak to him if I see him. Am s vorbesc cu el dac am s-l vd.

We shall go to the seaside provided the weather is fine. Ne vom duce la mare dac vremea va fi

Atenie! n limba englez, n propoziia condiional de acest tip nu se folosete niciodat viitorul. n
contexte ca:

1. We shall be delighted if you will come too, will nu exprim viitorul, ci este un verb modal cu
sensul a vrea
2. I don't know if he will come, will se poate folosi pentru c propoziia secundar este completiv
direct, nu condiional.

Se observ c prezentul din condiionala englezeasc se traduce n romn prin viitor.

III. Viitorul din principal se asociaz cu prezentul, perfectul prezent sau cu un timp trecut pentru a
arta anterioritatea condiiei:

If he is still there, he will get it hot. Dac mai e acolo o s-o peasc.
Nobody will blame you if you have forgotten the the authors name. Nimeni n-o s se supere
dac ai uitat numele autorilor.
IV. Imperativul din principal se asociaz cu formele verbale din condiional n acelai mod ca viitorul:

If you meet him, tell him to come back at once.

V. Atunci cnd verbul din regent este la viitorul-n-trecut, n condiional se va folosi:

1. preteritul pentru simultaneitate:

o He said he would come if he could. A spus c va veni dac va putea.
2. mai-mult-ca-perfectul pentru anterioritate:
o He said he would come if he had finished reading. A spus c va veni dac va termina de

VI. Condiionalul prezent din regent se asociaz cu preteritul n condiional pentru a exprima
simultaneitatea n perspectiva unei posibiliti mai vagi dect cea redat de prezent sau, dup cum spun
anumite gramatici, o condiie ireal prezent sau viitoare (aceast combinaie se numete i
condiional de tip 2):

If Jane knew him better, she should speak to him. Dac Jane l-ar cunoate mai bine, ar vorbi cu
Would you help me if I asked you to? M-ai ajuta dac te-a ruga?
If I were you, I should buy that coat. Dac a fi n locul tu, a cumpra haina aceea.

VII. Condiionalul prezent din regent se poate asocia cu mai-mult-ca-perfectul n condiional pentru a
exprima anterioritatea:

If I had received the novel in time, I should be reading it now. Dac a fi primit romanul la
timp, acum l-a citi.

VIII. Condiionalul trecut din principal se asociaz cu mai-mult-ca-perfectul n condiional pentru a

exprima simultaneitatea n perspectiva unei aciuni nerealizate sau, dup cum spun anumite gramatici,
o condiie ireal n trecut (aceast combinaie se numete i condiional de tip 3):

He could have been one of the greatest political leaders if he had not died at so early an age.
Ar fi putut fi unul dintre cei mai mari lideri politici dac nu ar fi murit att de tnr.
I should have been late if I had not left in time. A fi ntrziat dac nu a fi plecat la timp.

Atenie! n limba englez, n propoziiile condiionale de tipul 2 i 3 nu se folosete niciodat

condiionalul, spre deosebire de limba romn.

Propoziiile cu verbul la indicativ din preajma condiionalelor de tipul 2 i 3 trebuie s respecte i ele
regulile de concordana timpurilor:

I should understand if you told me what you wanted/who you were/where you had been. A
nelege dac mi-ai spune ce vrei/cine eti/unde ai fost.
I should have understood if you had told me where you had been/what you would do. A fi
neles dac mi-ai fi spus unde ai fost/ce vei face.

Dup un verb trecut n principal, condiionala de tip 1 se transform n tipul 2, pe cnd condiionalele
de tipul 2 i 3 rmn neschimbate:

Tipul 1:
I shall come if I have time.
She said she would come if she had time.

Tipul 2:

I should come if I had time.

She said she would come if she had time.

Tipul 3:

I should have come if I had had time.

She said she would have come if she had had time.

VII. Concordana timpurilor n propoziia circumstanial

Verbul din secundara comparativ este condiionat logic de cel din principal. ns, atunci cnd n
ambele propoziii apare structura the + comparativ, viitorul din secundar se nlocuiete cu prezentul:

The more time you spend in the open air, the sooner you will recover. Cu ct vei petrece mai
mult timp n aer liber, cu att mai iute te vei nsntoi.

Comparativele introduse de as if i as though se supun urmtoarelor reguli:

1. dup timpurile prezent i preterit din principal, se folosete subjonctivul trecut pentru
o He speaks English as if he were an Englishman. Vorbete englezete de parc ar fi
2. dup aceleai timpuri de mai sus se folosete mai-mult-ca-perfectul pentru anterioritate:
o He spoke English as if he had been born and bred in England. Vorbete englezete de
parc s-ar fi nscut i ar fi fost crescut n Anglia.

n celelalte propoziii secundare, verbele sunt condiionate logic de cele din principal.


Englez: Gramatic: Sintaxa propoziiei:

Clasificarea propoziiilor
Unitatea sintactic de baz este propoziia (the sentence). Ea poate consta dintr-un singur cuvnt sau
dintr-o mbinare de cuvinte aflate n diverse raporturi sintactice:

I am reading.
Did you turn off the gas?
No, I forgot.

Clasificarea propoziiilor

Propoziiile pot fi simple, formate doar din subiect i predicat, sau dezvoltate, cuprinznd i una sau mai
multe pri secundare de propoziie:

The path is slippery.

The narrow path leading to the castle is very slippery in wet weather.

Din punctul de vedere al scopului comunicrii, propoziiile pot fi:

I. Enuniative (The Declarative Sentence)

Ele sunt rostite cu intonaie descendent, iar ordinea normal a cuvintelor este S(ubject) V(erb)

The meeting is scheduled for next Tuesday.

Mary has chosen the subject of her dissertation paper.

II. Interogative (The Interrogative Sentence)

Pot fi directe (adresate unei persoane i independente) i indirecte (n fraza prin subordonare). Cele
directe se mpart n:

a. ntrebri generale (General Questions), care au intonaie ascendent i structur diferit de cele
enuniative: V S O sau Aux S V

Is your sister still shopping?

Do you know each other?
Can you speak Hungarian?

ntrebrile generale se refer la predicat i la ele se rspunde scurt, prin yes, no, alt adverb sau locuiune
adverbial de afirmaie sau negaie sau adugnd la acestea o propoziie format dintr-un pronume
personal subiect plus verbul auxiliar sau modal respectiv:

Has she given taken a shower?

No, she hasnt.

b. ntrebri speciale (Special Questions): se refer la subiect sau la o parte secundar de propoziie.
Sunt introduse printr-un pronume, adjectiv pronominal sau adverb interogativ i au intonaie

Who told you this?

What is going on here?
Whose books are these?

n ntrebrile speciale introduse de un pronume interogativ cu funcia de subiect, ordinea cuvintelor este
cea specific ntrebrilor. Cnd ntrebarea se refer la o parte secundar de propoziie, are loc o
inversiune parial ntre S i V:
When did the parcel arrive?

sau total, pentru verbele to be i to have:

When is your birthday?

c. ntrebrile alternative (Alternative Questions) conin dou pri de propoziie identice, legate prin
conjuncia or. Partea care precede conjuncia are intonaie urctoare, iar cea care o urmeaz,

Will you have water or tea?

Shall I stay or leave?

d. ntrebrile disjunctive (Disjunctive Questions) sunt scurte ntrebri ataate unor propoziii
enuniative, compuse din verbul auxiliar sau modal corespunztor predicatului propoziiei enuniative i
dintr-un pronume personal subiect. Ele au forma negativ cnd enunul este afirmativ i viceversa. Se
traduc n romn prin Nu-i aa? i ateapt un rspuns scurt, pozitiv sau negativ, intonaia fiind, n acest
caz, ascendent:

You have seen his latest film, havent you?

Yes, I have.
This cannot be true, can it?
No, it cant.

Dac ntrebrile disjunctive sunt doar remarci de conversaie i nu cer un rspuns, ele sunt rostite pe un
ton descendent.

e. Interogativele indirecte (Indirect Questions) sunt un mod indirect de a pune o ntrebare n vorbirea
direct sau de a relata ceva n vorbirea indirect. Sunt propoziii subodonate i au topic normal, S V:

The question is who has done this horrible thing.

They asked me what I thought about the book.

III. Imperative (The Imperative Sentence)

Exprim un ordin, o interdicie, un ndemn. Sunt construite cu modul imperativ, aspectul nedefinit,
diateza activ sau cu echivalentul let plus infinitivul verbului de conjugat, la persoanele I i a III-a.

Ordinele au intonaie cobortoare:

Stand up!
Look here!
Shut up!

Rugminile i invitaiile sunt rostite pe un ton urctor:

Come in!
Go on!

Emfaza sau politeea este realizat cu ajutorul auxiliarului do. Nota de politee este dat i de adverbul
please i de construciile shall we?, will you?:
Do sit down!
Please come in!
Lets try again, shall we?

Propoziiile imperative la persoana I plural exprim un ndemn:

Lets go! S mergem!

Propoziiile imperative la persoana a II-a nu au subiect exprimat ns pronumele you este folosit uneori
n vorbirea curent:

You mind your own business! Vezi-i de treaba ta!

Pronumele nehotrte somebody, someone, everybody sau one of us, you, sunt folosite ca subiect cnd
vorbitorul se adreseaz oricrei persoane din grup:

Someone go fetch some water! Duce-i-v careva i aducei nite ap!

Propoziia imperativ poate fi construit i cu verbe modale:

You will do nothing of the kind! N-ai s faci una ca asta!

You must listen to the doctor! Trebuie s-l asculi pe doctor!

IV. Exclamative (The Exclamative Sentence)

Au intonaie cobortoare i pot fi enuniative sau interogativ-negative:

a. Exclamative enuniative

The picture is gorgeous! Tabloul este superb!

You're a fool! Eti un tmpit!

Auxiliarul de ntrire to do poate fi folosit n acest tip de propoziii:

She does have very beautiful eyes! Chiar are ochi foarte frumoi!

Ordinea cuvintelor este normal: S V O. ns, complementul sau numele predicativ preced subiectul
cnd propoziiile sunt introduse de adjectivul relativ what, urmat de substantive, sau adverbul how,
urmat de adjective i adverbe:

What beautiful eyes you have!

What gorgeous weather we have had these last few days!
How you have changed!
How tired I am!

Cuvintele here, there, away, off pot i ele s introduc propoziii exclamative:

Here comes our train! Uite c vine trenul!

Off we go! Am plecat!
Here it is! Poftim!

b. Exclamative interogativ-negative
Arent you lucky! Ce noroc pe tine!
Wasnt that lipstick gorgeous! Ce ruj superb!

n vorbirea curent sunt frecvente propoziiile exclamative eliptice:

What a nuisance! Ce pacoste!

What a surprise! Ce surpriz!
Nonsense! Prostii!

V. Negative (The Negative Sentence)

n limba englez, spre deosebire de limba romn, o propoziie negativ nu poate conine mai mult de o

Nobody has told me anything about it. Nimeni nu mi-a spus nimic despre acest lucru.

Dubla negaie este posibil n englez doar cnd nu se anuleaz reciproc:

You did not tell me not to be late. Nu mi-ai spus s nu vin trziu.

Principalul mod de construire a propoziiilor negative este negarea predicatului prin adverbul not:

It has not rained for days.

Caracterul negativ al propoziiei este dat i de negarea altor pri de propoziie:

Subiectul: Nobody could help him. Nimeni nu l-a putut ajuta.

Numele predicativ: It is nothing to me. Nu nseamn nimic pentru mine.
Complemente: They found no one there. Nu au gsit pe nimeni acolo. His efforts seem to lead
nowhere. Eforturile sale par s nu duc nicieri.

Un alt mod de negare a diferitelor pri de propoziie, cu excepia predicatului, este propoziia de

It was not she I talked to. Nu cu ea am vorbit.

Mijloacele de exprimare a negaiei includ:

a. Adverbul de negaie not, folosit pentru construirea formei negative a verbelor i care se aaz dup
verbele auxiliare, semiauxiliare, modale, dup to be i to have:

You dont seem happy at all.

They are not staying long.
She had not seen them.
This is not my book.
I cant remember her name.
I havent the slightest idea,

dar dup prezentul sau preteritul unui numr restrns de verbe noionale, n rspusuri la ntrebri:
believe, think, suppose, expect, hope, fear:

Do you think he will come?

No, I think not.

b. Pronumele negative no one, nobody, nothing, none, either, cu diverse funcii sintactice:

I have read neither of the poems.

No one has seen her.

c. Adjectivele negative no i neither, cu funcia de atribut:

She is no acquaintance of mine.

Neither method has worked.

d. Adverbele negative never, no, none, nowhere i nothing:

They went no farther than Market Square. Nu s-au dus mai departe de Market Square.

e. Conjunciile corelative neither nor:

Neither I nor you know the answer.

Datorit sinonimiei sintactice a propoziiilor negative, bazat pe sinonimia morfologic a adjectivelor,

pronumelor i adverbelor negative, una i aceeai propoziie poate fi exprimat astfel:

Forma negativ a verbului+forma afirmativ a adjectivului/pronumelui/adverbului:

She did not know anything about it.
Forma afirmativ a verbului+forma negativ a adjectivului/pronumelui/adverbului:
She knew nothing about it.

Aceste transformri nu sunt posibile atunci cnd cuvntul negaie este subiectul sau o parte din acesta:

Nobody was there.

Englez: Gramatic: Subiectul

Subiectul este partea principal de propoziie care spune ce este sau ce face predicatul.

Atentie! Spre deosebire de limba romn, n limba englez subiectul este ntotdeauna exprimat, fiindc
verbul are puine desinene care s marcheze persoana i numrul:

Citesc zilnic. (din desineele verbului, este evident c este vorba de pers. I, singular)
I read/you read/we read/they read everyday. (dac nu specificm subiectul, nu mai sunt clare
persoana i numrul verbului)

Clasificarea subiectelor
Subiectul poate fi:
1. simplu, cnd este exprimat printr-un grup nominal coninnd un substantiv, cu sau fr determinant,
sau un substitut al acestuia:

Jane works hard every day.

Everybody was in the room.
Two are mising.
The rich are happier than the poor.

2. complex, cnd este exprimat printr-o construcie cu infinitivul, participiul (prezent sau trecut) sau
gerunziul, construcii care reprezint reducerea unei propoziii subordonate subiective:

nominativul cu infinitivul: He is said to be a good teacher. Se spune c el este un profesor bun.

infinitivul cu for-to: It is strange for you to do that. Este ciudat ca tu s faci asta.
o construcie gerunzial: Your coming late did not surpise us. ntrzierea ta nu ne-a surprins.

3. exprimat printr-o propoziie subordonat subiectiv:

That you left early annoyed me. Faptul c ai plecat devreme m-a enervat.

Alte tipuri de subiecte/Cazuri speciale

1. Subiectul generic este exprimat prin pronumele one, you, he, they, sau prin substantivul people,
pentru a desemna o persoan n general sau un grup nedefinit de persoane:

You cant lie and get away with it every time. Nu poi s scapi de fiecare dat cnd mini.
One can find this book in the libraries. Aceast carte se poate gsi n biblioteci.
They say that smokers die young. Se spune c fumtorii mor repede.

2. Subiectul impersonal it are rol de subiect formal al propoziiilor impersonale care exprim timpul,
starea atmosferic sau distana n timp i spaiu:

It is Tuesday.
It is late.
It is ten km to Bucharest.

3. Subiect introductiv it sau there, care nu are sens de sine stttor, dar este necesar din punct de
vedere formal, anticipnd subiectul real, logic al propoziiei:

It ia easy to lie. Este uor s mini.

There are ten pencils on the desk. Sunt zece creioane pe birou.

It introductiv este folosit cnd subiectul real propoziiei este:

1. un infinitiv:

It was kind of him to talk to us.

It is necessary to leave.
It would be a shame to miss the film.
It took Mary ten days to read the book.

2. un gerunziu:
It was not worth waiting.
It is no use your talking.

3. o propoziie subiectiv:

It is strange that you should be here.

It seems that he is right.

Subiectul introductiv there anticipeaz subiectul real atunci cnd predicatul este verbul to be existenial
sau verbe ca happen, come, remain, occur, n stilul literar:

There is a letter for you.

There came a knock at the door.

Poziia subiectului
Subiectul este aezat:

1. naintea verbului n propoziiile enuniative:

o I am not a good teacher.
o Mary looks great.
2. dup verbul auxiliar sau modal, n propoziiile interogative:
o Can you read?
o Do you want to see the film?
3. dup verb, cnd el este anticipat de un it sau there introductiv:
o There are some crows in the tree.
o It seems that he has lied.

Englez: Gramatic: Subiectul

Subiectul este partea principal de propoziie care spune ce este sau ce face predicatul.

Atentie! Spre deosebire de limba romn, n limba englez subiectul este ntotdeauna exprimat, fiindc
verbul are puine desinene care s marcheze persoana i numrul:

Citesc zilnic. (din desineele verbului, este evident c este vorba de pers. I, singular)
I read/you read/we read/they read everyday. (dac nu specificm subiectul, nu mai sunt clare
persoana i numrul verbului)

Clasificarea subiectelor
Subiectul poate fi:

1. simplu, cnd este exprimat printr-un grup nominal coninnd un substantiv, cu sau fr determinant,
sau un substitut al acestuia:

Jane works hard every day.

Everybody was in the room.
Two are mising.
The rich are happier than the poor.

2. complex, cnd este exprimat printr-o construcie cu infinitivul, participiul (prezent sau trecut) sau
gerunziul, construcii care reprezint reducerea unei propoziii subordonate subiective:

nominativul cu infinitivul: He is said to be a good teacher. Se spune c el este un profesor bun.

infinitivul cu for-to: It is strange for you to do that. Este ciudat ca tu s faci asta.
o construcie gerunzial: Your coming late did not surpise us. ntrzierea ta nu ne-a surprins.

3. exprimat printr-o propoziie subordonat subiectiv:

That you left early annoyed me. Faptul c ai plecat devreme m-a enervat.

Alte tipuri de subiecte/Cazuri speciale

1. Subiectul generic este exprimat prin pronumele one, you, he, they, sau prin substantivul people,
pentru a desemna o persoan n general sau un grup nedefinit de persoane:

You cant lie and get away with it every time. Nu poi s scapi de fiecare dat cnd mini.
One can find this book in the libraries. Aceast carte se poate gsi n biblioteci.
They say that smokers die young. Se spune c fumtorii mor repede.

2. Subiectul impersonal it are rol de subiect formal al propoziiilor impersonale care exprim timpul,
starea atmosferic sau distana n timp i spaiu:

It is Tuesday.
It is late.
It is ten km to Bucharest.

3. Subiect introductiv it sau there, care nu are sens de sine stttor, dar este necesar din punct de
vedere formal, anticipnd subiectul real, logic al propoziiei:

It ia easy to lie. Este uor s mini.

There are ten pencils on the desk. Sunt zece creioane pe birou.

It introductiv este folosit cnd subiectul real propoziiei este:

1. un infinitiv:

It was kind of him to talk to us.

It is necessary to leave.
It would be a shame to miss the film.
It took Mary ten days to read the book.

2. un gerunziu:

It was not worth waiting.

It is no use your talking.

3. o propoziie subiectiv:
It is strange that you should be here.
It seems that he is right.

Subiectul introductiv there anticipeaz subiectul real atunci cnd predicatul este verbul to be existenial
sau verbe ca happen, come, remain, occur, n stilul literar:

There is a letter for you.

There came a knock at the door.

Poziia subiectului
Subiectul este aezat:

1. naintea verbului n propoziiile enuniative:

o I am not a good teacher.
o Mary looks great.
2. dup verbul auxiliar sau modal, n propoziiile interogative:
o Can you read?
o Do you want to see the film?
3. dup verb, cnd el este anticipat de un it sau there introductiv:
o There are some crows in the tree.
o It seems that he has lied.

Englez: Gramatic: Predicatul (The Predicate)

Predicatul este partea principal de propoziie care exprim o aciune, o stare sau o nsuire.

I. Predicatul verbal
Predicatul verbal simplu este exprimat printr/un verb noional, tranzitiv sau intranzitiv sau prin
locuiuni verbale:

I am going to a party tomorrow.

She was doing her homework.
I have not made up my mind yet.

Predicatul verbal compus este alctuit:

1. dintr-un verb modal/nlocuitor modal i infinitivul verbului noional:

o Shall I go now?
o You must have seen this movie before.
o I will be able to swim next year.
o She has had to go.
2. dintr-un verb aspectual (begin, start, continue, go on, keep on, carry on, stop, finish, use to) i
infinitivul sau gerunziul verbului noional:
o It is starting to snow.
o They continued to play tennis.
o John began reading the novel.

II. Predicatul nominal

Este alctuit dintr-un verb copulativ i un nume predicativ.

Englez: Gramatic: Elementul predicativ

suplimentar (The Predicative Adjunct)
Elementul predicativ suplimentar este partea secundar de propoziie care determin att predicatul
exprimat printr-un verb tranzitiv sau prepoziional, ct i un substantiv sau un nlocuitor al acestuia, care
are funcia de complement direct al verbului tranzitiv sau de complement prepoziional. EPS exprim
rezultatul aciunii svrite de subiect asupra complementului, calitatea sau starea pe care o dobndete
sau n care se afl acesta:

I painted the wall green. (= I painted the wall. The wall was green)
Mom boiled the egg hard. (= Mom boiled the egg. The egg was hard.)

Exprimarea elementului predicativ suplimentar

Elementul predicativ suplimentar este exprimat prin:

1. substantiv, dup verbe ca: appoint, choose, elect, proclaim, call, name, consider, think:
o They chose me as their leader. M-au ales drept conductor.
o They elected him (as) chairman. L-au ales preedinte.
o They nominated him President. L-au desemnat preedinte.
o They named the baby John. L-au numit pe copil John.
o Do you call this a joke? Numeti asta glum?
2. un substantiv introdus de prepoziia as, dup verbe tranzitive ca: accept, describe, disguise,
engage, regard, treat:
o They accepted him as their leader.
o I treat him as a friend.
3. un substantiv introdus printr-o prepoziie, dup verbe ca: to turn into, to change into, to
persuade out of, to reason into:
o They tried to persuade him out of that decision.
o She considers this matter of no importance.
4. un adjectiv (care exprim starea sau condiia ca rezultat al aciunii verbului), dup verbe
tranzitive ca: boil(hard), bake (hard), open (wide), drive (crazy, mad), break (open), wash
(clean), push (open, shut), paint (red, white, green), fling, find, leave, get, count, hold:
o Can you push the door open ? Poi s deschizi poarta?
o We painted the fence white. Am vopsit gardul alb.
o He flung the door open. El a deschis ua brusc.
o She has not got her luggage ready yet. nc nu i-a terminat de fcut bagajul.
5. un adjectiv precedat de prepoziia as, dup verbe ca: condemn, describe, regard:
o They described the country as very beautiful.
6. printr-un participiu, dup verbe ca: catch, keep, set, start, get, have, leave:
o I caught him stealing.
o I shall have the house painted.

Locul elementului predicativ suplimentar

Locul elementului predicativ suplimentar este dup complementul direct exprimat printr-un substantiv
sau pronume n acuzativ):

They elected John president.

Push the door open.

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