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STEP B The Promise of Christian Salvation

Year Level: Year 4 Time: 9:00am- 9:40am Date: 20/10/2017

Key Understanding Learning Point Salvation Topic

B1.1 Names members of Jesus

B1 Jesus belonged to a family Prayer

Catholic Teaching Focus for this lesson

Jesus was born in a humble stable, into a poor family. The hidden life at Nazareth allows everyone to enter into
fellowship with Jesus by the most ordinary events of daily life. (For the greater part of his life) Jesus was obedient to
his parents. Catechism 325, 533, 531

Jesus belonged to a family: the Holy Family, which his followers celebrate in the season of Christmas. Jesus showed
ways of loving family members.

Though God is the real Father of Jesus, Jesus grew up in a human family. The name of the mother of Jesus is Mary.
God the Father called Marys husband, Joseph, to take care of Jesus as a foster-father, as though Jesus was
Josephs own son [Matthew 1:1825].

The purpose of this lesson is to assist the development of students religious awareness. It aims to help them
understand the religious meaning of significant experiences such as family.

Students will develop an understanding of who Jesus family were and how we are all part of Jesus family.

Aspects of the Human Person

Jesus human family and the symbol of his brothers and sisters.

Prior Knowledge

The students were introduced to the concept of family in Religious Education in Year Two.

In Year Two, students were presented with the understanding that Jesus belonged to a
family in the unit Church.

Spiritual Capabilities-
Justice Temperance
To explore the humble family To be thankful for what we
Prudence Fortitude
life and relationships Jesus do have and be content
had with his family. with our family and life.

Religious Capabilities-
To be a follower of Jesus and to Charity
trust and become hope-filled by
General Capabilities-
Literacy Critical and
Name creative
adjectives. thinking Ethical Personal
Comprehend Numeracy ICT Create a family behaviour and Social
and respond to competence tree using competence
wonder Family tree creative
questions app materials

Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation Catering for Learner Diversity

- Godly Play Kit

- Wonder questions - Students will be put into pre-determined pairs
- Script of similar abilities.
- Anecdotal record - Teacher will monitor students responses to
- Image of Jesus Family the questions to check understanding.
- Family Tree App - Students who finish early will be able to move
- Family Tree Sheet onto creating their own family tree.
- Multiple materials for family tree
Cross-curriculum priorities
Aboriginal and
Torres Strait
Asia and Australias engagement with Asia Sustainability
Islander histories
and cultures

Evidence of Learning for Assessment and Reporting

- The teacher will use an anecdotal record to record students responses to the wonder questions and
encourage each student to at least answer one question.

- Teacher will collect and mark Jesus family tree created using a family tree app and assess if the students
have included all the family members on the sheet given and placed them in the correct order.

- Students will hand in their own family trees they have created and the teacher will mark them before placing
them into the childs religion portfolio.

Lesson Objectives

1. Respond to at least one wonder question about the Godly Play story, verbally in class discussion.

2. Create Jesuss family tree using a family tree app that displays Jesus immediate family and cousins in pairs

using the sheet given.

3. Make your own family tree using a selection of creative materials that included Jesus as part of your family,


Classroom management practices

Integration with other Learning Areas
- Teacher will get students to come down to the
mat and leave the mat in small groups.
- Students will be counted in the 1, 2, 3 behaviour
management system if they disobey instructions
Discuss literary experiences with others, sharing or are distracting other students.
responses and expressing a point of view(ACELT1603) - Class will be respectful when saying the class
Digital Technologies prayer and the Godly play session.
- Pre-determined pairs of similar ability levels.
Use simple visual programming environments that
include a sequence of steps (algorithm) involving
decisions made by the user (branching) (ACTDIP011)
Design and Technologies
Work independently, or collaboratively when required, to
plan, safely create and communicate ideas
and information for solutions.
The Arts
Use of visual art elements and selection of materials,
media and/or technologies to create specific artwork
Health and Physical Education
The positive influence of respect, empathy and the
valuing of differences in relationships (ACPPS037)
Humanities and Social Science
People belong to diverse groups, such as cultural,
religious and/or social groups, and this can
shape identity (ACHASSK093)

Timing Steps of the Lesson Resources

9:00am Introduction:

- Students will be asked to come down to the mat and sit in a

circle to commence the lesson.

- The teacher will ask students to join in saying the class


- Jesus was born into a family because God wanted to show

people that everyone should belong to a family.

- The teacher will explain to students that the lesson will be

about Jesus family.

- The teacher will have a Godly Play Kit on the story of Jesus Godly Play Kit
growing up in a human family. [Mt 1:18-25] Script
- The teacher will model how to be reverent and respectful of
the props.

- Mary was told she was pregnant by an angel and told

Joseph, but he was very confused. The story today is when
Joseph was visited by an angel.

- The teacher will get out the pieces and resight from memory
the following script.

This is how the birth of Jesus Christ happened.

His Mother Mary was going to be married to Joseph, but before
they decided a date to get married, Mary found out she was
going to have a baby through the Holy Spirit.
Joseph was a good and kind man and although he did not
really understand how Mary was pregnant he knew he loved
and wanted to care for her and the child. Joseph did not know
what to do and was very confused and worried.
During a dream an Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph and
said Joseph son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary home
as your wife, because her baby is from the Holy Spirit. She will
give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus,
because he will save his people from their sins.
When Joseph woke up, he did what the angel of the Lord had
told him to do and he took Mary as his wife. When the baby
was born Joseph gave his son the name Jesus.
All this happened because God wanted a Son on Earth and
because Mary and Joseph were such wonderful people who
believed in him. God felt they would be the best Earthly
parentsand he was right they loved and cared for Jesus
and God was happy his Son was on Earth.
Jesus was known as Immanuel.which means GOD IS WITH
US from this time onward.

- The students will be asked the following wonder

questions and discuss their answers in class

I wonder which part of the story you liked the best? Wonder questions
I wonder what the most important part of the story was?
I wonder where you can see yourself in the story?
I wonder which part you could leave out and the story would
still be the same?

- The teacher will encourage all students to share their Anecdotal record
thoughts and record them using an anecdotal record.

- Students will be asked to move back to their desks in small

Lesson Body:

Strategies for Learning and Teaching:

- Jesus was born to a humble family.
Image of Jesus Family
- Teacher will show the following image on the board and ask
them to name his parents. (Mary and Joseph)

- What do you think a humble family is? (A family that does

not have much but is appreciative and content with what they
do have).

- The teacher will ask students to yell out some adjectives that
describe the image on the board. The teacher will write them
around the image.

- The teacher will ask students to compare Jesus time with

society today.

- Put your thumbs up if you would like to live in the time of

Jesus or put your thumbs down if you would prefer to live in
todays society with play stations, IPad and Maccas.

- The teacher will explain to students that it is important to

balance technologies and to ensure they are building quality
relationships with their family and God.

- The teacher will get students into pairs and explain that
Jesus Holy family consists of Mary, Joseph and Jesus.

- In the bible stories people talk about Jesus brothers and

sisters but back then brothers and sisters meant followers.

- Students will use the app Family Tree to display Jesus Family Tree App
family. They will be given a sheet with the names of Jesus
family members including his cousins. Family Tree Sheet

- Teacher will explain that we are followers of Jesus which

makes us part of his family tree.
- When students have completed Jesus family tree they can Multiple materials for
individually make their own family tree. They will be family tree
encouraged to make their family tree in a creative way using
different materials.

Lesson Closure:

- The teacher will display Jesus family tree on the board that
students created using the app.

- Students who have finished their own family tree can present
it to the class. The teacher will collect all students work to
mark and put into their portfolios.

- The class will say the closing prayer together.

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