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Bhta refers to our body and uddhi refers to purification. By doing the following procedure, we first
remove avidya (nescience) and consequently my. When these two are removed, ego is annihilated
and I becomes That. In order to purify our body (gross, subtle and causal) this procedure is done. An
example is quoted to explain this further. In a paddy grain, rice is covered by husk. When rice is covered
by husk it is called paddy and when the husk is removed, it is rice. Thus there is no change in the nature
of the rice. Paddy is compared to individual soul and rice is compared to the Self. Husk is my. Unless
the husk called my is removed, the Self (rice) cannot be seen. This is possible only if all the three
bodies gross, subtle and causal - are destroyed. When these bodies are destroyed (not in literal sense),
what we see is the Self. It is also said that that the individual self (covered by my) is situated at
mldhra and on attaining knowledge goes up through suumna to merge with iva at brahmarandhra
(an orifice at sahasrra). However, this theory is somewhat in contravention to the concept of kualin,
which is worshiped as Parakti Herself. Lalit Sahasranma 110 says that Her subtlest form is Kualin.

Purpose Of Bhtauddhi And Mantras:

i) First, by inhaling through the left nostril, one should visualize that he is drawing jvaiva (life energy)
from mldhra and take it to sahasrra through suumna. Now, one has to contemplate that jvaiva
merges with Paramaiva (the Self or Brahman) at sahasrra and exhale through the right nostril. Now,
we have to inhale through the right nostril (the nostril through which last exhalation was done as in i
above). While inhaling (ya) is to be mentally recited sixteen times. (ya) is vyu bja. It is to be
contemplated that by air, the mortal body with unfulfilled desires be dried up with air using vyu bja.
Having dried, this purified body is to be burnt with agni bja (ra). After having burnt the body, using
amta (nectar) bja (va), spirituous liquor (refer Lalit Sahasranma 106) known as sudh (ambrosia)
is drawn from sahasrra and the burnt body (destruction of afflictions of the mind or destruction of
three types of bodies as discussed above) be washed away with ambrosia and by using pthv (earth) bja
(la), divine body is created. Finally, this purified divine body is taken back to mldhra. The body
that is being taken back to the base chakra is a purified body without any mental afflictions. This is done
by reciting bja-s hasa soha. The breathing patterns along with the respective recitations are given


om ai hr r mlagakt suumnpathena jvaiva paramaivapade yojaymi svh ||

(Inhale through left nostril and while doing so visualize that jvtman in mldhra is being taken to
brahmarandhra at sahasrra to merge with Paramtman through suumna. Then exhale through the
right nostril.

ii) *

om ai hr r ya* sakoca arra oaya oaya svh ||

*bja ya () is to be repeated 16 times.

oaya drying; sakoca withering.

(Inhale through the right nostril and exhale through the left nostril. During this, mantra in ii is to be
recited mentally.

iii) *

om ai hr r ra* sakoa arra daha daha paca paca svh ||

daha to burn; paca baked (referring to ashes).

*bja ( ) ra is to be recited 16 times.

(Inhale through left nostril and exhale through right nostril)

iv) *

om ai hr r va* paramaivmta varaya varaya svh ||

(vara showering)

* bja () va is to be recited 16 times.

(Inhale through right nostril and exhale through left nostril)

v) *

om ai hr r la* bhava arra utpdaya utpdaya svh ||

(utpda coming forth, birth)

*bja () la is to be recited 16 times.


om ai hr r hasa soha avatara avatara ivapdt jva suumn pathena pravia

mlagaka ullasollasa jvala jvala prajvala prajvala hasa soha svh ||

(inhale through left nostril and exhale through right nostril)

(hasa though refers to swan, it has subtler meaning relating to energy of breath. hasa consists of two
parts ha + sa, where ha means exhalation and sa means inhalation. hasa therefore means vitality
which is the most essential component of existence. It is also said that hasa is said to beiva, whose
seat is said to be the sky (infinity). The Self is also called hasa. ha + sa can also be explained as
emanation and re-absorption activities of iva. hasa is the spontaneous sound that penetrates into
suumna ni causing Bliss and ultimate liberation.)

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