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Biomonitoring of heavy metals in fish from the

Danube River

Article in Environmental Monitoring and Assessment April 2012

DOI: 10.1007/s10661-012-2625-x Source: PubMed


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6 authors, including:

Snjezana Zrncic Drazen Oraic

Croatian Veterinary Institute Croatian Veterinary Institute


Zeljko Mihaljevic Davor Zanella

Croatian Veterinary Institute University of Zagreb


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Biomonitoring of heavy metals in fish from
the Danube River

Snjeana Zrni, Draen Orai, Marko

aleta, eljko Mihaljevi, Davor Zanella
& Nina Bilandi

Environmental Monitoring and

An International Journal Devoted to
Progress in the Use of Monitoring Data
in Assessing Environmental Risks to
Man and the Environment

ISSN 0167-6369

Environ Monit Assess

DOI 10.1007/s10661-012-2625-x

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Environ Monit Assess
DOI 10.1007/s10661-012-2625-x

Biomonitoring of heavy metals in fish from the Danube River

Snjeana Zrni & Draen Orai & Marko aleta &
eljko Mihaljevi & Davor Zanella & Nina Bilandi

Received: 24 August 2011 / Accepted: 2 April 2012

# Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2012

Abstract The Croatian part of the Danube River in foodstuffs, indicating a hazard for consumers of fish
extends over 188 km and comprises 58 % of the from the Danube River.
countrys overall area used for commercial freshwater
fishing. To date, the heavy metal contamination of fish Keywords Heavy metals . Danube River . Freshwater
in the Croatian part of the Danube has not been stud- fish . Mercury
ied. The main purpose of this study was to determine
heavy metal levels in muscle tissue of sampled fish
species and to analyze the measured values according Introduction
to feeding habits of particular groups. Lead ranged
from 0.015 g1 dry weight in planktivorous to Globally, freshwater fish are the most heavily
0.039 g1 dry weight in herbivorous fish, cadmium exploited aquatic resources, representing about a quar-
from 0.013 g 1 dry weight in herbivorous to ter (some 20 million tons per year) of the worlds food
0.018 g1 dry weight in piscivorous fish, mercury from water (FAO 2008). Aquaculture production in
from 0.191 g 1 dry weight in omnivorous to European countries is decreasing due to low produc-
0.441 g1 dry weight in planktivorous fish and arse- tion efficiency. The decrease in aquaculture produc-
nic from 0.018 g1 dry weight in planktivorous to tion has inevitably led to an increase in fishing
0.039 g1 dry weight in omnivorous fish. Among the pressures on freshwater fishery resources because of
analyzed metals in muscle tissue of sampled fish, only increasing market demand for caught fish. A consid-
mercury exceeded the maximal level (0.5 mg kg1) erable portion of the catch comes from recreational
permitted according to the national and EU regulations fisheries, which increases the access of inhabitants to
determining maximum levels for certain contaminants fish from inland waters and leads to increased expo-
sure to all treats from insufficiently controlled open
S. Zrni (*) : D. Orai : . Mihaljevi : N. Bilandi Fish from open waters are considered wild ani-
Croatian Veterinary Institute,
mals as there is no possibility to control the compo-
Savska 143,
Zagreb, Croatia sition of their growing environment (Clarkson 1998).
e-mail: Those fish as part of the aquatic food chain are the
most likely route of human exposure to contaminants.
M. aleta : D. Zanella
The frequency and intensity of water contamination by
Faculty of Science, Department of Zoology,
Rooseveltov trg 6, heavy metals depends mainly on human activities and
Zagreb, Croatia their levels increase due to urbanization, industry,
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Environ Monit Assess

agriculture, or mining. Sometimes, contamination of Because of the highly developed industrial areas and
the aquatic environment can be of geological origin, intensive agricultural production upstream and adja-
i.e., from ore-bearing rocks, forest fires, or vegetation cent to the river flow in Croatia, the main goal of the
(Fernandez and Olalla 2000). Heavy metals may enter study was to determine heavy metal levels in sampled
the fish either through direct consumption of water or specimens. The muscle tissues of several fish species
organisms or by uptake through epithelia like the gills, collected at three sampling points along the Danube
skin, and digestive tract (Burger et al. 2002). A third coast were analyzed with the aim of assessing the
possible route is via sediment (Bervoets et al. 2001) possible health risk for humans. Another objective
which constitutes the most important reservoir of met- was to compare the level of contamination in the
als and other toxicants in aquatic environments. Fish muscle tissue of sampled specimens depending on
feeding on benthic organisms are directly exposed to feeding habits.
contaminated sediments while others are exposed
when toxicants from sediments are resuspended into
the water column. In the aquatic environment, metal Material and methods
toxicity can be influenced by various abiotic factors
such as oxygen, hardness, pH, alkalinity, or water Sampling points
temperature (Ghillebaert et al. 1995; Adhikari et al.
2006). The study was performed at three points situated be-
The Danube River, Europes second longest river tween where the Danube River enters Croatia at the
(2,857 km) flows through nine European countryes. Hungarian border and where it leaves Croatia at the
The Croatian part of the Danube is 188 km long and Serbian border, in the period from April to October.
forms part of Croatias eastern border with Serbia. The The first sampling point (Fig. 1) was on the border
Danube catchments area in Croatia comprises with Hungary where the Danube River enters onto
32,800 km2 or 58 % of the countrys overall area and Croatian territory, at the 1,436 river km (rkm) from
it is widely used for commercial freshwater fishing. To the river source (45 51 07.8N, 18 51 15.9E). The
date, heavy metal contamination in the Croatian part river here is 420 m wide. The second sampling point
of the Danube has not been studied, while there are was situated 2 km downstream of the confluence of
some results of heavy metal research in the Danube on the Drava River with the Danube River, near the
fish caught in Germany, Austria, and Hungary (Wachs village Aljma at 1,478 rkm (45 3153.4N, 018
2000): in mud, water, algae, and fish in the vicinity of 5716.3E). The river here is 650 m wide and the
Vienna (Rehwoldt et al. 1975); in freshwater mussels influence of the Drava River on the Danube was also
in the Vienna area (Gundacker 2000); in sediment in investigated. Third sampling point was at 1,503 rkm
the Hungarian part of the river (Gruiz et al. 1998); in near Dalj (45 28 57.9N, 018 59 20.0E), where
suspended solids and sediments along the entire river the river is 540 m wide and near the point where the
flow (Woitke et al. 2003); in suspended solids, sedi- Danube River leaves the Croatian territory.
ments, and mussels along the whole river (ICPDR
2002); in sediment and aquatic plants in the Serbian Samples
part of the Danube (Pajevi et al. 2008); in liver, gills,
and skin of starlet at one sampling point in Hungary All samples were collected only on the right bank,
and two in Serbia (Poleksic et al. 2010), and in the approximately 2 m above the water surface by means
same organs of Pontic shad from the Danube River in of electrofishing with a 10 kW generator. Samples for
Serbia (Vinji-Jefti et al. 2010). Studies have also physical and chemical parameters of the water at each
been conducted on the aquatic environment, aquatic sampling point were determined at the time of collec-
vegetation, macroinvertebrates, and fishes from the tion of the fish. Determination of the species was
Danube delta in Romania (Andreji and Stranai 2004; performed based on coloration patterns and other mor-
Tudor et al. 2006; Diaconescu et al. 2008). phological features using determination keys accord-
Traditionally, commercial and sport fisheries are ing to Vukovi and Ivanovi (1971), Pov and Sket
carried out in the Croatian part of the Danube River (1990), and Maitland (2000). Total lengths of each fish
and local inhabitants usually consume the caught fish. from the particular sample were measured to the
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Environ Monit Assess

Fig. 1 Fish sampling loca-

tions along the Croatian
part of Danube coast from
Hungarian to Serbian board

nearest millimeter with an ichthyometer (WILDCO atomization for Pb and Cd, 0.005 mg Pd(NO3)2 and
Fish Measuring Board, Ben Meadows, USA) and 0.003 mg Mg(NO3)2 (Perkin Elmer, USA) were used.
weighed to the nearest 0.1 g using a digital scale The hydride technique for mercury determinations
(OHAUS Scout pro, USA). involves the reaction of acidified aqueous samples
Fish for metal contamination analysis were stored (3 % v/v HCl) with a reducing agent 0.2 % sodium
in the refrigerator at 4C on the spot and transferred in borohydride in 0.05 % NaOH.
cooling boxes to the laboratory where they were stored
at 18C until analysis. Fish were skinned, fileted, and
eviscerated. A commercial grade food grinder with Determination of trace metal concentrations
stainless steel cutting blades (7011HS, model
HGB2WTS3, Waring Commercial, USA) was used Samples (2 g) were digested with 5 ml of HNO3 (65 %
to macerate samples. The ground tissue was then v/v), 1 ml of H2O2 (30 %v/v) with a microwave closed
homogeneously mixed before being sent through the system Multiwave 3000 (Anton Paar, Germany). A
food grinder a second time. A subsample of the blank digest was carried out in the same way. The
ground tissue was then collected for analysis. program for the digestion began at a potency of
1,200 W then ramped for 10 min, after which samples
were held for 10 min at 1,200 W. The second step
Reagents began at a potency of 0 W and held for 15 min. Digested
samples were diluted to a final volume of 50 ml with
All reagents were of analytical reagent grade, HNO3, double deionised water. All metal concentrations were
H2O2, and HCl (Analytical Grade, Kemika, Croatia). determined on wet weight basis as milligram per
Double deionised water (Milli-Q Millipore, kilogram.
18.2 M cm1 resistivity) was used for all dilutions. Analyses of As, Cd, and Pb were done by graphite
All plastic and glassware were cleaned by soaking in furnace atomic absorption spectroscopy using an Analyst
diluted HNO3 (1/9, v/v) and were rinsed with distilled 800 atomic absorption spectrometer (Perkin Elmer,
water prior to use. Calibrations were prepared with USA) equipped with an AS 800 auto sampler (Perkin
element standard solutions of 1,000 mg l1 of each Elmer, USA). For graphite furnace measurements, argon
element supplied by Perkin Elmer. Stock solution was was used as the inert gas. Pyrolytic-coated graphite tubes
diluted in HNO3 (0.2 %). As matrix modifiers in each with a platform were used. The atomic absorption signal
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was measured in peak area mode against a calibration according to Croatian Water classification regulations
curve. Mercury was analyzed by the cold vapor tech- (Official Gazette 77/1998; Official Gazette 137/
nique with a flow injection system coupled to a FIAS- 2008b) excluding the measured value of O2 saturation
100 atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer, in a single sample at Batina and the concentration of
USA) equipped with an AS 93 plus auto sampler (Perkin nitrates at the sampling site Dalj. Considering these
Elmer). values, it is not possible to correlate the measured
The limits of detection (milligram per kilogram) of metal concentrations with water properties as observed
elements were found to be: As, 0.01; Cd, 0.0004; Cu, in Bervoets et al. (2001), defined the influence of pH
0.0005; Hg, 0.0004; and Pb, 0.005. All specimens on bioavailability of metals and increased bioaccumu-
were run in batches that included blanks, a standard lation of Hg. But it is widely known that temporal
calibration curve, two spiked specimens, and one du- oxygen deficiency enhances mobility of Hg in fresh-
plicate. In order to validate the method for accuracy water ecosystems (Boening 2000) and therefore it is
and precision, dogfish muscle (DORM-2, National not possible to neglect the aberration of O2 saturation
Research Council, Canada) was analyzed (n05) as a even in a single measurement.
certified reference material and the recovery (mean% The results did not indicate any differences between
recoveryS.E.) was analyzed (n05). The recovery the measured metal concentrations from the three sam-
was 93.36.3 % for As, 95.45.5 % for Cd, 98.7 pling points, which are situated very close to one anoth-
4.6 % for Cu, 98.13.6 % for Hg and 104.64.9 % for er. Statistical analysis showed that the differences
Pb. between heavy metal concentrations by sampling site
and time of sampling were not significant (p>0.05).
Statistical analysis Metal concentrations and the corresponding mean
standard deviations (expressed as microgram per dry
In order to assess differences in metal concentrations weight) measured in muscle tissues are reported in
in muscle tissue in different fish species according to Table 1 for each fish species. Lead ranged from
feeding habits, ANOVA with post hoc test analyses 0.015 g 1 dry weight in planktivorous to
based on Tukeys test was performed. When the 0.039 g1 dry weight in herbivorous fish, cadmium
ANOVA assumptions were not met (data normality from 0.013 g 1 dry weight in herbivorous to
and homoscedasticity), the non-parametric Kruskal 0.018 g1 dry weight in piscivorous fish, mercury
Wallis test was used. The relationship between fish from 0.191 g 1 dry weight in omnivorous to
size (total length and weight) and metal concentration 0.441 g1 dry weight in planktivorous fish and arse-
in muscle tissue was investigated by univariate and nic from 0.018 g1 dry weight in planktivorous to
multivariate regression analysis. Statistical analyses 0.039 g1 dry weight in omnivorous fish (Table 3).
were performed using Stata 10.0 (StataCopr. 2005. Among the four metals analyzed in muscle tissue of
Stata Statistical Software: Release 10.0, College sampled fish, only mercury exceeded the maximum
Station, TX, USA). A level of p<0.05 was considered level (0.5 mg kg1) permitted according to national
significant. (Official Gazette 154/2008a) and EU regulations
(2006) determining the maximum levels for certain
contaminants in foodstuffs. This corresponds to the
Results and discussion results of Diaconescu et al. (2008) for analyzed muscle
tissues of mackerel and bream sampled at different
A total of 201 fish were chosen for heavy metal sites along the Danube River in Romania. The differ-
concentration analysis from the three sampling points ences between the mean concentrations of measured
in May, July, and September. Sampled specimens were values in the four groups according to feeding habits
represented by 14 different fish species that varied in were significant (p<0.001). The highest concentra-
total length from 83 to 860 mm and total weight from tions of mercury were expected in the muscle tissue
6.3 to 7,000 g. The collected fish belonged to four of piscivorous fish as described by Havelkova et al.
groups according to feeding habits (Table 1). The (2008), where predatory fish had much higher concen-
water quality parameters, shown in Table 2, matched trations than non-predatory due to their position in the
the requirements for water quality category I food chain. In the present study, the highest mean
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Table 1 Number of specimen (n), their average total length (millimeter) and total weight (gram)standard deviation and range and
mean concentrationstandard deviation and range of lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic (microgram per dry weight) in muscle

Species according n Total Total Lead Cadmium Mercury Arsenic

the feeding habits length (mm) weight (g) MLa 0.30 (MLa 0.05) (MLa 0.50) (MLa 2.0)

Common nase 9 198.289.3 142.4272.7 0.0460.02 0.0080.005 0.1330.076 0.0220.098
Chondrostoma nasus 133411 20.3863 0.010.08 0.0050.018 0.0890.331 0.0110.045
Grass carp 9 251.676.8 282.6241.1 0.0340.022 0.0180.003 0.3670.231 0.0390.014
C. idella 126415 29.4886 0.010.08 0.0140.023 0.0910.937 0.0110.057
Ide 35 263.6104.7 343.0350.0 0.0470.029 0.0170.005 0.2130.008 0.0420.016
L. idus 83451 6.61,204 0.010.12 0.0120.029 0.0850.398 0.0110.069
Common bleak 10 1537.7 29.024.8 0.0250.022 0.0190.004 0.0970.01 0.0420.016
Alburnus alburnus 144, 172 23.638.2 0.010.08 0.0150.028 0.0870.118 0.0110.068
Roach 14 137.425.4 30.912.6 0.0280.019 0.0140.006 0.1520.028 0.0390.016
Rutilus rutilus 99162 13.643.2 0.010.06 0.0060.024 0.0890.185 0.0110.068
Prussian carp 11 23447.1 260.1169.7 0.0520.023 0.0170.004 0.0870.006 0.0310.011
Carassius gibelius 165327 90649 0.010.09 0.0110.024 0.0770.095 0.0110.045
Common carp 5 331211.2 1,316.62,343.9 0.0140.005 0.0160.004 0.2340.107 0.0550.054
C. carpio 118684 215,500 0.010.02 0.0110.022 0.0970.342 0.0210.15
Carp bream 37 200.362.7 121.5135.6 0.0300.02 0.0180.005 0.2370.121 0.0350.024
Abramis brama 108400 14.6742 0.010. 08 0.0070.029 0.0550.501 0.0110.15
Asp 32 267.3132.5 281.5417.2 0.0300.021 0.0200.004 0.2550.006 0.0330.016
Aspius aspius 93590 6.31,468 0.010.09 0.0140.029 0.080.79 0.0110.069
Pike 14 265.996.8 182.8190.3 0.0360.022 0.0150.005 0.2230.032 0.0300.015
Esox lucius 135444 17.4628 0.010.08 0.0070.022 0.1760.287 0.0110.065
Zander 12 191.838.2 60.135.3 0.0430.023 0.0180.002 0.1730.076 0.0320.014
Sander lucioperca 131256 16.2124 0.010.08 0.0150.023 0.0870.311 0.0170.057
Sheatfish 5 284.261.1 195.4138.2 0.0320.013 0.020.001 0.2350.128 0.0340.010
Silurus glanis 22038 90430 0.010.04 0.0190.022 0.1650.464 0.0210.048
Burbot 6 151.59.6 28.35.7 0.010.001 0.0200.002 0.1470.039 0.0480.015
Lota lota 142166 24.738.6 0.010.01 0.0180.021 0.1150.209 0.0270.068
Plankton-feeding fish
Silver carp 2 82056.6 6,0501,343.5 0.0150.007 0.0150.001 0.4410.007 0.0180.009
H. molitrix 780860 5,1007,000 0.010.02 0.0140.015 0.4360.446 0.0110.024
Burbot 6 151.59.6 28.35.7 0.010.001 0.0200.002 0.1470.039 0.0480.015
Lota lota 142166 24.738.6 0.010.01 0.0180.021 0.1150.209 0.0270.068
ML, maximal level permitted according to Comission Regulation 1881/2006 for Pb, Cd, Hg, and As in the muscles of fish intended for
human consumption

concentration of mercury was measured in the muscle bioaccumulation of mercury is very size dependent.
tissue of planktivorous fish, which could be explained The highest concentration of mercury in an individual
by the body size of the collected specimens, with body specimen was detected in the muscle tissue of two
lengths ranging from 780 to 860 mm and weighing specimens of asp (Aspius aspius; 0.716 and 0.79 g/
5,100 to 7,000 grams. These results are supported by g dry weight) belonging to piscivorous fish, and one
the findings of Jackson (1991) who indicated that specimen of grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella;
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Table 2 Water quality parame-

ters measured on the sampling Batina Aljma Dalj
points during the collection of fish Average, minmax Average, minmax Average, minmax
Water temperature (C) 13.61 13.94 12.8
2.924.7 028 025
pH 8.07 8.04 8.22
7.68.4 7.558.6 7.968.67
El.conductivity (S/cm) 387.12 368.69 391.21
263454 237610 121487
Alkalinity (mg CaCO3/l) 155.12 153.65 149.33
105209 95207 115209
Dissolved O2 (mg/l) 11.94 9.96 9.09
7.315.8 6.214.6 6.911.9
O2 Saturation (%) 114.36 96.17 85.69
77.95a169.47 60159.61 58.69111.63
BOD5 4.11 3.84 2.95
1.28.7 0.78.7 0.65.9
Ammonium (mgN/l) 0.08 0.238 0.168
0.030.19 0.090.38 0.070.38
Nitrites (mg N/l) 0.0278 0.02 0.029
0.0140.05 0.010.03 0.010.32
Nitrates (mg N/l) 2.17 2.017 2.674b
0.93.62 0.6783.616 1.134.52
Total nitrogen (mg N/l) 2,783 2,584 3,157
1.594.69 1.24.18 1.515.05
o-phosphates (mg P/l) 0.0775 0.101 0.0722
Value characteristic for water 0.050.12 0.020.2 0.020.27
quality category II Total phosphorus (mg P/l) 0.143 0.187 0.247
Value characteristic for water 0.10.22 0.050.41 0.052.05
quality category III

0.937 g/g dry weight), belonging to herbivorous fish with a mercury concentration of 0.446 and 0.436 g/g
(Table 1, Fig. 2). All sampled specimens were ana- dry weight and one was common carp (Cyprinus car-
lyzed in respect to the time of sampling and the sam- pio) with a mercury concentration of 0.342 g/g dry
pling site (variables month and sampling point) in the weight (Table 1, Fig. 3). Those findings support the
multivariate regression analysis. There was a signifi- thesis that it is not necessarily the case that predatory
cant increase in mercury concentration with an in- fish are the best indicator species, as previously pro-
crease of fish total length (R00.0042, p<0.001) and posed by Rincon-Leon et al. (1993). They studied the
fish weight (R00.0000516, p<0.001), which corrobo- importance of eating habits in the estimation of envi-
rates previous findings, such as Lange et al. (1993), ronmental contamination through indicator species
who observed that fish age was more correlated with and deduced that omnivorous species such as C. car-
mercury concentration than fish size, and Duek et al. pio, as a biological indicator of contamination, allows
(2005), who found that age of analyzed individuals for estimation with a greater confidence level than the
and feeding strategy were the most important for Hg piscivorous species Anguilla anguilla. Similarly,
accumulation in muscle tissue. It is widely known that arski et al. (1995), and Svobodova et al. (1999)
fish size is correlated with age. In this study, three concluded that benthophagous species feeding close
specimens weighed more than 5,000 grams, of which to the bottom are susceptible indicators of environ-
two were silver carp (Hypophthalmychthys molitrix) mental contamination depending to the degree of
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Table 3 Mean concentrationstandard deviation and range of lead, cadmium, mercury, and arsenic (microgram per dry weight) in
muscle of fish grouped according to their feeding habits

Feeding habit group n Lead Cadmiuma Mercury Arsenic

Herbavour 18 0.0390.022 0.0130.006 0.2500.206 0.0310.015

0.0340.046 0.0050.023 0.0890.937 0.0110.057
Omnivor 114 0.0360.026 0.0170.005 0.1910.101 0.0390.021
0.010.12 0.0060.029 0.0550.501 0.0110.15
Piscivor 69 0.0320.021 0.0180.004 0.2240.124 0.0340.015
0.010.09 0.0140.029 0.080.79 0.0110.069
Planktivor 2 0.0150.007 0.0150.001 0.4410.007 0.0180.009
0.010.02 0.0140.021 0.1150.446 0.0110.068
Differences between groups are significant (p<0.001)

sediment ingestion and direct exposure to contaminat- Danube River in Serbia, while they did not analyze
ed particles. mercury concentrations.
A significant increase in lead concentration was In fact, only mercury values were close to or
also observed with increasing fish total length (R0 exceeded the ML of 0.5 mg Hg kg1, indicating a
0.0003 and p00.035); while for other metals (Cd and hazard for consumers of fish caught in the Croatian
As), no significant relationship with size was deter- part of the Danube River. In 2003, the Joint FAO/
mined (p>0.05). The three highest lead concentrations WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives adopted
in muscle tissue were recorded in ide (Leuciscus idus); a Provisional Weekly Intake level of 1.6 g/kg weight/
0.1 and 0.12 g/g dry weight (Table 3, Fig. 4). Neither week (Smith and Sahyoun 2005), and therefore it
of these measured values approaches the maximum would be useful to create an exposure assessment
permitted level (ML) according to the EU Regulation based on the quantity of fish caught either Official
(1881/2006) and therefore its trends in different fish Gazette in commercial fisheries or by angling.
species were not considered. The data presented here Freshwater fish belong to the medium risk group in
differ from the results obtained by Jari et al. (2011), terms of mean the mercury concentration (parts per
who measured slightly increased cadmium levels in million) among commercial fish and shellfish (Hansen
the muscle of starlet (Acipenser ruthenus) from and Dacher 1997). Various organ systems can be

Fig. 2 Concentrations of Hg
(microgram per gram dry
weight) in muscle tissue of all
sampled fish with respect to
fish total lenght
Author's personal copy
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Fig. 3 Concentrations of
Hg (microgram per gram
weight) in muscle tissue of
all sampled fish with respect
to fish weight

exposed to low doses of mercury causing damage to & Differences between the mean concentrations of
the nervous, motoric, renal and cardiovascular, or im- measured values in the four groups according to
mune system (Zahir et al. 2005) comparison to some feeding habits were significant.
marine fish species like tuna, mackerel, or swordfish. & The highest concentration of mercury in an indi-
vidual specimen was detected in the muscle tissue
of asp (A. aspius) belonging to the piscivorous fish
and a specimen of grass carp (C. idella).
Conclusions & There was a significant increase in mercury con-
centration with increasing total length and weight
& Among the four metals analyzed in the muscle tissue of fish.
of sampled fish, only mercury exceeded the maxi- & Due to the increased values of mercury in muscle
mum level permitted according to national and EU tissue, it would be useful to establish an exposure
regulations in asp, bream, and grass carp. assessment based on the quantity of caught and

Fig. 4 Concentrations of Pb
(microgram per gram dry
weight) in muscle tissue of
all sampled fish with respect
to fish total lenght
Author's personal copy
Environ Monit Assess

consumed fish either through commercial fisheries Gruiz, K., Murnyi, A., Molnr, M., & Horvth, B. (1998). Risk
assessment of heavy metal contamination in Danube sedi-
or angling. ments from Hungary. Water Science and Technology, 37(6
7), 273281.
Gundacker, C. (2000). Comparison of heavy metal bioaccumu-
Acknowledgments This study was carried out as a part of the lation in freshwater mollusks of urban river habitats in
project Management of freshwater fisheries on bordering rivers Vienna. Environment Pollution, 110(1), 6171.
pilot study with a holistic regional approach supported by the Hansen, J. C., & Dasher, G. (1997). Organic mercury: an envi-
Croatian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management ronmental threat to the health of dietary exposed societies?
with the Norwegian partner, Akvaplan-niva AS. Revue of Environmental Health, 12(2), 107116.
Havelkova, M., Duek, L., Nemethova, D., Poleszczuk, G., &
Svobodova, Z. (2008). Comparison of mercury distribution
References between liver and musclea biomonitoring of fish from
lightly and heavily contaminated localities. Sensors, 8(7),
Adhikari, S., Ghosh, L., & Ayyappan, S. (2006). Combined ICPDR (2002). Joint Danube Survey: investigation of the Tisza
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