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Present Tense Simple

1. Affirmative

We use the present simple to describe general facts, repeated actions and habits, facts that
are always true.

Folosim present simple pentru a descrie aciuni, fapte generale, aciuni repetate i obiceiuri,
lucruri care sunt mereu adevrate (adevruri general valabile).

General facts. (Fapte, aciuni generale)

I like chocolate. Imi place ciocolata.
They speak Italian. Ei vorbesc italiana.
John plays basketball. John joac baschet.
We live in Europe. Noi trim/ locuim n Europa.

Repeated actions and habits. (Aciuni repetate i obiceiuri).

Harry often arrives late. Harry sosete deseori trziu.
I usually get up at 7.30. Eu m trezesc de obicei la 7.30.

Daily routine. (Rutina zilnic)

We go to school every day.
My mother wakes up early every morning.

Things that are always true. (Lucruri care sunt mereu adevrate= adevruri general
The sun rises in the east. Sorele rsare n est.
The sun sets in the west. Soarele apune n vest.
The earth goes around the sun. Pmntul se nvrte n jurul Soarelui.

Cum se formeaz la AFIRMATIV:

S+V ( la persoana a 3-a singular se adaug terminaia -s sau es)

S+V : I walk/ You walk/ We walk/ They walk to school every day.

S+ V+-s / -es la persoana a treia singular : He walks to school every day.

Atenie: Verbele care primesc es sunt cele care se termin n:

- O : go- goes; do- does

- SS : miss- misses; kiss- kisses
- CH : watch- watches; catch- catches
- SH : wash- washes; brush- brushes
- X : relax- relaxes; mix- mixes

Timpul present simple este marcat de folosirea adverbelor de frecven (= ct de des se ntmpl o
aciune). Ele se pun ntre subiect (S) i verb (V). Cele mai ntlnite sunt:

ALWAYS (mereu, ntotdeauna) 100% Tim always wears jeans.

USUALLY (de obicei) 80% I usually wake up at 7.30.

OFTEN (adesea, deseori) 60% Sue often goes to the cinema.

SOMETIMES (cteodat) 40% Sam sometimes walks to school.

RARELY (rareori) 20% I rarely drink coffee.

NEVER (niciodat) 0% - Mother never drinks wine.


I dont like ice-cream. Tom doesnt play tennis. They dont speak Italian.

She doesnt eat chocolate. We dont live in France.

Cum se formeaz la NEGATIV:

I do not like/ You do not like/ We do not like/ They do not like violence.

De obicei se folosete forma scurt : S+ DONT +V

I dont like/ You dont like/ We dont like/ They dont like violence.

Pentru persoana a treia singular se folosete forma : S+ DOES NOT+V

He does not like/ She does not like war. It does not rain here in August.

De obicei se folosete forma scurt : S+ DOESNT +V

He doesnt like/ She doesnt like war. It doesnt rain here in August.

3. INTERrOGATIVe (Questions)

Do you like ice-cream? Does Tom play tennis? Do they speak Italian?

Does she eat chocolate? Do we live in France?

Cum se formeaz la INTEROGATIV:

DO+S+V ?
Do I like/ Do you like/ Do we like/ Do they like horror movies?

Pentru persoana a treia singular se folosete forma : DOES+S+V ?

Does he like/ Does she like football? Does it rain here in August?

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