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No. 1/2013
26 - 31

Design for quality in higher education.

A possible approach at study program level

Alina Cri ana*, Roxana Enacheb

Technichal University of Cluj-Napoca, 15 Daicoviciu st.,400020 Cluj-Napoca, Romania
National University of Arts, 19 General Budisteanu st., 010774, Bucuresti, Romania


The present paper proposes a curricular design model developed on three complexity level: macro, intermediate
and micro (study program, course and concrete teaching-learning activity). The algorithm is conceived in an
interdisciplinary manner, combining knowledge and competences from different domains: the educational sciences
one, the project management one and the quality management one materialized in a creative use of the specific
instruments, techniques and advanced methods. The proposed model intends to be a general one, applicable in the
curricular design at master program study level, without scientific domain constraints.

Keywords: quality; curricular design; higher education customer

1. Introduction

The developed model of curricular design proposes a holistic approach, detailed on

three levels: macro, intermediary and micro (the study program, courses, the specific
learning sequence), in an interdisciplinary manner, by combining knowledge and
competencies from different domains: educational science, management, quality
management (by using instruments, techniques and specific advanced methods). Each
sub-algorithm corresponding to each level supposes the respect of several stages
(steps), which have methods, techniques and specific instruments, approached in a
particular manner.
The model is intended to be a general valid one, applicable to high education
(bachelor and masters), regardless of specialization.
The proposed model is based on a well-known approach to curricular design at a
macro level, with reference to the requests of ARACIS (Romanian Agency for
Quality Assurance in Higher Education) but it also introduces new steps by using a
mix of methods and techniques associated to each stage. This approach goes in depth,
until it reaches the level of specific learning sequences, respectively the design of
didactic strategies.

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