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Pentru rezolvarea corect a tuturor cerinelor din Partea I i din Partea a II-
a se acord 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acord 10 puncte.
Timpul efectiv de lucru este de 45 de minute.

PARTEA I (60 de puncte)

1. Write the numbers. (Scrie numerele.)
26 = 69 =
31 = 97 =
40 = 100 =
52 = 74 =
83 = 20 =

2. Write the seasons and the months of the year. (Scrie anotimpurile i lunile anului).


3. Write the plural form for the following nouns. (Scrie forma de plural a
urmtoarelor substantive).
schoolbag - pen - ruler - book -

pencil - ruler - rubber - notebook -

4. Complete the missing words. (Completeaz cuvintele care lipsesc)
Este ora 1 = Its . . Este ora 7 = Its . .

Este ora 2 = Its . . Este ora 8 = Its . .
Este ora 3 = Its . . Este ora 9 = Its . .
Este ora 4 = Its . . Este ora 10 = Its . .
Este ora 5 = Its . . Este ora 11 = Its . .
Este ora 6 = Its . . Este ora 12 = Its . .
5. Fill in has, have. (Completeaz cu am, ai, are, avem, avei, au).
I .. a sister.
You a brother.
She . a red dress.
They a new car.
We a big house.
It .. a long tail.


6. Fill in am, are, is. ( Completeaz cu sunt, eti, este).

I .. Maria. I Romanian.
You . Sarah, you .. British.
He .. Justin, he .. Australian.
She . Gina, she Italian.
It .. a Volkswagen, it . a German car.
We Bill and Jimmy, we .. Americans.
They Juan and Carmencita, they .. Spanish.
You . Alain and Roman, you .. French.
She .. Leyla, she Turkish.
He Armando. He Brasilian.

PARTEA a II-a (30 de puncte)

Write about yourself .(name, age, origin etc.)

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