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When they were discouraged, I smiled and that encouraged them and

lightened their spirits. (Job 29:24) TLB

Courage to S.M.I.L.E.
Margos transition to a new school several years ago was not easy. It is always
difficult to leave behind established personal relationships with fellow staff members
and day to day comfortable routines in order to take a position in a different school. As
the first year at her new school began and progressed, Margo realized what she missed
the most from her previous school was the staff prayer group that used to meet every
Tuesday after school. These meetings usually involved fifteen staff members who
would faithfully gather to encourage one another through sharing, caring, and prayer. Margo had bonded with
members of this group and they had become a primary support group in her professional and personal life.
As expected, her first year in the new speech therapy teaching position was overwhelming as she got to know
all of the staff, expectations, and procedures. She did, however, spiritually connect with another staff member. Margo
shared with her how much she had missed her prayer group and they discussed the possibility of starting one at the
current school. This co-teacher was dealing with a pregnancy as Margo was dealing with her professional transition so
the first year they never got beyond the discussion stage. Margos second year, in February, the two friends finally
made the decision to begin the prayer group. They met the principal and shared their plans. He thought a faculty
prayer group was a good idea and believed it could strengthen staff morale and be a real encouragement to many
teachers. Margo and her friend came up with the name S.M.I.L.E. Club (Spiritual Motivation In a Learning
Environment). They invited other staff members to join them and on the days of their meetings they would put a
S.M.I.L.E. Club notice by the staff sign-in sheet.
That first year, four to five teachers would usually attend with a total of about ten different participants. The
meetings usually lasted thirty to forty-five minutes. As the facilitator, Margo usually chose a Bible verse to read
followed by an encouraging brief story taken from several collections of inspirational works for teachers. The teachers
in attendance would then share praise reports and prayer requests which were recorded in a journal. That journal
became the living chronicles and constant reminder of the greatness of God, His blessings, and their need to trust and
depend on Him in both their professional and personal lives.
Any time we step out in faith to bring the gospel of Jesus Christ into a place where it has not previously been,
we should prepare for and expect a spiritual attack of some kind. Margo was not prepared as the attack came. As the
S.M.I.L.E. Club began to grow, all hell literally broke loose in her personal life. Her mother had a stroke and she
became consumed in caring for her. Margos personal physical health deteriorated and her marriage of over twenty
years crashed. Margo briefly entertained thoughts of abandoning the S.M.I.L.E. Club because she was overwhelmed
by what going on in her life; however, the Lord reminded her she needed the support of the group now more than ever.
For a time, the S.M.I.L.E. Club became Margos T.E.A.R.S. Club (Take Everything to the Almighty when in
Real Sorrow). She cannot describe in words how much the S.M.I.L.E. Club meant to her as she shared with the group
the details of her stress, crumbling health, and marriage. Her fellow teachers would take these broken pieces and carry
them with her to give them to the Lord, often the only one who could do anything about them. God alone had the
power to fix and put back together these broken things, and He did. Margo can say now, months after her crises began,
that her health and marriage are not perfect but have improved 100%. The Lord has led her to greater obedience to
Him which has resulted in a stronger spirit, body, and marriage. The issues of caring for her mother have been
resolved. The support and love of the S.M.I.L.E. Club was critical in this rebuilding and renewal process.
The S.M.I.L.E. Club now has ten to fifteen teachers who regularly attend with total participation around thirty
staff members. They commit time to simply love and communicate with each other and God which are critical keys in
maintaining job satisfaction and productivity. Gathering for sharing, caring, and prayer each week continually reminds
teachers that we teach in order to serve God first, not ourselves or others, and that truly keeps a smile on our faces.
These gatherings constantly remind us that the joy of the Lord is to be our true professional strength, not our
knowledge, strategies, programs, teaching skills, or test scores. Next year, remember to S.M.I.L.E.!
Prayer: Lord, give us the courage and commitment to create and/or attend prayer support groups at our schools.
Application: Email Don at the address at the bottom of the page to get specific information on starting a group.
Sharing: How have you benefited from being in a staff share, care, and prayer group this year, or how do you
believe you could benefit from such a group next year?


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