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BY Lahry Sibley

What is it about this 4th Commandment of God that it’s observance by Bible believers is appalled
by those claiming to be “sola Scriptura” Bible only believers? I’ve heard all of your Biblical
arguments, and I do mean all. I’ve seen it sliced and diced every which way imaginable. But I
tell you this. The Bible and history reveal the truth of the matter, if you are willing to listen too
and obey Almighty God and His Word revealed to us in Holy Scripture. You can argue with me.
But can you be so bold and brash as to argue with God?

Yes, Jesus is our rest from works of attempting to make peace with God for sin. But this is not
physical REST from physical WORK.

I was making illustration of this to someone a while back and put this forth for them. Let’s say
you needed a job and were hired. Your new boss told you that you had to work 7 days a week,
indefinitely. So you go to your pastor and tell him that, and your pastor asks, "So what's the
problem". You remind your pastor that you need at least one day per week to rest, and your
pastor lovingly reminds you that, "Jesus is our rest". Will you find consolation in counsel like
that? I wouldn't.

The 7th day rest was made for man, and Jesus is the Lord of the 7th day Rest. Jesus kept it, the
disciples kept it, Paul kept it and you know it. There is not one shred of evidence in the Bible
where this was optional or unnecessary. It was in place 2300 years before there was ever a "Jew".
God never gave man the authorization to change any commandment, and the ones who changed
the rest day from the 7th day to the 1st day openly admit it and declare it in thousands of quotes
and clear documentation. They also know very well, that they did so apart from Biblical
instruction to do so. Anyone who reads Church History will know this is true. Furthermore, they
openly mock protestants for their hypocrisy by claiming to be "sola Sciptura", and yet adhering
to the decree of the Catholic Church with no biblical power whatsoever to do so.

So, protestant brother and sister, I again ask. Who are you and whose are you? How can you
possibly say you walk in obedience before God and yet break His Sabbath week in and week
out? Be careful here.

If I told you I was committing adultery on a weekly basis, but I was under grace and not under
the law, what would be your response? What counsel would you give me? I hope REPENT!

Is not the commandment "Remember thou keep Holy the Sabbath day" included in the list of 10
(not 9) of which one says "thou shalt not commit adultery”? Did not Jesus Himself, a Sabbath
keeper, tell us that to break one commandment is to break them all?

No we are not justified by keeping the Sabbath. But our true affections of God and His mercy
and grace are well demonstrated in our obedience. Obedience is the evidence of being born
again. The standard by which we judge obedience is the same standard we judge anyone who is
not obedient. The same law that condemns is the law that declares ones behavior "righteous" in
Christ Jesus.

To continue to bow down to the self supposed "authority" of the Catholic Church is to validate
it's claim of having authority over what the Bible teaches and it's freedom to choose what
commandments it wants to support and what commandments it chooses to set aside.

I don't know about each of you. But I can see clearly that this position, of the Catholic Church,
has its origin in none other than Satan himself. It is open and defiant rebellion against God, and it
is a weekly mockery of the so called "reformed" or protestant group of folks who call themselves
"sola Sciptura” and yet work on the 7th day of the week. It is a mockery of God. It sets man up
as the authority over what man wants rather than what God has declared and has been in place
since the 7th day of creation.

The Sabbath is a memorial of creation itself. Again, it is a mockery and a hypocrisy to

acknowledge what happened on the first 7th day by honoring it on the first day. You KNOW this
is Satan's style. You know such action is open rebellion. Yet millions honor the Catholic Church
over the clear will of God by claiming with the Catholic Church that God is man's servant, and
what man declares, God must acknowledge.

Finally, what is it about "this day" and "this commandment" that causes someone who says they
are a protestant non-catholic Bible believer to veer off? Why is the modern day believer so
adamantly opposed to what God commanded? Is it not rebellion in the most clever disguise?
How can you hope for revival when the vast majority of what is called "Christendom" lives in
open rebellion and mockery of God's clear commandment without one scripture verse
commanding us to acknowledge the first day of the week as anything but a work day?
Beloved, I struggled with this question in my heart for years. I was born into a Catholic family,
went to catholic school all my educational years. I know what I'm talking about here.

I was approached by no man on this subject. The Holy Spirit in great love and mercy, with long
suffering kept bringing this to my attention in my bible reading and meditation. "Who authorized
man to change the commandment of God, His very first commandment in the whole Bible"?

I searched and researched. I read as much history as I could find. I did not take up counsel with
anyone and I certainly was not approached at any time by the 7th day Adventist folks. I did take
a close look at the Adventist group at one time. I went to one "Sabbath Service" at an Adventist
church. I felt no connection between that and God. I certainly do not agree with some of the
Adventist doctrine, nor do I believe that Ellen White qualifies as a “prophetess of God”.

At long last I resolved that if I were to demonstrate my love for God that I claimed to have
because He saved me, I would have to rest on the Sabbath Day. I would have to keep all 10 of
His commandments, not just 9 of them. I began doing this on Feb 26, 2009. I set my heart to
obey God to the best of His ability working in me, no matter what the cost. I can’t begin to tell
you all the ways God has blessed me since taking my stand on the Cross of Christ for Jesus
Christ and Him crucified.
Do I keep the "letter"? No. Can I tell you how to keep the Sabbath? No. To do so is called
religion. What you do is between you and God. But to live through each 7th day as any other
work day of the week, as I understand it is blatant rebellion against the commandments of God.
Now what will you do about that?

Is it ok to meet and worship on the first day of the week? Of course, as with any other day of the
week. Worship is a life lived, not a day. But rest for our bodies and communion with God is to
be done on the 7th day. God said it, I believe it, and that settles it.

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