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Linux_x64 Runtime Environment

GEM 2015.10/IMEX 2015.10/STARS 2015.10

In order to allow running of a single executable across different implementations of Linux, CMG simulators
use a dynamic link of the glibc runtime libraries and a dynamic link for the Intel OpenMP for STARS and
IMEX and, for IMEX only, the Intel MKL runtime libraries.
GEM, IMEX and STARS, are supported on RHEL 6.5.
GEM, IMEX and STARS 2015.10 for Linux x64 were built on RHEL 5.2. IMEX 2015.10 was built using
INTEL Fortran and INTEL C++ Composer XE Version GEM and STARS 2015.10 were built
using INTEL Fortran and INTEL C++ Composer XE Version 12.1.
For IMEX and GEM, the compiler version may be determined by using the command-line argument,
without quotes, -compiler_info. For STARS, the compiler version may be determined by using the
command-line argument, without quotes, -cputime.
With our RHEL 6.5 build, the standard C++ and gcc x64 runtime libraries are required.
For the IMEX and STARS an environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be set so that the exe can
locate the Intel OpenMP and, for IMEX only, the Intel MKL runtime libraries. For GEM, setting
LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not required as GEM is linked statically for the Intel OpenMP libraries.
To accomplish this, the runtime libraries are stored at the following location:
where simulator = GEM/IMEX/STARS; version = current version, e.g. 2015.10; platform = linux_x64.
This assumes that the environment variable CMG_HOME was setup during installation to point to where
the simulators are installed.
So, if IMEX was installed in /usr/cmg, then for bash shells and IMEX 2015.10 on linux_x64 the
environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be set as follows:
export LD_LIBARY_PATH=/usr/cmg/imex/2015.10/linux_x64/lib
The 2015.10 version of CMG Launcher with LSF, SGE or PBS/Torque support will set this environment
variable automatically for the user if a job is being submitted to run a simulator on a Linux_x64 machine.
The CMG_HOME environment variable must be set correctly.
See the doc Readme_Linux_libs.doc for information for determining the versions of runtime libraries.
To obtain a list of runtime libraries required, including the Intel OpenMP and MKL runtime libraries, the
command ldd may be used. For Linux x64 RHEL 6 update 5, the following was obtained:
$ ldd /usr/cmg/imex/2015.10/linux_x64/exe/mx201510.exe => (0x00007fffd59ff000) => /usr/lib64/ (0x0000003657200000) => /usr/cmg/imex/2015.10/linux_x64/lib/ (0x00007ff001a20000) => /usr/cmg/imex/2015.10/linux_x64/lib/ (0x00007ff000a36000) => /usr/cmg/imex/2015.10/linux_x64/lib/ (0x00007fefff358000) => /lib64/ (0x0000003650200000) => /usr/cmg/imex/2015.10/linux_x64/lib/ (0x00007fefff03f000) => /lib64/ (0x000000364fa00000) => /lib64/ (0x000000364f600000) => /lib64/ (0x0000003655200000) => /lib64/ (0x000000364f200000)
/lib64/ (0x000000364ee00000)

See the doc Readme_Linux_libs_2015.pdf for information for determining the versions of runtime libraries.

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