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Fracture toughness of two lithium disilicate dental glass

Lubna Alkadi, DDS, MSca and N. Dorin Ruse, MSc, PhD, MCIC, FADMb

Because of their natural appear- ABSTRACT

ance, translucency, biocompati- Statement of problem. IPS e.max CAD and IPS e.max Press (Ivoclar Vivadent AG) are lithium
bility, and optical properties, disilicate glass ceramics marketed as interchangeable materials indicated for the same clinical uses.
ceramics have become increas- However, different crystal sizes of lithium disilicate are formed during the processing of each of
ingly popular in dentistry.1-3 these materials, a factor that could lead to signicantly different mechanical properties. As me-
High demand motivates manu- chanical failure is always associated with a crack-initiation/crack-propagation process, fracture
facturers to introduce new and toughness (KIC) values could be useful in comparing different ceramics and possibly predicting
clinical performance.
improved ceramics, each claim-
ing superior esthetic, physical, Purpose. The purpose of this in vitro study was to determine and compare the KIC of IPS e.max CAD
and mechanical properties. In and IPS e.max Press.
addition, the fully digitized pro- Material and methods. The notchless triangular prism (NTP) specimen KIC test was used to
duction of dental restorations determine and compare the KIC of IPS e.max Press and IPS e.max CAD. Twenty 66612-mm NTP
involving digitized impression specimens of each material were prepared. IPS e.max CAD blocks were cut, ground, and then
making and computer-aided crystallized, while IPS e.max Press specimens were prepared by pressing IPS e.max Press ingots
design and computer-aided into molds obtained from 66612-mm wax prisms, using the lost wax technique. Each
specimen was mounted into a specimen holder, and custom grips were used to attach the
manufacturing (CAD/CAM) has
specimen holder assembly to a computerized universal testing machine (model 4301; Instron
led to the introduction of a new Canada, Inc). The assembly was loaded in tension at a crosshead speed of 0.1 mm/min, and the
category of machinable ce- KIC value was calculated based on the recorded maximum load at fracture. Fractured surfaces
ramics.4-7 were characterized using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Results were statistically analyzed
Despite their favorable char- using Weibull statistics and the Student t test (a=.05).
acteristics, considerable con- Results. Signicantly (P<.05) higher KIC value was determined for IPS e.max Press than for IPS e.max
cerns remain regarding the CAD and, based on the Weibull modulus (m), IPS e.max Press was also more reliable. Fractured
mechanical properties of ce- surfaces, characterized by SEM, showed a marked difference between the 2 materials, suggesting a
ramics.8 The brittle ceramic more complete crystallization in IPS e.max Press, which was most likely responsible for the higher
materials may exhibit cata- KIC determined.
strophic fractures, particularly Conclusion. Within the limitations of this in vitro study, the results suggest that IPS e.max Press is
when exposed to tensile superior to IPS e.max CAD with regard to the KIC and characteristic Weibull parameters. (J Prosthet
stresses,9 which remains the Dent 2016;-:---)
main cause of their failure.10
IPS e.max is the name given by Ivoclar Vivadent AG ZirPress, and IPS e.max ZirCAD) and a veneering ma-
to a range of ceramic products that include 4 core ma- terial (IPS e.max Ceram). The products of interest in this
terials (IPS e.max Press, IPS e.max CAD, IPS e.max study, IPS e.max Press and IPS e.max CAD, are both

Presented as a poster at the 91st General Session of the International Association for Dental Research, Seattle, Wash, March 2013.
Assistant Professor, Division of Prosthodontics and Restorative Dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Professor, Division of Biomaterials, Faculty of Dentistry, The University of British Columbia, British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.


2 Volume - Issue -

12 mm
Clinical Implications
Short- and long-term in vivo performance of
ceramics may be governed by, among other factors,
their resistance to crack propagation as determined 6 mm 6 mm
by their KIC values. Based solely on the KIC, the
clinical performance of IPS e.max Press may be
better than that of IPS e.max CAD.
6 mm
Figure 1. Notchless triangular prism specimen.
lithium disilicate glass ceramics designed to have 2
different processing pathways for the fabrication of
ceramic restorations. Both of the materials can be used to product is processed with the lost wax technique, which
produce cores that can be veneered with feldspathic involves waxing the restorations to the desired contours,
ceramic (IPS e.max Ceram). They can also be used as sprueing, and investing the wax patterns, melting the
monolithic materials in the fabrication of anatomic con- wax to create a mold within the investment, and then
tour restorations (Ivoclar Vivadent AG; http://www. heat pressing the molten ingot into the mold in a furnace developed specically for this product. Restorations are
technicians/download-center-ips-emax; 2016). In addition then divested, polished, characterized, and glazed before
to the monolithic block category, the IPS e.max CAD delivery.
system was recently expanded to include a second Clinical evidence shows that IPS e.max Press has a
category of blocks intended for veneering zirconia survival rate of 96.6% over 3 years for single crown res-
substructures and a third category used to fabricate torations.12 A study that evaluated xed partial dentures
implant-supported abutments for single teeth, where the fabricated from monolithic IPS e.max Press and observed
lithium disilicate milled components are bonded to a them for a mean period of 121 months found the survival
titanium base. All are available in a wide variety of shades rate to be 100% after 5 years and 87.9% after 10 years.
and opacities. The success rate was 91.1% after 5 years and 69.8% after
IPS e.max CAD is a lithium disilicate glass ceramic 10 years.13 A clinical evaluation of single IPS e.max CAD
designed to be used with CAD/CAM technology. A crowns showed 100% success after 2 years.14 However,
process called pressure casting leads to the production long- or short-term controlled clinical trials comparing
of partially crystallized IPS e.max CAD blue blocks. both materials are lacking.
These blocks are composed of 40% lithium metasilicate Fracture toughness (KIC) is an intrinsic material
crystals ranging in size from 0.2 to 1.0 mm, embedded in property, which describes the materials ability to with-
a glassy matrix. The partially crystallized state facilitates stand unstable crack propagation and which correlates
a faster milling process. After restorations are milled to with clinical performance (fracture and wear).3,15 As
the desired shape and contour, they are tempered at mechanical failure is always associated with a crack-
850 C in furnaces developed by the manufacturer for initiation/crack-propagation process, KIC values are use-
this material (Programat P300/P500; Ivoclar Vivadent ful in comparing different ceramics and, possibly, in
AG). In this process, lithium metasilicate crystals are predicting clinical performance. Many methods are
transformed into lithium disilicate crystals (70% volume available for assessing KIC, among which the most
fraction), which are responsible for the high strength of commonly used are the single-edge notched beam
the material.11 The coloring ions responsible for the blue (SENB), the chevron notched short rod (CNSR), and the
color in the partially crystallized stage change the indentation fracture (IF) methods.16 To ensure repro-
oxidation state when tempered, leading to the desired ducibility, the international standardization of testing
tooth color. procedures has been accomplished through detailed de-
IPS e.max Press is supplied as ingots of lithium dis- scriptions of specimen congurations and dimensions, as
ilicate glass-ceramic in several monochromatic shades, 4 well as test protocols and is summarized in the American
translucencies, and 2 sizes. Currently, new polychromatic Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard
ingots (IPS e.max Press Multi; Ivoclar Vivadent AG) E1820-15.17 Most specimen congurations require pre-
provide a gradient of shades and translucencies crack initiation, which can lead to unstable crack growth.
mimicking those of a natural tooth. These are supplied in The SENB method, although it does yield a stable crack,
10 shades and a single size. The microstructure of IPS is technique-sensitive.18 The CNSR specimen KIC test
e.max Press consists of approximately 70% lithium dis- developed by Barker19 is accepted by the ASTM.20
ilicate crystals measuring 3 to 6 mm in length. This However, the specimen preparation involves cutting a


- 2016 3

Figure 2. NTP specimen in holder, in mounting block, with spacer in Figure 3. Custom-built grinder.
place. NTP, notchless triangular prism.


chevron-shaped notch into a cylindrical specimen, a The NTP specimen KIC test was used to determine and
process that is difcult to achieve, particularly with brittle compare the KIC values of IPS e.max Press and IPS
materials such as ceramics. The notchless triangular e.max CAD. A power analysis was used to calculate the
prism (NTP) specimen KIC test was developed to over- sample size (n) needed to detect a difference of 20%
come the difculties associated with the preparation of among the groups, with an a value of .05 and power of
CNSR specimens.21 The NTP specimen (Fig. 1) achieves 80%, using Lehrs basic formula29: n=D162 , where the
a nal conguration similar to that of the CNSR spec- standard difference (D) is given by D = d/s, and d is the
imen when tted into the specimen holder (Fig. 2), target difference, and s is the standard deviation (SD).
thereby eliminating the difcult notching procedure.21 The calculation was based on the results of a pilot
The NTP test was validated through nite element study that yielded a mean of 2 MPa$m1/2 and an SD of
analysis, and a calibration study was done in which 0.3 MPa$m1/2. Based on the above, n was calculated to
materials of known KIC were tested using the NTP and be 9.
the standard CNSR methods, leading to comparable re- However, for materials susceptible to brittle fractures,
sults.21 The NTP test is a suitable method for determining such as ceramics, Weibull statistics are recommended. In
both material and adhesive interfacial KIC.21-25 The NTP Weibull statistical analysis, the probability of failure, Pf, is
test was described as superior because of the simplicity of related to the fracture stress by the following exponential
specimen preparation.26 relationship30:
Two studies were found that report the KIC values for
h  m i
IPS Empress 2 (Ivoclar Vivadent AG), a lithium disilicate s su
pressable glass-ceramic and predecessor of IPS e.max Pf =1 e
Press. These studies reported the KIC of IPS Empress 2 to
be 3.4 MPa$m1/2 27 and 3.14 MPa$m1/2.28 In order analyze the results with Weibull statistics, 20
IPS e.max Press and IPS e.max CAD are marketed as specimens were prepared for each group.31
clinically identical materials indicated for the same clin- IPS e.max CAD blocks were supplied by the
ical uses. However, different crystal sizes of lithium dis- manufacturer (Ivoclar Vivadent AG). Twenty NTP
ilicate are formed during the manufacturing/processing of specimens were prepared by cutting and grinding.
each of these materials. Moreover, the different pro- Each IPS e.max CAD block was cut into 4 equal
cessing methods involved in the processing of the ma- rectangular blocks with diamond-impregnated slicing
terials may lead to signicantly different mechanical wheels (UKAM) mounted on a low-speed saw
properties. It would therefore be of interest, from both a (Isomet; Buehler) and under continuous water irriga-
materials science point of view and a clinical usage point tion. Again under continuous water irrigation and
of view, to characterize the materials in vitro, as a step using a custom-built holder (Fig. 3), each of these
toward recommending one over the other in clinical smaller blocks was then ground on consecutively ner
applications. The purpose of the current study was to grit SiC paper (Buehler) up to 600 grit, mounted on a
determine the KIC of IPS e.max Press and IPS e.max CAD grinding machine (Buehler) until 66612-mm NTP
to test the null hypothesis that there is no signicant specimens were obtained. The prisms were crystalized
difference in the KIC of the 2 materials. in a furnace (Programat P500; Ivoclar Vivadent AG) at


4 Volume - Issue -

Table 1. Results of mean SD fracture toughness (KIC) and statistical

Weibull Weibull KIC
Material KIC (in MPa$m 1/2
) Modulus (m) (in MPa$m1/2)
IPS e.max CAD 1.79 (0.26) 8.41 1.90
IPS e.max Press 2.50 (0.31)* 9.74 2.64
*Signicantly higher KIC value (Student t test; P<.05).

IPS e.max Press and IPS e.max CAD

y = 8.4088x 5.3585 y = 9.7448x 9.4073
2.000 R2 = 0.95788 R2 = 0.95813


Figure 4. Custom grips attaching NTP specimen holder to testing
machine. NTP, notchless triangular prism. 0.000
0.200 0.400 0.600 0.800 1.000 1.200 1.400

840 C, following the protocol recommended by the 2.000

IPS e.max Press ingots were supplied by the manu- 3.000
facturer (Ivoclar Vivadent AG). Twenty 66612-mm e.max press
NTP specimens were prepared by waxing, investing, 4.000 e.max CAD
and pressing. To wax these prisms, a slightly oversized
(by w0.1-mm) polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA [Plex- In(KIC)
iglass]) prism was impressed using medium-body poly-
vinylsiloxane impression material (Aquasil; Dentsply Figure 5. Weibull plot of KIC results.
Intl). The prism was then retrieved, leaving a mold into
which melted dipping wax (Whip Mix Corp) was
repeatedly poured to produce 20 wax prisms. These wax 28, as proposed by Ruse et al.21 Selected fractured
prisms were invested using the lost wax technique, and specimens were gold coated and characterized using
IPS e.max Press was pressed into the molds at the Ivoclar scanning electron microscopy (SEM; model S-3000N;
Vivadent headquarters in Amherst, NY. The prisms were Hitachi).
then polished to nal dimensions, with 600 SiC paper Weibull statistical analysis was used to evaluate the
under continuous water irrigation. characteristic KIC and the reliability of each material.30
To determine KIC, 20 NTP specimens of each material The Weibull modulus (m), represented by the slope of
were tested. In each specimen, a defect (w0.1 mm) was the curves, indicates the reliability of each material (the
initiated with a sharp diamond disk secured between 2 steeper the curve, the more reliable the material). Char-
PMMA blocks at a point midway along one of its edges acteristic Weibull KIC value was obtained from the plot at
and aligned with the split line created by the spacer the 63.2 percentile point.
placed between the 2 halves of the specimen holder An independent Student t test (a=.05) was also per-
(Fig. 2). The specimen-holder assembly was then loaded formed to compare the results.
in tension at 0.1 mm/min with custom-designed grips
(Fig. 4) attached to a computerized universal testing RESULTS
machine (Instron model 4301; Instron Canada, Inc) Results are summarized in Table 1 and in the Weibull
equipped with a 1-kN Instron load cell (accuracy of plot in Figure 5. The Student t test results showed that
0.25% of the indicated load). The maximum load, Pmax, IPS e.max Press (2.50 0.31 MPa$m1/2) had signicantly
recorded before fracture was used to calculate the KIC (P<.05) higher KIC than IPS e.max CAD (1.79 0.26
value from the following equation21,32: MPa$m1/2). Results of the Weibull analysis revealed that
Pmax IPS e.max Press had higher values of both the Weibull

KIC =Ymin ; modulus (m) and characteristic Weibull KIC than IPS
DW 1=2
e.max CAD.
where D is the specimen diameter (12 mm), W is the Figure 6 shows typical examples of a fractured IPS
specimen length (10.5 mm), and Y*min is the dimen- e.max CAD surface (Fig. 6A1-A3) and IPS e.max Press
sionless stress intensity factor coefcient minimum, of surface (Fig. 6B1-B3). At 50 magnication (Fig. 6, A1, B1),


- 2016 5

Figure 6. Scanning electron micrographs of fractured surfaces of IPS e.max CAD (A1) and IPS e.max Press (B1) specimens at 50 (A1, B1), 5000 (A2, B2)
and 10 000 (A3, B3) magnication.

one half of the fractured prism is shown, with the defect- propagation through the glassy matrix, whereas the IPS
induced zone at the tip of each prism. At higher mag- e.max Press surface looks rough and irregular, with
nications of 5000 and 10 000, the IPS e.max CAD minimal glassy matrix visible and an almost entirely
surface looks smooth (Fig. 6A2, A3), indicating a crack crystallized surface (Fig. 6B2, B3).


6 Volume - Issue -

DISCUSSION CAD with regard to KIC and characteristic Weibull

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