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Etymological definition from Greek: the love of wisdom
We sometimes use the term philosophy to refer to a persons code of values or the
beliefs by which they live
An academic discipline
A methodology which lies at the root of all subjects
The practical activity of raising fundamental questions and attempting to answer them in
thinking and writing

Branches of Philosophy
Metaphysics literally, after or beyond the physical, the study of ultimate reality or
how things really are.
Epistemology the study of knowledge or how to tell when we really know something.
Ethics the study of moral problems, right and wrong, and practical reasoning.
Logic the study of the rules of correct reasoning.
Aesthetics the study of feelings and judgments related to beauty and art.

The Beginnings of Philosophy

Ancient Philosophy (7th century B.C. to 5th century A.D.)
Medieval Philosophy (500 to 1500)
Modern Philosophy (16th to 19th centuries)
Postmodern or Contemporary Philosophy (20th century to present

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