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Copyright 2008 American Scientic Publishers Journal of

All rights reserved Holography and Speckle

Printed in the United States of America Vol. 5, 16, 2008

Computer-Generated Holograms and

3-D Visual Communication
Leonid P. Yaroslavsky
Department of Interdisciplinary Studies, School of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel

Generating a hologram of the scene to be viewed is an ultimate solution for 3-D visualization and
communication. The paper outlines the 3D digital holographic imaging and visual communication
paradigm and reviews basic ideas and experiments it is based on.

1. INTRODUCTION: SOMEWHAT PERSONAL Since that time, more than 40 years have passed. The
dream of holographic 3D visual communication has not
It will not be an exaggeration to say that imaging was yet come true, mainly because of the lack of appropriate
always of the primary interest, motivation and inspiration technology for building digital holographic displays capa-
for optics and optical researchers. Yuri Nickolaevich, as ble of converting signals into optical holograms. Neverthe-
we used to call Yuri Denisyuk, according to the Russian less, a lot has been achieved, and latest developments in
language tradition, by his rst name and his fathers name, photonics and nano-technology inspire great optimism in
told a story that when he was a young man of about this respect.
2021 he read in a science ction Star space ships by

the Russian ction writer I. Efremov about a 3D image of
a head emerging of a mirror and this image inspired him 2. COMPUTER GENERATED DISPLAY
to start thinking on ways to implement 3D imaging and HOLOGRAMS: AN ULTIMATE SOLUTION
nally led him to inventing his holographic method. He FOR 3-D VISUALIZATION AND
succeeded in implementing his dream.1 And this success COMMUNICATION
along with yet another revolutionary experiment, that by
E. Leith and Y. Upatnieks,2 inspired, in the early 1960-s, There are no doubts that holographic imaging is an ulti-
yet another ambitious dream, the dream of a general 3-D mate solution for 3-D visualization. This is the only
visual communication. method that is capable of reproducing, in the most natu-
After the inventions made by Y. Denisyuk and E. Leith, ral viewing conditions, 3-D images that have all the visual
it has become clear that holographic imaging is an ulti- properties of the original objects including full parallax,
mate solution for 3-D visualization and visual communi- and are visually separated from the display device. 3-D
cation. But how can one bring a hologram of the scene to visual communication and display can be achieved through
a remote place of the viewer? The original and straight- generating, at the viewer side, of holograms out of data
forward idea of transmission of holograms proved to be that contain all relevant information regarding the scene to
impractical because of the tremendous volume of data to be viewed. Digital computers are ideal means for convert-
be transmitted. And then, even if the hologram it transmit- ing data on 3-D scenes into optical holograms for visual
ted as, say, an electrical signal, how can one convert this perception.3 4
signal into an optical hologram for viewing at the receiver
site? Obviously the solution is synthesis of holograms on 3. WHAT DOES ONE NEED TO TRANSMIT IN
the receiver site and transmission, from the scene site, of ORDER TO GENERATE A HOLOGRAM ON
data needed for such a synthesis. These two tasks chal- THE VIEWER SIDE FOR 3D DISPLAY AND
lenged the next generation of young researchers who were COMMUNICATION?
in their twenties at that time. Among them, Steve Benton
has to be mentioned rst of all. The present author was The core of the 3D digital holographic visual communi-
also lucky to belong to this generation and to contribute cation paradigm is the understanding that, for generating
to the attempts to respond to this challenge. synthetic holograms at the viewer side, one does not need

J. Holography Speckle 2008, Vol. 5, No. 1 1546-900X/2008/5/001/006 doi:10.1166/jhs.2008.004 1

Computer-Generated Holograms and 3-D Visual Communication Yaroslavsky

to produce, at the scene side, the hologram of the scene Binocular disparity is the salient depth cue used by the
and to transmit it to the viewers site. Neither does one visual system to produce the sensation of depth, or stere-
need to necessarily imitate, at the viewer site, the full opti- opsis. Binocular vision has limitations in its turn.
cal holograms of the scene. What one does need is to col-
The resolving power of binocular vision in measur-
lect, at the scene side, a set of data that will be sufcient
ing scene depth is, by the order of magnitude, lower
to generate, at the viewer site, a synthetic hologram of the
that the vision resolving power in terms of the num-
scene for viewing.
ber of resolvable pixels in the image of the scene.5 6
What features of optical holograms computer-generated
The number of quantization levels in scene depth
display holograms for 3D visualization should have?
The major requirement to computer-generated display map required to secure the absence of visual artifacts
holograms is that they should provide natural viewing is also signicantly lower that the required number
conditions for the human visual system and, in particular, of quantization levels in the scene image.7
separation of reconstructed images from the display device. This means that the increment in the amount of data, which
A crucial issue in transmitting data needed for the should be added to the scene image data to satisfacto-
synthesis, at the viewer site, of display holograms is rily, for binocular vision, describe the scene depth map,
the volume of data to be collected and transmitted accounts only units of percents of the amount of scene
and the computational complexity of the hologram synthe- image data.
sis. The upper bound of the amount of data needed to be
collected at the scene side and transmitted to the viewer 3.2. Possible Solutions for Generating Synthetic
site is, in principle, the full volumetric description of the Display Holograms that Fit Human Vision
scene geometry and optical properties. However, a realistic
estimation of the amount of data needed for generating a Several solutions that are computationally inexpensive and
display hologram of the scene is by orders of magnitude at the same time are quite sufcient for creating 3D
lower then the upper bound due to the limitations of the visual sensation with synthetic display holograms have
human visual system. This also has a direct impact on the been suggested:3
computational complexity of the hologram synthesis. Multiple view compound macro-holograms.
In this method, the scene to be viewed is described
3.1. Basic Limitations of Human Visual System by means of multiple view images taken from different
directions in the required view angle, and, for each image,
The human visual system has quite a number of natural
a hologram is synthesized separately with an account of its
limitations that must be taken into account in the synthesis
position in the viewing angle (see Fig. 1(a)). Each holo-
of computer-generated display holograms:
gram has to be, approximately, of the size of the viewers
Human vision works in incoherent light;
eye pupil. These elementary holograms will reconstruct
At every particular moment, each of two eyes perceives
different aspects of scenes from different directions, which
only a small fraction of the incoming wavefront limited by
are determined by their position in the view angle. The set
the size of the pupil (about 3 3 mm);
of such holograms is then used to build a composite, or
3D perception is achieved through several mechanisms
mosaic, macro-hologram.
complementing each other:
It is essential that, for scenes given by their math-
Eye accommodation; ematical models, well-developed methods and software/
Eye convergence, or the inward rotation of the eyes hardware instrumentation tools of the modern computer
to converge on objects as they move closer to the graphics can be used for fast generating multiple view
observer; images needed for computing elementary holograms. As
Binocular disparity, or the difference in the images for the computational complexity of the synthesis of com-
projected on the left and right eye retinas in the view- posite holograms, it can be estimated as following. If
ing of a 3D scene;
Shading, shadowing and play of highlights on diffuse Compound macro-hologram:
surfaces that do not have edges or textures capable a 2-D mosaic of MxM
elementary holograms of NxN
of producing perception of binocular disparity; samples

Interposition, or occluding, hiding or overlapping one

object by another;
Retinal image size;
Linear perspective; Elementary hologram. The size of
Aerial perspective; elementary holograms should be
commensurable with the size of the
Motion parallax, which provides different views of a eye pupil (3-5 mm in diameter);
N = O(1000) samples
scene in response to movement of the scene or the
viewer. Fig. 1. The principle of synthesis of composite holograms.

2 J. Holography Speckle 5, 16, 2008

Yaroslavsky Computer-Generated Holograms and 3-D Visual Communication

light lamp

Fig. 2. Viewing compound computer-generated hologram (left) and one of the views reconstructed from the hologram.

individual images are of N N -pixels resolution, the com- stereo holograms are synthetic Fourier holograms that
plexity of the synthesis of elementary holograms is of the reproduce only horizontal parallax.3 8 9 When viewed with
order of N log N operation. Therefore, the computational two eyes as through a window, these are capable of creat-
complexity of synthesis of the composite hologram com- ing 3D sensation thanks to stereoscopic vision. With such
posed of M M elementary holograms, is of the order holograms arranged in a circular composite hologram, full
M 2 N log N operations. Note that the computational com- 360 degrees view of the scene can be achieved. Figure 3
plexity of generating a single hologram of the same size is shows such a hologram and examples of images from
OM 2 N log M 2 N  which is log M 2 N / log N times higher. which it was synthesized.8 The entire hologram was com-
In Ref. [8], an experiment on the synthesis of such a posed of 1152 fragmentary kinoform holograms of 1024
composite macro-hologram composed of 900 elementary 1024 pixels recorded with pixel size 12.5 mcm. The total
holograms of 256 256 pixels was reported. The holo- size of the hologram was 240 cm. In stationary state of the
gram contained 30 30 views, in spatial angle 90 hologram, viewer looking through the hologram from dif-
90 , of an object in a form of a cube. The synthesized ferent positions was able to see a 3D image of an object in
holograms were encoded as kinoforms and recorded with a form of a molecule of six atoms differently arranged
sample size 12.5 mcm. The physical size of elementary in space. When the hologram rotated, the viewer was able
holograms was 32 32 mm. Each elementary hologram to see atoms continuously rotating in space and easily
was repeated, in the process of recording, 77 times to the recognize the rotation direction.
size 22.422.4 mm. The size of the entire hologram was Programmed diffuser holograms.
672 672 mm2 . Being properly illuminated, the hologram The Programmed diffuser method for synthesis of
can be used for viewing the reconstructed scene from dif- Fourier display hologram was suggested for generating
ferent angles, as, for instance, through a window (Fig. 2, digital holograms capable of reconstructing different views
left). Looking through the hologram with two eyes, view- of 3-D objects whose surfaces scatter light diffusely.3 10
ers are able to see 3D image of a cube (Fig. 2, right) This method assumes that objects are specied in the
oating in the air. object coordinate system x y z by their macro shape
Composite stereo-holograms. zx y, by the magnitude of the object reectivity
A special case of multiple view mosaic macro- distribution Ax y in the object plane x y and by the
holograms is composite stereo-holograms. Composite directivity pattern of the diffuse component of its sur-

Fig. 3. Synthetic computer generated circular stereo macro-hologram (left) and two views of the scene (right).

J. Holography Speckle 5, 16, 2008 3

Computer-Generated Holograms and 3-D Visual Communication Yaroslavsky

3-D Object
objects reflectivity
model distribution Wave
Objects wave front
A(x,y) propagation
complex amplitude
A(x,y)exp[i2(z(x,y) + PrDiff(x,y))]
(e.g. DFT)
Object 3-
D shape
z(x,y) PrDiff(x ,y)
Programmed diffuser generator
directivity z(x ,y)

Deterministic component
Random component

Fig. 4. Block-diagram of synthesis of programmed diffuser holograms.

face. The diffuse light scattering from the object surface of the phase of the object wavefront. A ow diagram
is simulated by assigning to the object a pseudo-random of synthesis of programmed diffuser holograms is pre-
phase component (a programmable diffuser), whose sented in Figure 4.
correlation function corresponds to the given directivity Holograms synthesized with this method exhibit spa-
pattern of the object surface. This pseudo-random phase tial inhomogeneity that is directly determined by the
component is combined with the deterministic phase com- geometrical shape and diffuse properties of the object sur-
ponent dened by the object shape to form the distribution face. This allows imitation of viewing the object from

A(x ,y)


Fig. 5. Objects image (upper left), objects shape (center left) and its programmed diffuser hologram (bottom left) and nine images reconstructed
from northwest, north, northeast, west, center, east, southwest south and southeast fragments of the hologram (right).

4 J. Holography Speckle 5, 16, 2008

Yaroslavsky Computer-Generated Holograms and 3-D Visual Communication

different direction by means of reconstruction of differ- to different scaling of reconstructed images for different
ent fragments of its programmed diffuser hologram as it wavelengths of the light. In order to keep the image blur
is illustrated in Figure 5 on an example of a hemisphere due to the imperfect coherence of the light on an accept-
shaped object. able low level, it is sufcient to use a reconstruction source
of light with the degree of coherence, measured as the
ratio of the light frequency to its spectrum spread, of the
order of the largest, in horizontal or vertical dimension,
One of the major obstacles, if not the major one, for imple- number of pixels in the scene images (say, 1000). This
menting 3D digital holographic visual communication is is by 34 orders of magnitude lower than that needed for
the lack of digital holographic displays, devices for convert- recording optical holograms. Obviously, for such incoher-
ing data on the distribution of the amplitude and phase in ence, the accuracy in hologram phase reproduction will be
the hologram plane into optical holograms for visual recon- of the order of 0.1%, which is also quite sufcient.
struction of 3D images. One can distinguish two types the The use, for reconstruction of computer-generated
holographic displays: static displays for reproducing holo- holograms of such sources of low coherence quasi-
grams of static scenes similarly to printers in conventional monochromatic light can simplify the design of the digital
imaging and dynamic ones for reproducing holograms of holographic displays and, in addition, is benecial in terms
dynamic scenes similarly to television monitors. While cre- of reducing reconstruction speckle noise.
ation of dynamic digital holographic displays still remains Ideally, the use, for reconstruction of hologram, of the
quite problematic, static digital holographic displays such natural white light would be the most appropriate. The
as digital holographic printers are becoming feasible. Dis- great advantage of Denisyuk-type optical holograms is that
cussion of all available options is out of the scope of this that they do not need, for reconstruction, a coherent light
paper, and we will conne ourselves to two specic issues of any coherence and are reconstructed in white light.
associated with using low coherent and white light for dis- This property will also be very benecial for computer-
playing computer generated holograms. generated holograms, especially for static holographic
displays. At least three methods can be suggested for pro-
4.1. Low Coherent Light and White Light ducing computer-generated holograms capable of recon-
Computer-Generated Holograms. Hybrid struction in white light:
Optical-Digital Holograms 1. Recording computer-generated hologram onto optical
media pre-exposed by a Denisyuk-type hologram of the
As computer-generated holograms reproduce distribution reconstruction source of light.
of the object wave front amplitude and phase, computed 2. Making sandwich-holograms out of computer-
for a certain light wavelength, it is a common belief generated holograms of the object to be displayed and a
that, for displaying computer-generated holograms, one Denisyuk-type hologram of the reconstruction source of
needs to use a laser. However, this is not the case. The light.
incoherence of the light beam used for reconstruction of 3. Holographic copying onto a Denisyuk-type hologram
holograms inuences the accuracy in reconstruction of the of an image reconstructed, in coherent light, from the
phase of the hologram and may cause image blur due computer-generated hologram.

AC, n
Complex vector
of a hologram
(2) (3) (3) (2) (3)
R, 1 R, 1 G, 1 B , 2 B , 2 sample
C, n = C, n
(3) (1)

(1) (1) (2) (1)

R, 1 G, 1 G , 1 B, 2

(2) (3) (1) (2) (3) A0

B , 2 B , 1 R, 2 G, 2 G, 2

C, n = C, n
(1) (2) (3) (1)
B , 1 R, 2 R, 2 G, 2
C, n A0
C, n

(a) (b)

Fig. 6. A hexagonal arrangement of the hologram samples on a phase media (a) and three-phase method of hologram encoding (b).

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Computer-Generated Holograms and 3-D Visual Communication Yaroslavsky

4.2. Computer Generated Color Display Holograms where C = R, G, B.

Note, that such color holograms can be viewed in
Of course, computer-generated display holograms must white light provided RGB lters are appropriately
ultimately be capable of reproducing color image. Color narrow-band.
CG-holograms can be generated as color-separated RGB
holograms and recorded by interlacing their corresponding
samples covered by the respective RGB-lters. Figure 6 5. CONCLUSION
illustrates one possible hologram encoding scheme for
Basic ideas and experiments on which a paradigm of
recording color computer generated holograms on a phase
3D digital holographic imaging and visual communication
media. The scheme is an extension of the so-called double-
shared by the present author is based are outlined.
phase encoding method.3 11 The use of phase media for
recording computer-generated holograms is advantageous
is terms of hologram light efciency. References and Notes
For encoding the amplitude and phase of RGB sam-
1. Yu. N. Denisyuk, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 144, 1275 (1962).
ples of the computed object wavefront in the hologram 2. E. N. Leith, J. Upatnieks, JOSA 51, 1469 (1961).
plane, groups of three cells arranged in the hexagonal sam- 3. L. Yaroslavsky and N. Merzlyakov, Methods of Digital Holography,
pling grid are used per each RGB component, each group Consultance Bureau, NY (1980).
for one of R, G and B sample (see Fig. 6(a)). Each of 4. S. H. Lee, Progress in Optics, Edited by E. Wolf (1978), Vol. 16,
RGB cell groups is covered by corresponding R, G or B pp. 119132.
5. L. P. Yaroslavsky, J. Campos, M. Espinola, and I. Ideses, Optics
color lters. Each k-th cell in the n-th R-, G- or B- group Express 13, 10895 (2005).
modulates phase of the illuminating beam by introduc- 6. I. Ideses, L. P. Yaroslavsky, and B. Fishbain, Digital Holography
k k k
ing phase shift R n , G n and B n , correspondingly. The and Three-Dimensional Imaging 2007 Conference, Vancouver, BC,
k k k Canada, June (2007).
phase shifts R n , G n and B n for encoding of n-th sam-
7. I. Ideses, L. Yaroslavsky, I. Amit, and B. Fishbain, 3DTV-Conference
ple of the corresponding hologram color component with
the True Vision, Capture, Transmission and Display of 3D video,
amplitude AC n and phase C n are found, according to Kicc Conference Center, Kos Island, Greece, May (2007).
the drawing in Figure 6(b), from the relationships: 8. V. N. Karnaukhov, N. S. Merzlyakov, and L. P. Yaroslavsky, Sov.
Tech. Phys. Lett. 2, 169 (1976).
AC n expiC n  = A0 cosC n C n  9. T. Yatagai, Appl. Opt. 15, 2722 (1976).
3  10. N. S. Merzlyakov and L. P. Yaroslavsky, Sov. Phys. Tech. Phys. 47,
+1 + cosC n C n  1263 (1977).
3 1 11. C. K. Hsuen and A. A. Sawchuk, Appl. Opt. 17, 3874
C n = C n (1978).

Received: xx Xxxx xxxx. Revised/Accepted: xx Xxxx xxxx.

6 J. Holography Speckle 5, 16, 2008

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