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Eur. Radiol.

(2001) 11: 1902±1915

DOI 10.1007/s003300101012 U LT R A S O U N D *

Alexander V. Zubarev Ultrasound of renal vessels

Published online: 30 August 2001

Abstract Kidneys are known as Knowledge about the use of differ-
 Springer-Verlag 2001 well-perfused organs and may un- ent Doppler imaging modalities and
dergo a variety amount of vascular typical sonographic findings of the
pathological conditions such as re- most frequently conditions affecting
* Categorical Course ECR 2002 nal artery stenosis, renal vein renal vessels are of great impor-
thrombosis, arteriovenous fistula, tance. This article reviews the clini-
and aneurysms. Sonography is usu- cal applications of US and Doppler
A. V. Zubarev ( )
Department of Radiology,
ally the first imaging method for re- US techniques including basics and
nal vascular diseases. Modern US technological advances in the field
Postgraduate Education and Research machines are now able to outline of renal vascular diseases.
Center, Government Medical Center,
M. Timoshenko 21, 121359 Moscow,
with great detail both main renal
Russia vessels and intraparenchymal vas- Keywords Kidney ´ Renal vessels ´
Phone: +7-95-7 64 23 92 culature of the kidney using color Ultrasound ´ Doppler studies
Fax: +7-95-1 49 58 27 and power Doppler techniques.

techniques can be used to recognize shape of vessels

with complex course and to analyze relationships among
Sonography of the kidneys is well known as an excellent the different structures of the kidney. They can provide
modality and initial procedure in the examination of panoramic volumetric images of the large abdominal
patients with renal pathology. Although able to provide vessels, further outlining the relationships of renal ves-
a vast array of information about the morphology of the sels with the abdominal aorta. Blood flow morphology
kidney and the renal sinus, conventional US is not gen- maps can be also displayed within the background of the
erally helpful in providing evaluation of changes affect- B-mode data. Combination with contrast agents pro-
ing the renal vessels. Such information can be obtained vides the potential to image the whole vascular renal
through Doppler techniques. Modern commercially network and, through special measurement techniques,
available machines are now able to outline with great to estimate vascular volume and transit time, parame-
detail both main renal vessels and intraparenchymal ters which relate directly to tissue perfusion.
vasculature of the kidney using color and power Dop- The purpose of this paper is to review the clinical
pler techniques. By means of spectral analysis, Doppler applications of US and Doppler US techniques in the
US can provide evaluation of flow characteristics, such field of renal vascular diseases.
as direction and velocity, and give an estimate of intra-
parenchymal flow resistances. Visualization of the renal
vessels can be dramatically improved by using contrast
Examination technique and normal findings
enhancement. In clinical practice, the enhanced US sig-
nal provided by contrast agents can reduce the number Anatomy
of technically nondiagnostic cases as well as the number
of false-negative results. Furthermore, new technologi- The renal arteries (RA) originate from the lateral sides
cal advances can play an increasing role in renal vascu- of the aorta, typically at the level of the superior border
lar imaging US. Three-dimensional volume-rendering of the second lumbar vertebra, directed slightly anteri-

orly, approximately 1±1.5 cm below the superior mes-

enteric artery origin. The right RA branches from the
aorta, directs anteriorly for a few centimeters and then
descends obliquely, passing posteriorly to the inferior
vena cava, in a postero-lateral direction toward the kid-
ney. The left RA has a more horizontal and typically
shorter course. It runs from the aorta, posteriorly to the
left renal vein, into the renal hilum.
Approximately 30 % of patients with normally posi-
tioned kidney have multiple renal arteries, with one or
more accessory vessels [1, 2, 3]. Most of them arise close
to the main RA, although they can originate inferiorly,
some distance away, supplying a portion of the lower
pole. Because of this variation in anatomy, accessory
renal arteries are difficult to detect on Doppler studies,
and most are missed.
The main RA divides at the hilum, either within or
outside of the kidney, into anterior and posterior
branches that further divide into segmental and then
interlobar arteries. Renal arteries are terminal vessels
that do not communicate with each other. They are di- Fig. 1 Anatomy of the main renal vessels. 1 Transverse mid ab-
vided into four vascular regions: apical; anterior; poste- dominal section; 2 Oblique longitudinal approach; Ao aorta in a
rior; and inferior [4]. Each segmental branch supplies transverse section; IVC inferior vena cava in transverse section;
RRV right renal vein; RRA right renal artery; LRV left renal vein;
one of these regions. Approximately 90 % of the normal LRA left renal artery
renal blood flow goes to the cortex; only 10 % supplies
the medulla. The interlobar arteries further divide into a
network of arcuate arteries that run at the corticomed-
ullary junction and give off the cortical (interlobular)
branches, which run radially to the renal periphery, and
the medullary branches, which supply the renal pyra-
The renal veins approximately follow the arteries
and join at the hilum to form the main renal vein. In-
trarenal veins have collaterals, which unite with each
other. The right renal vein runs in a postero-anterior
direction, with a relatively short course to enter the vena
cava. The left vein is more horizontal and crosses ante-
riorly to the aorta and posteriorly to the superior mes-
enteric artery to enter the vena cava, at the level of the
first lumbar vertebra. It is worth remembering that the
left gonadal vein, adrenal vein, and the lumbar veins
usually enter the left renal vein.

Transducer position
Fig. 2 Power Doppler US image of the both normal renal arteries.
Main renal arteries Abdominal transverse section

The first requirement is to choose a good scan plane.

This is a key point. The main renal arteries can be im- the arteries often may be followed to the renal hilum,
aged in an abdominal transverse section, by placing the especially on the right side where the liver can be used
transducer in a midpoint between the xiphoid process as an acoustic window (Fig. 2). In patients with abun-
and the umbilicus (Fig. 1). By applying compression dant bowel gas obscuring visualization of the aorta, an-
with the transducer, the bowel loops can be displaced, to gling the probe cranially or caudally can help to over-
see the aorta in a transverse section, together with the come the problem and allow identification of the ves-
origin of both renal arteries. With the axial approach, sels.

Fig. 4 Color Doppler imaging of the left renal artery and vein from
the left flank using the kidney as an acoustic window

dow to obtain coronal scan planes of the renal hilum and

the aorta with the origins of the left renal vessels
(Fig. 4).

Normal findings
When the origins of renal arteries are imaged with color
Doppler in the transverse position, the first segment of
the right renal artery has flow directed toward the
transducer, then represented in red color. Color change
is detected shortly after the origin, where the direction
of flow goes posteriorly. Most of the course of the ves-
b sels is then displayed in blue.
Fig. 3 a Color Doppler US image in oblique longitudinal section. If the origins of renal arteries are imaged in the ob-
Hypoplasia of the right renal artery. b Same patient. Correlative lique longitudinal section, right RA passes directly to-
conventional angiography ward the transducer from the aorta and is colored red,
whereas left RA courses away from the transducer and
is blue (Fig. 5).
An alternative method of imaging the origins of RA is On color Doppler examination, flow within the renal
the use of an oblique longitudinal approach with the pa- vein is opposite in color to that within the renal artery.
tient in a 45  right anterior oblique position (Fig. 1). The Power Doppler can delineate a better image of the
transducer should be placed in the right subcostal posi- proximal RA without the absence of flow in the arterial
tion to obtain longitudinal view of the right kidney. Then segments that run horizontal to the US beam, but with
the probe should be moved in a medial direction follow- loss of directional and velocity information. Power
ing the course of the right renal vein from the hilum to the Doppler provides superb visualization of the entire re-
inferior vena cava. The transducer is angled until the nal vascular tree from the main RA to the arcuate ar-
aorta, together with the origins of both RA, appears. The teries and beyond. The segmental renal branches lie
disadvantage of this approach is that only the origins of within the echogenic renal hilum. Interlobar arteries can
the vessels are shown. Nevertheless, this projection is be visualized lateral to the renal pyramids, and the arc-
best for determining whether accessory arteries, aplasia, uate vessels run behind the renal pyramids parallel to
or hypoplasia (Fig. 3) of the renal arteries are present. the renal cortex. With power Doppler several further
The left renal artery and vein also can be seen from generations of vessels (the interlobular arteries) are
the left flank, using the kidney itself as an acoustic win- seen radiating to the renal capsule (Fig. 6).

Fig. 5 Color Doppler imaging of the both renal arteries and the Fig. 7 Spectral Doppler US image from the right renal artery in
aorta. Longitudinal section. Right renal artery shown as red, left normal subjects. Note small spike that occurs at the end of systolic
renal artery shown as blue rise. This feature is seen only in the normal main renal artery

peak). It is an important feature to identify when mea-

suring the systolic acceleration. This feature is seen only
in the main renal artery and its major branches. The
peak systolic velocity (PSV) in the main renal artery and
its major branches should be less then 100 cm/s [5]. The
velocity slowly decreases in the intrarenal arteries as
they branch into the kidney. The diastolic velocity is a
little less than half of the systolic velocity. This value
normally is expressed as a ratio of end diastole to peak
systolic flow, the most commonly used ratio being the
resistance index or Pourcelot resistive index (RI), which
measures less then 0.7 in the normal kidney [5]. The re-
nal/aortic ratio is used to ªnormalizeº measurements of
the velocity within the renal artery. A summary of the
most common parameters used to evaluate the flow
patterns within the renal arteries is shown in Table 1.
The RI values, as measured in healthy subjects, show
a significant dependence on age and the area sampled.
Fig. 6 Power Doppler US image of the right kidney with renal The values in the main RA are higher in the hilar region
vessels. Good visualization of the entire renal vascular tree (0.65  0.17) than in the more distal small arteries, and
they are lowest in the interlobar arteries (0.54  0.20).
The RI values are higher in elderly patients. The age-
dependent RI values are shown in the Table 2.
Pulsed Doppler
In clinical practice the value of RI 0.7 is used to dis-
The longitudinal position can be recommended for criminate between normal and pathologic resistances to
measuring the Doppler spectrum of both renal arteries flow. Although it is nonspecific, an elevated RI of
due to optimal angle of both RA in this position. The greater than 0.7 suggests renal parenchymal disease
Doppler signal in the RA is a low-resistance signal, processes or postrenal obstruction [5].
similar to that found in all the parenchymal organs of The renal vein Doppler shift signal is continuous in
the body. The important features of this signal are the the smaller veins and with slightly phasic changes with
rapid systolic rise and the continuous high-velocity flow respiration in the main veins. The left renal vein shows
throughout diastole (Fig. 7). A small spike occurs at the little or no phasic swing during the cardiac cycle,
end of the systolic rise (the so-called early systolic whereas the right one shows a variable amount of pul-

Table 1 Normal renal Doppler indices. S peak systolic velocity; D

end diastolic velocity. (From [6])
Index Formula Normal value
S: main renal artery 60±100 sm/s
(< 180 sm/s)
Resistance index S±D/S 0.56±0.7 (< 0.7)
Pulsatility index S±D/mean 0.7±0.14
Renal/aortic ratio Renal systolic velocity/ < 3.0
aortic systolic velocity
Systolic rise time Time to early systolic 0.11  0.06
Systolic acceleration 11  8 m/s2

Table 2 Normal resistive index values in the interlobar arteries

according to patient age. (From [7])
Age (years) Mean Mean  2 SD
< 20 0.567 0.523±0.611 Fig. 8 Spectral Doppler US image of the left renal vein in normal
21±30 0.573 0.528±0.618 subjects. Spectral trace shows little swing within the cardiac cycle
31±40 0.588 0.546±0.630
41±50 0.618 0.561±0.675
51±60 0.688 0.603±0.733 riosclerosis, and less commonly fibromuscular dysplasia,
61±70 0.732 0.649±0.815 can lead to renovascular hypertension. Atheromatous
71±80 0.781 0.707±0.855
> 80 0.832 ± lesions involve the proximal renal artery, whereas fi-
bromuscular dysplasia involves the distal main renal ar-
tery and segmental renal arteries. Detection of RAS is
important since it is a potentially curable cause of hy-
satility, reflecting changes in right atrial pressure. This pertension, by the use of radiologic techniques or sur-
can be related to its shorter course, and to the common gery, and is a direct contraindication to the use of an-
absence of valvular structures within it (Fig. 8). giotensin converting enzyme inhibitors during medical
The rate of technically inadequate color Doppler US therapy of hypertension. Conventional angiography is
examinations of the main RA varies between 9 % [8] currently the gold standard in the detection of renal ar-
and 23.5 % [9]. Some optimistic reports, such as those tery stenosis. Unfortunately, it is an invasive test and is
from Robertson et al. [10], who carefully controlled the not suitable as a screening procedure. Magnetic reso-
duration of the examination limiting attempts to 20 min nance angiography is a very promising modality in this
(allowing a longer time was impractical in that clinical field and, albeit expensive, is non-invasive but cannot be
setting) found an identification rate of 95.5 % of right used as a screening, widely available test [13]. Contrast-
and 82 % of left renal arteries; however, others, such as enhanced helical CT is a promising test also, especially
Berland et al. [11], are less optimistic. From their study when multidetector equipment is used. The need of io-
with clinical comparisons with angiography, duplex dinated contrast medium, however, does not allow its
scanning showed unsatisfactory results: Only 58 % of widespread use as a screening test, given possible neph-
the main RA and no accessory RA were found [11]. In rotoxicity. Doppler US is a non-invasive, widespread
this way, contrast agents should have application in and relatively inexpensive diagnostic modality. It is not
cases where the Doppler signal is difficult to obtain, ei- surprising, therefore, that it has been extensively inves-
ther because of a weak signal or because of signal at- tigated as a screening test for renal artery stenosis
tenuation by overlying tissue [12]. The enhanced signal (Fig. 9) [14, 15].
provided by the contrast agent should reduce the num- Duplex US criteria of RAS can be divided into two
ber of technically nondiagnostic cases and the number groups based on direct findings obtained at the level of
of false-negative results. the stenosis (proximal criteria), or on flow changes ob-
served in the renal vasculature, distal to the site of
stenosis (distal criteria).
The proximal criteria are direct signs obtained at the
Renal artery stenosis
site of the stenosis. The first, most important sign is the
Renal artery stenosis (RAS) is a relatively rare but im- increase in peak systolic velocities (PSV). Velocities
portant cause of renovascular hypertension. Both arte- higher than 1.5 m/s are significant and should be used as

Fig. 10 Spectral Doppler waveform from the stenotic area in the
right RA. Increased peak systolic velocities are seen

Fig. 9 a Power Doppler US image of the right renal artery with
echogenic plaque inside the vessel close to the origin. b Same pa-
tient. Correlative conventional angiography with the plaque in the
origin of the right RA
Fig. 11 Color Doppler imaging of the right RAS. Mosaic flow is
seen within the stenotic area
a criterion for RAS 50 %, and > 1.8 m/s for stenosis
60 % (Fig. 10). Comparison of the velocities in the aorta
with those in the renal arteries, the so-called renal/aortic Distal criteria analyze the flow changes induced by
ratio (RAR), is also helpful. A PSV in the renal artery the stenosis at the level of intrarenal vessels. Patients
three times higher than the aortic PSV indicates the with severe renal artery stenosis commonly present with
presence of RAS [16]. The use of the ratio (RAR) in- pathologic intrarenal signals, the so-called tardus-par-
stead of the absolute peak systolic value is preferable vus waveform, first described by Handa et al. [17]. Tar-
since hypertension itself can cause an increase of peak dus means slow and late and parvus means small and
systolic flow velocities within all vessels of the hyper- little. Tardus refers to the fact that systolic acceleration
tensive patient. The second criterion is the presence of of the waveform is slowed, with consequent increase in
poststenotic turbulences; these are seen as a widening of time to reach the systolic peak. Parvus refers to the fact
the Doppler trace at spectral analysis of signals at the that the systolic peak is of low height, indicating slowed
stenosis and as a mosaic color pattern on the color velocity (Fig. 12). Poststenotic systolic peak are round-
Doppler image (Fig. 11). ed with lengthened systolic rise time (or slow systolic

arteries was more valuable than calculating the acceler-

ation index and acceleration time, with loss of the nor-
mally seen early systolic peak indicating RAS [22]. Per-
sistence of the early systolic peak could be observed
only in patients with mild stenosis. In their study an ac-
celeration index less than 3.0 m/s2 had an accuracy of
85 %, a sensitivity of 89 %, and specificity of 83 % for
detecting RAS. An acceleration time of ³0.07 s was
89 % accurate, 78 % sensitive, and 94 % specific. The
tardus-parvus waveform was 96 % accurate, 95 % sensi-
tive, and 97 % specific for RAS [22].
Sensitivity of the technique may be improved by the
administration of Captopril. Rene et al. [23] studied 62
renal arteries in 31 hypertensive patients who under-
a went Doppler scanning before and 1 h after administra-
tion of Captopril prior to angiography. They concluded
that abnormalities of the tardus-parvus phenomenon of
RAS in distal vessels can be made more apparent after
administration of Captopril with an improvement of
Many studies have shown that analysis of distal signs
observed at Doppler US can be a useful fist approach to
patients with suspected RAS [22, 24, 25]. Other reports
found recognition of tardus-parvus effect unsatisfactory
[26]. Many factors influence systolic acceleration and
may make the test non-specific. Extrarenal factors, such
as aortic/mitral valvular disease, left ventricular dys-
function, or even cardiovascular medications, might af-
fect systolic acceleration as well. Numerous factors,
such as age, hypertension, and diabetes, affect vessel
b compliance. Such variables may explain why some au-
Fig. 12 a Normal renal artery waveform. The acceleration index thors have not been able to reproduce these results [26].
(AI) is the slope of the line (m/s2) connecting the two points rep- Additional distal criteria have been developed: A
resenting onset of systole and the early systolic peak complex. The study by Schwerk et al. demonstrated that differences in
acceleration time (AT) is the time in seconds between those two
points. b A tardus-parvus renal artery waveform. Rounding and
resistive index (RI) could help in diagnosing RAS [27].
flattening of the systolic peak and prolongation of the AT. The AI Decreasing PSV in RAS results in lowering of resistive
is more horizontal index (RI) values. Right-to-left difference DRI between
kidneys greater than 0.05 had a sensitivity of 100 % for
RAS greater than 60 %. Halpern et al. suggested that
patients should be screened by distal measurements of
acceleration time ± the time in seconds from the onset of early systolic acceleration, because determining RAR
the systole to peak systole), slower than 0.07 s. The ac- when segmental samplings are normal would be super-
celeration index (the slope of systolic upstroke) is de- fluous [28].
creased < 3m/s2 [18]. Using combined criteria (Table 3) pertaining to the
Although this phenomenon has been postulated to stenosis site and downstream patterns the sensitivity of
be secondary to decreased perfusion pressure [19], the Doppler US varies from 64 to 89 %, and specificity from
explanation actually is more complicated, as systolic 82 to 99 % [9, 15, 25].
acceleration also relates to peripheral resistance, vessel In renal transplants, which are easier to explore be-
compliance, and other variables, as well as to upstream cause of superficial location, as well as of knowledge of
stenosis. For example, it has been shown that increasing the course of the renal artery from the surgical report,
vessel compliance accentuates the decrease in systolic the results were more convincing. Although Doppler
acceleration independent of the transstenotic pressure techniques are well suited as a screening test in trans-
drop [20, 21]. planted kidneys, their use for suspected renal artery
Although generally confirming the efficiency of tar- stenosis in native kidneys has some problems. The main
dus parvus, Stavros et al. pointed out that simple pattern problem is that it is difficult to visualize the whole of
recognition of Doppler tracings from segmental renal both renal arteries in all patients [11]. Moreover, acces-

Table 3 Criteria for RAS. (From [29]). PSV peak systolic velocity; Doppler signals over time after intravenous injection of
RAR renal/aortic ratio; AT acceleration time; AI acceleration; RI a bolus of contrast medium. This technique produces
resistive index
time±intensity curves, which, in renal artery stenosis,
Main RA have area under the curve larger than in normal kidneys
PSV in stenotic area > 1.8 m/s [34]. In severe stenosis, furthermore, there is also a de-
RAR > 3.0
lay in the wash-in phase of the curve. At present, how-
Intrarenal arteries ever, only preliminary results have been presented in
ESP Absent
the literature, and further studies are needed before the
AT > 0.07 s
AI < 3 m/s introduction of this technique in clinical practice.
RI > 0.8
DRI (left±right) > 5%
Renal vein thrombosis
Renal vein thrombosis may occur in up to 40 % in dehy-
sory renal arteries are usually missed on Doppler stud- drated or septic infants [35]. In native kidneys, renal vein
ies, and stenosis of these may also cause hypertension. thrombosis starts in small intrarenal veins in situations of
Also, Doppler studies may be insensitive in patients faulty coagulation mechanism and slowed flow [36]. The
with mild stenosis; thus, the role of Doppler sonography post-glomerular circulation, because of slow flow, is par-
as a screening test in hypertensive patients remains ticularly prone to thrombosis. In adults it most common-
controversial. At present, its use cannot be separated ly appears in association with renal disease including
from a careful clinical evaluation of the patient popula- glomerulonephritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, di-
tion. Given its technical difficulties, it has to be em- abetus mellitus, nephrotic syndrome, in severe hypo-
ployed in patients well selected based on clinical criteria volemic shock, and following kidney transplantation.
of high probability of having RAS. The US features are non-specific, and only renal en-
Ultrasound contrast agents have recently added new largement, with decreased echogenicity in the early
possibilities to color and duplex Doppler in the detection stages followed by an increase in cortical reflectivity can
of RAS [30, 31]. They have been shown to increase the be detected [37]. Doppler US cannot accurately diagnose
percentage of diagnostic examinations in analyses of thromboses of intraparenchymal veins. The presence of
main renal arteries [30]. With echo enhancers a renewal venous Doppler signals within the kidney or renal vein,
of interest in Doppler studies of the main renal arteries is in fact, does not exclude the diagnosis of a thrombosis
occurring. Ultrasound contrast agents increase the in- involving only one of the many intraparenchymal veins.
tensity of the Doppler signals, thus producing more rapid In fact, although in acute renal vein thrombosis, the
and complete visualization of the intrarenal and extra- whole kidney is underperfused, and although only arte-
renal arteries [29]. Contrast agents have application in rial signals can be seen at the renal hilum, it must be re-
cases where the Doppler signal is difficult to obtain, ei- membered that venous collaterals develop rapidly, and
ther because of signal attenuation by overlying tissue or when this happens venous signals are re-established.
because of a weak signal [12]. Missouris et al. [32] suggest Then, the presence of parenchymal venous flow does not
that renal duplex scanning using contrast enhancement is exclude RVT, as collateral flow develops very quickly,
a promising new non-invasive technique in screening particularly in children (Fig. 13) [38]. Color Doppler can
patients with suspected RAS. Contrast enhancement be accurate for diagnosing chronic renal vein thrombosis
produces more reproducible spectral waveforms, im- when the main renal vein can be directly visualized, and
proves accuracy, and halves the examination time [32]. A flow signals cannot be detected in it [38].
recent study by Claudon et al. [33] showed that the num- Renal vein thrombosis can be caused also from tu-
ber of examinations with successful results increased mor involvement in patients with renal cell carcinoma
following enhanced Doppler US examination compared (RCC). Color Doppler sonography is accurate in dem-
with nonenhanced Doppler US, including patients with onstrating tumor thrombus in the renal veins. The US
obesity or renal dysfunction. Moreover, the agreement vascular features include distension of the renal vein,
between US data and angiography in RAS was higher full of echogenic material (Fig. 14). The presence of ar-
with enhanced Doppler US. They have shown that con- terial Doppler signals within the thrombus allows un-
trast media decrease examination time but do not cause equivocal demonstration of tumor involvement of the
an increase in sensitivity [33]. vessel. In patients with renal transplant, with complete
Contrast media for US do not undergo renal filtra- thrombosis of the veins of the allograft, reduction of di-
tion or tubular excretion and can be, on the whole, con- astolic flow in RA and reversal of flow in diastole with
sidered as purely vascular tracers. A new interesting distended renal vein and absence of flow signals from
application of these agents in suspected RAS is quanti- the renal vein have been reported as pathognomonic
fication of the renal enhancement of color or power signs of renal vein thrombosis [39].

Fig. 13 Chronic thrombosis of the right renal vein. Absence of Fig. 15 Color Doppler imaging of the abdominal infrarenal aneu-
flow in the main right renal vein. Collateral flow is clearly seen rysm. Aneurysm arises below the origins of both renal arteries

Aneurysms due to atherosclerosis usually occur in the
infrarenal aorta and common iliac arteries; however,
they are also found in the renal arteries. Most renal ar-
tery aneurysms have been found in persons 50±70 years
of age. Renal artery aneurysms can cause rupture,
thrombosis, embolization, and dissection [42]. Color
Doppler US provides an effective, non-invasive means
of diagnosing renal artery aneurysm. Aneurysms may
be identified along the course of the main renal artery as
an outpouching containing color flow. Slow velocities
and a whirling pattern of flow can usually be observed
on Doppler studies.
Color Doppler US can provide a quick, easy way in
demonstration of aneurysmal dilatations of the vascular
wall in the abdominal aorta. Most fusiform and saccular
aneurysms of the aorta arise below the level of renal ar-
Fig. 14 Power Doppler US image of the thrombosed right renal teries, but it is nevertheless important to determine
vein whether the renal vessels are involved, since this alters
patient management. Aortic dissection may extend into
a renal artery, thus interrupting renal blood flow. Scan-
In very lean, but otherwise healthy subjects, the left ning along the longitudinal approach is the best way to
renal vein can become compressed between the aorta demonstrate the relationships between the aneurysm
and the superior mesenteric artery, resulting in the so- and RA (Fig. 15).
called nutcracker syndrome (renal vein entrapment
syndrome) [40]. Kim et al. proposed that a cut-off value
of greater than 5.0 for the ratio of antero-posterior di-
Arteriovenous fistulas
ameter and the ratio of peak velocity (both the AP di-
ameter and PV being measured at hilar and aorto-mes- Both congenital and postbiopsy renal AV fistulae can be
enteric sites of the left renal vein) be used as a criterion diagnosed on color Doppler examination. The most fre-
in diagnosing nutcracker syndrome [41]. quent cause of AV fistula in both the native and trans-
planted kidney is complication of percutaneous biopsy
[43]. Small fistulas are not visible by conventional US,

Fig. 16 Arteriovenous postbiopsy fistula of the kidney. Spectral
Doppler waveform shows low-resistance afferent artery spectrum.
(Courtesy of L. E. Derchi, Genova)

and can be detected by color Doppler only. The AV fis-

tula often appears on color Doppler US as a non-specific
mosaic pattern with color aliasing, reflecting rapid flow
rate and fine movements of tissues surrounding it [44].
Two adjacent vessels can be usually recognized in which
waveform analysis shows decreased RI and increased
peak flow velocities in the afferent artery, and pulsatile
flow pattern in the efferent vein (Fig. 16). Steal phe-
nomena can case hypoperfusion of renal tissues sur-
rounding the fistula [43]. Large AV fistulas are seen as
cystic or complex structures in which color Doppler
demonstrates vortices of high-velocity, low-impedance
flow. Although rare, AV fistulas are potentially lethal b
pathologic conditions. Failure to recognize properly an Fig. 17 a, b Patient 12 years after transplantation of the kidney.
AV fistula, in fact, puts the patient at high risk of hemor- Renal allograft dysfunction. Chronic rejection. a Power Doppler of
rhagic complications during a renal biopsy. the allograft. Marked decreasing of the cortical vascularity. b A 3D
Power Doppler angiography shows reduced density and tortuosity
of the interlobular vessels

Renal allografts
The examination technique for renal allografts is much due to possible stenosis and occlusions. Using superfi-
easier than that for native kidneys, due to the superficial cial probes and Power Doppler mode, flow within the
location of the transplanted organ. The examination of cortical region of the whole kidney should be studied.
the transplanted kidney should be performed using su- Intrarenal resistance indices (RI, PI) should be sampled.
perficial 7.5-MHz probes to study cortical perfusion and Arteriovenous fistula and false aneurysms could be
abdominal convex 3.5-MHz probes for direct visualiza- found after biopsy in transplanted kidney
tion of the deeper structures such as transplanted artery In normal transplants the values of RI is less than 0.71,
and vein. and shows a slight decrease toward the periphery. A re-
The allograft vascular imaging protocol should in- duced diastolic flow velocity associated with an increase
clude visualization of the anastomotic region to exclude in intrarenal resistance index can be detected in acute
vascular stenosis, anastomotic aneurysms, or false an- and chronic rejection reactions, urinary obstruction, ar-
eurysms. Also accurate detection of the course and flow teriosclerosis of the vasculature, and acute tubular ne-
in the transplanted artery and vein should be performed crosis [45, 46, 47]. The significance of the changes in RI

and the diagnostic predictive value of these indices in

assessing the etiology of the transplant-related compli-
cations remain controversial [48, 49]. Using superficial
probes a tiny blush through the whole cortical region up
to the capsule should be seen in a normally functioning
renal allograft [50]. According to Martinoli et al. [60],
loss of visualization of interlobular vessels at Power
Doppler US could be regarded as an additional hallmark
of renal transplant dysfunction. But abnormalities of the
interlobular vascular pattern in some patients with
chronic rejection are probably nonspecific in identifying
the nature of renal transplant dysfunction (Fig. 17).
An anastomotic stenosis could be assumed when the
registered maximum systolic velocities exceed
150±200 sm/s, shows a local increase of more than 50 %,
or if the velocity related to the iliac artery increases be-
yond a factor of 2.6±3.0 [51, 52, 53]. In a study of 109
transplanted kidneys, a peak systolic velocity ³2.5sm/s
in the transplanted renal artery had a sensitivity of Fig. 18 Ultrasound contrast study of renal perfusion. Flash Echo
100 % and specificity 95 % for the detection of RAS, imaging. (Provided by Toshiba Medical Systems Europe)
although the use of measurements of RI, acceleration
index, and time in intrarenal vessels were less useful as
discriminating diagnostic tests between normal and
stenosed group of patients with transplants [54].
Occlusions of the transplanted or segmental arteries
show complete or regionally limited flow in the intrare-
nal vasculature [45, 55]. Absence of flow with pulsed
and color Doppler is a valuable additional sign con-
firming the diagnosis [56].
Arteriovenous fistulas can develop after percutane-
ous biopsies of kidney transplants. They are recognized
by focal massively disturbed flow, with high intrarenal
flow velocities [43].
Renal venous thrombosis can be confirmed by ab-
sence of venous flow intrarenally and in the renal vein,
as well as on the basis of high-impedance arterial Dop-
pler signals, which present reversed flow during the di-
astole [57].

Fig. 19 Three-dimensional US angiography of the both renal ar-

Technical advances teries and the entire aorta
Modern commercially available machines are now able
to outline with great detail the intraparenchymal vascu-
lature of the kidney. Studies of cortical perfusion are sess kidney abnormalities associated with renal blood
possible using relatively high-frequency (at least 5 MHz) flow [59]. Studies of cortical perfusion are new, and
high-resolution transducers and preferably using Power therefore only preliminary experiences have been re-
Doppler. The use of Power Doppler with contrast agents ported in the literature [56, 60, 61]; however, the first re-
not only facilitates this study but enables perfusion stud- sults are very promising in establishing a patholog-
ies ± similar to those created by isotope studies ± to be ic±sonographic correlation in acute renal parenchymal
performed [58]. Signals from interlobular vessels are inflammation [62] and in renal allograft evaluation [56,
visible in the whole cortex, including the most peripheral 60, 61]. It must be remembered that care should be taken
region close to the capsule. Harmonic imaging with con- in diagnoses of perfusion defects, since absence of de-
trast agent injections can be used to map regional differ- tectable flow at the interlobular level does not always
ences in flow as well as quantitative measurements of a correspond to cortical areas that lack perfusion on other,
contrast agent's transit time and has the potential to as- more reliable techniques, such as MR [60].

a a

Fig. 21 a A 3D US angiography of the right renal arteries and
aorta. Accessory renal artery is clearly seen. b Same patient: cor-
relative conventional angiography

Fig. 20 a A 3D US angiography of the right kidney. Maximum in- the B-mode volumetric data. Combination with contrast
tensity projection image demonstrates accessory renal artery. b A agents provides the potential to image the whole vascu-
3D volume-rendering image of the left kidney. Accessory left renal lar renal network and, through special measurement
technique (Flash Echo), to estimate vascular volume
and transit time, parameters which relate directly to tis-
sue perfusion (Fig. 18).
In clinical practice, the enhanced US signal provided One of the promising and rapidly developing tech-
by contrast agents can reduce the number of technically niques is three-dimensional US angiography [63, 64, 65,
nondiagnostic cases, as well as the number of false-neg- 66, 67]. Three-dimensional US can overcome some
ative results. drawbacks of 2D US and can provide the angiogram-like
With additional use of contrast agents and phase in- images of both, renal arteries and the entire aorta
version harmonic imaging the whole course of the renal (Fig. 19). Careful freehand scanning with a smooth, lin-
arteries could be imaged without motion or aliasing ar- ear translation, or sector sweep, can acquire 3D data sets
tifacts. Harmonic ultrasound with contrast agents added in a single breath-hold. Different approaches can be used
blood flow morphology maps within the background of to acquire 3D data sets of renal vessel: anterior or ante-

rolateral, for evaluation of both RA and entire aorta; and of accessory renal arteries [68]. Three-dimensional US
coronal for visualization of renal vasculature, main RA, angiography can enhance the possibility of 2D US in
and entire aorta. After acquisition of 3D data, postpro- evaluation of accessory renal arteries. An angiogram-
cessing is performed using maximum and minimum in- like image of 3D US angiography is becoming an excel-
tensity projections (MIP or MinIP) to obtain angiogram- lent alternative to conventional angiography (Fig. 21).
like 3D images for further analysis (Fig. 20). We believe This method is promising as the primary study for ac-
that 3D US angiography has the potential to become ex- cessory RA and for determining the relationships of the
cellent for screening in evaluation of accessory renal ar- origins of the RA to abdominal aneurysms, and can be
teries especially in children, young adults, patients with the preferred technique for patients with a contraindi-
renal failure, allergy to iodinated contrast agents, fear of cation to conventional angiography.
ionizing radiation, or arterial catheterization. Magnetic Further developments of computing power, wide-
resonance angiography, with its high cost and less avail- spread diffusion of state-of-the-art US machines, ma-
ability, should be reserved for problem cases. trix-array transducers, harmonic imaging techniques
It is known that accessory renal arteries are found and reconstruction algorithms for surface and volume
frequently. Previous researchers have reported poor rendering will lead real-time 3D US scans to become
ability of color Doppler US to depict accessory renal routine in clinical practice.
arteries [15]. Contrast agents and harmonic imaging
may have a role to play in future and increase the sen- Acknowledgements I am grateful for all the help provided by L.
sitivity and specificity of color Doppler US in detection Derchi during preparation of this article.

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