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HID LED test tool

Human Interface Device LED test tool

Version 1.0 1 Apr 2008 Initial release.


This application is a command line tool which demonstrates the HID Manager APIs
introduced in Leopard (10.5).


Requirements: Mac OS X 10.5, Xcode 3.0

Packing List
The sample contains the following items:

HID LED test tool-Read Me.txt - this file

HID LED test tool.xcodeproj - Xcode project file
configs - Xcode configuration files
main.c - main source file
build - contains a prebuilt binary.

Building the Sample

The sample was built using Xcode 3.0 on Mac OS X 10.5. You should be able to just
open the project and choose Build from the Build menu. This will build "HID LED
test tool" in the "build/debug" or "build/release" directory.

Using the Sample

Launch "HID LED test tool"

How the code works

The "main" routine creates a IOHID Manager reference to which we set a matching
dictionary for keyboards. We then open it and copy out a set of its devices (which
should all be keyboards). We then extract all the device references from this set
into a block of memory. We then (pre-)create an element matching dictionary for
LEDs before entering our main loops.

Our outer loop executes 256 passes; the inner loop iterates over all of the device
references that we extracted from the set of devices that we'd copied from our HID
Manager reference. After double checking to be sure that the device is a keyboard
we copy all the matching elements into a CFArray and then iterate over all the
elements in that array. For each element in the array of elements we double check
it's usage page to be sure that it's an LED and then get its min/max logical range.
This range is used as a modulus to compute the LED's desired value (based on the
current pass). This elementvalue is then sent to the device and all loops continue.
If an LED element was sent a value then we delay half a second between passes.


This demonstration application and the set of utilities is constantly evolving to

both address any bugs and provide better support for developer requested features.
Any suggestions and/or bugs can be directed to the Apple bug reporter at:
We hope this helps people get up and running with the HID Manager APIs introduced
in 10.5 in a quick and painless manner.

Credits and Version History


Version 1.0 1 Apr 2008 Initial release.

Share and Enjoy.

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