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Vibroacoustic properties of thin micro-perforated panel

Teresa Bravoa)
Centro de Acustica Aplicada y Evaluacion No Destructiva, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientficas,
Serrano 144, 28006 Madrid, Spain

Cedric Maury and Cedric Pinhede

Laboratoire de Mecanique et dAcoustique, Unite Propre de Recherche Centre National de la Recherche
Scientifique 7051, 31 Chemin Joseph Aiguier, 13402 Marseille Cedex 20, France

(Received 9 May 2011; revised 19 June 2012; accepted 20 June 2012)

This paper presents theoretical and experimental results on the influence of panel vibrations on
the sound absorption properties of thin micro-perforated panel absorbers (MPPA). Measurements
show that the absorption performance of thin MPPAs generates extra absorption peaks or dips that
cannot be understood assuming a rigid MPPA. A theoretical model is established that accounts for
structural-acoustic interaction between the micro-perforated panel and the backing cavity, assuming
uniform conservative boundary conditions for the panel and separable coordinates for the cavity
cross-section. This model is verified experimentally against impedance tube measurements and
laser vibrometric scans of the cavity-backed panel response. It is shown analytically and experi-
mentally that the air-frame relative velocity is a key factor that alters the input acoustic impedance
of thin MPPAs. Coupled mode analysis reveals that the two first resonances of an elastic MPPA are
either panel-cavity, hole-cavity, or panel-controlled resonances, depending on whether the effective
air mass of the perforations is greater or lower than the first panel modal mass. A critical value of
the perforation ratio is found through which the MPPA resonances experience a frequency jump
and that determines two absorption mechanisms operating out of the transitional region.
C 2012 Acoustical Society of America. []

PACS number(s): 43.55.Ev, 43.40.At, 43.50.Gf [SFW] Pages: 789798

I. INTRODUCTION recyclable materials constituting a non-polluting environ-

mental option.
The prediction of the isolating properties of absorbing
Typical MPP absorbers (MPPAs) are composed of a
materials is a subject that has been intensively studied due to
panel with sub-millimetric holes backed by a cavity. The
their important applications in a wide range of areas, such as
physical parameters defining the acoustic properties of the
building acoustics and the aeronautic, astronautic and auto-
screen are the thickness, the size of the perforation, and the
motive industries. Micro-perforated panels (MPPs) consti-
perforation ratio (or porosity). They determine the flow resis-
tute a new type of fibreless absorbers tagged as next-
tivity and reactance when using an equivalent fluid model6
generation absorbing materials1 due to their huge potential
following the JohnsonAllard approach7 with an equivalent
in comparison with conventional porous materials. Indeed,
tortuosity. It has been shown theoretically8,9 that the parame-
as they are normally made of steel or plastic, they constitute
ter that determines the maximum of absorption and the
ideal options in environments where special hygienic condi-
performance frequency range of the panel is the panel perfo-
tions are needed, such as hospitals or food industries.2
ration rate to thickness ratio. After the configuration parame-
Although the investigation of micro-perforated absorb-
ters have been selected, the backing cavity depth has to be
ers, initiated around 50 years ago, was motivated by the need
chosen to build the Helmholtz-type resonance. To avoid limi-
to develop acoustically efficient materials in demanding
tations concerning the size of the whole device, multi-layered
environments, MPPs can also be used as protective layers of
MPPAs, combining several parallel MPPs and cavities can be
fibrous materials in air conditioning ducts and in acoustic
used.10 The cavities can be also be filled with porous material
window systems allowing building ventilation and day-light-
to enhance the absorption bandwidth.4,6
ing.3 Recently they have been employed as silencers in the
In all the previous analyses whether for simple or multi-
closing of the test area of wind tunnels in place of the usual
layer devices, MPPs have been considered as rigid structures,
fibrous materials.4 However, these elements are not only
accounting only for inertia and neglecting any vibrating
used for their acoustic properties, but for also for their attrac-
effects. However, simulation and experimental studies1113
tive appearance with applications concerning facing shells in
on thin structures have found that the absorbing performance
room acoustics.5 In addition, these systems can be made of
can experience variations in the low frequency range from
the results expected using the sound absorbing model initially
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: proposed by Maa.8 These effects should be more visible when considering thin panels with large dimensions to be

J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 132 (2), August 2012 0001-4966/2012/132(2)/789/10/$30.00 C 2012 Acoustical Society of America
V 789
incorporated in room-acoustic design with specific mounting
Lee and Swenson14 designed a double MPP sound
absorbing structure and studied their acoustic characteristics
using an experimental facility for normal incidence absorp-
tion coefficient covering the range 2080 Hz. The facility
consisted of a rectangular reinforced-concrete chamber one
half wavelength long at 20 Hz, excited at one side by a loud-
speaker and closed at the end by the structure to be tested,
with cross-sectional dimensions of 2 m. They tested several
types of perforated panels backed by boxes that represent the
air gap, and found that the panel vibrations have a strong FIG. 1. (a) A cavity-backed MPP absorber with a flexible boundary surface;
effect on the acoustic properties of the absorber. (b) particle velocity distribution v~ in relation to the panel velocity v and the
The objective of this paper is to investigate the physical air particle velocity vh averaged over each hole.
mechanisms that relate the acoustic and elastic properties of
thin MPPAs of finite size. Section II contains a theoretical
formulation for sound absorption by MPPAs under plane where w and q are, respectively, the M-length column vec-
wave excitation that accounts for continuity of the normal tors of the panel structural modes and the unknown ampli-
particle velocity at the moveable MPP surface. It provides a tudes of the corresponding vibration velocity modes. U? is
general expression that shows how the MPPA input imped- the N-length column vector of the cross-sectional modes of
ance is modified by the air-frame relative velocity. The the rigid walled cavity whose components are given by
vibro-acoustic properties of a thin MPPA are investigated un x.
experimentally in Sec. III through impedance tube measure- The amplitude vector az of the acoustic pressure modes
ments associated to laser vibrometric scans of the MPP sur- is sought so that continuity conditions are satisfied between
face. Of special interest is the nature of the observed spectral the normal particle velocity on the MPP surface, v~, and the
peaks dominated by either hole-cavity or panel-cavity normal air particle velocity in the cavity close to the panel
resonances and the associated phase jumps in the relative ve- interior side, j=xq @p=@zjzd . Each component of az is
locity. Further insight is gained on the effect of the panel then given by
vibrations on hole-cavity resonances and on the effect of the
Za; n z; x
microperforations on panel-cavity resonances using the an z; x v~x; x un xd2 x; (3)
coupled mode analysis proposed in Sec. IV for a wide range Kn S

of the MPPA parameters (perforation ratio and cavity depth).

with Kn S jun j2 d 2 x. Za; n z; x is the nth acoustic modal
impedance which links the acoustic pressure at location z
inside the cavity to the MPP surface particle velocity in
An analytic model is set out to investigate the absorp- cross-sectional modal coordinates of the coupled system. For
tion and vibroacoustic properties of thin MPPAs with separa- a rigidly backed cavity, it can be expressed as
ble cross-sectional shape and uniform conservative boundary
conditions. It accounts for a fully consistent structural- k0 cos hln z
Za; n z; x j Z0 ; (4)
acoustic coupling between the panel and the cavity and gen- ln sin hln d
eralizes the model proposed by Lee et al.11 for rectangular
geometries. with Z0 q0 c0 the air impedance, k0 the acoustic wavenum-
ber, and ln the z-directional propagation coefficient. It is
A. Model description defined by l2n j2n  k02 with jn the cavity cross-sectional
wavenumber.15 For a rigid cavity with circular cross-section
Figure 1 shows a cavity-backed micro-perforated panel
of radius R, it is solution of Jm0 jlm R 0, first derivative of
of arbitrary cross-sectional surface S and depth d. It is
the mth order Bessel function of the first kind evaluated at
excited by a normal incident plane wave of amplitude p0 and
the rigid duct wall.
time-dependence ejx t , but the formulation also accounts for
Assuming that the distance bh between the MPP holes is
general incidence plane wave assuming a varying surface
much lower than the acoustic wavelength k, v~ can be consid-
pressure p0 x. The acoustic pressure at a location x; z
ered as a distributed particle velocity, spatially averaged
inside the cavity and the vibration velocity at a location x on
over each aperture cell adjacent to the holes, so that
the MPP panel are expressed as
v~ 1  r v r vh ; (5)
N 1
px; z; x an z; x un x UT? az ; (1)
with vh the particle velocity averaged over the hole and r the
perforation ratio, e.g., the fraction of open area holes. The
M pressure difference, p0  pd , across each MPP cell results
vx; x qm x wm x wT q; (2) from inner and surface viscous forces generated by the air-
m1 frame relative velocity, vh  v, and from inertial effects due

790 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 132, No. 2, August 2012 Bravo et al.: Vibroacoustics of micro-perforated absorbers
to the air mass moving inside and beyond the hole. It takes The elastic panel dynamics is governed by thin plate
the form16 theory.18 Substituting Eq. (2) into the variational equation of
motion of the flexible panel, then one gets
p0  pd Zh;R vh  v Zh;I vh : (6)
CH ad DNZp q f p ; (10)
Zh;R and Zh;I are the acoustic resistance and reactance of the
hole with impedance Zh Zh;R Zh;I . From Eqs. (5) and (6), where D NZp is an (M  M) diagonal matrix in which the mth
the air particle velocity v~ can be expressed as diagonal element is given by the structural modal impedance
p0  pd Zp;m lp Nm x2m  x2 2jf m xm x=jx, with lp the panel
v~ c v ; (7) surface density and Nm S jwm j2 d 2 x. xm is the natural fre-
quency and fm the damping ratio of the mth panel mode. The
with c 1  Zh;I =Z and Z Zh =r, the overall acoustic im- M-length vector f p is the generalized modal force vector due
pedance of the MPP. Z is an equivalent, uniform acoustic wave excitation in which the mth element reads
to plane
impedance, which models the overall effect of the holes, pro- fp;m S p0 x wm xd2 x. For normal incidence, all fp;m are
vided the holes distance bh is much lower than k (typically, zero-valued except those associated to the volume displacing
bh < k=4).17 An analytical approximation of Z has been modes for which fp;m p0 gp;m with gp;m S wm xd2 x the
derived by Maa for circular holes of diameter dh and length mode volumetric contribution.
th , both small compared to the acoustic wavelength and with- For a simply supported disk, the panel mode shape func-
out mutual interaction (e.g., bh  dh ). It reads8 tion of order m l; q reads18
"r p # ( )
32g th kh2 2 dh Iq blq R
Z 1 kh wm r; h Iq blq r  Jq blq r ejqh : (11)
r dh2 32 32 th Jq blq R
"  1=2 #
th kh2 8 dh at a point r; h on the disk and with the modal wavenumbers
jq0 x 1 9 ; (8)
r 2 3p th blq solutions of the following eigen-equation:

Iq1 bR Jq1 bR 2bR

with g the coefficient of viscosity of the air and kh dh =2= ; (12)
Iq bR Jq bR 1
rvisc x the perforate constant, e.g., the ratio of the hole radius
to the viscous boundary layer thickness, rvisc x g=q0 x. with q and l, respectively, the azimuthal and radial index, 
For perforates with holes larger than 1 mm, the inertial effects the Poissons ratio, and Iq the qth order modified Bessel
dominate (Zh;I  Zh;R ), especially as frequency increases, so function of the first kind.
that c  1  r. For MPPs with sub-millimetric holes, the
effects due to viscous losses tend to prevail over inertial
effects which are then hole-size independent. Equating the B. Model solution
magnitude of Zh;R and Zh;I in Eq. (8), viscous effects are found The absorption coefficient a is given by a 1  jRj2 ,
to dominate as long as the holes diameter stay lower than with R Z1  Z0 =Z1 Z0 the normal incidence reflec-
dvisc x  16 rvisc th =7th  8 rvisc = 2, in which case tion coefficient. Z1 is the input acoustic impedance of the
c  1. MPP-cavity system defined as Z1 p0 =v~ with v~ the air parti-
Inserting Eq. (7) into Eq. (3) evaluated at z d provides cle velocity v~ averaged over the whole panel. Maximum val-
the following relationship between the vectors ad and q of ues of a occur at frequencies for which ImZ1 0 or
acoustic and structural modal amplitudes: reaches a minimum. From Eq. (7), Z1 can be written as
Z p0
DKZZa  ad  DC Z Za C q DZa f a ; (9) Z1 ; (13)
c Z v p0  pd

where DKZZa  , DC Z Za , and DZa are (N  N) diagonal mat- with v the averaged panel velocity and pd the averaged cavity
rices in which the nth diagonal element consists of Kn Z pressure on the panel inner side. From Eqs. (1) and (2), one
Za; n , c Z Za; n , and Za; n with Za; n obtained from Eq. (4) finds S v gH d ad;0 . In Eq. (9), ad can be expressed
p q and p
written at z d and Z given by Eq. (8). C is an (N  M) in terms of R DKZZa 1 Za , the acoustic modal transfer
coupling matrix in which the (n; m)th term is given by matrix for a rigid MPP, so that ad RDCZ C q f a . Its first
Cnm S wm xun xd 2 x. DC Z Za and C describe vibro-
element reads
acoustic and geometrical modal coupling, respectively,
along the z- and the cross-sectional directions. The N-length Z Za;0 h p0 i
vector f a is the generalized modal force vector due to plane pd c v ; (14)
Z Za;0 Z
wave excitation
in which the nth element can be written as
fa;n Z S vh;0 xun xd2 x; with vh;0 p0 =Z, the particle as the first component of C q simplifies into gH
p q. Combining
velocity induced by the incident wave in the MPP holes. For Eqs. (13) and (14) provides the following expression for the
normal incidence, all fa;n are zero-valued except fa;0 S p0 . input acoustic impedance of the flexible MPP-cavity system:

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 132, No. 2, August 2012 Bravo et al.: Vibroacoustics of micro-perforated absorbers 791
Z Za;0 If the panel is not perforated (Z ! 1), then Z1 reduces
Z1 v ; (15)
to Zp Za;0 whose imaginary part is zero-valued at the
vh;0 panel-cavity (PC) resonance given by
with Za;0 jZ0 cotk0 d the acoustic impedance of the cav- x2PC x21 x21 D2PC ; (19)
ity obtained from Eq. (4) and

with x21 the natural frequency and mp lp S N1 =C201 the
v gH H
p C RDCZ C DN Z p  H
f p  C R f a ; (16) modal mass of the first panel mode and D2PC kc =mp the
panel-cavity coupling coefficient. This expression coincides
obtained from the solution to the linear system given by with Eq. (60) derived by Dowell et al. from normal mode
Eqs. (9) and (10) in ad and q. From Eq. (15), Z1 can be expansion of the cavity pressure.19 mp is a quadratic function
viewed as the input acoustic impedance of the rigid MPP- of J0 , J1 , I0 , and I1 b10 R in case of a circular simply sup-
cavity system, Z Za;0 , modified by a factor v=vh;0 which ported panel.
accounts for the influence of the panel elasticity. The influ-
ence factor depends on the ratio panel averaged velocity to III. EXPERIMENTAL VALIDATION
air particle velocity in the MPP holes. A series of experiments was conducted, first to validate
Equation (15) sets a departure point for further simplifi- the theoretical model and second, to study the relationship
cations of the model solution. Assuming weak modal between the sound absorption properties and the vibro-
coupling between the panel and transverse cavity modes at acoustic response of a thin MPPA under plane wave normal
low frequencies, then C reduces to a single cross-coupling incidence. The absorber is made up of a micro-perforated al-
term between the first panel mode and the uniform cross- uminium disk of radius 50 mm and thickness 0.5 mm, backed
sectional cavity mode, n 0. Equation (16) thus simplifies by a rigid cylindrical cavity. Unless otherwise stated, the
to S2 v gHp DN Zp gp p0  p
d . Substituted in Eq. (15) with cavity has a depth of 45 mm. The disk is uniformly perfo-
c 1, Z1 takes the form rated by circular holes separated from each other by a dis-
tance of 5 mm and with a diameter equal to the panel
Z Zp thickness, so that the perforation ratio is equal to 0.78%.
Z1 Za;0 ; (17)
Z Zp
A. Impedance tube measurements
with Zp the impedance of the first panel mode. Finding the A first experiment was performed to measure the input
roots or minima of ImZ1 is an intricate task, but the two acoustic impedance Z1 and the absorption coefficient a of
following limiting cases can be easily solved. the thin MPPA. As shown in Fig. 2, it is based on the two-
If the elastic behavior of the panel is omitted (Zp ! 1), microphone transfer-function method described by ISO-
then Z1 reduces to Z Za;0 whose imaginary part is 10534-2.20 The experimental set-up is a thick cylindrical
zero-valued at the hole-cavity (HC) resonance of the rigid tube of length 1000 mm, diameter 100 mm with its first cut-
MPP absorber, e.g., the Helmholtz resonance. Provided off frequency at 2.1 kHz. A white noise driven loudspeaker
k0 d  p=6, it is well approximated by is located at one end and the perforated disk is placed at the
opposite end in a sample holder backed by a rigid plunger of
q0 c20 r kc adjustable depth. The transfer function of sound pressure is
x2HC ; (18)
Mh d mh measured between two flush-mounted microphones sepa-
rated by a distance s < p R=j0 ( 1:7R for a circular duct).
with kc q0 c20 =d the acoustic equivalent stiffness of the cav- Each acquisition is carried out in the plane wave region
ity and mh the effective mass per unit area of the perfo- between 100 and 1600 Hz with a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)
rated panel, defined from Zh;I jx Mh =r in Eq. (8). Mh larger than 10 dB. Over this bandwidth, the axial wavelength
weakly depends on frequency and can be approximated by is not too large compared to the microphones spacing, so
Mh  2:2 q0 th as long as the perforate constant kh stays that the measured phase differences stay greater than the
lower than 2, as it can be seen from Fig. 1 by Maa.8 phase mismatch between the microphone channels.

FIG. 2. (Color online) Schematic

and picture of the experimental
set-up used for measuring the input
impedance and absorption coefficient
of the MPPA.

792 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 132, No. 2, August 2012 Bravo et al.: Vibroacoustics of micro-perforated absorbers
Figure 3 compares the predicted and measured normal
incidence absorption coefficients. The black curve is obtained
from the input acoustic impedance Z1 given by Eq. (15) for
the flexible MPPA. If one sets v 0 in Eq. (15), one gets
Maa input impedance, Z Za;0 , for a rigid MPPA: this corre-
sponds to the gray curve. A good agreement is observed
between the experimental results and the theoretical predic-
tions provided that the elastic behavior of the panel is
accounted for in the model. The frequency of maximum
absorption occurs at 870 Hz which is somewhat greater than
the Helmholtz resonance of the rigid MPPA that occurs at
fHC 851 Hz. It is thus associated to a HC-controlled reso-
nance of the flexible MPPA. One observes in this configura-
tion that the panel vibrations tend to increase the HC
resonance frequency of the absorber. But, as it will be shown
in Sec. IV, this property highly depends on the perforation ra-
tio and on the cavity depth. Also, the panel velocity tends to
slightly lower the acoustic resistance of the MPPA, thus FIG. 4. Phasor representation of the input impedance of a thin MPPA: pre-
dicted assuming a rigid (bold gray) or a flexible (bold black) panel; meas-
resulting in a reduction of both the absorption bandwidth and
ured using the two-microphones method (circles). Circles of constant
the maximum value of the absorption coefficient (from 0.9 absorption coefficient (thin black).
down to 0.87). The amplitude and frequency values of the
two absorption peaks observed at 298 and 1572 Hz are well the real axis determines the amount of absorption. A strate-
predicted by the vibroacoustic model assuming a disk with gic choice would be to minimize this distance in order to get
simply supported boundary conditions and a structural damp- high absorption over a broad frequency range. For a rigid
ing ratio of 0.016. The amplitude of these peaks are robust to MPPA, the shortest distance is achieved at the Helmholtz
repeatability tests unlike the amplitude of the extra peaks resonance when the imaginary part of the input impedance is
observed at 524, 671, 881, 1063, and 1319 Hz, which vary zero-valued. For an elastic MPPA, the phasor curve shows
within 6% from one experiment to the other and which are significant differences from the rigid case with two clearly
not predicted. Note that, for a perforation ratio of 0.78%, the identified modal circles due to PC-controlled resonances
disk structural losses appear not to affect the HC resonance located below and above the HC-controlled resonance. The
frequency observed at 870 Hz. PC resonances increase the acoustic resistance of the MPPA
In order to get a more complete picture on how the panel towards the matching point. But the gain in absorption is
vibrations influence the absorption properties, Fig. 4 shows a mitigated by the low-frequency stiffness-like and high-
comparison between the measured and predicted input impe- frequency mass-like reactance of the air-cavity system. Also,
dances of the MPPA in the complex Z=Z0 impedance plane out of the PC resonances, the resistance of the MPPA is sys-
together with circles of constant absorption coefficient. As tematically lowered by the panel vibrations.
frequency varies, each impedance point travels along a pha- Model benchmarking about the performance of MPPAs
sor curve whose distance to the matching point Z Z0 on is usually done on the absorption coefficient and barely on the
phasor representation of the input impedance. This appears to
be of relevance when dealing with flexible MPPAs. Here, one
observes a close agreement between the experimental phasor
curve and the theoretical one predicted from the exact vibroa-
coustic model. It is found that, when the locus sweeps around
each modal circle, the PC resonances occur at the frequencies
for which Z1 has the smallest imaginary part (in absolute
value). Decreasing the structural damping increases the radius
of each modal circle, especially the one due to the second PC
resonance, which is a panel-controlled resonance due to weak
coupling of the second volume displacing panel mode with
the n 0 cavity mode. Hence, optimal value of the structural
damping may be found for which the MPPA becomes purely
resistive at this resonance. Radius of the first modal circle is
more influenced by the acoustic resistance Zh;R of the holes
due to strong coupling with the uniform pressure mode.

B. Vibroacoustic measurements
FIG. 3. Sound absorption coefficient of a thin MPPA: predicted assuming a
rigid (gray) or an elastic (black) MPP; measured using the two-microphones In order to get further insight on the influence of the
method (circles). disk vibrations on the absorption performance, a second

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 132, No. 2, August 2012 Bravo et al.: Vibroacoustics of micro-perforated absorbers 793
plane wave tube experiment has been designed with the as small bending moments due to friction at the contact
same MPP absorber as above, but backed on the rear face by surfaces. Hence, the non axisymmetric (0,1) and (0,2) modes
a thick rigid Plexiglas base, as shown in Fig. 5. The vibrating also contribute to the measured response, as shown from the
response of the micro-perforated disk can thus be measured scans in Fig. 6. Although they are volume-cancelling modes,
without contact through the transparent rear face using a they still generate small absorption peaks as the measured
laser scanning vibrometer (LSV). The scanning head focused averaged velocity is not exactly zero when they are excited.
at 217 points on the disk (6 circles of 36 points, plus the cen- We note the difference in nature between the first (0,0)
ter point) in order to provide a reliable estimate of the mode associated to a PC resonance and the higher-order
surface average velocity up to 1600 Hz. Because of a low (0,1), (0,2), and (1,0) modes which are panel-controlled
perforation ratio of the disk, none of the scanning points resonances with their resonance frequency close to the in
were found to coincide with any of the disk holes. Other- vacuo disk natural frequency. As already stated from the
wise, the SNR drops significantly and the event can easily be phasor curves, the first disk bending mode strongly couples
detected. Also, care must be taken to avoid normal incidence with the (0, 0, 0) uniform pressure mode which gives rise to
of the laser beam on the rear face, to prevent the signal back- equivalent stiffness [see Eq. (19)]. However, when the panel
scattered by the vibrating disk to be polluted by noise due to is perforated, the expected increase in the resonance fre-
back reflections on the rear face. On the other hand, a non- quency is mitigated by the effective added mass due to the
zero incidence leads to an underestimate of the true velocity micro-perforations. This point will be examined in Sec. IV.
as the LSV only senses the portion of the velocity compo- Of physical significance is the phase difference between
nent along the laser direction. In practice, an optimum laser the panel averaged velocity and the acoustic velocity
headback face stand-off distance of 215 cm was found to be induced by the incident wave in the MPP holes, e.g., the
a good trade-off to keep the error on the velocity lower than phase of the influence factor v=vh;0 in Eq. (15). Prediction
0.02% (maximal towards the disk boundaries) while avoid- results are shown in Fig. 7 together with semi-experimental
ing detection of back-reflections as for each scan point the phase difference curves. They are obtained either from
beam always points slightly upwards or downwards the rear Kundts tube measurements of the MPPA input impedance
face normal direction. Z1 and Eq. (15), so that
Measurements have been taken of the transfer functions
at each scan points between the velocity amplitude of the v Z Za;0
 1; (20)
perforated disk and the input to a white noise driven loud- vh;0 Z1
speaker connected at the opposite end of the tube. Figure 6
shows the vibratory field of the MPP absorber at the PC or from LSV mobility measurements v=p2 , of the panel aver-
resonances identified from the transfer functions spectral aged velocity per unit pressure p2 acquired at the probe
peaks. The measured deflection shapes of the volume- microphone 2 (see Fig. 5), in which case
displacing modes (0,0) and (1,0) at their resonance frequen-
cies (298 and 1572 Hz) well agree with those predicted from v v p2 v 2j H12 sink0 s ejk0 Ls
Z Z; (21)
the vibroacoustic model of the micro-perforated disk-cavity vh;0 p2 p0 p2 ejk0 s  H12
system assuming simply-supported boundary conditions.
The theoretical velocity is given by v wT q with q solution where H12 is the transfer function between the probe micro-
of Eqs. (9) and (10) and w given by Eqs. (11) and (12). Ideal phones 1 and 2 separated by a distance s 5 cm and with
simply supported boundary conditions appear to be reason- probe 2 located at a distance L 43 cm apart from the MPP
ably replicated in both experiments as the disk is pinned disk whose surface impedance Z is given by Eq. (8).
along the edge at the junction between the tubes. The disk When compared with Fig. 6, all three curves experience
edge thus cannot experience deflection and is free to rotate. a 180 phase jump at the peaks of maximum absorption asso-
Under normal incidence condition, only the axisymmetric ciated to the volumetric PC resonances (298 and 1572 Hz).
modes with azimuthal order m 0 should contribute to At these frequencies, one observes that the panel vibrates
the disk response. But, in experiments, non-uniform shear with a net volume velocity out of phase with the air particle
stresses are likely to occur along the circumference as well velocity at the holes so that the air-frame relative velocity

FIG. 5. (Color online) Schematic and pic-

ture of the experimental set-up used for
measuring the disk vibrating response of the
MPPA using a laser scanning vibrometer.

794 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 132, No. 2, August 2012 Bravo et al.: Vibroacoustics of micro-perforated absorbers
The experimental study demonstrates that the theoretical
model can be used with confidence to predict the influence
of the panel elastic behavior on the absorption properties of
a thin MPPA. But the underlying mechanisms should be
clarified. The following analysis is motivated by the need to
understand the effect of the panel vibrations on the HC reso-
nance as well as the effect of the micro-perforations on the
first PC resonance.


Figure 8 shows the effect of the perforation ratio on the
absorption properties of a thin MPPA. It is clear that the panel
vibrations drastically modify the absorption curves, especially
for small values of the perforation ratio. As inferred from the
experimental study, the maximum absorption peaks are
related to either PC- or HC-controlled resonances. Because of
FIG. 6. (Color online) Measured vibrating response of the MPPA disk in mutual coupling by the air cavity, a certain amount of energy
relation with local maxima of the sound absorption coefficient. Comparison
with the velocity predicted at the resonance frequencies of the panel-cavity will be distributed between each resonant state, depending on
volume displacing modes. the perforation ratio and the cavity depth. In order to deter-
mine the amount of energy transferred, the resonance modes
increases and the sound absorption is enhanced. Also, it and frequencies of the MPPA need to be defined.
appears that the MPP absorber is sensitive to the duct acous- From Eq. (17), the whole system can be viewed as a par-
tic axial resonances which induce maximum air particle ve- allel connection between a mass-spring damped oscillator
locity at the disk holes. They correspond to the extra phase and a mass-resistance element coupled in series through the
jumps and sound absorption peaks observed at 524, 671, and air cavity stiffness, kc , and driven by the impinging sound
1063 Hz from Kundts tube measurements. They are not wave of amplitude p0 . The mass-spring damped element,
observed from the LSV measurements as the influence factor mp ; kp ; rp , describes the panel average velocity v when
in Eq. (21) is derived from the incident pressure field p0 vibrating on its first mode. The mass-resistance element,
evaluated at the disk position, and not from the total field mh ; rh , is due to the effective air mass moving in-phase
values, as required from Eq. (20) to evaluate Z1 . The use of through the holes with velocity vh . Put in coupled mode
an over-determined multi-load procedure using several sepa- form, the equations of motion read
ration distances between the MPP absorber and the closest
microphone should reduce the sensitivity of the input imped- mp v_ rp v kp u p0  kc uh u; (22)
ance to these axial resonances. Phase jumps of smaller am- mh v_ h rh vh p0  kc uh u; (23)
plitude are also observed in both experiments at the other PC
resonances (881 and 1319 Hz) which induce small absorp- with kp x21 mp , rp g1 x1 mp , rh Zh;R =r, mp , mh , and kc
tion peaks. being defined through Eqs. (17) and (18). Also, v u_ and

FIG. 7. Phase difference curves between the panel averaged velocity and
the air particle velocity induced by the incident wave in the MPP holes: pre- FIG. 8. Simulation results on the influence of the perforation ratio on the
dicted from Eq. (15) (solid gray); from Kundts tube measurements and Eq. sound absorption coefficient of a rigid (gray) or flexible (black) MPP absorber:
(15) (circles); from LSV mobility and acoustic transfer function measure- r 0:02% < rc (solid); r 0:16% rc (dashed); r 0:78% > rc
ments (dashed). (dash-dotted).

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 132, No. 2, August 2012 Bravo et al.: Vibroacoustics of micro-perforated absorbers 795
vh u_ h , with u and uh , respectively, the panel average perforated panel is much greater than its first modal mass.
displacement and the effective air mass displacement. The From Eq. (26), the upper and lower resonance frequencies
upper-dot denotes the time derivative. The resonance modes are then approximated by
and frequencies for the coupled system can be solved
exactly. Setting p0 0 and seeking solutions of the form mp D4PC
X26  x2PC; HC 6 : (30)
u u0p ejXt and uh u0h ejXt yields a set of two homogene- mh x2PC  x2HC
ous algebraic equations for the mode amplitudes u0p and u0h
They are respectively slightly higher and lower than the PC
2 kc and HC resonances, as shown from the solid curves on Fig. 8
x2PC X j X g1 x1 u0p u0h 0; (24)
mp for the lower resonance. They are truly a perturbation of the
  PC and HC resonances with two different absorption mecha-
2 2 2 rh
xHC u0p xHC  X j X u0h 0: (25) nisms at work. Close to the HC resonance, Eq. (27) shows
mh that ju 
0p j
ju0h j but the panel and the air particles at holes
move in opposite phase whereas, close to the PC resonance,
The determinant of the coefficient must vanish in order to the panel and air particles move in phase but with a large
have nontrivial solutions. The real positive roots of the deter- air-frame relative velocity due to ju 
0h j
ju0p j.
minant occur at the resonance frequencies of the undamped The second case (r  rc ) is very much encountered in
coupled system. The two first resonance frequencies, X6 , of practice. It corresponds to the MPPA used in the experimen-
a MPP absorber are thus given by tal study for which the effective air mass of the perforate is
s much smaller than the first panel modal mass. From Eq.
 2 2
x2PC x2HC xPC  x2HC (26), the upper and lower resonance frequencies are approxi-
X6 6 D2PC x2HC : (26)
2 2 mated by

Substituting each eigenvalue given by Eq. (26) into Eq. (25) mh x4HC
X26  x2HC; PC 6 : (31)
gives the following relationship between the components of mp xHC  x2PC

each resonance mode:

When r increases, the upper resonance frequency X stays
X2  x2 above (and tends towards) the HC resonance, as shown from
0p 6 2 HC u6
0h : (27)
xHC the dash-dotted curves on Fig. 8. From Eq. (31), it is found
that the lower resonance frequency X cannot be greater
From the solution to Eqs. (22) and (23) satisfying initial con- than the first uncoupled panel mode frequency x 1 , and tends
ditions, a transfer factor can be defined between the two towards x 1 for large values of the perforation ratio. It can be
resonance modes seen when comparing the black dash-dotted and the black
" #1 solid curves on Fig. 8. Close to the HC resonance, Eq. (27)
xPC  xHC 2 xPC 1 shows that the panel and air particles move in phase but with
FX6 1 ; (28) a large air-frame relative velocity due to ju 
2 xHC D2PC 0p j
ju0h j
whereas, close to the panel resonance, the panel and the
air particles move in opposite phase with an amplitude
which determines the fraction of energy transferred between
ratio given by ju  2 2
0p =u0h j 1  x1 =xHC . A similar trend was
the modes. If FX6
1, little energy is transferred whereas if
observed in Fig. 7 from the phase difference curves with an
FX6 1, all the energy is interchanged between the resonant
almost zero phase jump at 870 Hz for the upper resonance
frequency and a 180 phase jump at 298 Hz for the lower res-
From Eq. (28), FX6 1 when the PC and HC resonance
onance frequency.
frequencies coincide. It occurs at a critical value rc of the
It is clear from Fig. 9 that the upper and lower resonance
perforation ratio given by
frequencies calculated from Eq. (26) well agree with those
! obtained from the vibroacoustic model presented in Sec. III.
Mh x21
rc 1 2 ; (29) Near the critical point r rc , the upper and lower resonan-
mp DPC ces of the MPPA are strongly coupled resonances as each
part of the PC- and HC-controlled modes has the same
and for which the resonance modes are strongly coupled, amount of energy. When r << rc , the upper and lower reso-
with an amplitude ratio, u6 6
0p =u0h mh =mp , obtained from nance frequencies of the MPPA are respectively PC- and
Eq. (27). From Eq. (26), the resonance frequencies of the HC-controlled resonances whereas, when r >> rc , they are
MPPA at r rc can be written as X26 x2HC 6DPC xHC . HC- and panel-controlled resonances, weakly coupled in
They correspond to the frequencies of maximum absorption both cases.
on the black dashed curves in Fig. 8, located symmetrically Experimental behavior of the MPP absorber over the
apart from the Helmholtz resonance (gray dashed curve). range r > rc is illustrated in Fig. 10 which shows the influ-
If FX6
1, the resonance modes are little affected by ence of the cavity depth on the absorption coefficient. For a
one another. Weak coupling occurs when r
rc or when given perforation ratio, when the cavity depth increases, rc
r  rc . In the first case, the effective air mass of the increases as predicted from Eq. (29) and so, one observes a

796 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 132, No. 2, August 2012 Bravo et al.: Vibroacoustics of micro-perforated absorbers
x21 and the air-frame amplitude ratio is close to one whereas
for deeper cavities close to the critical regime, the air parti-
cle velocity increases and becomes much greater than the
panel velocity due to energy transfer from the upper HC-
controlled resonance to the lower PC-controlled resonance.
This explains why the first absorption peak value rises when
the cavity depth increases, as long as d stays below
dc 1=mh rc  1=mp c0 Z0 =x21 , for which r rc .

This paper summarizes the theoretical and experimental
results of a study to determine how the sound absorption
properties of MPPAs are modified by the vibrating response
of the perforated facing. A theoretical model is presented
that accounts for structural-acoustic interaction between the
FIG. 9. Influence of the normalized perforation ratio r=rc on the first PC-
perforated panel and the backing cavity under plane wave
controlled (solid) and HC-controlled (dashed) resonant frequencies of a thin incidence. It assumes uniform conservative boundary condi-
MPPA: coupled mode analysis (gray) and vibro-acoustic model (black). tions for the panel and separable coordinates for the cavity
Thin reference curves: HC resonance (dashed); first PC resonance (solid); cross-section. The predicted absorption performance and
and first panel resonance (dash-dotted). Upper (squares) and lower (circles)
measured resonance frequencies. panel vibrating response are validated against impedance
tube as well as LSV measurements for a thin circular MPPA
transition from well-separated HC- and panel-controlled res- under normal incidence condition. The model shows that
onance that occur for shallow cavities towards more strongly the air-frame relative velocity is a key factor that alters the
coupled resonances that occur for greater cavity depths. The input acoustic impedance of thin MPPAs and generates
measured resonant frequencies that have been reported on extra absorption peaks or dips that are not observed when
Fig. 9 well follow the trend. Also, the gray absorption curve dealing with rigid MPPAs. Such extra absorption peaks are
on Fig. 10 tends to be similar to the black dashed curve on found to pertain under statistical incidence of sound or
Fig. 8, typical of a near critical regime. Finally, it can be when removing the cavity back panel. Coupled mode analy-
seen from Fig. 10 that the uncoupled first panel natural fre- sis reveals that the two first peaks are related to either
quency that occurs at x 1 312 Hz is an upper limit for the PC-, HC-, or panel-controlled resonances of the panel-hole-
lower resonance frequency of the MPPA, X , that increases cavity system, depending roughly on whether the effective
from 220 Hz towards 298 Hz when the cavity depth air mass of the perforations is greater or lower than the
decreases from 150 mm towards 35 mm. At this resonance panel first modal mass.
frequency, the panel and air particle velocity always have A critical value of the perforation ratio, rc , has been
opposite phase but with different values of the amplitude ra- found that determines three regimes. When r
rc , e.g., for
tio ju  2 large values of the effective air mass, the upper and lower
0p =u0h j. For shallow cavities, xHC is much greater than
resonance frequencies of the MPPA are respectively pertur-
bations of the PC and HC resonance frequencies. When r
goes through the transitional region r  rc , strong coupling
occurs between the individual PC and HC resonances: this
produces two new resonances for the elastic MPPA whose
frequencies are symmetric with respect to the Helmholtz res-
onance of the rigid MPPA. When r  rc , e.g., for small val-
ues of the effective air mass, the upper and lower resonance
frequencies of the MPPA are respectively perturbations of
the HC and panel resonance frequencies. Out of the transi-
tional region, two absorption mechanisms operate. At the
upper resonance of the MPPA, the panel and air particle ve-
locity move in-phase but with a large air-frame relative ve-
locity. At the lower resonance, the panel and air particle
velocity move in opposite phase with a large air particle ve-
locity when r
rc , and with an amplitude ratio scaling on
the relative difference between the Helmholtz and the first
panel natural frequency when r  rc . The experimental
results obtained when r  rc have confirmed the difference
FIG. 10. Experimental results on the influence of the cavity depth on the
in nature between the two first resonance frequencies of the
sound absorption coefficient of a flexible MPPA (r 0:78%): d 35 mm
(crosses); d 45 mm (circles); d 60 mm (dotted); d 80 mm (dash-dot- MPPA which are, respectively, panel-controlled and HC-
ted); d 100 mm (solid); d 150 mm (gray). controlled.

J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 132, No. 2, August 2012 Bravo et al.: Vibroacoustics of micro-perforated absorbers 797
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798 J. Acoust. Soc. Am., Vol. 132, No. 2, August 2012 Bravo et al.: Vibroacoustics of micro-perforated absorbers
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