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C ell Divis ion

Mitos is
Reas ons for Mitos is
There are three main reas ons

A. growth
B. repair/healing
C. as exual reproduc tion
C ell Divis ion by mitos is
S ome c ells divide
c ons tantly: c ells in the
embryo, s kin c ells , gut
lining c ells , etc . 7 week old

E pithelial C ell Intes tinal C ell

C ell Divis ion
Other c ells divide rarely or
S pinal C ord C ell-
Nerve cell

C ardiac C ell
B rain C ell Nerve c ell (Heart Mus cle)
C ell Divis ion
Panc reatic
2 kinds of c ell divis ion: c ells

1. Mitos is : divis ion of s omatic c ells

2. Meios is : c reation of new s ex c ells

S perm cells Human egg

c ell
C ell Divis ion Vocabulary
S omatic c ell a body c ell; a cell whos e
genes will not be pas s ed on to future
generations .

Germ c ell - a c ell that is des tined to

bec ome a gamete (egg or s perm); a c ell
whos e genes c an be pas s ed on to
future generations
C ell Divis ion Vocabulary
diploid (2N) a c ell with 2 chromos ome
s ets in each of its c ells ; all body
(s omatic ) c ells

haploid (N) a c ell with 1 chromos ome

s et in eac h of its c ells ; all gametes
(s perm, eggs )
C haracteris tics of
Mitos is
Adiploid cellwillgive rise to adiploid cell
Chromosome numberremains the same
The DNAremains identicallythe same
One cell(2N)gives rise to two cells (2N)
C ell C ycle
A typic al c ell goes
through a proc es s INTERPHASE
of growth,
development, and
reproduction c alled
the c ell c ycle.

Mos t of the cyc le is

c alled interphas e.
C ell C ycle
The longes t
phas e in the
c ell c yc le is
interphas e.

The 3 s tages of
interphas e are
c alled G 1, S ,
and G 2.
C ell Divis ion
A ll living c ells c ome from other living
c ells .
During mitos is , the nuc leus of the c ell
divides , forming two nuc lei with
identic al genetic information.
Mitos is
Mitos is produc es
two genetic ally
identic al c ells .
Mitos is is referred
to in the following
s tages : prophas e,
metaphas e,
anaphas e, and
telophas e.
Prophas e
In prophas e, the c ell begins the proc es s of
divis ion.
The chromos omes condens e.

Prophas e
Nuc lear envelope dis appears .
Prophas e

C entrioles
migrate to
oppos ite poles of
the c ell.

A s ters and
s pindle fibers
Aster and the mitotic apparatus
in an animal cell
Draw Prophas e
Prophas e
Spindle fibers

Metaphas e
The Centriole
c hromos omes
line up at the Spindle
fibers Metaphase
equator of the c ell plate
(metaphas e plate),
with the centrioles
at oppos ite ends
and the s pindle
fibers attac hed to
the c entromeres . Centriole
Draw Metaphas e
A naphas e
In anaphas e, the
c entromeres divide.

A t this point, eac h

c hromos ome goes
from having 2 s is ter
c hromatids to being
2 s eparate
c hromos omes
A naphas e
The s pindle fibers
c ontrac t and the
c hromos omes are
pulled to oppos ite
poles .
Draw A naphas e
Telophas e
In telophas e the
nuc leus actually
divides .
The chromos omes are
at the poles of the c ell.
The nuc lear envelope
re-forms around the
two s ets of
c hromos omes .
Draw Telophas e
C ytokines is
The divis ion of the
c ytoplas m.

In animal c ells , a
C leavage Furrow
forms and
s eparates Daughter
C ells
C leavage furrow in a dividing frog c ell.
C ytokines is
In plant cells , a C ell Plate
forms and s eparates
Daughter C ells .

C ell Plate forming

C entriole and No vis ible
as ter pres ent c entriole or
Daughter c ells as ter
s eparated by Daughter c ells
c leavage furrow s eparated by
c ell plate
Mitosis: Can you name the stages?

Mitosis: Can you name the stages?

Prophas e

Mitosis: Can you name the stages?

Prophas e

Metaphas e

Mitosis: Can you name the stages?

Prophas e

Metaphas e

A naphas e

Mitosis: Can you name the stages?

Prophas e

Metaphas e

A naphas e

Telophas e

Mitosis: Can you name the stages?

Prophas e

Metaphas e

A naphas e

Telophas e

C ytokines is
Phases ofcellcycle-IPMATC

Phas es of cell c yc le - IPMA TC
Important Impatient
P eople P eople
Mus t May
A nalyze A ttac k
Tas ks Teac hers
C orrectly C ons tantly

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