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Std X A,B,C
TIME:- 2 Hrs.+ l0 mins.
y'uesrrcN - r :- (2+z+2+2+2t

fiy\r.nphysical quantities do rhe following

Jffiioptre (ii) Testa

are e.0 N and e.0 kgrrespectivety.

n:;r:[;-T;Hribodies Find the mass oreach

,fA unifornt metre scale is kept in

equilibrium when supported at the
60cm mark and a mass
M is suspended from the 90crn ,".ir..
Is grearer rhan. ress rhan or equar
si.,.-wii;';ffi;:] *netner rhe weight of the scate
to trre *eighi'o;ffi; t;

Acar ofrnass400kgistravellingwithavelocityof
1a 50m/swhileascooterof massg0kg
rs'noving with a verocity of 500dcm/s
. compar.iir.i,n',o*.n,u*.
gtrvnut is the difference between the
uniform circurar motion and uniforrn
rinear motion?
QUESTION -2: - (2+2+2+2+2)

x a) The power of a motor is 600

kw, at what speed can it raise a road
of 20,000 N?
'*1rf bats of mass ratio r:4 aredropped
from the same height
state the ratio u.t*."n'trr"l,
when they
strike the ground,
lsrlstatethe ratio of
tilfo;;;;;;; on rhem during motion.

rYlNhatshourd be the angre betrveen force

and dispracement ro get the
lrJ maximum work minimur *or*
!t4 (rp)'d;il;*".t rirrr.gative work
pfsjate the energy.curversion in the following:-
fi a primary cell (il/foud speaker rr0 un Jl..tric bulb (iyf a steamengine
vJ wnat is a sorar ceil? which materiar is used to make a sorar
QUESTION -3 :- (2+2+2+2+2)

{wt''at is the relationship between the

mechanical advantage and velocity
!,Pl a practical machine ,(rt) an ideal machine ? ratio for:

d:uy.t water from a well usinga fixed pulley.

*b) 1y?lal
together is 6'5 k*, force
The mass of the bucket and water
applied by the woman i, u. calculate
= l0Jh:
zs the mechanical
advantage. ( g m/s2)

;;fDeftne an inclined plane.

y'l water falls from a height of 50 m calcurate the rise in temperature

strikes the boftom- (g of water when ir
= l0 m/s2 , specific heat.upu.ity oi*ir.,. : a200 J/kg"c)

Page 1 of4
s e macnine is 60%efficient and has a verocity ratio4. Find :-
.(rJ its mechanicar advantage
gd theeffon req'ir.u irl"ro rifted is r000 kcf.

QUESTION -4 :- (2+ I %+2+ I +2+ | %)

;gNDraw a labeled diagram of a step-down transformer.

state three differences between a step-up
-!f and a step-down transformer.
4 H2YPuny alpha and beta particles are emitted
when Uranium nucleus ,rlJrrrto t,ead
s: Pb'uo.

state two advantages

slf of an erectromagret over a pe nnanent magnet.

5/State Lenz's Laws of electromagnetic induotion.

{A transformer alternating emf fro
m 2z0v to 20 V . Find the number of turns
of the secondary coil, if the primary*coil has
6600 turns.



)WESTION -5:- (2+ I r3+j+l)

vJ Draw ray diagrarn to show how a convex lens can
be used to produce sa virtual,
vrttqc erect and

ffitte velocity of tight in diamond is I2 1,000 km/s .

what is its re fracrive index?
4'nr umonochromatic beam of light, undergoes
minimum deviation through an equiangular
prism, how does the beam pasithrough
the prisrn, with respect to the base? Draw
yy diagram to support your answer.
()rJ lf
white light is used in the same way as in (i)
above, what change is expe6ed in the
emergent beam? Draw a ray diagram.

Vf a^nn'u'object is placed on the axis of a lens. An image

is formed by refraction by the
lens ' For all positions of the object on the
axis ortne iens. the positions of the image
are always between the lens and the object
,([) Name the rens ruy diagram to show the fbrmation of the
1 image of an
object placed in fr6nt of the reni ut ui',y position of your choice except
;u{Po*rrof a lens is - 6D. carcurate its focar rength and statethetype
of rens.
-6:- ( l+3+2+z12)
v{wnat is the vortage of the erectricity that is generaily
suppried to a house?

4) Give one example each of the material suitable

for makine:
{i) fuse wire (ii) hearer etement frrrf niiirr;;ffi;
g{an electric burb is marked 220 v. r00 w.
The burb is connected to a 22av suppry.
cafculate:- 4ifresistance of the nlu**nt (*f
currentflowing through the filament.

/1 x tne filament resistance of'a glowing

bulb greateq smaller or the same compared
resistance when it is not growingl ciuJu to its
reason for your answer.

Page 2 of 4
fr l'5
rwo reslslors
resiitors or resistances 30 ()
of reslstances o and 20O
20o in parallelare
parallel are connected to a cell of e.m.
V and internal resistance 0.3Q. Draw a ciicuit diagram and calculate
the current
drarvn from the cell.

QUESTION -7 :- (2+2+2+2+2)

a) The ratio of the amplitudes of two waves is 5 : 7. What is the

ratio of their intensities?

b) A pendulum has a frequency of 5 vibrations per second.An observer

starts the pendulum
and fires a gun simultaneously. He hears the echo from a cliff after 8 vibrations
of the
pendulum. Ifthe velocity of sound in air is 340 m/s, what is the distance
between the
cliffand the observer?

c) The wavelength of waves produced on the surlace of water is 20cm. If the wave velocity
is 24rnls, calculate:
(i)the number of waves producerl in one second , and
(ii) the time required to produce one wave.

d) Mention two properties of a wave: one property which varies and the other which remains
constant when the wave passes from one medium to another.

e) State the conditions for (i) the fbrmation of an echo and (ii) for resonance to occur

QUESTION -8 (t%+2+2+3+tr/,)

a) I 0l 25 J of heat energy boils off 4.5 kg of water at I 00'C ro steam at | 00"C. find the
specific latent heat of steam.
b) Give two reasons as to why copper is preferred over other metals for rnakins

c) 40 g of water at 60"C is poured into a vessel containing 50 g of water at 20"C . The

final temperature recorded is 30'C .Calculate the thermal capacity of the vessel.
( specific heat capacity of water : a.2 J/g'C)

d). Give a reason for your answer :-

(i) Drinks can be cooled better with melting ice at 0"C than ice cold water at 0"C.
(ii) It becomes very cold after a hailstorm.

e) State the SI unit of the followins :-

(i) heat capacity (ii) specific heat capacity (iii) specific latenr hear

QUESTION -9 (l+2+4+2+t)
{Wnat is a solenoid?

y/stut"two ways by which the strength of an electromagnet can be increased.

.dDraw a labeled diagram of a D C motor. State the energy changes in a motor. How can
the speed of rotation of a motor be increased? ( two ways)

//Cu"an electromagnet be made in a U - shape? Draw a diagram ro support your answer.

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e) State the energy losses in a transforrner. (any four)

l?uESTfoN -t0 (2+2+2+2+2)

rrur"two factors on which the rate of emission of thermions depends.

-bfTh? element ,, Nuto emits a beta particre to change into magnesium

/iNtY.rtte down the symbol of magnesium after thiidecay.
ffi\-rjte down rhe equation to represenr the nuclear change
,t{Q Wnat are the numbers I I and 24 called?
(fi) What do they signify?

;)yDefine the term 'work function'of a.rnetal.

1*) Mention two common properties of gamma radiations and visible light.

99.opy and complete the following nuclear equations by filling in the correct values in the

n,P"t Pq +y
* 1.** ** * * * ** i.* *{. t< ** ** {. * ** * * ** *( **

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