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Ciobanu Iulia
(Cond. t. - Marina Iurie, asist. univ., cat. de Propedeutic stomatologic i implantologie dentar P.

Introducere. Activitatea profesional a stomatologului poate fi efectuat n una din cele patru poziii
de baz. Ele se identific n relaie cu cadranul ceasului. Poziia la ora 8 spre fruntea pacientului,
poziia la ora 9 spre partea lateral a capului pacientului, poziia la ora 10-11 aproape de unghiul
tetierei, poziia la ora 12 n spatele capului pacientului. Cunoaterea i utilizarea poziiilor ergonomice
de lucru mbuntete vizualizarea cmpului operator, accesul n zona de tratament i sporete
capacitatea de lucru a medicului.
Scop. Selectarea poziiilor ergonomice pentru stomatolog i a poziiilor optime pentru pacient.
Material i metode. n baza chestionarelor completate de 18 studeni dup lucrul practic la fantoame
am determinat poziii optime de lucru.
Rezultate. Prin prisma criteriilor ca eficien i comoditate 12 studeni au optat s lucreze n poziiile
la ora 10,11,12 i 6 studeni au preferat poziiile la ora 8 i 9. Incomoditatea poziiilor pentru pacient la
ora 8- antebraul drept al medicului este peste pieptul pacientului ,la ora 9- similar poziiei precedente
i n plus mna stng a medicului este peste ochii i nasul pacientului, la ora 10-11- mna stng a
medicului e deasupra nasului pacientului.
Concluzii. Cele mai practice poziii de lucru ale stomatologului sunt la orele 10,11,12.
Cuvinte cheie. Poziie de lucru, stomatologie, ergonomie.


Ciobanu Iulia
(sci. adviser: Marina Iurie, assistant lecturer, chair of Dental propedeutics and dental implantology
Pavel Godoroja

Introduction. The professional activity of the dentist may be accomplished from one of four basic
positions. They are identified in relation to a 12-hour clock face. 8 oclock position to the front of the
patients head, 9 oclock position to the side of the patients head, 10 to 11 oclock position near the
corner of the patient headrest, 12 oclock position behind the patients head. The knowledge and use of
the ergonomic working postures improves the vision of the working field, the access to the treatment
zone and enhances the doctors working ability.
Purpose. To select ergonomic working postures for the dentist and optimal positions for the patient.
Material and methods. On the basis of the 18 performed surveys as a result of the practical activity
on phantoms we determined optimal working positions.
Results. Through the criterial prism like efficiency and comfort 12 students chose to work in positions
at 10, 11, 12 oclock and 6 students chose position at 8 and 9 oclock. The discomfort of the positions
for the patient at 8 oclock- the doctors right upper arm is above the patients chest, at 9 oclock-
similar to the previous position and the doctors left hand is above the patients eyes and nose, at 10 to
11 oclock- the doctors left hand is above the patients nose.
Conclusions. The most practiced working postures of the dentist are at 10, 11, 12 oclock.
Key words. Working position, dentistry, ergonomics.


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