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Sulawesi can be divided into three geologicalmetallogenic provinces: 1) Northern Sulawesi, which consists of
series of Late Cenozoic calcalkaline magmatic arcs built on a basement of Early Cenozoic tholeiitic basaltic
MiocenePliocene age, including porphyry CuAuMo, high, intermediate, and lowsulphidation epithermal Au
Ag, sedimenthosted Au, intrusionrelated base metalAu, skarn, and VMS styles of mineralization; 2) Western
Cenozoic sedimentary rocks and subordinate calcalkaline volcanics deposited on a basement of metamorphic
complexes and Late Cretaceous flysch deposits; mineralization styles include porphyry Mo, porphyry CuAu,
rocks and unconformably overlain by Late Cenozoic postorogenic sequences; weathering of the ophiolite has


Factors that have led to significant mineral discoveries since 1970 include: 1) exploration of known mineral
float (Au); and 5) remote sensing interpretation (Ni). Over the past 40 years exploration has evolved from


1.0 INTRODUCTION standards. Most of the mineral deposits found

todate are of modest size, with the exception of
Sulawesi (formerly Celebes) is located in the several nickel laterite deposits. Exploration
centre of the Indonesian Archipelago, straddling efforts have been targetting shallow
the equator. It is a region where three major environments with surface geochemistry as the
platesconvergeandinteract(Figure1),whichhas priciple prospecting tool, or in the case of nickel
given rise to a highly complex and diverse laterite, remote sensing methods. Sofar little
geology, consisting of metamorphic complexes, attention has been paid to buried or conceptual
ophiolite terranes, volcanic arcs, granitoid belts, targets. Gold, nickel and copper have been the
andsedimentarybasins.Thisinturnhasresulted majortargetcommodities,whichhasresultedin
inadiversityofmineraldeposittypes. the development of a number gold and nickel
The history of mineral exploration and mining in
Sulawesigoesbackmorethan150years,butthe Sulawesi has an average NS length of about
region remains underexplored by todays 800kmandisabout400kmwide,coveringaland



Tectonicsetting IslandArc Continentalmargin Suture
Basement Oceanic(backarc)crust Continental fragments; Continental fragments;
accretionary accretionary
rocks/mlange; overlain rocks/mlange;
byLateCretaceousflysch ophiolites; Mesozoic
deposits. Paleogene sedimentary
Paleogene LowK tholeiitic, bimodal Calcalkaline:
magmatism (basalticfelsic); intermittent and
submarine; intense, localized.
Neogenemagmatism MediumK calcalkaline, Voluminous highK calc Minor,localized.
predominantly andesitic;alkaline (mostly
also bimodal during granitoids); and
latest Pliocene
shoshonitic to ultra
Pleistocene. potassic.
Paleogene Minor;deepsea. Synrift siliciclastics
sedimentation overlain by platform and
deeper marine
carbonates; pelitic
Neogene Siliciclastics in isolated Marine sediments and Widespread deposition
sedimentation basins, including Plio volcaniclastics; Plio ofCelebesMolasse.
Pleistocene Celebes Pleistocene Celebes
Molasse. Molasse.
Main mineralization Porphyry CuAu; high, PorphyryMo; intrusion LateriticNi&Fe.
types intermediate, and low relatedAu.
AuAg; sedimenthosted
Otherstyles VMS; intrusionrelated VMS; intrusionrelated Primary and secondary
base metal Au; base metal Au; chromite; alluvial Au;
FeAuskarn alluvial Au; FeAuskarn; Mn epithermalAu,Sb.
Febeachsands. ironstones.



area of 172,000km2. It is the most mountainous Jaarboek van het Mijnwezen (Mining
of the larger islands within the Indonesian Yearbook), ter Braake (1944), van der Ploeg
archipelago.Withtheexceptionofsomenarrow (1944), and van Bemmelens (1949) Economic
stretches of coastal lowland and intermontane Geology of Indonesia. A publication by the
plains, the terrain consists entirely of mountain Indonesian Mining Association and Mining and
ranges with the highest peaks being in excess of Metal Agency of Japan (IMAMMAJ, 1995), the
3000m (Figure 2). Unlike the other larger anually published Register of Indonesian
islands/island groups in Indonesia, which are Gold/RegistrerofIndoPacificMining,andvarious
partlyborderedbyextensiveshallowshelfareas, trade journals record mineral exploration
the sea bottom off the Sulawesi coasts drops in activities post1967. Several review papers on
mostplacesrapidlybelow100m,andthe1000m thecopperandgoldmineralizationofNorthern(+
bathymetriclineislocatedatadistanceofonlya Western) Sulawesi have been published (Carlile
few10sofkilometersorlessfromthecoast. et al., 1990; Kavalieris et al., 1992; Soeria
Atmadja et al, 1999; Pearson and Caira, 1999).
TheislandhasapeculiarKshape,consistingof Papers on individual deposits and prospects can
four peninsular known as Arms, which are be found in various proceedings and journals.
separated by deep gulfs and united in central Mostoftheseareincludedinthereferencelistof
Sulawesi(Figure3A).Thenarrownorthtrending thepresentpaper.Moredetailedinformationis
partoftheNorthArm,iscommonlyreferredtoas containedinCOWcompanyreports,whicharean
theNeck. open file in the library of Pusat Sumber Daya
Geologi (PSDG). Unfortunately a number of
The Sulawesi region can be divided into four reports are missing, often the more informative
distinct geological and metallogenic provinces, ones, and the quality of the reports is rather
namedhere (modifiedafterSukamto, 1978),the variable (some discuss at great length weather
Northern, Western and Eastern Sulawesi conditions, topography, etc but give little
Provinces and BanggaiSula Province (Figure 3B). geological information). Websites of foreign
As the latter province does not contain any junior companies are another source of
significantknownmineralization,ithasnotbeen information, although they tend to focus on
includedinthisreview.Themaingeologicaland trenchanddrillresults.
metallogenic features of the other three
provincesareshowninTable1. Recently Pusat Sumber Daya Geologil published
two geochemical atlases covering the northern
Thepresentpaperconsistsoffourparts.Thefirst and southern halfs of Sulawesi, which include
part describes the history of mineral exploration mapsforthefollowingelements:As,Co,Cr,Cu,
and mining in Sulawesi. It is followed by an Fe, K, Li, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn (PSDG, 2008). They
overviewoftheregionalgeology.Themainpart also compiled a mineral resources atlas for
of the paper comprises a detailed review of the Sulawesi as part of a series of atlases for the
various mineral deposit types found in each of entire country (PSDG, 2010). It comprises a
the three provinces together with some series of maps for each Kabupaten
additional exploration history data. In the last (administrative district), including geology and
section we discuss how the various deposit minerallocationsmaps,andalistofmetallicand
typesaredistributedinspaceandtime,whenand nonmetallicmineralresources(nameofdeposit,
howtheywerediscovered,andhowtheyfeature coordinates and resource figure). No geological
in Sulawesis mining industry. It also briefly information or references are given, limiting
addressespastandpresentexplorationtrends. somewhat its usefulness for mineral
for the history of exploration and mining in Forthisreviewwehavemadeextensiveuseofa
Sulawesi,andtheregionsmineralresources.For GISdatabasecalledIndonesianMineralDeposit
the Dutch colonial era these include the Database(IMDD),thatwehavebeencompiling


Figure 4. Simplified geological map of Sulawesi (modified after



Year Results
18961908 SmallquantitiesofAuproducedatSumalata.
18961929 Palelehmine;6.2tAu,5tAg,550tPb.
1900 G.Panidiscovered.
19001921 Totokmine;3.7tAu.
1911 AbendanonrecognizesNiFelateritepotentialofESulawesi.
19131931 ThreeminesinBolaangMongondowdistrict;5tAu,4tAg.
19161919 SeveralNiandFelateritedepositsfound,includingPomalaaandSoroako.
1938 NilateriteminingstartsatPomalaa.
1968 Large2ndgenerationCOWareaawardedtoPTInco.
1969 SasakporphyryCuAuprospectidentified.
1970 SecondgenerationCOWawardedtoEndeavourResources;BahodopiNilaterite
19721973 TapadaaandTombulilatoporphyryCudistrictsidentified.
19741975 Discovery of the Cabang Kiri, Cabang Kanan and Kayubulan Ridge porphyry
1976 Commercial ferronickel production starts at Pomalaa; Malala porphyry Mo
1977 3rdgenerationcontractsignedbyRioTinto.
1978 CommencementofnickelmatteproductionatSoroako.
19801982 Drill testing of Cabang Kiri, Cabang Kanan, Kayubulan Ridge and Sungai Mak;
19831984 Motombotohighsulphidationsystemdrilled.
19861987 Twentytwo4th generationCOWssigned.
1987 Severaldiscoveriesmade,includingBulagidun(porphyryCuAu),Binabase(HS),
1988 MiningofchromitebeachsandscommencesinESulawesi
1989 MeselandAwakMasdiscovered.
1994 TokaTindungandPoboya discovered.
19941997 115th7thgenerationCOWssigned.
1998 RiskaandMasabofound
1999 Palopodistrictdiscovered.
2004 MiningstartsatRiska;annualproductionca50.000ozAu.
2008 GoldrushatBombanainvolving>20,000localminers.
2011 FirstgoldpouredatTokaTindung;annualproductionca160,000ozAueq.

since 2005 (van Leeuwen and Pieters, 2011). It wasonJava,SumatraandBorneo.Investigations
contains all available relevant descriptive inSulawesistartedmuchlater,aroundtheendof
information about deposits and prospects, the 19th century.The reason for this was
including location details, commodity, deposit threefold: i) Sulawesi was highly inaccessible; ii)
type, host rock, mineralization, alteration, theislandhadnotyetbeenpacified;andiii)very
structure, resource data, exploration history etc. little was known about its mineral endowment
Most of the data in IMDD are derived from (Rutten,1927).
sources mentioned above and unpublished
companyreportts. The first government mining engineer to
investigate some of the gold deposits known at
Thepresentpaperisaimedprimarilyatgeologists that time in Northern Sulawesi was van Schelle
engaged in mineral exploration in Sulawesi and (1889). Private enterprise soon followed,
those who wish to assess its mineral potential. prompted by historical reports of artisan gold
The focus is on providing descriptions of the mining in the region. Between 1896 and 1929
more significant mineralizing districts and fourundergroundmineswereoperated(Table2)
individualdeposits. and in the Ratatotok district elluvial deposits
were also exploited using hydraulic mining
2.0 HistoryofMineralExplorationandMining were made to carry out underground mining at
inSulawesi G. Pani between 1900 and 1910. Mining of
nearby alluvials produced only marginally better
The documented history of mineral exploration results. Also not overly impressive were the
and mining in Sulawesi spans a period of about results of alluvial mining at Tapaibekin in the
125 years, but traces of iron slag with a Ni Doup district. When more than 50 years later
content of 12% found at an archeological site geologists of Endeavour Resources undertook a
near Lake Montano suggests there was already mineral survey in the central part of the North
some mining activity more than 1000 years ago Arm they observed short trial adits in even the
(Bulbecks, 2000, in Rafianto, 2011). The mostremotepartsoftheregion,suggestingthat
highlights of the past 125 years are summarized ithadbeenthoroughlycoveredbytheearlygold
in Table 2 and discussed below in some more prospectors(Trailetal.,1974).
Truscott (1901) published a description of gold
Local gold mining activity in Northern Sulawesi minesandprospectsintheNorthArm knownat
wasrecordedasearlyas1813andhascontinued the time, presenting highly optimistic
uptothepresentday,itsintensitydependingon evaluations. Healsonotedthatcopperdeposits
the price of gold and economic conditions. in the hinterland of Gorontalo were being
BritishmapsofSulawesipublishedin1885show developed, but no further records are available.
agoldmineintheRatatotokdistrict,namedMt. Attempts to produce copper at Buhu, Molosipat
Tottik. Mining there was done by local people andBukalintheearly1900sallfailed.Twoofthe
from the neighbouring province of Bolaang gold mines in Northern Sulawesi were
Mongondowtoprovidegoldfortheirchief. investigated in some detail by government
engineers and geologists, namely Sumalata
In1848,thegovernmentoftheNetherlandsEast (Molengraaff, 1902) and Totok (Ratatotok)
Indiesdecidedtoinvestigatethemineralrichesof (Koperberg,1900;Hirsh,1911).Theoriginofthe
the archipelago. It was thought that six mining gold mineralization at Totok, which is hosted by
engineers would be sufficient to carry out the limestone,wasexplainedintwoways:i)thegold
task. They were employed by Het Mijnwezen wasoriginallyderivedfromrockslocatedfurther
(BureauofMines),foundedin1852,thattwenty inland and transported by the Totok river at a
years later began to publish Jaarboek van het timethatitslevelwasseveralhundredsofmeter
Mijwezen(MiningYearbook).Initiallythefocus higherthanatpresent.Goldandsilicawerethen
dissolvedanddepositedfromdescendingfluidsin companiesweregiventherighttofurtherexplore
fractures and cavities in the limestone, believed and develop these deposits. By applying a
to be younger than underlying andesite, and ii) method of selective mining, which involved
the limestone was intruded by the andesite and careful stripping of overburden and removing
gold deposited from associated hydrothermal peridotite boulders, dry ore of 3.5% Ni was
fluids. produced at Pomalaa, and shipped to Japan and
Germany, starting in 1937. By 1940, a
During the early part of the 20th century government engineer had succeeded in
government geologists discovered several developing a new process for the treatment of
preciousmetal,basemetalandironoccurrences these Nisilicate ores on site, but before it could
in central Western Sulawesi, including at Sasak, beappliedJapaneseforcesinvadedIndonesia.By
which more recently has been explored for its that time a total of about 150.000 t of ore had
porphyry copper potential. A rather curious beenexported(Darmono,2009).
copper occurrence was found in the Latimojong
Mountains,wheresmallpocketsofnativecopper Before the outbreak of the Pacific War the
arepresentinslates,thesocalledKoperLeienor Japanese had obtained nickel ore from Canada
CopperSlates(vanBemmelen,1949),thesedays andNewCaledonia,butthesesourceswerenow
knownasToradjaFormation. cut off. Sulawesi became an important new
source to supply their war industry. The Dutch
Far more important (from a presentday miningoperationsweretakenoverbySumitomo
perspective) was the work done in Eastern Metal Mining, which built a smelting plant to
Sulawesi. Abendanon (191517), who produceNimatte,butbeforeitwascompletedit
investigated the region in 1909/10 was the first was destroyed by the allied forces. Between
to observe the presence of extensive ultramafic 1942 and 1945 a total of 184.000t of nickel ore
rocksandtheirlateriticweatheringproducts.He was produced (Darmono, 2009). The Japanese
wasconvincedthatironandnickeloreswouldbe alsocarriedoutlimitedminingforbasemetalsat
found in this part of the island. Following his SangkaropiincentralSulawesi.
recommendation, a more systematic survey was
initiatedin1915,andinarelativelyshortperiod After the Dutch returned in 1946 they resumed
of time significant iron and nickel laterite nickel mining, but only for three years. Eight
resources had been outlined. One of these, the years later NV Perto (Pertambangan Toraja)
Larona Fe laterite deposit was explored in shipped nickel ore still remaining in stock piles
considerable detail outlining proven reserves of fromtheJapaneseoccupationtoJapan.In1961,
370 Mt (air dried) averaging 49% Fe (Dieckmann it became PT Pertambangan Nickel Indonesia, a
and Julius, 1925). Extensive studies were stateownedenterprise,whichthenmergedwith
undertakenintheensuingyearsonthepossibility several other stateowned mining companies to
of establishing an iron and steel industry in become PT Aneka Tambang (Antam). This
Sulawesi, but without much success, one of the company has been operating the Pomalaa mine
reasons being the lack of known coking coal since 1968. In the central part of Eastern
depositsinIndonesia.Theoutlookfordeveloping Sulawesi, including the Soroako area, all
the more Nirich laterite deposits was equally exploration activities were suspended until 1965
discouragingbecauseofthelowNicontents(0.50 becauseoflocalinsurgency.
1.15%), whereas at the time grades of 3.5
4.0% were required. Using the rich nickel Following the promulgation of new foreign
deposits of New Caledonia as a model efforts investment and mining laws in 1967, Indonesia
were subsequently directed towards finding offered for tender several areas with known tin
highergradegarnierite(Nisilicate)ore.Afteran and nickel laterite potential, including a large
extensivesearch thistype oforewasdiscovered block in Eastern Sulawesi. This concession was
inthehillssouthofLakeMantanoatSoroakoand awardedin1968toaconsortiumheadedbyINCO
near Malili (Pomalaa). In 1934, two private (International Nickel Cooperation) of Canada.
The consortium company, which includes The two porphyry districts were investigated in
Sumitomo Metal Mining as a shareholder, is moredetailinjointventurewithKennecottfrom
usuallyreferredtoasPTINCO.Intheearlyyears 1973 to 1976. In 1980, Utah International took
the company carried out extensive exploration controlofEndeavourslocalcompanyandcarried
with the assistance of the Geological Survey of out an intensive exploration campaign in the
Indonesia(GSI) and about 40 geology students Tombuililato district until 1982. Together these
from the Institute Teknologi Bandung (ITB). efforts resulted in the discovery of three
Initially the exploration focus was on the coastal porphyry prospects in the Tapadaa district and
areas, but in mid1969 it shifted to Soroako, five porphyry prospects in the Tombuililato
wherefouryearslaterminedevelopmentbegan. district, including Cabang Kiri, Kayubulan Ridge
Soon afterwards oil prices escalated and the andSungaiMakwithacombinedresourceof296
international nickel market deteriorated. In Mt @ 0.57% and 0.47 g/t Au (van Leeuwen,
ordertocounterthesenegativedevelopmentsPT 1994). In addition high sulphidation AuCu
INCO built a hydroelectric plant and tripled mineralizationwasfoundatMotomboto.
annual production capacity to 45,000 tonnes of
nickel matte, but it had to wait until 1988, RioTintoappliedforalargeCOWarea,BlockIII,
following an improvement in the nickel market, located to the west of block II and covering an
to see its operations become profitable (van area of 17,200km2in 1973, which was granted in
Leeuwen,1994). 1977. In the intervening years reconnaissance
geochemical sampling identified 18 anomalous
The first company to carry our gold and base areas,followupofwhichledtothediscoveryof
metal exploration in Sulawesi was Newmont, the Malala (Anomaly B) porphyry molybdenum
which between 1967 and 1969 undertook deposit in the Tolitoli district. Drilling between
reconnaissanceandlimitedfollowupworkinthe 1978 and 1982, partly in JV with SANTOS of
NorthArmwithporphyrycopperdepositsasthe Australia, outlined a resource of 100 Mt @ 0.14
main target. They examined recorded MoS2, which was not economically viable at
mineralization and diorite rocks easily accessible prevailingmolybdenumprices.
from the north and south coast, and in the
hinterlandofGorontaloandtheBoneValley,and Further south, GIS carried out reconnaissance
made more detailed investigations around the geochemical surveys in the late 1960searly
abandonedG.Panigoldmine,andatafewother 1970s, outlining three areas anomalous in base
localities,includingtheBuhucopperprospect. metals, i.e. Sasak, Seko and Sangkaropi. These
were subsequently investigated together with
Intheearly1970stwoothercompaniesinitiated Antam, and drilled. Porphyry Cu mineralization
porphyry copper searches, namely Endeavour was found in the former two locations, but
Resources, a junior Australian company, and Rio appearedtobeoflowgrade(0.30.4%Cu)andof
Tinto. The former obtained a 2nd generation limited extent. In the Sangkaropi area, three
ContractofWork(COW),knownasBlockII,which VMS deposits were subjected to detailed
coveredanareaof12,000km2inthecentralpart exploration that failed to outline an economic
oftheNorthArm.Theirobjectivewastotestthe resource.
hypothesis that the Philippines porphyry copper
belt might extend into northern Sulawesi, an Inthoseearlyyearsexplorationwasoftencarried
initiative that was rewarded by the discovery of out under conditions reminiscent of the Dutch
porphyry Cu style mineralization in the Tapadaa days, requiring a true pioneering spirit. This is
and Tombuililato districts. Following a literature exemplified by the story of the Kuda mati
study and the second years survey work that berdiri(standingdeadhorses)(Geomin,2010).In
revealedthatgoldmineralizationwaswidespread 1975, Antam decided to drill test Seko, located
inBlockII,thescopeofthesurveywasextended 200km to the north of Sangkaropi at an altitude
toincludealluvialandhardrockgoldtargets. of 1000m, which could for the most part be
reached only on foot. The party included 30
porters and 70 horses. As the track followed agreements were entered into for areas in
mostly mountain ridges grass and water were Western Sulawesi, but serious exploration was
very scarce. After 10 days one of the horses carried out only by Aberfoyle Resources, which
refusedtomoveevenaftersomeofitsloadhad held a block containing Sasak and Sangkaropi
been decreased. It took a while to realize that (relinquished in 1994), and new Hope Colliers,
the poor animal was already dead, probably which discovered the Awak Mas deposit in the
because of dehydration. A number of other LatimojongMountains.
horses died the same way without falling over.
Thelocationwasfinallyreachedafter30days. In Eastern Sulawesi PT Palmabim commenced
exploration for chromite beach sands in the
By the mid1980s the porphyry search was Bungkuareawhereitoutlined700,000tonnesof
virtually over and the focus shifted to gold. In recoverable chromite. The deposit was put into
Northern Sulawesi the gold search was operationin1988.Ithassincebeencloseddown
spearheaded by BHP Minerals (which had taken (yearnotknown).
over Utah in 1984), soon to be joined by
Newmont, Ashton, Placer Dome, and New Hope The 1990s witnessed the signing of one 5th
Colliers. A total of thirteen 4th generation generation Cow by Newcrest covering most of
COWsweresignedinthelate1986and1987. the old Endeavour Block II, and two 6th
generation COWs, also located in Northern
The gold exploration undertaken during the Sulawesi (Newmont in the Bolaang Mongondow
second half of the 1980s and early 1990si district, and Aurora Gold, which had acquired
Northern Sulawesi was quite successful. Ashtons areas in 1993,in an area adjacent to
Newmont discovered a sedimenthosted gold their Toka Tindung COW), and eight 7th
district in an area of old Dutch workings generationCOWs,allbutonelocatedinWestern
(Ratatotokdistrict).Itsubsequentlydevelopeda Sulawesi, including two blocks held by Rio Tinto
mine (Mesel), which between 1996 and 2004 and one by North Ltd). The latter company had
produced1.9MozAu.Anothergolddistrictwas selected a large block in central Western
identified by Ashton at the northern tip of the Sulawesi, which based on the widespread
North Arm centred on Toka Tindung. This occurrence of potassic alkaline volcanic and
company was also involved in the discovery of intrusive rocks combined with the presence of
high sulphidation gold mineralization in the known porphyry mineralization (Sasak) was
BinabaseBawone area on Sangihe island. BHP believed to have good potential for finding
drilledfivegoldprospects,includingMotomboto. Parkestype porphyry copper deposits. (The
In addition, a high resolution aeromagnetic Parkes mine in Australia was operated by North
survey identified several targets, only some of at the time). Arguably the most comprehensive
which were followed up. A reevaluation of the investigations were carried out by Newcrest,
Tombuililato district resulted in a geological which between 1993 and 1998 covered their
resource estimate of up to 356 Mt @ 0.6% Cu, entire COW area in Northern Sulawesi with
0.37 g/t Au, including a mining reserve of drainage reconnaissance sampling, resulting in a
between67Mt@1.08%Cu,0.43g/tAuand118 largenumberofanomalies.Manyofthesewere
Mt @ 0.94% Cu, 0.40 g/t Au at a strip ratio of investigatedin1996/97.Atotalof168prospects
~2.75:1 (BHP Minerals Sulawesi, 1997). Finally, were identified (including previously known
New Hope Colliers geochemical sampling ones),twelveofwhichweredrilltested,inmost
identified a number of gold anomalies which casesdowngradingtheireconomicpotential.
were subsequently followed up by Newcrest,
resulting in the discovery of gold mineralization The highlights of the 1990s include Newmonts
atTototopoandPetulis. discovery of the Northern Lanut trend, which
contains several styles of mineralization,
Concurrentlywiththesigningofthe13COWsin including highsulphidation epithermal gold
Northern Sulawesi, nine 4th generation COW mineralization. Work by Aurora outlined a
mineral district around Toka Tindung, containing
seven epithermal gold systems. In Western Some of the highlights of the decade include
Sulawesi, Rio Tinto discovered the Masabo commencement of gold production at Riska and
porphyry copper and the Poboya gold deposits. Toka Tindung, and revisiting of some old tired
Rather surprisingly the latter deposit was prospects. At Riska, which was discovered by
previously not known despite being located only Newmont in 1988, Avocet Mining started
7km from the provincial capital Palu and next productionin2006withanannualproductionof
doortoPoboyavillage,formingadistinctoutcrop about50,000ounces.TokaTindungwasbought
withhighgoldgrades.RioTintoalsodiscovered by Archipelago Resources in 2002; after long
towards the end of the decade the La Sampala delays the first gold was poured in 2011 with a
laterite deposit in Eastern Sulawesi, believed to forecastedannualproductionof160,000ounces.
beoneofthelargestundevelopednickellaterite Gunung Pani (looked at by 7 companies since
resources in the world. Around the same time 1967) and Awak Mas (investigated by 5
Antam found several new gold prospects near companies since 1988) are presently under
Palopo Sulawesi. The company also initiated an detailed investigations by One Asia Resources
intensive exploration programme in Eastern Ltd. The Tombulilato porphyry Cu and Malala
Sulawesi with the objective to find additional porphyry Mo deposits, discovered in the mid
nickel laterite resources to supply their 1970s, are being reinvestigated by Bumi
ferronickelplantatPomalaa.Severalprospective Resources and Victory Moly West respectively.
areaswereoutlined. The former company also acquired the Poboya
As elsewhere in Indonesia, the combined effect from carrying out exploration because of illegal
of the Busang scandal (the largest fraud in the mining activities.The latter company has
history of mining, which was committed in East expanded its activities into nickel laterite and
Kalimantan), the Asian economic crisis, and base metal explorations in central Sulawesi.
domestic political instability that took place Antam started exploration at Esang, which had
towardstheendofthe20thcenturyhadasevere been discovered during North Ltd regional
impact on the mineral exploration activities in exploration programme in central Western
Sulawesi (and elsewhere in Indonesia). Most Sulawesi a decade earlier. A new arrival on the
foreigncompanies,bothbigandsmall,withdrew scene is Golden Peaks Resources which recently
fromtheregionorcurtailedtheiractivities. acquired the Palopo gold property in Western
Sulawesi and the Tanoyan and Anggrek gold
The first decade of the 21st century saw some prospects in Northern Sulawesi. And finally, in
important new developments: 1) regional 2008 seven domestic companies started nickel
autonomy gave the local government of laterite production, all being relatively small
Kabupaten(Districts,subdivisionsofProvinces)a operations.
significant direct say in mining and related
matters ; 2) a new mining law was promulgated Theonlyimportantnewdiscoverythathasbeen
in 2009, which among other initiatives reported since 2000 is the rich alluvial gold
introduced a tender system for new areas, depositatBombanainSESulawesifoundbylocal
abolishedtheCOWsystem,whichuptothenhad villagers in 2008. It is the first indication of the
been the cornerstone of Indonesias modern presence of potentially significant gold
miningindustry,andpromotedprocessingofore mineralizationinEasternSulawesi.
3)commoditypricesstartedtorisearound2004, In summary, the documented history of mineral
which spurred an increase in domestic explorationandmininginSulawesicanbedivided
involvement in exploration and mining, intosixstages:
particularly of nickel laterites; and 4) the 1)1813 1888. Local gold mining activities in
explorationfocuswasonknown,moreadvanced various parts of Northern Sulawesi, which
have continued intermittently until the differencesintectonicsetting,ageandcharacter
presentday. of rock units (Table 1). The tectonic relationship
between the two domains is not clear. They
2)1889 1941. Exploration by the Netherlands probably formed a more or less continuous belt
EastIndiesgovernmentandprivateenterprise throughout the Cenozoic, but were definitely
that resulted in the development of several connectednotlaterthantheEarlyMiocene(van
goldandnickellateritemines. Leeuwen and Muhardjo, 2005). A simplified
3)19421967. Relatively small scale nickel
laterite mining by Japanese, Dutch and 3.1 NorthernSulawesiProvince
4)1968 1984. Exploration with the main focus part of the North Arm and the row of islands
on nickel laterite and porphyry copper extending to the north as far as Sangihe Island
deposits; initially reconnaissance surveys of (Figure 3B). The EW part of the North Arm,
largetractsofland,followedbymoredetailed referred to as the Gorontalo section (van
investigations of selected areas; mine Bemmelen, 1949), is made up of Cenozoic arc
developmentatSoroako. volcanics and associated sedimentary rocks.
5)1985 1999. Focus shifts to gold; 23 COWs aNEtrendandthisregion,theMinahasasection,
signed; exploration mix of regional surveys islargelycoveredbyPliocenetoRecentvolcanics.
and prospect evaluation; several significant The young volcanic arc continues northwards
gold discoveries made, one of which (Mesel) through the Sangihe Island group and is often
wasdevelopedintoamine(nowclosed). referred to as the Sangihe Arc. Like the rest of
Sulawesi, Northern Sulawesi consists of
6)2000 present. Activities that began to mountainous terrain, although rarely reaching
decrease sharply in the late 1990s pick up altitudes higher than 2000m. The landscape of
again around 2004/5 with increased thenorthernpartoftheprovinceisdominatedby
involvementofdomesticcompanies,mainlyin the presence of (partly eroded) volcanic cones,
nickel laterite exploration and mining; focus someofwhicharestillactive,likeLokonVolcano,
on known gold and nickel laterite which erupted as recently as October 2011.
deposits/districts; two gold mines developed Several grabenlike depressions occupy the
(RiskaandTokaTindung). centralpartoftheGorontalosection.

The rock sequences that make up Northern
3.0 Geology Sulawesicanbedividedbroadlyintothreegroups
Inthischapterwebrieflydescribethegeologyof this paper they are informally referred to as the
the Northern, Western and Eastern Provinces. Early,MidandLateCenozoicgroups.
single tectonostratigraphic unit, referred to as TheoldestgroupconsistsofathickpileofMiddle
the West Sulawesi Pluton Volcanic Arc (WSPVA), EoceneLate Miocene submarine oceanic arc
whereas the Eastern Sulawesi Province is volcanics,namedPapayatoVolcanics(Trailetal.,
commonly divided into a western Central 1974; van Leeuwen and Muhardjo, 2005), which
Sulawesi Metamorphic Belt and an Eastern are widely exposed in the southwestern part of
OphioliteSulawesiBelt. theGorontalosectionforminga275kmlongbelt,
SeparatingtheWSPVAintotwodifferententities, This unit consists of a thick series of basaltic
as first proposed by Taylor and van Leeuwen volcanics that occur in bimodal association with
(1980), is based on the recognition of significant much less voluminous felsic rocks. It contains
subordinate intercalations of red calcareous TheMidCenozoicgroupoccupiesalargepartof
mudstone, red limestone, greywacke, and the Gorontalo section, and is locally exposed in
radiolarian chert, and is intruded by basaltic the southern part of the Minahasa section. It
dykes, locally occurring as dyke swarms, and consists of a predominantly volcanic unit
stocks of gabbro and diorite. The basaltic (Bilungala Volcanics), a mixed sedimentary
volcanics include massive, autobrecciated or volcanic unit (Dolokopa Formation), and several
pillowed lava flows, and volcanic breccia. The sedimentary units, including the Ratatotok
bulk of the mafic and felsic rocks have Limestone, which hosts Mesel and associated
geochemicalcompositionsthataretypicaloflow gold deposits. The volcanic rocks consist
K tholeiitic island arc (IAT) volcanics, but some, predominantly of andesitic lava flows and
thought to have been produced late in the pyroclastics, debris flows, and related
evolutionofthevolcanicarc,showahighKcalc volcaniclastics,markingmultipleperiodsofuplift
alkalineaffinity(Elburgetal.,2003;vanLeeuwen anderosion duringthedevelopment ofthe mid
and Muhardjo, 2005), and contain small Cenozoic volcanic arc (Pearson and Caira, 1999).
volcanogenicmassivesulphidedeposits. Felsicrocksarecommonlypresentinsomeareas,
Near Labanuki on the north coast of the
Gorontalo section, the Papayato Volcanics are The base of the MidCenozoic group has been
underlain by basalts, which show geochemical observedonlyinafewlocalities,whereitconsists
similarities with basalts that form the basement of chaotic masses of Papayato Volcanics
of the Celebes Sea and are interpreted to fragments or poorly sorted conglomerates (Trail
represent backarc basalts (Priadi et al., 1997). et al., 1974; van Leeuwen and Muhardjo, 2005).
Bothbasaltsequencesareoverlainbygreenand Thesequenceisintrudedbycomagmaticbodies,
black mudstone. These similarities suggest that varying in size from dykes and stocks to
the Labanuki basalts formed as part of the batholiths of diorite, quartzdiorite and
CelebesSeacrust(Ranginetal.,1997).Anumber granodiorite (e.g. Trail et al., 1974; Pearson and
ofauthorshavesuggestedthatmostoftheNorth Caira, 1999). Limited radiometric age dating
Armisunderlainbysimilarcrust(e.g.Taylorand results (Lowder and Dow, 1978; Polv et al.,
vanLeeuwen,1980;Kavalierisetal.,1992;Rangin 1997; Pearson and Caira, 1999) suggest that
etal.,1997). batholithsizedbodieswereemplacedduringthe
TheEarlyCenozoicrockscommonlydisplaysteep and dykelike intrusions of diorite and
dips, and in places are highly deformed monzodiorite composition during MiddleLate
(Koperberg, 1929; Trail et al., 1974; Kavalieris et Miocene times, and small stocks and plugs of
al.,1992).This,together withthepresenceofa quartz diorite composition during the latest
regional unconformity separating the unit from Miocene (85 Ma). According to Pearson and
the MidCenozoic group (Koperberg, 1929; Caira (1999) the batholiths were probably
Ratman, 1976; Carlile et al., 1990; Pearson and exposedbyoneormoreperiodsofintraMiocene
Caira, 1999) indicate that a significant tectonic erosion. Published geochemical data for the
eventtook place in the Early Miocene (van volcanicandplutonicsuitessuggestthattheMid
LeeuwenandMuhardjo,2005).Thecauseofthis Cenozoic was dominated by mediumK calc
eventisnotcertain.Ithasbeensuggestedthatit alkalinemagmatism(Polvetal,1997).Porphyry
may be related to the collision between the CuAuMo and intrusionrelated base metal Au
North Arm and either a small continental mineralization is commonly associated with the
fragment or the Sula Spur (van Leeuwen and MiddleLate Miocene suites. However, most
Muhardjo,2005;SpakmanandHall,2010).Inthe depositsaresmalland/oroflowmetaltenor.
latter scenario the Sula Spur was subsequently
fragmented during extension caused by ThestructureoftheMidCenozoicrockshasbeen
subductionrollbackindeBandaregion. studiedinmostdetailintheTombulilatodistrict,
where several periods of lowangle thrusting
were followed by development of highangle postdate and intrude the Pani Volcanics. They
northerly trending faults, which was succeeded include postmineralization diatreme breccias at
by several stages of easttrending block faulting theCabangKiriandSungaiMakporphyrycopper
(Perello, 1994). A regional unconformity deposits(CarlileandKirkegaard,1985).
between the Mid and Late Cenozoic sequences
marks a major tectonic event that is generally Volcanic units in the Minahasa section include
believed to be related to the collision of the the locally named Maen Volcanics and Toka
BanggaiSula continental fragment with Sulawesi Tindung Breccia (Wake et al., 1996), which are
(e.g.Perello,1994;PearsonandCaira,1999). contemporaneouswiththegoldmineralizationin
the Toka Tindung district and of Late Pliocene
The Late Cenozoic, which was the most age, and the Tondano Tuff of Effendi (1976),
productivemineralizing period, witnessed which are the result of explosive eruptions from
widespread and intensive volcanism. The Early the Tondano caldera, now occupied by the
Pliocene Wobudu Breccia, exposed along the Tondano Lake. Quaternary to Recent volcanics
north coast of the Gorontalo section, is mask most of the older rocks in the Sangihe Arc
composedalmostentirelyofbasaltictoandesitic (i.e. northern Minahasa section to Sangihe
agglomerates, breccias, pyroclastics, and lava Island).
series of dominantly dacitic volcanics and co The Late Cenozoic units are mostly flat lying to
magmatic highlevel intrusions are exposed, gently dipping. Significant subrecent vertical
named Pani Volcanics (Trail et al., 1974). They movements in the Gorontalo section are
form major caldera complexes that have evidenced by the elevation of young coral
developed within the SW corners of large arc limestone up to height of 5501000m, and the
parallel and arcnormal fault rhombs, and host formationofbroaddepressions(Rutten,1927).
significant gold mineralization (Pearson and
Caira, 1999). Similar rocks are found in the The Gorontalo section is dominated by three
Tombulilato district, where they have been structural elements: i)long ESE trending fault
named Motomboto Volcanics by Perello (1994). corridors, which are arcparallel structures; ii)
K/Ar dating suggests the two units were formed regularly spaced NWNNW arcnormal fault
between5.3and2.0Ma(Perello,1994;Polvet zones;andiii)shortNEENEarcnormalconjugate
al., 1997; Pearson and Caira, 1999). Significant faults (Carlile et al., 1990; Kavalieris et al., 1992;
porphyryCuAuandepithermalAumineralization Pearson and Caira, 1999). Carlile and al. (1990)
isassociatedwiththismagmaticevent. andKavalierisetall.(1992)observethatmuchof
the most recent faulting along the arcparallel
ThePinogoVolcanics(Trailetal.,1972)constitute structures comprise normal vertical movements,
a volcanicsedimentary succession that occurs resulting in uplifted EW trending mountain
over a distance of 170km along the south coast, chainsandgraben.IntheMinahassasectiontwo
from40kmwestofTototopotomorethan60km fault sets dominate: i) NE, showing vertical
eastofTombulilato,whereitisupto300mthick. movement,andii)NW,whichprobablycomprises
Isolated remnants are present within the central an orthogonal tensional fracture system
LimbotoBone rift valley, and up to 40km to the comparable to the Gorontalo section (Carlile et
north. The unit is thought to have formed in al.,1990).
latest PliocenePleistocene times, a period
dominated by explosive volcanism (Kavalieris et 3.2 WesternSulawesiProvince
Thevolcanicsarecharacterized,atleastinpart,by IntermsofgeomorphologyandgeologyWestern
a bimodal association of basaltic andesite and Sulawesi can be divided into three parts:
rhyolite(Kavalierisetal.,1992).Throughoutthe Southwest (SW), Central West (CW) and
Gorontalo section diatreme and irregular Northwest (NW) Sulawesi (Figure 3B). SW
magmatichydrothermalbrecciabodiesappearto Sulawesi is geomorphologically separated from
CW Sulawesi by a NW trending depression filled Eastern Sulawesi through southern Western
with Quaternary sediments, which may mask a SulawesiandSEKalimantantocentralJava.
major structure. It differs from the rest of the
province in being less tectonically deformed and Three metamorphic complexes are exposed in
less mountainous, lacking large Neogene NW Sulawesi, i.e. the Palu, Karossa and Malino
granitoid bodies, and having Neogene volcanics MetamorphicComplexes,whicharecomposedof
with isotopic and trace element characteristics continental fragments derived from the
that are different from those found in CWNW AustralianNewGuineamargin,andinthecaseof
Sulawesi(e.g.ElburgandFoden,1999).Themain the former two complexes, also contain slices of
differencesbetweenCWandNWSulawesiarein oceaniccrust(vanLeeuwenandMuhardjo,2005;
the nature of Late EoceneEarly Miocene vanLeeuwenetal.,2007).ThePaluMetamorphic
sedimentation (dominantly carbonate and Complex hosts a gold deposit named Poboya,
dominantly siliclastic respectively) and the which is of uncertain origin. The metamorphic
relative scarcity of Neogene volcanic deposits in complexes are believed to form part of asingle
thelatterarea.CWSulawesihasthemostrugged large fragment (or composite fragment) that
terrain, with many mountain ridges between underlies most of Western Sulawesi, the
20003000m altitudes reaching a maximum MakassarStraits,JavaSeaandEastJava,andhas
heightof3495m. been named the East JavaWest Sulawesi Block
by Hall (2009). This author interprets the
Western Sulawesi contains an almost complete fragment(s) to have been separated from NW
stratigraphic sequence ranging between Late Australia in the Jurassic and accreted to the SE
Cretaceous and Recent, which developed on a SundalandmargininthemidCretaceous.
basement of continental fragment and
accretionary/mlange rocks. It represents The basement complexes are unconformably
severalmajorperiodsofsedimentation,including overlain by weakly metamorphosed Late
Late Cretaceous flysch, Eocene synrift Cretaceous flysch deposits, which occur
siliciclastics, Late EoceneMiddle Miocene widespread throughout the province and in CW
platform and deeper marine carbonates, Middle Sulawesi host significant gold mineralization.No
MioceneEarly Pliocene shallow marine deposits, mineralization, other than minor sediment
and latest Cenozoic synorogenicsedimentary hostedCuoccurrences,hasbeenfoundtodatein
successions. The sedimentation cycles were the unconformably overlying siliciclastics and
accompaniedorinterruptedbyseveralmagmatic carbonate sequences which were deposited in
eventsthattookplaceduringthePaleocene,mid midEocene to midMiocene times. Volcanism
Eocene to midOligocene, Early Miocene, and thattookplaceduringthisperiodappeartohave
Middle Miocene to Pliocene, locally continuing been intermittent and localized, as a result of
into the Quaternary (e.g. van Leeuwen and which no major continuous volcanic arc
Muhardjo,2005;vanLeeuwenetal.,2010). developed (van Leeuwen and Muhardjo, 2005;
van Leeuwen et al., 2010). The volcanic rocks
PreTertiaryaccretionary/mlangecomplexesare arecalcalkaline in composition and generally
exposedin theBantimalaandBarrublocksinSW believed to be related to active subduction (e.g.
Sulawesi and in the Latimojong Complex in SW Yuwono et al., 1986, 1988; Elburg et al., 2002,
Sulawesi. They consist of imbricated tectonic 2003). The only mineralization known to be
slices of both continental and oceanic rocks, associated with the Early Tertiary volcanism is
whichhavebeenmetamorphosedtogreenschist Kurokotype VMS near Sangkaropi in CW
amphibolite and blueschist facies (Sukamto, Sulawesi.
1986;Wakitaetal.,1996;Maulanaet al.,2010).
The complexes have been interpreted by A major tectonic event took place in the early
Parkinson et al. (1998) to belong to a MiddleMioceneunderextensionalconditions.It
dismembered midCretaceous accretionary/ wascharacterizedbyblockfaultingthatresulted
subduction zone that extended from central inlocalunconformitiesanddevelopmentofa


Prospect Hostrocks Alteration Mineralization Vertical Resources Age

Name Type Mineralogy extent Mt Cu% Au
(cm) g/t
Bulagidun hydrothermal collapse (upper)muscchlorthqtzillkaol; sulphide cpypymgt;Auwith 500 37 0.61 0.6 9.4(HR)
bx associated with (inner)btqtzmgt cement cpy and in native 8.15(A;bt)
diorite &qtz diorite (outer)chlepi. fillingbx form
Dunu diorite porphyry & (inner)btqtzalb stk&bxfilling cpypo(pymo); Au 12.5(A;bt)
tourmalinebx (outer)chlactepi withCp
Tapadaa qtz diorite; andesite (early)qtzchlbtanhalbmgt stk&dissem pycpybo; chalc 100 43 0.54 0.08 5 &2.5 (A;
volcanics (late)ser+qtzdiaspandpyroph. blanket up to 40m bt)
CabangKiri qtz diorite stock; 1. (top)kaoldiaspal stk&dissem cpypybomgt, 400 105 0.42 0.43 5.25 (HR;
(andesitevolcanics) 2. clayserchlmgt chalccovpy hbl)
3. chlmgt 2.93(A;bt)
4. (bottom)qtzseralbchlmgt
Kayubulan pipelike breccia qtzmgtbt overprinted by serill Stk&dissem cpypybo 150 32 0.60 0.33 2.36(A;bt)
Ridge complex chl 92
SungaiMak diorite porphyry, sill qtzmgtbt overprinted by serill Stk&dissem chalcblanket,upto 200 82 0.74 0.29
like chlvuggysialkaol 176m;+pycp 159 0.69 0.27


major strikeslip fault in SW Sulawesi (Walanae However,thereisincreasingevidencetosuggest
FaultZone),alongwhichanoceanicfragmentwas that the CWNW SulawesiNorth ArmGorontalo
emplaced (van Leeuwen et al., 2010). Another Bay region has been in extension since the Early
oceanic fragment exposed further north, the Pliocene,whichmayhavebeendrivenbyrollback
LamasiOphioliteComplex,mayhaveaccretedto of the subduction hinge at the North Sulawesi
theWesternSulawesicontinentalmarginaround Trench (Cottam et al., 2011). However, the
thesametime. extremelyrapidratesandlargeamountsofuplift
and subsidence in the region (ca 3km and >2km
Thetectoniceventheraldedtheonsetofaperiod respectively) suggest that significant flow of
of widespread shoshonitic to ultrapotassic lower crust, from beneath basins towards
magmatismthatlastedtotheEarlyPliocene,and topographically elevated areas, may also have
locally continued into the Quaternary beenacontributingfactor(Hall,2011).
(Lompobatang Volcano). Over 5000m thick
deposits of volcanic, comagmatic intrusive, 3.3 EasternSulawesiProvince
volcaniclastics and intercalated sedimentary
rocks cover large parts of SW and CW Sulawesi TheeasternSulawesiProvincecomprisestheEast
(e.g. Sukamto, 1982; Bergman et al., 1996). In and Southeast Arms, the eastern part of central
NWSulawesi,theirdistributionismorerestricted Sulawesi,andtheislandofButon.Theterrainis
(Elburg et al., 2003). The potassicultrapotassic inmanyplacesveryrugged.This,combinedwith
suiteshavebeenreferredtoasHKseriesbyPolv thehighlytectonizednatureoftheregion,means
et al. (1997).In CW and NW Sulawesi, the HK thatitsgeologyisstillpoorlyunderstood.
magmatic event that started around the As discussed by Hamilton (1979), the province
beginning of the Late Miocene and produced consists of several quasicentric arcuate belts,
large volumes of granitoids and subordinate which are composed of, from west to east: 1)
amounts of tuffs that were exclusively felsic in shearedmetamorphicrocks,2)highly tectonized
nature and of highK calcalkaline composition, mlange of ophiolitic, metamorphic, and
the CAKseries of Polv et al. (1997). This event MesozoicPaleogene rocks; the latter also
lasted until the Pleistocene, making the granites occuring as more coherent masses; and 3)
oneoftheyoungestintheworld. predominantlyophioliticrocks.Afourthzoneof
imbricated Mesozoic and Paleogene rocks that
Most of the mineral deposits and occurrences fringes the southeast margin of the East Arm
foundinWesternSulawesiarerelatedtotheHK belongs to the BanggaiSula Province and marks
andCAKmagmatism.TheyincludeporphyryMo, the collision zone between the BanggaiSula
porphyryCuAu,intrusionrelatedbasemetalAu, continentalfragmentandtheophioliteterraneof
and probably also the Awak Mas and Poboya theEastArm.Therocksthatconstitutethefour
golddeposits,andothersfoundinthesamebelt, zonesareunconformablyoverlainbysyntopost
which in this paper we refer to as intrusion orogenic sedimentary deposits (Celebes
relatedAudeposits. Molasse).

Synorogenicsedimentary deposits of Plio Metamorphic rocks form a 460km long, 80km
Pleistocene age, collectively known as Celebes wide zone, including the Pompangeo
Molasse (Sarasin and Sarasin, 1901) occur Metamorphic Complex in central Eastern
widespread throughout Western Sulawesi. They Sulawesi (Parkinson, 1991; 1998), and the
reflect a major tectonic event, involving rapid MehonggaandTeimosiMetamorphicComplexes
uplift, folding and thrusting (? gravity sliding) in in the SE Arm (Rusmana and Sukarna, 1985).
CWandNWSulawesi.Thiseventhaspreviously Severalsmallermassesoccuratthesouthendof
beenattributedtocollisionbetweentheBanggai the SE Arm and on Kabaena Island. In central
Sula microcontinent and the East Arm (e.g. Sulawesi,themetamrphicbeltisboundedonthe
Bergman et al., 1996; Hall and Wilson, 2000). west by a profound tectonic dislocation, the
Median Line (Brouwer, 1947), against Western pointofviewthisisthemostimportantrockunit
Sulawesi,andtotheeastitgradesintoatectonic in Eastern Sulawesi, as it has given rise to
mlange. In the SE Arm, the southwestern extensiveNilateritedepositsandchromitebeach
boundaryofthemetamorphiczoneismarkedby sandsdeposits.
a narrow strip of ophiolite, whereas a major
strikeslip fault (Lawanopo Fault) forms the A complete, but highly imbricated ophiolite
northeastern boundary, separating the sequence has only been observed in the East
metamorphiczonefromtheophiolitezone. Arm, whereas elsewhere only the lower,
ultramafic portion of the sequence is present.
The metamorphic rocks include both blueschist Theageoftheophioliteispoorlyconstrained.A
and greenschistamphibolite facies (e.g. widerangeofK/Arageshavebeenobtainedfrom
Parkinson, 1998; Helmers et al., 1989; 1990). In ESO rocks, varying from Cretaceous to Miocene
central Eastern Sulawesi an increase in the (Mubroto et al., 1994; Monnier et al., 1994;
degreeofmetamorphiccrystallizationisapparent Simandjuntak, 1986), which are difficult to
fromeasttowest(Brouwer,1947).Thistogether interpret.IthasbeensuggestedthatCretaceous
withthestyleofdeformationofthePompangeo deepmarinepelagicsedimentaryrockswhichare
Schists is consistent with successive spatiallyassociatedinseveralplaceswiththeESO
underthrustingofslicesofdowngoingmaterialin may represent the uppermost part of the
a westdipping subduction, which based on sequence(e.g.Kndig,1956).Variousoriginsand
limited K/Ar dating of the schists probably took timing of emplacement have been proposed for
place during the midCretaceous (Parkinson, the ESO. It is likely, however, that the ESO is a
1991; 1998). Parkinson (1998) suggests that the compositeterranewithmorethanoneoriginand
protolithsofthemetamorphicsconsistsinpartof ofdifferentages(HallandWilson,2000).
Jurassic sedimentary rocks, similar to the ones
exposed in small terranes to the east. Until the MesozoicPaleogene sedimentary rocks are
recent discovery of gold in metamorphic rocks mostlyinterthrustorininterminablefaultcontact
near Bombana in the SE Arm the metamorphic with the metamorphic basement and ophiolite
complexeswereconsideredtohavelittlemineral sequencesthroughoutEasternSulawesi.Broadly
potential. speaking,theyconsistoffluvialtoshallowmarine
siliciclastics and subordinate carbonates of late
The contact zone between the metamorphic TriassicJurassic age that were formed along the
rocks and the ophiolite is marked by a tectonic Australian continental margin, and Cretaceous
mlange in central Eastern Sulawesi, which is Oligocene deep marine, pelagic sedimentary
composed of a highly complex mosaic of rocks,whichwerelaiddownonfragmentsrifted
tectonized and metamorphosed ophiolite from the margin and transported westwards to
fragments, schist fragments and variably theSulawesiregion(e.g.PigramandPanggabean,
disruptedMesozoicsedimentaryrocks.K/Arages 1984;Villeneuveetal.,2001;Surono,2008).
of 2832 Ma suggest that the mlange was
formed during the middle to late Oligocene, Synto postorogenic deposits are widely
possibly as the result of eastward subduction distributed throughout Eastern Sulawesi. They
beneath the ophiolite terrane, that was can be divided into clastic and carbonate
subsequently thrusted westward over the sequences with coarsegrained clastic sediments
metamorphicbasement(Parkinson,1996). dominating (Surono, 2008). Deposition started
earlier in the southern part of the province
Largeophiolitemassesaredistributedovermost (around the Early Miocene) than further north
of the East Arm and the northwest part of the (MiddleLateMiocene).
Southeast Arm, and on the adjacent islands of
and are known as the East Sulawesi Ophiolite or
ESO (Simandjuntak, 1986). From an economic
4.0 Mineraldeposits intrusionsgradingawayfromtheintrusionsource
as; quartzsulphideAu+/Cu, carbonatebase
Inthischapterwepresentareviewofthevarious metalAu and epithemal AuAg. The second
mineralization styles that are known to occur in group,termedadulariasericiteepithermalAuAg,
the Northern, Western and Eastern Sulawesi dominates in rift settings. Corbett (2007)
Provinces.Examplesofeachtypearedescribedin subsequently renamed the latter group banded
some detail as either individual deposits or chalcedonyginguro epithermal veins. Where
mineral districts, for which a brief summary of appropriatewerefertothisclassificationscheme
their exploration history is also given. We have inthetext.
in Figure 5 together with their map symbols for 2)IntrusionrelatedbasemetalAu. Thiscategory
Figures 6, 25 and 35. In this paper we have includes vein deposits which usually contain
adopted the most widely used nomenclature. significant amounts of base metal sulphides and
The reader will be familiar with most of the show,orareinferredtohave,acloseassociation
terms,butafewneedfurtherexplanation. with (porphyry) intrusions. It overlaps with the
1) High, intermediate and lowsulphidation Leach(1998).
mineral deposits has been subjected to over a 3)Intrusionrelated Au. This category has been
dozenclassificationschemessincethelate1970s, assigned to a few deposits in Western Sulawesi,
which in part reflects the wide range of includingAwakMas,MangkalukuandPoboya.As
characteristic features displayed by orebodies discussed below, the origin and classification of
belonging to this group (Simmons et al., 2005). thesedepositsisproblematic.Wedescribethem
The currently most widely used terminology of in 4.2.4 under the (more neutral) heading Gold
high, intermediate and lowsulphidation, terms inmetamorphicterrains
introduced by Hedenquist (1987), Hedenquist et
al(2000)andEinaudietal(2003),isbasedupon Asformanymineraldepositsandoccurrencesin
the sulphidation state (or sulphur fugacity) of Sulawesi there is no detailed information
sulphurbearing minerals that occur in the available,assigningthemtoaparticularcategory
epithermal mineral assemblage. Intermediate can be quite subjective. In a few cases where
sulphidation is a relatively new term, which was therewastoolittletogoby,oranoccurrencedid
previously included in the lowsulphidation notseemtofitanyofthecategories,weassigned
category. Sillitoe and Hedenquist (2003) themtothenotclassifiedcategory.
emphasize the linkage between sulphidation
types and volcanotectonic settings; most high For each of the three provinces we have
sulphidation deposits are generated in calc prepared a map showing mineral localities and
alkalineandesiticdaciticarcsunderneutralstress the names of deposits/prospects or mineral
state or mild extension conditions, and districts mentioned in the text. The maps were
commonly show a close connection with compiled from the Indonesian Mineral Deposit
porphyry Cu deposits; intermediatesulphidation DataBase(vanLeeuwenandPieters(2011).
deposits occur in a broadly similar environment
but lack such close relationship; and most low
sulphidation deposits are associated with 4.1 NorthernSulawesiProvince
settings. Northern Sulawesi is relatively well endowed
with mineral deposits and prospects (Figure 6).
Corbett and Leach (1998) divided the low Asdiscussedearlieritisaregionofbothpastand
intermediate sulphidation deposits into two presentgoldminingactivity.Anumberofmineral
broad groups. The first group dominates in styles have been recognized todate. These are
magmatic arcs and displays an association with porphyryCuAuMo,high,intermediateand


Figure 6. Northern Sulawesi. Distribution of mineralization types, and location of prospects and

lowsulphidation epithermal AuAg, sediment (e.g. Taware) the Pliocene systems are better
hosted Au, brecciahosted base metalAu mineralized. They are centred on multiphase
mineralization, intrusionrelated base metalAu cylindricalstocksanddykesshowingfractionation
veins, FeAu skarns, and CuPbZn volcanogenic to more felsic endmembers (quartz diorite to
massive sulphides (VMS). The VMS dacite porphyry) that are associated with co
mineralizationistheonlystyleassociatedwiththe magmatic volcanics of dacite composition.
Paleogene volcanic activity. All the others were Diatreme breccias are commonly present.
formed during the Miocene and particularly Alteration zonation consists of a central quartz
Pliocenemagmaticepochs.Tables3and4show albitemagnetitebiotitechlorite core, an outer
selected features of the more significant chloriteactinolitemagnetite zone, and an upper
Northern Sulawesis porphyry copper and sericitekaolinitealunitediaspore zone. Quartz
preciousmetalsystemsrespectively. sulphide stockworks are well developed. Higher
gold grades show a strong association with
4.1.1 PorphyryCuAuMomineralization bornite,magnetiteandchalcopyriteinthecentral
zone that grade outwards to a pyrite zone with
More than 40 porphyrystyle deposits and supergenechalcocite.Au:Curatiosarerelatively
occurrences have been identified, which high.
into two groups, Late Miocene and Pliocene. Bahumbung
Their main features have been described by
PearsonandCaira(1990). Bahumbung is the only Miocene porphyry Cu
prospect that has been described in some detail
The Late Miocene group (e.g. Bahumbang, and (Lubis et al., 2011). It consists of several
Dunu) are hosted by irregular dykelike bodies of mineralizedcentresupto500x400mindiameter.
dioritetoquartzdioritecompositionintrudedinto The area was identified during Newcrests
comagmatic basaltic andesite andesite regionalexplorationprogrammeinthelate1990s
volcanics. A central quartzbiotitemagnetite asaCuAuanomaly.Itwasinvestigatedinmore
zone grades outwards to chloriteepidotecalcite detail by Ivanhoe Mines Ltd in the late 2000s,
alteration, and upwards to quartzsericite includinggroundmagneticsanddrillingof3deep
carbonateclay assemblages. Albite is present in holes(1,544m)and13shallowholes(561m).
some prospects. Advanced argillic lithocaps are
absent. In some deposits sheeted quartz veins The prospect area is underlain largely by
are well developed (e.g. Petulu) but most are andesitic lava, tuff and volcanic breccias
characterized by quartz stockworks. The belonging to the Bilungala Volcanics. These are
porphyry systems are poorly mineralized, accompanied by minor dacitic volcanics and
showing the following zonation: central intruded by multiple intrusives ranging in
chalcopyrite+molybdenite pyrite+chalcopyrite compositionfromdioritetoaplite.Threediorite
pyrite leadzinc. Gold is associated with units have been recognized, referred to as Old,
chalcopyrite. Molybdenite commonly occurs in IntermediateandYoungDiorite.
whereCuAumineralizationishostedbyaseries TheOldDiorite(onlydetectedintwodrillholes)
ofhydrothermalbrecciasdevelopedperipheralto ischaracterizedbystrongalteration(potassicand
a biotite altered, but unmineralized diorite pale green mica), moderate to high density
complex. quartz stockwork, and moderate copper grades
(0.3%0.4%). The Intermediate Diorite has a
The Pliocene systems show both similarities and lowerdensityofquartzstockwork(upto3%)and
differenceswiththeMiocenesystems.Examples lower copper grades (0.10.3%), and is
include the Tapadaa district ( and moderately altered (PMG). The Young Diorite
Tombulilato district ( and Taware on occurs as latemineral dykes with low sulphide
Sangihe Island ( With a few exceptions andCucontents,<1%and<0.1%respectively.
Potassicalterationhasaffectedmoststronglythe followup of stream sediment and panned
Old Diorite and andesitic wall rocks. Very fine concentrate geochemical anomalies. Systematic
grained secondary biotite and magnetite exploration until 1991, including ~8000m of
completely replace mafic minerals, and are drillingoutlinedageologicalresourceof14.4Mt
intergrown with actinolite in veinlets. The @ 0.68 g/t Au and 0.61% Cu in three separate
alteration is associated with quartz stockwork breccia bodies. Further investigations were
zones, varying in intensity from 3 to 10%, and carried out by Newcrest and Cyprus in 199697
<2% sulphides consisting of chalcopyrite, lesser involving detailed surface work and drilling
pyrite and minor bornite.The sulphides fill (Bulagidun,2793m;Matinan9,760m;Matinan6,
fractures and occur as disseminations in quartz 1484m). The results of the two campaigns are
veinletsandalteredhostrocks.BetterCugrades discussed by Lubis et al. (1994), PT Newcrest
(>0.4%)havebeenobtainedfromstronglyaltered Nusa Sulawesi (1999) and Pearson and Caira
andesitic wall rocks adjacent to the Old Diorite. (1999).
presence of shreddy chlorite and green sericite, ThegeologycomprisesadeeplyerodedMiocene
which replace earlier secondary biotite and volcanic centre within a sequence of
primary feldspar. In rocks that are not too volcaniclastics and immature sediments covered
weathered chalcopyrite and pyrite can be by andesite lava, which in turn is overlain by
observed. andesite pyroclastics and volcanogenic
conglomerates. Two samples of unaltered
Sericitechloritemagnetite alteration is andesitelavayieldedKArwholerockagesof9.4
associated with the Young Diorite. Mafics are Ma. The sequence is intruded by a sequential
replacedbychloriteandmagnetiteaccompanied fractionation intrusive suite consisting of seven
by various amounts of pyrite. Primary feldspars partially superimposed plutons that range in
are partially or totally altered to sericite. This composition from pyroxenebiotite diorite to
alteration assemblage is prominent in ore zones quartzbiotite feldspar porphyry and aplite.
of a number of major Philippine porphyry CuAg Limited whole rock analyses presented by Lubis
deposits (Sillitoe and Gappe, 1984), but at etal.(1994)suggestthattheigneousrocksinthe
Bahumbung contains only very little BulagidunareabelongtothemediumandhighK
chalcopyrite.Molybdenite appears to be mostly calcalkalineseries.
associated with sericitechloriteclay alteration
overprintingpotassicalteration. A regional scale NNWtrending arc normal
structurepassesthroughthewesternpartofthe Bulagidundistrict(Figure7) system. A set of NEtrending faults bracket this
system linking it across to another arc normal
This district is located 170km WNW from structure, 20km to the east. Intrusive bodies
Gorontaloand10kminlandfromthenorthcoast. forming aligned circular features, 2 to 4km in
It is the largest known Miocene system in diameter, are centred on the Bulagidun and
Northern Sulawesi, covering an area of 50km2, Matinan prospect areas, suggesting a collapsed
and encompassing five separate prospects of magma chamber at depth. Mineralization is
porphyry, vein and skarn styles, of which the strongly controlled by EW structures and
largest known is the Bulagidun prospect. The intersections with crosscutting NS structures.
districtisoutlinedbya790ppmCu80#stream This pattern is consistent with dextral
sediment anomaly, while Au anomalism is transpressuring of the arc normal structures.
centred on Bulagidun, and Pb and Zn anomalies Twelve breccia pipes have been mapped in the
are related to peripheral vein systems. It is system.
covered by dense tropical rain forest with steep
relief(500to1700m). The Bulagidun/Matinan alteration system

Figure 7. Simplified geological map of Bulagidun district and prospect locations (modified after PT

Figure 8. Simplified geological map of Tapadaa district and prospect locations (modified after PT




width of 3km. It is concentrically zoned with a temperatures (180oC to 700oC) and salinities,
biotite core (2000mx300m) surrounded by an suggesting multiple separate stages of
albitemagnetite zone that grades outwards into hydrothermal fluid and mixing between saline
an albitesericitepyrite assemblage. Another magmaticanddilutemeteoricfluids.
shell of epidotechloritecalcite surrounds these
assemblages. Sericiteclay Quartz veins, partly sheeted, occur adjacent (up
chloritequartzcarbonate alteration, both to 500m lateral distance) to the mineralized
pervasiveandstructurallycontrolled,crosscutall breccias. They are up to 2m thick and contain
theearlyassemblages.WholerockKArdatingof minorsphaleriteandgalena.Inexcessof10g/t
thisassemblageyieldedanageof8.75Ma.Late Au was recorded in surface samples, but in drill
stage claypyrite alteration occurs as narrow holesonly0.52g/tAuwasobtained.Insome
zones along faults and fractures. Disseminated placesmeterwidezonesofabundanttourmaline
blebs and fracture fillings of radiating black occurincloseproximity.
tourmaline are found in biotite magnetite and
sericiteclaychlorite altered rocks. It typically A large tabular body of magnetiteepidote
constitutes 12% of the rocks, but locally may garnetpyrrhotite skarn (Matinan6) is found
attainvaluesof1020%. within the propylitic zone, 2km to the NNW of
Styles of hypogene CuAu mineralization include patchygoldmineralizationinnativeform.
a porphyryrelated collapsedrawing down
brecciainfillinatleast7brecciapipes(Bulagidun) Tapadaadistrict(Figure8)
and disseminated mineralization controlled by
microlitic cavities in the causative intrusions, Discoveredin1971byEndeavourResources,the
representing orthomagmatic mineralization district was investigated in some detail by
(Matinan9).Drillingofthemainbrecciapipehas Kennecott between 1972 and 1974, including
demonstratedthatthemineralizationextendsto 1,222m of diamond drilling. Four small systems
greater than 500m depth. The dominant were outlined (Tapadaa South, Central and
sulphides are chalcopyrite and pyrite (largely in North, and Mogi Wapo), each containing
veinlets and breccia matrix). Molybdenite is between 2 and 15 Mt @ 0.20.4% Cu in primary
locally abundant, whereas bornite, galena and ore and a total of 20 Mt @ 0.61.0% Cu in
sphalerite are rare. Gold is associated with supergeneenrichedore(vanLeeuwen,1994).In
chalcopyrite and pyrite in solid solution or as 1994,NewcrestobtainedalargeCOWareawhich
minuteintergrowths. included the Tapadaa district. It undertook
Breccias are fragment supported with angular tothediscoveryofafifthsystem,TapadaaWest.
fragments ranging in size from cm to 10s of m The best result obtained was 252m of chip
withlittleornorockflourmatrixandnoevidence sampling averaging 0.39% Cu and 0.13 g/t at
ofhydrothermalstreamingorfragmentedmilling. TapadaaSouth.
The breccia void spaces are filled with coarse
grained, pegmatitic, hydrothermal minerals, LiteratureontheTapadaadistrictinludespapers
which have a remarkably consistent paragenesis byLowderandDow(1977;1978)andareportby
across the system, from earliest to latest; PTNewcrestNusaSulawesi(1999).
magnetite (replaced by specularite in places),
apatite, biotite (partly replaced by chlorite), ThedistrictgeologyconsistsofMioceneBilungala
molybdenite, quartz, tourmaline, chalcopyrite, Volcanics, which are primarily andesitic to lithic
galena, pyrite, ankerite. A characteristic of the tuffs. They have been intruded by a series of
Bulagidun district is the apparent lack of quartz porphyritic diorite stocks and dykes on the
stockworkdevelopmentassociatedwithzonesof western margin of the Miocene Bone batholith.
CuAu mineralization. Preliminary fluid inclusion These have been subdivided into premineral
studies show a wide range of homogenenization weakly porphyritic diorites, synmineral quartz
diorite plugs and quartzdacite porphyry dykes, underlying of strongly leached pyritic zones in
and postmineral andesite porphyry dykes. advancedargillicrock.
Pleistocene Pinogu dacite tuffs (some with
mineralized clasts) unconformably overlie much Tombulilatodistrict(Figure9)
TapadaaNorthandCentral. The Tombulilato district has been an exploration
TheTapadaaprospectsliewithina>90mppmCu 1971byEndeavourResources,Kennecottcarried
elliptical halo defined by stream sediment out exploration between 1972 and 1975 which
sampling. Internal to this is a >4 ppm Mo halo, ledtothediscoveryofCabangKiriwhere1,070m
that only includes Mogi Wapo. Plots of Cu and ofdrillingoutlinedaresourceof24Mt@0.7%Cu
Au in rock show small Au bull eyes (>0.1 ppm) and 0.75 g/t Au, Kayubulan Ridge with an
within larger Cu (>500 ppm) zones. At Tapadaa estimated resource potential of 200 Mt @ 0.5%
West the largest Au anomaly measures Cu and 0.35 g/t Au based on surface data only,
460mx400m. Porphyry mineralization appears and Cabang Kanan. Following Kennecotts
almost continuous from Tapadaa South through withdrawalin1976,Endeavourdrilled6holesat
to Tapadaa North, except where obscured by Kayubulan Ridge, one of which intersected
postmineral Pinogu Volcanics over an area of significant mineralization. Between 1980 and
100300m by 3000m. Mogi Wapo measures 1982 Utah International embarked on a major
about 200mx1000m, and Tapadaa West has the exploration programme involving 5 drilling rigs
smallest exposure (200x400m). Mapping by and2helicopters.Thethreeknowndepositsplus
Newcrest has shown that the Tapadaa West a new discovery, Sungai Mak, were drill tested
mineralization is hosted by the Bilungala (~1600m)outliningacombinedresourcesof296
Volcanics,andnotbydioriteintrusiveasthought Mt @ 0.57% Cu and 0.47 g/t Au. The original
by previous explorers. This introduces the Endeavour COW was terminated in 1986. Two
possibility of a larger concealed intrusivehosted years later BHP entered into a JV with Antam
system. whichobtainedtwosocalledsuperKPsoverthe
district. In 1991, a national park was declared
The porphyry prospects occur in a NWtrending overtheareaandallworkceased.Aftera2year
structurally controlled blocks. Copper exploration permit was obtained from the
mineralization is associated with early alteration MinisterofForestryin1996BHPembarkedona
consisting predominantly of quartzchlorite heliborne magnetic survey, which identified a
biotiteanhydrite, and in areas of better grades numberofanomalies,twoofwhichappeared to
(0.20.4%)alsogreensericiteandalbitetogether beassociatedwithpreviouslyunknownporphyry
withalbitequartzandmagnetitequartzveinlets. stylemineralization,i.e.GunungLintahandWest
TwosecondarybiotitesamplesyieldedKArages Kayubulan Ridge. Because of uncertainties
of5and2.5Ma.Sulphidecontents(chalcopyrite, pertainingtothenationalparkandotherreasons
bornite, pyrite) are typically low. Sulphides and BHPwithdrewinlate1997.Recentlythedistrict
magnetite are present mostly as fracture infill, was excised from the park and exploration title
andalsoasdisseminationsandinquartzveinlets. wasawardedtoBumiResources.
There appears to be a positive correlation
between primary Cu grades and magnetite TheTombulilatodistrict(LowderandDow,1978;
concentrations. Carlile and Kirkegaard, 1985; Carlile et al., 1990;
Perello, 1994; BHP Minerals Sulawesi, 1997) is
The early alterationmineralization assemblages composed of a >3400m thick volcano
areoverprintedbysericite+quartzorclay,quartz sedimentary sequence in which three main
sericitediaspore, and/or andalusitepyrophyllite stratigraphic units are recognized: i) Bilungala
assemblages. Corundum and specularite are Volcanics (Upper Miocene base Pliocene)
associatedwithhighpyritecontents.Supergene divided into a Lower Member (tholeiitic basaltic
blankets, up to 30m thick, are locally developed and spilitic volcanics), Middle Member
(alternating andesitic and felsic volcanics with alteration geometry may be the product of the
minor sedimentary intercalations), and Upper superimposition of several hypogene events
Member (subaerial andesitic fragmental coupled with the effects of latemineralization
volcanics); ii) Motomboto Volcanics (Upper intrusions.RemnantsofbiotitebearingKsilicate
Pliocene), which consists of subaerial felsic to alterationispresent,whichyieldedaKArageof
intermediate volcanic rocks; iii) Pinogu Volcanics 2.93Ma.
(Pleistocene), characterized by poorly
consolidated, subaerial bimodal volcanics.The Mineralization at Cabang Kiri has been tested
sequence is intruded by strongly porphyritic over 400 vertical meters. It is associated with
bodies of andesitic to dacitic composition, and moderate to strong quartz stockwork zones.
equigranular bodies of granodioritic to dioritic Increasing potassium feldspar and magnetite
composition. Field relationships and two whole alteration with numerous hairline magnetite
rocks KAr ages of 2.35 and 2.05 Ma suggests a chalcopyriteborniteveinletstypifymineralization
LatePlioceneagefortheseintrusions.Afoliated atdepth.ThereisasteadyincreaseinAuvalues
granodioriteexposedintheNEpartofthedistrict going downward with a corresponding decrease
isprobablyMiddleMiocene(orolder). in Cu/Au ratios, from >1 at the top to <0.3 at
deeper levels, where gold grades average 2 g/t.
The structure of the Tombulilato district is Drillingstoppedinthebestore.Minorchalcocite
characterized by northerly striking highangle enrichmentoccursathigherlevels.Thegeological
faults, normally a few metres wide and resourceatCabangKiriis103mt@0.42%Cuand
containing tectonic breccias, hightomoderate 0.43 g/t Au. A preliminary feasibility study
angle normal faults showing an easterly trend undertaken in 1982 suggested that the deposit
and of postmineralization origin, and common wouldbeamenabletoblockcavemining.
lowangle thrust faults, typically accommodated
by ductile sedimentary intercalations in the AtSungaiMak,asilllikedioriteporphyrybodyis
Bilungala Volcanics and showing a random intruded in Lower Member Bilungala Volcanics.
orientation.Allintrusivebodiespostdatefolding Hydrothermal alteration is strongly telescoped
andthrusting. with quartzstockworked Ksilicate alteration
(quartzmagnetitebiotite) being overprinted by
Five mineralized system have been identified intermediate argillic assemblages (sericiteillite
todate, i.e. Cabang Kiri, Sungai Mak, Kayubulan chlorite),whichinturnareobliteredbyadvanced
Ridge, Cabang Kanan, and Gunung Lintah which argillic alteration (vuggy silica, alunite, kaolinite,
show both similarities and differences (Figure minor native sulphur). Postmineralization
10). brecciascutthedeposit.

Mineralization at Cabang Kiri East is hosted by a Atleasttwostylesofmineralizationarepresent:
cylindrical multiple diorite porphyry stock i)hypogene,withvariablesupergeneenrichment,
intruded in the Middle Member of the Bilungala associated with the diorite intrusion, and ii)
Volcanics. Synmineralization breccias occur at supergenechalcociteintheupperlevels,forming
the intrusivewall rock contact. Post an irregular blanket up to 176m thick. The
mineralization breccias are also present. The blanket consists of sooty chalcocite with minor
bulk of the mineralization occurs in intrusive covelliteanddigenite,butpyriteisalsocommon,
phases, with some hosted by volcanic wallrocks. and chalcopyrite and bornite are present in
The deposit displays subhorizontal alteration subordinate amounts. Chalcocite is present on
zonation, from top to bottom, claysericite fractures and as disseminated grains, typically
alunitediasporepyrite (30150m thick), coating sulphides. Supergene Cu mineralization
montmorillonitesericitepyrite (4060m), is developed best in intensely veined and
chloriteactinolite (060m), sericitesilica argillized intrusives with kaolinite and alunite as
montmorillonite (030m), and silicaalbite thedominantalterationminerals.Ingeneralthe
sericitechloritemagnetite (>150m). The orebody is mushroomlike shaped with a
geological resource of between 82 Mt @ 0.74% Upper Member Bilungala Volcanics, and
Cu,0.29g/tAuand159Mt@0.69%Cu,0.27g/t controlled by N to NE trending steeply dipping
Au (depending on the search ratio). It is faults. Single veins vary from 5cm to 3m in
amenabletoopenpitmining. thickness.

At Kayubulan Ridge, intrusion and host rock The best studied prospect is Kaidundu with a
composition are similar to those of Sungai Mak. total known length of 350m and an average
Much of the mineralization is associated with a thickness of 2.5 to 3m. Quartz from the main
majorpipelikebrecciacomplexthatsurroundsa lode is both crystalline and chalcedonic,
weakly mineralized intrusion. Mineralization is displayingcombandcockadetextures.Atypical
also similar to Sungai Mak in that the highest feature is open vugs, up to several decimeters
copper grades (>1% Cu) are associated with acrosslinedwithcoarsegrained,terminatedand
strongly developed quartz vein stockwork zones botryoidal quartz. Adularia is conspicuously
at high levels. As at Cabang Kiri, remnants of absent.Sulphides(<5vol%)consistofpyriteand
quartzmagnetitebiotite alteration are also chalcopyrite with subordinate galena, sphalerite,
present. The geological resource was estimated andtetrahedritetennantite.AuAgtelluridesare
to be between 32 Mt @ 0.60% Cu, 0.33 g/t Au alsopresent.Freegoldfillsfracturesinpyriteor
and92Mt@0.60%Cu,0.34g/tAu. forms intergrowths with tellurides. Ag/Au ratios
Intrusions at Cabang Kanan occur as feldspar 127g/t,averagearound33g/t,andsilvervalues,
porphyrydykes.Copperandgoldmineralization upto359g/t,areerratic.Narrowveinenvelopes
is hosted both by the dykes and hornfelsed with wall rock fragments are dominated by illite
stockworkbearing wallrocks. Mineralized alteration. Primary, liquidrich inclusions in vug
intrusions display weak to moderate potassium filling quartz homogenize at temperatures
silicate alteration of the groundmass, numerous between 66 and 286 oC with salinities between
hairline magnetiteKfeldspar veinlets, and 0.50.8 wt % NaCl equiv. Primary vaporrich
chloritized hornblende. Only three holes have inclusions show similar ranges (172324oC) and
been drilled with the best intercept being 138m average0.2wt%NaClequiv.
@0.5%Cuand0.35g/tAu. Tawaredistrict
Gunung Lintah, a relatively new discovery, is a
north eastern extension of Cabang Kanan. It is TheTawaredistrictislocatedatthesouthernend
characterized by a high magnetic anomaly wich ofSangiheisland.Itsgeologyandmineralization
lies at the intersection of NW and NE trending have been briefly described by Carlile et al.
lineament. Detailed mapping and grid soil (1990)andBautistaetal.(1998).
sampling has identified a 400x400m zone of
quartzsericiteclaychlorite alteration coinciding Mineralization was first discovered in pan
with copper and gold soil anomalies. Drilling concentrates in the Taware drainage in 1986.
intersected zones of sericitic alteration with The discovery was soon followed by a local gold
quartzstockworksandcoppermineralization. rush involving mining of both rich alluvials and
quartz veins. Drilling was undertaken during
A number of goldbearing quartzveins are 19871988 and 19941997 by Muswellbrook
present in the southern part of the Tombulilato EnergyandMineralsandBrexrespectively.
district, including at Kaidundu, Mamungaa,
Mootadaa,andBilogantunga.Thesearebelieved The area is underlain by andesitic volcanics,
to represent distal manifestations of the including lapilli tuffs and lavas with minor
porphyry CuAu cluster located further to the interbedded sediments, which are intruded by a
north,andareclassifiedasintrusionrelatedbase porphyritic microdiorite stock. The sequence is
metalAuveins(see4.1.6).Theveinsarehosted ofprobableMioceneage.NWandNEstructures
inregionallychloritizedvolcanicsbelongingtothe dominate. Intersection of these structures
probablycontrolsthehighlevelemplacementof alteration is absent in the Miocene porphyry
themicrodioriteporphyry. systems, which have similar host rocks and
PorphyrystyleCuAumineralizationiscentredon is that these systems have been eroded to a
themicrodioritestockwithperipheralauriferous deeperlevel(Lubisetal.,2011),eitherduringor
goldveinsoccurringwithinaradiusof2km.A2.5 afterthelatestMiocenetectonicevent.
by 1.5km clay altered zone (claysilica
chloritepyrite) with some local structurally The Pliocene porphyry systems, especially the
controlled phyllic (silicaclaypyrite) zones ones in the Tombulilato district, are better
characterize the surface alteration. It grades mineralizedthantheMiocenesystems.Carlileand
downwards to biotitemagnetite alteration. Cu Mitchell (1994) note that at Tombulilatodioritic
Au mineralization is hosted in diorite porphyry stocks intrude older basaltic and andesitic
and andesitic volcanics, occurring as pyrite and volcanicrocksofMioceneagetolevelsjustbelow
chalcopyrite disseminations and stringer zones, or just above an unconformity with overlying
quartzchalcopyritepyrite veinlets, and quartz Pliocenedaciticvolcanicsthatarecoevalwiththe
carbonate veins with pyrite and base metal mineralized stocks. They point out that such a
sulphides. Highest grade zones (0.471.97 ppm relationship suggests that the generation of
Au, 0.14%0.38% Cu) are largely confined to the (better mineralized) porphyry coppergold
intrusive contact. Available evidence suggests systems may be dependent on the ascent of
that the mineralized body is small (ca magma to a high level, at or near the base of
200mx200m). Multiple intrusions are absent, eroding andesiticdacitic volcanoes, as proposed
whichmayexplainthelowCutenor. bySillitoe(1990).

The peripheral mineralization appears to be Lowder and Dow (1978) observe that field
controlled by the NEtrending fracture set. It evidence indicates that the Tapadaa district is
occursinsilicarichphylliczones(Kupa,Sedeand more deeply eroded than the Tombulilato
Mou) and mesoepithermal quartz veins district, which has exposed a shallow plutonic
envelopedbysilicaclayalterationzones(Taware environment where total sulphide contents and
Ridge and Kelapa). The latter are characterized metal grades are relatively low due to strong
by massive to simple banded (dogtooth) fracture control on mineralization, erratic or
texturedquartz,indicatingahightemperatureof patchy nature of the hydrothermal system, and
formation. Gold mineralization is hosted in dilution by younger intrusions. The intrusive
sheeted quartz veins and stockworks associated stocks at Tombulilato are interpreted to form
with minor pyrite, arsenopyrite, galena, cupolas above Tapadaatype intrusions. This
sphalerite and sulphosalts. It appears to be interpretation is supported by the presence of
erraticallydistributedandisoveralloflowtenor. higher temperature minerals at Tapadaa with
However, in the oxidized zone supergene respect to Tombulilato, i.e. albite instead of
enrichment has occurred, resulting in the montmorillonite, and andalusite or corundum
commonpresenceoffreegold. instead of pyrophyllite or diaspore. The high
levelstocksatTombulilatohadachannelingand Comments concentrating effect on hydrothrmal circulation,
which at this higher structural level provided a
ThePlioceneporphyrysystemsarecharacterized greater opportunity to mix with meteoric fluids
by strong development of advanced argillic (LowderandDow,1978).
alteration, which locally may be associated with
ore grade mineralization. Lowder and Dow A marked increase in Au/Cu ratios with depth
(1978)suggestthatthisisrelatedtothepresence observed at Cabang Kiri has also been reported
of albite and montmorillonite instead of potash fromsomeotherporphyrydepositsinIndonesia,
feldspar, to the dioritic nature of the host rocks, e.g. Grasberg (Van Nort et al., 1991) and Batu
andtounusuallyacidorefluids.Advancedargillic Hijau(Meldrumetal.,1994).Moreunusualisthe
common presence of tourmaline at Bulagidun, mineralized bodies and associated alteration are
whichisgenerallylackinginporphyrydepositsin buried by postmineralization Pinogu Volcanics,
the southwestern Pacific region, in marked whichareupto250mthick.
contrast to Cordilleran porphyry Cu deposits in
the western Americas. Bulagidun possibly Mineralization at Motomboto, which has been
formed from magmas which incorporated more dated at 1.89 Ma (KAr; alunite), is associated
subducted boron than is usual in the region or withamultiphasehydrothermalbrecciacomplex,
theboronmayhavebeenextractedbymagmaor withastrikelengthof>4.5kmandawidthlocally
fluidinteractionwith compositionallydistinctive exceeding 250m. A central zone of vuggy silica
islandarccrust(Silltoe,1994).Tourmalineisalso with an average width of 150m is surrounded
present at Masabo in Western Sulawesi and progressively by zones of quartzalunite (0
Mamut in Sabah (see In all three cases 120m), quartzkaolinite, and chloriteepidote
associated intrusive rocks are relatively potassic calcite. Several stages of brecciation and
rich,whichmaysuggestapossibleconnection. silicification have affected the central zone.
Pyrite, enargite and luzonite are locally major
4.1.2 HighSulphidation Epithermal AuAg components (up to 15%), occurring a
Mineralization disseminationsorasvugfillings.Nativesulphuris
clusters are present in the Northern Sulawesi Oregrade CuAuAg mineralization is restricted
Province, three in the North Arm (Motomboto, tothesilicifiedcores,whereasthequartzalunite
Lanut and Bakan ) and the fourth on Sangihe and quartzkaolinite assemblages are
Island(BinabaseBawone). characterized by lower gold values, typically <1
ppm. Two main styles of mineralization have Motomboto(Figure11) been recognized: i) multiphase, sulphide
cemented breccias with significant Cu, Au, Ag,
Mineralization in this area, which forms part of and locally Zn, values; and ii) vuggy silica zones
the Tombulilato district (Figure 9) is represented with AuAgCu. The former style dominates at
by a highsulphidation Lepanto style CuAu Tulabolo.Thebrecciasconstitutelinearfeatures,
system, located 1.5km west of Sungai Mak, 200mto700mlong.Typically,theycontainclasts
consisting of three deposits (Motomboto East of residual silica, finegrained pyriteenargite
and West, and Tulabolo). It was initially intergrowths and earlierformed hydrothermal
identifiedby Kennecottin1977duringfollowup breccias. These are cemented by several phases
stream sediment sampling in the Tombulilato of pyrite (earliest phase), galena, sphalerite,
district, which led to an outcrop of silicapyrite enargite,luzonite,andmarcasite.Covelliteisan
rock anomalous in Cu and Au was. Enargitetype important constituent. The second style of gold
mineralizationwasrecognizedbyUtahgeologists mineralization occurs in irregular ledges of
in1980andfollowedupbyBHPstartingin1984. residualsilicaandpervasivelysilicifiedrocks,and
Between then and 1996, 8378m of drilling was is characterized by enargite, covellite, scorodite,
done with the best intersection obtained from and limonite assemblages. The latter two
the last hole (51m @ 1.6% Cu, 11.2 g/t Au, 75.6 minerals developed by supergene oxidation of
g/tAg),whichintersectedablindorezoneunder coppersulfosaltsandpyriterespectively.
250m of postmineralization cover at the
Tulaboloprospect(BHPMineralsSulawesi,1997). Lanutdistrict(I)

The Motomboto CuAuAg system has been TheLanutdistrictcomprisesalargehydrothermal
described by Perello (1994). It is located at the system, measuring 7x9km, which straddles a
contact between an Upper Pliocene hornblende major NWstriking arctransverse strikeslip fault
daciteporphyry,probablyanendogenousdome, zone, 30km long and 4km wide, which has been
and strongly altered volcanics. Parts of the referred to as the Kotamobagu Shear Zone
(Surmontetal.,1994)orInobontoFault(Flindell, and cover a significant portion of the Lanut
2003). The district contains several styles of district. They were erupted from the nearby
mineralization (Figure 12) : 1) highsulphidation dormant Ambang volcano and postdate
epithermal Au, including the Riska and Effendi mineralization(Flindell,2003).
deposits (discussed below), 2) intermediate
sulphidation epithermal Au, including Tobongan TheRiskadeposit(Figure13)hasbeendescribed
and Lanut (, 3) porphyry Cu; and 4) an byNugrohoetal.(2005).ItishostedbytheLanut
activemetalrichhotspringsystem. Sequence and consists of a mineralized body,
450m long 350m wide, that comprises mostly
Tobongan and Lanut were mined by the Dutch silicaalunite assemblages. It has an EN WSW
during the early part of the 20th century. The trend reflecting the initial structure that
latter deposit became a significant local mining controlled early and more widespread advanced
areaintheearly1980s.Itwasinvestigatedbya argillic alteration. The body is crosscut by
PlacerDomeBHPAntamjointventurefrom1986 several narrow, 28m wide, 100250m long,
to1990,including4560mofdiamonddrilling.In verticallydipping,NNEtoNStrendingstructurally
1990, following the joint ventures withdrawal controlled hydrothermal breccias that served as
fromthearea,Newmontinitiatedasurveyovera pathways for magmatic volatiles and the
largeCOWblockthatincludedtheLanutdistrict. subsequent main phase of alteration and gold
A number of anomalous areas were identified. deposition.Riska is similar to most high
Detailed investigations were undertaken sulphidation deposits in that a core of vuggy,
between 1998 and 2000, focusingon the Riska massive silica and silicasulphide assemblages,
and Effendi prospects, which involved 6332m of occurring along feeder structures, is enveloped
diamonddrilling.Atotal resourceof14.2Mt@ by silicaalunitesulphidedicketepyrophyllite
1.5g/tAuand4.5g/tAgwasoutlined,wellbelow diaspore alteration that funnels out near the
the companys minimum target, and surface and forms a broad alteration halo. The
consequently the property was divested to silicaalunite is in turn surrounded by kaolinite
Avocet. In the meantime Oropo (previously illitetoillitesmectiteassemblages.
Flinders Gold NL) investigated Lanut under an
agreementwithacooperativeoflocalminers.It The following sequence of events has been
withdrew in 2003 and Lanut became part of recognized: i) early zoned vuggy silica, silica
Avocets holdings. This company focused its alunite and intermediate argillic alteration along
activities initially on Riska, which was brought ENE structures with fine grained pyrite and
into production in 2004, based on a resource of enargiteluzonite plus gold deposited along
about 600,000 oz. The same year a resource of feeder structures and favourable lithologies; Au
110,000ozwasoutlinedatEffendi. grades range from 0.5 to 2 g/t Au in the feeder
zones, and 0.1 to 0.5 g/t Au in the silicaalunite
TheKotamobaguShearZonecutsthroughaLate shell; ii) main event consisting of
Miocene sequence of shallow marine platform hydrobrecciation and fracturing of the silica
limestone and calcareous, volcaniclastic alunite cap accompanied by alunite and gold
mudstone, siltstone and sandstone. This is deposition along NNE to NS structures; sub
overlain by a Pliocene sequence of subaerial microscopicgoldwasdepositedinporespacesof
pyroclasticrocksthatincludesandesitictodacitic tuffs, structural controlled breccias, and in
crystallithic tuff, tuff breccia and isolated broader alunite >> silica altered wall rock with
fluviallyreworked volcanic sandstone and gradesof>10g/tAuinthebreccias,1.0to5.0g/t
siltstone.Thisisthedominantunitintheproject Au in the peripheral hydrofractured zones, and
area and is informally known as the Lanut 1.0to3.0g/tAuintheouter,aluniterichshells;
Sequence. A series of diorite and dacite plugs and iii) intensive but structurally constrained
punctuatetheLateMiocenePliocenesequences. supergeneoxidationandweathering.
PleistoceneRecent dacite ashcrystal tuffs

Figure 11. Motomboto. (A) Simplified geology map; (B) Map showing
alteration zonation; (C) Cross section of simplified geology and alteration



Figure 12. Simplified geological map of Lanut district showing location of different styles of


Petrographic studies indicate a very high The companys programme consisted of two
temperature gradient between the lower and phases, target generation and resource
upper sections of Riska during the main events, definition. By 2007 a small high grade Au
possibly due to the capping effect of the silica resourcewasoutlinedattheOselaprospectand
alunite zone in the upper part of the deposit. a larger resource, but with lower grade, at the
Isotopic characteristics of alunite material Durianprospect,totaling16.87Mt@0.96g/tAu.
indicateastrongmagmaticinput.AKAralunite AcomprehensivediscussionofBakansdiscovery
age of 2.09 0.08 Ma indicates that the main and exploration history is presented by Harjana
eventtookplaceduringtheLatePliocene. andSweeney(2011).Theirreportformsthebasis
High gold values in pitch limonite veins in the andmineralization.
oxide zone, the presence of native sulphur at
depth, and a broad increase in Au grades at the The geology consists of a thick sequence of
oxidesulphide zone interface suggest supergene Middle to Upper Miocene marine to submarine
leaching and reprecipitation of gold during the sedimentary rocks that is overlain and/or
laterevent. interfingers with andesitic lava flows. These
Inconclusion,Riskafollowsasimilarevolutionary Unconformablyoverlyingthe Miocenebasement
pathway to most high sulphidation deposits, but is the informally named Bakan Sequence that
possess a unique feature in that the main consists of a series of PlioPleistocene subaerial
mineralization event is characterized by alunite daciticpyroclasticrocksandcoevaldaciticstocks
dominant alteration deposited along structures or domes. During the waning stage of the felsic
thatareofadifferentorientationthanthosethat volcanism, diatreme and hydrothermal breccias
controlledtheearlyalterationphase. were emplaced and the dacitic rocks were
reworked. Renewed volcanism during the Bakandistrict(Figure14) PleistocenetoearlyRecenttimesresultedinthe
formation of tuffaceous laharic breccias and
TheBakandistrictwasinitiallyidentifiedduringa debris slide breccias. Continued uplift of the
regional survey carried out by a Placer Dome districtinrecenttimesledtothedevelopmentof
BHPAntam team in the late 1980s as a broad raised alluvial gravels, outwash fans and
zone of scattered AuAgPbZn(Cu) stream extensivesloperubble.
sediment anomalies associated with vuggy silica
alteration.ThesewerefollowedupbyNewmont The structure of the district is dominated by a
in1995,whichledtothediscoveryofseveralsub conjugatesetofNWSEandNNESSWfaultswith
cropping silica ledges. Detailed investigations subvertical dips. These constituted the main
(mapping, soil and trench sampling, and various channelways for the hydrothermal fluids. High
geophysicalsurveys)resultedintheidentification sulphidation alteration assemblages hosted by
of nine mineralized sites. Between 1996 and structures of different orientation form zones
1998 five of these were drill tested (17 holes that coalesce into a large area at Bakan,
totaling 2008m). Although several significant measuring 2.5x3.5km. Structurally controlled
gold mineralization intervals were intersected vuggy silica cores grade outwards into silica
Newmont decided to shift its activities to the alunite, kaolinitealunite, and illitesmectite
Lanut district as Bakans perceived potential did alterationassemblages.
Disseminated gold and silver mineralization is
Avocet acquired the tenement in 2002 and largely restricted to the silica core zones in the
following the commencement of developing the upper parts of the alteration system, where it is
Riska Mine in North Lanut, began exploration in associated with pyrite, whereas enargite and
the Bakan district targeting a similar style of covellite are found at depths in some of the
mineralization, i.e. oxide highsulphidation gold. prospects. The NNESSW structures, which
control mineralization at Durian and Osela, (1998), Bautista et al. (1998), WilliamsJones
appear to host higher grade, especially where (2008), Wisanggono et al (2011), and Sangihe
intersected by NWSE faults, and at Osela also, GoldCorporation(2011).
northern end, possibly reflecting a dilational Sangihe Island is composed of volcanic rocks
zone.AtOsela,goldappearstohavebeenadded eruptedfromatleastfourvolcaniccentres,which
by a later phase of chalcedonic veining and became progressively younger in a NNW
extremely finegrained quartz deposition typical direction. These centres include the active Awu
ofintermediateandlowsulphidationepithermal volcano in the north of the island, the Tahuna
styles. Gold enrichment has also occurred by caldera immediately to the south of Awu, the
supergene processes, as evidenced by the extinct Tamako volcano in the centre of the
presence of gold in vugs and cavities in island, and the deeply eroded Taware volcanic
association with goethite, limonite and centre in the south. The Binabase and Bawone
supergeneclays. prospectsarelocatedimmediatelytotheeastof
Tamako. Prominent easttrending structures BawoneBinabasedistrict dissect the area between the volcanoes. Other
the southern part of Sangihe Island. The first TheoldestrocksintheBinabaseBawonearcare
recordofmineralexplorationontheislanddates andesitic pyroclastics (Binabase Group), which
back to 1987 when Muswellbrook undertook are the main host to alteration and gold
reconnaissance exploration in the southern part. mineralization. They are intruded by dykes and
ThisresultedinthediscoveryofAu,AgandBa high levelstocks of porphyritic andesite and
bearing rock float on the coast at Binabase. dacite domes. Polymitic breccia intruded the
Results of extensive soil and outcrop sampling older units and consists of similar material. The
and limited geophysical survey were used to youngest lithological units are unconformably
develop drill targets. A 5000m diamond drilling overlying basaltic andesite flows and
programme was completed between 1989 and volcaniclastic rocks derived from the Tamako
1993, which mainly tested targets at Binabase volcano (Tamako Group) and epiclastic and
andBawone,andtoalesserextent,atSalurang. marine sedimentary rocks of the
This work led to the discovery of gold penecontamporaneousPintarengFormation.The
mineralization at Binabase and Bawone. Ashton presence of Stegadon fossils in the Pintareng
Mining Ltd, which had taken over the property formationindicatesaLatePliocene(2Ma)toLate
from Muswellbrook in 1990, relinquished the Pleistocene age. The young unitscontain
areain1994.Limitedtrenchingwasundertaken fragments of hyddrothermally altered volcanic
by an Indonesian company in 2006. The rocks,includingsilicapyritematerial.
following year East Asia Mineral Corporation
commenced drilling at Bawone and Binabase, in NNENE trending structures transect southern
part testing anomalies identified from an IP Sangihe island and control regional alteration
dipoledipole survey. The two deposits are pattern. In the BawoneBinabase area, a NNW
estimatedtocontainatotalinferredresourceof trending structural corridor is defined by
oxidematerialof11.3Mtwithagradeof1.27g/t magnetic lineaments. Its subdued topographic
Au and 20.23 g/t Ag. In addition Bawone expression suggests it may be a grabenlike
containsabout6Mtofsulphidematerialgrading feature. Mineralization is localized where it
1.12g/tAuand0.97g/tAg,andBinabase10Mt intersectsthethroughgoingNEstructures.
Descriptions of the geology and mineralization mineralization have been identified with a
Binabase and Bawone have been provided by combined overall dimension of 900m x 425m.
Swift and Alwan (1990), Corbett and Leach Both o xi d ea n d s u l p h i d e typ es o f gold






mineralizationarepresent.Theoxidezoneisup Early workers, who noted at Binabase the
to 60m thick, with an abrupt transition to common presence of gypsum and barite
sulphide mineralization. Gold grades commonly (implying a major seawater component to the
exceed 1 g/t. Supergene enrichment played an hydrothermal fluids), a strong stratabound
important role in producing economic precious control,andtheveryfinenatureofthesulphides
metal grades. Silver grades increase significantly with colloform and framboidal textures(
toward the base of oxidation. At a deeper level, indicating rapid deposition), tentatively
the mineralization is closely associated with interpreted the mineralization to have been
pervasivesilicapyritebaritealterationzonesand deposited from volcanicrelated seafloor
brecciation. The breccias consist of +10mm hydrothermal exhalations (Swift and Alwan,
quartzbariterich clasts, pyrite grains and 1990;Garwin,1990).CarlileandMitchell(1994)
chalcocitebearingpatchessetinapredominantly drew a comparison with the VMS deposits on
finegrained quartz groundmass. Common WetarIsland,notingthatbothappearedtohave
cavities, vugs and veinlets locally contain traces a highsulphidation component. Corbett and
ofchalcopyrite.Inplacesappreciableamountsof Leach(1998)andthegeologicalstaffofEastAsia
Cu,Pb,ZnandAgarepresentwithin,oradjacent Minerals subsequently proposed a high
to, the zones of gold mineralization. The main sulphidation epithermal origin for the
gold zone is interpreted to occur as a vertical to mineralization on the grounds that pyrite is
subvertical body that flares in the upper levels largely secondary in origin, alunite and kaolinite
where oxidation is most intensely developed are important alteration minerals, and high gold
(Figure15). grades are associated with the occurrence of
to occur as a vertical to steeply dipping tabular Detailed core logging at Bawone by Williams
bodywhichtrendsinaNWdirectionoverastrike Jones (2008)hasshown that in goldenriched
distance of 300m and has a maximum width of zones finegrained crystal tuff isreplaced by very
around75m.Itishostedwithinbrecciazonesin finegrained pyrite and minor to subordinate
pyritealunitequartzbarite altered rocks. silica, varying from incipient pyritization along
Angular to subangular quartz and sulphiderich fracturestocompletereplacementofthetuffby
clasts are embedded in a grey to greenishgrey pyritequartz assemblages. This alteration was
groundmass. Pyrite is the most abundant followed by fracturing and brecciation, partial
alterationmineralfollowedbyquartz,clay,barite infilling of the remaining open spaces by barite
and marcasite. Massive pyrite is cut by thin pyriteenargite assemblages, and the formation
bariteenargitepyrite veins. Alunite has been of veins up to 0.5cm thick, containing the same
confirmed by XRD analyses. Significant amounts mineral assemblages. In only partly pyritized
ofcopperareassociatedwithgoldrichintervals, rocks, crystal fragments, and commonly also
andZn,Pb,AsandAgaremoderatelyanomalous. groundmass, have been partially replaced by
Copper minerals include chalcopyrite, covellite kaolinite and alunite. The fact that pervasively
and enargite. Sphalerite is generally Fe poor as pyritized rock devoid of later brassy pyrite and
indicated by its light yellowish colour. The main bariteenargitepyrite generally contains >1 g/t
mineralized body appears to be zoned with Ausuggeststhatmuchofthegoldmineralization
stockworks and breccias surrounded by selvages wasearly.However,thecoincidenceofhighgold
of claysilicapyritebarite alteration. Wall rock grades in intervals with bariteenargitepyrite in
alterationaroundanearbydioriteporphyrystock pores and veins impliesthat there was also
consists of a 2.5km x 1.5km zone of claysilica significant introduction of gold late in the
chloritepyrite with some local structurally evolutionofthehydrothermalsystem.Thegoldis
controlled claysilicapyrite and Kfeldspar either in the structure of the pyrite or as
quartzsericitepyritebiotite assemblages in nanoparticles that are not visible under a high
areasofquartzchalcopyritepyriteveining. power electron microscope (WilliamsJones,
mineralization for the following two reasons: i)
Wisanggono et al. (2011) note two phases of the alunite is supergene in nature, and ii) the
barite fracture filling crosscutting silicasulphide vuggy silica is not a residual primary product,
alteration. Barite is typically massive to weakly butratherrepresentsoxidizedboxworkremnants
crystallineintheearlyphaseandaccompaniedby of silicapyrite altered breccia. They suggest that
light coloured spalerite, galena and minor the interaction of seawater with possibly weakly
chalcopyrite, whereas the later phase is coarse acid fluids may have had a buffering effect. This
crystalline and lacks base metal sulphides. interpretationisnotsharedbyA.WilliamsJones
Decreasing amounts of barite fracture fill with (written comm., 2011) who comments: The
depthsupportaseawatersource. alunite is clearly hypogene and intimately
associated with auriferous pyrite, and our
The primary sulphidegold mineralization and evaluation of changes in bulk rock chemistry
alteration at Binabase are quite similar to those shows clearly that silica was leached during
observed at Bawone, with the main difference hypogene alteration, consistent with the
being that the former deposit contains presenceofvuggysilica.
deposits owe their origin in large part to the Comments
same hydrothermal processes (WilliamsJones,
2008), an interpretation that is consistent with Corbett and Leach (1998) categorize high
themodelproposedbyCorbettandLeach(1998). sulphidation(HS)systemsas:
These authors infer a magmatic source for the Porphyryrelated
highsulphidationsystemlocalizedonthemargin Lithologicalcontrolled
ofaNNWgrabenbytheintersectionofthrough Structurallycontrolled
going NNE structures, and dilation of ESE
structuresbysinistralrotationonNNWstructure The latter two categories are endmembers of a
(Figure 16). Fluid upflow was centred on continuum with many systems displaying a
Bawone with hot magmatic fluids having been combination or variation between these two
derived from the vicinity of a nearby diatreme elements.
structures to the northwest (Binabase) and Atypicalexampleofaporphyryrelatedsystemis
southeast (Salurang). The model explains the thehighsulphidationalterationmineralizationat
declining metal grades and alteration intensity CabangKiri.Itshowsastyleofalterationthatis
from upflow to outflow. Mineral assemblages indicative of progressive cooling and decrease in
also indicate a distal relationship of Salurang to fluid pH away from the porphyry intrusion. It is
Bawone, while Binabase is marginal to the fluid initially dominated by andalusite, than
upflow zone (Bautista et al., 1998). The local pyrophyllite+diaspore, and most distally,
sharp contacts between residual silica, silica alunite+kaolinite. Significant CuAu
alunite and peripheral clay alteration are mineralization occurs in andalusitepyrophyllite
indicative of a high level setting/distal zones, but does not extend out into the alunite
relationship to the inferred magmatic source. bearingassemblages(LowderandDow,1978).
The abundant gypsum and barite suggest that
incursion of seawater could have occurred, Motomboto can be classified as a structurally
possibly from the NW. A seawater source is controlled system. Alteration and mineralization
supported by the decrease in the amount of areapparentlycontrolledbyriftfaultsparallelto
baritefillwithdepth(Wisenggoroetal.,2011). the Neogene arc (Kavalieris et al., 1992). Based
on the limited information available the Bakan
In a recent paper Wisanggono et al. (2011) deposits are probably also dominantly
suggest that the mineralization is not of high structurally controlled. Riska and Binabase
sulphidation origin, but more characteristic of Bawone display aspects of both lithological and
low/intermediatesulphidation epithermal
structural control. Structural control is provided by alunite. For BinabaseBawone two scenarios
by dilatent structures and lithological control by have been proposed: the main gold mineralizing
permeable rock units such as pyroclastics. event is early (WilliamsJones, 2008; see above)
Hydrothermal breccias appear to be a common ortookplaceduringalaterphaseofsilica,pyrite
feature,anddiatremeshavebeenreportedfrom and minor chalcopyrite deposition (Wisenggoro
MotombotoandBinabaseBawone. etal.,2011).

A (spatial) association of highsulphidation 4.1.3 IntermediateSulphidation Epithermal Au
depositswithporphyrycoppersystemshasbeen AgMineralization
commonly observed (e.g. Sillitoe, 1983) and in
recentyearsageneticconnectionhasbeenmore The category of intermediatesulphidation (IS)
firmlyestablished(e.g.Heinrichsetal.,2004).In epithermal AuAg mineralization is well
the case of the Northern Sulawesi HS systems, represented and includes (bonanzastyle) vein
such association is most obvious at Cabang Kiri. systems (e.g. Bolangitang, Lanut) associated, at
Motomboto displays a clear spatial relationship least spatially, with andesiticdacitic volcanics,
to a porphyry copper system, 1.5 km east at and mineralization related to felsic volcanic
Sungai Mak. Similar ages shared by the two domediatreme complexes (G.Pani and
systemssuggestthattheymaybealsogenetically Tototopo). Mineralization styles include
related. Alternatively, a blind porphyry Cu body stockwork,disseminated,veinandbrecciahosted
may be present at depth. Perello (1994) gold mineralization. Veins and stockworks
proposes a model whereby one or more consist of commonly colloform banded quartz
hydrothermal systems developed around several adularia carbonate. Most vein systems have
quartz diorite porphyry stocks, about 3 Ma ago, very low sulphide and base metal contents (e.g.
which was accompanied by porphyry CuAu Bolangitang and Lanut), whereas a few carry a
mineralization. Following collapse of the higher sulphide and base metal content (e.g.
hydrothermal system(s), ca 2.352.00 Ma, Doup)(Carlileetal.,1990;vanLeeuwen,1994).
at Motomboto. Weak porphyry Cu Pearson an Caira (1997) note numerous mineral
mineralization/alterationhasalsobeenobserved occurrences hosted by hydrothermal breccias,
intheotherthreeHSepithermalAudistricts,but whicharecommonlyassociatedwithrhyodacite
its relationship to the HS mineralization is dacite intrusions and contain gold and/or base
unclear. metals. They occur in six ENEtrending
mineralized corridors that are defined by Plio
CorbettanLeach(1998)notethatHSsystemsin Pleistocene regional dilatant zones. The authors
the southwest Pacific are generally remarkably recognize two metal associations: CuPbZn and
lowinsilver,unlikethoseintheeasternPacific. AsSbPbZnMo, characterized by chalcopyrite
Motomboto appears to be an exception (Table covellitegalena sphalerite and tetrahedrite
4). The authors also note that in most HS tennantitemolybdenite assemblages
systems coppergold mineralization postdates respectively.Thebrecciascommonlyoccurinthe
the formation of silicaaluniteclay alteration. At unconformity zone between Pliocene subaerial
Motomboto, the timing and location of the gold felsic volcanics and Miocene andesitediorite
dposition is known only poorly. At least one basement. The unconformity has provided a
phase of enargiteluzonite mineralization reservoir for groundwaters, which have been
posessesagoodcorrelationbetweenCuandAu, superheated by high level felsic intrusions and
but EDS scanning failed to detect gold in the mixed with magmatic fluids, forming extensive
copper minerals, pyrite and marcasite; limited argillicandadvancedargillicalterationzones.The
metallurgical test work suggests it may be free breccias are common along volatilerich
(Perello, 1994). As we have seen, at Riska the apophyses and margins of larger Pliocene felsic
main gold mineralizing event postdates intrusivebodies(e.g.Buata).
enargiteluzonite depsition, and is accompanied


Deposit Class DepositStyle HostRocks Ag/Au MetalSignature Age(Ma) Resource Mineralogy Alteration
Name ratio
Bawone high qtzpyba andesitic tuff & tuff 1:1 Au,Ag,Cu ?Pliocene 27.3 Mt @ 0.95 py (cpcoven alkaobapy
Binabase sulphid. bx;baenvns breccia g/t Au, 13.6 g/t sph); Au in pyrite
Ag lattice
Bolangitang interm qtzcarbvn subvolcanicandesite 8:1 Au,Ag Pliocene 4 Mt @ 2.72 g/t Au as electrum qtzillad; chl
sulphid. Cu,Pb,Zn Au,21g/tAg minorpy&BM epipy
Doup interm qtzcarbsulphvns; qtzdiorite,sedrocks 2:1 Au,Ag,As MMiocene 17 Mt @ 2.15 g/t pygasph(cpy) serillcarbad
sulphid. replacement Cu,Pb,Zn Au
GunungPani interm qtzvns, dissem, rhyodacitevolcanics; <1 Au,As,Sb Pliocene ~3.2 9.9Mt@1.57g/t Au as electrum & 1) qtzadser
sulphid. fractures,bx domediatremecomplex (HR) Au nativeforminpy 2) chlser
Lanut interm qtzstwk; fracture interbeddedvolcanics&se Au(Ag,Cu,Pb) MMiocene 19 Mt @ 1.8 g/t FreeAuminorpy, 1) qtzadill
sulphid. dissm,bx dimentaryrocks Au cpy,bo 2) chlillpy
Mesel sediment replacement; minor limestone, jasperiod <0.5 Au, As, Sb, Hg, MMiocene 8.8Mt@7.10g/t py,aspy,marc
hosted qtzvns rocks Tl Au(premining)
Motomboto high hydroth,bx,vns andesiticvolcanics 25:1 Au,Ag,Cu,As Pliocene 3.5 Mt @ 1.5% pyenluz, native 1) qtzalpy
sulphid. 0.841.89(al) Cu,4.0g/tAu Au 2) kaochl
Paleleh intrusion qtzvns&bxzones diorite & andesite 1:1 Au,Ag,Pb,Zn LateMiocene 1 Mt @ 6.2 g/t pypoga(cpy qtzillchl
related volcanics Au, 5 g/t Ag (pre sph)
BMAu mining)
Riska high hydrothermalbx; andesiticpyroclastics 3:1 Au,Ag,Cu Pliocene 1Mt@1.5g/tAu yyenluz qtzal(dick
sulphid. fractures,dissem (premining) pyrophdiasp)
Tanoyan interm qtzchaldvns andesiticbx/aggl. 1:1 Au,Ag,(Cu) ?Pliocene 2.2 Mt @ 1.3 g/t py(cpy) qtzclay
sulphid. Au
TokaTindung low qtzchaldad stk, andesiticvolcaniclastics 2:1 Au, As, Sb, Hg, Pliocene 15.5Mt@3.4g/t Au as electrum & qtzadchlill
sulphid. vns Mo 1.72.7(HR) Au, 8 g/t Ag (all native form; Ag
1.82.2(ad) deposits) Sesulphides,py
Tototopo interm Qtz rhyodacitevolc; dome Au,As,Sb,(Pb) Pliocene 5.4Mt@3g/tAu Au as electrum & qtzadillpy
West sulphid. diatremecomplex native form; py
41 GunungPanidistrict(Figure17) The geology and mineralization of the Pani

The Pani district, located 120km west of Kavalieris et al. (1984;1990), Newcrest Nusa
Gorontalo and 10km inland from the southern Sulawesi (1999), Pearson and Caira (1999),
coastoftheNortharm,coversa120km2areaand Walters(1999)andPooley(2004).
encompasses 11 separate prospect areas. It is
defined by a >0.19 g/t Au in 80# stream The Pani district is composed of a rhyodacitic
sediment anomaly that follows an EW axis diatreme and flow dome complex of Pliocene
coincidentwithamajorarcparallelstructure(PT age, measuring 6kmx15km, which represents an
Newcrest Nusa Sulawesi, 1999). The centre of eroded volcanic edifice emplaced on a Miocene
the district is occupied by the Pani Ridge dioritic and granodioritic basement. It is located
prospect. in the southeast quadrant of a large caldera
structure. Early dacitic dykes show a strong NE
As mentioned earlier the district has a long orientation. Extensive development of intrusive
history of gold exploration and mining activity breccia bodies occurred along with synor post
(alluvial and hard rock), starting around the turn mineralintrusiverhyodacitedomes.
of the 18th century. Sampling of old Dutch
undergroundworkingsbyNewmontin19671969 The district is bounded by NWtrending right
yielded Au values in the 1.2 to 13.4 g/t range. lateral strikeslip faults, about 60km long, which
Between 1973 and 1993 systematic exploration may have resulted from the collision of the
was undertaken in the district by Endeavour Northern Sulawesi arc with the continental edge
Resources, Kennecott, Utah and BHP, which or fragments of the Australian Plate during the
included surface sampling, drilling and the MiocenePliocene. These NW structures control
excavation of 3 adits. BHP calculated a resource the distribution of the Pliocene rhyodacitic
of6Mt@2.3g/tAu.In1994,miningrightswere volcanics at the southern portion of the district.
granted to a local cooperation (KUD) over the However secondary conjugate NNE and WNW
central part of the area (Pani Ridge). Two years tensional structures appear to effect the
latertheKUDsignedatechnicalcooperationwith localizationoftheintrusivehostedandveinstyle
PTPertiwiNusaMega,whichinturnenteredinto mineralization.TheGunungPaniDomecomplex
a JV agreement with Paramount Ventures and was emplaced at the intersection of these two
Finance, and in 1998 with Azure Resources, faulttrends.Itissurroundedbythreelatedome
subsequently renamed Pencari Mining complexesandassociatedfragmentalvolcanics.
Corporation. The property was acquired by Pan
Asia Resources (recently renamed One Asia Thevolcanicstratigraphyoftheareaconsistsofa
Resources) in 2009. A forestry permit was porphyritic rhyodacite lava dome and coeval
recently obtained and drilling is expected to interbedded pyroclastic breccias and tuff. Three
commenceinlate2011. main rock units have been recognized: i)
polymict breccias, which represent the oldest
In the meantime, the area surrounding the KUD unit, showing textural features that suggest
becamepartofNewcrestsCOW.Between1992 explosive fragmentation in a central vent
and1999,whenitwithdrewfromIndonesia,the environment; ii) rhyodacitic lapilli tuff, which is
company carried out an aeromagnetic/ the most widespread unit covering mostly the
radiometric survey, regional stream sediment flanks of the dome ridges; and iii) porphyritic
sampling and detailed followup work, which rhyodacite, believed to represent apophyses
outlined 15 prospects, 6 of which were drill fromashallowendogenouslavadome.
Avocet in 2007, but the company did not carry Three main alteration assemblages have been
outanywork.(In2011Avocetsolditsproperties mapped at Pani Ridge: i)
inNorthernSulawesitoJSM). silicaadulariasericite/illite (silicification); ii)
sericite/illitesilicasenderite (argillization), and NWtrendingstructuralzonescrossingPaniRidge
iii) chlorite sericite/illitepyrite (chloritization). may control the location of high grade shoots.
Silicification is characterized by pervasive silica Recent interpretations as a result of new 3D
replacement of the rhyodacite groundmass, and geological modeling indicate the possibility of
locally as quartz overgrowths of fractured stackedsheetsofmineralization.
phenocrysts and recrystallization of fractured
phenocrysts. Primatic quartzadularia fills open On a districtwide scale mineralization and
spacesinfracturesandvugs.Argillicalterationis alterationareassociatedwithawide,latecrackle
pervasive in pyroclastic units and reflects the breccia and fracture event that commonly hosts
increasing invasion of meteoric fluids in the drusyquartzlinedcavities,theyoccurinzonesof
hydrothermalsystemastherhyodaciteascended strong structural control, such as around the
towards the near surface. Chloritization is the margins of diatremes and along throughgoing
earliest alteration event following alkali faults. Quartzillite alteration is pervasive with
metasomatism that accompanied crystallization broad haloes of adularia. The AuAg epithermal
and cooling of the rhyodacite lava. It is adulariasericite system is transitional at depth
commonly present in the core of the dome intoabasemetalcarbonatesystem.Latedomes
complex. arefreshordisplayonlyweakalteration.

Gold mineralization at Pani Ridge is hosted by Goldoccurrencescanbedisseminatedoroccurin
silicasericite altered porphyritic rhyodacite and facture and vein stockworks, microveining, and
associated pyroclastics as fracture and breccia traction breccias. High grades are focused in
fillings, quartzadularialimonite veins, and as hydrothermal breccias, shears, quartz veins, and
disseminations in permeable volcanic rocks and where rhyodacite dykes cut basement. Broad,
atcontacts.Goldoccursaselectrumaslaterims lowgrade drill intersections of gold
on or intergrowths with pyrite. In the oxidized mineralizationarefoundinporphyriticrocksnear
zone,pyriteisalteredtolimonite,andsupergene the margins of diatreme bodies and their
gold occurs in fractures and drusy veins. concentricringfractures.ThePaniRidgedeposit
Significant supergene enrichment has taken occurs within big blocks of rhyodacite hosted
place.Themineralizedzoneis>1000mlongand within the large central diatreme. The phreatic
about 400m wide, following the general outcrop breccias themselves are poorly mineralized,
patterns of the porphyritic rhyodacite and the probably because their high clay content has
dominantstructuraltrends. renderedthemvirtuallyimpermeable.

The gold mineralization is controlled by WNW Stronglyanomalousantimonycoincideswithhigh
extensional fractures and along NNE millimeter gold. Elevated base metal values occur in
wide, but closelyspaced fractures. Lithological basement rocks, in deeper epithermal levels
control is shown by pyritelimonite fillings in within the rhyodacite, and in carbonate veins.
vugs, quartzadularia along fractured wall rocks There is a zonation from higher base metals in
onthemarginsofsilicifiedrhyodacite,andinthe theNWtohighSbandAsinthesouthandeast.
matrix of hydrothermal breccias and permeable
volcanic rocks. The pyroclastic and rhyodacite Tototopodistrict(Figure18)
intrusive contacts also exert strong lithological
control on the mineralization, probably because The area is located 55km west of Gorontalo and
of hydrofracturing along the margins due to measures 13km x 8km. It was explored by New
escaping fluids from the intrusive. The primary Hope between 1987 and 1991. Their work
control of mineralization at Pani Ridge is a NNE located narrow, lowgrade NEtrending quartz
trend, with a series of silicified and nonsilicified veinsintheupperpartoftheTototopodrainage
flow banded units that have a shallow westerly (Lalunga and Motebo prospects). Newcrest re
dipawayfromtheridge.Intersectionwiththree assessed the district between 1994 and 1996,
complex. The work was concentrated on the the western flank of the caldera. A major arc
Motebo and Lalunga prospects where 14 holes parallel structure forms the northern margin of
(2427m)weredrilledwithasbestintercept86m the district. Broad zones of silicaclay alteration
@0.6g/t.Subsequentmoredetailedmappingat with associated quartz veining are emplaced in
Tototopo West in 1996 identified narrow Au NE to ENEtrending structures. These are
bearingquartzadulariaveins.A9holes(3021m) interpretedtobedilationalsplayfaultsrelatedto
scoutdrillingprogramwasundertakenin1998to sinistral wrenching of the regional fault fabric,
test the depth extensions of the veins and the and to roughly define the boundaries of a pull
presence of conceptual large tonnage apart basin that played an important role in the
unconformityrelated disseminated gold deposition of the pyroclasticepiclastic pile, and
mineralization similar to the McDonald gold emplacementofdiatremeandauriferousbreccia
deposit in Montana, USA. Further work was veinzones.
carried out, including an IP/resistivity survey to
definefollowupdrillingtargets.Soonafterwards Zones of epithermal quartz stockwork straddle
Newcrest withdrew from Sulawesi. Renewed the unconformity between the Pliocene volcanic
explorationwasundertakenbyAvocetin2007/8, complex and Miocene basement within zones of
which outlined an Inferred Mineral Resource of quartzilliteadulariapyrite alteration. At least
5.4Mt@3g/tAuattheBundulipuprospect. threebroadzonesarepresent,namelyTototopo
The following summary of the geology and silvermineralizationwithhighergradepatchesis
mineralization of the Tototopo district is largely present in association with minor base metals
based on reports by PT Newcrest Nusa Sulawesi and molybdenum in the stockworks at the
(1999), Pearson and Caira (1999), Santos et al. Motebo and Lalunga prospects. Thousands of
(1999),andBudimanandHardjana(2011). localminersbecameactiveontheseprospectsin
1996. At Tototopo West, a
The Tototopo district is centred on a dacite quartz+illiteadulariabarite alteration affects all
volcanic complex considered to be rock types except the younger pyroclastic
contemporaneous with the Early Pliocene Pani cones/domes and dacite dykes. These are also
Volcanics. It unconformably overlies a Miocene the most common gangue minerals occurring
basement consisting of andesitic volcanics withtheauriferousbrecciaveins.Steamheated
intrudedbyapolyphasalbatholith(granodiorite alteration consisting of kaolinite dickitealunite
quartzdioritediorite), which contains earlier and displaying vuggy leached surfaces occur in
porphyry CuAuMo style mineralization. The the area of hydrothermal breccia boulders. This
dacitic volcanics include subaerial pyroclastics alterationassemblageandthepresenceofsinter
and lavas and are accompanied by epiclastics. indicate the upper levels of an epithermal vein
Thesequenceisintrudedbyhighlevelrhyodacite system. Quartz, illite/smectite, ankerite,
dykesandstocksandcutbyassociateddiatreme chloriteepidote alteration occurs at depth and
breccias. Surface outflow from the volcanic peripheraltotheveinfield.
system deposited sinters. These are closely
associated with lacustrine sediments, which are Mineralization at Tototopo West includes
strongly silicified (interpreted as silica caps). diatremebreccia, vein style and unconformity
Hydrothermalbrecciabouldersarefoundontop related dissemination style. The former style
of a diatreme body. All of the above rocks are occursinsteeplydippingquartzveinsandveinlet
flanked by young sediments and an extensive stockworks concentrated at the edge of the
dacite pyroclastic cover collectively marking an diatreme. Gold is present in the form of native
ancientventareawithintheTototopocaldera. goldandelectruminseveralgenerationsofgold
bearing veins. The early mineralization is
EW to ESEtrending arcparallel fault corridors associated with sphalerite, barite, galena,
transect the district and are cut by NW to NNW chalcopyrite and stibnite as cement and cavity
trending arcnormal faults, one of which bounds filling,whereasthelatermineralizationoccursas

map of Tototopo district
Figure 18. Simplified geological




Figure 20. Simplified geological map of Doup district showing

of Toka Tindung district showing
Figure 21. Simplified geological map

cementandisassociatedwithquartz,pyriteand system. The quartz veinveinlets are generally
arsenopyrite. Fluid inclusion studies yielded sulphide poor and include green to grey chert
homogenizationtemperaturesof221246oCand veinlets, dog tooth quartz veins and
0.701.04 wt % NaCl eq. The primary fluid veinlets/stockwork, and quartz cemented wall
inclusions are generally vaporrich and CO2 rockbrecciazones.Thedifferentstylesofquartz
bearing. These findings combined with the veining developed from multiple events of
occurrence of hypogene hematite, bladed barite hydraulic fracturing. The richest gold
and late kaolinite, and breccia vein textures are mineralizationoccursinquartzveinsupto1.5m
indicative of deposition resulting from fluid wide,whichinplacesshowevidenceofepisodes
mixingandboiling.Severalveinsystemsshowa ofbrecciationrecementedbylatergenerationof
marked increase in gold grade from surface quartz. Fluid inclusion temperatures of 175250o
towardsdepth. Chavebeenreported.Carlileetal(1990)observe
that the contact between the sedimentary
The Oletanggungaloba, SolupiteNiwu and volcaniclasticandvolcanicunits hada significant
Bandulipuprospectsareinterpretedtorepresent controlonthemineralizationwiththeupperunit
different structural levels in the hydrothermal formingacaptofluidsfocusedalongfaultsinthe
system. At the highest level is Oletanggunga lower units. Lateral flow along the contact
loba, which is characterized by a thick silica cap, produced brecciated, flatdipping veins and a
illiteillite/smectitekaolinitesilica alteration and stockworkinthehangingwall.
chalcedonic, simple banded veining, features all
typical of a low temperature environment of At Tobongan (Carlile et al., 1990), mineralization
formation.VeinsatSolupiteNiwushowmultiple occurs in quartz veins and stockworks, and as
banded and dogtooth textures. At Bandulipu, fracturedisseminationshostedbyandesiticrocks
mineralization zones consist of quartzsulphide andsurroundedbyillitepyritealterationgrading
veins, veinlets and stockworks. Veins are outwards to chlorite. As is the case at Lanut,
generally thin (< a few cm) and have narrow pyriteandbasemetalcontentsarelow.
aregenerally>5g/t. Doupdistrict(Figure20)

There are at least four major events in the The Doup district is located about 10km SW of
development of the Tototopo West epithermal the Mesel district in the Regencies of
goldmineralizationasshowninFigure19. Mongondow and Minahasa. It hosts four
intermediatesulphidation epithermal Au Lanutdistrict(II) prospects (Doup, Benteng, Tungau, Parabo) and
an alluvial Au deposit (Tapabeken). The Dutch
The exploration history and geology have been carriedoutbothhardrockandalluvialminingin
describedin4.1.2.2.Herewebrieflydescribethe the area. The district was investigated by Placer
LanutandTobongandeposits. Domebetween1984and1991,including7252m
of diamond drilling at the two main prospects,
At Lanut (Carlile et al., 1990; Register of Indo DoupandBenteng.Aresourceofabout12Mt@
Pacific Mining, 2004), gold mineralization is 2.09 g/t Au and 4.4 g/t Ag was outlined. Initial
hosted by a Miocene sedimentaryvolcaniclastic metallurgicaltestworksuggestedthatthedeeper
sequence and overlying Pliocene volcanic unit, mineralization,whichcontainssulphides,maybe
which consists of trachyandesitic lavas and refractory. The upper 40m of the prospects is
interbedded volcanics. The volcanic section, oxidized and gold is recoverable using
which is at least 250m thick, hosts most of the conventionalcarboninleachtechnology.Antam
mineralization.Itisdevelopedasquartzadularia subsequentlyobtainedaKPovertheareaandin
veinveinlets zones enveloped by chloriteillite 1995 entered into a joint venture with Pacific
pyritehaloesandoverprintedbykaolinitepyrite Wildcat Resources, which conducted further
marcasite assemblages in the upper part of the drilling.Inlate1996,thecompanycalculatedan
inferred resource totaling 17 Mt @ 2.15 g/t Au dioriticbodyispresentthatintrudessedimentary
(uncut) or 1.64 g/t Au (using a 20 g/t topcut). rocks and shows alteration that is similar to the
Preliminary test workconfirmed that the primary clay assemblage seen at Doup. Goldbearing
ore from both Doup and Benteng is refractory, silicapyrite replaces calcareous mudstone in an
but might be amenable to a biooxidation EW oriented zone, 50100m wide and 300m
process. In 1998, reconnaissance sampling was long,thatextendstoadepthof300m.
undertaken around Doup, which generated
severaltargetsincludingHuluSita(upto156g/t Three styles of gold mineralization occur in the
Au),butworkwasstoppedin2000.Theproperty district.Theseare:
was obtained in 2007 by Avocet, which carried
out 11,288m of diamond and reverse circulation 1) Early porphyry CuAu mineralization
drilling and in early 2009 announced an Inferred associated with quartzmagnetitesulphide
MineralResourceof25Mt@1.2g/tAu. stockwork stringers/veinlets centred on
altered diorite intrusions. These show
The following account is largely based on relatively high Au/Cu ratios like the Taware
unpublished reports by Porter (1997) and Wake porphyry deposit on Sangihe Island with
andLapian(1998). betterintersectionoftheorderof0.71.32g/t
The Doup district is located 30km northeast of
the Gunung Ambang Volcanic Complex, which is 2) Higher grade, carbonatebase metalAu/Ag
anareaofactivegeothermalsystems.Itconsists veins associates with sericitecarbonateclay
of Miocene volcanic and marine sedimentary alteration controlled by dioritesediment
rocks, which are intruded by diorite stocks and contactsandfaultintersections.Theveinsare
overlain by Late Miocene limestone and generallynarrow(<1mwide)andtheprimary
calcareous clastic sediments and Pliocene to target of local mining activity. Disseminated
Recent volcanics and alluvium. Structurally the to massive sphalerite galena mineralization
area is complex with subduction related NE invariably occurs within the orebearing
trending arc parallel faults and subsidiary NW material. One of the better drill intercepts
trending fault development. The interaction of included2mat49g/tAuand27g/tAg.
these faults is interpreted to control the
emplacement of shallow and deeper level 3) Sedimenthosted, replacementtype base
intrusivebodies,togetherwithproximalporphyry metalAuAgAs mineralization. This style is
and intermediatesulphide styles of associated with strong carbonate
mineralization(Doup),andmoredistalsediment sericite/claysulphidealteration,andrelatively
hosted (Mesel) and highsulphidation (Hutu Sita) minorsilicificationincalcareous,volcaniclastic
styles. mudstones and sandstones. Drill intercepts
The DoupBenteng area is largely covered by
alluvialdioriticdaciticboulderconglomerateand Ageneralizedparageneticsequenceofalteration,
wastematerialproducedbytheDutchandmore veiningandmineralizationobservedatDoupand
recentartisanminingactivities.Thehostrockto Benteng consists of four stages; 1)
theDoupmineralizationisaquartzdioritewhich porphyry/metasomatic; 2) quartzadularia
hasundergoneanearlyporphyrystylealteration sericite; 3) pyritebase metalsulphidesgold; and
(biotiealbite) overprinted by intense illite/illite 4)carbonateclaymarcasite.
smectitepyriteadularia alteration assemblages.
Late finegrained andesitic to dacitic porphyrys TanoyanAnggrekdistrict
pipelikebodythatextendstoadepthofatleast The following account is largely based on
200m,andis100by200mindiameterelongated unpublished reports by Pieters (2003) and
in a NWSE direction. At Benteng, a separate Mclean and Williams (2010). Mineralization in
the district was discovered by a Placer Dome diorite, andesite and dacite porphyry. The
BHPUtahAntamjointventurein1986,whichled diatreme is a polymict clast supported breccia
to artisanal gold rushes at both Tanoyan and withmilled,roundedclastssetinamatrixofrock
Anggrek. At the latter prospect mineralization is flour.NEtoNNEtrendingdextralstrikeslipfaults
centred on a diatreme breccia forming Patung are the dominant structure, and locally contain
Hill. In 1987, 120 processing units were in mineralized breccia zones. Secondary faults
operationatTanoyan.Bothproperties(excluding includeNWtrendingstrikeslipandnormalfaults,
PatungHill)weresubsequentlyacquiredbyAMS which are also associated with gold
who undertook limited exploration in 2004, and mineralization. Relatively narrow halos of silica
two years later Avocet acquired an interest in pyritelimonite and minor kaoliniteclaysericite
them.Thiscompanycarriedoutdetailedsurface alteration assemblages envelop quartz veins,
work at Tanoyan and Anggrek, and a 4,400m which are up to 15m wide and show cockade
drilling programme at the former prospect, crustiform textures.Magnetite andbarite are
outlining an inferred resource of 3.95 Mt @ 2.1 locallypresent.
g/t Au. Golden Peaks Resources acquired the
properties in 2010, and started drilling at Six zones of alteration and coincident
Tanoyan the following year. Patung Hill is geochemical anomalies and gold mineralization
currentlybeingexploitedbylocalminers. have been identified, including the OsingOsing
prospect. Gold mineralization in this prospect
The geology of the Tanoyan prospect is occurs in a 1.5 km long hydrothermal breccia
dominatedbyandesiticpyroclasticsandlava,and zone,varyinginwidthfrom1to3m.Thebreccia
dacitic tuffs belonging to Pliocene Pinogu ispolymictwithamatrixofrockflourandquartz
Volcanics.Thesehavebeenintrudedbyavariety flooding with associated sulphides, adularia and
of dioritic stocks and dykes. Four lode systems strongargillicalteration.
with subvertical dips and NNE to N trending
faults, locally contain brecciahosted sulphide Intermediatesulphidation deposits possess
mineralization. sulphidation states between those of the high
and lowsulphidation types, typically with
The lode systems consist of elongate altered stability of chalcopyrite, tetrahedritetennantite,
zones of quartzchalcedony and brecciation, and Fepoor sphalerite, but lacking appreciable
typically with a silicified core and argillic halo. arsenopyriteandpyrrhotite(Einaudietal.,2003).
Theyareupto2.3kminstrikelengthandfrom2 Sillitoe and Hedenquist (2003) list several other
to 15m wide. The volcanic sequence has defining characteristics, including a genetic
undergone widespread propylitic alteration. relationship with andesite to rhyodacite rocks,
Cockade vein textures are dominant and sericite as the key proximal alteration mineral,
accompanied by crustiform, bladed but adularia generally uncommon, common
carbonatepseudomorphsandcombtextures,and carbonate gangue, barite and Mnsilicates
colloform banded sulphide stringer veins. Pyrite present locally, and sulphide abundances of 5 to
isthedominantsulphidephase;chalcopyritewas 20%.Geneticallyrelatedigneousrockscommonly
locally observed. Visible gold is relatively includediatremeanddomecompexes.
common. Local miners reported gold grades in
theorderof17to67g/tAu. TheISdepositsofNorthernSulawesimeetsome
AtAnggrek,thePatungHilldiatremebrecciapipe Gunung Pani and Totopo West deposits, for
is about 700m in diameter and intrudes a series example, contain Fepoor sphalerite and barite,
of Miocene volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks and and are associated with felsic diatremedome
maficintermediate volcanics. The sequence is complexes, but have low sulphide contents,
alsointrudedbynarrowdykesandsmallstocksof while adularia is a significant alteration product.
Carbonate is not a prominent gangue mineral in 4.1.4 LowSulphidationEpithermalAuAg
deposits, but the former is sulphide poor. Many AuAgmineralizationintheTokaTindungdistrict
of the Northern Sulawesi deposits appear to be istheonlyexampleinSulawesithatsharesmany
transitionaltothelowsulphidationclass.Theyfit featureswiththelowsulphidation(LS)type.
more closely the category of epithermal quartz
goldsilver systems of the classification scheme TokaTindungdistrict(Figure21)
proposed by Corbett and Leach (1998), which
include the following characteristics; i) veins are The district is located in the Minahasa Peninsula
dominated by quartz which is intimately at the northern tip of the North Arm. Records
associated with either adularia or illite, smectite suggest there was little activity relating to gold
and/or kaolin clays, and locally with carbonates; explorationandminingintheregionuntilthemid
ii)thesulphidecontentisgenerallylowandbase 1980s, when the Teweti Group commenced
metal sulphides are rare; iii) the mineralogy is exploration. It was continued by Ashton Mining
silver rich; 4) hypogene hematite is locally Ltd in late 1989. Their activity was the first to
present(ase.g.atG.PaniandTotopoWest);and identify goldbearing quartz float shedding into
5) diatreme or milledmatrix fluidized creeks surrounding Toka Tindung, and produced
(phraetomagmatic) breccias are common.The a best result of 3.6 g/t Au in a grab sample.The
maindifferenceshownbytheNorthernSulawesi source of the Aubearing quartz float was
depositsisthattheyaregenerallysilverpoor. discovered by Aurora Gold Ltd in 1993 following
their takeover of Ashtons gold interests in
The Northern Sulawesi epithermal gold deposits Indonesia. Further prospecting identified gold
demonstratethatitisnotalwayspossibletohave veinsystemsatthreemajorprospectareas:Toka
a one fits all classification. With so many Tindung, Batupangah and Talawaan. The
variables, it is not surprising that there are so companycarriedoutextensivedrillingduringthe
many variations in deposit character and next 5 years (72,000 diamond drilling, 49,000m
transitions between deposit types.A good RC) at Toka Tindung and on adjacent prospects,
example is Mexicowhere three types of resulting in a global resource estimate of about
epithermaloredepositshavebeenrecognizedin 1.75Mozgoldequivalent.Theprojectwassoldin
addition to rare HS deposits, named A, B, and C 2002toArchipelagoResourcesandafterlengthy
(Camprubi and Albinson, 2007). Type A (or IS delayswasbroughtintoproductionin2011.
type) contains exclusively from top to bottom IS
styles of mineralization with a consistent The following account on the geology and
polymetalliccharacterandatendancytoformin mineralization of the Toka Tindung district is
deeper environments. Type B (or LSIS type) based on Wake et al. (1995, 1996, 1997), Moyle
exhibits dominant LS characteristics but has et al. (1997a & b), and Angeles (2001), and
polymetallic IS roots. Type C (or LS type) shows additional information provided by B.Wake
only LS styles of mineralization and represents (writtencom.,2009,2010).
shallow boiling deposits. These three types are
notmutuallyexclusiveintimeandspaceasisthe The Toka Tindung district is located at the tip of
caseincertainotherareasliketheGreatBasinin the North Arm and covers an area of about
Nevada (John et al., 1999). G. Pani is the only 400km2. It contains a number of gold deposits
Northern Sulawesi deposit which to date has and occurrences of which the Toka Tindung
beenshowntohavepolymetallicrootsandhence deposit is the largest known one. The
to be similar to type B in Mexico. More detailed Batupangaharea,locatedabout4kmSSEofToka
work, including deeper drilling, at some of the Tindung, contains four other significant vein
other deposits may similarly reveal type B deposits; Araren, Pajajaran, Blambangan and
characteristics. Kopra. The deposits are exposed in windows of
PlioPleistocene volcanics within a widespread
cover of Late Quaternary tephras and other
volcanicsderivedfromrelativelyrecenteruptions upwards into thinner bedded, locally
of the nearby Dua Saudara or Klabat carbonaceous, volcaniclastic sandstones,
stratovolcanoes. siltstones, mudstones interbedded with silica
sinters at the top of the package. The coarse
The PlioPleistocene sequence consists sediments are interpreted to have been
predominantly of basaltic andesite flows deposited as a series of massflows in a fault
containing intercalations of volcaniclastic bounded basin changing with time into a
rocksthat range in composition frombasaltic lacustrineenvironment.
andesite to rhyodacite,and are locally associated
with hydrothermal eruption breccias, silica Atleastthreesilicasinterbeds,eachuptoseveral
sinters and carbonaceous tuffaceous sediments. metres thick and separated by fine grained
These rocks are partly overlain by poorly volcaniclastic rocks, are recognized at Toka
consolidated volcaniclastics of basaltic andesite Tindung. These occur at the top of the
and rhyodacite composition, with minor mineralized zone; the lower sinter horizons are
interbedded limestone which are thickest in the cut by the gold veins. The silica sinters, which
northern part of the district. The sequence is generally form thin beds, are composed of
intruded by rhyodacite domes and dykes. chalcedony after an opaline silica precursor.
Limited age dating results (Figure 22) and They show rhythmic wavy laminations, geyserite
geological considerations indicate that the pearls, vertical growth structures (fossilized
basaltic andesites and rhyodacites are filamentous algal mats), dehydration cracks,
contemporaneous, i.e. they are the result of hydrothermal brecciation, and are characterized
bimodalmagmatism. bylocallyanomalousSbHgMogeochemistry,and
in a 2km wide structural corridor defined by a Themineralizedzoneisoverlainbyhydrothermal
seriesofNNWtrendingfaultsthatextendovera eruption breccia, up to 50m thick, composed of
strike length of >15km. Other prominent fragments of all the underlying rock types,
structuraltrendsinthePlioPleistocenerocksare including some mineralized vein, wall rock and
ENE, NNE and NW. Circular fracture sets silica sinter material at its base. The breccia
representing possible caldera features have also matrix comprises multiple generations of
been observed. The main gold deposits are silicified, locally carbonaceous and sulphidic,
interpreted to lie peripheral to one such circular hydrothermal mud together with comminuted
feature associated with dilational Ntrending rockflour.Thebrecciacrosscutsthelowersinter
fracturesetsattheintersectionofNNWandENE beds and terminates(?) within a third sinter bed
trendingfaults.Thegoldmineralizationismostly horizon exposed at the northern end of Toka
hosted by fault controlled veins, stockworks and Tindung.ThebrecciaunitproducesstrongAs,Sb,
breccias. Hg and Mo anomalies, whereas anomalous Au
values occur only where the breccia has
The Toka Tindung deposit is a series of steeply incorporated mineralized fragments or is cut by
dipping linear stockwork vein zones with more weaklydevelopedveinstockwork.
1.7km long, elongated along a northerly striking The vein systems in the Batupangah area are
structure.Ithasadrilltesteddepthof175m.At hosted in a porphyritic basaltic andesite unit
the southern end this zone is separated into the overlain by recent mantlebedded tephra, up to
AkoandWesternveinsystemswithlowintensity 5m thick. The main gold deposits found to date
stockwork veining occurring between them. lack the nearsurface features present at Toka
Volcaniclasticrockssandwichedbetweenbasaltic Tindung, such as sinters and hydrothermal
andesite flows are the primary host of the gold breccias, and are interpreted as deeper level
mineralization. They comprise massive to thick deposits.Thesedepositsconsistof1)Pajajaran,
bedded volcaniclastic conglomerate grading two parallel NWtrending composite veins, 27m
thick, 800m long, with a drill tested depth of
250m, intersected by a Ntrending vein set; 2) At Toka Tindung, the volcaniclastics show
Blambangan, single curvilinear Ntrending pervasive silicification and adularization within
composite vein, 1 to 15m thick, 1.25km long, > and around vein systems. The matrix of the
200m vertical extent; 3) Araren, two parallel N volcaniclastic rocks is completely replaced by
trending vein sets, 17m thick, with highgrade microcrystallinequartz,adulariaandamixtureof
gold mineralization restricted to localized pods chloriteilliticclays.Thesemineralsalsooccuras
associated with crosscutting faults or flexures, overgrowths on phenocrysts in lithic fragments.
and 4) Kopra, composite vein system comprising In contrast, in the Batupangahand Tawalaan
eight anatomizing veins, including centrally areas the wallrock alteration is characterized by
located main vein, 25m thick, 600m long, drill narrowenvelopesofstrongsilicailliticclaypyrite
testedtoadepthof135m. alteration which grade outward into zones of
weaker chloritesmectitezeolite alteration.
The Talawaan area, located about 15km west of Adjacent to the veins plagioclase phenocrysts in
Batupangah, contains several vein deposits, the porphyritic andesite are altered to adularia or
mostimportantofwhichisBima.Thisisasimple albite,andthenpartlyreplacedbyillitesmectite.
NWtrending sheeted vein stockwork system,
definedbydrillingoverastrikelengthof1kmand Gold occurs as sub20m anhedral free grains
widths of up to 125m, and to a depth of 140m. and as electrum occupying interstices between
Stockworkveinsrangeinthicknessfrom0.1mto quartz and adularia together with pyrite, minor
5m. Twelve principal veins make up the seleniumbearingsilversulphides(Seacanthiteor
northwestern portion of the deposit, which aguilarite) and traces of chalcopyrite, sphalerite
progressivelyreducetoasinglemainveinalonga and galena. Gold grades are relatively low at
WNWtrendingfaultinthesoutheast.Theseare TokaTindung;average3to5g/tinveins,locally
hosted by a rhyodacitic flow dome and breccias up to 30 g/t, and 0.2 to 3 g/t in intervening
complex. stockworks. The highest average grades are
found at Bima (57 g/t Au). Higher grades are
At Marawuwung, located 3km NW of Toka also present in portions of the Pajajaran and
Tindung, gold mineralization is associated with Blambangandeposits.Intheformerdepositthe
silicified sulphidic hydrothermal breccias and higher grade portions are associated with vein
minor banded quartzadularia veins. In contrast breccias, occasionally very vuggy, in the central
to the Toka Tindung and part of vein where a narrower set of composite
Batupangahdeposits,significant gold veins trending NS coalesce. A characteristics
mineralization(>1g/tAu)atMarawuwungoccurs featureoftheveinsintheBatupangahareaisthe
in the matrix of sulphidic breccias and is presence of gingurolike brownblack siliceous
accompaniedbypronoucedAsSbHganomalism. bands of disseminated sulphides and rare red,
pyritic jasper. These bands are associated with
The goldbearing veins in the Toka Tindung the strongest gold (+10 g/t Au) and silver (+100
district consist predominantly of chalcedony, t/gAg)grades.Silvervaluesaregenerallylowin
quartz and adularia. The strongest gold grades alldepositswithAg:Auratiosintheorderof2:1.
occur in colloform banded, ghostsphere, ghost TokaTindunghasthelargestresource(7.9Mtat
lattice bladed,and mosstextured chalcedony 2.9g/tAu),whereastheotherscontains11.8Mt
adularia rich veins. Lower grade gold grades with average grades varying from 2.9 to 5.7 g/t
generally occurin brecciated veins cemented by Au.
later stage crystalline quartz. Vein breccias are
generally younger than the chalcedonyadularia KAr dating of adularia material from veins and
veins. Late barren to poorly mineralized calcite wallrockyieldedagesintherangeof2.16to1.88
havebeenobservedinanumberofdeposits.The Ma. This falls within the age range of the
sulphidecontentoftheveinsisgenerallyverylow bimodalvolcanicsuitethathoststhemineral

Figure22.Schematic stratigraphy, mineralization and radiometric agedates

Figure23.Simplifiedgeologicalmap ofRatatotokdistrict(after

Figure24. Geological interpretation of Mesel deposit, section20280mE (after

Figure 25. Western Sulawesi. Distribution of
mineralization types, and location of prospects

ization indicating that mineralization and because of the lower permeability of the host
magmatismarecogenetic. rock. Comments Themineralizedveinandstockworksystemsand
Asmentionedatthebeginningofthissection,the through the fossil hot spring system occurred in
deposits and prospects in the Toka Tindung response to boiling of rapidly upwelling, near
district show many of the characteristics of LS neutralpH,alkalichloritefluidsfocusedonhighly
mineralization as defined by Sillitoe and permeable fracture zones (as evidenced by the
Hedenquist (2003). These include association commonpresenceofadularia).Ventingofthese
with bimodal volcanism, presence of sinter, fluids at the paleosurface produced the silica
proximal alteration dominated by illite/smectite sintersexposedatthehigheststratigraphiclevel.
and adularia, nature of vein filling (crustiform, A hydrothermal eruption occurred late in the
colloform, chalcedony, quartz, carbonate hydrothermal cycle, producing the shallow
replacement textures), carbonate gangue breccia apron in the upper part of the
relativelyminorandlate,lowsulphidecontent(< stratigraphy. This generally marks the
1%), low base metal content,low Au/Ag terminationofhotspringactivity.Thebulkofthe
ratios,andanomalousMo,As,Sb,andHg goldsilver mineralization and the overlying
breccias occur within 150m from the
Bimodal volcanic suites are a characteristic paleosurfaceofthefossilhotspringsystem.
feature of extensional tectonic settings. Such
settings are conducive to formation and As mentioned earlier, in Corbett and Leachs
preservation of hotspring sinter, and their (1998)/Corbetts (2007) classification scheme
usuallylowtopographicreliefleadstodeposition adulariasericiteepithermal/bandedchalcedony
of fluviolacustrine sediments (Sillitoe and giguro goldsilver systems are the equivalent of
Hedenquist, 2003). The sedimentation is broadly lowsulphidation systems. They are subdivided
contemporaneous with hydrothermal activity with increasing depth of formation as systems
(SillitoeandHedenquist,2003),asappearstobe dominated by i) sinter and hydrothermal
also the case in the Toka Tindung district (Wake breccias; ii) stockwork or sheeted veins, and 3)
etal.,1997). fissure veins. All three styles are represented in
As discussed by Wake et al. (1997), the AuAg bands, which are a typical feature of this
bearing stockwork vein systems underlying the category, have also been obderved in the Toka
sinter and hydrothermal breccia zones were Tindung district, although they do not appear to
formed in a dilation zones produced by a beaprominentfeature.
combination of reactivated faulting along major
regionalstructuresandhydrofracturingcausedby 4.1.5 SedimenthostedAumineralization
overpressuring of upwelling hydrothermal fluid.
The pervasive distribution of quartzadularia Sedimenthosted gold mineralization is
alteration at Toka Tindung is a function of the prominently developed in the Ratatotok district,
primary porosity and permeability of these rock which also contains other styles of gold
types,actingasalargegeothermalaquifer.This mineralization. Other occurrences have been
style of alteration may have had some effect on observed at Doup (Kavalieris et al., 1992) and in
the structural preparation and broader the GabanboraBatumaja district (Pearson et al.,
development of stockwork, resulting in a larger 1999).
body of mineralization than at veins that
developed in basaltic andesite flows, e.g. at Ratatotokdistrict(Figure23)
Batupangah, where vein development is tighter,
and wallrock adularia alteration less widespread The Ratatotok district, measuring 8km x 4km,
contains sedimenthosted disseminated gold
mineralization at Mesel, paleokarst breccias and conglomerates unconformably overlie the
contact siliceous replacement at the interface sequence and are particularly thick to the north
oflimestoneandandesiticrocksatLobonganand oftheLimpogafault.Thedistrictisdominatedby
Alason, and widespread residual clayquartz ENEtrending arcparallel and NNWtrending arc
breccias resulting from the weathering of the normal faults. Movements along these faults
othertwostylesofmineralization.Thetotalpre affected sedimentation and controlled facies
mininggoldcontentofthedistrictisestimatedto distribution.
exceed93 t(vanderPloeg,1945;Turner,2002).
Papers by Turner et al. (1994), Garwin et al., The Mesel deposit and several smaller satellite
(1995),CorbettandLeach(1998),andHendiand deposits are hosted by a sequence of limestone,
Farmer (1997) form the basis of the following polymiticconglomerateandsedimentarybreccia,
summary. mudstone and mixed siliclasticcarbonate
Gold mining in the Ratatotok District dates back by andesite forming a laccolith that overlies the
toatleastthe1850swhenitappearedonBritish mineralized sequence and locally reaches a
maps of Celebes as the Mt. Tottik gold mine. It thicknessof>100m.Althoughitrarelyhostsany
was carried out initially by local people, both at gold mineralization it is strongly argillized where
surface and underground. Between 1900 and in contact with mineralized carbonates. At the
1921theDutchminedabout5tAu,mostlyfrom surfaceitischaracterizedbya2040mthickzone
unconsolidated eluvial deposits and locally from of yellow and red clay. Calcareous planktonic
underground hard rock mineralization at Hais in foraminifera and nannofossils indicate a
the Lobongan area.In the early 1980s an maximumagerangeof13.711.4whichoverlaps
unnamed Japanese company sampled some of with the age range of the emplacement of the
the underground workings in Hais. Local mining andesite intrusions (13.90.5 to 11.20.3 Ma,
activity resumed in 1985, involving 8000 miners, based on K/Ar dating of hornblende separates
before it was restricted by the regional from 3 samples). This suggests that the
government. sedimentationandintrusiveeventswereroughly
In 1989, Newmont initiated a gold exploration
program in Indonesia, and the Ratatotok district Gold mineralization is both lithologically and
was one of several areas selected, based on structurally controlled (Figure 24). Lithological
historical reports. Exploration was initially control is provided by permeable carbonaceous
directed at the old Hais workings and Alason and enhanced by dolomitization.Orecontrolling
area, locally returning very high gold grades. structures in the Mesel area are inferred to be
Followup drill testing in 1987, however, ENE trending zones of imbricate high angle
produced disappointing results. The next year reverse faults and tight folds that emplaced
Meselwas(re)discoveredandexploredindetail receptive limestone into the relatively
duringtheensuingthreeyears.Thefirstgoldwas impermeable andesite intrusion along the Heins
poured in 1996 and the mine closed down in FindFaultZone.Anotherimportantcontrolisthe
2004,havingproducedatotalof1.9Moz. NNW trending sinistral Mesel Fault and its
intersection with the Heins Find Fault Zone,
TheRatatotokdistrictisunderlainbyarestricted characterized by high grade mineralization and
extensional sedimentary basin that is separated extensivehydrothermalalteration.
from a volcanicdominated terrain to the north
by the ENEtrending Limpoga fault. Lithologies Alteration and mineralization occur within the
consist of a mixed siliciclasticcarbonate carbonate rocks and locally in the overlying
successiondominatedbylimestone.Itisoverlain andesitesills.Fourmainstagesofhydrothermal
byandesiticvolcanicandvolcaniclasticrocks,and activity are recognized: 1) early decalcification
intruded by sills, dykes and laccoliths of and dolomitization adjacent to major faults and
porphyritic andesite composition. Volcanic alongthecontactswiththeoverlyingandesite;2)
intense silicification, in the form of open space and paleokarst breccias remain in the Alason
fillingandreplacementofcalciteanddolomiteby area.
smectiteillite; decreasing intensity away from
areas of inferred fluid upflow; alteration is Residual quartzclay breccias, derived from the
present in the andesite but its distribution is insitudeflationofamineralizedkarstsurfaceare
restricted to an envelope of 15m either side of widespread in the Ratatotok district, formed by
theHeinsFindFaultZoneanda25thickflatlying weathering of both Mesel and Lobongan/Alason
zoneabovealteredlimestoneclosetotheMesel styles of primary mineralization. The difference
Fault; 3) gold mineralization in association with betweenbothweatheringproductsistheformer
quartzsulphide deposition during polyphasal doesnotcontaineasilyextractablegold,whereas
brecciation of the silicified dolomite and altered in the latter type relatively coarse gold is
limestone; the dominant sulphides are early commonandcanbeextractedbylocalminers.
marcasite and pyrite, and later pyrite that
becomes progressively more arsenicrich during Sparse,possiblymainstage,fluidinclusionsfrom
thisstage;and4)postmineralcalciteveining. quartz in jasperoid peripheral to Mesel gave
Goldissubmicroninsizeandassociatedwithvery CO2liquidpresentinmanyinclusions.Thesedata
fine grained (<10 micron) arsenical pyrite. High and calculations of cover rock thickness suggest
grade (>10 g/t) gold zones are highest in the thatthemineralizationwasformedatadepthof
polyphasal silicified breccias proximal to feeder at least 1000m. Primary fluid inclusions
(fluid upflow) structures. Gold contents decline homogenization temperatures from late stage
rapidlyfromtheupflowzonesbelowtheandesite quartzandcalcitearewithinarangeof119170o
sills. The gold is accompanied by anomalous C, recording the waning stage of the
values of As, Sb, Hg and Tl. Stibnite occurs as a hydrothermal system. Fluid inclusions in vein
latesulphidephaseassociatedwithbothstage3 quartzandcalciteatLobonganindicatetheveins
quartzveinsandstage4calciteatshallowlevels formedattemperaturesrangingfrom270to152o
andinzonesperipheraltotheorebody. Cfrom lowsalinity, CO2 bearing boiling fluids.
Stable isotopic data on orerelated minerals
In the Lobongan area, karst terrain has been suggest ore fluids consisted of magmatic fluid
extensively developed consisting of at least two that evolved by interactions with limestone and
phases. The first phase preceded andesitic mixingwithmeteoricwater(Turner,2002).
volcanism, the products of which covered much
of the limestone. Mineralization formed at and Comments
below the unconformity, with gold being
deposited together with quartz and calcite in Sillitoe (1994) observed Mesel is the first large
openspace karst breccias, and with siliceous sedimenthosted Au accumulation (>60 tonnes
replacement of finegrained clastic sediments at Au)definedinanoceanicislandarcsetting.We
the contact. The anastomosing veins are are not aware of other sedimenthosted gold
crystalline and vuggy to banded and crustiform, deposits having since been found in a similar
andcommonlycontainvisiblegold.Highergrade setting,i.e.Meselmaybeuniqueinthisrespect.
Au mineralization mostly formed at major Otherwise it shows many similarities with
structuralintersections,whichalsocontrolledthe sedimenthosted Au deposits in Nevada (the
formationofthepaleokarst,afeaturethatisalso classic Carlintype), including micronsize gold in
commonly observed in the Bau district, West arsenian pyrite, a distinct AuAsSbHgTl
Sarawak (Wolfenden, 1965). Base metals occur geochemical association, and passive alteration
in negligible to minor quantities as chalcopyrite, of silty carbonate units characterized by
sphalerite, galena, covellite, bornite, chalcocite, decalcification, dolomitization, silicification, and
and native copper. Arsenic values (in argillization(Turneretal.,1994),andcontrolby
arsenopyrite)arevariableupto3%andSbisalso highanglefaults(Sillitoe,1994).
Like several of the other mineralized districts in underground and surface mining methods for
Northern Sulawesi, the Ratatotok district is decades by the Dutch and more recently by
characterized by the presence of more than one artisanminers.
the spatial association of the Mesel Published information regarding this style of
mineralization with intermediatesulphidation mineralization is limited. According to Kavalieris
veins may suggest a genetic relationship where et al. (1992) at Petulu, sheeted quartz
similar structurally focused mineralizing fluids chalcopyritebornitemagnetite veins intersect a
may either pervade porous reactive hostrocks, zone of magnetite alteration and are (spatially)
orbecontainedwithinstructuresinimpermeable associated with dacitic dykes inferred to be
rocks to form veins. More speculative is relatedtoadeepergranitoid.Goldispresentin
Kavalieris et al.s (1992) suggestion that high pyriterich veins peripheral to the magnetite
sulphidationmineralizationatSimbalang,located zone.ItshouldbenotedthatPearsonandCaira
20 km away,may also be related to the same (1999) classify Petulu as a porphyry CuAu
magmatichydrothermalsystem. deposit. Palelehis hosted by diorite porphyry
Various models have been proposed for the chalcopyrite was a significant producer of gold,
genesis of sedimenthosted gold deposits silver and lead during the Dutch time. Miocene
(HofstraandCline,2000,andreferencestherein), andesitic volcanics are intruded by diorite.
including; i) intrusiondriven circulation of Pervasive quartzchloriteillite alteration is
meteoric water, plus or minus magmatic fluid developed along the intrusive contact, which
input;ii)meteoricfluidcirculationresultingfrom appears the main control on mineralization.
crustalextensionand/orwidespreadmagmatism; Quartzgoldpyritepyrrhotitechalcopyrite
and iii) ascent of metamorphic fluids to shallow galenasphalerite mineralization is localized
levelsinthecrust.InthecaseofMesel,isotope within subvertical zones of hydraulic fracture
characteristics suggest a direct connection with breccias that grade outwards to veinlet and
magmatism (see above). Another example is the fracture zones in both volcanic and intrusive
BaudistrictinSabah,whereageneticallylinkhas rocks. Gold occurs in native form (Carlile et al.,
been proposed between porphyry stocks and 1990;PearsonandCaira,1999).
skarn , vein, and distal sedimenthosted gold
mineralization (Sillitoe and Bonham, 1990). As 4.1.7 Volcanogenic massive sulphide
mentioned above, porphyry type mineralization mineralization
has been observed in the nearby Doup district.
This, or another proximal porphyry system, may Volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS)
have been the source of the gold deposited at mineralization is hosted in the Papayato
Mesel. Volcanics in two localities at the western end of
Northern Sulawesi. These are referred to as the
4.1.6 Intrusion related base metal gold Papayato and Bukal prospects (Aspinall et all.,
mineralization 1980).

Numerousbasemetalgoldveinandveinswarm The Papayato prospect is exposed in the
occurrences are present in Northern Sulawesi. Papayato River, about 20km upstream from its
They occur at varied distances around individual mouth. A 32m thick massive pyrite body with
intrusions, commonly porphyries or within intercalations of pyritic mudstone occurs in a
porphyry Cu districts, of both Miocene and sequenceoffelsictuffs.Thesulphidesdisplayin
Pliocene age. Examples include Taware Ridge places colloform banding or fine laminations.
(, Kaidundu (, Paleleh, Sumalata, Samples taken across the body gave values of
and Petulu. Some of the vein and vein swarms only0.1%CuandtracesofPb,Zn,andMo.
(e.g. Paleleh, Sumalata, Dinuke, Kwandang, and
Kasia) have witnessed production from both
The Bukal prospect is located in the headwaters Dutch worked alluvial deposits at Tapaibekin in
of the Bukal River. It was investigated in some the Doup distric between 1938 and 1942
detail by a London based company in 1900 that producing in total 68 kg Au and 13 kg Ag.
excavated shallow pits and aidits in the main Endeavour Resources carried out Bangka drilling
body(DixonLode)overastrikelengthof130m. in the Gunung Pani district, where 2.8 M cum
Several companies revisited the area in the @265mgAuand400500,000cum@500mgAu
1970s,includingUtahandRioTinto. were outlined in two deposits. They also carried
The mineralization occurs as two enechelon a resource of 0.5 M cum @ 169 mg Au/cum. A
stratiform lenses in massive rhyolitic volcanics, larger resource figure (1.6 M cum @350 mg
which are chloritized, especially along the Au/cum) is given by PSDG (2010). No other
hanging wall contacts. Where exposed in old alluvial gold exploration has been reported,
trenches it consists of a 2.25m thick zone of reflecting its restricted potential for company
massive pyrite and chalcopyrite overlain by scale exploitation. However, in recent years the
0.75mofsphalerite,chalcopyriteandsubordinate regionhaswitnessedextensiveartisanalpanning
pyrite.Thesulphidesshowinplacesfinegrained and sluicing activities supported by high gold
banding. Gangue minerals include barite and prices.
quartz. In addition, an up to 2.7m thick
discordantlensispresentconsistingofsphalerite, The lack of large size alluvial deposits is due to
chalcopyrite, pyrite, tetrahedrite, and minor the mountainous nature of most of Northern
galena, enveloped by pyrite selvages. Sulawesi with poor development of alluvial
Disseminated chalcopyrite and sphalerite occur plains. Dilution of grades occur in areas with
withinnarrowzonesofkaolinizedrhyolite. unconsolitatedsedimentary/volcaniccoverrocks.

While base metal grades are high (3.812% Cu, PSDG (2010) reports the presence of a few Fe
2.733.7% Zn, 0.52.6% Pb,) the length of the placerdepositsalongthecoastoftheMinahasa
lensesappearstobelimited(upto140m). section up to 31M cum in size (hypothetical
4.1.8 Skarns
4.2 WesternSulawesiProvince
Skarns are developed as partial aureoles in the
propylitic zones surrounding several Miocene Western Sulawesi appears to be less well
porphyry stocks (Kavalieris et al., 1992; Pearson mineralized than Northern Sulawesi.
and Caira, 1999). Examples include Matinan6 Furthermore it hosts mostly different styles of
( , Adapi, and Boloila. The skarns are mineralization,reflectingsignificantdifferencesin
hosted by the Dokokapa Formation. They are geologicalsettingbetweenthetwoprovinces.As
controlled by both steeply dipping faults and mentioned earlier, mining activities have been
calcareous beds. Their mineralogy consists of verylimitedtodate.
locallyhighgoldvalueswhichareassociatedwith The oldest known mineralization comprises
horizons of pyrrhotite, pyrite, magnetite, galena, chromiteintheCretaceousBarruComplex,which
sphalerite,andtetrahedritetennantite. is hosted in serpentinized peridotite intruded by
4.1.9 PlacerAuandFedeposits zones and at intrusive contacts (Purawiardi,
2008). Copper occurs in the socalled Koper
The widespread occurrence of primary gold Lei (CopperSlate) Formation, now known as
mineralization in Northern Sulawesi has resulted Toraja Formation, in the foothills of the
in the common presence of alluvial gold LatimojongMountainsassmallpocketsofnative
throughout the province. However, the deposits copper and malachite in a shaly sequence (van
are generally small and/or of low grade. The Bemmelen, 1949). Only a few porphyry Cu
prospects/occurrences are known, all of which as float and outcrop associated with an altered
appear to be associated with Neogene potassic andsheareddioritebody.Potassicalteration(K
alkaline intrusives and have peripheral vein feldspar and biotite segregations) is overprinted
and/or skarn mineralization. Mineralization by phyllic assemblages (quartzsericitepyrite
associated with intrusive rocks other than kaolinite)andsurroundedbypropyliticalteration.
porphyry style, include base metal veins at Skarn veins, dominated by carbonate and
Baturappe, base metalAu veins at Esang, and containing chalcopyrite pyrite and arsenopyrite,
magnetitehematite skarns at Tandjung and Salo have also been observed. The other two
Talimbangan. A small cluster of Kurokotype prospects, Sasak and Masabo, are described
deposits is found near Sangkaropi. below.
Manganiferous ironstones, the weathering
product of sulphide and magnetite Sasakdistrict
AnotablefeatureofthemetallogenyofWestern Porphyry copper mineralization was discovered
Sulawesi is the apparent poor development of near Sasak in 1969. It has been intermittently
typical epithermalstyle gold mineralization. In explored between 1972 and 1998 by Antam,
the central eastern part of the province several Aberfoyle, and North Ltd, and is currently being
significantgolddepositsarepresentintheAwak investigated by Victory West Moly. The
MasandPalopodistrictsandnearPalu.Wehave explorationactivitiesincludeddrillingofabout43
tentativelyclassifiedthemasintrusionrelatedAu holes. The following account is based on Taylor
vein deposits and discuss them under the and van Leeuwen (1980), Muller (1998) and
headingGoldinmetamorphicterrains Schwager (1998). A crosssection is shown in
Following are description of the more significant
and/or interesting deposits and occurrences in The Sasak area comprises mainly andesites,
Western Sulawesi. Their locations and those of diorites and various tuff breccias, which have
others are shown in Figure 25. Table 5 been intruded by monzonite stocks and related
summarizes the main features of some of the dykes. The region forms a large magnetic high
moreimportantdeposits. anomalyreflectingthehighmagnetitecontentof
the dioritic and andesitic lithologies that
4.2.1 Porphyrycoppergold dominate thegeologyatSasak.The monzonites
have medium to coarsegrained porphyritic
Known porphyry copper Cu texturesandconsistoflargeplagioclaseandalkali
prospects/occurrences are present atSasak and feldspar (up to 10mm) crystals and smaller
Seko, both found during a reconnaissance biotite,setinafinegrainedgroundmassofalkali
geochemicalsamplingprogrammecarriedoutby feldspar and minor quartz. No geochemical and
the Geological Survey of Indonesia in CW age dates have been reported for the intrusive
Sulawesi and drill tested by Antam in the early rocks, but they are likely to belong to the
1970s, and at Masabo and Malawa. No Neogene potassic suite. Three types of tuff
informationisavailableforSeko,otherthanthat brecciashavebeenrecognized:andesiticbreccia,
only low grade Cu mineralization (0.40%) was polymict breccia with diorite, andesite,
intersected (Geomin, 2010). It is located about monzonite and silicified siltstone fragments, and
200kmnorthofSangkaropi,butitsexactposition afelsictuffbreccia,whichhasbeendescribedas
is not known. Malawa, which is present near afragmentedmonzonite.
Malawa village in SW Sulawesi, is a recent
discovery. Only preliminary investigation has The Sasak area is crosscut by a NWtrending
been carried out todate structural corridor, which forms a magnetic low
( Copper anomaly, probably reflecting the presence of an
mineralization (malachite, chalcopyrite in elongated monzonite stock at depth. A second
veinlets, covellite and Cubearing gossan) occurs welldevelopedfracturefaultsystemhasaNE


Deposit Class DepositStyle HostRocks Ag/Au Metal Age(Ma) Resource Mineralogy Alteration
Name ratio signature
Malala porphyry qtzkfspveins quartzmonzonite MoCuPbZn 4(HR) 100 Mt @ 0.14% momgtpysph 1) qtzbtkfsp
(AnomalyB) Mo MoS2 gacp 2) carbser/illchl
Sasak porphyry 1) disspy+cp monzonite stocks CuAuPbZn Late pycpbomgt 1) btmgt
CuAu 2) qtzkfspsulphveins &dykes;breccia Miocene 2) serillchl
Masabo intrusion 1) diss syenite dykes; CuMoPbZn Late pycppo 1) actalb
relatedAu 2) qtzvns,micro metabasalt Bo Miocene 2) btmgt
AwakMas intrusion qtzalbcarb metasediments <1 AuSbAs ( ?Pliocene 41.7 Mt @ 1.23 g/t py(cpsph) albcarb
related vns,partlysheeted,stk, Hg) Au(2004)
Au bx 20.4 Mt @ 0.82 g/t
Mangkaluku intrusion qtzcarbvns metasediments, <3 AuAgAs ( Pliocene Au as electrum; 1) kfspbtactqtz
relatedAu qtzmonzonite CuPbZn). pyaspy (arg 2) qtzchlser/ill
cpcov) 3) qtzchlepiact
Poboya intrusion qtzcarbvns metamonzonite, <1 Pliocene 18Mt@3.4g/tAu py nearby zone of
relatedAu gneiss,schist kaoldickqtzal
Esang intrusion qtzcarbvns metasediments py,arsenianpy qtzser/illpy
related pocp


Figure26.Crosssectionshowinggeologyandalteration zonationatSasakporphyryCu

Figure 27. Simplified geological map Masabo porphyry Cu prospect (PT


trend. The NEand NWtrending systems have crosscutting synto post mineralization
beeninterpretedtobecontrolledrespectivelyby monzonite dykes. It stops abruptly at 40 m
extensional and compressional forces, related to depth, truncated by a low angle fault dipping to
right lateral strikeslip fault movement along the the NNE. The thrust fault has emplaced the
nearby northerly trending Sadang fault system, mineralizedbodyontopofapolymictbrecciaina
whichmaybethenortherlyextensionoftheEast southwesterly to southeasterly direction. A
Walanae fault system. The NEtrending buried monzonite intrusive to the NW of Sasak
extensional structures include narrow alteration could include the lower, autochthonous part of
zones, galena veins, dykes and hydrothermal the mineralized porphyry system. Mineralized
breccias. quartzveins,stockworksandfracturesmimicthe
main structural orientations with quartz
The Sasak porphyry system is characterized by a Kfeldsparpyritechalcopyritebornitemagnetite
zoned alteration pattern, which is typical for veins being crosscut by steeply dipping NE
porphyry CuAu deposits worldwide. Propylitic trending quartzpyritechalcopyritebornite
alterationextendsoveranareaofapproximately veins. The sulphide vein mineralization
3.5 x 2.5 km, including a zone with strong clay overprintsearlierdisseminatedmagnetitepyrite
pyritejarositealterationcoveringanareaof1000 chalcopyritemineralization.Betterdrillintercepts
x 700 m. Central potassic (biotitemagnetite) include76m@0.4g/tAu,0.22%Cuand99m@
alteration is exposed in three zones at S. Doi, S. 0.35g/tAu,0.25%Cu.
Darung (~800 m NW of Doi) and S. Patani (~600
m SE of Doi). All three zones occur within the TheSasakdistrictalsocontainsintrusionrelated
NWtrendingstructuralcorridor,thelattertwoat base metalAu veins and skarn occurrences (van
the intersection of NE trending faults. The Bemmelen,1949).
potassic alteration is surrounded and partly
overprinted by argillic (kaolinitejarosite) and Masabo(Figure27)
phyllic (pyritesericite) alteration. Late stage,
crosscutting anhydrite veins are a common The Masabo porphyry Cu prospect sits about
feature. In places, anhydrite replaces earlier 25km inland from the west Sulawesi coast in
pyrite veins. Argillic alteration is commonly rugged terrain. It was located by Rio Tinto in
structurallycontrolled. 1998 by following up a BLEG anomaly (136 ppb
Ag, 4 ppb Au) in S. Masabo, which initially let to
The S. Darung zone extends over about 130 m the discovery of a quartz vein in the middle
andissurroundedbykaolinitejarositealteration, reachesoftheriverwithsignificantAu,AgandAs
which grades outwards into propylitic alteration. values. Subsequently a robust Pb stream
Several quartzpyritechalcopyritesphalerite sediment anomaly was identified with several
galenaveinsoccurbothtothenorthandsouthof areas of elevated Cu on the Masabo watershed.
thispotassiczoneandcontainupto8.9g/tAu.At A5601000ppmCuinsoilanomalywithelevated
S. Patani, the potassic zone outcrops over 80 m B,MoandPbwastestedbyfourshallowholesin
and is overlain by moderately to strongly 2000, two of which averaged 0.3 to 0.4% Cu for
kaolinitejarosite altered rocks. It contains theirentirelengthandupto1.0%Cuovershorter
coherent anomalous Au and Cu values, intervalswithgoldbeingconspicuouslyabsent.
suggesting the possible presence of porphyry
stylemineralizationatdepth.Thisinterpretation Thefollowingdescriptionisbasedonareportby
is consistent with the presence of argillic Kavalieris(2001).
and of potassic altered monzonite dykes TheMasaboprospectishostedmainlybyfoliated
containingquartzpyritechalcopyriteveining. metabasaltsofamphibolitefacies,whichbelong
to the Karossa Metamorphic Complex (van
PorphyryCuAumineralizationinS.Doiishosted LeeuwenandMuhardjo,2005).Themetabasalts
by a succession of monzonitic tuff breccias and have been intruded by metatonalite, which
yielded a U/Pb zircon age of 51.5 Ma (van
LeeuwenandMuhardjo,2005),andraredykesof Comments
syenite and related Krich intrusives, which also
contain copper mineralization. A larger body of At both Sasak and Masabo porphyry
syenite,about3kmindiameterisexposed1.3km mineralization is associated with relatively small
SWoftheprospectarea.Theserocksarecutby dykes of potassic calcalkaline to alkaline
postmineralization syenodiorite dykes. The K composition,andrelativelylargebasemetalveins
rich rocks were formed during the MiddleLate thatcoveramuchbroaderarea.SasakisAurich
Miocene potassic alkaline magmatic event (see like potassic igneous porphyry systems
3.2.). worldwide, and it is enigmatic why the Masabo
Copper mineralization is closely associated with porphyries are commonly also rich in magnetite,
biotitemagnetiteactinolitealbite alteration which at Masabo is present in relatively small
occurring in several irregular areas distributed amountsonly.ButneitherareSasakandMamut
over several sq km, without a clear center, and inSabah,whichhaveAu(ppm):Cu(%)ratios1.
without a typical porphyry zonation. Porphyry Mamut is hosted by a potassic calcalkaline
type quartz veins (<10% vol %) occur on the intrusion.AsatMasabo,pyrrhotiteisassociated
marginsofmineralizedsyeniteintrusionsandare with chalcopyrite, and actinolite with secondary
sparsely distributed in the metabasalts. The pyrite, and tourmaline is common at the
mainstyleofmineralizationisfinelydisseminated Tampang porphyry, 10km SE of Mamut
chalcopyrite in microfractures, along foliation in (Kavalieris,2001).Masabodiffersfromtheother
metabasalt, and in quartz veins. In the latter two deposits in lacking porphyrytype quartz
case it infills centerlines in the veinlets and is veins, and yet significant chalcopyrite
invariably associated with molybdenite. In mineralization is found disseminated in hairline
addition, chalcopyrite occurs in tourmaline fractures.Incontrast,atbothSasakandMamut
arsenopyritepyrite veins localized by major sub thereisacloserelationshipbetweenquartzvein
vertical structural zones up to several meters intensityandgrade(Kavalieris,2001).
wide, and in galenasphaleritecarbonate veins.
Associated with the disseminated style is 4.2.2 Porphyrymolybdenum
pyrrhotite and minor pyrite, but the total
sulphidecontentislow(<23vol%).Thecopper The only known significant porphyry Mo
mineralization correlates reasonably to zones of mineralizationinIndonesiaisfoundintheMalala
strongerbiotitealteration.Ageneralparagenesis District at the northern tip of the Western
for the Masabo system may be actinolitealbite Sulawesi Province. The district was discovered
biotite magnetite porphyrytype quartz during a regional porphyry Cu exploration
veins with chalcopyritepyrrhotitemolybdenite programme carried out by Rio Tinto in 1973,
sericite(minor)polymetallictourmalineand covering an area of 1,700 km2. Several base
basemetalcarbonateveins.Acloserelationship metalmolybdenum anomalies in stream
between stages of magmatism and porphyry sediments from catchments in excess of 15 km2
veiningissuggestedbytheintrusionofmmwide were obtained, including the Takudan River
aplitedykesincenterlinequartzveins. catchment,whichyielded80#valuesof245ppm
Cu, 390 ppm Pb, 340 ppm Zn, and 15 ppm Mo.
TheprospectareaiscutbyaseriesofN120Efault Followupsamplingin1976ledtoanexposureof
zones,whichmaybeanimportantcontrolonthe molybdenite in quartz veins, in an area named
porphyry system. They are intruded by post Anomaly B. This prospect was investigated in
mineral syenodiorite dykes and host large detail between 1977 and 1981, outlining a
tourmaline and base metal carbonate veins. geological resource of 100 Mt @ 0.14% MoS2,
Oxidation along these structures is about 50m whichwaswellbelowtheminimumtargetof150
deep, and significantly deeper along tourmaline Mt @ 0.25% MoS2, a target deemed to be
veins. economically viable at the prevailing
molybdenumprice.Threeotheranomaliesareas, mineralization event but before the cessation of
A, C and K were examined during the same hydrothermalactivity.
period, involving only surface exploration.
Followingasurgeinthepriceofmolybdenumin The dominant structural trends are NW and NE.
the mid2000s renewed interest in the district The Takudan fault is the most prominent
was shown by Victory West Moly, who initiated structureinthedistrict,striking040oto60oover
an exploration programme in 2007 with the a distance of about 30 km and passing through
primefocusonAnomalyB.Workcarriedoutup AnomalyB.Anotherprominentfaultisthe310o
to mid2011 included limited drilling (2100 m) trending AB linear, which connects Anomaly A
andsurfacesampling. and B. Northerly and easterly trends are also
common, but less pronounced exposed faults,
Thefollowingaccountisbasedonanunpublished fractures and veins suggest that dips in all four
report by Aspinall et al. (1980), a paper by van sets are predominantly steep to vertical. The
Leeuwen et al. (1994), personal communications faults appear to have been active before, during
from L Whitehouse (2009), and media releases and after the emplacement and solidification of
fromVictoryWestMoly(VWM). the batholith. Sharp truncation of some soil
geochemical anomalies indicates post Malaladistrict mineralizationmovement.

The geology of the district consists of At Anomaly B, alteration and mineralization are
metasedimentaryandvolcanicrocksbelongingto erratically developed over an area of 4 km2,
the Middle EoceneEarly Miocene Tinombo predominantlyasashell,upto50mthick,atthe
Formation,whichhasbeenintrudedbyasuiteof intrusive contact, with minor mineralization
porphyritic rocks, named Malala porphyries. occurring in the Tinombo Formation. Another
Theseporphyriesoccurintheroofzoneofalarge important control is a series of NW trending,
intrusion, the Dondo batholith, composed of steeplydippingfracturezones,collectivelynamed
predominantly porphyritic biotitehornblende the East Zone. This zone, which is more than
granite and biotite granite with subordinate 1850mlong,30300mwideandmorethan200
quartz monzonite and granodiorite. It was mdeep,hoststhebettermineralization(Fig28).
emplaced/cooled around 4 Ma ago. Near some
oftheintrusivecontactstheTinomborockshave Early potassic alteration and silicification is
beenalteredtobiotitehornfels,formingcontact overprinted by sericite/illite and carbonate
aureoles usually of only a few tens of metres assemblages. Four stages of vein alteration and
wide. In contrast, quartz veining commonly mineralization have been recognized: 1) barren
extends for at least 1km beyond the intrusive quartzKfeldspar; 2) quartzKfeldsparapatite
contact.InplacestheTinomborocksarepresent molybdenite; 3) sericitechloritecarbonate and
asthinroofpendantsandwedgesintheintrusive base metal sulphides; and 4) carbonate and
rocks. kaoline/dickite.

TheMalalaporphyriesoccurasstocksanddykes. Stage 1 veining is multiphase. Early veins are
They represent late stage differentiates of the highly irregular, discontinuous and podlike,
Dondo intrusive suite, and locally display commonlyshowingplasticdeformation,whereas
unidirectional solidification textures consisting youngerveinstendtohavesubparallelwallsand
of subparallel, crenulated layers of quartz that may be zoned with respect to quartz and K
area separated by layers of intrusive material. feldspar.Locallytheveinsformstockworkbodies
These textures, which are relatively common in withquartzconstitutingisupto85%ofthehost
porphyryMosystems,areprobablytheresultof rock.These occur close to or straddle the SW
quenching during cyclic vapor release. Narrow marginoftheEastZoneextendingverticallyover
rhyodacite dykes are the youngest magmatic 300mwithamaximumthicknessofabout130m.
phase. They were emplaced after the main Stage II vein silicate assemblages are similar to
the intrusive wallrock groundmass in terms of The prospect is defined by three stream
composition and in the case of quartz also sedimentsoil anomalies. A weak Mo in soil
texture,withveinandgroundmassquartzlocally anomaly, covering an area of about 1.5 km2, is
merging. The nature of the Stage I and II veins locatedinthenorthernpart.ACuMoanomaly,
combined with the presence of disseminated measuring1200mx600m,isfoundtothesouth.
molybdenite intergrown with primary biotite in The most prominent feature is a PbZn anomaly
the host intrusive and high salinities and which is about 15 km2 in size. Cu is locally
formation temperatures of stage I and II fluids, anomalous and detectable Au in soil is
suggests that the ore forming fluids exsolved widespread.ZonesofhigherPb(+1000ppm)and
directly from the crystallizing magma. The Zn(+400ppm)arelinearandtrend310320o,i.e.
dominance of Mo over Cu can be readily parallel to the AB linear, suggesting strong
explained by the strongly fractionated nature of structural control. An interesting aspect is that
theintrusiverocks(Sillitoe,1994). soil values generally increase with decreasing
elevation, suggesting an increase in
On a prospectwide scale there is no distinct mineralizationintensitydownwards.
alteration and metal zoning, which earlier
workers interpreted to indicate that the Pyrite,galenaandsphaleritearewidespread,but
mineralization and alteration formed in a closed molybdenite is rarely seen. The total sulphide
high pressure system with small thermal and budgetisupto3volume%inthemostintensely
chemical gradients. However, recent drilling altered area. The sulphides occur as
throughtheEastZonehasshownadistinctlateral disseminationsandveinletsintheintrusiverocks,
zonation, from SW to NE, barren quartz coatings on fractures in the metasediments,
stockworks potassic alteration overprinted by veins,andmineralizedshears.Thetotalsulphide
sericitecarbonate containing molybdenite and budgetisconsiderable,butnowhereweregalena
minor chalcopyrite propylitic alteration with and sphalerite found in sufficient concentrations
pyrite, chalcopyrite and minor molybdenite to be of economic interest. Hypothetically,
galena and sphalerite, suggesting more porphyrytype mineralization may be present at
pronounced thermochemical gradients within depths, although at the surface there is no
themajorfaultzone.Inthenorthernpartofthe evidenceforsufficientgroundpreparation.
East Zone bornitemagnetite mineralization is
foundatarelativelyhighlevelgradingupwardsin AnomalyCislocatedabout4kmNEofTolitoli.It
a Zn zone, which may possibly indicate vertical ischaracterizedbya1000mx600mCuMoPbin
zoningaswell. soil anomaly. Quartz monzonitediorite dykes
located about 3 km SW of a dioritic batholith
The Anomaly A prospect is located about 10 km intrude Tinombo metavolcaniclastics. They
NW of Anomaly B. (This would seem to be the appear to be randomly orientated, are mostly
same area referred to as Promitis by VWM, narrow, and show patchy quartsericite
describedasanewdiscovery).Itappearstohave alteration.Pyriteisthedominantsulphidephase
beendownfaultedrelativetothelatterarea,asa occurring as fracture surface coatings in the
result of which much more Tinombo roof Tinomborocksorasdisseminationsindykesand
pendant rocks have been observed. Another surrounding alteration haloes. Traces of
difference is that while at Anomaly B the main molybdeniteandgalenawereobservedinnarrow
intrusiveTinombo contacts are predominantly pyritic shears and minor chalcopyrite in silicified
vertical, at Anomaly A they tend to be more rock.
gently dipping. Contact features vary in width
They include dyke swarms, and shearing,
hornfelsing and silicification of the Tinombo TwomajorclassesofporphyryModepositshave
rocks. been generally recognized: 1) high grade, rift
related deposits accompanied by Frich, highly
evolved rhyolitic stocks, and 2) low grade, arc ThreeoretypeshavebeendescribedbyJurkovic
related deposits accompanied by Fpoor calc and Zalokar (1990): i) yellow ore consisting of
alkalinestocksorplutons(e.g.WestraandKeith, pyrrhotite and pyrite and later abundant
1981). Malala closely fits the second category. It chalcopyrite with minor amounts of sphalerite,
differs mainly in its tectonic setting, which for tetrahedrite and enargite; ii) black ore that is
most other Fpoor deposits is believed to be a composed of pyrite, sphalerite and tetrahedrite
subductionrelated compressional environment and accessory chalcopyrite, chalcocite and
withmantledominatedplutonism(Sillitoe,1980). galena, and iii) impregnation ore consisting of
As mentioned earlier, during the Neogene pyrite disseminated in silicified host rocks.
Western Sulawesi was characterized by a post Quartzisthedominantganguemineral.Yoshida
subduction,extensionalregime.Furthermore,the etal.(1982)reportawiderangeoffluidinclusion
CAK suites that host the mineralization were filling temperatures, including 250o160o C for
mostlikelyderivedfrommeltingoflowercrustal stockwork ore, 184o160o C for sphalerite, and
rocks (eg Polve et al., 1997; Elburg and Foden, 280oto200oCfordrusequartzinstratiformore;
1999; Elburg et al., 2003). However, the granitic thelattertemperaturerangeistypicalofKuroko
rocks associated with the Malala mineralization mineralization in Japan. Assuming that the
haveachemicalcompositionthatissimilartothat maximum temperature of mineralization was
ofotherFpoordeposits,suggestingthatmagma about 280o C and taking into consideration the
chemistrymaybeamoreimportantcontrolthan lackofboilingphenomena,theauthorsconclude
tectonicsetting. that ore deposition took place at a sea depth of
4.2.3 Volcanogenicmassivesulphides
4.2.4 Goldinmetamorphicterrains
In the Sangkaropi district Kurokotype VMS
mineralization is present at three localities, Relativelycoarsegrainedhighpurityalluvialgold
Sangkaropi,RumangaandBilolo,formingalinear derived from metamorphic complexes in the
distribution along a SWNE trend. Small scale northernpartofWesternSulawesiiswidespread,
mining was carried out by the Japanese during but most important in the Moutong and
World War II. In 1974, Antam embarked on a Molosipat catchment area in the Malino
major exploration programme that lasted for a Metamorphic Complex and in the Upper Lariang
number of years and involved detailed shallow River that has its catchment in the Palu
drilling.Aberfoyleinvestigatedtheareaaspartof MetamorphicComplex.Inbothareasauriferous
a COW exploration programme that took place quartz occurs as lenses and layers, up to several
between 1987 and 1994. An UTEM survey was metres thick along foliation and as narrow
carriedout,butnosignificantmineralizationwas (generally <0.5 m) crosscutting veins. In the
found.Themineralizationformslenses,upto70 former area the veins are predominantly hosted
mlongand18mwide,atthecontactofarhyolitic bygreenschist,whereasinthelatterhighergrade
tufflava unit and an underlying andesite unit. metamorphicrocksarethehost(Kavalierisetal.,
The rhyolite unit is overlain by marls containing 1992). In the Malino Metamorphic Complex the
Middle (?) Oligocene foraminifera assemblages cross cutting veins fill gashes and form irregular
(Jones and Kristianto, 1994) indicating an stockworks, consistent with hydrofracturing.
Oligoceneageforthemineralization.Yoshidaet They were formed after ductile formation and
al. (1982) recognize two styles of mineralization: peak metamorphism, probably during uplift and
i) syngenetic brecciated to stratiform massive extension of the metamorphic terrain. Ag/Au
sulphide ore, and ii) epigenetic vein and ratios are typically <1 (Kavalieris, 1991).
stockworktype underlying the brecciated to Kavalieris et al. (1992) point out that the gold
stratiform ore. A thin layer of barite covers the mineralizationiscomparabletomineralizationin
orelenses. the Otago Schist, New Zealand, described by


and mineralization/alteration
Figure 28. Cartoon showing geology


of Awak Mas district showing
Figure 29. Simplified geological map




Figure 31. Summary geology of Mangkaluku prospect with interpreted vein and


holes MLD006 showing interpreted
Figure 32. NWSE section through drill


Figure33.SimplifiedgeologicalmapofPoboya prospect(PTCitraPaluMining)

The alluvial and hard rock gold has been known GGM each held 45% equity. They withdrew a
for many years to local miners. More recent is year later after having drill tested two of the
the discovery of three primary mineralization satellite prospects, viz. Salu Bulo, where a
prospects/districts i.e. Poboya in the Palu geologicalresourceof160,000230,000ouncesof
Metamorphic Complex, and Palopo and Awak goldwasoutlined,andTarra.Atotalof43holes
Mas in the Latimojong Complex and adjacen with an aggregate meterage of about 3,400 m
rocks.Thesethreedepositshaveseveralfeatures weredrilled.
structure; 2) there is no spatial relationship with The project was acquired by Vista Gold
volcanic rocks; 3) Ag/Au ratios and base metal Corporation in 2004. This company carried out
contents are low; and 4) quartz and carbonate variousstudiesandin2006drilltestedtwoother
are the dominant gangue minerals. Paboya satellite prospects named Rante and Lematik,
appears to have formed at a higher structural which involved drilling of 13 holes totaling
levelthantheothertwodeposits. around 2,570 m. In late 2009, after having
assumed the development for the Awak Mas AwakMasdistrict(Figure29) project, Pan Asia Resources Ltd (since renamed
One Asia Resources Ltd) embarked on a drilling
The following account is based on Katchan programme with the aim of upgrading the
(1994), Archibald et al. (1996), Cox et al. (1998), inferred resource category into a measured
RGSGlobal(2004),andQuerubinetal.(2011). and/orindicatedcategory.Bymid201175holes
The Awak Mas deposit is located together with
four satellite prospects in the foothills of the In all, 1,012 holes totaling 118,081 m have been
Latimojong Mountains, 67 km southwest of drilledandoverUS$30millionhasbeenspent.
Palopo. The project area is characterized by
moderate to rugged topography with elevations TheAwakMasdistrictissituatedinthesouthern
in the range of 800 to 1,500 m above sea level. partoftheLatimojongComplex.Tothewestitis
Extensive preexisting workings infilled with separated from the Eocene Toraja Formation by
mechanically crushed sand have been an easterly dipping thrust, whereas the eastern
encountered in drilling. The age of these marginisdefinedbyamajorbasementstructure
workingshasnotbeenascertained. (mlange) against which the Lamasi Ophiolite
The deposit was (re)discovered in 1989 by New comprises the weakly metamorphosed
Hope Consolidated Industries Pty Ltd (NHCL) Latimojong Formation, an Upper Cretaceous
during a regional exploration programme. In turbiditic flysch sequence with intercalations of
1991,BattleMountainGoldenteredintoafarm andesitic volcanics and limestone, and higher
in agreement with NHCL. Initial drilling of 74 grade metamorphic basement rocks, including
diamond drill holes outlined significant blueschists and other schist types, serpentinite
mineralization. However, Battle Mountain and metadolerite, showing in places highly
decided to withdraw from the project and sold contorted foliation. The metamorphic units are
theirinteresttoLoneStarExploration(LSE),who intruded by plugs and stocks of diorite,
in turn on sold 45% interest to Gasgoyne Gold monzoniteandsyenite,probablybelongingtothe
minesNL(GGM).Thetwocompaniesdrilled791 NeogenehighKcalcalkalinetoalkalinesuites.
holes (DDH and RC) at Awak Mas with an
aggregate meterage of about 95,800m between The basement rocks belong to a midCretaceous
1993 and 1997. In 1996, a feasibility study was dismemberedaccretionzonethatextendedfrom
undertaken based on a 3 Mt per annum mining Central Sulawesi and through to the Bantimala
and milling rate. In 1998 Placer Dome entered Complex in Java (Parkinson et al., 1998). In the
into a joint venture agreement with Masmindo Awak Mas district drilling has indicated that the
MiningCorporationLtd(MMC),inwhichLSEand basement rocks form an approximately 250 m
thick slab, which is tectonically intercalated brecciation. They may represent the main
withintheflyschsequence.Inthisareatheflysch feeders to mineralization where higher grade
rocks are foliated metapelites and gold intercepts are closely related to elevated
metapsammites with protoliths including valuesofsilverandothermetals.
graphitic mudstone, predominantly greenish
mudstone to siltstone, and finegrained lithic The results of limited mineralogical studies
sandstone. The sequence is capped by foliated, suggest that gold occurs as either inclusions in
coarsegrained, tuffaceous sandstone, which is pyrite,oralongcontactsbetweenpyritegrains.It
largely confined to ridge crests. also occurs together with trace amounts of
Sheared/mylonitic intervals occur as interbeds chalcopyrite and sphalerite as inclusions within
oriented parallel to subparallel to foliation, the pyrite. Other sulphide species observed are
frequently between major structures. These are covellite,arsenopyrite,bornite,andtetrahedrite.
represented by a series of NNE to NE trending, Although the mineralization is predominantly a
parallel to subparallel, subvertical fault zones. goldpyrite association, the alteration system is
Syn to postmineralization movements have overall sulphurpoor. Mineralized quartz veins
resultedinthedisplacementofmineralizedzones are surrounded by an outer chlorite alteration
in the Awak Mas prospect. Early dextral halo and inner albitecarbonate halo. The term
displacement appears to have shifted chlorite alteration is probably misleading as this
subsequentlytowardssinistralmovement. type of alteration marks the oxidation of
carbonaceous matter to carbonate, which is
Gold mineralization in the Awak Mas district is accompanied by a change in colour from
predominantly hosted within the Upper grey/blacktogreen.Thechlorite/oxidationfront
Cretaceous flysch sequence that generally dips extends from a few meters to a maximum of 10
15o to 50o to the north. It is commonly m from the mineralized veins. The well
associated with abundant quartz veining and developed oxidation front and rare presence of
accompanied by albitepyritequartzcarbonate hematite attest to the oxidizing nature of the
alteration which overprints ductile fabrics. mineralizing fluids. Carbonate species in wall
Mineralization is preferentially localized in the rock and veins include calcite, ankerite and
darkgraphiticmudstoneswithminoramountsin dolomite. They are probably mostly derived
the green mudstones, especially where these locally by oxidation of the host rocks. Intense
rocks are tectonically interleaved with the dark albite alteration forms haloes around
mudstones. It also is found in the basement mineralization varying from a few tens of
schists and associated with shear zones in the centimeterstoameterwide.
ophiolite sequence. Oblique normal faults, as
well as extensional shears and fractures, formed Archibald et al. (1996) note that the flysch
inresponsetoextensionaldeformation,serveas sequence is unlikely to be a source of the gold
local control to mineralization as does the owingtothelowgoldcontentsgenerallyinherent
orientation of the host foliation. The depth of tothesetypesofsedimentaryrocks.Ifthesource
oxidationismaximum20m. of the fluids was the Neogene potassic igneous
suites, potassicrich assemblages would be
Two main styles of mineralization are present, expected as alteration products. A more likely
both being mesothermal in character; one as sourceforthefluidsarethebasementblueschists
shallowdippingzonesofsheetedquartzveining and associated serpentinites and/or adjacent
andassociatedalterationthatarebroadlyparallel ophiolites.
to the shear fabric, particularly in the dark
mudstones, and the other as steeper zones Intense sodic metasomatism invariably
associated with high angle faults cutting both accompanies low/medium temperature seafloor
basement schists and the flysch sequence. The hydrothermal alteration, an environment where
steeply dipping faults and shear zones are gold being leached from the basalticgabbroic
associated with repeated silica flooding and rockswouldbeexpected.
with the Antam drilling it did not confirm the
Archibaldetal.(1996)andCoxetal.(1998)infer surface extent of the mineralization, possibly
that the gold mineralization took place between reflecting nearsurface supergene enrichment,
86 Ma based on crosscutting relationships, although the rocks are not deeply weathered.
radiometric dating and superimposition of likely Ownership of the property changed hands in
fluid temperatures on fission track uplift curves. 2010/11 via Reliance Resources Ltd to Golden
The radiometric age and fission track data are PeaksResourcesLtd.
The geological setting of the Palopo district is
The current Measured and Indicated Mineral similar to that of the Awak Mas district; the
Resources at Awak Mas amount to 41.7 Mt at mineralizedareastraddlestheboundarybetween
1.23 g/t au and additional Inferred Mineral maficvolcanicsbelongingtotheLamasiOphiolite
Resourcesto20.4Mtat0.82g/tAu,inbothcases Complex and metasediments of the Upper
usingacutoffgradeof0.50g/tAu. Cretaceous Latimojong Formation, which have
been intruded by the latest Miocene Palopo Palopodistrict(Figure30) Granite. The granitoids are of monzonite to
monzodiorite composition and show weak
The following description has been summarized foliatedtextures.
from a report written by Mclean (2010) ,
informationprovidedbyP.Flindell(writtencom., At Mangkaluku, gold mineralization is hosted by
2008)and a recent paper by Musri et al (2011a), quartzcarbonate veins containing pyrite and
whichisbasedonaMScthesiscarriedoutbythe arsenopyrite (<3%), that are controlled by faults
seniorauthor(Musri,2001). and shears developed predominantly within
coarse, porphyritic monzodiorite. The veins are
There are anecdotal reports of prospecting for concentrated in two NNE to NE trending zones,
gold and base metals in the region during the each comprising both numerous discrete, in
Dutch colonial times and of gold panning in the places close spaced sheeted quartz veins as well
Latuppa River in the 1960s. In the course of a asmultipleveinzones(Figures31and32).Vein
stream sampling programme carried out by zones are 0.5 m to tens of metres wide, with
Antam in the region in the late 1990s a number individual veins within the zones varying from 5
ofAuPbZnCuanomalieswerelocated.Follow to 30 cm in width. The western zone measures
up exploration led to the discovery of the about300mby100m,andcontainsmoderately
Mangkaluku and Siguntu prospects, located to steeply WNW dipping quartzsulphide veins.
about 6 and 10 km southwest of Palopo The eastern zone is more laterally extensive but
respectively, and several other prospects. lesscontinuous.Itcontainsbothveinzonesand
Trenching at Mangkaluku outlined extensive individual veins of variable orientations. Both
widthsofgoldmineralization,butdrilltesting(11 mineralized zones are commonly displaced by
holes, 1831 m) of these zones returned mostly latercrosscuttingfaults.
narrow mineralized intercepts, and Antam
subsequentlyrelinquishedtheground. Three main alteration assemblages have been
Following a review of the geological and actinolitequartzchlorite (potassic); ii) quartz
explorationdatafortheregionAvocetselecteda chloritesericite (phyllic), and iii) quartzchlorite
150,000 ha area in CW Sulawesi in 2005, which epidoteactinolitecalcite (propylitic). The
after a preliminary assessment was reduced to potassic alteration is overprinted by the other
the Palopo block. Trenching and channel two types. Narrow alteration vein selvages (1.5
sampling was carried out at Mangkaluku over cm) are best developed in volcanic host rocks
outcropping mineralizationaswellasanomalous compared to intrusive host rocks, and where
areas identified by soil sampling, which was veinsarecloselyspaced.Alterationassemblages
followedup by a 12 hole drilling programme. As include albitesericite, carbonatechlorite,
sericitesilica and carbonatechloritekaolinite. Other prospects include Bilantungan (hosted by
Highergoldgradeswouldappeartobeassociated basaltic andesites and metasedimentary rock),
with silicasericite assemblages. Carbonate Mangkaluku North (faulted contact between
phasesaredominatedbydolomiteandankerite. monzodioriteandmetasedimentaryrocks),Babak
(monzodiorite), and Battang. These have
Mineralization occurred in multiple episodes as undergonelimitedexplorationtodate.
relationships. This and the variety in vein The age of the mineralization in the Palopo
orientations may reflect a changing stress field district is constrained by the age of the Palopo
during mineralization. The much stronger vein Granite, which has yielded 3 biotite KAr ages of
developmentinthemonzodioriteascomparedto 5.40.2to6.80.3Ma,fourhornblendeKArages
the volcanics suggests that the more competent of6.00.3to10.71.1Maandthreezirconfission
nature of the former facilitated more effectively track ages of around 6.3 Ma (Bergman et al.,
thedevelopmentofdilationalfaults.Atleastfour 1996).Thustheageofthemineralizationislatest
generationsofveininghavebeenrecognized,the Mioceneoryounger.
oldest having porphyrytype affinity. Gold
mineralization is closely associated with Poboya(Figure33)
arsenopyrite andpyriteandwithlesseramounts
of chalcopyrite, covellite and chalcocite in two Discovered by Rio Tinto in 1994, the Poboya
veingenerations.Goldispresentaselectrumand prospect, also known as Palu prospect, was
is accompanied by argentite. High gold values in drilledtestedin19961998(33holes,7966m),by
someveinsarerelatedtosupergeneenrichment which time a Taman Hutan Raya (Great Forest
in the top 5m, where scorodite is a common Park) was established, the western border of
constituent. Arsenopyrite occursasbandswithin which cut through the prospect area. Mining is
massivequartzveinsandwithinlaminatedquartz not allowed in this type of park. More recently
veins which contain only minor sulphide. the area, which at the time of its discovery was
Carbonatesappearlateintheveinparagenesis. notknowntocontaingold,haswitnessedahigh
level of local mining activity. Because of these
Fluidinclusionmeasurementson19veinsamples twofactors,nosignificantexplorationwascarried
yielded three ranges of homogenization outbetween1999and2010,duringwhichperiod
temperatures;i)140oand170oC;ii)200oand270o ownership of the project changed hands twice
C; and iii) 280o and 340o C. Salinities vary from (Newcrest and Bumi Resources). A resource and
0.2% to 6.2% wt NaCl equiv. No information is reserve delineation programme started in
available regardingfrom what vein material and September2011andisexpectedtobecompleted
which generations of veining the data were bymid2012(Wajdietal.,2011).
At the Siguntu prospect, located about 5 km SW byMarten(1999)andWalkerandAngeles(1999),
of Mangkaluku, the mineralization occurs in an information memorandum prepared by
massive to crystalline quartz with accessory NewcrestMining(2004),andapaperbyWajdiet
pyrite and base metal sulphides hosted in the al.(2011).
contact zone between foliated monzonite and
metasediments. They may be the equivalent of The prospect is interpreted to consist of a
theporphyrytypeveinsobservedatMangkaluku. number of gently SWdipping sheetlike quartz
Alteration haloes around the veins are relatively carbonatebodiesthatareexposedinthreemain
narrow selvages of silicachlorite and claysilica areasandarereferredtoasReef1,2and3..The
sericite.Nodrilltestinghasyetbeenundertaken reefsstrikeWNW,havestrikelengthsofupto2.5
because of forestry issues, but artisan miners km,andareupto200mwide.

Themineralizationishostedbyvariablefoliated, steep angles. A geological resource of about 18
brittle monzonite and biotite gneiss, passing Mt@3.4g/tAuhasbeenestimated.
intercalations of feldsparporphyroblast schist, Argillicwallrockalterationisprimarilyassociated
belonging to the Palu Metamorphic Complex with the veining. Spatially, and probably also
(PMC). The schists contain a strong tectonic genetically,relatedtothemineralizationisazone
fabricthatisparalleltothefoliationinthebiotite of kaolinitedickitesilicaalunite alteration. The
gneiss. Young fanconglomerates (Celebes alunite is hypogene in nature. It contains high
Molasse) drape the metamorphic basement to atmospheric argon indicating dominance of
the west and contain fragments of quartz reef meteoric hydrothermal fluids. It probably
materialandalteredcountryrock. represents acid leaching above a boiling water
table. An alunite sample yielded a KAr age of
Veining at the Poboya prospect displays a 1.65 Ma and the postmineralization fan
progression from metamorphic, synductile conglomerates contain a Pleistocene planktonic
deformation veining, through porphyrystyle fauna (van Leeuwen and Muhardjo, 2005). This
propyliticveins,toauriferouscalcitequartzveins. evidence combined with the fact that the host
Thelattertype,whichisthemostimportantone rocksofthemineralizationweremetamorphosed
from an economic point of view, shows typical and exhumed only 73 Ma ago (van Leeuwen et
highlevel epithermal vein textures, such as al.,inprep.)suggestsaLatePlioceneageforthe
colloformcrustiformbanding,bladedcarbonated mineralization.
pseudomorphs, gellike chalcedonic quartz, and
bladedandblockycalcite.Thecommonpresence The structural setting of the Poboya prospect is
of bladed carbonate in outcrop and drill holes very complex. Drilling has defined a gently to
suggests the mineralization investigated todate moderately SW dipping fault zone termed the
representsarelativelyshallowpartofthesystem. Footwall Fault (FF). This fault displays post
Individual veins are very variable in terms of mineral movement truncating mineralized zones
thickness (1cm to >10m), orientation and grade and containing fragments of mineralized rock. It
distribution. The main vein in Reef 1 (also probably also had synmineral movement and is
referred to as River Vein Zone) is enveloped by thought to be the primary conduit for gold
an up to 20 m wide zone of Aubearing bearing fluids. The FF is marked by a 2030 m
chalcedonic quartzcarbonate stockwork veining, thick zone of gauge and strong fracturing. It
with vein thickness in the 15 cm range. The overprintsandgenerallymimicsanearlierductile
relationshipbetweenthetwoveinstyleshasnot fault zone marked by mylonite. Relatively thick
yetbeenestablished. fault zones with moderate to steep dips, some
Gold is generally not visible in hand specimen, of the FF having listric geometry with respect to
even not in outcrop containing bonanza grades, the latter. The area is also transected by high
including150m@15g/tand55m@47g/tAu anglefaultzonesstrikingENEandNW.
(not true widths). It is present as inclusions in
pyriteandasanhedralgrainsupto50micronsin Thestructuralframeworkhasbeeninterpretedto
diameter. Ag/Au ratios are on the order of 1:2. have been developed in response to extension
Pyrite is present in trace amounts only, and no above a detachment fault, which was driven by
base metal sulphides have been observed. Thin rapid uplift of the metamorphic complex to the
lines of greyish finegrained sulphides are east of the Palu Fault Zone with resultant
commonly observed along vein edges. A gravitational collapse along early ductile low
coincident Au+Sb+As+Ag+Mn soil geochemistry anglefaults.Astheelevatedrockcolumncooled,
anomalyclearlydefinesthetraceofthereefs.A faulting transitional from ductile to brittle
limited amount of oriented core measurements deformation developed with superimposition of
suggestadominantENEstrikeofindividualgold brittle structure onto ductile mylonitic fault
bearingveins,dippingto theSWatmoderate to zones. Initiation of a pullapart basin along the
beginning of highangle extensional faulting in An extensional setting is envisaged by Marten
thearea. (1999)forthePoboyadeposit.Heinterpretsthe
structural framework to have developed in Comments responsetoextensionaboveamajordetachment
fault driven by rapid uplift of the metamorphic
Asmentionedearlier,theoriginandclassification (core) complex. Alteration and mineralization
oftheAwakMas,PalopoandPoboyadepositsis resultedfromahydrothermalsysteminitiatedby
problematic. For convenience sake we refer to juxtaposition of hot lower plate rocks with cool
these deposis as the central Western upper plate rocks along a detachment fault.
Sulawesi(CWS)golddeposits. Proximity to metamorphic core complexes and
P. Flindell (written com., 2008) and McLean in a number of gold deposits and prospects
(2010)suggestedthatMangkalukuisanorogenic elsewhere in the world, including in the SE
lode deposit. The former notedsimilarities California/SWArizonaregion(e.g.Spenceretal.,
between Poboya and highlevel orogenic gold 1986), the eastern Rhodope Massif in Bulgaria
depositsfoundinPeninsularMalaysia. (Marchevetal.,2002),andtheModernMassifin
Turkey (Yigit, 2009). Sillitoe and Hedenquist
Originally, the orogenic model applied strictly to (2003), who note that most of the Au veins are
syntectonic vein type deposits formed at mid nothostedbythedetachmentfaultsthemselves,
crustallevelsincompressionalortranspressional assign these deposits and prospects to the low
setting related to accretionary/subduction or sulphidation epithermal class. A different model
collisional processes (cf Robert et al., 2007). is proposed by Wajdi et al (2011), which
However, the term has been progressively envisagesthatthemineralizationisrelatedtothe
broadened to include deposits that are post retrorade stage of a contact metamorphic
orogenic relative to processes at their crustal event.This eventt is characterized by epidote
depth of formation. This has led to significant formationfollowed by chlorite and relatively
ambiguity. Sillitoe and Thompson (1998) have strong development of quartzchloritepyrite
pointed out that orogenic deposits are often veining, and late stage calcite and chlorite
difficult to distinguish from intrusionrelated smectite. Assuming that indeed such a genetic
deposits which formed directly from fluid connectionexistsandourinterpretationthatthe
exsolution during granitoid emplacement within Poboya mineralization is of Pliocene age is
metamorphicrocks. correct, it follows that it is most likely that the
contact metamorphicmineralizing event was
Usingtheexpandedclassification,McLean(2010) causedbyCAKmagmatism.Inthiscontextitisof
assigned the gold mineralization in the interest to note that mineralization of similar
Palopodistricttotheorogenicgold categoryon charactertothePoboyamineralizationhasbeen
the basis that; 1) the mineralization is foundassociatedwithCAKgranitoidsatAnggasan
mesothermal in character, 2) gold is associated tothenorthoftheMalalaporphyrymolybdenum
with late stage sulphurpoor sodicrich fluids district(Purnomo,1998;NewcrestMining,2004).
producing albitepyritesilicacarbonate
alteration, and 3) gold mineralization is
structurally controlled in sheeted and stockwork Archibald et al. (1996) and Cox et al. (1998)
quartz veins located within shear zones and late propose a model for Awak Mas whereby the
stage brittle fractures related to a regional mineralizationwasinducedbytheonsetofrapid
tectonic event.Musri et al. (2011) on the other uplift following soon after Miocene continental
hand favour an intrusionrelated origin for the collision, which resulted in the obduction of the
mineralization, which they suggest formed LamasiOphioliteComplexoverthebasementand
proximaltothesourceintrusionbasedonitslow the Latimojong Complex. The rapid uplift
Ag/Auratios. induced hydraulic fracturing in zones of high D2
strain. Circulation of hydrothermal fluids be one of the more interesting deposit types in
occurred in response to the regional high Western Sulawesi from an exploration point of
geothermal gradient associated with the rapid view.
4.2.5 Intrusionrelatedbasemetalgoldveins
for the CWS gold deposits invoking either an Examplesofbasemetalgoldveinsthatarenot
orogenic origin, a direct or indirect connection locatedaround(known)porphyryCusystemsare
with igneous activity, rapid uplift and associated foundatBaturappeandEsang.
high geothermal gradient, or gold deposition
caused by detachment fault tectonics. The CWS At Baturappe, which was already known in the
deposits have a number of features in common late 1960s (Supardi, 1970), more than 20 quartz
with orogenic gold deposits. In addition to the veins hosted by late MiddleMiocene basalts
ones listed by McLean (2010), these include a intruded by adioritegranodiorite stocks and
tendancy of higher gold grades to be associated numerous dykes occur in three zones: Bincanai,
with carbonaceous rocks, as seen at Awak Mas, Baturappe and Bangkowa. These have been
and salinities of < 12% observed at Mangkaluku, described by Nur et al. (2010). Individual veins
and a spatial association with greenschist facies are narrow and consist of quartz, siderite and
rocks (cf. Goldfarb et al., 2005). The main sulphides showing multiphase crustiform
objection we have against the orogenic gold banding. Bincanai and Bangkowa contain
model for the CWS deposits is that they were intermediate sulphidation assemblages (pyrite,
formedmorethan50myafterthetectonicevent chalcopyrite and tetrahedrite tennantite,
that metamorphosed (part) of the host rocks, galena, sphalerite and polybasite, whereas
whereasorogenicgolddepositsmostconsistently Baturappe also locally contains enargite and
develop in the latter stages of still ongoing covellite indicating a high sulphidation
regional deformation in the host metamorphic component. Fluid inclusion formation
terranes(Goldfarbetal.,2005). temperatures for the three veins systems are
Theothermodelshaveincommonthattheyare salinityis2.2wt%NaClequiv.
event that took place in Western Sulawesi, Esang was found by North Ltd in the late 1990s
including voluminous magmatism, rapid uplift by following up BLEG, stream sediment and pan
andhighheatflow.Thefactthatinsomeplaces, concentrate anomalies. Since 2004 Antam has
like in the Palopo district and at Anggasan, the carried out investigations in the prospect area,
gold mineralization is hosted by young CAK including detailed mapping, trenching, IP and
granitoids does not constitute by itself evidence ground magnetic surveys, and limited drilling.
for a direct connection. If the porphyry type The following brief description is based on an
alteration/mineralization observed at Palopo unpublished North report (PT North Mining
forms part of the same magmatic/hydrothermal Toradja,1998) and a paper by Aryani and Sinaga
event that gave rise to the later stages of gold (2010).
sucharelationship. The geology of the area consists of
metasediments and metavolcanics belonging to
Based on the above observations were have the Upper Cretaceous Latimojong Formation,
assigned the CWS deposits to the intrusion which are intruded by monzonite and diorite.
related gold deposit category in the broadest The rocks have undergone extensive silicaclay
sense, without implying any specific genetic pyrite and chloritepyritecarbonate alteration
model.Regardlessoftheirorigin,theyappearto andarecutbyaprominentNWtrendingfracture
zone. This is also the main trend of the additionalinformationobtainedfromA.Sumantri
mineralization, which occurs as veins, up to 2 m (pers. comm., 2011) and a paper by Widi et al.
thick, in (meta)volcanics and as millimeter to (2007).
microsize foliation replacement in
metasedimentsina500mlongzone. Numerousmanganiferousironstonebodiesoccur
Gangue minerals consist of varying amounts of containsignificantquantitiesofsecondaryPband
quartz, carbonate and sericiteclay. The Ag minerals. The area is underlain by Eocene
mineralization is sulphiderich with pyrite and volcanics and Eocene to Middle Miocene
pyrrhotite as the dominant phases. Minor limestone (Tonasa Formation), which have been
chalcopyriteandarsenianpyritearealsopresent. intruded by andesitic dykes and are partly
Goldgradesrangebetween1.0and98.6g/t,and covered by Neogene volcanics. They are mostly
coppergradesbetween0.2and18.7%.Theveins concentrated along three E to NE trending fault
are also locally high in Zn and As. Aryani and zones.Individualbodiesvaryinlengthfrom10to
Sinaga (2010) suggest that the mineralization 200 m, in aggregate totaling about 4 km, and in
formedasacupolaoveranintrusivebody. widthfrom2to50m.Thewideroutcrops,which
4.2.6 Iron younger volcanics and volcaniclastics, rapidly
Several ironrich skarns have been found in of the area the ironstones form large sprawling
Western Sulawesi including at Salo Talimbangan masses.Theirdepthextentdependsonthehost
inthecentralpartoftheprovince,whichisrichin rocks: about 36m in volcanics and >80m in
iron(60%)andcontainssomecopper,butisvery limestone. The manganiferous ironstone was
irregular and of limited size (van Bemmelen, formed over a series of discontinuous, steeply
1949). Small magnetite bodies are found near dipping veins at the contact of Middle Miocene
TandjunginSWSulawesiassociatedwithgarnet, andesite dykes and along fracture zones in the
pyroxene and epidote alteration (Widi et al., Paleogenevolcanicsandlimestone.Theveinsare
2007). The magnetite, which locally shows generally less than 5 m thick, and consist of
malachite staining, occurs both in massive form disseminations, small blebs and veinlets of
andasdisseminations.Theskarnisdevelopedin argentiferous galena, pyrite, arsenopyrite,
a small tectonic block of PreTertiary magnetiteandminorchalcopyriteandpyrrhotite.
metamorphics (Jaya and Nishihawa, 2011) which Galena also occurs as lenses and short veins.
are intruded by the Biru Intrusive Complex from Quartz and carbonate are the dominant gangue
whichMiddleEoceneandLateMioceneKArages minerals. In addition magnetite and (primary)
have been obtained (van Leeuwen, 1981; Elburg hematitesilica bodies up to 10 x 15 m in
etal.,2002).Widietal.(2007)reportFegrades diameter are present in the limestone, probably
varyingfrom59%to67%. mostly as cavity fillings. Based on geologic
relationships the age of the mineralization is
AdifferenttypeofirondepositispresentatBiru, MiddleMiocene.
located 5km NE of Tandjung. It consists of
secondary manganiferous ironstones formed Theironstonesconsistof,inorderofabundance,
afterhydrothermalmagnetiteandsulphides.The goethite, manganese oxides (predominantly
prospect was investigated in the mid1970s pyrolusite and coronadite), secondary quartz,
(including limited drilling) by Rio Tinto with base hematite, magnetite, cerrusite and various
metal mineralization at depth as the target. copper and lead arsenates. Their iron content
Recently a domestic company initiated variesfrom30%to54%,manganesefrom0.2%to
explorationtotesttheprospectsironpotential. 12%,andsilicafrom2%to24%.

The following account is mainly based on an Petrographic examinations show a complex
unpublished report by van Leeuwen (1976) with history of oxidation and reduction with some
magnetite being replaced and surrounded by and structural control conditions have given rise
hematite followed by a phase in which some totheformationofalargenumberofdepositsof
hematite was converted back to magnetite varying size, from a few million tonnes to
beforetherockwassubjectedtofurthersurface >200Mt, the largest of which are found in the
oxidation.Thisinturnsuggestsacomplexhistory Soroako, Pomalaa, Bahodopi and LaSampala
ofweathering>burial>weathering(Figure34). areas (Table 6). Information used for the
The presence of ironstone pebbles in Late followingdiscussionwasobtainedfrompapersby
Miocene volcaniclastics unconformably overlying Golightly (1973, 1981), Harju (1973), Melky
the volcaniclimestone sequence indicates that Budiantoro et al. (2010), Rafianto and Tutuko
initial weathering and ironstone formation took (2010) and Rafianto (2011), and written
placepriortothedepositionofthevolcaniclastics communications from M. Hartley (2011),
(stage1).Thelarge,sprawlingmassesmayhave Suratman(2010),andG.Tutuko(2011).
deposition of the Late Miocene volcanics had Ultramaficrockexposures,theprincipalparental
started (Stage 2). As pointed out by Blanchard rockfornickellateritedevelopment,arepresent
(1962), unconformities of flat attitude near the inthreeforms:
earths surface are especially favourable to the
formation of such mushrooming ironstone i) Aslargeirregularmasses,thelargestofwhich
deposits. He attributed this to ready circulation is found in the Lake Area District (Lakes
along the unconformity contact and different Mantano, Towuti and Mahalona) covering
chemical compositions of rock units on either several thousand sq km. This body contains
side of it. During continuing burial oxidation the Soroako, Bahodopi and La Sampala
changed to reducing conditions. Subsequent deposits.
uplift and erosion removed most of the volcanic ii) As imbricated tectonic slices following the
cover and some of the ironstone, which was general structural grain of the obduction
subjectedtorenewedoxidation(Stage3). complexinwhichtheyoccur.
iii) As small irregularshaped and isolated bodies
which commonly appear to be aligned along
4.3 EasternSulawesiProvince regional trends, as for example SuaSua, Pao
Mineralization types found in Eastern Sulawesi
are mostly associated with the provinces large Laterite development is controlledby six main
ophiolite masses. They include lateritic nickel factors: i) nature of the ultramafic parent rock;
and iron deposits, and primary and secondary degreeofserpentinization;iii)climaticconditions
chromite deposits. A few small pieces of Cu (rainfall, temperature); iv)degree of faulting,
bearing siliceous rock found near Lampea, south fracturing, shearing, and jointing in the bedrock;
of Malili, are probably also derived from v) geomorphology; and vi) rate of
ophiolitic rocks (van Bemmelen, 1949). In ersosion.Favourablegeomorphologicallandforms
addition alluvial and primary gold are known to (which are an important guide in the initial
occur in a few localities, mostly notably at exploration phase) include plateaus, terraces,
Bombana, the origin of which has not yet been rollinghills,andgentlehillflanksandridgespurs.
established. Figure 35 shows where most or the
known mineral deposits and occurrences are Fromnorthtosouththereisadistinctchangein
located. geomorphological character. The East Arm is an
extremely rugged terrain, up to 3000m high,
4.3.1 Nickellateritedeposits consistingofperidotitehorstblocksandmolasse
filled graben structures, which is undergoing
ThetotalexposureofophioliterocksinSulawesi rapid active erosion, resulting in a highly
isoneofthelargestintheworld.Thiscombined dissected topography. These conditions do no
withfavourableclimatic,topographic,vegetation favourextensivelateritedevelopmentconditions.



Figure 35. Eastern Sulawesi. Distribution of mineralization types,

and location of deposits and prospects mentioned in the text; for

Figure 36. Simplified geological map of Bombana area showing location of artisanal



Name Material Volume(DWT) Grade(%Ni)

Bahodopi saprolite 200,000,000 1.86
BahubuluIsl saprolite 17,500,000 2.30
limonite 103,000,000 1.53
LaSampalaSouth saprolite 51,000,000 2.10
limonite 111,000,000 1.41
Pomelaa limonite 222,000,000 1.45
saprolite 60,000,000 1.65
Soroako saprolite 26,000,000 1.74
saprolite 55,000,000 1.88
138,000,000 1.30


Pliocene Porphyry CuAu; porphyry Mo; high, intermediate and low

latestMiocene sulphidation epithermal AuAg; intrusionrelated Au; intrusionrelated

LateMiocene PorphyryCuAu;FeAuCuskarn;intrusionrelatedbasemetalAu;Mn

MiddleMiocene SedimenthostedAu.
Oligocene CuZnPbvolcanogenicmassivesulphides.

Eocene ?SedimenthostedCu.

Cretaceous PrimaryCr.

The central region, comprising the Soroako The Sulawesi laterite deposits fall into two
Bahodopi La Sampala ultramafic terrain, has categories: i) those developed over
experiencedrelativelylessuplift.Somelargeup unserpentinized bedrock, usually harzburgite
faultedorarchedareashavelocalreliefinexcess (e.g. Soroako West, La Sampala North), and 2)
of 600m and are being actively eroded. Other thoseformedoverbedrockcontainingfrom20%
areas, in particular the Lake Area District to 90% serpentinized olivine, usually lherzolite,
comprise extensive lateritecovered plateaus (e.g.SoroakoEast,Bahodopi,LaSampalaSouth).
which are partly capped by ferricrete and have In this paper we refer to them as type I and II
dissected peripheral areas with well developed respectively. Ultramafic rocks originally
nickelbearing saprolites. Movement along the containingahighproportionofforsteriticolivine,
leftlateral Matano strikeslip fault caused the which host a Ni content of between 0.2 and 0.4
blocking off the northward drainage along the wt %, constituteparticularly good protoliths. The
Tamalako valley to form the lakes. This in turn lateriteprofileinbothtypesconsistsofanupper
causedariseinbaselevel,thusretardingerosion limonitezoneandalowersaprolitezone.
and helping preserve laterite deposits in the
district. In theSoutheastArm the topographyis The limonite zone is the oldest layer in the
older and relatively subdued, a favourable profile. It is similar in either deposit type
condition for deep lateritic development. including a usually <1m thick discontinuous
However, as the ultramafic bodies in this region ferricrete cap, the main difference being that
are mostly small, individual deposits are also stringers of quartz are commonly found only in
generallysmallinsize. type1andthelimoniteinthistypetendstohave
a yelloworange colour as compared to the
The weathering profile commonly varies from 5 darkerbrown or yellowbrown colour of type II
to 30m in thickness. At Soroako, the laterite limonite.TheaverageFecontentofthelimonite
deposits form remnants of once extensive zone is typically on the order of 4546.5%. The
erosionalsurfacesatdifferenttopographiclevels, values are highest in the top part and decrease
with the thickest laterite development usually gradually toward the bottom of the zone. A
occurring on the lower levels. These levels host sharpdropintheFecontentmarkstheboundary
numerous internally drained, swampy with the saprolite zone. Because of their
depressions that may be filled with transported solubility SiO2 and MgO occur in relatively small
limonite, in places overlying buried Crrich amounts (<10 and 3% respectively). Average Ni
cemented pisoliticduricrust. At La Sampala contents of limonite material are typically in the
South, an unusually thick laterite profile has 0.9 to 1.2% range, with the highest values (1.3
developed,whichisupto70mthickandoverlain 1.5% Ni) occurring in the bottom part, which is
byanupto9mthickferricretelayer.Thedeposit usually <5m thick. Over the unserpentinized
occupiesalargedepression.Mostofthenickelis peridotite(typeI)thelimoniteisseparatedfrom
residual following removal of large amounts of the saprolite zone by a thin limonite band with
SiO2andMgOduringtheweatheringofthehost around1.6%Ni.
rocks. This process is most effective in cases
wherethehostrockisserpentinizedandsheared, The saprolite zone shows more variability
causing significant volume collapse. betweenthetwoprotolithtypes.Saprolitefrom
Hypogeneserpentinization (i.e. preweathering) typeIcontainscoresofunweatheredharzburgite
already leaches some SiO2 from the protore, in withyellowtoorangesaproliterimsandfracture
contrast to supergene serpentinization. fillofgarnierite,quartzandMnO.Thisorecanbe
Saprolites after hypogeneserpentinized protores substantially and cheaply upgraded by screening
tend to have relatively high melting points, and outthefreshrockmaterial.TypeIIsaprolitecan
hence such material is probably best suited for be divided into immature or hard saprolite,
hydrometallurgicaltreatment. which can be similar in appearance as bedrock
but shows a different geochemical signature,
including higher Ni, and mature or soft
saprolite, which is composed of soft, friable Of greater economic significance are placer
materialandinsomecasesdifficulttodistinguish depositsfoundalonga+30kmstretchoftheeast
visually from the overlying limonite zone. Soft coast,intheBungkuarea,about200kmnorthof
saprolite usually overlies hard saprolite, but the Kendari.Thefollowingbriefdescriptionisbased
reverse may also be the case. Generally the Ni on Asia Pacific Mining (1990), Utoyo (2010) and
content of rocky saprolite is lower than that of Toreno(2010).
soft saprolite (e.g. Bahodopi: average 1.44%
versus1.87%).ThesaprolitezoneintheSulawesi The chromite deposits occur as old beach and
deposits is generally 5 to 10m thick and has strand line deposits located 50 to 400m inland
averageNigradesof1.7to2.3%. from the present day beaches. They lie on a
4.3.2 Felateritedeposits surface or rarely are covered by <1m of recent
swamp material and soil. The chromite is
AnumberoflateritedepositsinEasternSulawesi accompanied by magnetite, hematite, ilmenite,
havelowNicontents(<1%)andcanbeclassified quartz, and peridotite fragments. The heavy
as iron laterites. Exploration programmes mineral suite is contained in sands, sandy gravel
conducted by the Netherlands Indies and their clay rich soil equivalents with a
Governmentbetween1916and1921resultedin thickness of 1.5 to 3.5m. The chromitebearing
thediscoveryofabout10deposits,thelargestof layers increase in thickness towards the coast.
which is located on the right bank of the Larona Chromite contents vary from 1 kg/m3 to 29.2
River, near Lake Towuti. This deposit was kg/m3,averaging13kg/m3.
investigated in some detail outlining measured
reservesof370millionwithanair driedcontent 4.3.4 Gold
undertaken from 1918 to 1926, but the lack of Up to recently, the only reported gold
cokingcoalintheIndonesianregion,suitablefor mineralizationwasalluvialgoldinAerLagegoand
the blastfurnace process, proved to be a major Leboniarea(DieckmannandJulius,1925).InAer
stumbling block. New processes subsequently Lagego, located north of malili, float consists
developed in Germany and Holland, which did mostly of metamorphic rocks, milky to clear
not require the use of coking coal, were never quartz,andminorgranite.Alluvialgoldgradesof
put to the test in Sulawesi because of the up to 400 mg/ cu m were obtained. The Leboni
outbreakofWorldWarII. area is located close to the boundary with
The iron laterite deposit at Larona has been beenderived.Alluvialgoldwasobservedinthe2
described by Dieckmann and Julius (1925). It km wide valley of S. Tedeboe with local reports
occurs in a tectonic depression within a suggestingittobepresentoveradistanceof10
peridotite terrain, which in earlier times was km.
covered by water. During that time the laterite
deposit developed, covering an area of about In 2008, a sudden gold rush took place in the
25km2andvaryinginthicknessfromafewmeters Langkowala area (Bombana Regency) following
to20m. the discovery of placer gold (Figure 36). It
4.3.3 Chromite a number that swelled the next year to more
than 63,000 (Surono and Tang, 2009). Gold is
Chromiteoccursinanumberoflocationsassmall recovered from both active stream sediments
lensshaped bodies hosted byperidotite. The and paleoalluvial material contained in the
largestreporteddepositisfoundnearLataoeon Lower Miocene Langkowala Formation (Celebes
the coast, containing 3000t @ 50% Cr2O3 (PSDG, Molasse). Gold grains have subrounded to
2010). angular shapes (Makkawaro and
Kamrullah,2009). Reported grades range from
0.16to22.12g/m3(;1622010). silicified wallrock. Gold is mostly very fine
The gold is accompanied by cinnabar with both grained,butisoccasionallyvisibleasfreegoldin
mineralsgenerallyshowingapositiverelationship quartz veins. It appears to be erratically
distributed with grades varying from below
Gold is also found in colluvial material on the detection limit (0,005g/t) to 134 g/t. Available
northern slopes of the nearby Rumbia mountain evidence suggests that the bulk of the gold is
range (Idrus et al., 2010). This area is underlain associatedwiththe2ndand3rdgenerationveins.
by various metamorphic rocks, including mica Base metal values are consistently low, while
schists, amphibole schists, metasediments, arsenicisdistinctlyanomalous.
metavolcanics and serpentinizedperiodite, which
have undergone greenschistfacies Preliminary fluid inclusion data presented by
metamorphism,andinplacescontainAubearing Idrus and Prihatmoko (2011) show the following
quartz veins (Idrus et al., 2010;Setiawan et al., homogenization and salinity values: 1st
2011).Theprimarygoldmineralizationhasbeen generation veins, 184 to 245 C, 5.3 to 9.1 wt%
described by Idrus et al. (2010), Setiawan et al. NaCl eq; 2nd generation, 132 to 283 C, 3.6 to
(2010), , Musri et al. (2011b), and Idrus and 5.9wt%NaCl eq;and3rd generation,114to176
Prihatmoko(2011). C,0.35wt%NaCleq.Thegeneraldecreaseinfluid
temperature and salinity is attributed to mixing
There are at least three generations of quartz ofmagmaticandmetamorphicfluidswithcooler,
veins.Thefirstgroupconsistsof2cmto2mthick less saline fluids. CO2rich fluid inclusions are
veins that are roughly parallel to the foliation of rare.
mica schists, phyllites and metasediments in up
to10mwidezones.Theyarecommonlymassive As pointed out by Idrus et al. (2010) the gold in
tocrystalline,andsheared,brecciated,andlocally the alluvials and paleoalluvials is likely to be
boudinaged. The second group is composed of derived from the quartz veined metamorphics
narrow (<20cm), more massive quartz veins that because of i) the juvenile nature of the alluvial
cross cut the first generation of veins and gold grains, indicating limited transport; and ii)
foliation. They show a fair degree of brecciation increasing abundance of gold grains in the
and contain rare bladed carbonate colluvial material inan upslope direction, anda
pseudomorphs. The third group consists of decreasein gold content in present stream
laminated quartzcalcite veins, which are sediments away from the metamorphic rock
interpretatedtobelatestage. outcrops.

The host rocks are generally weakly altered. A>100mlongand10mthicklensofcoarse(upto
Alteration types include silicification, clay 10cm)stibnitecrystalsoccursinthevicinityofthe
sericitesilica, which is largely restricted to alluvialworkingsinalteredNeogenecalcarenites
narrow(<1m)veinselvages,carbonatealteration, near the faulted contact of the metamorphic
and carbonization. Carbonate alteration is terraneandclosetoahotspring.Thestibniteis
characterized by calcite veinlets/stringers, and accompanied by galena and minor chalcopyrite.
carbonization by the rare presence of graphite Goldwasobservedasnuggetsinthecalcarenites
withinoradjacenttoquartzveins. at a depth of 20m in a hole drilled beneath the
stibnite lens (Musri, pers. com., 2011; Musri et
The quartz veins and silicified wall rocks contain al.,2011).
very finegrained pyrite, chalcopyrite, cinnabar,
stibnite, tripuhyite (a FeSb oxide mineral), and Comments
by the quartz veins. Cinnabar commonly occurs The origin of the primary gold mineralization at
asthinlayersalongthefoliationofmetamorphic Bombano is not certain as it has been subjected
rocks.Stibniteandtripuhyitefillfracturesparallel to only preliminary studies. Idrus et al. (2010)
to the the foliation and are disseminated within and Idrus and Prihatmoko (2011) suggest that it
may belong to the orogenic gold type based on metamorphic complex, suggesting that a young
its (spatial) association with greenschist facies volcanic event took place in the area. The hot
metamorphics and the sheared/deformed, waterspring may represent the waning stage of
segmented, and locally sigmoidal nature of the thisevent.
1st generation quartz veins. They interpret the
presenceofstibniteandcinnabartoindicatethat Clearly, much more work is required to gain a
the mineralization is transitional between betterunderstandingofthenatureandoriginof
mesozonal and epizonal mineralization, and the mineralization in this newly discovered gold
suggestthatpressureconditionsatthisrelatively district.
in the hydrothermal fluids. ( The common
presence of CO2 in fluids is often used to 5.0 Discussion
of gold deposits).Stibnite is a common sulphide In this section we discuss some aspects of the
phaseinorogenicgolddepositshostedbymeta metallogeny of Sulawesi and topics related to
sedimentaryrocks,whichmayalsobeenrichedin mineralexplorationandminingintheregion.
mercury, reflecting the association of Hg, aswell
as Sb, As, and Au, with sulphur ligands in low 5.1 Distribution of Sulawesi mineral deposits
salinity hydrothermal fluids (Goldfarb et al., inspaceandtime
While establishing the distribution of Sulawesis
Setiawan et al. (2010) interpret the mineral deposits and prospects in space is
mineralization to postdate the regional relatively straightforward, their time distribution
metamorphic event as indicated by the ismoreproblematic,asonlyafewdepositshave
crosscutting relationship of the (2nd generation) been accurately dated. If the age of the host
veins with the foliation of host rocks and by the rocks is known this will give a maximum age for
replacementofmuscovitebyepidoteandquartz the mineralization, or if the two are genetically
by calcite adjacent to the veins. They link it to related, the actual age, whereas the age of
postorogenicmagmatic/hydrothermalactivity. spatially associated postmineralization rocks
provides a minimum age. Using these criteria
Based on the limited information at hand we and data presented in the previous chapter we
proposethefollowingspeculativescenerio.There haveassignedthevariousmineralizationtypesto
have been at least two mineralizing events; pre broadagebrackets(Table7).
in the Neogene paleoalluvials, and Neogene or Northern Sulawesi is characterized by the
younger, as indicated by the presence of the presence of mineralization types that are
stibnitegoldveinthatishostedbyNeogenecalc commonlyassociatedwithcalcalkalinemagmatic
arenites. The earlier event produced the 1st arcs. These include porphyry CuAuMo, high
generation veins hosted by the metamorphic intermediate and lowsulphidation epithermal
complex, which may be of orogenic origin. The AuAgveinandbreccia,intrusionrelatedAubase
younger event generated stibnitegold veins metal vein, FeAu skarn, and VMS deposits.
hosted by both metamorphicc basement rocks Erosion of goldbearing rocks and volcanics has
and overlying Neogene sedimentary rocks. The resulted in the formation of alluvial Au and Fe
veins are epithermal in nature and associated beach sands deposits respectively. The only
with volcanism. Surono (written comm., 2011) mineralizationstylethatisunusualforSulawesis
observed large (>2.5m) boulders of unaltered islandarcsettingisCarlinlikesedimenthosted
andesite in the Bombana area (north of Au.
Kasiputih) and notes that this rock type has not
beenfoundasfragmentsinconglomeratesofthe As can be seen on Figure 6, known mineral
Neogene formations that surround the deposits and occurrences are not evenly
distributed within Northern Sulawesi. This is A conceptual model for the mineralization types
related to both geological and nongeological observedinNorthernSulawesiisshowninFigure
factors.AreasofPleistoceneRecentalluvialand 37. The Pliocene was in terms of both quantity
volcanic cover rocks appear to lack and quality the most important mineralizing
mineralization, as do large batholiths. The epochinNorthernSulawesi(Table7).Allknown
Paleogene Papayato Volcanics host only economic and subeconomic deposits were
insignificant younger gold mineralization, and a formed during this time (with the possible
few small contemporaneous VMS deposits. The exception of Mesel), e.g. Toka Tindung, Riska,
majorityofthedepositsandprospectsappearto Bolangitang, Gunung Pani and the Tombulilato
occur in areas of Middle Miocene Pliocene porphyry systems, which represent the main
rocks. The absence of porphyry Cu deposits in mineralization styles in the province. Many of
most of the Minahassa section is probably the hydrothermal breccia deposits were also
becausethisregionislessdeeplyerodedthanthe generated during the Pliocene (Pearson and
Gorontalo section. There appears to be a Caira, 1999) together with some intrusion
noticeable concentration of gold deposits in the (porphyry)relatedAubasemetalveinsystems.
direction. Both northeast and nortwest graben AnumberofmetaldeficientporphyryCuAuMo
structures are well developed in this area, systems developed during the Late Miocene.
suggesting that these extensional structures Locally extensive skarn mineralization, also with
have influenced the distribution of gold lowmetalgrades(e.g.Matinan6),areassociated
mineralization. withthesesystems.Incontrast,peripheralbase
Anexampleofanongeologicalfactorinfluencing A number of these have been mined in the past
thespatialdistributionisthelocationofthelarge by the Dutch or are still being exploited by local
NaniWartaboneNationalPark,eastofGorontalo. miners, such as Paleleh, Sumalata and Kasia.
Very few deposits/occurrences have been SomeoftheMiocenesystemsarecutbyyounger
recorded from this area, with the exception of (Pliocene?) intermediatesulphidation veins and
the Tombulilato and Tapadaa districts, which also by superimposed peripheral porphyry
werediscoveredpriortotheestablishmentofthe relatedveins,whichatteststocontemporaneous
park in 1991. Furthermore the high rapid rates of uplift, leading to telescoping of
concentrationofdepositsandoccurrencesfound mineralizationtypes(PearsonandCaira,1999).
in the central part of the Gorontalo section
reflects,atleastinpart,thefactthatthisareahas The only example of mineralization older than
beencoveredbymorethanoneregionalsurvey, midMioceneisVMSmineralizationhostedinthe
including the systematic exploration programme upper (latest Oligocene earliest Miocene) part
carried out by Newcrest in the 1990s. Pearson ofthePapayatoVolcanics.
mineral occurrences in this region, comprising Theageofthesedimenthostedmineralizationat
the following mineralization types; porphyry Cu Mesel is poorly constrained. A Middle Miocene
Au(39occurrences),porphyryrelatedveins(44), age of the host limestones and andesites which
skarn (9), intermediatesulphidation epithermal cut them and are altered near the contact with
Au (31), highsulphidation epithermal CuAuAs the ore bodies gives a maximum age for the
(3), gold and base metalbearing hydrothermal mineralization. Turner (2002) reports the
breccias (37), and sedimenthosted gold (12). Of presence of Early Pliocene andesite intrusions in
these, 31 prospects have been drill tested, the the Ratatotok district, but their relationship to
othersaremostlysmalloccurrencesforwhichno themineralizationhasnotbeenestablished.
information is available. Figure 7 in Pearson and
Caira(1999)showstheirdistribution. Pliocene gold and copper deposits are also
dominant relative to other periods elsewhere in
SE Asia. It has been suggested that this reflects
increased likelihood of erosion with increasing contain significant amounts of base metals and
age(e.g.Sillitoe,1989;CarlileandMitchell,1994; aregenerallysulphiderich.
Garwin et al., 2005). Barley et al. (2002) point
out that although erosion will certainly remove The(apparent)poordevelopmentofvolcanicarc
older nearsurface ore deposits, prePliocene related mineralization in Western Sulawesi is
volcanic and highlevel intrusive rocks are rather puzzling. During the Neogene the region
commoninSEAsianarcswithlittleevidencethat witnessed widespread and intensive shoshonitic
they were richly mineralized.They suggest toultrapotassic(HK)magmatism.Thismagmatic
anotherfactorthatplayedanimportantroleisa type has elsewhere produced major porphyry
major tectonic reorganization that has occurred copperandgolddeposits(e.g.MullerandGroves,
intheSEAsianregionsinceabout5Ma,andthat 1993; Sillitoe, 1997). Potassic alkaline igneous
in Northern Sulawesi this led to subduction suites are generally thought to be formed by
reversal with subduction being initiated at the melting of subarc mantle that has been
North Sulawesi trench. In such a setting, local extensively metasomatized by fluids from earlier
extensionmayresultfromslowingsubductionon subduction events, which may generate fluid
one side of the volcanic arc and incipient rich, highly oxidized magmas and destabilize
subduction on the other. This would induce mantle sulphides to release Cu and Au (McInnes
melting of subarc mantle that had been both andCameron,1994).
metasomatized and previously melted by earlier
episodes subduction, with such magmas being Muller and Groves (1993) discuss four different
intrinsicallygoldrich(Solomon,1990). tectonic settings in which potassic igneous rocks
occur together with their associated
SuchascenarioisfavouredbyPerello(1994)for mineralization. These are: 1)late oceanic arcs
the Tombulilato district. He suggests that the (examples; Ladolam gold deposit in Papua New
reversal of arc polarity was caused by the Guinea and Emperor gold mine in Fiji); 2)
collision of the Sula microcontinent with continentalarcs(CrippleCreekgolddistrictinthe
Sulawesi. Pearson and Caira (1999) believe that USA and the Chilean Andes porphyry Cu
strongdextraltension causedbythe collision,at province); 3) postcollisional/postsubduction
the close of the Miocene, led to arc parallel arcs(Porgeragolddeposit,GrasbergandOKTedi
rifting. Sinistral reactivation of major early porphyry CuAu deposits in New Guinea);and 4)
structures in the Pliocene caused further rifting within plate tectonic setting (no direct genetic
and ENEdilation with Pliocene intrusions and association with economic gold or base metal
related mineralization exploiting these dilational mineralizationknown).
WesternSulawesidiffersfromNorthernSulawesi ofWesternSulawesiisamatterofdisagreement,
in both the types and number of known mineral some workers favour a synto postcollisional
depositsandoccurrences(Figures25and38).A setting related to the docking of the Sula
notablefeatureofitsmetallogenyistheapparent microcontinent or another continental fragment
lack of significant highto lowsulphidation with Sulawesi (e.g. Kavalieris et al., 1992;
epithermal AuAg mineralization. Another Bergmanetal.,1996;Polvetal.,1997),whereas
differencewithNorthernSulawesiisthepresence others believe it was mostly extensional in
of a mediumsized porphyry Mo deposit and characterandmoreakintoawithinplatesetting
several gold deposits of uncertain origin, (e.g. Yuwono et al., 1988; Hall, 2009; van
tentativelyreferredtointhispaperas intrusion Leeuwen et al., 2010). However, the setting is
related Au deposits. More obviously intrusion distinctly different from the withinplate setting
related deposits occur around several small inMullerandGroves(1993)classification(which
porphyryCuAusystemsandotherintrusions.In includes the African Rift) in which potassic
contrast to the intrusionrelated Au type, they volcanicrocks,unliketheirWesternSulawesi


Figure 37. Conceptual model for mineralization types in the Northern

Figure 38. Conceptual model for mineralization types in The Western

brethern, do not display a geochemical crustwiththemajorityofdepositsandassociated
subductionsignature. intrusions being hosted in Eocene and older
formations. This suggests that the heat sources
Whatever the nature of the Neogene tectonic responsibleforthepalaeohydrothermalsystems
setting of Western Sulawesi it appears to have were largely confined to deeper crustal levels.
been conducive to generating the intrusion Garwin (2000) suggests that magmatic arcs that
related Au mineralization. Rapiduplift , overlie transitional zones between continental
voluminous CAK magmatism, and high heat flow and oceanic crusts are sets of weakness and a
mayhaveplayedaroleintheirformation.While potential focus of mineralization. This type of
a direct genetic connection between this settingappearstofavourlargetonnageandlow
magmatism and the gold mineralization has not grade disseminated and vein stockwork,
been established, a broad spatial relationship intermediatesulphidation gold deposits like
existsinthatthemoresignificantgoldprospects GunungPani.
occur in the CAK granitoid belt, as do the
porphyry molybdenum prospects.There is also a The distribution of most of Eastern Sulawesis
temporal relationship; both the granitoids and known mineral deposits and occurrences is
theCWSgoldandMalalamolybdenumprospects obviously closely linked to the location of
formed duringthe latestMiocenePliocene.Itis peridotiteexposures.Othercontrollingfactorsin
worthnotingthepresenceofanumberofalluvial the case of NiFe laterite deposits include
gold occurrences in the granitoid belt between topography and rates of uplift and erosion.
PalopoandPalu.Itistemptingtospeculate that Because of economic reasons areas located
the gold is, in part,derived from mineralization relatively close to the coast have been more
that is similar to that found at Awak Mas, thoroughly explored than the hinterland, which
MangkalukuandPoboya. probably explains why most of the known (or at
least reported) Ni deposits are found within a
Regarding the formation ages of the other radiusoflessthan10kmfromthecoast.Theages
mineralization types in Western Sulawesi, of the Ni and Fe laterite deposits have not been
porphyry Cu and associated skarn and base accurately established. Golightly (1979)
metalgold vein mineralization appears to be estimated that about 15 Mawere needed to
related to potassic alkaline magmatism, which form the laterite profilesat Soroako. He
took place between about 14 and 5 my. Hence suggested that the laterization process started
this is the maximum age bracket of the earlier in the southeastern part of Eastern
mineralization.Themanganiferousironstonesat Sulawesi than further north. As mentioned
Biru developed over a relatively long period, ie above, limited evidence suggests that gold
MiddleMiocenetoRecent.,andtheKurokotype mineralizationatBombanatookplacebothprior
mineralization at Sangkaropi formed some time andduringoraftertheNeogene.
5.2 Discoveryhistoryofmineralizationstyles
Differences in the nature of the basement (cf
Garwin, 2000) may be one of the reasons that Here we discuss when in Sulawesi the more
Northern and Western Sulawesi have developed important mineralization types were first found
asdistinctmetallogenicprovinces.TheNorthern (and recognized as such). A summary is
Sulawesi and Sangihe arcs are built on oceanic presentedinTable8.
crust. Most Cu and Au deposits formed within
and adjacent to highlevel intrusions, which are Likeinmanyotherpartsoftheworld,theoldest
emplaced in Neogene volcanic to volcaniclastic known mineralization type is represented by
sequences. The thin nature of the oceanic crust low/intermediate sulphidation epithermal gold
facilitatedtheascentofcausativeintrusionstoa veins. This style was first documented from
relativelyhighcrustedlevel.Incontrast,Western Sumalata in Northern Sulawesi (van Schelle,
Sulawesi is largely underlain by thick continental
1983), but is likely to have been known to the the generally low gold grades associated with it.
localpopulationforamuchlongerperiod. The intrusionrelated Au style is, as discussed
earlier, of uncertain origin. Some characteristics
From an economic point of view, the next which distinguish it from the low base metal
discovery has been the most important in variety of intermediatesulphidation epithermal
Sulawesis exploration history, namely the mineralization are Au/Ag >1 and no apparent
discovery of Nilaterite in Eastern Sulawesi in associationwithcontemporaneousvolcanics.
1916. It resulted from the recognition that the
extensive ophiolite exposures found some years The most recent discovery is either low
earlierhadthepotentialtogiverisetoNiandFe sulphidation Au style, which was foundat Toka
laterite deposits. Around the same time base Tindung in 1994 (at the time low and
metalAuveinswerefoundintheSasakarea. intermediatesulphidation styles were still
grouped together).,or possibly, pending further
After more than 30 years of hardly any studies,orogenicAuatBombana.
exploration activities porphyry Cu mineralization
was discovered at Sasak in 1969 and soon What next? Will it be nickel sulphides, which
afterwards in the North Arm. It was at a time since 2008 have become a prime exploration
when this typeof mineralization had become a target of PT Inco (Rafianto et al., 2011), or
majorexplorationtargetinvariousotherpartsof perhapssedimenthostedcopperintheCopper
the world. An unexpected outcome of the Slates of CW Sulawesi? Or will indications of
porphyry Cu search during the 1970s was the anomalous Sn, W, Zr and Ta values in many
discovery of the Malala porphyry Mo deposit, a streamsedimentsamplescollectedfromBanggai
type of mineralization that had previously not and Labulo islands in the BanggaiSula Province
beenreportedfromtheSEAsianregion. (Sukmana, 2006) lead to the discovery of
mineralization types which have as yet not been
The 1980s witnessed the discovery ofthree new recognizedintheSulawesiregion?Onlytimewill
gold mineralization styles, i.e. highsulphidation tell.
epithermal Au at Motomboto, sedimenthosted
(Carlinlike) mineralization at Mesel, and 5.3 Discoverymethods
In this section we discuss what the first
Like the discovery of Malala, Mesels was indications were that led to the discovery of the
unexpected as sedimenthosted style gold moresignificantporphyryCu/Mo,goldandnickel
mineralization had previously not been reported deposits in Sulawesi since 1967. These include
from Indonesia (although it was known to occur Old Dutch reports, local mining activity, local
in the Bau district in Sabah), and furthermore it knowledge, stream sediment and/or pan
wasthefirstexampleofsuchstyleoccurringina concentrate anomalies, mineralized float, and
volcanic island arc setting. It was probably no remotesensing.Inseveralcasesmorethanone
coincidence that the discovery was made by factorcanbeattributedtoadiscovery(Table9).
exploration and mining of Carlin deposits in Initial area selection for gold and nickel
Nevada. Less of a surprise was the discovery of exploration was based in a number of cases on
highsulphidation style mineralization at the reported presence of mineralization, often
Motomboto as Northern Sulawesi has the right sites of past mining activity (Dutch, artisan
setting.Itisinfactmoresurprisingthatthistype mining).ExamplesincludeG.Pani,Mesel,Doup,
hadnotbeenfoundearlierasitcommonlyforms Lanut, Soroako and Pomalaa. In other cases,
distincttopographicfeatures(silicaledges)and virginareaswereselectedonthebasisoftheir
long float trains of silica material. It is possible perceived favourable geological setting, which
that earlier prospectors found highsulphidation resulted in the discovery of several new
mineralization but did not pursue it because of mineralizeddistricts,e.g.Tombulilato,Malala,


Mineralizationstyle Yearofdiscovery
IntermediatesulphidationepithermalAuAg Pre1831
LateriticNiandFe 1916(Soroako,Pomelaa)
IntrusionrelatedbasemetalAu 1916(Sasak)
PorphyryCuAu 1969(Sasak)
PorphyryMo 1976(Malala)
HighsulphidationepithermalAu 1984(Motomboto)
SedimenthostedAu 1988(Mesel)
IntrusionrelatedAu 1989(AwakMas)
LowsulphidationepithermalAu 1994(TokaTindung)
OrogenicAu(?) 2009(Bombana)


DepositStyle 1 2 3 4 5
Tombulilato PorphyryCuAu V (V)
Tapadaadistrict PorphyryCuAu V
Bulagidun PorphyryCuAu V
Sasak PorphyryCuAu V
Masabo PorphyryCu V
Malala PorphyryMo V
Binabase HSepithermalAu V
Motomboto HSepithermalAu V
Riska HSepithermalAu V
GunungPani ISepithermalAuAg V
Lanut ISepithermalAuAg V
Doup ISepithermalAuAg V
Tototopo ISepithermalAuAu V
TokaTindung LSepithermalAuAg V V
Mesel SedimenthostedAu V V V
AwakMas IntrusionrelatedAu V V
Poboya IntrusionrelatedAu V
Palopo IntrusionrelatedAu V


Toka Tindung, south Sangihe, Bahodopi and La pathfinder (Lowder and Dow, 1978). Another
Sampala. exampleisKayubulanRidge,whichyieldedstrong
geochemical anomalies, but no geological
Almost all porphyry districts/deposits were indications despite occurring in steep terrain. A
initiallyidentifiedastheresultofreconnaissance number of experienced geologists knowing the
stream sediment geochemical sampling of major copper anomalies were there walked past this
drainages, primarily as base metal anomalies (in area in 1973 looking hard for the source but
the 1970s stream sediment samples were not failingtofindit(TvL,unpublisheddata).
routinely assayed for gold). As the mineralized
areaswerecoveredbydensetropicalrainforest Stream sediment sampling has been a less
withverypoorrockexposure,detailedfollowup dominant factor in the gold discoveries made in
sampling of 2nd order streams was required to Sulawesiduringthepast30years(Table9).
locate the source of the anomalies. After that
the normal sequence of methods applied was: One of the more interesting gold discovery
soil sampling (contour or grid), pitting, trenching histories is that of Mesel in which local
and ground geophysical survey, and drilling. knowledge played a key role. Outcropping
Gunung Lintang and West Kayabulan Ridgeare mineralization at Mesel was sampled by the
the only examples of a porphyry target being Dutch with shallow trenches and pits, but the
initially identified from an airborne magnetic prospect was not pursued, probably because of
survey. There are no documented cases of therefractorynatureofthegold.Morethan60
geophysicshavingplayedasignificantroleduring years later, Newmont applied for a COW area
the prospect evaluation stage of porphyry over the Ratatotok district. Following initial
systems. disappointing results from the Lobongan and
Alason areas, Steve Turner, who was the project
As seen at Tombulilato, in a single porphyry Cu manager at the time, showed a collection of
district styles of host rocks and typical goldbearing rocks to several local field
mineralization/alteration can differ significantly. assistants. Two of them remembered having
Similarly, surface expressions of adjacent seen similar rocks while working for a logging
porphyry bodies can vary widely within a very company a decade earlier, in an area located
short distance with patterns of leaching and 2.5km to the west of Hais. The area was
enrichment being controlled by features of the prospected for a few days. Channel samples
geology which cannot be seen or assessed at an taken over 25m from very ordinarylooking
early stage of exploration. As an example, at silicified limestone returned an average grade of
Cabang Kiri and Cabang Kiri Northwest three 8.9g/tAu.(HendriandFarmer,1997).Afterthat
porphyry systems are present which have low Newmontneverlookedback.
sulphide contents. As a result formation of
copperoxidesandenrichmenthastakenplacein As mentioned above, Newmonts exploration
theweatheringzone.Becauseofthepronounced activity was initially directed at old Dutch
Cu anomalism these systems were quickly workingslocatedabout2.5kmfromMesel,which
identifiedduringtheinitialexplorationstage,but produced highly anomalous Au results in both
subsequently proved to be of little interest. In BLEGandstreamsedimentsamples.Incontrast,
sharp contrast, nearby Cabang Kiri East, which Mesel was barely detected by BLEG sampling,
has a higher pyrite content and relatively inert andnogoldwasdetectedinpannedconcentrates
alteration assemblages, has been strongly or80meshsilt.Furthermorehardlyanyaltered
leachedandsignificantsecondaryenrichmenthas float was observed (Turner et al., 1994). Thus
occurredbelowthezoneofoxidation.Asubdued had it not been for local knowledge Mesel may
geochemical base metal surface expression and nothavebeen(re)discovered.
lack of outcrop made this orebody invisible
during the early followup stage. Gold in soil Turneretal.(1994)attributedthelackofgoldin
subsequently proved to be an excellent streamsedimentandpanconcentratesamplesto
twofactors:themicronsizednatureofthegold In 1992, Rio Tinto selected the Neck of Sulawesi
and the host rocks being limestone. In the for a rapid BLEG sampling (maximum 1 sample
weatheringzonethemobilityofgoldwasgreatly per25sqkm)combinedwith80+200meshand
reduced as oxidizing fluids were chemically 200 mesh stream sediment sampling. This
buffered to a nearneutral pH by the limestone region, which had previously been sampled
soils.Shallowaugersamplingresultsshowedno during the companys porphyry copper search in
apparent downslope hydromorphic dispersion of NW Sulawesi when samples were not routinely
the gold in soil anomalies. Furthermore, any assayed for gold, was deemed to be suitable for
coarser free is likely to have been trapped in this type of survey because of its favourable
cavitiesinthekarstedlimestone. logistic, geomorphological and geological
conditions: coastal roads on either side of a
Another example ofthe discovery of a gold relatively narrow mountain range lacking
deposit with subdued geochemical expression in widespreadpalaeoalluvials,likeinKalimantan.
Toka Tindung (Moyle et al., 1997a). During the The sample collected from the Poboya river,
initial broadspaced reconnaissance drainage which cuts the deposit, yielded only subdued
samplingofthegeneraldistrictnopannablegold anomalism: 27 ppb Au and 51 ppb Ag in BLEG,
was observed and stream sediment samples and5ppmMoin200#streamsedimentanalyzed
produced only very weakly anomalous to below by NAA. Stream sediment samples were not
detectiongoldresults.A4.9g/tAufloatsample anomalousinAuandAgineitherfraction.There
wasfollowedupinanattempttofinditssource, was no obvious sign of quartz vein float. The
but only sparse outcrops of silicified, pyritic reason for this very subtle
volcaniclastics were observed and quartz vein geochemical/geological fingerprint is that the
floatabundancewaslessthan1%.Subsequently, Poboya area is covered by thick deposits of
alocalfieldassistant(Ako)guidedtheteamtoa poorly consolidated sediment (Celebes Molasse)
placewherelocalpeoplehadonceattemptedto immediately downstream of the outcropping
dig a shallow shaft. A 2 by 2m wide banded mineralization, resulting in significant dilution of
quartzadularia vein outcrop was discovered and mineralizedmaterial.
the Toka Tindung deposit, returning 2m @39.2 InthecaseofAwakMasitwasacombinationof
g/tAuand21g/tAginsemicontinuousrockchip stream sampling and evidence of past artisan
sampling. The first drill hole drilled after miningthatresultedinitsdiscovery.Inthemid
additional surface work returned 49m @ 2.7 g/t 1980s, New Hope Consolidated Industries
Au. selected an area for reconnaissance stream
BLEGandfinefractionstreamsedimentsampling the course of this programme evidence was
failed to detect secondary gold shedding from found of extensive past artisan mining activities,
Toka Tindung due to the presence of a younger, resulting in the identification of a number of
widely spread, mantlebedded tephra which had drainagebasinsrequiringfurtherinvestigation.A
largely covered the gold deposit and diluted the major drainage survey undertaken in 198889
surroundingdrainageswithbarrenvolcanicsands outlined seven anomalous areas, one of which
and silts. Thus the keys to discovering Toka was Awak Mas, which was subsequently
Tindungweregoodprospectingskillsinfindinga identifiedbyrockchipsampling.
very small amount of mineralized vein float and
local knowledge which resulted in the discovery Two high sulphidation gold discoveries were the
ofthesource. direct result of tracing mineralized float back to
its outcrop source, i.e. Binabase and Riska. The
Poboyaisthethirdexampleofawellmineralized first indication of mineralization in the Binabase
outcropping body (including 55m @ 47 g/t Au) area, which did not have a previous history of
that yielded only a weak geochemical response. exploration or local mining activity, was the
presence of boulders of massive gossanous verylitllewasknownaboutthemineralpotential
materialandbariteobservedonthenearbycoast of the region, and hence regional surveys were
in 1987. The source was subsequently found a theonlywaytogeneratetargets.Theearlywork
few km inland. Soil sampling gave encouraging outlinedseveralporphyryCuAuandModistricts.
results, leading to trenching that returned up to Thesecondhalfofthe1980sand1990ssawamix
34m@5.2g/tAu,39g/tAg,and52m@2.2g/t of regional surveys and more detailed
Au and 55 ppm Ag (Swift and Alwin, 1990). In investigations, this time with gold as the main
the case of Riska, one ofNewmonts field teams target. A number of significant gold discoveries
traced float back to a ridge formed by silica were made during this period. Since early 2005
alunite altered tuffs. The prospect was the focus has been on advanced exploration of
subsequently named Riska, after one of the knowngoldprospects,someofwhichhavehada
discoverersgirlfriend(Nugrohoetal.,2005). longhistoryofexploration.Themainreasonfor
this is that following the drastic downturn in
Nickellateritedepositsthathadnotalreadybeen explorationactivitiesinthelate1990s anumber
identified by the Dutch were subsequently ofprospectsbecameavailableatrelativelylowor
discovered by remote sensing methods, mostly no costs. This combined with rising commodity
aerial photography and Landsat interpretation pricescreatedsomeattractiveopportunities.
(Taranik et al., 1978), followed by ground
checking. Aerial photography and Landsat ThehistoryofNilateriteexplorationissomewhat
interpretation assisted in outlining areas different. Initiallyin the 1970s, it involved both
underlainbyultramaficrocksandwithfavourable investigations of known districts and regional
geomorphological features. Interestingly, while exploration and was carried out by two
LaSampalaNorthwasidentifiedbythismethod, companies, viz. INCO and Antam. Significant
it failed to recognize La Sampala South. As resources were outlined at the known Soroako
mentionedearlier,thisdepositdoesnothavethe and Pomalaa districts, a large new deposit was
typical morphological expression of most discovered at Bahodopi, and a few smaller ones
Sulawesi deposits, but instead occurs in a were found at several other localities. Activities
swampy depression. However, it was readily were at a low level during the 1980s and 1990s
identifiedduringsubsequentfalsecolourLandsat withtheexceptionofRioTintosreviewoftheNi
image interpretation, showing up as a distinct laterite potential of Eastern Sulawesi, which
redcolouranomaly,whichreflectedtheabundant resulted in the discovery of the important La
development of ferricrete in this area (TvL, Sampala district. When nickel prices started to
unpublisheddata). risein2004,activitiespickedupagain.Thistime
smaller domestic companies were leading the
5.4 Explorationtrends way, exploiting relatively small laterite deposits
and shipping the unprocessed ore to China.
Mineral exploration is carried out in several Some of the areas mined overlapped with
stages,fromregionalreconnaissancesurveysand concessionscontainingknowndepositsthatwere
initialfollowup,throughdistrictsizeexploration, held or under application by the larger
to prospect and detailed deposit investigations. companies.Nopublishedinformationisavailable
A company can initiate exploration at any of onwhatbasisotherareaswereselected.
thesestages,dependingonanumber offactors,
including the amount of information available, Lookingahead,itislikelythatintheforeseeable
available opportunities, market conditions, future only brownfields exploration will be
companystrategy,etc. undertaken. This is partly because over the past
Regional reconnaissance and initial follow up resource data have been collected. This
surveys, mainly for porphyry Cu deposits, combined with everimproving remote sensing
dominatedmineralexplorationinSulawesiduring methods enables a more focused approach to
the1970sandfirsthalfofthe1980s.Atthetime target selection. However, it would be wrong to
assume that there is no need anymore to carry Itisbecauseoftheaboveconsiderationsthatwe
outgreenfieldsexplorationbecausethewholeof believe that in the short to medium term the
Sulawesihasalreadybeenadequatelycoveredby main exploration focus in Sulawesi (and for that
grassroots surveys. On the contrary: i) some matter elsewhere in Indonesia) will be on
areashavebeensurveyedonlyonce,whichisnot relatively small areas with known mineralization
sufficient to make a comprehensive mineral under existing title or for which title can be
potentialassessment;ii)surveysoftenfocusedon obtained at an acceptable cost, and which are
a single deposit type or commodity; iii) in some free of major forestry issues. This in itself is not
casestheareawasnotsampledsystematically,or necessarilyabadthing,asexperience elsewhere
sampling and/or assaying methods were used has shown that the chances of success are
thatdidnotleadtooptimumresults;iv)thereare greater when exploration is carried out in well
several examples of significant outcropping mineralized districts with a mature exploration
mineralization having been almost missed history than in less known areas (e.g. Sillitoe,
becauseofcertaingeologicalconditions(see5.3); 2010). However, by world standards Sulawesi is
other deposits may have gone unnoticed for underexploredandopportunitiesforbrownfields
similar reasons; v) large areas have not been exploration are rather limited. Therefore, if
surveyed at all, in particular in Eastern Sulawesi, current conditions, which are not conducive to
becauseoftheirperceivedlowmineralpotential, carrying out (semi) grass roots exploration of
butastherecentgolddiscoveryatBombanohas larger areas, persist, this may have a negative
shown, this may not always be the case; and vi) impact on further development of the mining
new concepts and information may require industryinSulawesiinthelongerterm.
revisiting certain areas to collect additional data
ona(semi)regionalscale. 5.5 Sulawesisminingindustry

Underthepresentmininglawthemaximumsize Historically, gold and nickel have been the two
of an exploration permit area is 500 sq km, as pillarsofSulawesisminingindustry.
opposed to 2500 sq km and larger in the
past.Furthermoreitisnotpossibleanymore,asin Recorded gold production comprises about 15t
the old days, to select an area on the basis of for the period 1896 to 1941, and about 76t for
literature research and carry out field checking the period 1996 to 2011 (Table 10). The total
on a socalled SKIP (walkin permit) before amount of about 91t does not include gold
deciding whether or not to go ahead. This producedbylocalminersduringaperiodofmore
enabled a company to assess whether minimum than 180 years for which no records exist, but
expenditure commitments required by the COW which is likely to be significant. With two gold
agreementwerewithinacceptablerisklimits.At mines currently in production, i.e. North Lanut
present, an exploration company has basically mine(withaminimumminelifeof2yearsandan
twochoices,eitherenterintoanagreementwith annual production of about 50,000 oz) and Toka
an existing title holder or participate in a tender Tindung(6years,160,000ozAueq.),oneproject
for areas selected by the government. In either in the feasibility stage (Bakan, 4.5 years, 50,000
casefrontendpaymentsarelikelytobeinvolved, oz) , plus several other gold projects in an
which is a disincentive in the case of areas for advanced stage of exploration, gold is likely to
whichlittleinformationisavailable.Theoretically continuetoplayasignificantroleintheshortto
it is possible for a company to select an area on mediumterm,especiallyifthecurrenthighprice
thebasisofitsownprojectgenerationwork,but of gold is maintained. Based on published data
it still would have to go through the tender (van Leeuwen and Pieters, 2011) it is estimated
process with the risk of losing the area to the that Sulawesis total gold resources amount to
competition. Forestry permit issues are another roughly 285t, with an additional 135t Au
importantfactorintheareaselectionprocess. associated with porphyry Cu deposits.We should


A. PreWarperiod
Paleleh 6.25tAu 6.2tAg
BolaangMongondowDistrict 5.0tAu 4.0tAg
Totok 3.7tAu 1.8tAg
14.9tAu 12.0tAg
B. PostWarperiod
Mesel 62.0tAu
Riska 10.5tAu
TokaTindung 3.2tAu 1.5tAg
75.7tAu 1.5tAg



Period Production ContainedNi

19381941 155,000t@ca3%Ni 4,650
19421944 184,000t@ca3%Ni 5,520
19591966 406,000t@ca3%Ni 12,180
19671975 1,215,000t@ca3%Ni 36,450
19762010 1,109,000tferronickel 255,070

based on 1966 and 1976 production figures; 3) production 2009 and 2010 was 60,000t

resources only without any economic infrastructure, such as power plants, roads and
connotation. ports; and v) forestry issues. The author offers
several suggestions that may reduce risks and
Nickel mining has overshadowed gold mining in enhance project economics: i) apply heap leach
terms of both size and revenue. Most of the or tank leach technologies, which are currently
nickelproducedtodatehascomefromtwoareas, under development by several companies; ii)
SoroakoandPomalaa.DataprovidedbyPTInco produce nickel pig iron, which has a lower Ni
showthatbetween1976and2010atotalof234 content than ferronickel (<15%) and higher
Mt of laterite ore was mined at Soroako, impurities such as P and S, but has a growing
containing a total of 4.5 Mt Ni (Gde Tutoko, market;iii)developlowgradeNilateritedeposits
written comm., 2011). The total nickel with a high cobalt grade (0.2% Co) occurring as
production at Pomalaa, starting in 1938, is coarse minerals , which can be easily separated
estimated to be around 310,000t, mostly as and concentrated using low costs techniques,
ferronickel. However, this figure is based on withcobaltconcentrateasthemainproduct,and
several assumptions (see Table 11), and nickel and manganese as byproducts, and iv) as
furthermoreincludesalsosomeoreprocessedat an alternative to Ni laterites explore for nickel
Pomalaa that came from outside Sulawesi. As sulphide deposits, which potentially can be
mentioned earlier, there has been an increasing developed at much lower capital costs and in a
involvement of domestic companies in nickel moreenvironmentalfriendlymanner.
laterite mining in Sulawesi in recent years, but
production figures are not readily available. An Commodities other than gold and nickel have
announcement made by the government of hardlyfeaturedinthemininghistoryofSulawesi.
Southeast Sulawesi in 2011, indicates that Only small quantities of base metals and
companies operating in the province are chromitehavebeenminedinthepast.Thismay
producing 50,000t to 70,000t of ore per year. changeinthefuture,inparticularasfarascopper
Assuminganaveragegradeof1.6%thismeansan is concerned. The porphyry copper deposits in
annualproductionintheorderof800to1,000t the Tombulilato district may be economically
Ni. viable at copper and gold prices seen in recent
years. The longer term outlook for copper
Sulawesi has vast undeveloped nickel resources, appears to be favourable. Average head grades
estimatedtobeintheorderof1,500milliondry at copper mines throughout the world are on a
weighttonnes(MDWT)averaging1.57%Nibased decadelong downward trend, and there is a
on data collected by van Leeuwen and Pieters( shortageofnewminesduetocomeonstreamto
2011).About15%fallsintheProven+Probable offset declining production from existing
Reserves category. Individual deposits vary operations. Only one large deposit is under
greatlyinsize(3>200MDWT)andgrade(1.2% development, i.e. OyuTolgoi in Mongolia (81
to 2.3%). Having a large resource base in itself billion lbs Cu and 46 Moz Au), and this creates
does not guarantee a long term future for the opportunitiesforsmallerdepositslikeCabangKiri
regionsnickelindustry.AsdiscussedbyRafianto andSungaiMak.However,attheendoftheday
(2011), development of Sulawesis Ni laterite the fate of these projects may be decided by
resourcesinvolvesanumberoffactorsthathave sociopoliticalandenvironmentalissues.
and grade to support economic projects with a
minimum mine life of 20 years; ii) mineralogy, 6.0 Conclusions
type and chemistry of the ore, which will
determine optimum mining and processing Sulawesiconsistsofthreedistinctgeological
methods, and in turn the economic viability of a metallogenic provinces, viz Northern,
project; iii) the high costs of producing nickel Western and Eastern Sulawesi. Of these,
matte or ferronickel (PAL/HPAL); iv) lack of Northern Sulawesi shows the widest variety
in mineral deposit styles and contains the toolintheprojectgenerationstage.Another
largest number of (known) deposits, potential guide is the regional unconformity
prospectsandoccurrences,whereasEastern between the Mid and Late Cenozoic
Sulawesi ranks first in terms of economic sequences.
Some well or partly exposed gold deposits
Magmatic mineralization style associations may have very subtle surface geochemical
include: signatures, especially in areas with semito
ophiolite:NiandFelaterite;primaryand unconsolidated sedimentary or volcanic
secondaryCr. coverdeposits.
calcalkaline: porphyry CuAuMo,
FeAuskarn,intrusionrelatedbasemetal Uptonownickelandgoldhavebeentheonly
Au, sedimenthosted Au, high and two commodities of economic interest; they
intermediatesulphidationAuAg. may be joined by copper and possibly
Potassic alkaline: porphyry CuAu; molybdenum in the foreseeable future.
intrusiverelatedbasemetalAu;skarn. Known nickel resources are large (of the
Bimodal: lowsulphidation epithermal order of 1.5billion DWT) and gold resources
AuAg;VMS. moremodest(about420tcontainedAu).
Potassic felsic: porphyry Mo; intrusion
relatedAu. By world standards Sulawesi is
A rather puzzling aspect of the metallogeny foreseeablefutureastheexplorationfocusis
of Western Sulawesi is the apparent poor expected to be on relatively small areas of
development of typical epithermal volcanic knownmineralization,ratherthanondistrict
arc related precious metal deposits despite scale, (semi)grassrootsoriented
the widespread occurrence of potassic programmes. This is because of existing
volcanicrocks,whichelsewhereintheworld opportunities (short term) and prevailing
have generated a number of large gold nongeologicalconditions(longerterm).
7.0 Acknowledgements
Several mineralized districts contain more
than one deposit type, e.g. the Tombulilato Many colleagues have provided data for this
district (porphyry CuAu, highsulphidation review or helped in other ways, including John
epithermal AuAg, intrusionrelated Au), and Carlile, Peter Flindell, Han van Gorsel,Jeff
the close to each other located Doup and Hedenquist, Arifudin Idrus, George Katchan,
Ratatotok districts ( porphyry Cu, high and Muhardjo, Thomas Mulya, Musri, Joseph
intermediatesulphidation epithermal AuAg, Ogermans, Sukmandaru Prihatmoko, Hendro
replacementAu,andsedimenthostedgold). Purnomo, Dick Sillitoe, Gde Tutuko, Dave Trail,
Recognition of a single type, even if only Stephen Walters, and Wily WilliamsonJones, all
weaklydeveloped,maythereforehelpdirect ofwhomwegratefulacknowledge.Wespecially
exploration for potentially more significant thankTuti Marianiforpreparingthemanuscript,
mineralization of other types in the same Supriyadifordraftingthefigures,andBradWake
district. forreviewingandeditingthefinaldraft.

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Magmatic products in Sulawesi mostly are distributed in WestNorth Arm that elongate from MakassarToraja
(South) to PaluTolitoli (Central) to Manado (North) areas. The oldest magmatism exposes in southern parts,
have similar origin with Ophiolite Complex in EastArm, that had been tectonically emplaced in its present

products may indicate that West and North arms have not been connected until in Paleocene, and has been
connected in Eocene. The local Paleocene non subductionrelated magmatism in North Arm could represent
continent to Sulawesi island in EarlyMiddle Miocene. The collision would affect to the melting of lower

The collision had also halted the subduction in the southern parts, resulting magma with alkaline/shoshonitic
affinity of postsubduction magmatism, in MakassarToraja area. Meanwhile Manado area is not affected by


DISTRIBUTIONOFVOLCANICPRODUCTS (Sukamto, 1975 ; Sukamto & Simandjuntak,

The island of Sulawesi with its specific K In the WestNorth Arm of Sulawesi, volcano
shape is situated in the complex tectonic magmatic products are dated of Paleogene
system representing the junction of several Pliocene ages, distributed from the southern
different tectonicplates of Eurasian, Indo parts (in Makassar and TanaToraja areas), to
Australia and Pacific (Hamilton, 1979; Silver et the central parts (PaluTolitoli area), until to
al., 1983). The island itself is geologically Manado area in the northern parts. They
subdivided into (1) East Arm that consists of present various magmatic affinities indicating
mostly obducted ophiolitic nappes, (2) Central that magmas were produced in different
parts of metamorphic areas, and (3) West tectonicsetting(Priadietal.,1993,1994;Maury
North Arm consisting volcanomagmatic etal.,1995;Polveetal.,1996).
products of PreTertiary to Recent ages.
Another part that is considered as part of Middle Miocene to Recent Volcanic products
Sulawesi geological system is (4) BanggaiSula showinterestinggeographicdistribution(Priadi
terrain in the eastern part of Sulawesi that et al., 1994): alkaline/shoshonitic volcanic is
represents a microcontinent consisting of concentrated in the southern part (Makassar
sedimentaryvolcanic rocks of Mesozoic ages Toraja area), potassic calcalkalin plutono

volcanics are found in the central parts (Palu PALEOGENEMAGMATISM
Tolitoli areas), whereas calcalkalin products
dominate the northern part (Manado area) VolcanicproductshavingagesofPaleocene(40K
(Figure1). Ar of 61.4159.17 Ma. ; Obradovich, 1974 in

K40ArdatinghasbeendoneinLaboratoirede 1996) can only be found in southern part of
Geochimie de lUBO, Brest, France using Mass SouthArm (in Makassar area). The lithology is
spectrometry Thomson Cameca 205 SE. mostly basaltic lavas that is classified as part of
Chemicalanalyseshavebeendoneinthesame BuaFormation(Yuwonoetal.,1988).Chemically,
laboratory, mostly using NA (Neutronic these lithologies indicate the characters of
Activation) and AAS (Atomic Absorption subductionrelated volcanism (calcalkaline
Spectrometry), for certain elements and for affinity).Sofar,thesevolcanicproductsrepresent
comparison using ICPAES (Induced Coupled the oldest products of subductionrelated
PlasmaAtomicEmissionSpectrometry). magmatismoccurredinSulawesi(Figure2).

PRETERTIARYMAGMATISM IneasternpartofSouthArmofSulawesi,basaltic
lavas crop out in Ningo river, that belong to
The oldest dated volcanic products indicating Salokalupang Formation. Lava sample of this
Jurassic in age (40K40Ar of 158.60137.17 Ma; formation is dated by 40K40Ar giving the Eocene
Polve at al., 1996; Priadi et al., 1997), and its age of 52.20 Ma (personal communication with
petrogeochemicaldatashowtheLowPotassium Alit Ascaria, 2011). Lack of the chemical data
Volcanism of BackArc or Marginal Basin setting. makes the magmatic affinity as well as its
These volcanic products widespread in the tectonic setting for the latter are still unknown,
eastern sides of SouthArm of Sulawesi, known but it is supposed to be identical to that of Bua
previously as volcanic units namely Lamasi and Formation.Datingonagabbrosampleinsouthof
Kalamiseng Volcanics (Yuwono, et al., 1988 ; Palopo gives also the Eocene age (40.16 Ma;
Priadi et al., 1993). The facts that the western Priadi, 1993) eventhough chemically these
sidesofthesetwovolcanicunitsareborderedby samplesarenotindicatingthesubductionrelated
tectonic contacts to the other rock units, are magmaticproducts.
indicating the emplacement of these rockunits
toitsrecentpositionissupposedtobetectonics. The other subduction related magmatism of
Thepresenceoflayeredgabbro,(normal)gabbro, Eocene ages can be found mostly in the Central
dyke swarms of basalt dolerite/diabas and the toNorthernpartsofWestNorthArmofSulawesi,
pillowlavas,issuggestingthattheknownLamasi especially around Donggala and Tolitoli area
volcanics may represent a Dismembered (Priadi,1993;Polveetal.,1996).Tholeiiticdykes
Ophiolite (Priadi et al., 1997) as mostly found in were dated for the rocks of Tinombo Formation
the EastArm of Sulawesi. Monnier et al (1995) around Donggala (46,8244.13 Ma; Priadi, 1993)
has also mentioned that parts of Ophiolite andtholeiiticintrusion(stillclassifiedasTinombo
Complex in the EastArm of Sulawesi are Formation)nearPalelehTantayuo(eastofTolitoli
originatedfromBackArcTectonicsetting. area) have already been dated for Late Eocene
age (37.1537.02 Ma; Priadi, 1993; Polve et al.,
These data may indicate that these rock units 1996).
have been formed somewhere in the
east/southeast areas associated with certain InthenortherncoastofWestNorthArmaround
subduction system(s), and then have been Bintauna,cropoutpillowlavasthatareclassified
emplaced in Sulawesi at around in Middle as Volcanic Units of Tinombo Formation (Apandi
Miocene (~1815 Ma ; Yuwono, et al., 1988 ; & Bachri, 1977). Basalts of this unit were dated,
Ranginetal,1990). and gave lessreliable ages of 41.8240.27 Ma
(Eocene; Priadi, 1993). Geochemically these

Figure 1. Tectonics and Geological Provinces ofSulawesi (Permana et al., 2006, simplified from



Figure 2. Distribution of magmatic data in WestNorth Arm of Sulawesi. SH/AK/UK =


to BackArc or Marginal Basin setting (Priadi, only in southern parts of WestNorth Arm of
1993; Polve et al., 1996), that are identical to Sulawesi(Makassararea),calcalkalinepotassicin
basalt of the seafloor of Sulawesi Sea taken by central parts (PaluTolitoli areas), and calc
OceanDrillingProject(ODP;Ranginetal,1990). alkalineaffinityineasterntipsofWestNorthArm
InMakassarTorajaareas,volcanicrocksdatedof (Manadoarea)(Figure3):
Oligocene ages were obtained from tholeiitic
doleritedykescrosscuttingKalamisengVolcanics a).Ultrapotassic/Shoshonitik(SH)Magmatism
(33.33Ma;Yuwonoetal,1988)aswellasrhyolite Volcanic rocks having these magmatic affinities
dykes in Lamasi Volcanics (32.8928.60 Ma; can be found in southern parts of Sulawesi, in
Priadi, 1993; Polve et al., 1996). Big intrusion of formoflavaorintrusivebodieshavinglithologies
calcakaline granitic composition (Kambuno of basaltsandesites (Yuwono et al., 1998;
Granite) that close to Sangkaropi gives age of Letterieratal.,1990;Bergmanetal.,1996;Polve
29.87Ma(Priadi,1993;Polveetal.,1996). et al., 1996). Geochemical and petrological data
show the presence of significantly felspatoids
AtholeiiticbasaltdykearoundDonggalathatcut that may refers to silica undersaturated magma.
the rocks of Tinombo Formation, has an age of The chemistry indicates the high contents of
34.46Ma(Oligocene)in 40K40Ardating,whereas alkaline (Yuwono et al, 1988), and incompatible
tholeiticbasalticlavasofDolokapaFormation(in elementsindicatingtheintensive contributionof
Manado area) are also indicating Oligocene ages granitic continental composition. This kind of
(30.5028.30Ma). volcanicproductsaredatedmostlyof12.814.30
Ma (Yuwono et al., 1988, 1989; Polve et al.,
NEOGENEQUATERNARYMAGMATISM 1996), and can be found as lithologies of many
volcanic units in the MakassarToraja areas
Neogene igneous rocks products are mostly (Baturape, Sesean, Sekala, Talaya, Camba,
charcterized by subductionrelated magmatism, Sopeng,Parepare,CindakoVolcaniscs;Sukamto,
theycanbegroupedintotwodifferentintervalof 1975;Yuwonoetal.,1989;Priadi,1993).
a).Ataboutintervalof2221Ma(EarlyMiocene) b).AcidCalcAlkalinPotassicMagmatism
isrepresentedbytholeiticrocksthatbelongto In the central parts of WestNorth Arm, in Palu
Kalamiseng Volcanics in Makassar Area Tolitoliareas,especiallyalongthePaluKoroFault
(rhyolite of 21.72 Ma), Tinombo Formation Area (PKFZ), the occurrence of potassic calc
around Tolitoli Area (gabbro of Tantayuo of alkalinemagmatismisshownbythepresenceof
22.09 Ma; andesite of 21.93 Ma), and calc granitoid intrusions and pyroclastic deposits of
alkaline of Bone Diorite (22.4522.19 Ma; dacitictorhyoliticincomposition. 40K40Ardating
aroundGorontalo) totheserocksindicatingtheageintervalsof8.10
b).Rocksagedofaround1815Ma(EarlyMiddle 0.55 Ma to Recent (Sukamto, 1975; Priadi et al.,
Miocene) can be found in Makassar area 1993,1994;Mauryetal.,1995;Polveetal.,1996;
(18.7415.35 Ma; (Kalamiseng and Lamasi van Leeuwen et al., 1996; Widiasmoro et al.,
Volcanics), around PaluTolitoli area (17.95 1997)
until close to Manado area (18.8513.13 Ma; High silica contents (SiO2 = 61.776.5%) and
Tinombo Formation and Wobudu Breccia). normativequartzaround20%forthismagmatism
Bunbulan Granite that is calcalkaline in indicate the involvement (anatexis) of the
magmatic affinity has also ages within this components of granitic continental crust in its
interval : 18.14 Ma (Priadi, 1993; Yuwono et genesis.Comparingthechemicalcompositionsof
al.,1995;Polveetal.,1996). thismagmaticproductsandthoseoflowercrust
components (garnet peridotites, acid granulites
Middle Miocene to Recent magmatism in and basic granulites; Helmers et al., 1990) that
Sulawesiiscoincidentlyseparatedgeographically: presentasxenolithsingranitoidrocks,indicating
ultrapotassic/shoshoniticmagmaticproductsare cogeneticity in Extended Spiderdiagram (Priadi
etal.,1993,1994;Mauryetal.,1995;Polveetal., presence of this magmatic products in south of
1996). Observation on chemical compositions Sulawesi is supposedly by westward tectonic
indicates that the lithologies of the lower crust emplacement due to collision of BanggaiSula
mayactasprincipalcontributorstotheformation microcontinenttoSulawesi.
1993, 1994, 2009; Maury et al., 1995). The oldest subductionrelated magmatism in
Meanwhile, the characters ofsubductionrelated Sulawesi is in Oligocene age in Makassar area.
magmatism is also still observed (negative Thedirectionofsubductionitselfisstillindebate,
anomalies on High Field Strength elements : butmostofresearcherssupposedthesubduction
Ta,Nb,Ti,Zr,Hf)accompaniedwithhighpresence is westward plunging as continuation of
ofPbandThofcontinentalcharacters(Priadiet SumateraJavasubductionsystematthattime.
al., 1993, 1994; Widiasmoro et al., 1997). The Products of Eocene subductionrelated
productsofthiskindofmagmatismcanbefound magmatism are found in eastern sides of West
asacidrocks(granite,dacite,rhyolite)alongPalu Arm and in the eastern side of PaluKoro Fault
Koro, around Tolitoli (Tolitoli Granitois; van Area (in Donggala), this may indicate that
Leeuwen, written communication, 1990), in subduction areas occurred in the eastern side of
Torajaarea(PalopoGraniteandBaruputuff),and West Arm of Sulawesi, and the North Arm of
aroundTogianislandsinTominiGulf. Sulawesi might not be in the present position.
Eocene magmatic products in the North Arm of
AdakiticMagmatism Sulawesi is supposed to be part of Sulawesi Sea
Adakite is a kind of igneous rock having seafloorthatwasbeenobductedsouthwardonto
composition of high contents in SiO2 (>56%), the North arm of Sulawesi during the
Al2O3 (>15%), Sr (>300ppm) accompanied with northwestwarddriftofthisarm.
theSr/Yratioof>20.Adakiticvolcanismindicates During Early to middle Miocene products of
the contribution of melting the young oceanic subductionrelated magmatism can be found in
plates (<25 Ma) to the formation of magma in allpartsofWestNorthArmofSulawesi(Polveet
subduction areas (Castillo, 2006). This kind of al, 1996; Priadi et al., 2009), indicating the West
rock is supposedly present in Togian islands (in and the North arms have already been
Tomini Gulf) as products of recent volcanism connected,asalsomentionedbyHall(2002).
The following magmatic products of Middle
c.) Calcalkaline magmatic affinity of subduction MiocenetoRecentarecharacterizedbydifferent
related magmatism, mostly are exposed in the magmaticaffinitiesandgeographicallyseparated
eastern proximity of the WestNorth Arm of inthreemajorareas.Northwestwardcollisionof
Sulawesi, (around Manado Area) and prolong BanggaiSula microcontinent to Sulawesi island
northward to SangiheTalaud Islands. They are that probably occurred in EarlyMiddle Miocene
datedof7.010,89Mauntilrecenttime(Jezeket (Hamilton, 1979; Silver et al., 1983; Priadi et al.,
al., 1981; Tatsumi et al., 1981; Yuwono et al., 1993; Polve at al., 1996) had triggered the
1995;Priadietal.,2006). melting of the lower parts of obducted
continental crust, giving potassic calcalkaline
magmatism (high silica and high alkaline
TECTONICIMPLICATION contents) that has been distributed in central
parts of Sulawesi. The collision has also halted
The oldest magmatism (PreTertiary, 158.60 the subduction system in its southern parts,
137.17 Ma) having characters of Back Arc Basin slowed down the upraising magma to be
or Marginal Basin magmatism is supposed to be extruded later as alkaline/shoshonitic affinity of
formed far outside of Sulawesi area. It might be postsubduction magmatism (Priadi et al., 1993,
correlated with the origin of East Sulawesi 1994; Maury et al., 1995; Waspersdorf et al.,
Ophiolite Complex (Monnier et al., 1995). The 1997,1998).Thisalkaline/shoshoniticrocksare

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different origins. It consists of (i) accretionarycollision complex (Bantimala and Barru Complex in SW arm), (ii)
metamorphic rocks with continental margin parentage (metamorphic complexes in West, NW, Central and SE
Sulawesi), (iii) ophiolitic rock and oceanic crust (East and North arm, respectively), (iv) melange or broken
are Mesozoic in age, and some of the metamorphic rocks have Paleozoic in protoliths age. Metallogenesis
source such as ultramafic massif of East Sulawesi Ophiolite for Ni laterite deposit andits correlatedbase metal.
volcanism in North and NW Sulawesi were occurred in two different basements. Lastly, the basement itself is
carrying mineralization before incorporate with rest of Sulawesi terranes, for example discovery orogenic gold
depositinmetamorphicterraneinMekonggablock.ThereforeunderstandingtheSulawesibasementwilllead a

INTRODUCTION at least since 1930 where Brouwer led the

expedition to Sulawesi. Several publications,
Thetermsofbasementandcrystallinebasement geological maps and PhD theses were produced
areusedtodefinetherocksbelowasedimentary during this period up to post War era (a series
platform or cover, or more generally any rock publication by Koolhoven 19301932; Egeler
below sedimentary rocks or sedimentary basins 19471949; de Roever, 19471953). In the Plate
thataremetamorphicorigneousinorigin.Inthe Tectonic Era, several groups made contributions
same way the sediments and/or sedimentary to the basement studies, e.g. (i) the Royal
rocks on top of the basement can be called a Halloway University of London Group (Audley
"cover" or "sedimentary cover" (Wikipedia). The Charles, 1974; Parkinson 1991, 1996, 1998;
same definition about from Glossary Geology, Coffieldetal,1993;Bergmanetal,1996),(ii)LIPI
that the basement rock, the oldest rocks in a GSJ Japan (Miyazaki et al, 1996; Wakita et al.,
given area; a complex of metamorphic and 1996),(ii)GeologicalSurveyofIndonesia(nowas
igneous rocks that underlies the sedimentary BadanGeologi/PusatSurveyGeologi;Sukamto,
deposits; usually Precambrian or Paleozoic in 1975, 1986; Simandjuntak, 1980, 1986,
ages. With a specific definition, the basement 1992;Mubrotoetal,1994;Surono,1994,1996),
rocksarereadilydistinguishablefromtheircovers (iii)RioTintoIndonesia(vanLeeuwen,1981;van
rocks based on their petrological, structural and Leeuwen et al, 2007, 2010; van Leeuwen &
stratigraphic appearances. This definition has Muhardjo, 2005), (iv) French ITB Group
been applied in this paper to differentiate the (Monnier et al., 1994, 1995; Villeneuve et al,
basement rocks and their contribution to the 2001), (v) LIPITokyo Institute of Tech. Japan
tectonicandmetallogenyprovince.TheCenozoic (Parkinson et al., 1998; Parkinson, 1998;
magmatism will not be included in this paper Kadarusman & Parkinson, 2000). Contributions
becauseitisnotincludedinthedefinitionabove. are also made by geologists from Australians
Itwillbediscussedseparatelyinthisvolume. Group (Berry & Grady, 1987), Incos geologists
(Ahmad, 1975), and Indonesian (LIPI)Dutch
StudiesonbasementrockinSulawesidatedback Snellius II expedition and LIPI (Helmers et al,
1989, 1991; Sopaheluwakan, 1979; the Cretaceous. The Central Indonesia
Sopaheluwakan et al., 1993, 1995; Soesilo & AccretionaryCollisional complexes are result of
Sopaheluwakan,1998). collisional processes between the Asian,
The Sulawesi has been subdivided into four tothepresent(e.g.,Wakita,2000).TheBantimala
lithotectonic units or terranes, which are complex is a tectonic assemblage of slabs and
bounded by largescale tectonic dislocations and blocks consisting of sandstone, shale,
thrust faults (AudleyCharles, 1974; Katili, 1978; conglomerate, chert, siliceous shale, basalt,
Sukamto, 1975; Hamilton, 1979; Sukamto & ultramafic rocks, schist, schist breccia, eclogite,
Simandjuntak,1983inParkinson1991).Theseare amphibolite, blueschist and felsic intrusive rocks
fromwesttoeast(seetheFigure1):(i)theWest at Jurassic to Late Cretaceous in age (Sukamto,
North Sulawesi volcanoplutonic Arc, (ii) the 1975; Wakita et al., 1994, 1996; Miyazaki et al.,
Central Sulawesi metamorphic belt, (iii) the East 1996; Parkinson et al., 1998; Maulana, 2008).
Sulawesi Ophiolite belt, and (iv) the Continental TheBantimalaComplexissurroundedbyTertiary
Fragments of BanggaiSula, Tukang Besi and and Quaternary sedimentary and volcanic rocks,
Buton. The basement rock in each lithotectonic and unconformably covered by Late Cretaceous
units showed different characteristics and ages, toPalaeocenesedimentaryrocksandisintruded
this paper will summarize the basement rock by Palaeogene diorite. Barru Block is considered
basedonstudiesconductedbyabovegroupsand to be similar occurrences with Bantimala
their contribution for the formation of Complex; however the block is characterized by
metallogeneticprovinceinSulawesi. low to medium grade metamorphic rocks
assemblages without trace of HP metamorphic
PLUTONICARC The Metamorphic Complex is regional
metamorphism consists of Malino, Palu and
The West Sulawesi PlutonoVolcanic Arc can be Karrosametamorphiccomplexes(vanLeeuwen&
divided into a continental margin segment Muhadjo,2005).Theoldzirconagesandisotopic
(SouthwestWest Sulawesi) and a Tertiary island characteristics of the host rocks indicate that
arcsegmentunderlainbyoceaniccrust(Northern those complexes represent a continental
Sulawesi). Thebasement ofthisSouthwestWest fragmentofAustralianorigin.
Sulawesi unit consists of (i) PreTertiary
Bantimala and Barru complex in the Southwest The Malino Metamorphic Complex (MMC) is
Arm, (ii) three metamorphic complexes in the located at the western end of the north arm of
Central and NW Sulawesi and (iii) Latimojong Sulawesi(mostlyexposedinthesouthernpartof
Formation in the Central Sulawesi. Those theTolitoliregion).TheMMChasbeenstudiedin
basements form the rifted continental margin of detailbyvanLeeuwenetal.,(2006).Itconsistsof
SE Sundaland and are characterized by the micaschistsandgneisses(derivedfromproximal
widespread occurrence of highK volcanic and turbidite and granitoid protoliths), with
granitoid rocks intruded into (van Leuween & intercalations of greenschist, amphibolite,
Muhardjo, 2005). The Northern Sulawesi marble,andquartzite,forminganEWelongated
basement, which is oceanic crust presumably domelike structure bounded on all sides by
from Celebes Sea basin did not expose in the faults. This Paleozoic age, the presence of
surface and covered completely by a Cenozoic Archean and Proterozoic inherited zircons, and
islandarcsystem. the isotopic signature of the mica schists and
gneisses indicate that the terrane was derived
BantimalaComplexisapartofCentralIndonesia from the New GuineaAustralian margin of
AccretionaryCollisional complexes that appear Gondwana. The rocks of the MMC show a
sporadically in an arc extending from Java to Barroviantype progression from greenschist
Kalimantan and Sulawesi (Sundaland margin) in through epidoteamphibolite to amphibolite

Figure 1. Lithotectonic division of Sulawesi (Kadarusman et al., 2004) modified from


facies.PTestimationssuggestadepthofburial metamorphic core complexes (van Leeuwen et
ofupto2730km.K/Arand40Ar/39Arcooling al.,inpreparation).
ages of 2311Ma, and a 7Ma age for
unconformably overlying volcanic rocks, Themetamorphiccomplexesareoverlainbythe
indicatethat the complex wasexhumedduring Late Cretaceous Latimojong Formation and
theMiocene(vanLeeuwenetal.,2006). Paleogene Budungbudung Formation, Tinombo
Formation and Papayato Volcanics (van
The second complex, the Palu Metamorphic Leeuwen & Muhardjo). The latter consists of a
Complex (PMC), forms the backbone of the volcanic sequence with rare sedimentary
neck and extends further to the south into the intercalations, whereas the other three
Palu Zone. It is made up of biotite schists and formationsarecomposeddominantlyofmarine
gneisses,amphibolites,andamphiboliticschists sedimentary rocks. The units, which are
and gneisses. Highergrade rocks, including moderatelytostronglyfolded,haveundergone
granulite, eclogite and peridotite are locally lowgrade greenschist metamorphism and are
presentastectonicslices,mostlyalongthePalu intruded by midEocene to midOligocene
Koro Fault zone. The Palu Metamorphic stocks and dykes, varying, in composition from
Complex contains metasediments and gabbro and diorite to granodiorite and granite
metagranitoids (dated as PermoTriassic) of (van Leeuwen & Muhadjo, 2005). Latimojong
AustralianNew Guinea derivation, but also Formation is lowmedium grade regional
contains metabasites of MORB affinity, and metamorphosed pelitic and finegrained
possibly rocks of Sundaland parentage (van psammiticrocks,alternatingmonotonouslywith
Leeuwenetal.,inpreparation).Thehighgrade subsidiary intercalations of conglomerate,
rockshavebeendetaileddescribedinaseriesof coarsesandstone,basaltictoandesiticlavaand
abstracts and papers in several groups (e.g. volcaniclastics, quartzite, chert and limestone,
Sopaheluwaken et al., 1995; Helmers et al., andbelievedtobeLateCretaceoustoEocenein
1990; Priadi et al., 1993; Kadarusman and age . Several authors like Sukamto (1973)
Parkinson,2000;Polvetal.,2001;Kadarusman includedthisunitintheTinomboFormationor
et al., 2005; Syafri et al., 2005; Watkinson vice versa. I believe only Latimojong and
(2010) that limited to high to ultra high Tinombo Formations are categorized as
pressure rock samples from the PaluKoro metamorphic basements. The Latimojong
valley, mostly involving geothermobarometry Formation overlies/flanks the Karossa
withverylimitedgeochemical,isotopeandage Metamorphic Complex (in the few localities
dating work; however, there is a general wherethecontactwasobserveditappearedto
consensusthatatonestagesomeofthe(U)HP be tectonic) and is unconformably overlain by
rocks resided at considerable depths (60km), the Paleogene Budungbudung Formation and
thereislessagreementonhowandwhenthey younger formations (van Leeuwen & Muhadjo,
were formed and transported to the surface. 2005).
The recent paper by van Leeuwen et al (in
preparation) has been written to attempt THECENTRALSULAWESIMETAMORPHICBELT
PMC with detailed isotopic and geochemistry The Central Sulawesi Metamorphic Belt
data. comprises of (i) ophiolite melange or broken
Finally, the third complex, the Karossa formation and (ii) metamorphic rocks
MetamorphicComplex,whichisexposedinthe (Pompangeo Schist Complex, including
SW part of the Lariang region, consists of a Mekongga Block at SE arm). The KAr dating
metabasite unit, also of MORB affinity, and a yielded ages of ca 111 Ma (Parkinson, 1998).
dominantlymetapeliteunit(vanLeeuwenetal., The metamorphic rocks consist of materials of
in preparation). The Palu and Karossa both continental and oceanic derivation,
Metamorphic Complexes may represent young probably including Australian crust (Parkinson,
1991). The Pompangeo Schist Belt has been 1983inHall&Wilson,2000).Blockswithinthe
describedindetailedbyParkinson(1991,1998), melange, derived from the ophiolite, range
which crops out over ~5000 km2 in Central frompebblesizetoseveralhundredsofmetres
Sulawesi, and is predominantly composed of across, whilst those of the broken formations
interbandedphyliticmarble,calcareousphyllite, may be up to hundreds of metres across.
graphitic schist, quartzite and Melanges are also known from contacts of
metaconglomerate; rocks predominantly of microcontinental blocks of BanggaiSula and
shallow marine with continental origin. Typical Buton(Hall&Wilson,2000).
low T and high P minerals such jadeite,
lawsonite, aragonite, ferrocarpholite and blue
amphiboles have been described by de Roever THEEASTSULAWESIOPHIOLITEBELT
(1947), and famous as Glaucophane
metamorphism in early formation concept in The East Sulawesi Ophiolite (hereafter as ESO),
high P metamorphism. Along the eastern a dismembered ophiolite that is tectonically
margin of the complex, Pompangeo complex intercalatedwithMesozoicdeepseasediments,
areinterthrustwithunmetamorphosedJurassic and probably includes Indian Ocean MORB,
sandstoneandlimestone(MesozoicSediments), marginal basin crust, parts of the Sundaland
which may represent parental material of the forearcoroceanicplateauofPacificplate.The
complex, and both underthrust beneath an total length of the ESO is some 700 km from
extensive nappe of metamorphosed ophiolitic Gorontalo Bay, through the East Arm and
mlange which constitute the base of the East centralSulawesitowardtheSoutheastArmand
Sulawesi Ophiolite. There is no detailed study theislandsofButonandKabaena(Kadarusman
on metamorphic rock SE Sulawesi, except et al., 2004); it also extends to the Lamasi
detailed discovery of blueschists rock and complex of the South Arm passing through the
metabasiteinatMekonggablockbyHelmerset BoneGulf.Thetotaloutcropareaismorethan
al.(1989). 15,000 km2. East Sulawesi Ophiolite is one of
the three largest ophiolites in the world along
The eastern part of the Central Sulawesi with the Oman Ophiolite and the Papua New
MetamorphicBeltiscomposedofamelangeof GuineaOphiolite.TheESOarenowintercalated
tectonised and metamorphosed ophiolite and juxtaposed in a complex manner with
fragments and variably disrupted broken Mesozoic and Tertiary sedimentary rocks, as a
formations(Parkinson,1991;Parkinson,1998b). result of Late Oligocene/ Early Miocene
Metamorphosed ophiolite melanges (Peluru collision, subsequent obduction, and later
Melange Complex and Wasuponda Melange) strikeslip faulting (Bergman et al., 1996;
are of Oligocene age, including metamorphic Parkinson,1998;Hall,2002;Kadarusmanetal.,
sole beneath, thrusted in between Pompangeo 2004).
schist and East Sulawesi Ophiolite (Parkinson,
1998). Within the melange area the western Theoriginandage(s)oftheESOarestillmatters
lower part is composed of ophiolitic clasts in a of debate due to incomplete geochemical and
sheared matrix of red phyllite, whereas the geochronological data sets. Three major
eastern upper part has a serpentinite matrix tectonic settings have been proposed for the
and components have suffered OligoMiocene origin of the ESO: typical midoceanic ridge
blueschist recrystallization (Hall & Wilson, (SoeriaAtmadja et al., 1974; Simandjuntak,
2000). The broken formations, tectonically 1987), a suprasubduction zone (SSZ) setting
intercalated within the melange, include upper (Monnier et al., 1995; Bergman et al., 1996;
Cretaceous bathyal limestones and chert, and Parkinson, 1998) and oceanic plateau
siltstones, sandstones and conglomerates of (Kadarusmanetal,2004).
Jurassic or Cretaceous age (Rutten, 1927;
Koolhoven, 1932; Sukamto and Simandjuntak,
Monnier et al. (1995) argued that the ESO has generation of oceanic lithosphere or time of
similaritieswiththeoceaniccrustoftheCelebes first eruption (Kadarusman et al., 2004).
Sea, whereas Bergman et al. (1996) speculated Simandjuntak (1992) obtained Valanginian to
that the Lamasi ophiolite could represent a Lower Cenomanian fossil ages from chert and
fragment of Indian Ocean crust, similar to the limestone of the Boba beds in the East Arm.
trapped crust of the Banda Sea. The idea that Although a clear depositional contact between
the ESO is an onland analog of the Banda Sea ophiolite lavas and overlying Boba beds has
wasfirstproposedbyKatili(1978)andHamilton never been reported, because the relation is
(1979). Based on the geological and marine commonly faulted, a rare stratigraphic contact
geophysical data, Silver et al. (1983) have betweenlavaandundatedchertoftheMatano
proposed that the ESO is laterally continuous Formation(whichhasbeencorrelatedwiththe
withthebasementofGorontalobaybasin.The Bobabeds)intheKolonodaleareasuggeststhat
paleomagnetic data of Mubroto et al. (1994), the unit was deposited on top of the ophiolite
however, suggest that the ophiolite was some (Simandjuntak,1992).Ifso,aCretaceousageof
2000kmsouthofitspresentposition.Parkinson at least part of the ESO is supported by the
(1998) considered that the origin of (at least) stratigraphicrelationship.
the westernmost segment of the ESO was
probably a small ridgetransform basin formed Inmostcases,unitsunderlyingtheESOinclude
behind an oblique subduction zone at the the Pompangeo schist complex and correlative
Sundaland margin in the Eocene. Later units (Mekongga Complex and Mesozoic
Kadarusman et al (2004) suggested two Metasediments)andthePeleru(orWasuponda)
alternatives of nature of ESO; they may have melange complexes (Parkinson, 1996, 1998).
formedinonetectonicsetting(MORorigin)and The age of the Pompangeo complex is Early
were later overprinted by magmatism in a Cretaceous(Parkinson,1998),whereasboththe
different environment (oceanic plateau and mlange complex and metamorphic sole have
subductionmagmatismoverprinting)ortheESO similar age ranges of 2833 Ma (Parkinson,
is not a single coherent ophiolitic body, but 1998).Basedontheeastdippingthrustcontact
consists of a composite of imbricated slices of between these underlying units and the ESO,
ophiolitefragmentswithdifferentorigins. Parkinson (1998) interpreted that the ESO is
In addition to the discrepancies regarding the anditscorrelativeunits,andtheLateOligocene
origin of the ESO, the age(s) of the ophiolite is ageindicatesthetimingoffinalemplacementof
stillunresolved(e.g.,Parkinson,1998).Thereis theESOontotheSundalandmargin.InthePoh
evidence for both a Cenozoic and/or Mesozoic Head region, underlying units include Banggai
formation from conventional KAr and Ar/Ar Sula microcontinental materials. The Batui
geochronology (Simandjuntak, 1987, 1992; Thrust separates the ESO from sedimentary
Mubroto et al., 1994; Monnier et al.,1995; rock deformed along the leading edge of
Bergman et al., 1996; Parkinson, 1998). They BanggaiSula platform. The timing of collision
include Cretaceous (79137 Ma), Paleogene between the ESO and BanggaiSula
(6428 Ma) and Neogene (1623 Ma) ages for microcontinentisprobablyLateMiocene(Silver
basalt and gabbro of the ESO. One possible etal.,1983).
thattheymayindicateeithertimingofophiolite Thefullsuiteofophiolitelithologies(ultramafic
metamorphism or ophiolite emplacement, or and mafic sequences) is present along the
the rock samples may have been mistakenly northern coast of the East Arm. In the large
derived from Neogene volcaniclastic basalt parts of the ESO, ultramafic sequences
(NVC) covering the ESO as subduction dominate in the Southeast Arm, Southern part
magmatism overpinting. The majority of the of the East Arm and Kabaena Island, whereas
oldestages(Cretaceous)mayindicatetheinitial onlythebasalticvolcanicunitisexposedinthe
Lamasi and Poh Head area. The ultramafic (1994) suggest low pressure and high
outcrops in the East and Southeast Arm of temperaturecontinentalmetamorphitesforma
Sulawesi occur in three forms (PT Inco MRMR substantial part of the Australian basements
Report2007): rockinthismicroplate.
As large irregular masses of up to
severalhundredsquarekilometres.The ButonandtheadjacentislandsTukangBesiare
largest of these is that of the Malili frequently viewed as two small Australian
Lakes Area Massif that covers several derived microcontinental fragments, began
thousand square kilometres of docking with Sundaland in the Eoecne
continuousultramaficterrain Oligocene and Pliocene respectively. However,
As imbricated strips following the there is no clear tectonic suture between two
general structural grain of the microcontinents. Both areas have granitic
subduction melange. According to this basementsbelowsealevel,andonlyButonhas
grain, imbricated strips have their remnants of obducted ophiolite (Kapantoreh
convexsidesgenerallytothewest. Ophiolite). The basements were overlain by
As small irregularshaped and isolated LateTriassicPaleogeneplatformsediments.
bodies of ultramafics (Latao, SuaSua,
PaoPao, Pomalaa, Torobulu, KiaKia,
Kabaena etc.). These smaller bodies lie CONCLUDINGREMARKSANDECONOMIC
in specific regional trends. Thus, Latao, GEOLOGYIMPLICATION
SuaSua, PaoPao and Pomalaa form a
distinctnortheasterlytrend. Basement rock can be classified as (i)
Continental Basements (e.g. cratons,
continental shelf, continental fragments, etc),
THECONTINENTALFRAGMENTSOFBANGGAI (ii) Convergent Plate Boundary Products
SULA,TUKANGBESIANDBUTON Basements (e.g. island arc, active continental
Continental fragments of Australian derivation and (iii) Oceanic crust Basement (e.g. marginal
consist of ButonTukang Besi and BanggaiSula basin, ophiolite complex, etc). Based on this
fragments,whichcollidedwitheasternSulawesi classification and detailed of basements
during the early Miocene and Pliocene, descriptionabove,theSulawesihasconvergent
respectively (Hall, 2002). The BanggaiSula plate boundary products Basements which
microcontinent is interpreted as to be a consist of (i) accretionarycollision complex
fragment of the North AustraliaNew Guinea (Bantimala and Barru Complex in SW arm), (ii)
continent (Garrard et al., 1988). The basement metamorphic rocks with continental margin
of this microcontinent apparently is not only parentage (metamorphic complexes in West,
composed of granitoid rocks (namely Banggai NW, Central and SE Sulawesi), (iii) melange or
granite), but also composed of regional broken formation in the Central part. The
metamorphic rocks which consist metapelites continental basement present (iv) in Banggai
and intercalation with metabasites and Sula and Tukang Besi microcontinents. Finally,
metapsammitic and acidic volcanics rock (v) the ophiolitic rock and oceanic crust
(Mangole Volcanics). The Carboniferous occupied in East and North arm basement,
metamorphic basement was intruded by respectively.
PermoTriassic Banggai granite and overlain by
contemporaneous Mangole volcanics. This Correlationbetweenmetallogenesisoccurrence
basement complex is unconformably covered and the basement type in Sulawesi existed in
by Jurassic continental to shallow marines threeways.Firstly,theyoccurredgeneticallyas
sediments. Early investigation by Kadarusman the metal source such as ultramafic massif of
et al (1994) and Natawidjaya & Kadarusman East Sulawesi Ophiolite. The ultramafic rocks
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