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Unit 1
Unit 1
Applied anatomy and physiology
The structure of the skeletal system The process of breathing and the
Articulating bones pathway of air
The functions of the skeletal system The cardiovascular system
The structure of synovial joint Blood vessels
Different types of freely moveable The pathway of the blood
joint The redistribution of blood during
Joint action and movements exercise
The movements of the major muscles Cardiac output, stroke volume and
and major muscle groups heart rate
The respiratory system Aerobic and anaerobic exercise
Gaseous exchange The recovery progress from vigorous
The immediate, short-term and long-
term effects of exercise.
1.2 The structure and functions of the muscular
Muscles are attached to the skeleton by
tendons and movement occurs when the
muscles contract and pull the bone.
Connective tissue that attaches muscles to bone. Its role is to transfer the effort
created by a contracting muscle to the bone, resulting in the movement of the bone.
Unit 1.1

Jaw bone

Unit 1.1

Four types of bones in the human

1. Flat bones are often quite large
and usually protect vital organs
2. Long bones enable gross (large)
3. Short bones enable finer,
controlled movements
4. Irregular bones are specifically
shaped to protect. For example,
the vertebrae are designed to
protect the spinal cord.
Unit 1.1
The human body contains articulating bones, which meet at a
joint to enable movement. Here are the articulating bones at five
Shoulder: scapula, clavicle, humerus
Elbow: humerus, radius, ulna
Hip: pelvis, femur
Knee: femur, patella, fibula, tibia
Ankle: tibia, fibula, talus
You can see that some bones provide movement at more than
one part of the body. For example the humerus helps to operate
both the shoulder and the elbow joint.
Articulating bones:
Bones that meet at a joint to enable movement.
Unit 1.1
The functions of the skeleton
The skeletal system has six functions:
1. Support, for muscle and vital organs. Without support the body would be a
mass of soft tissue that was unable to move
2. Protection of vital organs such as the cranium, a flat bone, protecting the
brain. During physical activity, protection is crucial for both performance and
long-term health/ It reduces the chance of injury, which ensures players can
continue to train and play.
3. Shape and structure, for maintaining the basic form of our body and
providing something for muscle to attach to. Without shape and structure we
would not be able to move.
4. Blood cell production, which takes place in the bone marrow. Red blood cells
are especially important in aerobic activities because they carry oxygen to
working muscles. White blood cells fight off infections, and platelets help
blood to clot following an injury.
5. Storage of minerals, which are essential for major body functions. Their role
in physical activity is, therefore, linked to the general health of an athlete,
which clearly affects sporting performance.
Unit 1.1
Activity: From the skeleton picture, which bones are acting to protect vital organs and
what are they protecting?

Unit 1.1
Synovial joints:
These are also known as freely moveable joints, are the most common type
of joint in the human body. They are located at the shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and
ankle. They have particular structural features:
Tendons: very strong non-elastic cords that join muscle to bone
Bursae: a sac filled with liquid, floating inside the joint, to reduce
friction between tendon and bone
Cartilage: a tough but flexible tissue to acts as a bugger between
the bones, preventing bones rubbing together and causing friction
Synovial fluid: a clear and slippery liquid that lubricates the joint
and stops the bones rubbing together.
Ligaments: bands of elastic fibre that attach bone to bone, keeping
the joints stable by restricting movement
Synovial membrane: the lining inside the joint capsule that
secretes (releases) synovial fluid
Joint capsule: tissue that stops synovial fluid form escaping and
encloses, supports and hold the bones together
Unit 1.1
Type of freely movable joints
The different types of synovial joints allow different types of movement to occurs. For

Ball and socket joints can move away from the body, back towards the body,
and can also rotate. This range of motion makes them the most moveable joint in the
body. The shoulder joint and the hip joint are ball and socket joints.

Hinge joints can only move in one direction, towards and away from each
other, like the hinge on a door. The elbow, knee and ankle joints are all hinge joints.
Unit 1.1
Joint action and movements
Different joints allow different types of movement. For example:

The hinge joint at the knee and elbow can only move in one direction enabling flexion
and extension. Dorsiflexion:
ankle flexes
the foot Plantar flexion:
upwards, ankle joint
decreasing points the toes
ankle angle increase angle
at joint

Flexion: Decrease in the angle of Extension: Increase in the angle of

bones at a joint. bones at a joint.
Unit 1.1
Joint action and movements

The ball and socket joints at the hip and shoulder enable rotation, adduction and
abduction, as well as flexion and extension.

Adduction: movement of a bone

or limb towards the midline of the

Rotation: a circular
movement around a joint

Abduction: movement of a
bone or limb away from
the midline of the body.
Unit 1.1
Choose a sporting action
Identify exactly which joints are allowing the
movement to take place
For each joint, identify what type of joint it is. Is it
a ball and socket joint or a hinge joint?
For each joint, identify what type of movement
takes place. Is it flexion, extension, adduction,
abduction, rotation, plantar flexion or
Unit 1.2
The structure and function of the muscular system
Muscles are attached to the skeleton by tendons and movement occurs when the
muscles contract and pull the bone.

Connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone. Its role is to transfer the effort
created by a contracting muscle to the bone, resulting in the movement of that bone.
Unit 1.2
Unit 1.2
The muscular system
The majority of movement in the body occurs at the
shoulder, elbow, hip, knee and ankle joints so it is important to
be able to identify the major muscle groups that operate at
these joint:
Joint Muscles attached
Shoulder Deltoid, trapezius, pectorals,
latissimus dorsi, biceps,
triceps, rotator cuffs
Elbow Biceps, triceps
Hip Gluteals, hip flexors
Knee Quadriceps group, hamstring
Ankle Tibialis anterior,
Unit 1.2
Muscles and movement:
Muscles can only pull, not push. They are
therefore arranged in pairs on either side of joints.
One muscle contracts and pulls while the other
relaxes, and vice versa.
The muscle that contracts is called the prime
mover (or agonist).
The muscle that relaxes is called the antagonist.
For this reason we say that muscles work in
antagonistic pairs.
Prime mover (agonist):
The muscle or group of muscles that contract to create movement. The prime mover
works in an antagonistic pair with the antagonist
Unit 1.2
The muscle
or group of
muscles that
relax to allow
a movement
to take place.
works in an
pair with the
Unit 1.2
The following muscles make up obvious
antagonistic pairs:
Muscles Location and action
Biceps and triceps At the elbow creating flexion
and extension
Hip flexors and gluteals At the hip creating flexion and
Hamstring and quadriceps At the knee creating flexion
and extension
Tibialis anterior and At the ankle creating
gastrocnemius dorsiflexion and plantar
Unit 1.2
Isotonic contractions:
A muscle contraction where the muscle changes length when it contracts, resulting in
the limb movement. Isotonic contractions can be concentric (when the muscle
contracts and shortens) or eccentric (when the muscle contracts and lengthens).

Isometric contraction:
A muscle contract where the length of the muscle does not change when it contracts.
There is no limb movement as a result.
Unit 1.3

Cardio-respiratory system:
The name used to describe the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system
working together.

The cardiorespiratory system is make up of the circulatory system (the heart, blood
and blood vessels) and the respiratory system (the lungs and airways). Its main
function is to enable the body to breath, pumping blood and oxygen around the
body. During physical activity, the system works harder to supply blood and oxygen to
the muscles.
Unit 1.3
The respiratory system
The respiratory system
brings oxygen into the
body so it can be used to
produce energy and
enable activity. It then
gets rid of carbon dioxide,
a waste product, which is
produced in the muscle
during exercise.
Unit 1.3
When you breathe in, air (including oxygen)
enters through the nose and mouth. It then
travels down a long tube, called the trachea,
which connects to the lungs. This is passes
through the bronchi and the bronchioles and
into the alveoli where gaseous exchange occurs.
Unit 1.3
1. Oxygen that has
been breathed in
passes through the
alveoli and into the
red blood cells into
2.In the capillaries,
the oxygen combines
4. The carbon with haemoglobin
dioxide in the GASEOUS (a protein in the
capillaries passes EXCHANGE blood cells) a form
through the alveoli oxyhaemoglobin and
and is breathed out. is then carried
3. At the same time around the body
haemoglobin carries
carbon dioxide from
the body to the
Unit 1.3
The alveoli are very thin only one cell thick and
provide a moist and extremely large surface area for
gaseous exchange to occur. Numerous capillaries run
across the alveoli, ensuring a large blood supply to the

All gases, including oxygen and carbon dioxide, move

from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower
concentration in an attempt to reach an equilibrium. This
process is called diffusion, and the distance that the
molecules travel is called the diffusion pathway. The
diffusion pathway is short in gaseous exchange.
Unit 1.3
The blood in capillaries surrounding the alveoli
has a high concentration of carbon dioxide while
the air in the alveoli has a much lower
concentration of carbon dioxide. The carbon
dioxide, therefore, diffuses from the blood in the
capillaries into air in the alveoli.
Unit 1.3
Tidal Volume:
The normal amount of air inhaled or exhaled per breath. Tidal volume increases with

Expiratory reserve volume:

The amount of air that can be forced out after tidal volume (after a normal
expiration). Expiratory reserve volume decreases during exercise.

Inspiratory reserve volume:

The amount of air that can be forced in after tidal volume (after a normal inspiration).
Inspiratory reserve volume decreases during exercise.

Residual volume:
The amount of air that remains in the lungs after maximal expiration. There is no
change in residual volume during exercise.

Vital capacity:
The largest volume of air that can be forcibly expired after the deepest possible
Unit 1.3
Spirometer trace
Unit 1.3
A spirometer trace is a way of recording and
drawing these volumes. The pattern of the trace
will change as the amount of air you inspire and
expire changes as a result of exercise. The lines
moving up are inhalation and lines going down
are exhalation.
Create your own spirometer trace:
1: Measure your 5 respiratory volumes and plot on a graph at rest and again during
2: Explain what the spirometer trace shows in terms of how the volumes change during
Unit 1.4
The cardiovascular system
The cardiovascular system carries blood
around the body. Blood is the bodys fuel supply.
It contains both nutrients (e.g. oxygen) and
waste products (e.g. carbon dioxide). The
cardiovascular system comprises the blood, the
heart and a series of arteries, veins and
capillaries to transport the blood.
Deoxygenated blood:
Blood containing a low concentration of oxygen

Oxygenated blood:
Blood containing a high concentration of oxygen
Unit 1.4


Unit 1.4
The heart is basically a very efficient pump. Like any
other muscle, it contracts and relaxes. One
contraction and relaxation is called a heartbeat. The
heart of an adult at rest beats at an average of 72
beats per minute, and your heart rate will increase
when you exercise.
This is because the heart is called on to supply more
oxygen to the working muscles and, therefore , has
to work harder. You heart rate has to increase quite
considerably to be able to cope with strenuous
Heart rate:
The number of times your heart beats in one minute. One heartbeat is one contraction
and relaxation of the heart. Heart rate is measured in beats per minute (BPM)
Unit 1.4
The rhythmic throbbing that you can
feel as your arteries pump blood
around the body. You can measure
your heart rate using your pulse.

The flowing backwards of blood.
Valves in veins prevent backflow.

The phase of the heartbeat when the
chambers of the heart relax and fill
with blood.

The phase of the heartbeat when the
chambers of the heart contract and
empty blood; when blood is ejected
from the heart.
Unit 1.4
Blood pressure:
The pressure that
blood is under. The
systolic reading
measured the
pressure blood is
under when the heart
contracts. The
diastolic reading
measures the pressure
the blood is under
when the heart

Cardia cycle:
One cycle of diastole
and systole is called the
cardiac cycle.
Unit 1.4
Blood vessels:
1. Arteries have thick muscular walls and small
internal diameter. They need thick, muscular
walls because they carry oxygenated blood away
from the heart quickly, under high pressure. The
exception is the pulmonary artery, which carries
deoxygenated blood. Arteries do not have
valves. Your pulse can be located in your
Unit 1.3
Blood vessels:
2. Veins have thinner walls but lager internal
diameter than arteries. This is because blood
pressure is low in the veins. Veins carry
deoxygenated blood back to the heart. The
exception is the pulmonary vein, which carries
oxygenated blood. Veins contain valves that open
due to the pressure of the blood flow, and then
close to make sure the blood does not flow
backwards, so that there is no backflow.
Varicose veins
Unit 1.3
Blood vessels:
3. Capillaries are microscopic
blood vessels that link that
arteries to the veins. Their
walls are very think, just one
call thick, to allow oxygen and
carbon dioxide to pass through
them during gaseous
exchange. Deoxygenated
blood becomes oxygenated at
the capillaries.
Unit 1.3
Unit 1.4
The pathway of blood
Deoxygenated blood enters
the right atrium from the
superior vena cava and the
inferior vena cava
It then passes through a
value to the right ventricle
The pulmonary artery
transports the
deoxygenated blood to the
Unit 1.4
The pathway of blood
Gaseous exchange occurs,
resulting in oxygenated blood
The pulmonary vein transports
oxygenated blood from the
lungs to the left atrium
It then passes through a valve
to the left ventricle
Oxygenated blood is ejected
from the heart and is
transported to the body via the
Unit 1.4

The Cardiac cycle

Unit 1.4
This is the sequences of events that occurs when
the heart beats.
There are 2 phases:
1: The heart ventricles are relaxed and the
heart fills with blood (diastole)
2:The ventricles contract and pump blood to
the arteries (systole)

One full cardiac cycle is completed when the heart

fills with blood and the blood is pumped out of the
Unit 1.4
The basic description for the cardiac cycle is:
1: Blood enters the right side of the heart
2: Is pumped to the lungs
3: travels back to the left side of the heart
4: Pumped to the rest of the body

The right and left side of the heart go through

diastole and systole.
Unit 1.4
The flow of blood through the heat is controlled by
pressure changes that cause different calves in the
heart to open to allow blood to flow, and at the
other times close to prevent backflow of blood.

When the atria and ventricle are relaxed (diastole)

between beat, the valves between them are open
(atrioventricular valves) to allow the blood to pass
from the atria (top chamber) to the ventricle
(bottom chamber)
Unit 1.4
Once the chamber is full the valves shut to stop
any back flow. The ventricle contracts pumping
the blood through the artery to either the lungs
or the working muscles.
Unit 1.4
Cardiac output
Cardiac output is the volume of blood that the heart
is able to pump out. It is usually measured in litres
per minute.
The cardiac output represents the volume of
oxygenated blood that is delivered to the body.
What is heart rate?
What is stroke volume?
How will these measure change with exercise?
Cardiac output = heart rate X stroke volume
Unit 1.5

Anaerobic and aerobic exercise

Unit 1.5
What is the difference between aerobic and
anaerobic exercise?
Aerobic exercise: In the presence of/using oxygen.

What will aerobic exercise look like?

Give 2 example of aerobic exercise.
Anaerobic exercise in the absence of enough/without oxygen.

What will anaerobic exercise look like?

Give 2 examples of anaerobic exercise.
Unit 1.5
Aerobic exercise
Aerobic exercise involves the performer using
oxygen to break down food such as glucose (where
can I find glucose?) This reaction provides the
energy needed for the activity and produces water
and carbon dioxide as waste products. The process
may be summarised as:
Glucose + Oxygen Energy + Carbon dioxide +
Unit 1.5

Anaerobic exercise
Anaerobic exercise no oxygen is used. Because of
this, the glucose is not fully broken down to carbon
dioxide and water. Instead it is converted into lactic
acid while producing the energy needed for the
activity. The process may be summarised as:

Glucose Energy + Lactic acid

Unit 1.5

EPOC (oxygen debt)

What is the waste product produced during
anaerobic exercise?
How will the athlete look?
During this time, after strenuous exercise, the body
take in extra oxygen to repay the oxygen debt.
The term oxygen debt is more properly known as
EPOC: Excess post-exercise oxygen consumption.
Unit 1.5
EPOC (oxygen debt)
What effect will consuming additional oxygen have on
lactic acid?
How long this oxygen debt lasts depends on how much
lactic acid is produced, which in turn depends on how
strenuous the exercise was and how long it lasted. It can
take several hour to completely remove all the lactic
produced during very intense exercise.

Watch a 400m race. Explain in your own words why the performers look so tired after
the event and the process that are occurring during their recovery.
Unit 1.5

How do I structure a paragraph answer?

Unit 1.5
Unit 1.5
Unit 1.5

Effects of exercise

1: Immediate effect
2: Short - term effect
3: Long-term effect
Unit 1.5
Immediate effects of exercise (during
1. Increased heart rate, can you explain why?
2. Increased stroke volume, can you explain
3. Increased breathing rate, can you explain
4. Increased body temperature, can you
explain why?
Unit 1.5
Short-term effects of exercise (24-36 hours)
1. Individuals may suffer fatigue that day
after strenuous exercise. This tiredness
is simply caused by the muscles having
worked especially hard and becoming
swollen with fluids, which leave them
feeling heavy.
Unit 1.5
Short-term effects of exercise (24-36 hours)
2. A performer may feel dizzy and light headed
as if they might faint. This is often caused by low
blood sugar or a drop in blood pressure. It is
likely to occur if the performer has sweated
3. Nausea is the feeling of sickness or vomiting
which can occur during and after exercise. It
may be caused by over-exertion during exercise,
or from ending an exercise session too abruptly.
Unit 1.5
Unit 1.5
Short-term effects of exercise (24-36 hours)
Lack of water intake during exercise is a well-known
cause of headaches and nausea during exercise.
Exercising at a heavy rate causes blood flow to be
taken away from a full stomach, another possible
cause of nausea.
Name a sport where it is visible that athletes are consistently taking fluids on-board
throughout their event to stop the onset of nausea
Unit 1.5
Unit 1.5
DOMS (Delayed Onset of Muscular Soreness). The pains/stiffness felt in the day following
strenuous exercise.

The pain and stiffness sometimes felt in muscles after unaccustomed or strenuous
exercise is more probably called delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS)

It is caused by eccentric muscle contractions performed during exercise, which causes

tiny tears in muscle fibres, leading to swelling.

The muscle is supposed to tear, because it repairs rapidly to prevent muscle damage,
and the soreness, if the exercise is repeated.

DOMS is different to but often confused with CRAMP. Cramp is a painful involuntary
contraction of a muscle that is typically caused by fatigue or strain of the muscle and
its often linked to dehydration and loss of minerals due to excessive sweating.
Unit 1.5

Example why
football players
tend to cramp up
towards the end of
90 minute match.

(3 marks)

CRAMP is the involuntary contraction of a muscle.

Unit 1.5

The recovery process from vigorous exercise

What can be done after vigorous exercise to avoid problems of

excessive fatigue/tiredness, nausea/light-headedness and

A cool down should consist of 5 to 10 minutes of walking or

jogging to help decrease body temperature and remove waste
such as lactic acid from working muscles. This is followed by 5 to
10 minutes of static exercises to help the muscles to relax.
Unit 1.5
The recovery process from vigorous exercise
An appropriate cool down has the following benefits.

1. Aid in the clearing of waste products including lactic acid

2. Reduce the potential for DOMS
3. Reduces the chances of dizziness or fainting caused by the
pooling of blood at the extremities
4. Allows breathing and heart rate to slowly return to their
resting rates and so prevent sudden changes in heart rhythm,
which could be dangerous

Rehydration is the process of replacing the fluids that are lost during exercise mainly
through sweating.
Unit 1.5
The recovery process from vigorous exercise

Why is it important to consume food after exercise?

Replacement of water on its own is not enough, because the body also
loses minerals during sweating and these will need replacing as well.
The performer also needs to replace the energy used during the
During both aerobic and anaerobic exercise, glucose is used to produce
the energy needed for muscle contractions. This glucose needs
Glucose is a type of carbohydrate and the body will convert any
carbohydrates it consumes into glucose.
Therefore, it is advisable for the performer to take in extra
carbohydrates following strenuous exercise.
Unit 1.5
The recovery process from vigorous exercise

What is the quickest way to replenish

carbohydrates stores post exercise?
What could be the result
of drinking a high
quantity of post workout
drinks after low intensity
Unit 1.5
The recovery process from vigorous exercise

The ice bath is thought to constrict

blood vessels and flush waste products,
like lactic acid, out of the affected
tissues. They are also supposed to
reduce swelling.

Both of these factors are thought to

cause DOMS

Then, once the performer is out of the

ice bath and the muscles start warming
up, there is an increased blood flow
through the muscles, which improves
the healing process.
Unit 1.5
The recovery process from vigorous exercise

Massage; which involves the

rubbing and kneading of muscles
and joints with the hands, can
help reduce the pain that may be
caused by too much physical

Massage can prevent or relieve

DOMS by encouraging blood
flow throughout the body,
preventing muscle fatigue. It may
also be used to reduce the
swelling in muscles that may be
caused the fatigue or stiffness in
newly exercising muscles.
Unit 1.5
Unit 1.5
The recovery process from vigorous exercise


1: Cool Down
2: Rehydration
3: Ice bath
4: Massage
Unit 1.5

Long-term effects of exercise

(months and year of exercising)
Unit 1.5
Many of the effects of regular training are not seen
for months or even years after training has started.
Regular exercise will tend to reduce the weight of
the body. This is because fat stores are used to
supply the glucose the body needs for energy.
If the exercise is mainly anaerobic, there will be a
tendency to increase the size of the muscles
involved in the exercise. This is called
The result of these two factors is that body shape
may change.
Unit 1.5
Depending on the type of exercise undertaken,
certain components of fitness may be developed.
For example, if the exercise is mainly anaerobic and
involves moving heavy objects around such as
weights, then there will be a build up of muscle
Unit 1.5
Similarly, regular exercises that are repeated, such
as press-ups or sit-ups will lead to an improvement
in muscular endurance in those muscles involved in
the movement.
Unit 1.5
Muscles, tendons and ligaments around joints get
stronger and the joints become more stable. At the
same time, the repeated movements involving
joints means that the suppleness (flexibility) at
joints increases.
Unit 1.5
Exercises that involve rapid anaerobic movements
such as sprinting will eventually lead to an increase
in SPEED. Similarly, exercises that involve slower,
rhythmical, aerobic movements, such as running or
swimming, will eventually build up the performers
cardio-vascular endurance and hence improve their
Unit 1.5
Unit 1.5
Less obvious is the fact that a long-term training programme will
mean that the heart is beating at a higher rate than normal for
long periods of time. The heart is a muscle, and like any other
muscle exposed to regular intense exercise, it will increase is
size. In other words, HYPERTROPHY of the heart will occur.
Unit 1.5
This increased size of the heart means that it is able to contract
with greater force and pump out more blood with each beat. In
other words, the stroke volume of the heart increases because
of regular training.

Linked to this hypertrophy of the heart is that fact that there

isnt that great of change in the overall size of the body, because
the skeleton is the same shape and size, as are all the major
organs. Therefore the amount of blood that the body needs
when not exercising remains essentially that same.

The amount of blood that the body receives depends on the

cardiac output.
Cardiac output = stroke volume x heart rate
Unit 1.5
So, at rest, the cardiac output of a hypertrophied heart remains
unchanged, but the stroke volume increases because of
repeated exercise. This means that the heart rate must reduce to
produce the same resting cardiac output. This reduction is
resting heart rate in performers who have undertaken months or
years of regular training is called BRADYCARDIA

Bradycardia: Lowered resting heart rate due to long-term exercise

Hypertrophy: increase is size of muscles/heart due to long-term exercise.

Unit 1.5

Using an A3 sheet of paper, create a unit summary of all the
information you need to retain for this Unit 1.

This could be done in a table, spider diagram or a clock format.

You have an exam on this unit in our next lesson, make sure you
Unit 1.5

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