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ce Week 5 Results for Danae Coetzee

Score for this attempt: 35.8 out of 38
Submitted Oct 6 at 8:18am
This attempt took 13 minutes.

2 / 2 pts
Question 1

Retype this sentence using correct capitalization.

Remember, the first word in every sentence always starts with a capital letter.
All proper nouns in a sentence also start with a capital letter.

A proper noun names a specific person, place, or thing.

sam beaver's favorite place to be was in the woods in canada.

Your Answer:

Sam Beaver's favourite place to be was in the woods in Canada.

2 / 2 pts
Question 2

A concrete noun names a real thing.

An abstract noun names an idea.

True or false: A trumpet is a concrete noun.

Correct! True

2 / 2 pts
Question 3

A concrete noun names a real thing.

An abstract noun names an idea.

True or False: Trust is a concrete noun.



1.8 / 2 pts
Question 4

Take these short sentences and rewrite them into one sentence.

Type your final answer below.

His cousin went to camp.

The camp's name was Camp Kookooskoos.

Camp Kookooskoos is in Canada.

Your Answer:

His cousin went to a camp in Canada called camp Kookooskoos.

Camp would need a capital letter because it is a part of the name.

2 / 2 pts
Question 5


Number these words in alphabetical order.






Correct! camp 1

Correct! lake 2

Correct! swan 3

Correct! trumpet 4

Correct! zoo 5

2 / 2 pts
Question 6
An analogy compares two sets of words. Find what the first two words have
in common and then use that pattern to complete the second set of words.


laugh :: cry : deep :: ______________ (river, depend, shallow, dry)

Laugh is the opposite of cry. Deep is the opposite of shallow.

shout :: yell : walking:: _________

Correct! strolling




2 / 2 pts
Question 7

Complete this analogy using the vocabulary word in your notebook.

malodorous :: stinky : pleasant :: ___________



Correct! nice

2 / 2 pts
Question 8

What is the correct word for this definition:

-the feathery covering of a bird

Correct! plumage




2 / 2 pts
Question 9

Match the column on the left with the correct answer on the column on the

Correct! noun names a person, place, thing, or idea

Correct! adjective modifies a noun or pronoun

Correct! adverb modifies a verb, adjec!ve, or another adverb

Correct! a, an, the ar!cle adjec!ves

2 / 2 pts
Question 10
Type the Verb Chant here.

Your Answer:

A verb shows action, being, or existence.

2 / 2 pts
Question 11

What are the 4 adjective questions?

Your Answer:

What kind? Which one? How many? Whose?

5 / 5 pts
Question 12

On a sheet of paper, write this sentence out and parse it. Then match the
word with its correct part of speech.

The brown canoe flipped yesterday!

Correct! The ar!cle adjec!ve

Correct! brown Adj

Correct! canoe SN
Correct! flipped V

Correct! yesterday Adv

2 / 2 pts
Question 13

Which word in this sentence is a preposition?

The swan flew through the window.


Correct! through



2 / 2 pts
Question 14


Write a sentence using the word TOWARD as a preposition.

The horse ran toward the barn.

Now, you write a sentence using the word NEAR as a preposition.

Your Answer:

The horse ran near the barn.

3 / 3 pts
Question 15

Please be honest about what you have done for your reading homework.

How much of your reading homework have you done?

All of it

Most of it

Some of it

Not much of it

None of it

Your Answer:

All of it.

0 / 2 pts
Question 16

Type out of all the Subject Pronouns.

Your Answer:

Look on page 20 in your notebook. Remember, you can use your

notebook for these!
2 / 2 pts
Question 17

What you you label the word SHE in this sentence.

She went to the beautiful park yesterday.

Adv (adverb)

Correct! SP (subject pronoun)

V (verb)

P (preposition)

Quiz Score: 35.8 out of 38

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