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Asya F. Inayyah

English Education Department

University of Singaperbangsa Karawang




A. Background

Education in Indonesia is now growing; it is undoubtedly required proper management

so that the quality of education can be maintained even improved again. Management is meant

through a good plan, do something by the proportion that has been established so that there is no

overlap of education implementation.

The management of education is better known as education management, in the

implementation of education management has covered all matters relating to the management of

education itself because in the management there are several primary functions namely the

function of planning (planning), organizing (organizing), actualization or implementation

(actuating), and the function of supervision and evaluation (evaluating) good education will be

created if planning is done pleasantly and optimally because a process will run correctly or at least

minimize errors if the preparation made has given a clear picture of something that will happen.

Another aspect of organizing is that things that have been well planned will be classified by the

primary tasks and functions of each so that the implementation of the work will be by the

competencies of each person. It aims to meet the "right man in the right place." If the two main

things have been done, then the third management function will play an implementation of the

planning that has been prepared. Every execution of the program should always be monitored or

monitored so that in the evaluation stage it can give a real picture of everything about educational


In general, education management is a series of activities undertaken to prepare for better

education process, so that the results obtained become more optimal. Although the science of

management was not initially originated from education but developed to create an educational

management that manages explicitly about education in general and intact.

Based on these descriptions, it is fitting that the management of education is viewed or

reviewed from the perspective of philosophy so that it can be known the beginning of the

development of management education itself. Finally, the writing of this paper is expected to

provide a clear explanation of the philosophical view of management education that is developing

in Indonesia in particular.

The subject of this paper is defining philosophy in general, explaining and describing

matters relating to education management, as well as philosophical perspectives on education




What is Educational Management? Meaning: While Education is the provision of a series of

learning experiences to students in order to impart knowledge, values, attitudes, and skills with the

ultimate aim of making them productive members of society, Educational Management is the

process of planning, organising, directing and controlling the activities of an institution by utilising

human and material resources so as to effectively and efficiently accomplish functions of teaching,

extension work and research.

According to Gerald (2011), Educational management is an applied field of management. One can,

therefore, deduce that educational management refers to the application of theory and practice of

management to the field of education or educational institutions.


The origin of the development of educational management as a field of study began in the United

States in the early part of the twentieth century. Progress in the United Kingdom came as late as

the 1960s. Educational management, as the name implies, operates in educational organizations

or institutions.


Management in education is needed to anticipate global changes accompanied by advances in

science and information technology.



We need organizations to manage all the education system for a human. The organizations from

in school until the government choose and decide the best way by using a standard to make the

education is better and controlled.


Educational management In school it may involve teachers, non-teaching staff, buildings, and

materials to achieve maximum success.


Management and curriculum are two different things. Management is an effort to organize

resources for the organization to be productive. While the curriculum relates to something that is

used as a guide in all educational activities undertaken, including teaching and learning activities

in the classroom. In this case, the curriculum is seen as a program that is designed, planned,

developed and will be implemented in teaching and learning situations deliberate created. As an

educational program to achieve some specific educational goals, the curriculum needs to be

managed so that all educational activities come alive and productive. Therefore, management is

an engineering activity that is activities to produce, to implement and to appraise the effectiveness

of the curriculum. Thus, curriculum management is a system of curriculum management that is

cooperative, comprehensive, and systematic to realize the achievement of curriculum objectives.

In its implementation, curriculum management should be developed by the context of the

Education Unit Tuition Curve (SBC). Therefore, autonomy is given to educational institutions in

managing the curriculum independently by prioritizing the needs and achievement goals in the

vision and mission of educational institutions and do not ignore the national policy that has been

set. In the process of education, curriculum management should be implemented to provide more

effective, efficient and optimal curriculum outcomes in empowering various curriculum resources

and components.



A. Axiology of Educational Management

i) PlanningPlanning determines where the organization is going and the general approaches it

will use to get there. Planning helps the manager shape the future. Planning is concerned with the

future - not with the present (p. 32). With planning, managers can create or develop the situation

as he wants in the future.

ii) Organising-- "Organising defines the part which each member of an enterprise is expected to

perform and the relations between such members, to the end that their collective endeavor shall be

most effective for the purpose of the enterprise" (p. 35).

The school manager must decide what to do and who will do it by determining the specific

activities required to achieve the planned goals.

iii) Staffing --- According to (p. 37) Therefore, the fundamental management task is school staffing

so the work will finish. In all Organization a lot of time is spent to maximize the use of staff optimal


iv) Directing --- The educational manager is the director of his institution (p. 42). According to

(p. 42), He gives directions, he determines the tempo, and decides what happens and when, and

work staff ability accordingly. So the principal masterminded what was going on in school.

v) Controlling Control is regulation of operation by the objectives specified in plans. According

to (p. 44), School managers will be involved in the process of controlling activities which took

place at school. As the person who is ultimately responsible for what happens at school, he needs

to satisfy himself that such activity is the kind and quality he finds satisfying.

vi) Evaluation --- According to (p. 46), Evaluation is a process that takes place in all schools. Every

headmaster will spend time remembering how tremendous or various wrong activities have been

done. Critical differentiating characteristics between schools is how much evaluation is built as a

plan and awareness process management.

B. Epistemological of Management Education

The purpose and benefits of education management according to Kurniadin and Machali (2012:

125), among others 1) the realization of learning atmosphere and active learning process,

innovative, creative, effective, fun (PAIKEM); 2) the creation of productive learners developing

his potential to have spiritual power religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble

character, as well as the skills required of himself, the people of the nation and country; 3) the

fulfillment of one of the four competencies of energy educators and education personnel (support

of competence professional as educator and educational staff as managerial); 4) the achievement

of educational goals efficiently and efficient; 5) provided his educational staff with theory about

processes and administrative tasks of education (professionally supported as manager or

educational management consultant); 6) the problem of quality of education; 7) the creation of

planning education is equitable, qualified, relevant and accountable and, improvement of positive

education image (Asmendri, 2012: 13). According to Fattah (2012: 123) the purpose and benefits

of management education, among others, as follows (a) the realization of the atmosphere learning

and learning processes that are active, innovative, creative, efficient, and fun; (b) the creation of

active learners developing his potential to have spiritual power religious, self-control, personality,

intelligence, noble character, as well as the skills that he needs, society, nation and country; (c) the

fulfillment of any of the four competencies of labor educators and education; (d) the achievement

of educational objectives effective and efficient; (e) the provision of educational personnel by

theory about education administrative processes and tasks; (f) Above all quality education issues.

C. Ontology of Educational Management

First of all, on a philosophical background, an ontological basis of education management is

needed. The aspect of reality which is reached by theory and management of education through

sensory experience is the world of human experience empirically both in the form of the level of

quality and quantity of results achieved. Object material management education is the management

side that organizes all educational activities, namely, planning, organizing, mobilization,

motivation, leadership, decision-making, communication, coordination, and negotiation and

organizational development and controlling (including monitoring, assessment, and reporting).

Effective classroom management

Effective behavior management is based on the teachers ability to successfully create a well-

managed, structured classroom environment so that learning can occur (p. 7).

Well-managed classrooms:

begin the year with a set of rules and routines which are understood by all children

have agreed on rewards and positive reinforcements

have set sanctions for misbehavior


have a selection of options for dealing with disciplinary problems

make use of their physical space

have well-planned lessons

encourage respect and develop positive relationships.

Tips: Behaviour theory

A child will repeat a behavior if it is being rewarded.

A child will be less likely to happen a behavior if sanctions are issued.

If there is no consistency with rewards and punishments, then likely it is the child will continue

to display the unwanted behavior.

The more attention the teacher gives to a childs behavior the more likely it is that that behavior

will be repeated.

Discipline and ethical behavior are learned, and they must always be reinforced. Guide your
students to know what to do in all situations rather than punish misdeeds. Help your students
understand that with rights come responsibilities.

Encourage your students to be responsible for their learning and behavior. When students
make choices, they learn new skills and gain social awareness from the outcome of those
Guidelines for effective classroom management

Three basics to remember:

Monitor student behavior
Use an active eye. See what is going on. Dont become preoccupied with someone or some-
Thing and ignore the rest of the class. Regarding discipline and effective teaching, one teacher
on her or his feet is worth two in the seat.

Be consistent
Have the same expectations of all students for appropriate behavior. Your students should
know that you will enforce rules consistently and apply a necessary consequence. Your goal

is to be fair, but that might mean not using the same result to all students. If one
student frequently fails to return homework, you may apply a different result than you
would to the student who forgets her/his homework for the first time. Knowing that youll be
fair, but not equal, your students should understand that being equal is not always fair. To be
consistent, be sure that the consequences you apply are reasonable and appropriate.

Ensure that you have had a thorough classroom discussion on this so that students understand
the fair, but not equal concept.

Promptly manage inappropriate behavior

For effective classroom management know that misbehavior must be handled immediately or
There is a risk of a snowballing effect. To provide maximum time for learning and to reduce
minor behavior problems, you can employ strategies that deal with behavior in the least amount
of time, with the least disruption and the least severe feeling.

While teaching, move about the room, pausing near potential trouble spots. Remaining
behind your desk or seated in the front of the class encourages misbehavior in the less visible
areas of the room.

Continuous teacher talk may give students a noise screen for their own conversations. An
occasional pausejust a few seconds of silencebrings an off-task student back in focus.

Asking for a response

Hearing ones name can be an attention-getter, even if one is not paying attention. Working an
off-task students name into a question can often bring the student back into the lesson.
Remembering the students dignity, say the students name first to allow her/him to
hear the question to be answered. The purpose is to get the student back into the lesson, not to
embarrass her/him.

Active participation
Sometimes having the student respond to a question or become involved in an activity can
Eliminate the undesired behavior. Asking for a show of hands, having students perform a
physical activity, or having each student write a quick answer to a question can make all
students accountable for an immediate response.

Avoid lengthy teacher talk

Plan your lesson with a sequence of instruction, practice, and sharing.

Praise desirable behavior quietly

Thank a student quietly, and thank the class for getting their books out so quickly. This will
often cue a student to her/his attention.

Change direction; for example, a group of chatting students may be quieted by announcing an
impromptu quiz on the subject at hand.

When all else fails, you might have to stop instruction to remind the class of appropriate
behavior. Keep it light.



Educational Management is the process of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the

activities of an institution by utilizing human and material resources to effectively and efficiently

accomplish functions of teaching, extension work and research.

We need organizations to manage all the education system for a human. The organizations

from in school until the government choose and decide the best way by using a standard to make

the education is better and controlled.

Management and curriculum are two different things. Management is an effort to organize

resources for the organization to be productive. While the curriculum relates to something that is

used as a guide in all educational activities undertaken, including teaching and learning activities

in the classroom. In this case, the curriculum is seen as a program that is designed, planned,

developed and will be implemented in teaching and learning situations deliberate created. As an

educational program to achieve some specific educational goals, the curriculum needs to be

managed so that all educational activities come alive and productive.



The Further Education Staff College Bristol. (1987). Education management handbook on


Kimani, G. Educational Management. Africa: Some Right Reserve.

The PRACTICE of TEACHING: A handbook for new teachers and TTOCs. BC Teachers


Kristiawan, M., Safitri, D., & Lestari, R. (2017). MANAJEMEN PENDIDIKAN. Yogyakarta: CV

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