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Look at the fruit (vegetable) and answer the following questions:

1. What is the name of the fruit (vegetable)

you are describing?

2. Where does it grow?_

3. What shape is it?

4. What color is it?

5. Does it have any smell?

6. Is it soft or hard?

7. Is it ripe, unripe, or overripe?

8. Is its skin smooth, rough, or hairy?

9. Is it light or heavy?

10. Does it have any seeds?

11. Can you cook it?

12. Do you enjoy eating it? Why?

13. Any other details?

Now write a paragraph describing the fruit or vegetable (100 words). After you finish writing
your first paragraph, check your

punctuation (full stops, commas, semicolons),
and if your sentences are complete. Do they have a subject, a verb and are the complete
Do you have different types of sentences (simple, compound, complex)?






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