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JKSUES 145 No.

of Pages 8
26 May 2014
Journal of King Saud University Engineering Sciences (2014) xxx, xxxxxx

King Saud University

Journal of King Saud University Engineering Sciences


4 Prediction of dissolved oxygen in Surma River

5 inuenced by biochemical oxygen demand
6 Q1 and chemical oxygen demand using the articial

7 neural networks (ANNs)

8 Q2 A.A. Masrur Ahmed *

9 Department of Civil Engineering, Leading University, Sylhet, Bangladesh

10 Received 23 December 2013; accepted 13 May 2014


13 KEYWORDS Abstract The objective of this study is to develop a feed forward neural network (FFNN) model
15 Radial basis function neural and a radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) model to predict the dissolved oxygen from
16 Q3 network; biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the Surma River, Ban-
17 Feed forward neural net- gladesh. The neural network model was developed using experimental data which were collected
18 work; during a three year long study. The input combinations were prepared based on the correlation
19 Dissolved oxygen; coefcient with dissolved oxygen. Performance of the ANN models was evaluated using correlation
20 Surma River coefcient (R), mean squared error (MSE) and coefcient of efciency (E). It was found that the
ANN model could be employed successfully in estimating the dissolved oxygen of the Surma River.
Comparative indices of the optimized RBFNN with input values of biochemical oxygen demand
(BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD) for prediction of DO for testing array were
MSE = 0.465, E = 0.905 and R = 0.904 and for validation array were MSE = 1.009, E = 0.966
and R = 0.963. Comparing the modeled values by RBFNN and FFNN with the experimental data
indicates that neural network model provides reasonable results.
21 2014 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.

1. Introduction 22

The concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) reects 23

equilibrium between oxygen-producing processes (e.g. photo- 24
* Tel.: +880 1912140065; fax: +880 821720307. synthesis) and oxygen-consuming processes (e.g. aerobic 25
E-mail addresses:, engr.masrur@gmail. respiration, nitrication, and chemical oxidation) and depends 26
com. on many factors such as temperature, salinity, oxygen deple- 27
Peer review under responsibility of King Saud University. tion, sources of oxygen and other water quality parameters. 28
Therefore it is very desirable to create a DO model of the 29
Surma River so that water quality can be optimized through- 30

Production and hosting by Elsevier out a time period. 31

1018-3639 2014 Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of King Saud University.
Please cite this article in press as: Ahmed, A.A.M. Prediction of dissolved oxygen in Surma River inuenced by biochemical oxygen demand and
Q1 chemical oxygen demand using the articial neural networks (ANNs). Journal of King Saud University Engineering Sciences (2014), http://
JKSUES 145 No. of Pages 8
26 May 2014
2 A.A. Masrur Ahmed

32 The water quality models such as River and Stream Water the three data sets were 1.50 for training, 1.44 for validation, 84
33 Quality Model (QUAL2K) (Chapra and Pellettier, 2003) and and 1.23 for testing. 85
34 Water Quality Analysis Simulation Program (WASP) (Wool The aim of this paper is to construct a feed forward neural 86
35 et al., 2006) are very complicated as they require more informa- network (FFNN) model and a radial basis function neural net- 87
36 tion of the river system. It makes sense to utilize articial intel- work (RBFNN) model to predict the dissolved oxygen in the 88
37 ligence (AI) techniques to derive the crucial information about Surma River, Bangladesh and demonstrate its application to 89
38 the river water quality. Articial neural networks have been identifying complex nonlinear relationships between input 90
39 increasingly used in the prediction of water quality variables and output variables. The Surma River has been preferred 91
40 (Nash and Sutcliffe, 1970; French et al., 1992; Zhu and due to its importance in water supply as well as its high ecolog- 92
41 Fujita, 1994; Yi-Ming et al., 2003). An ANN learns to solve a ical importance. The proposed model may contribute to more 93
42 problem by developing a memory capable of correlating a large efcient management as well as to preventive activities. 94
43 number of input patterns with a resulting set of yields. ANN
44 models mimic somewhat the learning process of a human brain.
2. Materials and methods 95
45 They operate like a black box model, requiring no detailed
46 information about the system (Ahmed et al., 2013). Another
47 advantage of using ANNs is their ability to handle large and 2.1. Study area and water quality data 96

48 complex systems with many interrelated parameters.

49 Articial neural networks (ANNs) have been successfully The Surma River in Sylhet was selected as the study area for 97
50 applied in a number of studies focusing on water quality pre- ANN applications. The Surma River is located in the north- 98
51 diction in rivers (Niroobakhsh et al., 2012; Singh et al., eastern region of Bangladesh within the administrative districts 99
52 2009), lakes (Stefan et al., 1995), reservoirs (Rankovic et al., of Sylhet and Sunamganj. The Surma River has many tributar- 100
53 2010; Kuo et al., 2007) and waste water treatment plants ies and hilly streams joining it from the KhasiJaintia Hills of 101
54 (Abyaneh, 2014). Elhatip and Komur (2008) modeled the the Indian state of Meghalaya. The Surma River ows through 102
55 water quality parameters in the reservoir of Mamasin Dam. the central part of the Sylhet city, plays a very important role 103
56 The results illustrated the ability of ANNs to predict the dis- in the economic development of the city. The natural canals 104
57 solved oxygen of the recharge and discharge areas at the passing through the city are responsible for surface runoff con- 105
58 Mamasin Dam site. Li et al. (2007) used the ANN technique veyance from its urban catchments to the receiving Surma 106
59 to predict the Microcystis spp. population of Lake Dianchi River. However, the water quality of the Surma River is being 107
60 in China. They obtained a correlation of determination (R2) deteriorated day by day due to human activities and industrial 108
61 of 0.911 between the measured and predicted data of Micro- efuents, which are built up on its bank (Ahmed et al., 2010; 109
62 cystis spp. However, Karul (1999) used total phosphates Alam et al., 2007). 110
63 (TP), NO3N, NH3N, water temperature, electrical conduc- The data set utilized in this study was produced through 111
64 tivity, pH, turbidity, secchi depth and suspended solids as monitoring of the water quality of the Surma River. Monthly 112
65 input variables to predict the chlorophyll-a concentration. In sampling was carried out during the period of three years 113
66 his study, he found correlation coefcient of 0.92. (20102012). Four sampling sites are identied in Fig. 1 and 114
67 Niroobakhsh et al. (2012) used two ANN networks, multi- Table 1. One was at the center of the city, where the depth var- 115
68 layer perceptron (MLP) and radial basis function (RBF) to ied from 2 to 10 m, depending on the water level. The second 116
69 compute the total dissolved solid (TDS) concentrations for was in the downstream of the central part with a depth ranging 117
70 the Jajrood River of Iran. In their study, they found that from 2.3 to 15 m. The third was near the Shahjalal Bridge, with 118
71 MLP and RBF are able to simulate water quality variables a depth ranging from 3 to 9 m, about 1 km from the central 119
72 of Jajrood River with more than 90% accuracy. Soyupak part. The fourth was in the upstream part, with a depth rang- 120
73 et al. (2003) used the neural network model to predict the ing from 2 to 8 m, 5 km away from the city. For the analysis, 121
74 pseudo steady state time dependent and space dependent dis- 160 samples were selected for the study. The water quality 122
75 solved oxygen concentrations in three different reservoirs. parameters measured were: chemical oxygen demand (COD), 123
76 The correlation coefcient was more than 0.95 both for the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and dissolved oxygen 124
77 measured and model computed output variables. Singh et al. (DO). The chemical analyses were performed using standard 125
78 (2009) computed DO and BOD levels in the Gomti River in methods (APHA, 1995). The basic statistics of the measured 126
79 India using three-layer feed forward neural networks with water quality variables in the Surma River and correlation 127
80 back propagation learning. The coefcient of determination coefcient with DO are presented in Table 2. As there are only 128
81 for modeled values and observed DO values were 0.70, 0.74, two independent variables and BOD has a very signicant 129
82 and 0.76 for the training, validation and test sets, respectively. inuence over DO, BOD has been selected as an individual 130
83 The respective values of root means squared error (RMSE) for input variable for RBFN-II and FFNN-II models. Moreover 131

Table 1 Global Positioning of the sampling points.

Point Location Latitude Longitude
a Kajir Bazar 24530 16.3200 N 91510 30.4400 E
b Keane Bridge 24530 17.1600 N 91520 03.3000 E
c Shahjalal Upashahar 24520 57.2600 N 91520 43.6200 E
d Burhanudins Mazar 24520 37.4000 N 91530 36.7000 E

Please cite this article in press as: Ahmed, A.A.M. Prediction of dissolved oxygen in Surma River inuenced by biochemical oxygen demand and
Q1 chemical oxygen demand using the articial neural networks (ANNs). Journal of King Saud University Engineering Sciences (2014), http://
JKSUES 145 No. of Pages 8
26 May 2014
Prediction of dissolved oxygen in Surma River 3

Figure 1 Sampling locations of water samples of the Surma River.

Table 2 Basic Statistics of the measured water quality variables in the Surma River.
Variable Unit Minimum Maximum Mean SD CDO
BOD mg/l 0.6 17.3 3.79 2.86 0.727
COD mg/l 2.2 19.43 6.65 2.11 0.557
DO mg/l 1.9 17.30 5.40 2.45 1.000
SD: standard deviation; CDO: correlation with DO.

Q7 Table 3 Data Combination using correlation co-efcient between DO other variables.

Input name Data combination Network architecture
FFNN-I BOD + COD 2-30-1
FFNN-II BOD 1-20-1
RBFN-I BOD + COD 2-55-1
RBFN-II BOD 1-65-1

132 the RBFN-I and FFNN-I models were constructed with both The output of a neuron can be expressed as : out fn 1 145
133 Q4 variables (Table 3). 146
Where n xj xj b; 2
134 2.2. Articial neural network model j1

135 The articial neural networks are composed of a set of arti- x1, x2, . . .. . ., xR are the input signals; 150
136 cial neurons which are inspired by biological systems. The x1, x2, . . .. . ., xR are the weights of the neuron; 151
137 model of a neuron is represented in Fig. 2. Back propagation b is bias value; and 152
138 (BP) is a gradient descent algorithm in which the gradient is f (n) is the activation function. 153
139 computed for nonlinear multilayer networks. The ANN 154
140 parameters (weights and biases) can be adjusted to minimize The linear and sigmoid are the most common used activa- 155
141 the sum of the squares of the differences between the actual tion functions in the construction of articial neural networks 156
142 values and network output values. (Rankcovic et al., 2010). 157

Please cite this article in press as: Ahmed, A.A.M. Prediction of dissolved oxygen in Surma River inuenced by biochemical oxygen demand and
Q1 chemical oxygen demand using the articial neural networks (ANNs). Journal of King Saud University Engineering Sciences (2014), http://
JKSUES 145 No. of Pages 8
26 May 2014
4 A.A. Masrur Ahmed

Figure 2 A typical multilayer perceptron ANN architecture (Ahmed et al., 2013).

158 The linear function is written as the hidden unit output function. The RBF meta model is based 200
161 fn n 3 on radial basis functions using cones (circular hyperboloid), 201
and it is mathematically represented as follows: 202
162 and the logistic sigmoid function is dened as X
1 fx wi ;jjx  xi jj 7
fn 4 i1 205
165 1 en
where n is the number of sampling points; x is the vector of 206
166 However, Haykin (1999) identied a sigmoid function that
input variables; x is the center of basis function /, |||| is any 207
167 can be used as a hyperbolic tangent function
168 lp norm (typically is Euclidean norm, this kind of norm is used 208
1  en in this study) and w is the unknown weighting coefcient. 209
fn 5
170 1 en Therefore, an RBF is actually a linear combination of n basis 210

171 The output y at linear output node can be calculated as: functions with weighted coefcients. 211
172 RBF can be expressed as a matrix format:
0 P 1 212
R 213
z b
i;j1 i1
C f Ak 8 215
Bx1;i2 1  e 

y @ PR C
A b12 6 216
1e j1 jxi;j1 bi1 where f fx1; fx2; . . . ::; fxmT ; Aij Ujjxi  xj jji

175 where R is the number of inputs, z is the number of hidden 1; 2; . . . :; m; j 1; 2; . . . ; n 9 218

176 neurons, xi.j(1) is the rst layer weight between the input j The coefcient vector k is obtained by solving Eq. (9). An 219
177 and the ith hidden neuron, x1,i(2) is the second layer weight RBF using the aforementioned highly nonlinear functions does 220
178 between the ith hidden neuron and output neuron, bi(1) is a not work well for linear responses. To solve this problem, we 221
179 biased weight for the ith hidden neuron and b1(2) is a biased can augment an RBF by including a polynomial function such 222
180 weight for the output neuron. Feed forward neural networks that. 223
181 propagate data linearly from input to output and they are 224
n X
182 the most popular and most widely used models in many fx wi ;jjx  xi jj cj pj x 10
183 practical applications (Rankovic et al., 2010). In this paper, i1 j1 226
184 LevenbergMarquardt algorithm was used as the training
185 algorithm and log-sigmoidal (logsig) was chosen for the activa- where m is a total number of terms in the polynomial, and c 227

186 tion function. (j = 1,2, . . ., m) is the corresponding coefcient. 228

187 A radial basis function network has a feed-forward struc- In this paper, 70% of the total data sets are assigned for 229

188 ture consisting of a single hidden layer for a given number of training, 15% data sets are allocated for testing and last 230

189 locally tuned units which are fully interconnected to an output 15% data sets are assigned for the validation array. The over- 231

190 layer of linear units (Dibike et al., 1999; Mason et al., 1996). all performance of the model was evaluated based on the per- 232

191 Learning in RBF network is carried out in two phases: rst, formances of all three modes. 233

192 for the hidden layer, and then for the output layer. The hidden
193 layer is self-organizing; its parameters depend on the distribu- 2.3. Performance determination parameters 234

194 tion of the inputs, not on the mapping from the input to the
195 output. The output layer, on the other hand, uses supervised In the research training of ANN models of different architec- Q5 235
196 learning to set its parameters. A RBF hidden unit has one tures applied an automatic performance analysis of the net- 236
197 parameter associated with each input unit. These parameters works based on the correlation coefcient (R), mean squared 237
198 w are not weights placed on the input; rather they are the error (MSE) and coefcient of efciency (E) was performed. 238
199 co-ordinates in input space of a point, that is, the center of The R value indicates the strength and direction of a linear 239

Please cite this article in press as: Ahmed, A.A.M. Prediction of dissolved oxygen in Surma River inuenced by biochemical oxygen demand and
Q1 chemical oxygen demand using the articial neural networks (ANNs). Journal of King Saud University Engineering Sciences (2014), http://
JKSUES 145 No. of Pages 8
26 May 2014
Prediction of dissolved oxygen in Surma River 5

1. Correlation coefcient is dened as the degree of 247

Table 4 Performance parameters of the articial neural
correlation between the experimental and modeled values 248
network models.
(Rankovic et al., 2010). 249
Model Mode E MSE R
RBFN-I Testing 0.905 0.465 0.904 250
v 251
Validation 0.966 1.009 0.963 u N
N uX X N
Whole 0.936 0.654 0.944
R yk  ytk  z=t yk  y2 tk  z2 11
RBFN-II Testing 0.846 1.181 0.861
k1 k1 k1 253
Validation 0.855 0.942 0.897
Whole 0.892 1.190 0.892 254
FFNN-I Testing 0.997 2.199 0.918 2. Mean squared error (MSE) measures the average of the 255
Validation 0.862 0.693 0.898 squares of the errors. The smaller values of MSE ensure 256
Whole 0.936 0.709 0.936
the better performance. The MSE is calculated as: 257
FFNN-II Testing 0.938 0.550 0.939
Validation 0.855 2.925 0.854
Whole 0.880 1.478 0.870 259
1 XN
MSE  tk yk 2 12
N k1 261
240 relationship between two variables. Therefore, an initial
241 screening of different ANN models was conducted. Then, the 262
242 ANN models were further examined to decide which one is 3. The coefcient of efciency (E) has been widely used to 263
243 the superlative. For this reason, visual inspection of time-series evaluate the performance of hydrologic models. Nash and 264
244 plots of measured and predicted DO was performed. For the Sutcliffe (1970) dened the coefcient of efciency which 265
245 performance analysis, the following parameters were ranges from minus innity to 1.0, with higher values indi- 266
246 calculated for each ANN model. cating better agreement. It is calculated as: 267

18 Observed Value
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l)




Figure 3 The observed and modeled dissolved oxygen values in whole array using feed forward neural network.

(a) y = 0.9156x + 0.5166 (b) y = 0.8153x + 1.2949

20 R = 0.8757 18 R = 0.7561
18 16
16 14
14 12

4 4

2 2
0 0
0 10 20 0 10 20
Targets Targets

Figure 4 Scatter plot of observed versus modeled dissolved oxygen concentration for feed forward neural network (a) FFNN-I; (b)

Please cite this article in press as: Ahmed, A.A.M. Prediction of dissolved oxygen in Surma River inuenced by biochemical oxygen demand and
Q1 chemical oxygen demand using the articial neural networks (ANNs). Journal of King Saud University Engineering Sciences (2014), http://
JKSUES 145 No. of Pages 8
26 May 2014
6 A.A. Masrur Ahmed

268 forward neural network and radial basis function neural 289
PN 2 network have been illustrated in Figs. 3 and 5. However, the 290
tk  yk
E 1  Pk1
N 2
13 scatter plot of observed versus modeled dissolved oxygen 291
271 k1 tk  z concentration for feed forward neural network and radial basis 292
function neural network is shown in Figs. 4 and 6. 293
272 where, yk and tk denote the network output and measured The model RBFN-I with all the input parameters is found 294
273 value from the kth element; y and z denote their average as the most appropriate model for dissolved oxygen prediction 295
274 respectively, and N represents the number of observations. with high correlation coefcient (R), high coefcient of 296
efciency (E) and low mean squared error (MSE) value. The 297
275 3. Results and discussion respective correlation coefcient for RBFN-I model is 0.904, 298
0.963 and 0.944 for testing, validation and whole array. How- 299
276 The ANN models were trained utilizing different numbers of ever, the MSE and E for the three data sets are 0.465 and 0.905 300
277 neuron in the hidden layer, for training, testing, validation for testing, 1.009 and 0.966 for validation, and 0.654 and 0.936 301
278 and whole array (training + testing + validation) for an input for whole set. The prediction ability of RBFN-I is almost sim- 302
279 combination. The ANN models that had a higher R value were ilar to Ying et al. (2007) who found the correlation coefcient 303
280 tabulated and three performance determination parameters as 0.94 between the measured and modeled DO values and 304
281 were calculated to check the DO prediction capability of two Soyupak et al. (2003) where they found a correlation coef- 305
282 selected ANN models with different network architecture. cient of 0.950 between the measured and modeled variables. 306
283 Among the selected two ANN models, the developed ANN The FFNN-II and RBFN-II models constructed with only 307
284 model with RBFNN simulated the DO concentrations of the BOD showed similar performance for dissolved oxygen predic- 308
285 Surma River more accurately when compared to that with tion with high correlation coefcient and coefcient of 309
286 FFNN architecture. The performance parameters for the best efciency for all arrays (training, testing, validation and whole 310
287 DO forecast ANN models are shown in Table 4. The observed array). The respective correlation coefcient for RBFN-II 311
288 and modeled dissolved oxygen values in whole array using feed model is 0.861, 0.897 and 0.892 for testing, validation and 312

18 Observed Value
Dissolved Oxygen (mg/l)






Figure 5 The observed and modeled dissolved oxygen values in whole array using radial basis neural network.

(a) y = 0.9526x + 0.39 (b) y = 0.8518x + 0.9724

20 R = 0.8906 18 R = 0.7964
18 16
16 14


6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
0 10 20 0 10 20
Targets Targets

Figure 6 Scatter plot of observed versus modeled dissolved oxygen concentration for radial basis function neural network (a) RBFN-I;
(b) RBFN-II.

Please cite this article in press as: Ahmed, A.A.M. Prediction of dissolved oxygen in Surma River inuenced by biochemical oxygen demand and
Q1 chemical oxygen demand using the articial neural networks (ANNs). Journal of King Saud University Engineering Sciences (2014), http://
JKSUES 145 No. of Pages 8
26 May 2014
Prediction of dissolved oxygen in Surma River 7

313 whole array accordingly. However, the MSE and E for the two dissolved oxygen concentration for Surma River, Bangladesh. J. 371
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318 for testing, validation and whole sets respectively. Moreover, wastewater, 19th ed., American Public Health Association, Wash- 377
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320 The results of this study can be compared with Kuo et al. Chapra, S., Pellettier, G., 2003. QUAL2K: A modeling framework for 379
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Please cite this article in press as: Ahmed, A.A.M. Prediction of dissolved oxygen in Surma River inuenced by biochemical oxygen demand and
Q1 chemical oxygen demand using the articial neural networks (ANNs). Journal of King Saud University Engineering Sciences (2014), http://
JKSUES 145 No. of Pages 8
26 May 2014
8 A.A. Masrur Ahmed

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Please cite this article in press as: Ahmed, A.A.M. Prediction of dissolved oxygen in Surma River inuenced by biochemical oxygen demand and
Q1 chemical oxygen demand using the articial neural networks (ANNs). Journal of King Saud University Engineering Sciences (2014), http://

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