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Memory Verse: And they exceeded our expectations: They gave themselves first of all to the
Lord, and then by the will of God also to us - 2 Corinthians 8:5

Remember the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'There is more happiness in giving than
receiving' Do you really believe that? There is more happiness in giving than receiving.
Happiness is based on living generously. Let me give you some key word out of the Bible, the
word believe or believer or believing is used 272 times. The word prayer, pray, praying is used
371, the word love, loves, loving is used 371 times but the word give, gives or giving is used
2157 times. The bible is a book about giving. It is the essence of Christian living. Jesus was the
ultimate giver. The Bible says 'Give and it will be given to you for with the measure you use it
will be measured back to you'. In todays study, we shall examine how the churches in
Macedonia gave themselves and their substance in support of Gods work.


1. Giving is an act of grace verse1
2. Giving is not necessarily related to income verse2
3. Trail+Joy+poverty= rich generously.
4. Giving is not necessarily related to positive circumstances verse2
5. When the heart is free, there is no limit on how much we give verse3
6. When the heart is free, we look for opportunities to give even more verse 4
7. If we give grudgingly, the problem is probably not lack of money verse 4
8. Once we yield ourselves to the lord, then we find the joy we seek verse2
9. Once we have joy, giving will be a blessing, and not a burden verse3
10. Once the burden is gone, we will surprise ourselves and others by how much we are free
to give verse5
11. We cannot give freely until our hearts are given fully to the lord verse5


1. How did the Macedonian churches demonstrate the grace that God gave to them? Verses
2. How did the churches in Macedonia give? Verses 3-4
3. What enabled them to give beyond their ability? Verse 5
4. What structures exist in the Church of Pentecost for financial support and prayer for
Gods work? Acts 2:42-47
5. How can we be generous with our resources like time, money and talents among
others in support of Suleja DCC Day?
6. God said that his people were robbing him because they were withholding tithes from
him. Are you robbing God? Malachi 3:8
7. Share with your group an experience of God giving to you in an unexpected way. Was
this an answer to prayer? Or was it a total surprise? How did it encourage you and
inspire you?
The manner in which we use our financial resources, time and talents tells a lot about our
relationship with God. The Macedonian churches were not endowed with so much physical
wealth but their relationship with God resulted in their rich generosity towards His work.
Structures exist in the Church of Pentecost for the support of Gods work. We must continue to
give our resources generously in support of the Gods work.

Memory Verse: Greater love has no one than this: to lay down ones life for ones friends -
John 15:13
In all matters of Christian character and virtue, the example of Christ is the standard to be
followed. During His life on earth, Christ demonstrated generosity to various groups of people
which culminated in the giving of His life to humankind. In general, generosity refers to the
quality of selflessness, liberality in giving and the willingness to give your time, money, energy,
talents or efforts for the benefit of others. This flows from a pure intention to seek the interest of
others and not the desire to be seen and noted for acts of kindness. Our study will enable us
identify the marks of generosity as demonstrated by Jesus.


1. How do you understand generosity?
2. How does Christs earthly ministry and death demonstrate generosity? Verse 9
3. What is the meaning of according to your means? (v. 11)
4. What was Jesus motive for all the sacrifices he made for humankind? Romans 5:8-11
5. Taking Christ as an example, what should be our motives for acts of generosity?
6. If you do give to someone in need, is it your business how they spend that money?
Should any accountability be required?
7. How would you apply lessons from todays study to your life?

To be generous means to be selfless, liberal in giving, kind and willing to meet the needs of
others. Jesus gave up the glory that was rightfully His. He emptied Himself of His divine nature
and privileges and took the form of man to enable Him fulfil the mission of saving humankind
from eternal damnation. In Christs example, we can identify selflessness, sacrifice, liberality
and the willingness to meet a need. Further to this, His motive was not to seek glory for Himself
but the salvation of humanity. As followers of Jesus, His generosity and motive ought to serve as
an example for us. Thus, our motives for helping people must be sincere and pure and should
spring up from a genuine love. Our acts of generosity must be devoid of selfish motives, public
show of religiosity and the desire to project ourselves (Matt 6:2-3).

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