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Bahasa Indonesia - 2017

Term 2 Junior Primary 50 mins

Reception Year 2
Week 5
Prep TPRS:
class dojo focus: punya, mau
Pop sticks & stickers Revise: nama saya, Siapa nama, laki-laki,
perempuan, berkata,
Focus: putar, angkat tangan, berlari

Lesson Aims:
1. Review the target structures: punya
2. Review TPR structure: berjalan kaki, berdansa, tepuk tangan, berlari
3. Introduce the target structures: mau

Achievement Standard:
By the end of Year 2, students interact with teachers and peers through play- and action-related language. They use greetings
such as Selamat pagi/siang and respond to instructions such as Berdirilah, Masuklah through actions. Students pronounce the
vowel sounds, and c (ch). They respond to questions (for example Apa? Siapa? Berapa?) with responses that include ya/tidak,
verbs such as ada/mau/suka/bisa/boleh, and/or names and numbers (up to ten). They identify specific words or items in oral and
written texts such as names of objects and people, and respond by using actions or drawing or labelling a picture. They present
factual information at word and simple sentence level, such as lists, labels, descriptions and sharing/news reports, relying on
formulaic language and modelled examples. They show comprehension and create simple texts such as a description, story or
comic by matching pictures and captions. They use vocabulary related to their class and home environments. Students use simple
verbs such as lari, main, makan and use the pronouns saya, kamu and Pak/Bu to address others. Students comment on
similarities and differences in meanings of words, noticing that some cannot be readily translated, for example, takraw. They
comment on aspects of using Indonesian and express feelings about learning Indonesian.

Use class dojo say students names. Most students reply with ada/tidak ada. Ask some students Apa
Kabar? which they need to reply with an emotion such as baik-baik saja, baik, or sedih/sakit.

Select student stick and put in Blutack on board between nakal pic & pandai pic.

Selamat Pagi/Siang song

Selamat Pagi
Selamat Pagi

Apa Kabar?
Apa Kabar?
Baik-Baik saja
Baik- Baik saja

Terima Kasih
Terima Kasih

Review prior learning TPRS powerpoint punya presentation revisit with questioning.

TCI Lesson Activity #1 mata-mata

Three students stand at the front and watch students who are using there active listening skills and
following instructions. Give out a sticker to each person listening well three stickers.
- perempuan berdiri, laki laki beridiri, ya, tidak, punya, berdansa, berjalan kaki, tepuk tangan,
- Add in angkat tangan and putar.

TCI Lesson Activity # 2-TPRS new structures (punya, mau)

1. Say in various funny voices
2. Introduce the gestures
3. Comprehension check students say the English when teacher says Indonesian words.
TCI Lesson Activity # 3 Brain Break
Body song chant: Kepala, Bahu, Perut, Lutut, Rambut, Pipiu, Mulut, Gigi.

TCI Lesson Activity # 4 vPQA (punya/mau)

Looking at the notebook file, circle the pictures to obtain as many repetitions as possible. Images of
different characters with cognates such as eskrim, donut, pizza, etc. Circling punya eg
Spongebob punya eskrim. Spongebob tidak punya eskrim. Spongebob sedih.

TCI Lesson Activity # 5 TPR

Berjalan, berjalan, berjalan kaki. Duduk. Berdiri. Berjalan, berjalan, berjalan kaki. Tepuk tangan.
Laki laki berdiri. Laki laki melompat. Laki laki duduk.
Perempuan berdiri. Perempuan melompat dan pakai jaket. Perempuan duduk.
Laki laki berdiri. Laki laki putar. Laki laki duduk.
Perempuan berdiri. Perempuan melompat. Perempuan duduk.
berjalan kaki/berlari
Laki laki berdiri. Laki laki berlari. Laki laki duduk.
Perempuan berdiri. Perempuan berjalan kaki. Perempuan duduk.

Mau lihat stick? - Look at the Nakal/Pandai stick and that student gets a prize for the day. Class needs
to work together.

Farewell song; (sampai jumpa)

Sampai Jumpa
Sampai Jumpa
Sampai Jumpa x 2
(clap twice)
Sampai jumpa kelas _____________________
Sampai jumpa Bu Shannon/Kelly.
Sampai Jumpa
Sampai Jumpa
Sampai Jumpa
(Clap twice)
Behaviour Management
- Lihat Bu Shannon look at Bu Shannon.
- Pandai/Nakal Points.
- Berhenti Stop.

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