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Name: alamgir younis ansari


Submitted to :
Sir. S.m anwar

Topic : The written word



The Written Word evaluation :

After reading this , it says that An eye for an year ,ear is
a medium by which we listen the things we listen can
also be seen now by our eyes this refers to the written
word that is another new medium developed ,now the
words we hear can also record and remember by the
written word in early time people use the written word
in the form of symbols or drawings to explain their
senses and thoughts that makes this a medium .

but this says that the electrical technology threatens

this medium as print or written word might be
disappeared in the future but still it declares power .it
also explains myths i e dragons teethes , in which it
says that teethes are in linear order and they are also
visual similarly letters used in written word are linear
and visual like teethes but they have great power like
dragons teeth in to empire building in Business.

The importance explained by the myth example .then it

tells us about the Phonetic alphabet technology which
converts the human sounds in to writing in which
meaningless letter which has no meanings becomes
meaning full.

Then it says about the tribal aspect as an illiterate view

that phenotic alphabet makes a sharp division and
freeing a person from tribal to a civilized manner then it
talks about consciousness that is not a verbal
process .written word have great power when alphabets
combine they form some meanings .

Then it refers eye for written word and ear for spoken
word in which it says that ear tells you panic and the
world of ear is embracing while the eye is cool ,it is
relaxed ,its free you from pressure and it makes you a
civilized man ,moreover eye is more preferable then ear
as eye can display more good ,visual can be in mind
more greater then the sound so eye is hypersensitive
and ear is pressurable .

This things explains the condition that spoken word

causes terror and panic in the persons hearing but
written word is relaxed and you feel no fear in facing it .

The tribal aspects are led behind in which sound is

everything but this is the electrical age in which when
you enter you make certain things correctly and people
live as urban they read and they write ,writing is more
preferable then speech because it is the recorded
version that can be shown later on when it is
necessary .

In summary it explains the power of written word by

myths ,by certain examples and explain certain
characteristics of the written word


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