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Clinical Questions, PICO, & Study Designs

Types of Clinical Questions

Clinical questions may be categorized as either background or foreground. Why is this important?

Determining the type of question will help you to select the best resource to consult for your answer.

Background questions ask for general knowledge about an illness, disease, condition, process or thing. These types of questions typically
ask who, what, where, when, how & why about things like a disorder, test, or treatment, etc.

For example

How overweight is a woman to be considered slightly obese?

What are the clinical manifestations of menopause?
What causes migraines?

Foreground questions ask for specific knowledge to inform clinical decisions. These questions typically concern a specific patient or
particular population. Foreground questions tend to be more specific and complex compared to background questions. Quite often, foreground
questions investigate comparisons, such as two drugs, two treatments, two diagnostic tests, etc. Foreground questions may be further
categorized into one of 4 major types: treatment/therapy, diagnosis, prognosis, or etiology/harm.

For example

Is Crixivan effective in slowing the rate of functional impairment in a 45 year old male patient with Lou Gehrig's Disease?
In pediatric patients with Allergic Rhinitis, are Intranasal steroids more effective than antihistamines in the management of Allergic Rhinitis

Resources and Type of Clinical Question

Background questions are best answered by medical textbooks, point-of-care tools such as DynaMed and FirstConsult, and narrative

Foreground questions are best answered by consulting medical databases such as Medline (via PubMed or OvidSP), Embase, Cochrane
Database of Systematic Reviews and ACP Journal Club.

Dahlgren's Clinical Quick Reference page is a great place to locate EBM resources. Each resource has been labeled background and/or
foreground, for you!

Formulating a Well Built Clinical Question

According to the Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (CEBM), "one of the fundamental skills required for practising EBM is the asking
of well-built clinical questions. To benefit patients and clinicians, such questions need to be both directly relevant to patients'
problems and phrased in ways that direct your search to relevant and precise answers."

A well-built clinical foreground question should have 4 components. The PICO model is a
helpful tool that assists you in organizing and focusing your foreground question into a
searchable query. Dividing into the PICO elements helps identify search terms/concepts to
use in your search of the literature.
P = Patient, Problem, Population (How would you describe a group of patients similar to you? What are the most important characteristics of
the patient?)

I = Intervention, Prognostic Factor, Exposure (What main intervention are you considering? What do you want to do with this patient? What
is the main alternative being considered?)

C = Comparison (Can be None or placebo.) (What is the main alternative to compare with the intervention? Are you trying to decide
between two drugs, a drug and no medication or placebo, or two diagnostic tests?)

O= Outcome (What are you trying to accomplish, measure, improve or affect? Outcomes may be disease-oriented or patient-oriented.)
Type of Clinical Question and Study Design

Two additional important elements of the well-built clinical question to consider are the type of foreground question and the type of study
(methodology). This information can be helpful in focusing the question and determining the most appropriate type of evidence.

Foreground questions can be further divided into questions that relate to therapy, diagnosis, prognosis, etiology/harm

Therapy: Questions of treatment in order to achieve some outcome. May include drugs, surgical intervention, change in diet, counseling, etc.
Diagnosis: Questions of identification of a disorder in a patient presenting with specific symptoms.
Prognosis: Questions of progression of a disease or likelihood of a disease occurring.
Etiology/Harm: Questions of negative impact from an intervention or other exposure.

Knowing the type of foreground question can help you select the best study design to answer your question. You always want to look for the
study design that will yield the highest level of evidence. Consult the pyramid (click the image to enlarge it) and the definitions below.

To see more info on the relationship between study design and question type, check out Chapter Three "What is the
Question? Clarifying Your Question" from the Users' Guide to the Medical Literature.
Definitions of Study Types
(From the British Medical Journals Clinical Evidence


Meta-analysis: A statistical technique that summarizes the results of several studies in a

single weighted estimate, in which more weight is given to results of studies with more
events and sometimes to studies of higher quality.
Systematic Review: a review in which specified and appropriate methods have been used to identify, appraise, and summarise studies
addressing a defined question. It can, but need not, involve meta-analysis). In Clinical Evidence, the term systematic review refers to a
systematic review of RCTs unless specified otherwise.

Randomized Controlled Trial: a trial in which participants are randomly assigned to two or more groups: at least one (the experimental
group) receiving an intervention that is being tested and another (the comparison or control group) receiving an alternative treatment or
placebo. This design allows assessment of the relative effects of interventions.

Controlled Clinical Trial: a trial in which participants are assigned to two or more different treatment groups. In Clinical Evidence, we use the
term to refer to controlled trials in which treatment is assigned by a method other than random allocation. When the method of allocation is by
random selection, the study is referred to as a randomized controlled trial (RCT). Non-randomized controlled trials are more likely to suffer
from bias than RCTs.

Cohort Study: a non-experimental study design that follows a group of people (a cohort), and then looks at how events differ among people
within the group. A study that examines a cohort, which differs in respect to exposure to some suspected risk factor (e.g. smoking), is useful
for trying to ascertain whether exposure is likely to cause specified events (e.g. lung cancer). Prospective cohort studies (which track
participants forward in time) are more reliable than retrospective cohort studies.

Case control study: a study design that examines a group of people who have experienced an event (usually an adverse event) and a group
of people who have not experienced the same event, and looks at how exposure to suspect (usually noxious) agents differed between the two
groups. This type of study design is most useful for trying to ascertain the cause of rare events, such as rare cancers.

Case Series: analysis of series of people with the disease (there is no comparison group in case series).

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