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This house would use HIV testing result as a requirement for a job recruitment
(+) affirmative team

I think it`s good idea. As we know that HIV is a disease which the virus attack human`s
immune system. From the meaning of HIV we can take an outline. If HIV is spread
disease it means everyone could infected by HIV virus. HIV testing result is needed for a
job recruitment. As first and second speaker said just know, I totally agree that HIV
testing result as a requirement for a job requirement. That`s why? Because

Infected applicants are able to infect others unconsciously.As what first speaker said
before, the symptoms of HIV is exist years or decades after the infection. Usually, it
takes 5 up to 10 years for them to be found and realized. They are easier to infected by
HIV. Evenmore HIV is a hard disease to be heal.

Decrease the number of AIDS. People who suffer from HIV and they don`t know of
that, by HIV testing they know about their healthy. As I said before the symptomps of
HIV is exist years or decades after the infection. They are going to keep more theirselves
than before. They are going to get medication soon.

(-) negative
Talkling about HIV testing result as a requirement for a job recruitment, I strongly
disagree. As first and second speaker said before, the reason is:
It breaks the rights of privacy and secret. They have something which they dont want
to be exposed and only known by their family and their close friends. Oke, let see the
other example first. If you have a diary book, you are angry if your diary book is read by
someone, cause you have chat inside your book, and then your friend talks to the others
friend. Of course you`re very angry. And now, how`s a people who are suffer from HIV?
The company know it. Can you imagine? And how after that the others people share the
news to other? Of course, HIV suffer are shy and suicidal.
HIV testing its very expensive. It spents much money and energy. In this modern era,
taking a testing is expensive. Evenmore, it`s HIV testing. As second speaker said just
know, the cost is for about 400.000-600.000. it just for testing. Can you imagine,
applicant who are not suffer from HIV, they have to pay full for the cost. They just want
to take their opportunity in the company. they have spent much money for pay the cost of
HIV testing. How if finally they`re not accepted by the company? So, I`m very disagree
for it.
Everyone has right to work and to have a decent livfe. Because, based on indonesian
constitution paragraph 27 verse 2 it says that the citizens has rights to work and have
decent living for humanity.
2. THBT sex education should be given earlier to junior high school students


1st speaker

Junior high school students are students with ages around 12 up to 15 years, and we call them
as adolescent boys and girls. Usually, people in this age has their first time of puberty such as
menstruation for girls and nocturnal erection for boys. This means that their sexual organs are
activated, when girls produce ovum and boys produce sperms. In this period too, there are
many secondary sexual signs appear. Their voice goes deeper or softlier, the adams apple in
boys neck is growingjust like the mammal glands in girls, and there are soft hairs around
their armpit and their genital organ.

Due to this condition, its necessary for the school to give the sex education to the students.
Eventhough theres a chapter in science lesson learning about reproduction organs, students
still need more education about it. So, because of this case, were absolutely believe that sex
education should be given earlier to junior high school students. Moreover, we have reasons
why the sexual education is the right thing to do.

1. Adolescents boys and girls wont be shocked with their phisycal and hormonal

When adolescent boys and girls are entering their puberty, the hormonal changes
inside their body will affect their physical appearance. In boys, their voice becomes
deeper, the adams apple are shown in their neck, mouctaches and beards grows in
their faces (also hair in their armpit and around their genital, also occured in girls).
Meanwhile in girls, their voices becomes softlier, their mammal glands grow, there
are fat around their waist, etc. Through the education, they learn that these changes
are normal so that they arent going to explore it to answer their curiosity, also they
tend to be warned not to use these changes as a mocking object in somebody.

2. Its necessary to prevent the sexual abuse between teenagers

According to, sexual abuse is when a child or young person is

pressurised, forced, tricked or coerced into taking part in any kind of sexual activity
with an adult or another young person. This can include kissing, touching the young
person's genitals (private parts) or breasts, intercourse or oral sex.Lately, the number
of sexual abuse between teenagers in Indonesia is alarming. according to, in 2014 there are 35 cases of women abuse, and its including the
sexual abuse in teenage girls. And about the sodomi case, we can have a look at the
case in West Java, Indonesia. There was a case in 2014 which an adult man did the
sexual abuse to more than 100 boys! Because of that, through the sexual education,
teenagers may learn the sensitive part of them which are forbidden to be touched,
know kinds of sexual abuse in society and know how to protect themselves from the
sexual abuse.
THBT sex education should be given earlier to junior high school students


1st speaker

According to Wikipedia, sex education is instruction on issues relating to human sexuality,

including emotional relations and responsibilities, human sexual anatomy, sexual activity,
sexual reproduction, reproductive health, reproductive rights, safe sex, birth control and
sexual abstinence.

From the definition only, we see that sex education is majorly teaching about the sexual
activity. However, according to the motion were talking right now, we see that the target of
the sex education is junior high school students. Meanwhile, junior high school students are
commonly have their first puberty, and their sexual organs are not matured enough. How can
the teachers teach their student about, for example, safe sex if in the reality they arent able to
do that and are forbidden to do so based on moral customs? Its obviously too early to give
this education to junior high school students, because basically they arent able to
acknowledge it mostly, especially practically. This is why our team cant agree with this
motion. Instead, we have several reason to support our argument.

1. Sex can develop naturally without should be taught.

According to an interview with ex indonesian head of education ministry, M Nuh

through, he said that sex education doesnt have to be school
curriculum because sex can exist and develop naturally without should be taught. He
also added that the society will get the knowledge about sex with nobody teach them
and that the spread of many artists pornography video is a private thing which isnt
inappropriated to be published.

2. They arent able enough to divide which one is right and which one is wrong.

Sex in a narrow sense is a label of gender, meanwhile in abroad sense is often called
as sexuality where its not only concerning about gender label but the whole
difference aspects between male and female physically, biologically, phsycologically,
and socially which is related to humans (Thontowi, 2002: 2)

Sex itself can be viewed as 2 sides. Sex can be a right thing if humans get it through
marriage, where they can do it with their partner. However, sex can be a bad thing if
humans get it through the illegal way such as masturbation and watching
pornographies. And sadly, once students know about this, they wont get enough for
sure, because sex itself is a hidden biological needs. It will be dangerous for them if
they know about it earlier.
3. THS stop health insurance monopoly by government health insurance


Because by using government health insurance, people have to pass several procedure which
difficult them to get the health services immediately.

1. the procedure is too long

If a citizen get sick and need a threatment soon, he or she who is a insurance member cant go
to the hospital directly. That person should go to a physician first or citizen health centre
(puskesmas). So, if the disease theyre suffering is severe, theyll need a referral letter from
the physician or the puskesmas so they can go to the hospital. However if the disease is just a
small disease, they will get a sober medicine. Meanwhile, in many health insurance, you can
go to the hospital directly if necessary.

2. the members still have to pay some medicines by their own money.

Eventhough the insurance pays for the medicine you take, there are several medicines whis
are out of the insurances (anggaran). Also, the hospitalization fee paid from the insurance is
only for the class 1. So if the patient needs a medicine and its out of the (anggaran), he/she
should pay it from his/her pocket. One thing important is, there are some medicines which are
expensive, and those with low economic class wont be able to use the insurance, how can
they be recovered?

3. the members have to go to the registered hospital

When somebody, a BPJS member is sick and is referred to a hospital, he or she should go to a
hospital which are in coordination with BPJS only. The mater is when theres a nearby
hospital in the regency but isnt registered as in coordination with BPJS, so he/she should go
futher to the hospital out of the town, meawhile the health service quality in the reffered
hospital may not be better than the nearby hospital.

3. Mungkin saja ngantri. Lantaran banyak peserta BPJS serta minim tersedianya rumah sakit
yang melayani, jadi kerapkali terjadi antrian. Dalam sebagian masalah, kadang-kadang
peserta BPJS berkesan dinomorduakan. Tidak sama dengan peserta asuransi yang gampang
untuk pilih rumah sakit, serta kerapkali berkesan lebih diutamakan. - See more at:

I cant agree if this house would stop health insurance monopoly by the government. Because
if this insurance, or we called as BPJS, is stopped, it means that all the citizens have to
register to other insurance agencies or dont have any. Meanwhile, using the common health
insurance also has its own disadvantages, such as:

1. the premium fee of the common health insurance is expensive: for example theres a health
insurance which obligated the member to pay the compensation of hospitalization 500.000
per day for 90 days or maximum 45.000.000. meanwhile in BPJS, the member should pay
only 25.000 for class III, 42.500 for class II, and 59.500 for class III, all per month.

2. common health insurance requires the pre existing condition. Registrator who has a disease
history will be given more expensive premium or even rejected. Different with BPJS, it
doesnt mater whether the registrator is healthy or have a disease history before.

3. requires medical check up. The impact of pre existing condition reqirement, the registrator
should do the medical check up. While BPJS doesnt require so, because theres no pre
existing condition for sure.

4. imposing plafond. Common health insurance imposes specific plafonds for the
hospitalization days and the fee. In the other hand, BPJS theres no plafond limitation. All the
cost are guaranteed by BPJS as long as the standard which has been assigned.

Furthermore, what happens if the citizen has no health insurance because they are from low
economic class? Those who doesnt have any health insurance will be suffering from
financial mess. Instead, they wont be able to check up their health status earlier because they
have no hospital access. And lastly, they will be struggled if they want to get an advance
service because they dont have money to pay, though the hospital will keep giving the
service without seeing the patients financial condition at first.

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