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Provenca, 101 - 08029 Barcelona
Cuadragsimo quinta edicin, 2007
ISBN 978-84-261-0927-9
Depsito legal: B: 2.167-2007
Nm. de edicin de E. 1.: 12.187
Impreso en Espaa e Printed in Spain
Vallestec, el. Lisboa, 8 - Barbera del Valles

Cuando el Consejo Britnico fund en Espaa, en el otoo

de 1940, el primer Instituto, se demostr muy pronto el profundo
inters que haba en este pas por el estudio de la lengua inglesa.
Como rplica a esta gran demanda se 'cre un segundo Instituto
en Barcelona y, poco despus, se fundaron los de Bilbao, Valen-
cia y Sevilla. Resultado de esto es que el ingls se estudia hoy
da en Espaa de una manera sistemtica.
El Consejo Britnico, siguiendo su poltica de establecer
relaciones culturales en pases extranjeros, nombr conferen-
ciantes y profesores para desempear diversos cargos en los
Institutos, y as ha sido posible que se dediquen hoy da a esta
labor licenciados de las grandes Universidades inglesas. Entre
los graduados escogidos para trabajar en Espaa se encuentra
el autor del presente libro, Basil Potter. Cuando me pidi este
prlogo para su Ingls para espaoles, acept con gran placer
porque considero este libro sumamente valioso para los profesores
de ingls en Espaa.
Basil Potter, educado en Bediord y en la Universidad de
Oxford, continu sus estudios en Francia, obteniendo all el
grado de Licenci es lettres de la Universidad de Pars. Despus
fue profesor de Lenguas Modernas en el King's College School,
de Londres. En 1944, despus de haber prestado servicio activo
en las Reales Fuerzas Areas, se incorpor al Consejo Britnico,
siendo enviado a Espaa, donde ha desempeado el cargo de
profesor de ingls durante dos aos en el Instituto de Barcelona.
El presente libro es el fruto de su' experiencia como profesor,
tanto en Inglaterra como en Espaa, y tiene la gran ventaja de
ser un mtodo completamente moderno. Ha trabajado siguiendo
el plan psicolgico de ir formando de una manera continua los

conocimientos del estudiante, basando sus vocabularios en la

seleccin de palabras esenciales para los primerizos. Ha evitado
el uso de palabras abstractas y de frases sueltas en las primeras
fases del aprendizaje, de forma que slo pueda recordarse lo que
es de uso eficaz inmediato. En cuanto a la fontica, ha empleado
el sistema internacional simplificado por N. C. Scott, de Londres.
Los mritos del libro de Basil Potter radican en su clara
exposicin y en su carcter eminentemente prctico. Por esta
razn recomiendo encarecidamente su uso a los profesores de
los Institutos Britnicos de Espaa.

Walter Starkie
Representante del Consejo Britnico en Espaa

Barcelona, agosto de 1946.


Este mtodo de ingls comprende:

Lo Un vocabulario, para cada leccin, de las palabras
ms importantes para un principiante. Se evita toda palabra
oscura, arcaica o de poca utilidad. A veces en los libros para
principiantes se encuentran desde las primeras lecciones pala-
bras como girth. (cincha), rnare (yegua), pout (abultar los
labios), etc., que, a nuestro juicio, no sirven ms que para
estorbar al estudiante, mientras que otras palabras tiles no
se aprenden. En este mtodo el vocabulario est cuidadosa-
mente escogido para dar palabras de mxima utilidad.
2. La representacin fontica de cada palabra segn un
sistema sencillo, basado en los signos de la Asociacin Fon-
tica Internacional.
Adems, cada palabra nueva tiene el acento tnico mar-
cado, para evitar, desde el principio, toda acentuacin falsa.
3. De vez en cuando, ejercicios de pronunciacin, donde
cada sonido es objeto de un ejercicio especial.
4. Una explicacin sobre la gramtica y modismos de
cada leccin. Se ha evitado hacerla demasiado larga, para no
cansar la atencin de los alumnos.
5. Cuadros de sustitucin para la repeticin de las estruc-
turas principales. Deben formarse, si no todas, al menos much-
simas de las oraciones posibles. Por lo tanto, este ejercicio es de
gran utilidad en las clases numerosas.
6." Una lectura para cada leccin, ilustrando la gram-
tica y modismos de la explicacin
7. Preguntas en ingls sobre el tema de la lectura. El
estudiante debe acostumbrarse desde el principio a contestar
en frases y no en palabras, es decir, empleando un tiempo de
verbo en su contestacin, aunque repita el verbo de la pregunta.
A veces, para variar, se pueden dar las contestaciones por escrito.
8. Ejercicios diversos sobre la formacin estructural de
las frases, o sobre el uso de algunas palabras.

9. Formacin de frases en ingls, con palabras dadas.

Despus de haber formado frases sueltas, se pasa a la compo-
sicin de frases unidas por un sentido, segn un esquema dado,
lo que significa ya hacer pequeas composiciones en ingls.
10.0 Traducciones del espaol al ingls. Los temas para la
traduccin estn compuestos de manera que introduzcan los
modismos y puntos de gramtica estudiados en la leccin.

La pronunciacin inglesa
La pronunciacin inglesa difiere mucho de su ortografa,
que es bastante complicada y, al parecer, caprichosa. Para faci-
litar el estudio de la pronunciacin y para que el estudiante
pueda interpretar esta ortografa complicada, se emplean en
este libro los signos fonticos internacionales, simplificados,
para representar los sonidos del ingls. Y como las vocales son
las que ms difieren entre ortografa y pronunciacin, hemos
clasificado las palabras inglesas en los vocabularios segn el
sonido de la vocal. Adems, los estudiantes suelen encontrar
gran dificultad en la acentuacin de las palabras inglesas. Por
eso en los vocabularios ponemos el acento tnico sobre la vocal
acentuada de cada palabra. Hay que entender que el acento
tnico no se escribe nunca en ingls, como ya se ve en los

Signos fonticos
A. Sonidos vocales
1: aproximadamente la i castellana en castillo, vida, dice,
pero en ingls se pronuncia an ms cerrada y ms tensa.
1 breve, se pronuncia bajando un poco la parte anterior de la
lengua, dada la posicin para i., espirando mucho ms lige-
ramente. Vocal intermedia entre i: y e.
Es de suma importancia distinguir bien entre la i:
(larga) y la i (breve).

Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura

a) Lase alternativamente una palabra de cada columna:
1: 1 !: 1
seat sit sixten sxty
seen In fiften ffty
eat it these this


b) Palabras con i: meal, meat, free, field, tea.

e) Palabras con i if, milk, six, is, thing, ink.

e Como la e castellana en perro, papel, verde. Se escribe

en ingls generalmente e.
Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura
ten, pen, leg, twnty, mny, ny.

a breve, sonido medio entre la a y la e castellanas.

Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura
and, at, man, arn, have, as, act, back, fmily.

a: larga, se articula bajando la lengua lo ms posible y reti-

rndola hacia atrs. Labios plenamente abiertos. Mucha
tensin. Lengua ms baja y labios ms abiertos que en
la a castellana de recado. Una vocal de gran duracin.
Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura
arrn, are, grass, ask, past, lasto

o breve, como la o castellana en torre, "poste, volver.

Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura
not, what, dog, on, from, box, stop, dock.

o: larga, se articula como la vocal precedente, pero con ms

tensin y fuerza, con la lengua un poco ms hacia arriba
y con los labios en trompeta y hacia fuera. Este sonido no
existe en castellano.
Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura
door, four, floor, or, wall, tall, short.

o e muda, muy breve, parecida a la e muda francesa en [e,

le, etc. No existe en castellano. Se encuentra slo en sla-
bas sin acento.
Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura
aman, nmber, an arm, the dog, woman, across.

o: larga, como el sonido precedente, pero con ms tensin y

fuerza, con la lengua un poco ms hacia arriba. Este sonido
no existe en castellano.

Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura

girl, thirten, prson burn, work, learn, srvant, word.
u: larga, como la u castellana en cura, "tubo, pero ms
cerrada y ms tensa.
Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura
two, yo u, do, blue, soup, move, soon.
u mediana, se articula con menos fuerza y menos tensin que
la u:. Aproximadamente como la u castellana en "surco,
Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura
book, woman, look, good, pull, push, puto

A breve, se articula con los labios ms abiertos y la lengua ms

baja. No existe en castellano. Hay que distinguir esta u
breve (A) de la a breve. La u breve (A) se articula con la
lengua en posicin posterior; la a con la lengua hacia delante.
Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura
nmber, clour, btter, cuntry, son, brther, hsband.

Los diptongos
Existen ocho diptongos en ingls, formados por las siguien-
tes vocales:
ei, al, ou, au, al, Id, ea, ua.
Son fciles de pronunciar si se tiene en cuenta que los dip-
tongos ingleses son todos descendientes, es decir, que la primera
parte se pronuncia con ms nfasis que la segunda:
Ei, Ai, Ou, Au, oi, Id, Ed, Ud.
Muchas veces la r o w despus de vocal no se pronuncian,
formando con la vocal anterior un diptongo. Por ejemplo: here
(hio), town (taun).

Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura

el al ou au 01

table five no how boy

eight n!Ue those house norse
paper I bone brown toy
train nzce don't round vozce
they chld coat nouo destroy


liJ eiJ
here char
near where
beer there
hear square
idea care

Adems, se forman dos triptongos aadiendo la vocal (J

a los diptongos ai y au:

aa aua
fre flower
tired tower
B. Los sonidos consonantes
Las letras p, t, m, n, t. 1, se pronuncian como las correspon-
, dientes castellanas. La consonante doble en ingls se pronuncia
siempre igual que la consonante simple, con excepcin de la ce
delante de i o e.
El signo b representa un sonido parecido al de la b castellana
en posicin inicial absoluta despus de pausa o en contacto
con nasal interior dentro de una palabra, por ejemplo, en
buenos das), arnos, pero en ingls a'n ms explosiva.
De ninguna manera se debe pronunciar la b inglesa como
la b castellana fricativa o rebajada, como se encuentra,
por ejemplo, entre vocales: cubo, sana, etc.
v representa un sonido completamente diferente de la v cas-
tellana. Es la forma sonora de la t, es decir, se articula como
la t. pero con uso de las cuerdas vocales. Los dientes supe-
riores se colocan contra el labio inferior y el aire sale con
gran friccin por los intersticios formados entre ambos rga-
nos. Hay que distinguir bien la b de la v en la pronunciacin.
Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura
b v
boy very
book of
but have
butter voice
bread visit
beer nver


d representa la forma sonora de t, es decir, articulada con uso

de las cuerdas vocales. Se encuentra en castellano en la d
en posicin inicial absoluta o despus de n, por ejemplo:
doctrina, dao, conde, pero en ingls an ms dental y ex-
plosiva. Hay que evitar la pronunciacin relajada de la d
castellana intervocal (comprado, etc.),

Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura

t d
ten door
what child
tble grden
twnty red
cat bed
r se articula como la r espaola en pero. La rr se pronuncia
igual que la r en ingls. Tampoco se pronuncia rr la letra
r inicial. La rr vibrante del castellano no existe en ingls.
La r inglesa slo se pronuncia cuando va seguida de
vocal. La r final o la terminacin -re no se pronuncia tam-
poco, salvo cuando la palabra siguiente empieza por vocal.

Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura

r r muda
three four
range girl
train chair
there is nmber
four apples there
red arm
h se articula siempre aspirada. Hay que evitar la pronuncia-
cin de la jota castellana. Para articular la h aspirada hay
que espirar el aire sin que ste encuentre ningn obstculo
en la boca ni en la garganta.

Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura

w se articula como la u en vergenza.

Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura

7 representa el sonido de la y castellana, no el de la jota.
Se escribe en ingls casi siempre y, como en castellano.

Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura

g representa el sonido de la g castellana delante de a, o y u
(egato, etc.),

Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura

s representa el sonido de la s castellana.
z representa la forma sonora de la s, es decir, articulada con
uso de las cuerdas vocales, como en francs rose, o en
cataln rosa. Se encuentra aproximadamente en las pala-
bras castellanas esbelto, rasgo, pero en ingls con ms
fuerza y tensin.

Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura

s z
books has
hats as
six pens
seven dogs
person is

6 representa el sonido de la z castellana en zanja, o de la

e delante de i o e;' como en cerca.
5 representa la forma sonora de la o, es decir, articulada con
uso de las cuerdas vocales. Se encuentra aproximadamente
en la z castellana delante de g, como en juzgar, noviaz-
go, hallazgo, pero con ms fuerza y tensin en ingls.

Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura

O 5
thing the
three this
thrten with
thrty then
thank you there
S representa el sonido de la ch en francs, chetchet, chet,
o de la x en cataln, teixidor, xiprer. Este sonido no
existe en castellano, pero se encuentra en combinacin con
una t anterior y se escribe eh, como en chico)) (t Ji: ka),
mucac/ro (mut Sat So).
:3 representa la forma sonora de la S, es decir, articulada con
uso de las cuerdas vocales, como la j en francs, juger,
jongleur. Se emplea en ingls casi siempre en combina-
cin con una d anterior (ds). De la misma manera, la S se
emplea mucho con una t anterior (tS), y se escribe en in-
gls, como en castellano, ch.

Ejemplos y ejercicio de lectura

S :3 tS d:3
she vsion chair John
shall explsion much page
fish occsion pcture June
dish plasure church [uly
shop match vgetable
1) representa el sonido de la n en la palabra castellana cinco,

Ejemplos y ejercicio de .lectura


La ortografa inglesa

A pesar de que la ortografa inglesa es basta nte caprichosa,

se pued en dar algunas reglas para ayud ar al estud iante a

-- -- -- -- -_ .
Las combi nacion es de letras se pronu ncian genera lmente

ai, ay, ei, ey ei - day, eight, they


ee 1: -tree

ou au - house

oa ou - road

ea { i: -tea
e -bread

w au - now - brown

aw, au o: - draw, daughter,


sh S - show, fish

ch tS - beach, child

ck k - black

qu kw - square

sch sk - school

th { e- three
('j - that

-ng (final de palabra) 1) - thing

wh w - where


La acentuacin del ingls

Como ya hemos visto, hay en ingls un acento tnico fuerte
que cae sobre una de las slabas de cada palabra. En este
mtodo el acento tnico se pone sobre cada palabra encon-
trada por primera vez en el vocabulario.
Pero hay ciertas palabras que en ingls no tienen acento
tnico, y es muy importante, desde la primera leccin, acos-
tumbrar al estudiante a pronunciar estas palabras sin acento,
mucho ms grave y levemente que las palabras normales.
He aqu las principales palabras tonas o sin acento:
1. Artculos, etc.: a, an, the, this, that.
2. Pronombres: you, he, she, we, me, him, her, it, us,
3. Verbos auxiliares: am, is, are, was, were, have, has,
had, do, does, did, shall, will, should, would, can, could, must.
4. Preposiciones: at, for, from, of, in, to, etc.
5. Adjetivos posesivos: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.
6. Palabras varias: and, or, but, as, sorne, any.
Estas palabras sin acento, a veces al hablar sufren el debi-
litamiento de la vocal.
Por ejemplo: oi no se dice OV, sino qv. Hay que acostumbrarse
desde el principio a la forma dbil, o no se entender nada
del ingls hablado. Adems, a causa de este debilitamiento de la
vocal se hace cierto nmero de contracciones entre los verbos
auxiliares y pronombres y la negacin noto Estas contracciones
estn explicadas en las lecciones y hay tambin que acostum-
brarse al uso de ellas para hablar y entender bien el ingls.
Se ve entonces que una frase inglesa se compone de unas
slabas sin acento y de otras acentuadas. Pero tambin el acento
de la slaba acentuada puede variar en intensidad. En general,
las palabras ms importantes de la frase tienen el acento ms
Por ejemplo: en la frase de la primera leccin:
Wht is nmber ne?
hay tres acentos, pero los de what y one tienen ms fuerza
que el de number por ser palabras ms importantes en la
De la misma manera, en la contestacin:
Nrnber ne is a chir
one y chair tienen un acento ms fuerte que number.
Con la ayuda de un buen profesor, el estudiante no tendr de-
masiada dificultad en conseguir una acentuacin perfecta si tiene
en cuenta estas reglas generales.

Ejercicio de lectura
Hw do you d?
(hu dju d:) Cmo est usted?
Hw are you?
(hu : ju) Cmo est usted?
Very wlI, thnk you
(veri wl 9IJk ju) Muy bien, gracias.
Good mrning
(gud morning) Buenos das.
Good fternon
(gud a: ftan : n) Buenas tardes (temprano).
Good venng
(gud : vnin) Buenas tardes (tarde).
Good nght
(gud nit) Buenas noches.
(gudbi) Adis (slo al despedirse).
(halu) Hola, adis.


Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

A: Pregunta: B: Contestacin
Good Morning
Good afternoon
Good evening How are you? Very well, thank you,


Pronunciacin. Lean sin traducir:

i:three. eitable eight.
l six, is, wndow. al five, nine.
e sven, ten. al boyo
aman, and (y). ea chair.

o what.
A nmber, one (wxn). w what, wman, wndow, one.
u book, wman.
U: two. Consonantes mudas
a aman, nmber. w en two (tu:).
a: girl. gh en eight (eit).

Miren el dibujo de la pgina 19

1.0 Repitan cada frase despus del profesor.
Number one (1) is a chair. Number six (6) is a book.
Number two (2) is atable. Number seven (7) is a boyo
Number three (3) is a door. Number eight (8) is a gir1.
Number four (4) is a wall. Number nine (9) is aman.
Number five (.5) is a window. Number ten (10) is a woman.
2. El profesor preguntar:
What (qu) is number one?
y el alumno contestar:
Number one is a chair.
Despus los alumnos repetirn la pregunta y la respuesta
antes de pasar a la siguiente: What is number two? Y as
hasta la pregunta nmero diez.
3. Despus el profesor har las preguntas en un orden
cualquiera: 8, 1, 3, 4, 10, 2, etc., y los alumnos contestarn
uno por uno, a) con el vocabulario, b) tapando el vocabulario.

El artculo indefinido (un, una) se traduce en ingls por a (d)
Por ejemplo: a page (d peidg): una pgina.
a room (;; rum): una habitacin, sala.
a se cambia en an (en) delante de vocal.
Por ejemplo: an arm (on a: m): un brazo.
an orange (en orindz): una naranja.
Nota. No se debe confundir a, an (artculo) con one (nu-
meral). One equivale a uno solo; a, an, a uno cualquiera.
1 have (tengo) a book. Pero 1 have one orange and two books.
Dictado (cuidado con la ortografa)
A man, a boy, a gir1, atable, an arm, a door, a chair, an
orange, a woman. Number four is a wall.
Completen las frases siguientes:




Wha t - numb er one? Num ber one is - chair.

Num ber - is a window. Num ber eight is - - .
Cuen ten en ingls de uno a diez y de diez a uno.

Pron uncia cin
t: furten.
t pctu re (pikt io), elven, fften, ink, twnty.
e leg, pen, twnty, elven, twelve.
a pple.
a: armo
o range, dog, noto
o: furten.
u room (habitacin, cuarto).
a rm pple, an range, the.
a: thrt en.
et pper, train, ighten.
al nneten.
ea where (donde).
e three, thrten.
15 the.

Mire n el dibuj o de la pgin a 19

1.0 Repi tan cada frase despu s del profe sor:
Num ber eleven (11) is a pictu re. Num ber sixteen is a dogo
Num ber twelve (12) is a peno Num ber seven teen is a train.
Num ber thirte en is the ink Num ber eighteen is an orange.
(i nk). Num ber ninet een is an armo
Num ber fourt een is an apple. Num ber twen ty is a lego
Num ber ffteen is a paper.
2. El profesor pregu ntar : Wha t is numb er eleven?, etc.
y los alum nos conte star n como en la prime ra leccin para
nme ros 110.
3. Despus el profesor har las pregu ntas en un orden
cualq uiera : 15, 12, 20, etc., y los alumnos conte star n indiv
ulario .
dualm ente, a) con el libro abierto, b) tapan do el vocab
Gram tica
El artcu lo definido (el, la, los, las) se tradu ce en in-
gls por the,

The se pronuncia 6;;> delante de consonante.

Por ejemplo: The dog (6;;> dog). The picture (6;;> pikt a),
The se pronuncia 6i delante de vocal o h muda.
Por ejemplo: The ink (5i ink). The apple (5i apol).
La forma negativa de los verbos auxiliares (ser, haber, etc.)
se forma en ingls poniendo not A CONTINUACIN del verbo.
Por ejemplo: Number one is not atable.
La forma interrogativa de los verbos auxiliares ser y haber
se forma poniendo el sujeto A CONTINUACIN del verbo.
Por ejemplo: Is number one atable?
En ingls se pone el sujeto despus del verbo solamente
en las preguntas.
Por ejemplo: La habitacin donde est mi madre se
traduce por
La habitacin donde mi madre est,
Adems, el signo de interrogacin se usa solamente al final.

The pen, the ink, the paper. An arm and a lego An apple
and an orange. 15 number fifteen a train? Number twelve is
not a picture: number twelve is a peno
Completen las frases siguientes:
The arm and - lego
The pen and - ink.
- is number eighteen?
Number nineteen is -- armo
Number twenty is - an apple.
The orange - number seventeen.
Cuenten en ingls de uno a veinte y de veinte a uno.


z: we, he, she.
z in (en, dentro).
e yes (s).
a 1 am, cat (gato).
a: are.

o on (en, sobre).
o: lso (tambin), floor (suelo, piso), or (o).
A but (pero), nder (debajo de).
u: you.
el they (ellos, ellas), page (pgina).
ai l amo
ou no.
au count (cuenten).
ie: here (aqu), near (cerca de).
ea there (all).
~ they.

Gram tica

Prese nte de indic ativo del verbo "to be" (tu bi:) (ser, estar )
1 am (ai am) (yo) soy, estoy
you are (ju: a: ) (usted) es, est, (t) eres, ests
he is (hi: iz) (l) es, est
she is (Si: iz) (ella) es, est
it is (it iz) (ello) es, est

He y she se emplean slo para personas; it para cosas.

we are (wi : a:) (nosotros) somos, estamos.
you are (ju: a:) (ustedes) son, estn, (vosotros)
sois, estis.
they are (ei a:) (ellos, ellas) son, estn.

En ingls los verbos van siempre acompaados del sujeto.

Es preciso poner el pronombre personal cuando falta el subs-
Por ejemplo: No est aqu. He is not here.
El pronombre l (yo) se escribe siempre con mayscula.
La tercera persona del singular del presente de indicativo,
con pocas excepciones, termina en s. El femenino she y el neutro
it tienen siempre la misma forma que el masculino he. Por eso,
de aqu en adelante se escribir slo la forma del masculino he.
Hay se traduce there is (eiriz) con el complemento en sin-
gular, y there are (eir a r ) con el complemento en plural.


Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

A. Pregunta: B. Contestacin:
Are you aman? Yes, 1 am a boy
Is she a woman? No, 1 am not a girl
Is he a boy? He is aman
a girl? She is a woman
He is not
She is not

Miren el dibujo de la pgina 19:
What is there in the room? There is a chair in the room.
There is also a table in the room (a man, a picture, etc.).
Where is the ink? It is on the tableo
Where is the orange? It is also on the tableo
Where is the man? He is in the room.
Where is the woman? She is in the chair.
Is there a cat in the room? No, there is not a cat in the
room, but there is a dogo
Is the dog on the table? No, it is not on the table, it is
near the tableo
Is the train on the table or on the floor? The train is on
the floor.
Are you in the picture? No, we are not in the pcture,
but the man, the woman, the boy and the girl are in the
picture on page 19.
Where is the window ? The window is in the wall, etc.
Count: twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-
four, twenty-five, twenty-six, twenty-seven, twenty-eight,
Completen las frases siguientes:
1. The man is -. the room.
2. There - a pen - the tableo
3. She - a woman and - am a boyo
4. We -. here and - are here also, but they - -. here.
5. The dog is -. the tableo
6. The train is -. the floor; it is -. - the tableo
7. Is the boy in - chair? No, - is noto

8. Is - a cat in the room ? No, - is noto

9. Is the table on the floor _. on the wall? - is on the floor,
10. - you in the pictu re ? -, 1 am noto
Trad zcas e al ingls:
Yo soy un hombre. Ella es una mujer. Es una mesa. Es
usted una chica, o un much acho ] Soy una chica. Est usted
aqu? S, estoy aqu, pero el perro no est aqu, est all. Est
la tinta sobre la mesa ] S, la tinta y la pluma estn sobre la
mesa. Est n usted es aqu? S, estamos aqu en la habitacin.
Dn de ests ] T eres un chico y ella es una chica.

Tradzcase al espaol:
1 am a boy and you are a gir1. Are you a boy or a girl? 1 am
a girl. We are in the room. They are also in the room. Is she a
boy or a girl? She is a girl. Is he a boy or a girl? He is a boyo

Cons truya n las oraciones siguientes en la forma negativa:

The boy and the girl are in the room.
The pen is on the tableo
Is the ink on the table also?
Cons truya n las oraciones siguientes en la forma interrogativa:
She is in the chair.
The apple is on the tableo
We are in the room.

Am 1 a boy?
1 am not ama n.
Repaso de las pregu ntas y contestaciones (pregunten y con-
teste n unos a otros entre s).
Cf. pgina 19: Wha t is numb er one? Number one is a chair.
Wha t is numb er two?, etc., hasta veintiuno.
Y despus hagan lo mismo en un orden cualquiera.

Are you ama n? Yes, 1 am ama n. - Is she a boy? No,
she is not a boy, she is a girl. -- Are they here? Yes, they
are here and we are here also.


Pronunciacin y vocabulario
1: green (verde).
1 this (este -a -O), mny (muchos -as), chldren (nios),
lttle (litcl) (pequeo), thing (cosa), with (con).
a has (tiene), that (se, sa, eso, aqul, aqulla, aquello).
o: tall (grande, alto), short (bajo, pequeo).
A clour (color).
a chldren (nios).
a: prson (persona).
al white (blanco), nice (bonito, agradable), like (como),
child (nio).
au hw mny (cuntos -as), house (casa), brown (color
e thing.
6 this, with, there, that.
s house, this, nice, persono
z has, legs, arrns.

Verbo "to have", tener o haber
Tercera persona del sin-
ella { he
she f has (haz) gular del presente de in-
ello tiene it dicativo.
Plural de los substantivos
Se forma generalmente aadiendo s al singular. La s se
pronuncia generalmente z.
Por ejemplo: a paper, papers.
the boy, the boys.
The man has two legs and two arms,
Irregular: aman, two meno
a woman, two women (wimin).
a child (tSaild), two children (tSildrgn).
El adjetivo
En ingls el adjetivo es invariable. Ola (ould) se traduce
por viejo, vieja, viejos o viejas, segn el caso.


Cuando un adjetivo califica directamente a un substantivo

se coloca delante de ste:
An old man: un hombre viejo.
Cuando es complemento se coloca despus del verbo:
The man is old. Is the woman also old?
Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

The man a pape r

The woman has a green book
The boy an orange
The girl a pen
a brown dog
a nice house
two arms

In this house there are five men and four women with many
children, but in the room in the picture on page 19 there is one
man, one woman and two children, a boy and a girl. The man
has a paper and the woman has a book. There are four things
on the table, an apple, an orange, a pen and ink. On the wall
there is a picture. There are a chair and a table in the room.
There is also a dog in the room : it is a nice dogo The boy has a
train, but the little girl has noto
How many legs has ama n? A man has two legs. How many
legs has a dog? A dog has four legs, like the dog on page 19.
Wha t colour is the dog on that page l It is brown: it is a brown
dogo Where is the dog? It is near the tableo Wha t colour is the
table? It is brown also. Is the wall also brown? No, the wall is
white: it is a white wall. Wha t colour is the door? The door
is green : it is a green door. The man is tall: he is a tall mano
The girl is short : she is a short girl.
Completen las frases siguientes:
In the picture the man _. a papero The woman - a book.
There ,- four thngs - the table, - pen, _. orange, - apple
and ink. The picture is on - wall. The boy - a tran, but the
little girl - -. Wha t colour is the door? -- is a - door. The
man - tall: - is a - mano He has two - children.

Escriban en plural las siguientes frases:

a) There is a man in thc room.
b) The dog is near the tableo
e) What is the green thing on the Iloor?
el) It is the train.
) The girl is short: she is a short girl.
Contesten a las preguntas siguientes:
1. Where is the apple?
2. What is number nineteen in the picturc ?
3. Is the girl short or tal1?
4. What has the woman?
5. What has the man?
6. Is the picture on the floor or on the wal1?
7. Has the boy or the girI the train?
8. What colour is this wal1? <,
9. How many legs has the table?
10. What is there under the table?
Construyan las frases siguientes en la forma negativa:
a) The boy has the papcr.
b) There are two men in the room.
e) Has the man the book?
d) Yes, he has.
e) There is a picture on the door.
Tiene la mujer muchos nios? No, tiene dos nios, un mu-
chacho y una chica. El muchacho es alto, pero la chica es baja.
Qu tiene el muchacho? Tiene un tren. Qu hay sobre la
mesa? Hay cuatro cosas sobre la mesa: una naranja, una mano
zana, una pluma y tinta. Hay un perro en el cuarto? S, hay un
perro cerca de la mesa. De qu color es el perro? El perro es
castao. Cun tas patas tiene el perro? Tiene cuatro patas.
Desde In this house ... hasta ... pen and ink.


Pronunciacin y vocabulario
i: pople (gente, personas), tree (rbol), to see (ver), these
., 1
(estos -as).
big (grande).


e vry (muy), pncil (lpiz), red (rojo).

a have (tener, haber).
a: grden (jardn).
o from (desde, de), of (ov) (de).
au round (redondo).
ou those (esos -as, aquellos -as).
ee squar e (cuadrado).
au e flowe r (flor).
kw square.
b boy, book, but.
v haec, very, ot.

Gram tica

Prese nte de indic ativo de "to have " (tener o haber)

1 have (hav) Yo tengo, he.
you have Usted tiene, ha; t tienes, has,
he has (haz) etctera.
we have
you have
they have
Inter rogac in: Have I? Have you?, etc.
Negacin: 1 have noto You have not, etc.

Pron ombr es demo strati vos

This (is): ste, sta, esto.
Thes e (i: z): stos, stas.
That (at) : se, sa, eso, aqul, aqulla, aquello.
Thos e (ouz ): sos, sas, aqullos, aqullas.
People es siemp re plural y va seguido de un verbo en plural:
People are nice. La gente es agradable.

From y of
La preposicin from tradu ce de en el senti do de proceden-
cia (desd e):
From the wind ow: Desde la ventana.
De la ventana.
Of tradu ce de en el senti do de posesin:
The door of the room : La puert a de la sala.


Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

men in the garden
There are dogs here
girls . in the room
flowers there
boys in the house


Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

men in the garden?
How many dogs are there here?
girls in the room?
flowers there?
boys in the house?

On page 19 there is a picture of a room in a house and there
are a man, a woman, a boy and a girl in that room. Those
people have a dog, a brown dog, and in that picture the dog is
near the tableo That is a round table, but this table in this
room where we are, is square. Here there are many people, men
and women, many chairs and tables, nice pictures and two bg
windows. From these windows we see (vemos) a garden with
nice flowers and trees. The house on page 19 also has a garden,
and in that room of the house there are flowers from the garden
on the tableo Those flowers are very nice.

Are there many people in this room? Yes, there are many
people and also many chairs. What have we? We have books
and pencils and papero What colour is the paper? The paper is
white. How many windows are there? There are two windows.
What is this7 It is a peno What is that7 It is a picture. What is
there in that picture? There is a house with a garden. Is there


a tree in that garde n? Yes, there is. Are there flowers also?
Yes, there are. Are there people also? No, there aren ot. Are
there peopl e in this room ? Yes, there are. Wha t have these
peopl e? They have book s and pencils, Have you a book ? Yes,
1 have. Has he a pencil? Yes, he has. Have we a chair ? Yes,
have. Wha t colou r are these book s? They are red. Are those
book s red also? No, they are noto

Escri ban estas oraci ones en plura l:

a) That man has a brow n dogo
b) This flower is from the garden.
e) This room has a wind ow.
d) He has a big house .
e) You have a chair and atab le.

Escri ban estas oraci ones en singu lar:

a) Thes e trees are in the garde ns.
b) Thos e men have nice pictu res.
e) You have two big child ren,
d) Thos e girls have nice flowers.
e) We have two wind ows in these rooms.

Com plete n las frases sigui entes :

a) The man and the wom an - two child ren.
b The boy - a train.
e) We - a nice garde n; - has flowers and trees.
d) - the girl a big room ?
e) No, - -- not a big room .
fJ - the boy a train ?
g) Yes, - -. a train.

Trad uzcan al ingls

Estas perso nas tiene n un jardn muy bonit o con much as
flores. En aquel jardn hay una mesa debaj o de un rbol
cuatr o sillas. La mesa es redon da y en la mesa hay un peri dico.
Senta da * en una silla hay una muje r: tiene un libro. En
suelo hay un chico : tiene un tren. Noso tros no tenem os un jar-
dn, pero tenem os una gran casa. Es muy bonit a.

* No se traduc e "senta da",



Pronunciacin y vocabulario
z: tea (t), please [por favor, haga (haz) el favor].
z milk (leche), cigartte (cigarrillo, pitillo), prtty (guapa,
e bread (pan), said (dijo), when (cuando), friend (amigo -a),
nver (nunca).
a thnk you (gracias).
a: afternon (tarde).
o ta-shop (saln de t).
o: for (para).
ti. btter (mantequilla), cuntry (campo, pas).
el waiter (camarero), cake (pastel).
al time (tiempo), to have a good time (divertirse).
au town (ciudad, villa). now (ahora).

Pretrito de indicativo del verbo "to have"
1 had
you had
he had Haba, tena, hube tuve, etc.
we had
you had
they had
El pretrito de todos los verbos regulares tiene una sola
forma para todas las personas (vase pg. 156).

Pretrito irregular del verbo "to be"

1 was (woz), era, estaba, fui, estuve.
you were (wec).
'. he was.
1 we were.
you were.
they were.
Formas negativas: 1 had not, 1 was not, etc.
Formas interrogativas: Had I? Was I?, etc.
Formas interrogativo-negativas: Had 1 not? Was 1 not", etc.

There was, there were (plural), haba, son el pretrito de

there iSD y there are.
Nota. No confundir there were con they were l
Sorne y any se emplean como artculos partitivos o bien
como el plural del artculo indefinido. Se traducen por unos
-as, algunos -aSD, pero se usan muchas veces donde en espaol
hay el substantivo solo. Tambin se emplean como pronombres.
Sorne significa una cantidad limitada.
Any significa ms cualquier,
Sorne se emplea en frases afirmativas y any en frases nega-
tivas e interrogativas.


We have sorne books: Tenemos (unos) libros.

She has sorne flowers: Tiene (algunas) flores.
llave you any paper? Tiene usted papel? (en cual-
quier cantidad).
1 have not any paper: No tengo (ningn) papel.
1 have sorne: Tengo. Tengo algunos.
1 have not any: No tengo. No tengo ninguno.

Sin embargo, cuando sorne significa una cantidad limitada

se puede emplear tambin en la pregunta:
Will you have sorne tea?
Quiere usted tomar t? (es decir, una taza de t).
Ntese que para preguntar se emplea mucho will you
seguido de infinitivo, sin to, en el sentido de Quiere usted?
Tambin Will he have ... D, etc.
En comidas y bebidas, tornar se traduce por to have:
Tomar (el) t: to have tea.
Seor, seora se traducen en ingls por Mr. (Mista) y Mrs.
(Msis) :
Seor Brown: Mr, Brown. - Seora Brown: Mrs. Brown.
El seor Brown se traduce tambin por Mr. Brown ( sin el
artculo! ).
La seora Brown se traduce tambin por Mrs. Brown (i sin
el artculo I).


Frm ense todas las oraci ones posibles

A. Preg unta: B. Cont estac in:

butte r? butte r
bread ? 1 have bread
tea? he has tea
Have you milk? she has rni1k
Has he any cigar ettes? we have cigar ettes
Has she flowers? Yes, they have sorne flowers
Have we book s? book s
Have they apples? No, Not any apple s

Lectu ra
This aftern oon we were in the town with Mr. Brown.
Mrs. Brow n was there also. We bad tea in a tea-shop. Hav
you any tea? said (dijo) Mrs. Brown. Yes, said the waite
we have sorne good tea.n Wll you have India n or Chin a tea?
China, please, for four people. We also had bread and butte
and 1 had sorne cakes. Ther e was also a wornan with two little
child ren in the tea-shop. The child ren had sorne rnilk. Ther
were also rnany men: they were very tallo It was very nice in
the tea-s hop.
Conv ersac in
Will you have sorne tea? No, thank you, 1 had sorne tea
this after noon in the tea-s hop in the town . Have you any cigar-
ettes ? No, 1 had sorne this rnorning when 1 was with Mr. Brow
but now 1 have not any. Well, will you have one? Than k you,
that is very nice. Were you in the coun try when Mr. Brown was
there ? Yes, 1 was. It was very nice. Ther e were rnany flowe
in the garde ns and sorne boys and girls were unde r the trees,
They had a very good time.
Com plete n estas frases:
a) 1 have .~ bread , but 1 have not - butte r.
b) Will you have -. tea? No, thank you,
e) 1 had - tea in the town - Mrs. Brown.
d) -. you in the town also?
e) Yes, 1 - there with a friend, Mr. Smith.

Escriban en plural estas oraciones:

a) 1 was in the garden.
b) The woman had sorne tea.
e) Was he there also?
el) Will he have sorne bread?
e) You had not a book.
Esta tarde estuvimos en la ciudad y tomamos el * t con un
amigo. Es un hombre muy alto. Yo tom pan con mantequilla
y algunos pasteles, pero l nunca (never) toma pan. Tom
muchos pasteles. En la sala haba tambin una mujer con tres
nios. La mujer era muy guapa y llevaba (tena) un perrito.
Era muy agradable estar" en el saln de t. Haba mucha gente.


Vocabulario y pronunciacin
1: Pter (Pedro).
i sster (hermana), stting-room (saln), sttng (sentado),
his (su, de l), its (su, de una cosa).
e bed (cama), bdroom (dormitorio), then (entonces).
a fmily (familia), stnding (de pie), hppy (feliz, con-
a: fther (padre).
o: daughter (hija), yaur [tu, su (de usted, ustedes), vuestro].
A brther (hermano), mther (madre), son (hijo), hs-
band (marido).
u: roof (tejado).
a: her (su, de ella).
ai wife (esposa, mujer), lying (echado, tumbado), pipe (pipa),
my (mi).
ou bone . (hueso).
ea their (su, de ellos, ellas).
aue our (nuestro).
Consonantes mudas
gh en daughter (d i ts).
Se omite en ingls



Adjetivo posesivo
1 have my book: mi.
you have your book: tu o su (de usted).
he has his book : su (de l).
she has her book: su (de ella).
it has its roof: su (de una cosa).
a nuestro.
we have our books:
S vuestro, su (de ustedes).
you have your books :
s sus (de ellos, ellas).
they have their boks:

Caso posesivo
L" Se forma con la preposlclOn of (de), como en Espaa
cuando se refiere a cosas:
The door of the room: La puerta de la sala.
2. Cuando se refiere a personas se aade 's al poseedor

y se coloca el posedo a continuacin. Queda suprimido el ar-

tculo del posedo. Esta forma se llama genitioo sajn:
Peter's brother: El hermano de Pedro.
The boy's sisters: Las hermanas del muchacho.
(En este caso el artculo the pertenece a la palabra hoy;
el artculo de sister queda suprimido, segn la regla anterior.)
Si el poseedor es un substantivo en plural, se aade el
apstrofo solo:
Those boys' father: El padre de esos muchachos.
These girls' house: La casa de estas muchachas.


Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

my mother's family
Mr, Brown's sister in the sitting-room
Mary's brother IS in the garden
my father's dog in the house
the boy's book
the grl's


On page 19 we have a picture of Mr. and Mrs. Brown and
their family in the sitting-room of their house. The boy is Peter:
he is Mr. Brown's son. The girl is Mary: she is Mr, Brown's
daughter. Mrs. Brown is Mr. Brown's wife and Mr. Brown is
Mrs. Brown's husband. Peter has a train: it is Peter's train.
Mary has a dog: it is her dogo Peter and Mary are Mr. and
Mrs. Brown's children. In the picture there is a window: it is
the window of the room. There is also a door: it is the door
of the room. Mr. Brown is standing near the window. Mrs.
Brown is sitting in a chair. The dog is lying on the floor near
the tableo Mr. Brown's family is a happy family.
Is this your book or my book? lt is not my book and it is
not your book. It is Peter's book. Where is your book, then?
It is on the table in the sitting-room. Is Peter in the sitting-
room? No, he is not in the sitting-room: he is in his bedroom.
He is lying on his bed. But my father and mother are in the
sitting-room. My father is standing near the window with his
paper and his pipe. My mother is sitting in a chair with her
book. Are you standing or sitting? 1 am standing. Is the dog
lying or standing on the floor? It is Iying on the floor.
Peter is Mr. Brown's son; Mary is Mr. Brown's daughter.
Peter has a train; it is his train. Mary has a dg ; it is her dogo
Mr. Brown is standing near the window of the room. Mrs. Brown
is sitting in a chair. The dog is lying on the floor near the tableo
Completen las frases siguientes:
a) The boy has a train; it is - train.
b) We have a house; it is - house.
e) The girls have a dog; it is - dogo
d) 1 have a cigarette ;it is - cigarette.
e) You have many books; - are - books.
n The mother has a daughter; she is - daughter.
g) The dog has abone; it is - bone.
h) Peter has a friend; he is - friendo
Esta tarde estoy en casa (at home) con mi familia. Mi her-
mana est en su dormitorio, pero yo estoy con mi madre y mi
padre en el sa16n. Mi madre tiene un libro y est sentada en una

silla y mi padre tambin, pero l no tiene ningn libro, tiene el

nd peridico. Yo estoy de pie cerca de la ventana. La ventana del
ir : saln es grande. Hay muchas flores en el jardn, y tambin
n's algunos rboles. Mi gato est debajo de un rbol. En el suelo
is del saln, cerca de la silla donde mi madre est sentada, est
In. echado el perro de mi hermana. Mi padre tiene su pipa y
nd est muy contento.
Vocabulario y pronunciacin
t: to read (leer), heat (calor), vening (tarde).
is z to give (dar), becuse (porque), cnema (cine).
n? a: cnema, grass (hierba, csped).
19- o acrss (a travs de), hot (caliente), becuse.
m. o: all (todos, -as).
he A much (mucho), sun (sol), to come (llegar, venir).
lis u to look (mirar), tody (hoy).
er u: through (por, a travs de), soon (pronto), to do (hacer).
a: to burn (quemar).
ai to shine (brillar), brightly (brillantemente).
ei to play (jugar), fre-place (chimenea), today.
ou to smoke (fumar), to go (ir), cold (fro), home (a casa),
ou at home (en casa).
au out of (fura de).
ate fire (fuego).
Consonantes mudas
gh en brght1y (britli), through (Bru: ).

Presente de indicativo
FORMA CONTINUA: Se emplea para traducir el presente de
indicativo espaol siempre que la accin sea actual, de mo-
mento, no una costumbre. Tambin para traducir la forma
continua espaola (estoy haciendo, etc.).
r- Se forma con el gerundio del verbo y el auxiliar to be.
11 El gerundio se forma aadiendo -ing al infinitivo.
la INFINITIVO: to go. Gerundio: going. Presente: 1 am going.


Cuan do el verbo termi na en -e, la e se suprime, aadien-

do -ing.
INFINITIVO: to come. Gerundio: comng. Presente: I aro
I am going voy, o estoy yendo.
you are going vas, o ests yendo.
he is going etc.
we are going
you are going
they are going
FORMA NEGATIVA: I am not going.
you are not going
Are you going?
Are you not going?
Nota. Se emplea la form a conti nua del verbo eto go como
auxiliar lo mismo que en caste llano ir as :
I am going to read a book : Voy a leer un libro.
Pron ombr es interr ogati vos
Who ? (hu:) Quin? Quines?
Wha t? (wot) Qu ?
Whe n? (wen) Cu ndo?
Whe re? (wec) Dn de? Ad nde?
How ? (hau) Cm o?
Why ? (hwai) Por qu?
Who se emplea slo para personas.
What para cosas.
Thro ugh (Bru.) A trav s (por dentr o de), por.
Across (okr s) A trav s (sobr e la superficie).
Por ejem plo: Thro ugh the window.
Acro ss the floor.
Frase s
lt is cold (hot) : Hace fro (calor).
(Hace, cuand o se refiere al tiempo atmosfrico, se tradu ce
por it is.)


n To go to tea: Ir a tomar el t.
At home: En casa.
m Home: A casa.


Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

Mr. Brown is sitting in a chair

My brother is reading a book
Mary's sister is reading the paper
Mrs. Brown is looking out of the window
Peter is smoking a cigarette
Mary is standing near the window
Peter's brother is playing with the dog
is going across the grass

o Mrs. Brown is sitting in a chair. She is reading a book.
Mr. Brown is standing near the window and is smoking his
pipe and reading his paper. The two children are playing. Peter
is playing with his train and Mary is playing with the dogo
The sun is shining through the window. The train is going
across the floor. In the fire-place the fire isburning brightly.
It is very hot: the fire is giving much heat. But that is nice
because in the garden it is very cold. Now Mr, Brown is look-
ing out of the window. There is a cat in the garden. It is going
across the grass. Now it is going through the trees.
Contesten a las preguntas siguientes:
l. Where is Mrs. Brown sitting?
2. What is Mrs. Brown doing?
3. Who is standing near the window?
4. What is Mr. Brown doing?
5. Where is the train going?
6. What are the children doing?
7. Where is the tire?
8. Is it cold or hot in this room?
9. Who are in the room?
10. What is there in the room?
11. What is there in the garden?
12. What is the cat doing?


Completen las frases siguientes:

L 1 am goingc-- the grass.
2. He is looking - - the window.
3. The cat is - the garden.
4. Mary is playing - the dogo
5. He is standing - the window.
6. It is going - the floor.
7. She is sitting - a chair.
8. The cat is gong - the trees.
9. The fire is burning in the -.
10. - - very cold today,

What are you doing? 1 am reading my book. What is your
father doing? He is smoking his pipe. What is your little sister
doing? She is playing with her friend in the garden. Is it hot or
cold in the garden today? Today it is hoto Where is the cat ?
It is lying on the grass. When is your mother coming? She is
coming this evening. She is in the town. Why is she in the
town? Because she is going to the cinema this afternoon and
then she s going to tea with her friend, Mrs. Smith.

Hoy Pedro y Mara van al cine con algunos amigos. Pero su
madre no va; ella va a estar toda la tarde en casa. Ahora est
en el saln sentada en una silla cerca de la chimenea porque
hace mucho fro, pero en la chimenea hay un buen fuego. Dentro
del saln no hace fro porque el fuego da mucho calor. Es muy
agradable. La madre de Mara y Pedro est leyendo un libro.
Su marido est fumando su pipa y leyendo el peridico. Pronto
van a venir dos de sus amigos y todos van a tomar t con leche,
pan con mantequilla y algunos pasteles. El perro y el gato estn
tambin en el saln porque en el jardn hace mucho fro. El gato
est echado muy cerca de la chimenea, donde hace calor, y est
muy contento. El perro est yendo a travs del cuarto desde
la puerta a la chimenea. Tiene un hueso y l tambin est muy
contento esta tarde.

El trozo de conversacin anterior.


Voca bular io y pronu nciac in
i: sleep (sueo, dorm ir), to see (ver), to eat (comer).
l very (cada), gneral1y (generalmente), him (l, le),
bsket (cesto), to drink (beber), if (si, condicional),
ngli sh (ingls).
e egg (huevo), very, gneral1y, tnni s (tenis), says (dice).
a: mst er (amo, dueo), bsket, fter (despus de), class
o ften (a menudo), a lot (mucho, una gran cantidad).
o: lways (siempre).
,ur A sme times (a veces), does (dxz).
:er a: work (traba jo, traba jar), to learn (aprender).
or al by (al lado de), while (mientras), sme tmes .
t? el day (da), to take (toma r, coger), to muke (hacer, abri-
1S car), to say (decir), late (tarde ).
he au how ver (sin embargo).
ju: news (noticias).
ai tired (taiod ) (cansado).
t muda en often (fon).
Ntese: 1. La diferencia entre :
su 1 do my exercise.
to do, hacer , ejecu tar:
to make , hacer , crear , fabri car: 1 make a cake.
to dOD se empl ea tamb in como verbo auxiliar.
ay 2. El infinitivo espa ol con la prepo sicin para o
o. sin ella se tradu ce por el infinitivo ingls con too
to Por ejem plo: to see: para ver o ver.
3. News se empl ea slo con el verbo en singu lar:
in The news is good,
t Gram tica
IY Prese nte de indic ativo
FORMA HABITUALD. Se empl ea solam ente para las accio-
nes habit uales , repet idas, etc., y cuan do se habla en gener
1 come vengo 1 do hago
you come vienes you do haces
he come s etc. he does etc.

we come we do
you come you do
they come they do
Ntese que en los verbos terminados en -o y en sonido sibi-
lante (s, sh, eh, x) se aade -es, y no -s sola, a la tercera persona.
Para la negacin se emplea el verbo do como auxiliar, con
el infinitivo del verbo principal sin to:
1 do not come no vengo
you do not come no vienes
he does not come etc.
we do not come
you do not come
they do not come
La interrogacin se forma tambin con el verbo auxiliar
uta do: .
Do 1 come? Vengo? Do 1 not come? No vengo?
Do you come? Vienes? Do you not come? No vienes?
Does he come? etc. Does he not come? etc.
Do we come? Do we not come?
Do you come? Do you not come?
Do they come? Do they not come?

Do you go to school to learn English? No, we all go to the
British Institute, where we have classes in English.

Every day: Cada da, todos los das.
To go to sleep: Dormirse.
He comes and sees you every day: Viene a verle cada da.
En ingls, despus de un verbo de movimiento, en lugar
de la construccin espaola con infinitivo (viene a verle) se
emplean muy a menudo los dos verbos en la misma persona
unidos por la conjuncin and: He comes and sees you.
In the morning: Por la maana.
In the afternoon: Por la tarde (temprano).
In the evening: Por la tarde.
At night: Por la noche.
To bed: A la cama.
In bed: En cama, en la cama.


Frmense todas las oraciones posibles
a. Peter eat
m Mrs. Brown sleep in the morning?
Mary work in the afternoon?
Does Mr. Brown play tennis in the evening?
Peter's brother smoke at night?
go to the cinema
have tea
Do we


Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

Peter eats
Mrs. Brown sleeps
Yes, Mary works in the morning
Mr, Brown plays tennis in the afternoon
le Peter's brother smokes in the evening
goes to the cinema at night
has tea


ir Frmense todas las oraciones posibles
You eat
we sleep
Yes, they work in the morning
1 play tennis in the afternoon
smoke in the evening
go to the cinema at night
have tea



Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

Mrs. Brown eat
Mary does sleep
Mr. Brown not work in the morning
Peter's brother play tennis in the afternoon
No, smoke in the evening
go to the cinema at night
you have tea
we do
they not

Every day when Mr Brown comes home from his work he
takes a chair by the fire and reads the paper to see what the
news is. He generally smokes a pipe while he reads and some-
times he goes to sleep if he is very tired. His dog Joey a1ways
comes to see him (a verle) and often sleeps near his master in a
basket. Mrs. Brown makes the tea and then all the family comes
and says Good evening to the father. The children have milk,
bread, butter and sometimes cake. The father and mother have
tea, and Mr. Brown sometimes eats an egg. After tea the child-
ren play in the sitting-room and the father and mother some-
times go to the cinema when the children are in bed. How-
ever, they do not go to bed late, because Mr. Brown has much
work and is very tired in the evening.
Do you go to the cinema every day? No, 1 do not go every
day, but 1 go sometimes. What do you do in the evening after
your work? 1 sometimes go to classes in the evening to 1earn
English. Where are the c1asses? They are in Oxford Street.
Who gives the c1ass? Mr. [enes generaHy gives the c1ass, but
sometimes he does not come, because he goes to the cinema
very much and a1so plays tennis. He is a very big man; he eats
and drinks a 10t, but he does not smoke. He is very nice. Do you
smoke? No, 1 do not smoke. Do you play tennis? Yes, 1 some-
times play tennis in the evening.

1. 1
Mr. [ones gocs
J to the cinema in the morning.
Our friends
a) Escojan el verbo adecuado para cada sujeto y re-
pitan la frase en voz alta.
b) Repitan el ejercicio precedente poniendo cada frase
en forma negativa.
e) Repitan el ejercicio a) en forma interrogativa.
2. Escriban el prrafo de la pgina 44: Every day... very
tred en primera persona (1).
3. DICTADO. Pgina 44, desde Alter tea ... hasta . .in
the evening.

le Despus de su trabajo, el seor Brown llega a casa muy can-
le sado. Toma el t con su familia al lado del fuego. Come pan con
e mantequilla, pasteles y algunas veces un huevo. Bebe t y la
ys seora Brown bebe t tambin, pero los nios beben leche fra.
a Despus de(l) t, el seor Brown lee el peridico para ver qu
es noticias hay. A menudo el perro duerme cerca de su amo debajo
k, de la mesa. Los nios juegan en el saln. Despus, cuando los
ve nios estn en la cama, el padre y la madre a veces van al cine.
d Sin embargo, no llegan a casa muy tarde, porque el seor Brown
e tiene mucho trabajo.


ry Vocabulario y pronunciacin
rn z: beach (playa), field (campo), me (me), sea (mar), sasde
(playa), meat (carne).
ut i him (l, le), it (ello, lo), bring (traer, llevar), dnner
l1a (cena), fish (pescado), mnute (minuto).
ts e them (ellos, ellas, los, las, les), vgetables (verduras,
ou legumbres), wather (tiempo atmosfrico), togther
e (juntos).
a at (a), as (como).


a: glass (vaso), cards (naipes, cartas), fterwards (despus,

o cffee (caf), strong (fuerte), to belng (pertenecer).
o: walk (paseo), baH (pelota).
u: blue (azul)
!I. cup (taza), ther (otro), us (nos).
a: her (ella), la.
au otsde (fuera de, el exterior).
ei to bathe (baarse), change (cambio), pottoes (patatas).
e care (cuidado).
ia beer (cerveza), year (ao).
ou mment (momento).
IJ bril1g, strong, ink, belong, sittixg.

Pronombres personales
Nombre Acusativo y dativo
1 me
yau you
he him
she her
it it
we us
you you
they them
1. Despus de una preposicin se usa siempre el acusativo:
with me, from them, etc.
2. Delante del complemento directo se emplea el dativo
sin la preposicin too Despus del complemento directo se
emplea con la preposicin to:
1 see him: Le veo.
1 give him a book: Le doy un libro.
o 1 give a book to him: Le doy un libro.
3. Si hay dos pronombres, el acusativo precede al dativo,
que puede ir con to o sin l:
1 give it to him : Se lo doy.
1 give it him: Se lo doy.
4. El pronombre no se pone nunca delante del verbo,
como en espaol.
...-:.. f:I~O~LE~S






10, -- -

Imperativo del verbo

FORMA AFIRMATIVA. Hay una sola forma para el singular
y el plural de la segunda persona. Es la misma que en el infi-
ni tivo, pero sin to:
to come: venir.
come: ven, venga usted; venid, vengan ustedes.
to eat: comer.
eat: corne, coma usted; comed, coman ustedes.
Give me your book: Dme su libro.
Eat your bread: Come tu pan.
Come here: Ven aqu.
To take care of: Tener cuidado de, cuidar.
To have a cold: Estar constipado, resfriado.
For a change: Para cambiar, para variar.
To be well: Estar bien.
At this minute
At this moment
To go for a walk:
l En este momento.
Ir a pasear, dar un paseo.

Here we are at the seaside. There are many people sitting
outside their houses or on the beach or in the fields. Mr. Brown
is sitting in a chair outside his house and is drinking a glass of
beer. Mrs. Brown is sitting by him, but she is not drinking beer:
she does not drink beer. She is having a cup o coffee and is
smoking a cigarette. Near her their friends Mr. and Mrs. Smith
are sitting. Mr. Smith is drinking beer and smoking, but
Mrs. Smith is not smoking: she does not smoke. They are all
four playing cards. However, the children are not playing cards.
They do not play cards. Peter and [ohn, Mr. Smith's sons, are
playing on the beach with a ball, Mary is bathing in the sea,
but Betty, Mr. Smith's daughter, does not bathe, because she
is not very strong, There are other people outside the house
and on the beach. Sorne o them are bathing and sorne are sitting
or lying in the sun. One man is playing with his dogo Two girIs
are going for a walk across the fields for a change. They are
not bathing, because one o them is not very well: she has a
cold. Her friend is taking care of her. At this moment the sun

is shining brightly and it is very nice weather. However, it is

not always nice weather. Sornetmes the sun does not shine
llar and it is cold. Then the people do not bathe.


Come here, Peter. We are going for a walk. Where are we

going? Come with us and see. Is John going with you also? No,
but bring him with you. Have you my blue book? Yeso Well,
give it me, ple ase. When 1 go for a walk 1 take a book with me
to read in the fields under the trees. Is Mary coming? Yes, she
is coming, but Betty is not coming with us, because she has a
cold . At the moment she is in bed. Then bring her sorne flowers
from the country. It is very nice weather. Take the dog with
you and have a good time.


1. Pongan los verbos en presente continuo o habitual de

indicativo, segn el sentido.
Mr. Brown (to come) to see us every day, but today he
(to come) noto He has a cold. Mrs. Brown (to take) care of him
and of the two children, Peter and Mary. At this minute
Mr Brown (to sleep) and Peter and Mary (to eat) their dinner.
ng Generally for dinner they (to eat) bread, meat, potatoes and
.vn vegetables, but today they (to eat) fish for a change. Often
of after dinner Peter's friend [ohn (to come) to see him and the
r: three children (to play) together. However, today, as Mr. Brown
is is not well, [ohn (to come) noto
ut 2. Completen las frases siguientes:
s, a) 1 have a book; it is -. book; it belongs to -.
.re b) You have a book; it is - book; it belongs to -.

he e) He has a book; it is -. book; it belongs to -.

se d) She has a book; it is - book; it belongs to -.
ng e) It has abone; it is -. bone; it belongs to --o
-ls f) We have a book; it is - book; it belongs to -.
a g) You have a book; it is - book; it belongs to -.
In h) They have a book; it is -. book; it belongs to -.

3. Hagan todas las combinaciones posibles con las palabras

We my
Mrs. Brown
The dog, Joey
Mr. Brown
l your
eating her

The children our

You their

Todos los aos, Mr. y Mrs. Brown van a la playa con sus
nios, Peter y Mary. Este ao hace muy buen tiempo y la gen-
te se baa mucho y se sienta en la playa. Esta tarde, Peter y
Mary se baan, mientras su madre est sentada al sol leyendo
un libro. Su marido juega con el perro cerca de ella. Hay mu-
cha gente en la playa porque el tiempo es muy hermoso. Hay
muchos nios: algunos de ellos estn jugando con pelotas, otros
se baan en el mar, otros estn echados al sol. Ahora Mr, y
Mrs. Brown y sus nios van a tomar t y despus, para variar,
van a dar un paseo por los campos. Su perro va con ellos. Gene-
ralmente Betty, la amiga de Mary, va tambin, pero hoy no est
bien, est constipada, y est en cama. Peter y Mary van a
llevarle algunas flores del campo. En este momento hay muchas
flores de todos colores en el campo, los rboles estn muy verdes,
el mar muy azul, el sol muy brillante, y es muy agradable
pasear. Peter y Mary se pasean mucho por la tarde cuando no
hace mucho calor.


Vocabulary and Pronunciation

i: to feel (sentir), Jean (Juana), cheese (queso).
t to think (creer, pensar), pcture (pelcula), nto (en,
dentro de).
e lsson (leccin).
a: to pass an exam (aprobar un examen).
o box (caja).
o: to talk (hablar, conversar), towrds (hacia), Paul

!S h to shut (cerrar), untl (hasta), bus (autobs), hzzll

u towrds, goodbye (adis).
a sttion (estacin) pronuncition (pronunciacin).
a: bird (pjaro).
ju: univrsity (universidad).
el sttion, pronuncition, Dvid (David), to be late (llegar
tarde, tardar).
ou don't (negacin), to know (saber, conocer), to hope
(esperar), hull.
al dning-room (comedor), bright (brillante).
i to hear (or).
ea to prepare (preparar).
r sttion, pronuncition.
Imperativo del verbo (cont.)
La negacin del imperativo en la segunda persona del sin-
gular o del plural se forma con el infinitivo sin to, precedido
de do not:
to come (venir) -. do not come (no vengas, no venga usted, no
vengis, no 'vengan ustedes).
to say (decir) - do not say (no digas, no diga usted, no di-
gis, no digan ustedes).
Do not se contrae muy a menudo en una palabra, don't
(dount) :
Don't come.
1 don't see him.
Presente de indicativo (cont.)
Algunos verbos se emplean siempre, o casi siempre, en la
forma habitual. Los ms importantes son:
to see (ver)
to hear (or)
to know (saber)
to be (ser)
to feel (sentir)
to want (querer)
to belong (pertenecer)
to think (creer, pensar)
to hope (esperar)
to like (gustar)


Por ejem plo: 1 do not want this box; give me the other.
1 know wher e he is.
Algu nas veces tamb in se pued e emplear la forma habitual
en corta s frases conse cutiv as sin conju ncin :
1 go to the statio n, 1 take the train, 1 see my friend, we have
a talk and so we arriv e in London.

Com plem ento directo con a

La const rucci n caste llana con a delan te de un comp leme nto
direc to de perso na no exist e en ingls. El comp leme nto direc to
se const ruye de la mism a mane ra para personas o cosas :
Veo a luan, 1 see [ohn.
Veo la mesa. 1 see the tableo

a) Los nume rales 30, 40, 50, etc., hasta 90, se form an
13, 14, etc., con la termi naci n -ty (ti) en vez de oteen (ti: n).
13 thirte en 30 thirty
14 fourt een 40fo rty (i sin u!)
1.5 fifteen 50 fifty
16 sixte en 60 sixty
17 seven teen 70 seven ty
18 eight een 80 eighty
19 ninet een 90 ninet y
20 twen ty
Nte se que los nume rales en -teen tiene n acent o sobre las
dos slabas y los en -ty lo tiene n slo sobre la prim era:
thrt en thrty,
b) Los nume rales desde 21 hasta 29 se form an aad
uno (one), dos (two), etc., a veint e (twen ty):
twenty-one, twen ty-tw o, twen ty-th ree, etc.
De la mism a mane ra se forman 31, 32, 41, 42, etc.
Frase s
1 think so: Creo que s.
1 don't think so: Creo que no.
He says so: l lo dice.
That is so: Es verdad.
( Lo espero.
1 hope so: ( Espero que s.


~r . Traduccin de la conjuncin que

La conjuncin que introduciendo una oracin subordinada
en castellano, se traduce en ingls por la palabra thai. Sin em-
bargo, en ingls, corno en castellano, a veces se puede omitir.
Te He says that he wilI come.
Dice que vendr.


o Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

Pregunta: [ohn
hear Peter
Do you Betty
know Mrs. Brown
o Contestacin: his mother
Yes, 1

From this window 1 see the garden and 1 see David, who is
sitting at atable on the grass. He is reading his English book
and learning his lessons. My father is in the room by me, but
when 1 want to talk to David he says: Don't talk to David;
s he is learning his lessons. Take a book and read also. 1 do not
want to read, father. 1 am very tired. 1 am going to bed. Very
welI, go to bed. then. We are not going to bed until late: we are
going to play cards for a change. Bring me the cards: they are in
) your bedroom. And don't eat the cakes in the dining-room.
They are for us. 1 go to rny bedroom and look out of the win-
dow. 1 see many birds in the trees. There are thirty or forty of
them. Then 1 shut the window, as it s cold, and 1 go to bed.
Mother, [ean and 1 are going for a walk across the fields
to the town as it is a nice evening. Come with us. No, 1 am
going to prepare the dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are coming,
so don't be late. If you are going to the town bring me sorne
cheese, but don't bring a lot because we have sorne in the house.
Don't shut the door because 1 am going into the garden now to
bring sorne flowers for the house. Goodbye, have a nice time.
And don't be late. No, mother. Goodbye.

A. Escriban "en forma negativa las frases siguientes:
1. David is coming today.
2. Eat this cake.
3. Come for a walk with me.
4. 1 bathe very often.
5. Take that bus.
6. [ean comes to see me every day in the morning.
7. Mr, Smith gives the class in the evening.
8. Do this exercise after dinner.
9. Mr. Brown does a lot of work at night,
10. Mrs. Brown has a cold.
B. Escriban los numerales desde 30 hasta 40 inclusive.
C. Formen oraciones (con verbo) con las siguientes palabras:
come, picture, nice, leg, eat, people, waiter, town, sittng,
burn, want, see.
Ven aqu, David. Vamos al cine con tus arnigos. No, gra-
cias, no quiero ir al cine porque tengo mucho trabajo. No
trabajes ahora. Pero, no sabes que tengo un examen dentro I
de 30 das en (at) la Universidad? Mira a Juan Lpez: est siem-
pre trabajando. No tiene tiempo para divertirse. LCrees que
vas a aprobar tu examen? Creo que s. Mira, Pablo viene t
hacia tu casa. Hola, Pablo, ven con nosotros 'al cine. Dan
una buena pelcula? Espero que s. LDnde est el cine? I
En Oxford Street. Qu nmero? No s: (el) 46 48, me
parece (yo creo), Muy bien. Adis, David. Adis.
Dictado del trozo de "Lectura" desde:
From this window ... hasta .. .in your bedroom.


Vocabulary and Pronunciation

t: to meet (encontrar), street (calle).
i begnning (principio), enugh (bastante), which (que,
el cual).
e dress (traje, vestido), to get (obtener), next door (la
casa de los vecinos), to sell (vender).

a grrnmar (gramtica).
o tomrrow (maana), shop (tienda).
o: drawer (dro i o) (cajn).
A Lndon (Londres).
u tomrrow.
u: school (escuela), too (demasiado), shoe (zapato).
a: first (primero, primeramente).
u: new (nuevo), nws paper (peridico).
el Spain (Espaa), agin (otra vez), main (principal).
al to buy (comprar), ida (idea), xercise book (cuaderno).
ou clthes (vestidos), home (casa).
au sit down (sintese, sintate, etc.).
Ol noise (ruido).
e~ prents (padres), pair (par).
lS: i~ ida.
19, sk school.
f enough.
d3 fimmy (Jaime), lean (Juana).
ro Futuro de indicativo
!le Se forma con el infinito sin to, anteponindole el pronom-
tle bre con shall o will.
m Se emplea shall para las primeras personas (1 we), y uiill
?D para las otras (you, he, she, it, they).
le to be to have to come
1 shall be 1 shall have 1 shall come
you will be you will have you will come
he will be he will have he will come
we shall be we shall have we shall come
you will be you will have you will come
they will be they will have they will come
La negacin not se pone despus de shall o will:
We shall not come.
y ou will not go.
e, La interrogacin se forma poniendo el pronombre a conti-
nuacin de shall o will:
la Shall 1 come? Will you come?
Will he not come? Will they not corae?

Cuando se emplea en preguntas, la segunda persona unll f

puede tener su sentido original de querer: s
Will you give me my book? Quiere usted darme mi libro? \
Cuando no tiene verbo subordinado, querer (desear) se tra-
duce por to want:
Do you want sorne bread? Quiere usted pan? i
I do not want this book: I want the other. t
Yo no quiero este libro: quiero el otro. \

Demasiado ]
Se traduce too cuando es adverbio, y too much o too many
cuando es adjetivo: f
1 am too tired to go. 1
I have too much work (too many cards).
Adems, too se emplea para traducir tambin. e

Preposiciones ]
At y to 1
La preposicin a en espaol, se traduce generalmente en (

ingls por at cuando no hay movimiento, y por to cuando lo hay:

I am at the tea-shop. I am at the station. t
1 go to the tea-shop. I go to the station. ,
Ntense las frases: at school y to school. 1
at uiork y to uiork, I
at market y to market (mercado)
at churcli y to church (iglesia). 1
Frases ]
That se emplea en vez de it para traducir una expresin t
impersonal formada con el verbo to be, cuando esta expre-
sin es demostrativa:
That is a good idea: Es una buena idea.
That is good: Est bien.
The house next door: La casa de los vecinos.
The people from next door: Los vecinos.
At the same time: Al mismo tiempo.
To have time (to): Tener tiempo (para).
Tomorrow [immy and [ean will go to school again. It will
be the beginning of a new year at school. Today they are going
to the town with their parents to buy new clothes, books,
paper, exercise books, pencils and pens. They will take a bus

vil! rom ther home to the main street of the town, where al! the
shops are. First Jimmy and his father will go to a bg shop,
'07 where they sell many things, to buy paper, pens, penels and
ra- exercse books, whle Jean and her mother will go to a shop
to buy a new dress for [ean. Then they wll go together to
a shoe-shop to buy sorne new pars of shoes for the children.
After that [immy wll meet hs frend, [ohn Smith, outside
the cinema, where they will see a picture together, as they
will not have time to see pictures when they are going to schoo1.
[ean and her parents will meet Mr. and Mrs. Smith and their
daughter Betty at a tea-shop and they will all have tea to-
gether. After tea Jimmy's father, Mr. Lee, will take a train
for London at the station, as he is going to see a friend who
is coming home from Spain this evening.
Will you have sorne bread? No, thank you very mucho
1 have enough. Will you have a cup of tea and a cigarette?
No, thank you, 1 shall not smoke this afternoon, as 1 have a
en cold. Shall we play cards? Yes, that is a good idea. Will you
r : give me the cards; they are in the drawer of the tableo Here
they are. Thank YOU. How shall we play? Shall 1 play wth
Mr. Brown and you play with Mrs. Smith? Yeso Sit down,
will you? Peter, will you and John go and play in the garden?
Here you make too much noise. After tea you will get your
books from the sitting-room and you will learn your lessons.
Ths evening your friends from next door will come and see
you and you will not have time to do your lessons then. Oh,
Peter, will you get me my pencil from my bedroom? Yes, mo-
m ther. Where is t? It is on the little table near my bed. Get
e- me the newspaper from the sitting-room at the same time.
Yes, mother.
1. Hagan todas las combinaciones posibles con estas palabras:
Mrs. Lee
the parents
be l at
l the station tomorrow?
11 Betty
g Il. Contesten a las preguntas siguientes mediante oraciones:
, 1. When will Jimmy and [ean go to sehool again?
s 2. Where are they going today?

What are they going to do?
How will they go to the town?
Where will they buy their new shoes?
Who is [immy's friend?
Will [immy have time to go to the pietures when he is
going to sehool?
8. Where will [ean and her parents meet Mr. and Mrs.
Smith and Betty?
9. What will Mr. Brown do after tea?
10. Who is eoming home from Spain this evening?
III. Traduccin:
Jaime, haz el favor de traerme .mi pluma, que est en el
saln. No tengo tiempo. Voy a la escuela. Ya tengo mis libros
y mis cuadernos y voy a tomar el autobs con Isabel. Ven con
nosotros. Es una buena idea. Vendr Juan tambin? No,
Juan est resfriado y no ir a la escuela hoy. Ir maana. Mam,
vamos a la escuela. Irs a la ciudad esta maana? S, ir con
tu padre. l ir a la estacin a tomar el tren para Londres.
Entonces cmprame unos pasteles, por favor, porque Betty
vendr a tomar el t con nosotros esta tarde al salir (despus)
de la escuela. Muy bien, pero hacis demasiado ruido; vuestro
padre duerme. Id a la escuela. Os comprar pasteles, pero no
har t para vosotros. No tendr tiempo. Voy al cine con nues-
tros amigos, el seor y la seora Smth. Muy bien, yo lo har,
mam. Adis, divrtete. Adis, Juana. Adis, [aime.
IV. Dictado. Desde Tomorrow [irnmy and [ean... hasta
{(oo. a new dress for [ean.

V. Formen oraciones (con verbo) con las siguientes pala-o

school, buy clothes, next door, will, exam, standing, know,
work, towards.


Pronunciation and Vocabulary

t: week (semana).
e ysterday (ayer), to help (ayudar), instad of (en vez de),
ltter (carta).
a hat (sombrero), hand (mano).
a: to ask (preguntar, pedir), last (pasado; ltimo).

o to want (desear), hliday (vacaciones, fiesta), ffice

(oficina, despacho).
o: more (ms).
/1. to cut (cortar).
: 1S
a: early (temprano).
ai to arrzve (llegar), to decde (decidir), fine (bueno,
ou so (por eso, as tan), nly (slo, solamente).

'os Pretrito de indicativo (continuacin de la pg. 31).
on Los verbos regulares (o dbiles) se distinguen de los irre-
To, gulares (o fuertes) en la formacin del pretrito y del participio
i, pasado.
:ty El pretrito y el participio pasado tienen la misma forma.
is) Se aade -ed al infinitivo (-d cuando el infinitivo termina en e).
110 Pronunciacin de ]a terminacin -ED
.s- 1. Se pronuncia id (aadiendo una slaba a la palabra)
', despus de t o d.
Presente Pretrito .Participio pasado
ta to count (contar) 1 counted (kuntid) counted
to want (desear) 1 wanted (wntid) wanted
a to add (aadir, 1 added (did) added
v, Il, Se pronuncia d sola (j sin e!) despus de vocal o de con-
sonante sonora (b, g, v, 5, Z, m, n, 1), r, 1, w, j, d3).
Presente Pretrito Participio pasado
to seern (parecer) 1 seemed (si: md) seemed
to play (jugar) 1 played (pleid) played
to live (vivir) 1 lived (livd) lived
m. Se pronuncia t sola ( i sin e!) despus de consonante
), sorda (p, k, f, e, s, tj, j).
Presente Pretrito Participio pasado
to work (trabajar) 1 worked (W;;: kt) worked
to help (ayudar) 1 helped (helpt) helped
1 coun ted, 1 want ed, 1 lived, 1 work ed, etc., se conju gan l
corno 1 had (pg. 31), con una sola forma para todas las perso nas.

Uso del pret rito

El pret rito se empl ea para una accin acaba da en el pa-
sado en una fecha deter mina da.
Por ejem plo: 1 saw him yeste rday.
Le vi ayer.
We went there last week.
Fuim os all la sema na pasad a. I

Form as interr ogati va y negat iva del pret rito pasad o

Estas form as del pret rito se form an con el verbo auxil iar
to do, como en el prese nte hab itual : 1 do not come, Do you
come ?, etc. Se empl ea la form a de pret rito del verbo to
(did) con el infinitivo, sin to a conti nuac in:

1 played. 1 did not play. Did 1 play?

You work ed. You did not work. Did you work ?
He want ed. He did not want . Od he want ?

Se deben , sobre todo, evita r las forma s que corre spond en

a form as caste llana s, como no vine, 1 carne not, etc.


Frm ense todas las oraci ones posib les

play cards
Did you arriv e
coun t the book s
Did Peter have a good time
work in the garde n yeste rday?
Did [ean help Mr. Lee
play in the garde n last week ?
Did the girls bathe in the sea
seem tired
want to buy new cloth es



las, Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

play cards
pa- you arrive
count the books
Peter have a good time
work in the garden yesterday
No, [ean did not help Mr. Lee
play in the garden last week
the girls bathe in the sea
seem tired
want to huy new clothes
Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

played cards
1 arrived
We counted the books
Peter had a good time
Yes, Jean worked in the garden yesterday
en they helped Mr. Lee
played in the garden last week
bathed in the sea
seemed tired
wanted to huy new clothes

La frase impersonal castellana me gusta se traduce en ingls
por un verbo personal, 1 like. Entonces el sujeto de la oracin
castellana se pone como complemento directo del verbo to like.
1 like bread: me gusta el pan.
sujeto complemento complemento sujeto

I i
Mr. Browrr lkes tea: a Mr. Brown le gusta el t.
sujeto complemento
It is time to go: Es la hora de irse.
At work: Trabajando (Vase at school),


Frmense todas las oraciones posibles (1

Does Mr. Brown bread?
Do you tea?
Do the girls like English lessons?
Did Betty holidays?
noise? (


Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

he does not bread

1 do not English lessons (
No, they do not like nose
she did not cakes

Yesterday [imrny and [ean played in the garden with [ohn
and Betty from next door. It was a fine day and they had a
good time. They helped Mr. Lee to cut the grass and they
worked in the garden until it was too cold, Then they all had
tea in the house. After tea the children played cards in the
sitting-room Jimmy counted his cards, but he only had twelve
instead of thirteen, so they added one more. Then they played
until it was time for John and Betty to go home. They have
their dinner early and Mr, Smith does not like it if his children
come home late for dinner. Did you have a good time at
Mr. Lee's house ? asked Mrs, Smith. Yes, we had a very
good time. What did you do ? We played cards. Did you
not help Mr, and Mrs. Lee? Oh yes, we helped Mr. Lee in
the garden and then we had tea. ((Was Mrs. Lee at home ?
No, Mrs. Lee was not at home, she was in the town as she
wanted to buy a lot of new clothes, but she arrived after tea.
- - - - - - - - - - - - _ . - ' - - - - - - - - - - . . , . - , ,-
Then Mr. Smith arrived and they all had dinner, al have a
letter for you from your friend Mr, Brown, said Mrs. Smith,
It arrived this afternoon. What does he say? The Brown
family is at seaside and the weather is very good, Yesterday
they bathed in the sea. Mr, Brown likes to bathe very much.
The Smith family wanted to go to the seaside also, and, as
Mr. Smith seemed very tired because he had too much work at
his office, they decided to take a holiday and go to the seaside.
Contesten a las siguientes preguntas:
1. Where did Jimmy and [ean play yesterday?
2. Who played with them?
3. Where did they have tea?
4. What did they do after tea?
5,. When did Mrs. Lee arrive home?
6. Who likes to bathe very much?
7. Why did the Smith family decide to take a holiday?
8. Why was Mr. Smith very tired?
9. Do you like to bathe?
10. Did you bathe yesterday?
Construyan estas frases:
1. En la forma interrogativa.
2. En la forma negativa.
a) You wanted to go to the seaside.
b) She bathed in the sea. ,
e) He helped his father in the garden.
d) We worked until tea-time.
n e) They counted the books in the sitting-room.
a f) The old man seemed very tired.
:y g) Your brothers lived in London for three years.
d h) Betty played cards with her friends.
le i) The Smith family decided to go to the seaside.
i) 1 asked him what he wanted.
Y Vocabulary and Pronunciation
n t mnute (minuto), mid-dy (medioda), mdnight (me-
dianoche), a lttle (un poco [de]).
e e rgistered (certificado), end (fin, final), brakfast (des-
D ayuno).

a bad (malo).
a: past (pasado), half (mitad, medio), hard (duro, difcil, r
fuerte), to pass (pasar).
o dock (reloj), o'clck.
o: qurt er (cuarto), alra dy (an, ya).
A Snday (domingo).
u: noon (medioda).
ai to sign (firmar), time (la hora).
ei to rain (llover).
ou pstm an (carte ro), to pen (abrir).
au abu t (alre dedo r de, acerca de).
iC) dear (caro, querido).
aue hour (hora).
Cons onan te muda e
1 en half (ha: f),
Gram mar

La hora (The Time )

Wha t time is it? 1 Qu hora es?
Wha t is the time?
a) It is one o'clock, two o'clock, three o'clock, etc.
Es la una, son las dos, tres, etc.
La hora en punto se indic a en ingls por, medio del nume ral
cardi nal (one, two, three , etc., hasta twelve), seguido de o'clock.
No se pone el artcu lo.
b) Para las fracciones de hora, antes de la medi a hora
se dice tant os minu tos pasad os (past) de la hora ; despus
de la medi a hora, tant os minu tos hacia (to) la hora. La
palab ra minutos se omite generalmente en la conv ersac in:
It is ten (min utes) past one. Es la una y diez.
It is five (minu tes) to one. Es la una menos cinco.
It is twen ty (min utes) past Son las dos y veinte.
It is twenty-five (minu tes) to Son las dos meno s veinticinco.
e) La medi a se tradu ce por hali-past:
lt is half- past one, Es la una y media.
It is hal- past two. Son las dos y media.

) La hora y cuarto se expresa a quarter past: la hora

cil, menos cuarto, a quarter to:
It is a quarter past one. Es la una y cuarto
It is a quarter past two, Son las dos y cuarto.
It is a quarter to one. Es la una menos cuarto.
It is a quarter to two. Son las dos menos cuarto.
e) Para las doce del da se dice a menudo midday o noon.
Para las doce de la noche se dice midnight,
A delante de la hora se traduce por at: At one o'clock.
A la una.
Cuando, despus de la hora, debe aadirse de la maana,
de la tarde, de la noche, se dice:
in the morning
in the afternoon
in the evening
at night
At half-past four in the afternoon.
At twenty past eleven at night,
A veces se escribe la hora l.15, 2.25, 3.20, etc., y se lee en-
tonces con los nmeros solos: one fifteen, two twenty-five, etc.
Para distinguir la maana" de la tarde, a veces se em-
ral plea A.M. (antes de medioda) y P.M. (despus de medioda):
:k. 3 p.m., 5.25 a.rn., etc.

La palabra "hora"
ts Se traduce de dos maneras en ingls, segn el sentido:
La a) time, en el sentido de la hora del da.
b) hour, cuando se trata de la unidad de tiempo (= 60


Se traduce por ya, pero slo con la significacin de tiempo.
Ya lo veo no se traduce por already, pero se dice It is already
one o'clock.

Lean y escriban en ingls las siguientes horas de dos maneras

3.15. 1.25, 4.30, 5.10, 10.50, 7.45, 12.10, 6.5, 9.30, 11.35.

Contesten a las preguntas siguientes: r
a) At what time do you have breakfast? f
b) At what time does the postman come? I
e) At what time do you go to bed7
d) At what time do you go to work?
e) At what time do the shops shut?

At what time does the postman come, Mary? He comes
about half-past eight generally, but today it is already nine
o'c1ock and he is only at Mr. Armstrong's house. Why is he so
late? Because it is very bad weather. It is raining hard, But he
wi1l soon be here. (A quarter of an hour passes). Here is the
postman, Peter. Open the door and give the letters to your
father. (Peter opens the door.)
The postman: Good morning. There is a registered letter for
Mr Brown. Wi1l you sign here, please ?
(Mr. Brown comes to the door and signs the paper.)
Thank you. Good morning.
Mr. Brown: Good morning. Shut the door, Peter. (To Mrs. I
Brown.) There are two letters for you, my dear.
One is a registered letter from Bristo1. 1 think

it is from your mother. r
Construyan las siguientes oraciones en pasado:
a) It is a fine day,
b) They have their dinner at hal-past seven.
e) He Uves and works in Madrid.
el) She wants a new hato
e) When 1 play cards, 1 count the cards in my hand.
Ayer era domingo, y por la tarde, para variar, el seor Lee
trabaj en el jardn. Le gusta trabajar en el jardn, y como ayer
haca muy buen tiempo, fue muy agradable. Jaime y Juana le
ayudaron un poco, pero a las tres y veinte Juan y Betty llega-
ron para dar un paseo con sus amigos hasta la hora del t.
Mr. Lee trabaj en el jardn con el perro cerca de l, hasta las
cinco menos diez, cuando llegaron los' seores Smith para tomar
el t con l y su esposa. Despus de ver (after seeing) las flores
en el jardn y las manzanas en los rboles, los cuatro tomaron
t en el saln, y a las cinco y media llegaron los nios. Los nios
tomaron el t en el comedor porque cuando estn juntos siempre

hacen mucho ruido y sus padres queran jugar al bridge (cards).

Despus del t los nios jugaron con una pelota y el perro en
el jardn y hablaron acerca de la escuela y de sus lecciones y
amigos. A las ocho menos cuarto era la hora de ir a casa. Juan
y Betty se fueron con sus padres. El domingo toman la cena
a las ocho en vez de las siete y media. Hoy los nios estn otra
vez en la escuela y Mr. Lee y Mr. Smith tambin estn en su
trabajo. Mrs. Lee y Mrs. Smith tienen mucho trabajo en su
casa al principio de la semana y no tendrn mucho tiempo
nes para divertirse hasta el fin de la semana.
so Formen frases con las siguientes palabras:
the yesterday, help, until, arrive, time, weather, about, hal,
our postman, registered.


Vocabulary and Pronunciation

frs. t: seen (visto), each (cada, cada uno).
.ar, z England (Inglaterra), slwly (despacio), tcket (billete),
pcket (paquete), shop-wndow (escaparate), to con-
tnue (seguir), mney (dinero), wind (viento), Chrstmas
(Navidad), vsit (visita), rver (ro), bridge (puente),
shlling (chelin), quckly (pronto, rpidamente).
e prsent (regalo), pnny (penique), set (aparato de
radio), gntleman (caballero), espcially (especial-
a the tobcconist's (la tienda de tabaco, estanco), pcket.
a: to ask for (pedir), car (coche, automvil).
o got (de to get), sock (calcetn), to stop (parar).
ee o: bought (de to buy), to call (llamar), Town Hall (Ayun-
er tamiento), befre (antes [de]).
Jo. shut (cerrado), bus (autobs), cloured (coloreado),
:a- young (joven).

as u to put (poner, colocar), full (lleno), to lookat (mirar),

ar to put up (levantar).
es a Chrstmcs, prsent, abut, to contnue, alng (a lo largo
m de, por), rver, tobcconist's.
)s a: shrt (camisa), srvant (criado, -a).
re ei age (edad), came (de to come), reltion (pariente).

az tie (corbata), light (luz), High Street (calle mayor),

fine (bonito).
ou sold (de to sell).
oi toy (juguete).
ie dear (caro).
k Chrstmas (krismos).
d3 age, gentleman.

Verbos irregulares
Se conjugan como los regulares, pero cambiando la vocal
en el pretrito.
Infinitivo Pretrito Participio pasado
to see 1 saw (so:) seen
to go 1 went gone (gon)
to come (kxm) 1 came (keim) come
to take (teik) 1 took (tuk) taken (teikan)
to do 1 did done (dAn)
to gve 1 gave (gev) given (givon)
to get 1 got got
to sell 1 sold (sould) sold
to buy 1 bought (bo: t) bought
Otros verbos irregulares no cambian la vocal, pero tienen
otra irregularidad: \
to shut (SAt) 1 shut shut
to put (put) 1 put put
to say 1 said (sed) said
to send 1 sent sent
to have 1 had had
to be 1 was been (bi : n)
(" Se conjuga irregularmente, vase pg. 31.)
Along - a lo largo de, por.
He went along the road to Oxford.
Until- hasta y, como conjuncin, * hasta que (cuando
indica tiempo).
(* En ingls muchas preposiciones se emplean tambin
como conjunciones; por ejemplo: after, befare, etc.)

Don't go until 4 o'c1ock.

Don't go until 1 come.
In y into
In se emplea para traducir en eh el sentido de dentro de,
cuando no hay movimiento. Si existe movimiento, debe em-
plearse into, pero en este caso es, preciso nombrar el sitio donde
se entra.
1 am in the house: Estoy en la casa.
1 go into the house: Entro en la casa.
pero: 1 see the house and 1 go in. Veo la casa y entro.
ocal Verbos compuestos
Se emplea el mismo verbo ingls para ir y entrar. As, un
'ado solo verbo ingls, aadindole diferentes preposiciones, se tra-
duce por verbos distintos en castellano.
Por ejemplo:
to go: Ir.
to go into: entrar en.
to go out: salir. (I am going out: Salgo.)
to go out of: salir de. (He goes out of the room.)
De la misma manera se forman verbos compuestos con to
come (venir) y otros verbos simples:
len to come round : venir alrededor, visitar.
They come round to the ha uses. '
Visitan las casas.
El verbo compuesto tiene gran importancia en el idioma
Ntense estos ejemplos:
to get out: bajar de un vehculo.
to get in: subir a un vehculo.
to go out: salir.
1 uient out of the ha use at 5 o'clock, took the bus and got
out at the station: Sal de casa a las cinco, tom el autobs
y baj en la estacin.
La construccin de algunos verbos
En ingls se emplean preposiciones despus de algunos ver-
bos que no las llevan en espaol, e, inversamente, a veces no se
~n las emplea donde en espaol hay que emplearlas. Tambin muy
a menudo se pone una preposicin diferente en espaol que en


ingls. Por eso es muy importante aprender siempre la cons-
truccin de cada frase y fijarse bien en la preposicin. Por
ejemplo, no se debe anotar to ask: pedir, sino to ask for: pedir.
l ask for a book in the shop.
pido un libro en la tienda.
Pero, al contrario del espaol, la persona va sin preposicin: ar
1 ask rny father for a book. sb
Pido un libro a mi padre. B<
De la misma manera, hay que anotar: I ce
to look at: mirar. f
1 look at the people. f
Miro la gente. fo
l er
Frmense todas las oraciones posibles bI
Preguntas: w
f1 ht
give him a radio set? fo
Did you send him a fine tie? sb
get him a present? it
Did Mr. Lee buy him a Christrnas tree?
a new shirt? Ej
sorne cigarettes?


Frmense todas las oraciones posibles
gave him a radio set
sent him a fine tie
1 got him a present
Yes, we bought him a Christmas tree
he a new shirt i
sorne cigarettes I!

cons- Lectura
o Por
Soon it will be Christmas and in England Christmas is a
happy time when people give presents to their friends, to their
family and to their relations. About Christmas time the schools
cin: are shut and the boys and girls have holidays. Shops are also
shut on Christmas day and the day after Christmas, -called
Boxing Day. We call this day Boxing Day because servants
come round to the houses to ask for a present which people
put in their box.
Yesterday the Brown family went into the town to buy
Christmas presents. Mrs. Brown went out first to buy a present
for her husband while he was at work. She took the bus at the
end of the street and got out at the Town Hall. She walked
slowly along the High Street looking at the shop windows. She
saw many nice things, especially for children. The toy-shops
were full of toys for boys and girls of all ages, and there were
bright lights and coloured paper and Christmas trees in the
windows. However, Mrs. Brown wanted a present for her
husband, so she continued along the street until she came to a
man's shop, where they sell shirts, socks, ties and other things
for meno There she saw a very nice tie, so she went into the
shop and asked for this tie. As it was not too dear, she bought
it for her husband's Christmas presento

1. Contesten a las siguientes preguntas mediante oraciones:
a) What do people do in England at Christmas?
b) Who have holidays at Christmas?
c) What do servants do on Boxing Day?
d) Where do people buy toys?
e) Where do people buy ties and shirts?

2. Escriban en pretrito las oraciones siguientes:

a) He gets out at the Town Hall.
b) She walks along the High Street.
c) They see many toys in the shop-window.
d) We look at the shops.
e) The Brown family goes into the town.
f) y ou give presents at Christmas.
g) 1 buy a tie for my father.

h) He continues along the street. r L
i) We come to a man's shop. l P

j) Mrs. Brown wants a present for her husband.
Compongan tres oraciones en ingls segn el esquema st-

guiente, poniendo los verbos en pretrito:

ir a la ciudad _. comprar regalos - volver a casa. t

Las oraciones tienen que estar en relacin lgica la una i

con la otra. Se pueden aadir adverbios de tiempo, lugar, etc. I
I t
4. Dictado.
Desde Yesterday... hasta ...especially for children, l
5. Completen estos ejemplos con la preposicin adecuada: l
a) We get - of the bus here.
b) The servants come - to the houses.
c) We go - the street to the church.
d) Are you coming - with me into the garden?
e) He went - the room.
f) Don't go -. 4 o'clock.
Hullo, Peter, where are you gong? Oh, 1 am going to the 1
town to buy sorne Christmas presents far my family. Will you
come too? ( Yes, that will be nice. Sha11 we take a bus? Yes, r
if we take No. 93 until we come to the river, we can (podernos) I
walk across the bridge and along the High Stret to the shops.
Here it comes. Put your hand up and stop it. (( Get in now. Sit
down here. Tickets, please. Two to the bridge, please.
That will be a penny each; thank YOU,D Oh look, [ohn, there
is Mr. [enes in his new car! D Here is the bridge, young man. !
Come on, Peter, this is where we get out. It is cold on this t
bridge. D ( Yes, the wind is very strong. Come and look at the
window of the radio-shop, That is a fine seto D Yes, but much
too dear for us. 1 want to buy some cigarettes. 1 asked my
father for sorne money before we carne out. Here is a tobacco-
nist's. Good morning, sir. Good morning. A packet of twen-
ty Playrrian's please. Yes, sir, that will be five shillings.

Thank you very mucho Good morning, gentlemen.
(( Hola, Pedro, quieres venir a la ciudad conmigo? Ped

dinero a mi padre ayer y voy a comprar algunos regalos de ~

Navidad para mi familia. Muy bien. Mira, viene el autobs.

Levanta la (your) mano y pralo. Sube pronto Dos al

puente, por avor. Un penique cada uno; gracas. Ayer mi
madre compr una bonita corbata para mi hermano, pero no se
la dar antes de Navidad. Tambin vio muchos juguetes en los
SI escaparates y quera comprar algunos para nuestros amigos de
(en) Londres, pero las tiendas estaban ya cerradas. Por eso
tom el autobs para volver a casa y sali otra vez esta ma-
ana. Estamos en el puente. Baja pronto. Ven, bajaremos
una por esta calle hasta que lleguemos (llegar: to come) al Ayun-
etc. tamiento. All hay buenas tiendas.

Vocabulary and Pronunciation
1: tacher (profesor), tangerne (mandarina), sweets (ca-
1 fshmonger (pescadero), assstant (dependiente).
e chess (ajedrez), to send (enviar), plasure (placer, gusto),
bell (campana).
a tangerne.
a: banna (pltano).
the o doll (mueca), to cross (atravesar), to cost (costar).
you o: to walk (andar).
.1 es, u: fruit (fruto).
lOS) u btcher (carnicero), pdding (budn, postre ingls).
ips, el bker (panadero), paint (pintura).
Sit ou grcer's (ultramarinos, colmado), alne (solo, solitario).
le. ea pear (peta).
ere ai to try (probar, intentar).
his Grammar
lch Formas contradas del verbo
my Como hemos visto para do not, se emplea muy a menudo
ca- en la conversacin la contraccin don't, y de la misma manera
en- did not se convierte en didn't (did nt), y does not en doesn't
Cuando se emplean estas formas se dice:
1 don't come, you don't come, he doesn't come, etc.
ed Don't 1 come? Don't you come? Doesn't he come?, etc.
de 1 didn't come, you didn't come, he didn't come, etc.
IS. Didn't 1 come? Didn't you come? Didn't he come?, etc.

La edad ]

La edad se expresa en ingls con el adjetivo old (viejo) y el

verbo to be (ser).
Se pregunta. HQw old are you (is he, etc.)? t
Se contesta: I am ten years old.D J
He is twenty-one years old, etc.
Old en este caso no implica vejez. Se puede decir: He is two
years old a : Tiene dos aos, o This house is ninety years old,
Para las personas se puede omitir years old y decir:
He is twenty.
She is twenty-five, etc.
Orden de la oracin
En ingls el orden de la oracin es:
sujeto - verbo -- complementos.
En general, slo en las oraciones interrogativas se hace la
inversin del sujeto:
18 Mr. Smith at home?
Where is Peter?
Why are you here?
Las oraciones espaolas como:
Lleg el profesor ayer
deben traducirse con el sujeto en posicin inicial:
The teacher arrived yesterday.
Caso posesivo (contina de la pg. 35)
A veces se omiten las palabras shop (tienda), house (casa) o
church (iglesia) despus del caso posesivo en 's.
The baker's (shop): la tienda del panadero (panadera).
The grocer's (shop): la tienda de ultramarinos, colmado.
The butcher's (ShOPD: la tienda del carnicero (carnicera).
The fshmonger's (shop): la tienda de pescado (pescadera).
1 am going to Peter's (house): Voy a casa de Pedro.
The man in the shop
el dependiente (de la tienda).
The shop assistant 1
To cost cost cost: costar
To send sent sent: enviar


Lectu ra
A VISIT TO THE SHOPS (continued)
y el
We saw in the Iast Iesson that the Brown family went out
to buy Christmas presents. Mrs. Brown went out while
Mr. Brown was at work. She bought him a nice tie, but she did
not buy any presents for the children, as the toy-shops were
two already shut. Today she went into the town agan, but she did
IIdD. not take the bus; she went in Mr. Jones's car to the bridge and
then walked along the High Street. She looke d at the windows
of the toy-shops, but did not Iook at the other shops. She only
wanted to buy toys. At the first toy-shop she did not see any
nice toys, but she went in and there she saw many more. Ther e
were many dolls, trains and other thing s. The man in the shop
sold her a chess set for Peter and a box of paints for Mary.
Mary also went to the town, but she did not go alone as she
is too young. She is only ten years old, She went out with
~ la Mrs. [ones and her daughter, [ean. They went to the butcher's
and bought some meat. Then they saw a fishmonger's, but the
good fish was all sold, so Mrs. Jones did not buy any fish. They
went into the bake r's and bought some bread. The baker said:
Shall 1 send it for you Ma'am (Mad am)? Yes, please, said
Mrs, Jones. Then they crossed the stree t and went into
grocer's, where they sell many nice things at Chris tmas. They
bought a Christmas pudding for the Jones family and the
grocer gave some sweets to the two children. They wenf out
of the grocer's and went into the fruit shop next dON, where
they bought apples, pears, bananas, and orang es, They Iooked
at the tangerines, but they were not good, so they did not
)o buy any.
Ejerc icios
l. 1. Contesten a las siguientes preguntas:
a) Wha t did Mrs. Brown do today?
b) How did she go to the town?
e) Wha t did she want to buy?
d) Wha t did she buy for Peter and Mary ?
la). e) Who went with Mary to the town ?
f) How old is Mary?
g) Why didn 't Mrs. Jones buy any fish?
h) Whe re did they buy some bread ?
i) Wha t did the grocer give to the children?
j) Why didn' t they buy some tangerines?

2. Completen los siguientes ejemplos: ((

a, She went - while Mr. Brown was - work.

b) She walked - the High Street. e"
e) The man sold her a box - paints - Mary.
d, The grocer gave sorne sweets - the children.
e) She looked - the toys.
f) He asked his father - sorne money.
3. Composicin. ,
Compongan cuatro oraciones unidas lgicamente segn el 1
esquema siguiente. Aadan adverbios, etc., a voluntad, y pon-
gan los verbos en pretrito.
Ir a la ciudad - autobs - comprar pan - volver en auto.
4. Dictado.
Mary also went..; hasta (L .. at Christmas.

Mr. A. Good morning. I want a packet of good cigarettes.
"yes, sir, he re are sorne good ones. How much do they cost?
The packet costs three shillings and there are twenty cigarettes )
in a packet. (( Well, give me four packets, please. Yes, sir;
that will be twelve shillings. Thank you very mucho Good
morning, sir. (
Mr. B. I see you have Three Bells tobacco in your win-
dow. Is it good ? They say it is very good, sir. And it is not
dear ; it is only five shillings a (la) box. Then, 1 think 1 shall
try a box, please. Will you give me change for ten shillings?
"yes, sir, with pleasure. Thank you, sir, good mrning.

Mientras el seor Brown estaba en su trabajo, su esposa
sali para comprarle un regalo de Navidad. No tom el autobs;
una amiga la llev en su coche. Entr en tina tienda donde
venden camisas, corbatas y otras cosas para hombres. Mir
muchas corbatas, pero no le gustaron. Pidi otras corbatas al
dependiente. Vio una que le gustaba mucho y la compr.
,,Cunto vale (es) esta corbata? , pregunt al dependiente.
"Tres chelines, dijo ste (l). Despus entr en una tienda de
juguetes a comprar un juguete para un nio. Deseo un juguete
para un nio, por favor. ,,Qu edad tiene ? Tres aos.

Entonces tenemos unos pequeos coches. Le gustan stos?

S, mucho. Cunto valen? Este coche verde vale cuatro
chelines. Muy bien. Dme el coche verde.


Vocabulary and Pronunciation

on- t mlkman (lechero), ktchen (cocina).
e verything (todos), verybody (todo el mundo), nything
Ita. (algo), nybody (alguien).
a: bthroom (cuarto de bao), prty (reunin, convite).
o bttle (botella), prridge (sopa de avena).
A nthing (nada), smething (algo), smebody (alguien).
ou no (ningn), coat (abrigo, americana), nbody (nadie).
ei to shave (afeitarse).

s. Grammar
tes Imperfecto o pasado progresivo (o continuo) del verbo
od Se forma como el presente continuo o progresivo que emplea
el verbo auxiliar to be con el gerundio en -ing, pero en este
caso el verbo auxiliar se pone en pasado.
ot Presente: 1 am coming Imperfecto: 1 was coming
111 etc. You were coming
? He was coming
We were coming
You were coming
They were corning
5a La negacin se forma poniendo not despus del verbo auxiliar:
;; 1 was not coming
le You were not coming
' etc.
5. La interrogacin-negativa se forma poniendo el pronombre
e. despus del verbo auxiliar:
le Was 1 not coming?
e Were you not coming?

Uso del imperfecto

El pasado continuo o progresivo (imperfecto) se emplea
generalmente para traducir el imperfecto castellano.
Por ejemplo: Vena: 1 was coming.
Traduce tambin la forma progresiva con estar.
Por ejemplo: Estaba comiendo": He was eating.
Sin embargo, en ingls se puede emplear el pretrito en vez
del imperfecto en descripciones.
Por ejemplo: Llevaba puesto un abrigo nuevo.
Re wore a new coat.
En las formas negativas e interrogativas-negativas se usan
muy a menudo en la conversacin las contracciones uiasn't
(woz ant) y uieren't (wc :nt):

1 wasn't coming, you weren't coming, etc.

Wasn't 1 coming? Weren't you coming", etc.
Estas contracciones se hacen tambin en el verbo to be en
el pasado negativo: 1 wasn't ; you weren't, etc., adems de
cuando se emplea como verbo auxiliar:
He wasn't here yesterday.

Contracciones del presente

El verbo to be en presente, en la conversacin se contrae a
menudo en las formas siguientes:
I'm (aim)
you're (jo: )
he's (hi : z)
we're (WCa)
you're (jo : )
they're (eo)
La negacin se contrae de dos maneras distintas: o I'm not,
you're not, etc., o con las formas siguientes:
you aren't (a: nt)
he isn't (zont)
we aren't
you aren't
they aren't

La interrogacin-negativa se contrae as:

aren't you?
plea isn't he?
aren't we?
aren't you?
aren't they?
to wake (weik): woke (wouk); woken (woukon) : despertar
vez to wake up: despertarse.
to get up: levantarse.
to wash (woS): lavarse.
to wear (wec): wore (wo:); worn (wo: n): llevar puesto.
to go back: volver, regresar.
to shave (Seiv): afeitarse).
san to rain (rein): llover.
sn't to call (co: 1): llamar.
"to wait (weit): esperar.
to prepare (pripea): preparar.
to knock (nok): golpear, llamar.
to put on : ponerse (vestidos).
to dress: vestir, vestirse.
en to eat (i : t); ate (et): eaten (i : tan): comer.
*) Construccin con "to wait"
To wait se construye con la preposicin [or delante del com-
plemento directo:
1 wait for the train: Espero el tren.
~ a 1 shall wait for you at the station: Te esperar en la estacin.
He waited for [ohn : Esper a Juan.
J\t last: J\l fin.
At once: En seguida, inmediatamente.
Sorne y Any (continuacin)
Hemos visto que sorne y any pueden emplearse como pro-
ot, nombres adems de como adjetivos:
1 have sorne bread: do you want sorne?
Have you any milk? No, 1 have not any.
En vez de any (adjetivo) con la negacin, se puede emplear
el adjetivo no:
1 have not any coffee.
1 have no coffee.

Palabras compuestas con "sorne", "any", "no" y "every"

something: algo. somebody: alguien.
anything: algo. anybody: alguien.
nothing: nada. nobody: nadie.
everything: todo. everybody: todo el mundo.
Sornebody y something se emplean en frases donde se
empleara sorne: anybady y anuthing, donde se empleara any
(cf. pg. 30).
Regla importante
No se puede poner ms de una negacin en cada frase en
ingls. Dos negaciones se anulan recprocamente:
No he visto a nadie: 1 have not seen anybody.
o 1 have seen nobody.


Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

1 was getting up
Peter was washing
we were having breakfast
The milkman carne Mr. Lee was shaving
while Betty was dressing
The postman knocked nobody was m the house
at the door when you were putting on your coat
it was raining
they were preparing the dinner
you were reading the newspaper

Peter generally wakes up at seven o'clock in the morning.
He looks at the clock and gets up at seven o'clock if he goes
to school, or at hal-past seven or eight in the holidays. Then
he goes to the bathroom and washes (wo Siz). After that he goes
back to his bedroom and dresses (dresiz). His father also shaves.
This morning when Peter woke up he looked at the clock to
see the time and then looked out of the window. It was raining
hard. He didn't want to get up, but his father called him and
he got up, He went to the bathroom, but his sister was washing

and he waited until she carne out. Bis rnother was in the
kitchen; she was preparing the breakfast. Peter looked out of
the window. In the street everybody was corning out of their
houses and going to work. The rnilkrnan was corning down the
street and he was putting* a bottle of rnilk outside each door. At
last Mary carne out of the bathroorn and Peter went in. While
se he was washing, the postrnan knocked at the door and gave
'ly sorne letters to Mrs Brown. Are there any for me? called
Peter. No, there are no letters for you : there is only one for
Mary, said his rnother. Oh, 1 never get any letters, Peter
said. Then he went back to his bedroorn, dressed and went
downstairs to the dining-roorn, where the farnily was already
eating breakfast. There is sorne porridge for breakfast, Peter.
Do you want sorne ? . asked his mother. No, thank you, 1
don't want to eat anything 1 only want to drink sornething.
Will you give me sorne tea, please. Thank YOU.ll So Peter ate
nothing for breakfast, but put on his coat and went to school.
(* Gerundio de to put.)
. 1. Contstense las preguntas siguientes:
1. At what time does Peter wake up?
2. At what time does he gene rally get up in the holidays ?
3. Where does he wash?
4. Was it raining when he woke up this rnorning?
5. What was his mother doing downstairs?
6. What was the rnilkrnan doing?
t 7. Who carne to the house while Peter was washing?
8. Were there any letters for Peter?
9. What did Pe ter eat for breakfast?
10. What did he put on when he went out?
2. Compltense estas oraciones con la preposicin adecuada:
a) 1 get - at half past seven.
c) She carne - of the room.
, b) He looked - the clock.
"s d) The postrnan knocked - the door,
n e) Peter put - his overcoat,
s f) [ohn waited - his father.

o 3. Construyan estas oraciones en forma negativa (usando las

g contracciones cuando stas existen):
i a) It was raining hard.
g b) Were you eating your dinner?


c) Was he wearing a new coat?

el) Are they in the bathroom?
e) He is in the town,
f) 1 see somebody in the street. ,
g) He wants to eat something.
h) There are sorne letters for you.
(de dos maneras distintas).
i) Why were you waiting for me?
4. Tradzcanse al ingls los siguientes ejemplos:
a) No tengo nada.
b) No he visto a nadie.
c) Nunca he visto ninguna casa como sta.
el) Nadie conoce a nadie en esta reunin (party),
e) No voy nunca al cine.
5. Construyan estas oraciones en pasado:
a) The postman is knocking at the door.
b) [ohn isn't eating his breakfast.
c) We aren't waiting for your father.
d) Mother and Mary are preparing the dinner.
e) 1 am shaving in the bathroom.


Esta maana el seor Jones se afeitaba en el cuarto de bao

cuando vino el cartero y llam a la puerta. La seora Jones
estaba preparando el desayuno y los nios estaban durmiendo.
Haca mucho fro y llova mucho. El cartero dio tres cartas a
la seora [ones, una para ella y dos para su marido. Mientras
lea su carta, el lechero llam a la puerta y le dio una botella
de leche. La seora Jones vio al seor Kelly en la calle. Estaba
esperando un autobs para ir a su trabajo. Todo el mundo sala
de sus casas'. Los nios se despertaron y se vistieron. Bajaron
en seguida al comedor y tomaron el desayuno. Mientras se des-
ayunaban vino Peter y llam a la puerta para llevar a [immy
[ones a la escuela. Jimmy se puso el abrigo y sali con Peter.
Despus sali el seor [enes para ir al trabajo. Esper el
autobs. Llova mucho y no era muy agradable esperar. Al fin
vino el autobs y el seor [enes lo cogi.
Frmense oraciones con las siguientes palabras:
to wake up, sornebody, holidays, put on, wait, at once
mlkman, rain, wash, anything.


Vocabulary and Pronunciation
i: to speak (hablar).
l to vsit (visitar), dish (plato, fuente), vllage (pueblo),
inn (fonda).
e sveral (varios), tent (tienda de campaa).
a camp (campamento), mtches (cerillas), dad (pap), pan
a: part (parte), to start (empezar).
o to stop (parar), pot (pote).
o: north (norte), fork (tenedor), small (pequeo).
A mug (cubilete), lunch (almuerzo), smmer (verano).
u on foot (a pie), to cook (guisar), wood (madera, lea,
u: spoon (cuchara), food (comida, manjares).
a: excrsion (excursin).
en bcycle (bicicleta), dry (seco), fried (frito), kne (cuchi-
110), all rght (muy bien), to light (encender).
au south (sur).
ou tlephone (telfono).
ei plate (plato).
ju: bautiful (bello, hermoso), seful (til), dring (du-
lo. rante).
a k muda en to know (non) y knife (naif).
ba Verbos auxiliares defectivos
's- Tiene solamente dos formas; el presente can (kan) y el pre-
lY trito could (kud), para todas las personas. La forma del
.r, pretrito se emplea tambin para el condicional (podra).
m 1 can 1 could
you can you could
he can he could
we can we could
you Can you could
:e they can they could
Ntese bien la pronunciacin de could (con 1 muda).

La forma negativa de ca/1) se escribe con una palabra, cannot

(knot). La contraccin can't: (ka: nt) se emplea muy a menudo.
La forma negativa de could es could not, que se contrae
muy a menudo en couldn't (kudont).
Cuando a can sigue un verbo en infinitivo, ste se construye
sin la preposicin too
Por ejemplo: Can you come?
Yes, 1 can come.
Para los dems tiempos de poder, se emplea la locucin to be
able (ser capaz). Se construye con to delante del infinitivo:
1 shall be able to come.
Can y to be able traducen la idea de capacidad, posibilidad
y permiso:
1 can walk ten miles in an hour.
1 can speak English. (j Can se traduce por saber en este caso!)
Can you come tomorrow?
Can 1 speak to you for five minutes?
No se emplea la forma con do para la negacin y la interro-
gacin en los verbos auxiliares.


Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

Can you speak English?
light a fire?
Can't David come on foot?
buy any bread?
Could [irnrny wait for us?
go to the cinema?
Couldn't Peter's friends fry eggs?

Modificaciones grficas
7. Los verbos terminados en sonido sibilante (s, ss, x, z, sh,
eh, tch) aaden es en vez de s sola a la tercera persona del
presente. As, se aade una slaba al verbo:
1 wash he washes (wojiz)
1 dress he dresses (dresiz)

viot 2. Los substantivos terminados en sonido sibilante (s, ss,

[do. x, z, sh, eh, tch) aaden es (iz) en vez de s sola al formar el
plural. As, se aade una slaba al substantivo:
dress dresses (dresiz): vestido
uye box boxes (boksiz): caja
house houses (hauziz): casa.
place places (pleisiz): sitio, lugar.
3. Los verbos terminados en o aaden es a la tercera per-
) be sona del presente, sin aadir ninguna slaba (la e es muda):
va: 1 go (gou) he goes (gouz)
1 do (du:) he does (dxz)
4. Los substantivos terminados en o aaden es en vez de s
dad sola al formar el plural, pero la e queda muda y as no se aade
ninguna slaba al substantivo:
patato potatoes (patitouz): patata.
;0 !) tomato tomatoes (torn: touz): tomate.
Sin embargo, algunas palabras de origen extranjero aa-
den s sola:
plano planos.
5. Los verbos terminados en consonante sencilla duplican
la consonante final al aadir las terminaciones ed, ing cuando la
vocal precedente es breve:
to get getting
to sit sitting
to run running
to stop stopped
El artculo no se emplea en ingls cuando se habla de cosas
en general:
Men and women: Los hombres y las mujeres (en general).
Pens are useful: Las plumas son tiles.
Verbo irregular
to speak (spi: k) spoke (spouk) spoken (spouken): hablar.
sh, a) Verbos compuesto:
del to go: ir.
to go on: seguir adelante, proceder.
to be in: estar en casa.
Ntese bien la exclamacin Come onl; Ven! Venga!

BASfL rot i se
b) on foot: a pie.
to go on foot: ir a pie.
on a bicycle en bicicleta.
on bicycles
to ride (raid) a bicycle (bicycles): ir en bicicleta.
just a moment: i un momento!
to go north (south): ir hacia el norte (el sur). (
a little: un poco de.
to sit, sat, sat:
on the 'phone:
telefoneando, al telfono.
all right: muy bien, est bien, entendido.
Lectura (
In England boys and girls like to go for excursions into the t
country. Sometimes they go on foot or on bicycIes and make a
camp every night where they stop. This summer several friends, e
Peter, [ohn, Jimmy and David, wanted to visit sorne parts of t
the south of England. They did not know this part of England, t
as they all live in the north. They could ride bicycIes and so )
they went on bicycIes. Can you cook? Peter asked David. 1
No, I can't cook very well, but 1 can light a fire with two
matches, a little paper and sorne dry wood. But Jimmy can J
cook very weH. He can make tea or coffee, fried eggs and fried
potatoes, porridge and several other dishes. So they started e
from their homes and went south. Each boy took a knife, a fork
and a spoon, two plates and a mugo David put a small tent on
his bicycIe and [mmy sorne pots and pans. They bought sorne
foodand a bottle of milk. Soon they were in the country. It was (
a beautiful day and they were very happy. At about eleven
o'clock in the morning they carne to a small river and stopped. J
As it was hot, they bathed in the river and sat in the sun. Then
they dressed and wanted to go on, Where is [immy? Oh,
Jimmy always dresses very slowly. Come on, Jimmy, we are
all waiting for YOU." Go on, I'm comng. So they went on t
along the road until they carne to a village with a beautiful old f
church and an old inn, where they had lunch. s
Contesten a las preguntas siguientes: \
1. Why did Peter and his friends want to visit the south
of England? 1
2. How did they go south?
3. Can David cook? e
4. What can David do? 1


5. What can [immy do?

6. What did each boy take with him?
7. What did they do when they carne to the river?
8. Who always dresses very slowly?
9. Where did they have lunch?
10. What is an inn?
Will you give me 1707 (one, seven, ou, seven) please? Thank
you. Is that Mr. Brown's house? Yeso Is Peter in? Yeso Can I
speak to him? Yes, just a moment, please. Peter, there is some-
one on the 'phone for you. Hullo. Who is speaking? [mmy,
Oh, hullo, [imrny, what do you want? Can you come and have
he tea with us tomorrow? I have sorne friends who are coming
'a and after tea we shall go to the cinema. [ust a minute, I shall
Is, call my father and ask him, Dad, can I go to tea with [immy
of tomorrow and to the cinema after? All right, but don't come
Id, back home late. Hullo, [immy, are you there? Hullo, hulla,
so yes, I can come. What time shall I come? Oh, come at about
d. hal-past four. All right, thank you very mucho Good-bye.
an Ejercicio
ed Un alumno har como si telefonease en ingls a un amigo,
ed que ser otro alumno, para:
1. Invitarle a ir al cine.
m 2. Invitarle a dar un paseo.
as En cada caso se contestar primero aceptando y luego
declinando la invitacin.
d. Dictado
h, Every morrnng we get up at seven o'clock. I always wash
re and shave at once, but my son [ohn washes and shaves very
slowly and is often late for breakfast. Yesterday he wanted
d to go on his bicycle for an excursion into the country with sorne
friends. He got up early and started from the house at half-past
seven. He waited for his friends near the river and they all
went on together to a little village where they had lunch. It
was a nice village with a beautiful old church and an old inn,
[immy y David queran ir en bicicleta al sur de Inglaterra
durante el verano. Llevaron una tienda de campaa, comida,
platos y otras cosas para hacer un campamento cada noche

en el sitio donde se parasen. Jimmy saba guisar muy bien y a

David le gustaba mucho hacer un fuego con lea seca, papel
y slo dos cerillas. Salieron una maana muy temprano de la
ciudad donde vivan. Se desayunaron al lado de la carretera,
en un campo que perteneca a un amigo del padre de Pedro.
Entonces siguieron hasta un pueblo cerca de un ro, donde se e
baaron todos. Haca un da hermoso. Despus entraron en
una vieja iglesia. Haca mucho fro en la iglesia.


Vocabulary and Pronunciation

l hill (colina, loma) vlley (valle), bzll (cuenta, nota).
e to fetch (traer, llevar), ver (alguna vez).
a vlley, map (el mapa).
a: to nswer (contestar), farm (granja), far (lejos).
o off (fuera de, lejos de).
o: wter (agua).
A hrry up (date prisa), spper (cena).
(} dstcnce (distancia).
el way (camino, manera), to stay (quedarse, permanecer).
al tonght (esta noche), sde (lado).
ou stone (piedra).
f enugh.
w muda en answer (a: nsc).

Perfecto de indicativo
Se forma, como en espaol, con el verbo auxiliar haber
(to have) y el participio pasado.

I have been 1 have had 1 have said 1

you have been you have had you have said
he has been he has had he has said
we have been we have had we have said
you have been you have had you have said
they have been they have had they have said
(he sido, he estado) (he habido, he tenido) (he dicho)
y a

Forma negativa: 1 have not been, 1 have not said, etc.

~ la Forma interrogativa: Have you been? Has he said?
era, Have we not had? Have they not said?
se Contracciones
El verbo to have en presente, solo o como auxiliar, se
contrae a menudo en la conversacin en las formas siguientes:
I've (aiv)
you've (ju : v)
he's (hi: z)
we've (wi: v)
you've (ju : v)
they've (eiv )

La negacin se expresa de dos maneras:

o I've not
you've not

o 1 have n't (hava nt)

you have n't
r), (hazont)
he hasn 't
we have nt't
we have n't
you have n't
they have n't

Contraccin de la forma interrogativa:

Have n't I?
Have n't you?
Hasn 't he?
r etc.

Uso del perfecto ingls

1. El perfecto se emplea en ingls slo para indicar una
accin acabada, pero en una fecha indet ermin ada:
1 have seen him befare.
n. Tambin para indicar una accin que acaba de termi-
nar o que sigue en el mom ento:

I have eaten my dinner, and now I shall sleep.

I have lived in England sx years. (Vivo en Ingla-
terra desde hace seis aos).
111. Tambin para una accin terminada dentro de un
perodo de tiempo no acabado:
I have seen him today.


Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

Have you seen [ean today? Formen las contesta-

ever lived in England? ciones apropiadas.
Ras David made a fire?
found my knife?
Have the boys drunk all the beer?
paid the bill?
Ras Jimmy put up the tent?
earen enouhg?

Modificaciones grficas
A. Verbos
1. Se suprime la e final de un verbo al aadir una termi-
nacin que empiece por vocal:
to come coming
2. La y final precedida de consonante cambia en le al
aadir una s o ed (la ieed se cambia en ied):
to try (trai) I tried he tries
Sin embargo, y final precedida de vocal no presenta irre-
to play I played he plays
B. Substantivos
La y final precedida de consonante cambia en le al aadir
la s del plural:
country (pas) countries
army (ejrcito) armies
baby (beb, criatura) babies

Sin embargo, los substantivos terminados en y precedida

~la de vocal forman el plural regularmente:
boy boys
un day days
way ways
on the way: en el camino.
a long time: mucho tiempo.
so: as, por eso, tan.
so much: tanto.
it doesn't matter: no importa.
lS. Verbos irregulares
to leave (li : v) left (left) left: dejar, abandonar.
to drink drank (draijk) drunk beber.
(dr Al] k)
to pay (pei) paid (peid) paid : pagar.
to find (faind) found (faund) found: encontrar, descubrir.
to make (meik) made (meid) made: hacer.
Verbos compuestos
. to start: empezar.
to start off: ponerse en camino, partir.
1- to put: poner, colocar,
to put down: deponer, colocar, apuntar.
to put up: erigir.
to go back
to come back } volver, regresar.
to go up: subir, ir arriba.
hurry up: date prisa.
Have you had enough to eat? Peter asked [immy. Yes
thank you, 1 have eaten enough but 1 think 1 shall drink a little
more beer. David has drunk all the beer. Well, it doesn't
matter. 1 can drink sorne water. The boys were sitting at a
table in the sun outside the inn. They were eating and drinking
and talking about their excursion. What distance have we
come this morning, David? Oh, not very far because we stop-
ped on the way to bathe and we have stayed here a long time
because Peter has eaten so much. Well come on, we shall
start off again. Peter, pay the bill please. Oh, they have put

clown five glasses of beer and we only drank Iour. "No, that's
all right, [ohn drank two glasses. So they started off again and
after about ten minutes [ohn said: "Oh, 1 have left my hat
outside the inn. WilI you wait for me while 1 go back and get it.
Yes, yes, but hurry up r When [ohn carne back, they went on
slowJy because there were many hills in that part. After sorne
time David said: ,,1 have found a small river in a valIey on the
map. There are fields and a wood near the river and 1 think it
is a good place to make the camp tonight. 1 think we can get
there in about three hours, if we dori't go too slowly. At six
o'cJock in the evening they carne to a hill. They went up the
hiJI and on the other side they saw a nice green field and a wood
by a smalJ r iver. They asked aman if they could camp in that
field for the night. The field belonged to him and he said they
could. Each boy started to do one thing. [ohn put up the tent; -.
David made a fire-place with sorne stones and then made a
fire. Peter prepared the food and Jimmy went to fetch wood r,,qb


from the wood and water from the farm. Have you made a ~<11J1!J./{
fire ? Jimmy asked David when he carne back from the farm. ...,-=-
Yes, and 1 have fried sorne eggs and potatoes and there is sorne
nice hot coffee. Come and have supper.
Contesten a las preguntas siguientes:
1. Who drank all the beer?
2. Where did the boys eat their lunch?
3. Why didn't they go far in the morning?
4. How many glasses of beer did they put down on the
5. What did John say after about ten minutes?
6. What did David find on the map?
7. Where did they camp?
8. What did each boy do?
9. What did they have for supper?
10. Have you ever made a camp?
11. Have you gone to the cinema today?
12. Have you had lunch?
Compltense las frases siguientes con la preposicin adecuada:
a) We started - at eight o'c1ock.
b) At eleven o'c1ock we carne - home.
e) Hurry - , or we shall be late.
d) The waiter put - many things on the bi1l. \
e) Jimmy put - the tent.
f) Jimmy put - his coat.


it. 1)
~ it



Escrbase una composicin de seis o siete frases, segn el esque-

ma siguiente:
Excursin en bicicleta - campamento con una tienda - al
lado de un ro - bosque - prado -, encender fuego y guisar -
dormir bien - ponerse en camino al da siguiente.

Escriban las formas contradas de los verbos de las oraciones

a) Has he not come?
b) We have put on our coats.
e) 1 could not do it.
d) Do you not see the river?
e} They have all come. Prl
1 cannot pay the bill.
g) David has not eaten his lunch.

David descubri no muy lejos de la ciudad Un valle muy
hermoso, donde haba un ro y al lado del ro un prado con un
bosque. Era un sitio muy bueno para un campamento y los
cuatro muchachos fueron all en bicicleta. Cada muchacho :>e y
encarg de (hizo) una cosa. John levant la tienda; David en-
cendiel fuego; Peter prepar la comida, y [immy fue a buscar W
lea yagua. Cuando [imrny regres, dijo: Has preparado la W
cena, Peter? S, he frito unos huevos con patatas y he hecho.
el caf. Sentaos y corned. Despus de la cena, David les pre-
gunt: Habis comido bastante? S,' gracias, contestaron.


Vocabulary and Pronunciation

1: clean (limpio).
1 nteresting (interesante), stll (todava), to lsten (escu-
e wet (hmedo, mojado), next (prximo), scond (se- pi
gundo), to spcnd (pasar, gastar).
a can dle (vela), perhps (tal vez, quiz), thanks (gracias),
to chat (charlar), Sturday (sbado).
a: dark (oscuro, sombro), frmer (granjero).

94 \

o: hall (sala, vestbulo), George (Jorge), lmost (casi).
Jo. hndred (cien), ncIe (to).
u: whom, whose (de who, quin), roof (tejado).
- al ou phone (telfono).
;ar - ai to invte (invitar).
oz voice (voz).
el name (nombre).
iones au tower (torre).
d3 George (d30: d3).
t muda en listen.

Pronombres interrogativos y relativos
Ya hemos aprendido: Who? (Quin? Quines?)
What? (Qu ?), en sentido interrogativo.
muy Who? tiene la forma iohom? en el acusativo:
un Who has come? Quin ha venido?
los Whom have you seen? A quin ha visto usted?
1 se
y la forma whose? en el genitivo:
scar Whose is this hat? De quin es este sombrero?
I la Whose hat have you taken? De quin es el sombrero que
cho, ha cogido usted?
ire- (El substantivo que sigue a uihose se pone sin artculo.)
on. Whom se emplea despus de preposicin:
From whorn did you get this? De quin recibi usted esto?
Who, whom y uihose se emplean slo para personas.
What? se emplea para cosas. Tiene una sola forma:
What has arrived? Qu ha llegado?
What do 1 see? Qu veo?
With what do you make it? Con qu lo hace usted?
RELATIVOS: Who, whom y uihose se emplean tambin como
e- pronombres relativos, para personas:
The boy who carne yesterday was Peter.
i), El chico que vino ayer fue Pedro.
The boy whorn 1 saw in the street has arrived.
El chico a quien vi en la calle ha llegado.


The boy from whom 1 got this book is your brother.

El chico de quien recib este libro es su hermano. fir
The boy whose hat was in the room has gone to the cinema.
El chico cuyo sombrero estaba en la habitacin se ha ido
al cine.
(W hose, relativo posesivo, se construye, como cuyo en cas-
tellano, sin artculo.)
Para cosas se usa el relativo which (witS), que no tiene ms
que una sola forma: de
The pen which is on the table is black. es
La pluma que est en la mesa es negra.
The pen which 1 gave you is good.
La pluma que te di es buena.
The film of which we ta1ked yesterday was good. v,
La pelcula de que hablbamos ayer era buena.
The house frorn which you carne yesterday was old. to
La casa de la que vino usted ayer era vieja. to
Whose se emplea tambin a veces para cosas: to
The house whose roof is red. to
La casa cuyo tejado es rojo. to
Pronombres interrogativos Fl
Singular y plural

Personas Cosas

Sujeto Who? What?

Complemento Whom? What?
Posesivo Whose? of what?
Despus de preposicin Whom? What?

Pronombres relativos
Singular y plural
Personas Cosas

Sujeto Who Which

Complemento Whom Which
Posesivo Whose of which
Despus de preposicin Whom Which

96 7

Con las nomb res de las comi das no se pone el artcu lo de-
finid o:
After dinne r : despu s de la cena.
Befar e break fast: antes del desayuno.
to have lunch : toma r el almu erzo, almo rzar.
caso Uso calificativo del subst antiv o
ms En ingls el subst antiv o pued e empl earse como calificativo
de otro subst antiv o.
Much as veces da la idea del sitio de dond e provi ene o donde
est situa do el subst antiv o que le sigue.
Por ejem plo: The village churc h : la iglesia del pueblo.
Coun try peop le: gente del camp o

Verb os irreg ulare s

to sleep (sli: p) slept (slep t) slept : dorm ir.
to meet (mi: t) met (met) met: enco ntrar .
to build (bild) built (bilt) built : const ruir, edificar.
to know (nou) knew (nju: ) know n: saber , conocer.
to ring rang rung: llamar, sonar.
to spend spen t spen t: pasar, gastar.
to think thoug ht (80: t) thoug ht: pensa r.

Frase s
Com o To have a good time, se dice tamb in:
- To have a good day l '
(after noon , etc.) j pasar un buen da, etc.
? toma r una copita, bebe r algo.
To have a drink :
? por la radio, por radio.
On the radio :
? el sbad o (y as para todos los das
) On Satur day:
de la semana).
Como It is hot (cold, etc.) se dice:
It is dark : est oscuro, es de noche.
For a long time {Dur ante much o tiemp o.
1Desd e hace mucho tiempo.
The next morn ing: la maa na siguiente.
pero Next week : la sema na que viene.
to listen to (Usen tu): escuchar.
I listen to the radio.
I listen to my fathe r.

After supper the boys washed the dishes and plates and
made the camp clean. Then they went for a walk to a village
which was near and whose old houses were very well known.
On the way they met the man to whom the fie1d in which they
were camping belonged. He asked them if they were having
a good time and they said. Yes, we have had a very good day.
He then invited them to go to the village inn with him and

have a drink, So they went to a nice old inn which was in the
main stree t of the village. Wha t will you drink ? he asked
the boys, Beer, thank you very much, they all answered.
While they were drinking their beer they listen ed to the news
on the radio which there was in the inn. All the coun try people,
who were farrners, want ed to know what the weather was going
to be. They wanted dry weat her and a 10t of sun because on the
farms the fields were too wet. It had (haba) rained very mucho
The boys said goodbye to the farmers, who stayed in the nn,
and went on to see the old houses, which were built of stone, as
there is a lot of stone in the part of England which they were
visiting. They went back to their camp across the fie1ds and
throu gh the woods and when they carne to the tent it was a1most
dark. They could not find any matches for a long time, but
Peter saw that the fire was still burning and so they were able
to go to bed with a candle. The field in which they were camp-
ing was a very hard bed, but as they were tired they went
to sleep at once and slept well. The next morning they woke
up ear1y and had break fast and starte d off agan for the se-
cond day of their excursion.
Cont esten a las pregu ntas siguientes:
1. Wha t did the boys do after supper?
2. Why was the village well known?
3. Whom dd they meet on the way to the vilIage?
4. To whom did the field belong?
5. Where did they go in the village with the man?
6. Wha t did they do while they drank their beer?
7. Wha t did the coun try peop1e want to know?
8. How did the boys go back to their camp?
9. Did they sleep well?
10. Wha t did they do the next morning?
Unan estas dos frases por medio de un pronombre relativo:
a) The man is old - the field belongs to him,
b) We saw a churc h - it was beautiful.


- e) They went to an inn - its walls were white.

d) The country people were listening - they were far-
and mers,
llage e) The town was big - they started from it.
iwn. f) The supper was good - he invited them to it.
g) The boy is he re - his coat is old,
h) The man has come - 1 saw him yesterday.
and Completen las oraciones siguientes con preposicin:
ked a) The boys went - a walk in the village.
-ed. b) - the way they met a friendo
e) They listened - the radio.
pIe, d) He called his friend - the 'phone.
mg e) The houses were built - stone.
the f) They went -. bed and soon - sleep.
ch. g) We woke - early.
nn, h) He started - again on his bicycle.
nd Peter: Hullo, give me 2483 please. Hullo, can 1 speak to
ist [immy, please? This is Peter.
ut Voice: [ust a moment, I'll call him. [imrny, Peter is callng
ile you on the 'phone.
p- Jimmy: Hullo, Peter, how are you?
nt Peter: Fine, thanks. 1 wanted to know if you are doing any-
ce thing next Saturday and Sunday. As Saturday is a
e- holiday, 1 thought we could go for an excursion.
Jimmy: That's a good idea. 1 want to go to a village called
Bishopstown. We can go there on foot through the
woods if we take the train to a station called Clacton.
Peter: Yes, 1 know, those are the woods which belong to a
farmer who is ane of my father's friends. But 1 don't
know his name. We can ask my father and then visit
him. Perhaps he will invite us to lunch. If not, there
is a nice inn in the village where we can get bread
and cheese and a glass of beer.
[imrny : Yes, and there is also a very interesting old church
which 1 visited last year, whose tower is eight hundred
years old,
Peter: That will be interesting. We'll do that then. At what
time does the train leave?
[irnrny: At a quarter to ten from Victoria Station. Shall 1
meet you in the station, under the dock which is
in the main hall, at half-past nine?


Peter: A little earlier (ms temprano) perhaps. At twenty-

five past nine.
Jimmy: AH right, then. I'll see you on Saturday. Goodbye.
Peter: Goodbye.
Inglaterra es un buen pas para los muchachos que quieren
hacer campamentos durante las vacaciones, porque hay mu-
chos pequeos ros en que pueden baarse y al lado de los cuales
pueden levantar las tiendas de campaa. Los granjeros a quie-
nes pertenecen los prados son generalmente muy amables. Este
ao, nuestros amigos Jaime y Juan se fueron en bicicleta al sur
de Inglaterra, donde vive el to de Juan, a quien visitaron.
((Habis pasado un buen da ?, les pregunt el to Jorge. S,
muchas gracias, contestaron. (( Queris pasar la tarde con-
migo? Podemos escuchar la radio y despus de la cena podemos
ir a la fonda a charlar con la gente del campo. Maana podis
visitar el pueblo. La iglesia, cuya torre tiene doscientos aos,
es muy interesante.

El to Jorge invita a sus sobrinos a pasar el da en su casa
de campo. Los sobrinos aceptan.
(Ejercicio que se puede hacer en voz alta o por escrito.)


Vocabulary and Pronunciation

2: piece (trozo, pedazo).

2 tcket (billete), offcial (empleado, funcionario), silk
(seda), Brtish (britnico), dfferent (diferente, distinto),
winter (invierno).
e cntre (centro), fresh (fresco), Embassy (Embajada).
a hndkerchief (pauelo), sad (triste), land (tierra), blan-
ket (manta).
a: yard (yarda), to pass (pasar), rther (bastante), mark
(marca, sea).
o prbably (probablemente).
o: prter (mozo, portero), chalk (tiza).
A lggage (equipaje), sburb (suburbio), cstoms (adua-


nty- a: jurney (viaje).

e! plane (avin), same (mismo, igual), table-cloth (man-
tel), case (maleta), space (espacio).
ai wine (vino), time (vez).
011 coast (costa), ver (sobre, encima de).
ea erodrome (aerdromo).
.ren d muda en handkerchief (hnbtSif).
~ste Grammar
(S, Plural de los substantivos
on- a) Los substantivos terminados en -f o -fe cambian en
is el plural la -t, -fe en -ves:
OS, knives
knife (cuchillo)
life (vida) lives
wife (esposa) wives
leaf (hoja) leaves
rsa halves
half (mitad)
J.) Sin embargo, unos pocos siguen la regla general y aa-
den s sola:
roof (tejado) roofs
chief (jefe) chiefs
handkerchief (pauelo) handkerchiefs
grief (pena) griefs
cIiff (acantilado) cliffs
proof (prueba, compro- proofs
b) Ciertos substantivos cambian la vocal para formar el
man (hombre) men
woman (mujer) women
k (diente) teeth
foot (pie) feet
mouse (ratn) rnice

Ntese tambin:
child (nio) children

c) Ciertos substantivos tienen una sola forma para el SIn-

gular .Y el plural:
a sheep (oveja) two sheep
a fish (pez, pescado) some fish
(Fishes se emplea para peces, [ish para pescado.i F
d) Scissors (sizoz) : tijeras,
y trousers (trauzoz): pantalones
se emplean slo en plural, como en castellano.
Por ejemplo: Where are the scissors?

My trousers are dirty (sucia).
Clotli (klo): pao, trapo, tiene dos plurales segn el
cloths (klos): paos, trapos, tejidos (sin confeccionar).
clothes (klouz): ropa, vestidos (confecciones).
Otro se traduce por other C\l'5;), pero en singular se usa
siempre con artculo:
The other man: el otro hombre.
Con el artculo indefinido se contrae, formando una sola
palabra, another (;nA1'5;):
Another man: otro hombre.
En plural se emplea como otros (as) en espaol:
Other men: otros hombres. ,
Other women: otras mujeres.
Uso calificativo del substantivo (cont.)
1. Se emplea el substantivo como calificativo delante de ((

otro substantivo para indicar la materia de la cual est hecha

una cosa.
Por ejemplo: A silk handkerchief.
Un pauelo de seda.
A stone house.
Una casa de piedra. (Vase Lesson 20).
2. Tambin se emplea el substantivo como calificativo para
designar el uso que se hace de una cosa.
Por ejemplo: A flower garden.
Un jardn de flores.
A passport offce.
Una oficina de pasaportes.

srn- A veces se escriben en una palabra.
Por ejemplo: A bathroom.
A bedroom.

By train : en tren.
By bus: en autobs.
By plane } por avin.
By air j

Verbos compuestos
el dar.
To give:
To give up: entregar.
To make : hacer.
To make into: convertir en.
El verbo "to look"
Ya hemos aprendido to look at (mirar):
ila He looks at the hous e: Mira la casa.
Tambin se emplea to look como verbo neutro o intransitivo
en el sentido de parecer:
He looks sad: Parece triste.
He looks happy: Parece feliz.

El verbo "to arrive" (llegar)

Se dice generalmente to arrive in con nombres propios y
le to arrive at con los dems nombres:
The planes arrives in England.
1 arrive at the station.


Frmense todas las oraciones posibles
Mr. and Mrs. Lee go to England by plane?
you arrive in Spain by bus? Yes, ....
leave Madrid by car? No, o

Did David
their friends arrive at the seaside by train?



Mr. and Mrs. Lee left Spain this morning by air for En-
gland. The plane started from Barajas at nine o'clock. There
were several officials from the British Embassy in Madrid with (
their wives who were going to England for a holiday. They
crossed . over land and sea until they carne to the white cliffs
of the English coast and they arrived near London at about
four o'clock in the afternoon. When they got out of the plane
they gave up their tickets to an official of the aerodrome and
went to the passport office.. Another official looked at their
passports and then they went to find their luggage, They called
a porter who took the luggage to the customs, where another
official asked them to open their cases. Have you any wine,
tobacco or silk? he asked thern. No, we have only our clothes
and sorne books and one or two presents from Spain for our
friends in England. D Can 1 see the presents, please 7 D Yes,
here are sorne silk handkerchiefs and sorne yards of different
cloths from Andalucia to make into blankets or table-cloths.
That's all right, said the official and he put a mark on the
cases with a piece of chalk. Then the porter took the luggage
to a bus which was waiting to take them to the centre of London.
On the way they saw many of the little houses with small
gardens of the suburbs of London. Sorne streets had houses
which were all the same, and, as there were no leaves on the
trees because it was winter, they looked rather sad. However,
they passed several open spaces where the grass was very
green and looked fresh and beautiful. Soon they arrived at
Hyde Park, where the bus stopped and they got out.
Contesten a las preguntas siguientes:
l. How did Mr. and Mrs. Lee go to England 7
2. Who went with them in the plane?
3. What part of England did they see first 7
4. What did they do when they got out of the plane?
.5. What was there in their cases?
6. How did they get to the centre of London?
7. What did they see on the way?
8. Where did they get out of the bus?
Completen las frases siguientes con preposiciones:
a) They gave - their tickets - an official.
b) They got - of the planeo
e) She made the cloth - a table-cloth.
d) We arrived - England - planeo
e) The plane started - Barajas.
En f) You arrived late - the hotel.
vith Construyan las frases siguientes en plural:
litis a) He has a knife, a fork and a spoon.
out b) The tree has not one leaf on it.
ane e) Give me a cloth to clean the tableo
lnd d) He carne with his wife.
rer e) The man has abad tooth.
f) The farmer's wife bought a sheep.
ler g) This house has a red roof.
oe, h) That woman has no handkerchief.
les t) The doctor looked at the boy's foot.
mr j) There is a white cliff near Dover.
.nt Hagan preguntas adecuadas para las siguientes contestaciones
he a) Very well, thank you.
ge b) We carne by planeo
n. e) They arrived at four o'clock in the afternoon.
III d) 1 have only clothes and books.
es e) Yes, it is very hot in this room.
r, Construyan las frases siguientes en pretrito:
'Y a) The boy is wearing a new coat.
lt b) The boy wears the same coat every day.
e) 1 wake up at seven o'clock,
d) He waits for his father at the station.
e) Mary puts on a different hat every day.
f) Peter gets up at half-past seven.
g) The postman knocks at the door at about eight o'clock.
h) A porter takes the luggage to the bus.
i) The miIkman comes in the morning.
j) My sister often buys the food.

Esta tarde mis padres llegaron en tren a Barcelona viniendo
de Madrid. Yo estaba en la estacin cuando bajaron del tren.
Luego entregaron sus billetes y tomamos una taxi para ir a casa.
Despus del viaje mi padre pareca muy cansado. No le gusta
venir en tren. Siempre viene por avin si puede, pero esta vez


no haba billetes para el avin. En casa sac su ropa de las ma-

letas. No haba pauelos. Probablemente los dej en Madrid
-me dijo mi padre-, pero tengo un pauelo de seda nuevo
que compr ayer. Tambin compr esta tela, que es muy buena,
para hacer pantalones nuevos para los chicos. En este mo-
mento entr mi madre y dijo: ({Dnde estn las tjeras? Es-
taban en la mesa y se las di.


i: polceman (guardia), to lead (conducir), recipt (recibo),

clean (limpio).
e met (encontrado), btter (mejor), led (conducido), to
let (alquilar), to tell (decir, contar), ready (preparado,
a cpital (capital), rang (de to rng), lndlady (patrona),
gas (gas), gas ring (hornillo de gas).
o ldgings (hospedaje, alojamiento), stop (parada).
A a young man (un joven), to stdy (estudiar), month
u: to move (mover, moverse).
a in advnce (con anticipacin),
a: to serve (servir), srvant (criado -a), ~rtainly (por cer-
to, desde luego).
ai arrval (llegada),
ou to show (ensear), hotl (hotel), sfa (sof).
au how much (cunto -a), pound (libra).

Consonante muda
p en (recept (risi: t).

Los numerales
O nought
1 one first 5 five fifth
2 two second 6 six sixth
3 three third 7 seven seventh
4 four fourth 8 eight eighth


ma- 9 nine ninth 15 ffteen fifteenth

rd 10 ten tenth 16 sixteen sixteenth
LleVO 11 eleven eleventh 17 seventeen seventeenth
lena, 12 twelve twelfth 18 eighteen eighteenth
mo- 13 thirteen thirteenth 19 nineteen nineteenth
Es- 14 fourteen fourteenth 20 twenty twentieth
21 twenty-one twenty-flrst
22 twenty-two twenty-second
23 twenty-three twenty-third
30 thirty thirtieth
40 forty fortieth
50 fifty fiftieth
ibo), 60 sixty sixtieth
70 seventy seventieth
, to 80 eighty eightieth
ado, 90 ninety ninetieth
100 a hundred hundredth
ma), 101 a hundred and one hundred and first
200 two hundred two hundredth
500 five hundred five hundredth
mth 1,000 a thousand thousandth-
2,000 two thousand two thousandth
1.000,000 a million millionth

ier- Cardinales
Las unidades siguen a las decenas sin conjuncin, pero gene-
ralmente estn unidas con un guin:
23 twenty-three, 34 thirty-four, 45 forty-five, etc.
Hundred, thousand y million van precedidos de a o one.
Este ltimo se usa siempre que sea enftico.
Despus de hundred se coloca siempre and en un nmero
101 a hundred and one.
102 a hundred and two.
129 a hundred and twenty-nine,
Thousand slo lleva and cuando le sigue un nmero inferior
a cien:
10,263 ten thousand two hundred and sixty-three,
10,063 ten thousand and sixty-three,
19,004 nineteen thousand and four.

Ntese. La diferencia de pronunciacin entre:

nineteen (nint: n), con acento doble.
ninety (ninti), con acento sobre la primera slaba slo.

Los ordinales se forman aadiendo la terminacin -th (8)
a los cardinales.
Los tres primeros son irregulares:
[irst, second, third,
Five y twelve cambian la ve en i. iiith, tuielith,
Eight, terminando en t, aade h sola: eighth,
Nine suprime la e final al aadir th: ninth.
La y final de las decenas cambia en ie delante de -th:
tioentieth, thirtieth, etc.
Al formar un nmero compuesto, nicamente se modifica
el ltimo:
21 twenty-first
33 thirty-third
77 seventy-seventh
99 ninety-ninth
Se escriben los ordinales en abreviatura poniendo las dos
ltimas letras de la palabra despus del nmero:
21st, 33rd, 77th, 99th.
Se usan los ordinales para sucesin de soberanos. Entonces
se pronuncia el artculo aunque no se escriba y el ordinal se
escribe con mayscula:
George VI: George the Sixth.
Pius XII: Pius the Twelfth.

Ntense las frases:

Number two: el nmero dos
Page six: la pgina seis
Book eleven: el libro once
Chapter tour: el captulo cuarto
Part one: primera parte
Act one: acto primero
Scene three: escena tercera

Tbe Days of the Week Los das de la semana

Sunday (sxndi) domingo
Mond ay (mxndi) lunes
Tues day (tju: zdi) martes
Wednesday (wenzdi) mircoles
Thur sday (lb: zdi) jueves
Frida y (fraidi) viernes
Satur day (satadi) sbad o
En ingls se escriben los das de la semana siempre con ma-
to spend a day (a rnonth, a year, etc.): pasar un da (un mes,
un ao, etc.)
to ring the bell: llamar al timbre.
to answer the door : abrir la puert a (a alguien que ha llamado).
in advance: por adelantado, con anticipacin.
:a Verbos compuestos
to move (in): trasladarse a.
to look for: buscar. (Vase el verbo to look, Lesson 21).
to spend spent spen t: pasar, gastar.
to lead 1ed led : conducir.


Frm ense todas las oraciones posibles
was the hotel?
was the bus? Form en las con-
did you pay in advance? testaciones apro-
How much did you give the land1ady? piadas
did Peter spend?
was the journey by plane?

On the plane from Madr id to London Mr. and Mrs. Lee met
a young man from the University of Madr id' who was going
to Eng1and for ayea r to study English education (the system

of education in England). His father had (haba) gone to England

in the days of George V and had (haba) studied at Oxford. Pedro
was going to study at Oxford too, but first he wanted to spend
a month or two in London to learn English better and to see
the capital and the life of the capital. He spent the first night
after his arrival at a hotel and the next day he went to look for
lodgings, as he did not want to stay all the time at a hotel.
He left his hotel near Piccadilly Circus and asked a policeman
how to get to Chelsea. Take a bus from that stop: numbers 14,
22 or 96 wll take you to Chelsea in about twenty minutes.
Pedro got off the bus at Chelsea Town Hall and asked the way
to Oakley Street. Ir was a long street leading to the river and
he spent a long time before he found number 197. Ir was the
third house from the end. He rang the belI and a servant an-
swered the door. Have you any rooms to let?, asked Pedro.
Yes, 1 think we have. Will you come in, please. The landlady
carne and showed a bed-sitting room to Pedro. This room is
thirty shllings a (la) week and you can have breakfast and
dinner for thirty-five shllngs more. We don't serve lunches,
because everybody has lunch near his work. There is a bath-
room on the first floor and there s a gas fire and a gas ringo
So you can make tea if you like. The bed serves as a sofa during
the day. Very well, I'Il take the room, with breakfast and
dnner, When can 1 move in ? Well, the man who has it now
is leaving on Wednesday. We'll spend Thursday cleaning the
room and you can rnove in on Friday. 1 shalI ask you to pay a
week in advance. Certainly: that wll be sxty-ve shillings.
Here are three pounds and five shillings. Thank you; here is
your recei pt. Good morning. Good morning.

A. Contesten a las preguntas siguientes:
l. Whom did Mr. Lee meet on the plane?
2. Where was Pedro going to study?
3. Why did he want to spend a rnonth or two in London 7
4. Where did he spend his first night in London?
5. What buses go from Piccadilly to Chelsea 7
6. What was the number of the house in Oakley Street?
7. How much was the room which the landlady showed
to Peter?
8. What was there in the room?
9. How rnuch did Peter pay in advance?
10. What dd the landlady give him?


B. 1.Lean en ingls en alta voz:

gland 9, 50, 3, 34, 2, 471,
Pedro 17, 43, 295, 106, 42, 317, 1001, , 99.
spend 26, 61, 5904, 1946, 15, 27, 30, 888
meral citado.
os ee 2. Den la forma ordinal a cada nu
night cri ba n un a conversacin en ing ls de 10 lneas entre la
C. Es te en busca de hospedaje.
.k for pa tro na de huspedes y un estudian
hotel. siguientes:
eman D. Escriban en pasado las frases
a) He spends a mo nth in Lo
ndon every year.
rs 14, visit rny friends.
ites. b) 1 ring the bell when 1
c) This str eet leads to the riv
: way advance.
. and d) They always pay a week in
s the e) He moves in on Tuesday. odrome.
t an- O We give up our passport at the aer
edro. Traduccin
Ilady ra nueva casa en los subur-
El lunes nos trasladamos a nuest
m is llevando cosas de la antigua
an d bios de Londres. Pasamos el da a una. La nueva casa est en
ches, casa y buscando un sitio para cad el nmero de telfono (tele-
Laburnum Avenue, nmero 248,
bath- qu int a casa despus del cine
nng, phone number) es 9903. Es la s alguien llam a la pu ert a
urng viniendo . de la estacin. El ma hablar con el Sr. Armstrong,
and y yo la abr. Dos hombres queran que no viva all, y se fueron.
now a quien pertenece la casa. Les dij amigos para decirles a donde
the Enviamos cartas a todos nuestros ado tod o estaba listo y as
.ay a nos trasladbamos. Antes del sben la nueva casa con nuestros
ings. pudimos pasar el primer domingo
re is amigos.

t: degre (grado), immdiately (inme
ure (temperatura, fie-
e rs tau ran t (restaurante), tmperat
ion (pregunta) lmon
bre), rndicine (medicina), qust
Ion? entacin teatral), to un-
a pdntomime (especie de repres , dppetite (apetito) ba d
de rst n d (entender, comprender)
? (malo).
iwed a: dance (baile, danza). doctor).
o song (cancin), dctor (mdico,
o: story (historia, cuento).
/1. to accmpany (acompaar)

ei representtion (representacin), witing-room (sala de

espera), pain (dolor), lter (ms tarde).
ai ppetite.
ou show (representacin teatral), weIl-known (bien cono-
cido), throat (garganta).
au mouth (boca).
ie thatre (teatro). e
ea firy (hada).
t S temperature, question.
S representtion, sugar (azcar).

Los numerales (continuacin)
single (singel): nico, sencillo
double (dxbol): doble
treble (trebol): triple
quadruple (kwdru: pal) : cudruple
once (wxns): una vez
twice (twais): dos veces
three times tres veces
four times cuatro veces
Mitad y medio se traducen por haZf (plural haZves). Ntense
las construcciones:
a) haU the cake: la mitad del pastel.
half the house: la mitad de la casa.
half the money: la mitad del dinero.
b} half an hour: media hora.
half a day: medio da.
half a minute: medio minuto.
e) a half hour: una media hora.
d) an hour and a half': una hora y media.
Adjetivos indefinidos de cantidad
All: todo, todos.
All se emplea para traducir el pronombre todos, colocndose
entonces despus del pronombre personal o verbo auxiliar, o sea
delante del verbo principal:
We aIl have our hats: todos. tenemos nuestros sombreros.
They have aIl come today: hoy han venido todos.

de Much: mucho -a. Plural, many: muchos -as,

Se emplean a menudo:
o a lot of
plenty of
a great deal of
en vez de much y many.
Have you much tobacco? Yes, I have a great deal.
(1 have a lot.)
Plenty of da la idea de abundancia:
Re has plenty of money: Tiene mucho dinero
Severa/: varios.
I have several houses in the town.
Enough: bastante (s).
Have you enough bread? Yes, thank you, I have enough.
Little: poco. Plural few (fju:): pocos.
Re has little time to play.
Tiene poco tiempo para jugar.
Re has few friends.
Tiene pocos amigos.
A little: un poco. Plural, a few: unos pocos.
I have a littIe paper and a few books.
Tengo un poco de papel y unos pocos (algunos) libros.
How much? corresponde en plural a How many?
How much bread have you? Cunto pan tiene usted?
How many apples have you? Cuntas manzanas tiene usted?
Meses del ao: Months of the year
[anuary (dyanjuari) : enero
February (ebruori) : febrero
March (ma:tJ): marzo
April (eiprcl) : abril
May (mei): mayo
June (dyu: n): junio
July (d3u: lai): julio
August (o: gost): agosto
September (septembo) : septiembre
October (oktoubo): octubre


November (ncvembo): noviembre

December (disernbc): diciembre
Los meses, corno los das de la semana, se escriben siempre
con mayscula.


Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

a lot of time?
plenty of money
enough paper?
little bread? Formen las con tes-
Have you a little food? taciones apropiadas.
Have they much luggage?
Has he -
Has [ean many books?
Has [imrny few knives?
a few sheep?
several children?
enough presents?

Las fechas
Generalmente el ano se expresa por centenas, incluso des-
pus del ao 1000.
In the year nine hundred and forty-six.
En el ao 946.
In the year seventeen hundred and fifteen.
En el ao 171.5:
Muchas veces se suprimen las dos palabras hundred and:
In the year nine forty-six, seventeen fifteen, etc.
Tambin se dice:
In nine forty-six: in seventeen fifteen, etc.
suprimiendo the year.
Para expresar el da del mes se emplean los nmeros ordi-
nales. La frase va precedida de la preposicin on:
, On the first of [uly,
o On [uly the first.
On Thursday the eighth of October.


o On Thur sday Octo ber the eighth.

On Wedn esday the twen ty-ni nth of [anua ry.
pre o On Wedn esday [anua ry 29th.
On the thirty -first o August.
o On Augu st 31st.
En carta s se emplea la segun da forma, sin on:
London, Octo ber 1st, 1965.
Para expre sar un solo da de la semana se emplea tambin
- la preposicin on:
On Mon day: el lunes.
On Sund ays: los domingos.
Para indic ar el mes solo se emplea la preposicin in, as
es- como para el ao:
In Augu st: en agosto.
In Dece mber : en diciembre.
Geni tivo sajn
El genitivo sajn se emplea a veces con expresiones de
tiempo, adems de las de persona.
Por ejemplo: New Year 's Day: El da de ao nuevo.
A week 's holiday: Una sema na de vacaciones.
Frase s
At the beginning: al principio, a principios.
At the end : al fin, al final, a fines.
To get on: hacer progresos, enten derse .
To take se emplea con un perodo de tiempo en el senti do
de durar.
Por ejem plo: The bus takes an hour frorn X to Y.
Palab ras termi nada s en -cin (-tlon)
Las palabras que en castellano termi nan en -cin, general-
ment e termi nan en ingls en -tion (-S;m).
Por ejem plo: repre senta cin: representtion.
naci n: ntion.
1- estac in: sttion.
educ acin : eduction.
direc cin: dirction, etc.

Verb o
to unde rstan d unde rstoo d unde rstoo d: enten der, comprender.

Pedro spent Christmas and New Years's Day in London
with his English friends. At the beginning of January he went
with Harry Williams to see a pantomime at the Coliseum
theatre. Pedro now understood plenty of English and spoke F
enough to get on wel1. A pantomime is a representation (or
show) at a theatre, at the end of December and the beginning
of January especially for children. However, many people who
are not children go to see pantomimes also. The story of the
pantomime is always a well-known fairy story, but every year
there are new songs and dances. The show took an hour and
a half, and afterwards Pedro and Harry went to a restaurant
to have a little food. Harry saw several of his friends there and
they all talked about the theatre together. At the end of the
supper Pedro and Harry each paid half the bill. Harry's friends
invited Pedro and Harry to a party on [anuary 19th. Then
they all went home, Pedro took a bus, number 96, which goes (
to Chelsea. 11 Did you have a good time? asked his landlady
when he arrived home, Yes, 1 had a very good time, thank
YOU. 1 liked the pantomime and 1 shall go again once or twice.
It is a very good way to learn a little more English..
Answer these questions:
1. What is a pantomime? 1
2. When do people go to pantomimes?
3. With whom did Pedro go tothe theatre? !
4. To what theatre did he go?
5. Where did Pedro and Harry go after the show? 1
6. Whom did they meet in the restaurant? 1
7. Who paid the bill for the supper? 1
8. How did Pedro get home? ]
9. What did Pedro's landlady say to him when he arrived ]
10. What did Pedro answer her?
Complete the following sentences:
1. Christmas Day is on December -
2. New Year's Day is on - -
3. The -. month of the year is February.
4. - is the fifth month of the year.
5. - - days are there in a week?
6. There are - days in ayear.


7. Pedro spoke - English to get on.

8. PeopJe go to pantomimes - the end of December and
beginning of -
Ion 9. Harry's friends invited Pedro - a party.
mt 10. Pantomimes are speciaJly - children.
,ke Form questions for the foJlowing answers:
or 1. Yes, thank you, 1 had a very good time.
ng 2. There are thirty-one days in January.
ho 3. 1 have seen that film three times.
he 4. 1 saw severaJ of my friends there.
ar 5. 1 can see you tomorrow at four o'clock in the afternoon.
Id 6. We shaJl see him at the restaurant.
nt 7. A pantomime is a show for children at a theatre.
Id 8. 1 went there twice.
le 9. 1 spent Christmas at home with my family.
Is 10. No, 1 dori't often go to the cinema.
~s Conversation
y Ar IHE Docron's
Mr. Goldsmith: Good morning. Can 1 see Doctor Brown pJease?
The servant: Yes, wiJJ you come in, please, and wait in the
waiting-room. 1 shaJl caJl the doctor.
(Mr. Goldsmith goes into the waiting-room.
Half a minute later Doctor Brown comes in.)
Doctor: Good morning, Mr. Goldsmith. What can 1 do
for you?
Mr. GoJdsmith: Doctor, 1 don't feeJ weJ1. 1 have a great deaJ of
pain in my throat and very little appetite,
Doctor: Have you a temperature?
Mr. GoJdsmith: Yes, 1 think so.
Doctor: How much?
MI. GoJdsmith: Not very mucho About one degree.
Doctor: WiJI you open your mouth, pJease? Yes, your
throat is very red, but that is not too bad. Take
this medicine three times a day (al da) after
food. Drink plenty of hot water with Jemon and
sugar; and stay in bed. In February and March
there are a lot of colds in the town.
Composition: "A Visit to the Pantomme.
ESQUEMA: Descripcin de una pantomime en Londres: un
joven espaoJ va al teatro con un amigo ingls:
regresa a casa despus de la representacin.


En los primeros meses del ao, enero, febrero y marzo, hay

muchos resfriados en Inglaterra porque hace fro y llueve a
menudo. Jaime tuvo un resfriado muy fuerte (malo) a fines de
febrero y fue al mdico. El mdico le mir la garganta" y le pre-
gunt si tena fiebre. Quiz un POCO, contest Jaime. Enton-
ces vaya usted a la cama inmediatamente y beba usted, cada
media hora, un vaso de agua caliente con la mitad de un limn
y un poco de azcar. Tome usted tambin esta medicina despus
de las comidas. A principios de marzo veremos si se siente
usted mejor. As Jaime se qued en la cama varios das, pero
no estaba muy mal y pronto se levant para visitar a varios
amigos que vivan cerca de l. Hola, Jaime, cmb ests?,
le dijeron. Mucho mejor, gracias. Me siento muy bien ahora.
Dentro de media hora voy al cine. Quin quiere acompaar-
me? Iremos todos. Cunto dinero tienes, Jaime? Tengo
bastante para t. Ven.i Y se fueron todos al cine.
(" En ingls hay que decir: el mdico mir su garganta.)


z: to need (necesitar), tweed (tela, tweed).

1 thin (delgado).
e masurement (medida).
a jcket (americana), flnnel (franela), dmirable (ad-
o impssible (imposible), pssible (posible).
o: lwyer (abogado), to rder (ordenar, encargar), frmal
(de vestir), worn out (gastado), sports (de deporte).
A hrry (prisa), such (tal), cut (corte).
u pllover (jersey).
u: suit (traje).
a: crtain (cierto).
au cow (vaca), withut (sin).
ei tilor (sastre).
ou pllover.
ai stripe (raya).
3 masurement.

a El artculo
n A se emplea: 1, antes de consonante. (Vase Lesson 1.)
la 11, antes de u, eu, cuando se pronuncian ju:
in a useful person (;) ju: sful po : san),
~s a European war (;) iju: rapian wo:).
111, antes de 0, cuando se pronuncia Wll.:
lS a one-legged mano
AN se emplea: 1, antes de vocal. (Vase Lesson 1.)
11, antes de h muda:
'. an hour.
A (o AN) se emplean, al contrario que en espaol:
1, antes de un substantivo que exprese la profesin,
nacionalidad, religin u otra particularidad de la
He is a Frenchman: Es francs.
He is a doctor, a lawyer, etc.: Es mdico, aboga-
do, etc.
11, antes de hundred (cien) y thousand (mil) en sin-
There are a hundred houses in this street,
Hay cien casas en esta calle.
pero There are two hundred houses in this street.
Hay doscientas casas en esta calle.
He gave me a thousand cows,
Me dio mil vacas.
pero He gave me two thousand cows.
Me dio dos mil vacas.
111, para expresar la unidad de tiempo, peso y medida:
Three times a day after food.
Tres veces al da despus de las comidas.
Two shillings a pound,
Dos chelines la libra.
Fourpence a yard.
Cuatro peniques la yarda.


IV, con substantivos en aposicin se pone a o the, 1

segn el sentido:
Madrid, a beautiful city.
Madrid, ciudad hermosa.
Madrid, the capital of Spain.
Madrid, capital de Espaa.
V, despus de as en el sentido de como, en calidad de:
As a wife, she is admirable.
Como esposa, es admirable.
VI, despus de iohat, exclamacin (i qu l ), such (tal).
halj (medio), unthout (sin), y delante de certain
(cierto) :
What a fine man!
i Qu hombre ms esplndido!
Such a thing is not possible.
No es posible tal cosa.
Half an hour.
Media hora.
Tambin: An hour and a half,
Una hora y media.
Without a hato
Sin sombrero.
A certain boyo
Cierto chico.
VII, ntense los modismos:
to be in a hurry: tener prisa.
to have an appetite: tener apetito.
to have a temperatu re: tener fiebre.
ONE. Un, una, se traduce por one:
a) en el sentido de uno solo:
I have one book, but he has two.
Yo tengo un libro, pero l tiene dos.
b) en el sentido de cierto:
One day: un da, cierto da.
c) delante de of:
One o them: uno de ellos.
d) en contraste con otro:
One half for me, the other for you,

le, Frase
Will you come this way: Quiere usted vemr por aqu.


Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

a doctor?
Are you a lawyer? Contstese:
). an EngJishman?
n Is he a Frenchman? Yes, .,."."",.,.".
a Spaniard?
Is your friend a teacher? No, ', ... ".",.,.,
a tailor?
a policeman?

After a few months in London, Pedro found that his cJothes
were worn out. However, he knew aman who was a tailor in
Sackville Street and he went to order a new suit. The tailor's
was at number 43 Sackville Street. He went there one afternoon
at about half-past four. "Can you show me sorne cloths for
a suit? he asked. Yes, sir, do you want a country suit or a
town suit? ,,1 think 1 need one country suit and two town
suits, or perhaps, instead of the country suit, a sports jacket
with a pullover and a pair of flannel trousers. Here is a useful
cloth, sir, a dark blue tweed with a thin white stripe. As a town
sut, it is formal but not too forrnal. Yes, 1 Jike that very
mucho For the second suit 1 need a brawn cloth. What a fine
cJoth that is l Can 1 buy sorne of that cloth to take back to Spain?
"We do not sell cloth, but 1 think we could show you where you
could buy sorne. About how much does it cost ? About
twenty-one shilJings a yard. That is dear, but as such a cJoth
is impossble to find out of England, 1 shall buy sorne. Now the
sports jacket. Will you show me your cloths for that? "Yes, sir,
how do you like this dark green? Very well, 1 shall have a
sports jacket in ths. Very good, sir, will you come this way
and we shall take your measurements. Are you in a hurry for
your new clothes ? "y es, 1 need them soon. So Pedro ordered
two suits and a sports jacket. As he carne out of the tailor's he


met one of his friends. Hullo, Harry, 1 have ordered sorne T

new clothes from this tailor. Is he good? Oh, yes, as a tailor,
he is very good. You will like his cut very much. E
Answer these questions: d
1. What did Pedro find after a few months in England? b
2. Where was the tailor's where Pedro went?
3. At what time of the day did he go there? tI
4. What clothes did Pedro order from the tailor? E
.5. Why did Pedro want to take sorne cloth back to Spain? e
6. Was Pedro in a hurry for his new c1othes? s
7. Whom did Pedro meet as he was coming out of the t
tailor's? b
8. What did Harry say to Pedro?
Form questions for the following answers:
a) Yes, 1 like that cloth very mucho
b) No, we don't sell cloth.
e) About thirty shillings a yard.
d) No, 1 don't need them before next month.
e) No, as a tailor, he is not very good.

Complete the following sentences with the correct prepositions:

a) My clothes are all worn -.
b) 1 shall go - London - order a new suit.
e) He Uves - number 65 Oxford Street.
d) Will you come - half-past four?
e) 1 want sorne cloth _. a suit.
f) - - a country suit, make a sports jacket and flannel
g) Are you - a hurry - your new clothes?
h) Coming - - the tailor's, he met a friendo
i) 1 have a dark blue suit - a white stripe.

At the Tailor's desde After a few months ... hasta
(L flannel trousers.

A visit to the tailor's.i
(Necesitar traje nuevo; ir al sastre; dnde vive, etc.; di-
logo con el sastre; tomar medidas; volver a casa.)
Escribirlo en pasado.

ne Translation
)r, Un da, Pedro fue al sastre para encargar un traje nuevo.
En casa del sastre enco ntr a uno de sus amigos que era mdico
y a otro que era abogado. El prime ro era muy malo como m-
dico, pero el otro, como abogado, era bien conocido. {( i Qu hom-
bre ms amab le! , dijo el abogado al mdico, habla ndo de Pedro
{( i. Quie re usted venir por aqu? D, dijo el sastr e a Pedro , que
tena prisa y por eso no poda habla r much o con sus amigo
El sastr e le ense varia s telas y Pedro encarg un traje casta o
? con rayas blancas. Le cost diez libras. Despus de medi a hora
sali Pedro de casa del sastr e y se fue a la Univ ersid ad para
le traba jar un poco. All enco ntr a cierta persona, que era muy
buena, pero muy poco conocida como profesor.


t: cheap (barato), sleevc (manga).

e to mend (remendar).
o ctto n (algodn).
/1. in frnt of (dela nte de, enfre nte de).
. u wool (lana), to loo k after (cuidar).
ai size (medida, tamao), quite (bastante).
JU: pure (puro).
ie really (realm ente) .
o: warm (caliente, clido).
a: to last (dura r).
1 to fnish (acabar, termi nar).
au utfi tter's (tiend a para hombres).

Gram mar
Verb os auxiliares defec tivos
El verbo MUS T (mxs t): deber, tener que, habe r de.
Este verbo tiene una sola forma, que se usa para todas las
perso nas del prese nte de indicativo. No tiene infinitivo, pasad
ni otros tiemp os.
1 must : debo, tengo que, he de
you must etc.
he must
we must
you must
they must

Ntese que la tercera persona del singular de los verbos de- F

fectivos se forma sin s en el presente.
Forma negativa: 1 must not
you must not
Contraccin de la forma negativa: 1 mustn't (mxsont)
you mustn't
En ingls el verbo must va seguido del infinitivo SIN to:
Por ejemplo: 1 must go: tengo que ir, debo ir.
Para los dems tiempos se usa el verbo tener que, que se
traduce to have to (el que del modismo castellano no se traduce
en ingls):
To have to go: tener que ir.
1 had to go yesterday : tuve que ir ayer. ti
1 shall have to go: tendr que ir. SI
1 have had to go today: he tenido que ir hoy.
En presente se puede emplear el verbo to have to tambin:
1 have to go now
1 must go now tengo que irme ahora.

Deber de 1
Must traduce tambin el castellano deber de:
It must be good : debe de ser bueno.
He must be upstairs: debe de estar arriba.
To have to no se emplea en este sentido. Por lo tanto, el
pasado de deber de se forma con must y el infinitivo pasado
del verbo siguiente:
Ha debido de irse a casa.
H e must h ave gane h ame Debi de irse a casa.
Traduccin del modismo castellano "que" seguido de infinitivo
Las frases como: Tengo mucho que hacer.
Tiene usted algo que leer?, etc.
se traducen en ingls con el infinitivo con to, sin traducir la
palabra que, de la misma manera que en el modismo tengo que
ir (1 have to go):
1 have much to do.
Have you anything to read 7, etc.

de Frase s
Little by little : poco a poco.
Next week : la sema na que viene.
Last week : la semana pasada.
In aH: con todo, en total.

Quite tiene dos sentidos:

a) basta nte quite cheap : basta nte barat o.
b) completamente quite finish ed: comp letam ente acabado
To go on: tradu ce el castellano seguir, continuar, y se cons-
truye con el verbo dependiente en gerundio:
Wi1l you go on readi ng?
Quiere usted seguir leyen do?

One: En ingls el adjetivo no se puede emplear sin subst an-

tivo, salvo en casos excepcionales. Si se omite el substantivo,
se pone one como prono mbre :
A pullover, sir; yes, here is a nice one.
This shirt is cheap, but that one is too dear.
Sin embargo, these y those se emplean solos:
The se are good, but those are bad.

To pay:
Pagar una cosa se dice en ingls to pay for a thing.
Por ejemplo: I have paid for the meat.
He pagado la carne.


Frmense todas las oraciones posibles
[imm y buy new clothes.
Jean can go back to Spain.
a 1 stay in bed.
e We must drink plenty of water.
You see Doct or Brown.
Our friends had to learn a little more English



One afternoon Pedro went to the outfitter's as he needed

sorne shirts, socks, a pullover and other things. {( You really F
must buy sorne more clothes, said his landlady, I can't go on
mending these socks: they are too old. II {( But 1 haven't much
money: last week 1 had to buy sorne new suits. {( Yes, that is
because you wait until everything is worn out and then you
have nothing to wear. You must buy things little by little and
not wait until everything is worn out. Next week you will have
no socks if you do not buy sorne more. So Pedro went to an F
outfitter's in the next street. Good morning, sir, what can 1 do
for you? {( 1 need some socks. {( Yes, sir, what size do you take?
Size eleven. Here are sorne nice socks. Are these cotton
or wool socks? They are pure wool, sir, and quite cheap,
only three shillings a pair. Then 1 shall take these four pairs. F
{( Yes, sir, anything more, sir? {( Yes, 1 need a warm pullover.
{( With sleeves or without sleeves? II With sleeves, and it must
be pure wool. That is a nice one, but it must be dear. {( Yes,
that is quite dear, two pounds two shllings. Well, 1 shall
take that too as it is good. Now, 1 need two shirts, size fifteen
and a half. White or coloured, sir ? "Oh, white, 1 always
wear white shirts. {( Do you like these? They will last well.
Yes, give me two of these. How much do they cost? Seventeen
shllings and sixpence each. How much does all that cost?
It must be quite a 101. Four pairs of socks at three shllings
is twelve shllings; two pounds two shillings the pullover, 1
that it two pounds fourteen; two shirts at seventeen and six
each is thirty-five shllings; in all four pounds nine shillings.
Well, that is enough for today. Here are four pounds ten shil- 11
lings. Thank you, sir, one shilling change. Good morning, SiL) t
Good morning. 11
Answer the fol1owing questions: n
a) Why did Pedro go to the outfitter's?
b) Why couldn't the landlady go on mending his socks?
e) Why does Pedro have nothing to wear?
d) What did Pedro buy first?
e) How much did he pay for his socks? 1
f) Were they wool or cotton socks?
g) Did Pedro want a pullover with sleeves or without r
sleeves? e

h) How much did he pay for his pullover?

t) What coIour shirts did he buy?
j) How much did he pay for each shirt?
lIy Form questions for the following answers:
on a) 1 want sorne socks, please,
eh b) These are five shillings a pairo
IS e) No, nothing more, thank you.
)u cf) Yes, 1 can speak a littIe English.
ld e) Yes, 1 must go to work every day.
m Form all the sentences possible with the foIlowing words:
lo Pedro ~ must go J to
? We t h e station
. {tomorrow
III Our friends h a d to go yesterday
Put the verbs in tbe past tense (pretrito)
. a) 1 wear this suit on Sundays.
st b) We always buy fish on Friday.
s, e) Pedro cannot go on wearing his old socks.
II d) We must go into that shop.
n e) She pays sixpence for her ticket on the bus.
/s f) Harry never eats eggs for breakfast.
g) 1 know that he is corning,
n h) We have to take a bus to go to church.
? i) We get out of the bus in the High Street.
,s j) When 1 come home, 1 find my wife in the kitchen.
When he left the outfitter's Pedro got on a 'bus and went
home. When he arrived at his house in Oakley Street he found
that his landlady was in bed with a temperature. She must
have eaten something which was not good for her, the doctor
said to Pedro. You must look after her tonight. She must
sleep and she must not eat anything until 1 come again tomorrow
morning. So Pedro had nothing to eat that night. But the next
morning the Iandlady was better and was able to bring Pedro
a big breakfast in bed. Are you better? he said to her,
when she carne into his room. Yes, I'm all right now, thank
Esta maana tengo que ir a Oxford Street a comprar un
regalo para el santo" de mi padre, pens Pedro, cuando sali de
casa. Qu puedo comprarle? En aquel momento pas por de-

lante de un estanco y vio unas pipas. Entr en la tienda y pidi

una buena pipa. Aqu tenemos una muy buena que no cuesta
demasiado: slo diez chelines. No me gusta este tamao -dijo
Pedro-o No hay una distinta? Le gusta sta? Es bonita.
Cunto cuesta? Doce chelines. Muy bien, me llevar sta.
Entonces Pedro pag la pipa y sali de la tienda.
(* the saint's-day.)


i: Easter (Pascua), disagreable (desagradable).

i lquid (lquido), fnger (dedo de la mano), king (rey), l
dfficult (difcil).
e rest (descanso, descansar).
a tax (impuesto), cptain (capitn).
a: aunt (ta), prcel (paquete).
o: war (guerra), fotball (ftbol, pelota de ftbol).
u football.
a: brthday (cumpleaos).
ex game (juego).

El artculo (continuacin)
En ingls se omite el artculo definido:
a) Cuando se habla de cosas, personas o abstracciones en
Books are useful: Los libros son tiles.
Taxes are disagreeable: Los impuestos son desagradables. p
Life is difficult: La vida es difcil. n
War is not good: La guerra no es buena.
Pero en sentido determinado se emplea el artculo:
Water is a liquido (General).
El agua es un lquido.
pero The water is hot this evening.
El agua est caliente esta tarde.
128 9-1

pidi b) Norm alme nte antes de nomb res propi os y de ttulo s:

uesta 1 have neve r seen King George.
-dijo No he visto nunc a al rey Jorge.
iita. Capta in Hard y: El capit n Hard y.
ista. In Engl and: En Ingla terra.
(Pero ntese que se empl ea el artcu lo delan te de pas en
plura l:
In the Unite s State s.
En los Estad os Unid os.)
Mon t Blanc is a very high moun tain.
El Mon t Blanc es una mont aa muy alta.
(Pero se empl ea el artcu lo cuand o se trata de una cordi-
llera de mont aas:
The Alps : Los Alpes.
The Pyren ees: Los Pirineos.)
Oxfo rd Stree t is very long.
(en caste llano : El Paseo de Grac ia es muy largo.)
Watl ing Stree t is very impo rtant.
Num ber four: El nme ro 4.
e) Desp us de whos e (cuyo ):
The man whos e son is here.
El homb re cuyo hijo est aqu.
d) Delan te del pose do cuan do el posee dor est delan te en
form a de genitivo sajn :
Mary 's book : . El libro de Mary.
Thes e boys' moth er: La madr e de estos chicos.

~s en Adje tivo poses ivo en vez de artcu lo

En ingls se pone el adjet ivo posesivo (my, your, his, etc.)

es. para tradu cir el artcu lo caste llano (el, la, los, las) delan te
nomb res que se refier en a las parte s del cuerp o y de los vesti dos:
He has broke n his leg: Se ha roto la piern a.
Put on uour coat : Ponte el abrigo.

e) En las frase s:
Next week, next mont h, next year, next time.
(La sema na que viene, el mes que viene, el ao que
viene, la prxi ma vez.)

Last week, last mont h, last year, last time.

(La semana pasada, el mes pasado, el ao pasado, la
ltim a vez.)
In bed, at school, at church, at home, in town, at
work, at resto
(En la cama, en la escuela, en la iglesia, en casa, en la
ciudad, traba jando , descansando.)
To bed, to school, to church, to market, to town, home.
(A la cama, a la escuela, a la iglesia, al mercado, a la
ciudad, a casa.)
y From school, from church, from home, from town.
(De la escuela, de la iglesia, de casa, de la ciudad.)
To have time to: Tene r tiempo para.
On Sunday, etc.: El domingo, etc.
On Mondays, etc.: Los lunes, etc.
AH day: Todo el da.
AH night : Toda la noche.
f) Con los nombres de comi das:
After break fast: Despus del desayuno.
Tea is at five o'clo ck: El t se sirve a las cinco.

Many happ y retur ns of the day: Much as felicidades.
(frmula que se emplea slo para cumpleaos.)
To be sorry : sentirlo, tener compasin.
Por ejem plo: 1 am sorry : 10 siento.
Sorry: Perdone, dispense usted (slo en senti do de
lo siento),
"Cumplir aos se tradu ce de la misma mane ra que tener
Por ejem plo: Toda y he is fifteen.
Hoy cumple quince aos.

Construccin con los verbos "to like" y "to spend"

El verbo depen dient e se pone en gerun dio:
1 like playing football,
Me gusta jugar al ftbol.
1 spend much time playing football.
Paso mucho tiempo jugando al ftbol.

Verbos irregulares
to break (breik) broke (brouk) broken (broukcn) : romper.
at to bring brought (bro: t) brought: traer.
le. In Spain people generally give presents and have parties
la on a person's Saint's-day. However, in England we generaHy
do this on a person's birthday. Birthdays, like Christmas and
'n, Easter, are days when children have a good time. Today is the
i.) 12th of August and it is Anne's birthday. Anne is Captain
Hardy's daughter and she lives in a big house in Epsom Avenue,
in the south of London. She is fifteen today. She got up early
and carne down to breakfast with her family at hal-past eight.
There were presents waiting for her on her plate and everybody
said: Many happy returns of the day, Anne. She then opened
the parcels and the postman arrived a little later and brought
her sorne letters from her school friends. In the afternoon
Captain and Mrs. Hardy gave a party for all Anne's friends.
( Where is Tommy Long? asked Anne, at the party. Oh, he
can't come, as he has broken his leg and is in bed. Really?
Oh, I am sorry. When did he break his leg? He broke it at
school last week playing football. Tommy Long, whose father,
es. Doctor Long, is an old friend of Captain Hardy, likes football
very mucho He spends all his time playing football and has not
time to learn his lessons well.
Several other friends of Anne carne to the party, however,
and they all had a very good time. Anne wore a nice new dress
which her aunt gave her as a birthday presento She did not go
to bed until late and said to her parents: Thank you very
much, I have had a very nice birthday.i

Answer the following questions:

1. What do people generally do on a person's saint's-day
in Spain?
2. When is Anne's birthday?
3. Who is Anne?
4. Where does Anne live?
5. How old is Anne?
6. At what time did she come down to breakfast today?
7. What do people say to a person on his birthday in

8. Who gave a party for Anne 's birth day?

9. Why wasn 't Tomm y Long at the party ?
10. Wha t did Anne 's aunt give her as a birth day prese nt?
Form questions for the following answers:
1. My birth day is on the 29th of Febru ary.
2. He broke his leg playing footb all at school.
3. Doct or Long is a very good docto r.
4. No, 1 do not work on Sund ays.
5. 1 gene rally come home after tea.
6. Yes, 1 think Capt ain Hard y's book s are intere sting .
7. The Pyren ees are in the north -east of Spain.
8. No, 1 have not gene to the Unite d State s this year.
9. Kng Geor ge the Sixth is king of Engla nd now.
10. The Caste llana is a beautifu1 avenu e in Madr id.
Formen oraciones escogiendo las palabras convenientes para
cada sujeto:
Capt ain Hard y my
Mr. and Mrs. Lee your
1 has ) his
You have f put on her
Mary our
We their

Escriban: "A Birth day hasta " ...his lesson well en pri-
mera perso na, como si Arme conta se ella mism a lo ocurr ido.
Desc riban en ingls la celeb raci n de un da de santo en
Espa a. (La familia, flores, visitas, regalos, paste les, bailes
teatro , cine, etc.)
Ayer fue el cump leao s de Tomm y. Cump li 19 aos, y sus
padre s, el docto r y la seor a Long, invita ron a much os de
amig os
amig os de la Univ ersid ad a pasar la tarde en su casa. Los
de Tomm y, cuya herm ana es muy guapa, se divir tieron much
Al llegar (cuan do llega ron) dijero n a Tomr ny : "Muc has felici
des, y algun os le trajer on regalos. Harr y le trajo una pelot
de ftbol, y Tomm y le dijo: "Muc has gracias, Harry . Para
las pelot as de ftbo l son muy tiles porqu e me gusta much simo
este juego. Los domi ngos paso much o tiemp o jugan do al ftbo
Desp us toma ron el t junto s y habla ron acerca de ftbo l y
la vida de la Univ ersid ad. Ms tarde fuero n al cine y despu
volvi eron a casa.



i: to keep (guardar, retener).

t dstrict (distrito).
e expnsive (caro), to recommnd (recomendar).
a txpayer (contribuyente).
o authrity (autoridad).
o:fo rtnig ht (quincena), of curse (desde luego).
A to run (correr, dirigir), pblic (pblico).
u bokshop (librera).
ai lbrary (biblioteca), to divde (dividir), fine (multa).
ou lcal (local) (adjetivo).
[u: stde nt (estudiante), to use (emplear, usar).
Voz pasiva
En ingls la voz pasiva se forma mediante el verbo auxiliar
to be y el participio pasado del verbo que se conjuga:
to be called: ser llamado.
1 am called : soy llamado.
1 am being called : estoy siendo llamado.
1 shall be called: ser llamado.
1 was called: fui o era llamado.
1 was being called: estaba siendo llamado.
1 have been called: he sido llamado, etc.
Las preposiciones espaolas por y de, en la voz pasiva se
tradu cen en ingls por by.
La voz pasiva se usa mucho ms en ingls que en cas-
tellano. Se emplea para expresar la forma reflexiva del castellano
cuando la accin del verbo no es verdaderamente reflexiva:
Por ejemplo: 1 am called Peter Me llamo Pedro.
It is said that. Se dice que .
It is known that. ; Se sabe que .

Tambin se emplea a veces la voz pasiva para expresar

la tercera persona del plural del verbo castellano en sentido
It is said that.. " Dicen que...

c) Verbos que en ingls se construyen en voz activa segui-

dos de una preposicin, en voz pasiva retienen la preposicin
despus del verbo.

Por ejemplo: John pays [or the dinner (activa).

The dinner is paid for by [ohn (pasiva).

d) El sujeto de la oracin en voz pasiva puede ser indistin-

tamente el complemento directo o indirecto de la oracin en

Activa: They give him a card ~

Pasiva: A card is given to him le dan una tarjeta.
o He is given a card

a) T o run, ran, rlm.
Intransitivo correr:
The boy runs across the field.
Transitivo dirigir (un negocio, etc.)
The man runs a bookshop,

b} To divide:
Se construye con la preposicion inio:
The library is divided into two parts.

e} To keep (ki: p), kept (kept), kept: retener, guardar.

Long es el adjetivo que se aplica al tiempo para significar
a long time: mucho tiempo.
durante mucho tiempo.
for a long time desde hace mucho tiempo.
too long: demasiado tiempo.
how long?: cunto tiempo?

Cmo se llama?

Cmo en esta frase se traduce por what?:

What is your brother called?
Cmo se llama su hermano?



Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

was built
The University was burnt
This bookshop was paid for last year.
This house was painted
The Public Library was opened last week.
The theatre was shut


Harry Smith is a student at the University of London and

he spends a lot of time at home reading. He needs a great
number of books, sorne of which he buys near his lodgings at
a bookshop which is called The Students' Bookshop, The
bookshop is run by aman who once studied at Oxford and
who helps Harry with his studies. He is called Mr, Howard.
However, as books are so expensive Harry often goes to the
public library near his home, which is called The Chelsea
Public Lbrary, This library is paid for and is run by the
local authorities; it can be used by the publico Any person who
wants to use the library can do so if he pays taxes to the lo-
cal authorities. If he is not a local taxpayer but lves in the local
district, he can also use the library if he is recommended by
two taxpayers. People from another district cannot use the
library. A person who can use the library is given a card which
he shows when he goes into the library. The library is gene-
rally divided into two parts; a reading-room where there are
chairs, tables and newspapers and where people sit and read
or study; and the room where the books are kept. People can
go into this room and take out two or three books which they
can read in the reading-room or take home for a certain time,
generally a fortnight. If the books are kept too long by a person,
he has to pay a fine of a few pence.
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the bookshop called where Harry Smith buys
his books7
2. By whom is it run?

3. What is the public library called where Harry often

4. Who pays for the public library7
5. Can the library be used by people who do not live in-
the local dictrict?
6. loto how many parts is the library divided?
7. How long can people keep the books at home?
8. Why must sorne people pay fines?
9. What are your local libraries called?
10. Where do you buy your books?
Escriban las siguientes oraciones en voz pasiva:
a) Her father calls her Kitty.
b) Mr. Howard has helped Harry very mucho
e) They say that he is not well.
d) [ohn broke Peter's bicycle.
e) They know that she is very beautiful.
f) The parents bought the toys for the children.
g) These men made the boxes.
h) We divided the house into three parts.
i) Our friend has paid for the dinner.
j) Harry took out three books from the public library.
Form questions for the following answers:
a) I have been here three weeks.
b) These houses were built by Mr. Brown.
e) I met him first in March, 1939.
d) The University is divided into four parts.
e) Books can be kept at home for a fortnight.
f) She is called Betty.
g) No, thanks very much: I have had enough,
h) Yes, I saw him at the theatre yesterday.
i) It is called The Students' Bookshop.
j) I went to England by planeo
Harry needed a book about Spain, so yesterday he went
to the Students' Bookshop in South Kensington and asked for
his friend Mr. Howard, who runs the bookshop.
Hullo, Harry, how are you? I haven't seen you for a long
time. Why don't you come here any more? D
Well, I have been reading and studying a great deal at the
University library, which is very useful for me. It doesn't
take me long to get there from my lodgings. ,, .

And how long does it take you to come here? D

Oh, 1 have to take a bus and it takes me quite half an
Well, do you want any book s?
Yes, 1 need George Borro w's Lavengro. Have you one
whic h is not too expen sive ?
Of cours e. This one is only a shilling. Anyt hing more ?
Not at the momento Have you got the book 1 order cd last
week ?
No, it has not arrive d. But 1'11 send it
to you, when it
Well, 1 must go now, Goodbye.
Goodbye, Com e again soon.
Com posit ion
A visit to the book shop.
(Dn de est; cmo se llega all; conv ersac in entre cliente
y libre ro; despe dida de los dos, etc.)
Tran slatio n
Un da Pedro quiso ir a la biblio teca que est cerca de su
casa para busca r un libro acerc a de las Univ ersid ades de
glate rra. La biblio teca se llama ba Biblioteca de Chelsea
estab a divid ida en dos parte s. En la prim era sala estab an pues-
tas las mesa s para el pbli co y todo el mund o poda entra r
leer los peridicos. En la segun da sala se guard aban los libros
y la gente no poda entra r all sin tarjet a. Pedro fue a la biblio
teca y pidi una tarje ta para sacar libros. LCm o se llama
usted ? D, le pregu ntaro n. Me llamo Pedro Gonzlez, conte st.
Tom e usted esta tarjet a. Uste d tiene que enco ntrar dos per-
sonas que vivan en el distri to de Chels ea para recom endar
Ento nces podr usted entra r en la biblio teca y sacar libros
Pero usted pued e reten er los libros solam ente quinc e das.
usted los retien e dema siado tiempo, tendr que pagar una multa


i: seat (asiento).
1 bsin ess (negocio), bbey (abada), bild ing (edificio),
histo ry (histo ria), posit ion (posicin), to begn (em-
e the rest (lo dems, lo resta nte), dlic ate (delicado).
a bbey, to stand (esta r de pie), such as (tal como).

o clumn (columna), cncert (concierto).

o: to supprt (sostener), crner (rincn, esquina), hall
(sala, vestbulo).
u boking-ffice (taquilla).
u: tomb (tumba).
a arund (alrededor de), dliccte, cncert, poston.
ez Wales (Gales), to remin (quedar, permanecer), to
explin (explicar).
az nside (adentro, interior), to write (escribir).
au arund.
oz to destry (destruir).
ou poet (poeta).
tI cntury (siglo).
w muda en write.
Vocales mudas
z en business (bznos).
o en history (hstri).
u en building (bldin),
Consonantes mudas
n en column (klom).
b en tomb (tu: m).

Pluscuamperfecto de indicativo
Se forma con el pretrito del verbo haber (1 had, etc.),
aadiendo el participio pasado del verbo que se conjuga:
1 had had haba tenido
you had had etc.
he had had
we had had
you had had
they had had
1 had been haba sido
1 had lived haba vivido
1 had gane haba ido, etc.
La negacin not se coloca despus del verbo auxiliar:
1 had not gane, etc.
Had he not gane?, etc.

Cont racci n: hadn 't (had not).

Por ejem plo: 1 hadn 't gone.
Hadn 't he gone ?, etc.
Prepo sition s
Arou nd y round se emplean para tradu cir alrededor de (en
el senti do fsico):
He went aroun d the tree.
He went round the tree.
[mid e, outside: formas ms enft icas de m o into y out:
He went insid e the house.
He is inside.
Wher c is the dog? It is outsi de.
Estas dos palab ras se empl ean tamb in como subst antiv os:
the insid e: el interi or.
the outsi de: el exter ior.
Verb os
to write wrote writt en: escribir.
to begin began begu n: empezar.
to stand stood stood : estar de pie.

Read ing
After Pedro had lived in Lond on a few mont hs and had met
several Engli sh friends, he was invite d to spend the aftern oon
with MI. and Mrs. [ones , sorne people who had come from
Wale s to live in Lond on becau se Mr, [ones 's busin ess was
London. Mr. [enes asked Pedr o if he had seen West mins ter
Abbe y, but Pedro had never been to West mins ter Abbey,
they decid ed to go there toget her one aftern oon. Pedro called
at the [ones 's at abou t half- past two in the aftern oon and they
all three took a bus to West mins ter Abbey. First, they walk
aroun d the outsi de of the abbey, of whic h only the churc
rema ins. Mrs. Jones expla ined to Pedro how the rest of the
abbey had been destr oyed durin g the Refo rmati on in the 16th
centu ry. Pedr o thoug ht that it was a very fine building. They
went insid e and Pedro liked the high roof and delic ate colum
whic h supp orted it, They saw all the tomb s of the great men
of Engli sh histo ry; the poets in one come r, such as Milto n and
Thom as Hard y; the kings of Engla nd, such as Edwa rd the
Conf essor and Henr y VII, whos e tomb is very beau tiful; and
great men such as William Pitt and the Duke of Wellington

When they had visited the Abbey, they went home to the
[ones's to have sorne tea, and, as Pedro had never been to a
Promenade Concert, they decided to go to one in the evening.
A Promenade Concert is a concert given in. a hall, but there
are only a few seats. The public stands and can walk about
the hall and change position. so it is cal1ed a prornenade
concert. After Mr. Jones had bought three tickets at the book-
ing-office of the Albert Hall, where the concert was being given,
they went in and waited until the concert began,
Answer the following questions:
a) From what country had Mr. and Mrs, [enes come?
b) Why had they come to live in London?
e) What did Mr. Jones ask Pedro?
d) How did they get to Westminster Abbey?
e) What did they do first when they had arrived at the
nWhat did Mrs. [enes explain to Pedro?
g) What did they do after they had visited the Abbey?
h) What is a Promenade Concert?
i) Where was the concert being given?
j) Where did Mr. Jones buy the tickets for the Promenade
Complete the following senten ces with propositions:
a) They had come - Wales - live in London,
b) Harry will cal1 - the tailor's at 5 o'clock.
e) Come at about three o'clock -. the afternoon.
d) I want to go -. the outside of the church.
e) It was destroyed - the Reformation.
f) They went - the Abbey.
g) He bought the tickets - the booking-offce.
h) I want to talk to you -. sorne business.
i) This book is written - Mr, Brown.
j) He arrived - the station - six o'clock,
El mes pasado fui a casa del seor Armstrong a pasar la
tarde. Fue muy interesante. A eso de las tres salimos a visitar
la abada de Westminster, que no est muy lejos de la casa del
seor Armstrong. Yo no haba visitado nunca la abada y me
gust mucho. En el interior se pueden ver las tumbas de mu-
chos grandes hombres de la historia de Inglaterra, pero me
gust ms el exterior. El seor Armstrong me explic que casi
toda la abada haba sido destruida en el siglo diecisis. El edif-

co fue empezado por el rey Enrique III en el ao 1245 y se

termi n a fines del siglo trece. Las columnas que sostienen la
bveda (trad ucir techo ) son muy delicadas y hermosas. Cuan do
salimos de la abada, haba empezado a llover y entra mos en
un saln de t para toma r una taza de t y esper ar un poco.
Dent ro haca much o calor y esperamos hasta las seis de la
tarde . Cuan do salimos del saln de t me fui a casa. La lluvia
haba cesado.
Form sentences with the following word s:
decide, century, destroy, outside, around, history, business,
come r, inside, position.
Form all the sentences possible with the following words:
1 l
Mr Brown
h d
eaten a sandwi ch
drunk a glass of beer
bO,ught a newspa per
pad for the luggag e '"
'e got
shall get
j iota the
~ 1
have smoke d a cigaret te 1
rs. .ee met Mrs. Brown


z lift (ascensor).
a: scarf (bufanda).
o stck ing (media), pck et (bolsillo).
o: store (almacn).
A glove (guante).
u: to suit (sent ar bien, ir bien).
au blouse (blusa).
az price (precio), knd (clase, especie).
e to tlephone (telefonear).
a stam p (sello de correos).

Gram mar
Condicional de indicativo
Se forma como el futuro, subst ituye ndo shall por shoul
y will por woul d:
I shou ld be I shoul d have I shou ld come
you would be you would have you would come
he would be he would have he would come
we shoul d be we should have we shoul d come

you would be you would have you woul d come

they woul d be they would have they woul d come
(sera, estar a) (habra, tendr a) (vendra).

Nte se la frase: Wou ld you like ?: (( Le gustara ?

Wou ld you like sorne bread ?: (( Le gusta ra un
poco de pan?
Cont racci ones: I'd, you'd, etc.
1 shoul dn't, etc.
you woul dn't, etc.
El cond icion al de can tiene la misma forma que el pret rito
1 could. Si hay que distinguir entre los dos tiempos, se pued
emplear la form a 1 was ablep ara el pret rito.
El verbo must no tiene condicional. Hay que emplear el
condicional de to have to (1 shou ld have to, etc.).
Frase s
to go shopping : ir de compras.
in time: a tiempo.
Verb o comp uesto
to try: inten tar, tratar .
to try on (de vesti dos): probarse.

Let us (o let's) se emplea delan te del infinitivo sin to para

form ar la prim era perso na del plura l de im-
perat ivo:
Let us go in: entremos.
Let us play tenni s: juguemos al tenis.
Let's go: Vam os! Vayamos.


Frm ense todas las oraciones posibles

go shopping.
Let's play tennis,
1 want to telephone Jimmy.
We must see a show.
Wou ld you like to go up to the first floor
take an early train.


Mrs, Armstrong lives in a town not far from London, so
every month she comes to London to go shopping. Last month
her daughter Betty carne down one morning and said to her
mother at breakfast: Mother, 1 should like to go to London
one day. Couldn't we go together and perhaps see a show or a
new film, if there are any good ones? Yes, dear, would you
like to come with me tomorrow? 1 must go shopping and you
need a lot of new clothes too, so we could go shopping together.
That would be very nice. What train shall we take? ((As 1 have
a great deal to do in London, it would be better to take an early
train. There is one at eight twenty-five. In the afternoon you
could go to a film or a show with your friend, Jean Lee~ while
1 visit the Browns. Then we could meet at the station and come
home in time for dinner. The next morning, when they had
finished breakfast, they started off for London and arrived
there at about ten o'clock, First, they went to a big store where
they sell men's and women's clothes. They bought several pairs
of silk stockings, a pair of gloves, and a scarf. Would you like
that nice blouse? Mrs. Armstrong asked her daughter. Oh,
yes 1 should like that very mucho It would look very nice with
my black suit and 1 need a new one. They asked the price of
the blouse and as it was not expensive, Mrs. Armstrong bought
it as a present for her daughter. Now let's go up to the first
floor to look for the new winter dress you need, Betty said to
her mother. So they took the lift up to the first floor, where
they asked to see wool dresses. Mrs. Armstrong tried on se-
veral and decided to buy a black one which suited her very
well and which she could wear with her black winter coat.
Answer the lollowing questions:
1. Where does Mrs. Armstrong live?
2. What does Mrs. Armstrong do every month?
3. Why did Mrs. Armstrong have to go to London?
4. What train did they take?
5. At what time did they arrive in London?
6. What did they buy first?
7: What did Mrs. Armstrong buy as a present for her
8. How did they get to the first floor of the store?
9. Would you like to visit London?
10. What would you like to do next Sunday?


"J ohn, could you give me a 2 1/ , d. starnp. please (tuppenny

ha'penny), I haven't one and I must post this letter this even-
ing as it is very irnportant.
"y es, I think I can. But why don't you always have a book
of stamps in your pocket, like me? Then you would always
have stamps when you needed thern.
"We1J, that is a good idea. I sha1J buy a book next time
I go to the post-office.


Would you give me a five shilling book of stamps, please?

How many stamps do I get for five shillings?
You get twelve 2 1/ , d. stamps, twelve 2d. stamps and
twelve 1/, d. stamps. There are also books with only six of
each kind of stamps and they cost two shillings and sixpence.
Well, give me one five shilling book, please. Thank you.
Good morning.



(Isabel, te gustara ir a la ciudad esta tarde a comprar unos

vestidos nuevos para el colegio? Necesitas una blusa blanca y
podramos mirar los abrigos de invierno al mismo tiempo. "S,
mam, me gustara muchsimo. Quiz podra venir Juana Lee
con nosotras: sera muy agradable. Desde luego. Vamos a
telefonear a su madre para invtarla. A eso de las tres de la
tarde salieron la madre y las dos muchachas. Al llegar a unos
grandes almacenes, pidieron una blusa para Isabel. "En el pri-
mer piso, por favor, dijo un dependiente. Subieron al primer
piso e Isabel se prob una blusa muy bonita que le sentaba muy
bien, y como no era cara, su madre se la compr. Despus baja-
ron otra vez y compraron varios pares de medias de seda para
la seora Smith. "Ahora tenemos que buscar un abrigo, dijo
Isabel. "S, me parece que hay buenos abrigos aqu tambin;
y se prob varios hasta que encontraron uno que le iba muy
bien. Despus volvieron a casa muy contentas.


i: esily (fcilmente).
l orginal (original), since (desde).
e neck (cuello), to attn d to (atender).
a shampo (champ).
a: past (por delante de), rchitect (arquitecto), as fr as
o mnument (monumento), top (cima, cumbre, parte su-
A nderground (el metro), such as (tal como), hirct
(corte de cabello).
ou ago (hace), to grow (crecer), so much (tanto), so that
(de manera que), whle (todo), althugh (aunque).
al to admre (admirar), kndly (amablemente).
ea rrely (raramente), Mayor (Alcalde), hirdresser (pelu-
ia ear (oreja, odo).
el shave (afeitada).
o: sort (clase, tipo).
k rchitect.
Verbo irregular
to grow (grou) grew (gru: ) grown (groun): crecer.

the day after tomorrow: pasado maana.
the day befare yesterday: anteayer.

Ya hemos aprendido muchos adverbios, como well (bien),
late (tarde), generally (generalmente).
Adems de los adverbios ms corrientes, que son por lo
comn irregulares y se aprenden poco a poco, en los vocabu-
larios, hay adverbios que se derivan de adjetivos, como en cas-
tellano hermosamente de hermoso, etc.
En ingls el adverbio se forma aadiendo -ly al adjetivo
(como en castellano -mente):
bad: malo badly : malamente
beau tiful: hermoso beautifully: hermosamente
( esplndido esplndidamente
brigh t 1brillante brigh tly brilla f
10 - C. ELEMEN TAl.

Ntese que los adjetivos terminados en -le pierden esta

terminacin al aadir -ly:
simple :

Los que acaban en ll aaden slo -y:
full: lleno fully: completamente
Los que acaban en -y la cambian en i al aadir -ly:
easy: fcil easily: fcilmente

Los que acaban en -ue pierden la e al aadir .ly: ,!
due: debido duly: debidamente
true: verdadero truly: verdaderamente
Posicin del adverbio
Hay dos reglas de suma importancia:
1. En ingls el adverbio no separa nunca el verbo del como
plemento directo: .
He talks English very well,
Habla muy bien el ingls.
2. Los adverbios de tiempo indefinido se ponen siempre
entre el sujeto y el verbo o entre el verbo auxiliar y el participio
pasado, o sea, delante del verbo principal. Sin embargo, en los
tiempos simples del verbo to be se ponen despus de este verbo.
1 always have tea for breakfast: Siempre tomo t para
Jimmy never goes to the cinema: Jaime nunca va al cine.
1 have often gane to London: Yo he ido a Londres con
He is often ill: Est a menudo enfermo.


Frmense todas las oraciones posibles

always has tea for breakfast.

[ean never goes to the cinema on Sundays.
often wears a coat in winter.
[imrny sometimes goes shopping every day.
generally smokes a cigarette after lunch.


El adverbio ago se emplea para traducir la palabra hace en
frases como hace dos aos, pero en ingls ago se pone siempre
despus del perodo de tiempo.
Two years ago : Hace dos aos.
Five days ago: Hace cinco das.
Se emplea para traducir desde, pero slo cuando le sigue una
fecha determinada:
Since last Saturday, he has been very i1l (enfermo).
Since 1921.
Since four o'clock, etc.
Desde, o desde hace, con un perodo de tiempo a continua-
cin se traduce por [or:
1 have not seen her for three years.
No la he visto desde hace tres aos.
for a week, for a month, for a long time, etc.
I La preposicin hasta se traduce de dos maneras distintas en

! a) until (o till) seguido de una expresin de tiempo:

Until four o'clock: Hasta las cuatro.
Until next week: Hasta la semana que viene.
b) As lar as, o up to, seguido de una expresin de lugar:
As far as Sto PauI's: Hasta San Pablo.
Up to the river: Hasta el ro.
The City 01 London is only a small part of the capital of
England.Originally, of course, it was the whole city, but that
was many hundreds of years ago. Since that time, the capital
has grown so much that many villages which before stood alone
are now part of London, such as Chelsea, or Chiswick. A few
days ago Mr. Brown took Peter and Mary to visit the City and
show them the places of interest there. Mr. Brown generally
takes the underground to go to his office, but that time they
went by bus so that the children could see where they were
going. The bus took them along Fleei Street, past the churches

of St. Mary-le-Strand and St. Clement Danes, which are very

fine and were built by two great English architects, James
Gibbs and Sir Christopher Wren. Then it continued up Ludgate
Hill as far as St. Paul's Cathedral, which was built two hundred
and fifty years ago by the same architect as St. Clement Danes,
Sir Christopher Wren. Here they got out of the bus and walked
slowly along the streets of the City, looking at the buildings
and monuments. They admired St. Paul's very much and visited
the City Churches, also built by Wren after the Great Fire of
London in 1666. Although it had rained hard all the morning,
the sun was now shining bright1y. I have rarely seen the City
look so nice as today, said Mr. Brown. Soon they carne to the
Bank of England and a fine building called the Mansion Hou-
se, which is where the Lord Mayor of London generaHy Uves.
They also saw the Guildhall, the halls of many of the City Como
panies and many business houses. We cannot possibly see all
the City in one afternoon, said Mr. Brown. We must come
back another trne. We could easily come again tomorrow,
said Peter. WeH, we'll see if your mother wants to come with
us tomorrow. If not, you could come with your mother the day
after tomorrow while 1 am at the office.
1. Answer the following questions:
a) When did Mr. Brown take Peter and Mary to visit the
b) How does Mr. Brown go to his office?
e} Why did they go by bus this time?
d) When was St. Paul's cathedral built?
e) Where does the Lord Mayor of London generaHy live?
f) Do you often go to the cinema?
g) Will you go to work the day after tomorrow?
h} Do you like tennis very much?
i) Is the sun shining brightly at this moment?
j) What did you do the day before yesterday?

2. Adase uno de los siguientes adverbios a cada una de estas

often, always, never, sometimes, general1y.
a) 1 smoke cigars.
b) He gets up at seven o'clock,
e} My parents go for a walk after dinner.
d} This girl dresses very badly.
e) These architects have built churches.

3. Adase uno de los siguientes adverbios a cada una de estas

the day befare yesterday, ear1y, at once, at first, again.
a) 1 saw the doctor.
b) Peter and Mary visited the city.
e) [ohn found the book under the tableo
d} We carne to the house to see you.
e) The men all retur ned home.
The Manager: Good morning, sir what can 1 do for you?
Mr. Smit h: 1 want a haircut, a shampoo and a shave, please.
The Manager: Yes, sir. Would you kindly take a seat and my
man will attend to you very soon?
The Assis tant: Who is next, please ?
Mr. Smit h: 1 amo Haircut and shave, first, and then a
Assis tant: How do you like your hair, sir?
Mr. Smit h: Not too short on top, please, and not too long
round the ears and at the neck.
The assistant cuts Mr. Smith's hair.
How is that, sir?
Mr. Smit h: That 's very nice.
The assistant shaves Mr. Smith.
Now for the shampoo. Wha t sort will you have?
Mr. Smit h: 1 think, as it is rathe r late, 1 must have a quick
Dry Shampoo.
Assstant : Very good, sir.
The assistant gives Mr. Smith a Dry Shampoo. Then
Mr. Smith pays and goes out.
((A visit to an interesting town. Usen tan slo palabras
Anteayer fuimos a VIsitar la parte antigua de la ciudad.
Vimos las murallas que se construyeron hace quinientos aos.
Desde aquel tiempo la ciudad ha crecido tanto que muchos
pueblecitos que antes estaban muy separados, ahora forman parte
de la ciudad moderna. Hay muchos autobuses que van desde
la parte nueva de la ciudad hasta las murallas de la parte anti-

gua. Llegamos a la catedral en autobs. Esta catedral se cons-

truy hace seiscientos aos, pero desde el ao 1400 se le han
aadido una torre y muchos monumentos. Al salir de la catedral
(tradzcase cuando salimos de ... ) fuimos a pie por las viejas
calles, admirando los edificios interesantes. Aunque llova un
poco, seguimos hasta el ro, sobre el que hay un puente muy
hermoso, que se construy hace cien aos.


1 to swim (nadar), wnnng-post (meta), to win (ganar),

wind (viento), to feel (sentir, palpar).
e fence (valla, cerca), net (red), exhibtion (exposicin),
to sparate (separar).
a to catch (coger), ldder (escalera de mano), brrel (barril),
swam (de to swim).
a: bar (barra), mster (maestro, amo).
o bstacle (obstculo).
o: caught (de to catch), to crawl (arrastrarse), to fall (caer,
caerse), ought (deber), for (ya que).
A to jump (saltar), btton (botn), swum (de "to swim).
8 appintment (cita, compromiso).
8: dirty (sucio).
ei race (carrera), gate (verja, puerta), aginst (contra), face
(cara), pinting (pintura, cuadro).
au graund (suelo).
al to climb (trepar), behnd (atrs, detrs de).
ou pole (poste) wnning-post, ro pe (cuerda) to blow (so-
plar), ver (encima).
ee stair s (escaleras).
Consonante muda
b muda en clim (klaim),

at en, a (sin movimiento).
about alrededor de, acerca de.
around alrededor de.
across a travs de.




\\ \~I~, """ .

out of

, JI


the finish
B between A and e


to at from D among the people


after despus de.

against contra.
among entre.
along a lo largo de.
before antes de.
between entre.
by por, junto a.
behind detrs de.
down bajo.
for por, para.
from de (procedencia), desde.
III en.
instead of en vez de.
into en (movimiento).
near cerca de.
of de (posesin).
over encima de, por encima de.
out of fuera de.
on en, sobre.
on to en, sobre (con movimiento).
off fuera de, lejos de, desde encima de.
since desde (tiempo).
to a (movimiento).
throu gh a travs de.
till, until hasta (tiempo).
unde r debajo de.
up arriba.
up to hasta (lugar).
with con.
witho ut sin,

Verbos auxiliares defectivos

El verbo OUG HT (o: t): deber.
Tiene una sola forma, ought (o: t), y tradu ce la idea de deber
mora l o la del deber no ineludible:
1 ough t we ought
you ough t . you ought
he ough t they ought
Al contr ario de otros verbos defectivos, ought se construye
siempre con to delante del infinitivo:
You ough t to go home : Debes ir a casa.


Se traduce muchas veces al castellano por el condicional de

1 ought to learn English: Debera aprender ingls.
1 ought to have gone yesterday: Debera haber ido ayer.
Construccin de los verbos de sensacin
Estos verbos [to see, to hear, to feel (sentir), etc.] se cons-
truyen con el verbo dependiente en' infinitivo, SIN to:
1 see him come: Le veo venir.
1 hear John call his father.
Oigo que Juan llama a su padre.
Verbos irregulares
to win won (wxn) won: ganar.
to catch caught (ko: t) caug ht: coger, asir, atrapar.
to fall (fo: 1) fell fallen: caer, caerse.
to swim swam swum : nadar.
to blow blew (blu: ) blown (bloun): soplar.
to feel felt felt: sentir, palpar.


Toda y Mr. and Mrs. Jones went to a field near Jimmy's

school to see him run in an obstacle race. There were twelve
boys in the race and one of the teachers started the race. He
said: Are you ready? and then: Go, and all the boys started
off. First they jumped over a fence. One of the boys caught
his foot on the top of the fenee and fell, Then they ran to a net
which was on the ground. They crawled under the neto One
boy caught his trousers butto ns in the net and could not get out.
The other s went on to a ladder. They climbed up the ladder,
crossed over a pole and went down a rope on the other side. Then
they arrived at a barrel. They crawled through the barrel and
ran to a small river. They jumped into the water, swam across
and got out of the water on the other side. Then they carne to
a pole, They jumped on to the pole, walked along it and jumped
off again at the other end. After this they had to go round a
tree and between the bars of a gateo Then they only had to ron
to the winning-post. [rnmy was winning, but Tom was not far
behind him, The wind was blowing aganst the boys' faces, but
Jimmy arrived at the winning-post first and then rested under
a tree, for he was very tired, dirty and wet.

Answer the foUowing questons:

a) Where was the obstacle race?
b) Why did Mr. and Mrs. [ones go to the obstacle race?
e) How did the master start the race?
) Why did one of the boys fall?
e) Why couldn't one of the boys get out of the net?
f) What did they do when they arrived at the barrel?
g) What did they do when they arrived at the river?
h) Who arrived at the winning-post first?
i) Was Jimmy tired at the end of the race?
j) Have you ever run in an obstacle race?

Form questions for the foUowing answers:

a) 1 generaBy get up at eight o'clock,
b) Yes, 1 should like to see it very mucho
e) He is called Peter.
) No, he can't ; he must go to the doctor's.
e) They have four children.
f) She answered his letter the day before yesterday.
g) Yes, my father can speak English.
h) No, 1 don't think it is very cold today.
i) My sister gave it to me.
j) Mr. Brown carne home by bus.

Form sentences with the foUowing words:

on, under, from, up to, about, at, off, into, out o,
between, since, in.

Complete the following sentences:

a) The master said Gor and the boys started-.
b) He climbed - the ladder to the roof.
e) The boys ran - the field to the house.
d) Every morning my father goes - at ten o'clock and
comes - at one.
e) He jumped - the water, swam - the river, and got -
on the other side.
f) Will you wait - me at the station?
g) [ohn asked bis fatber - sorne money.
h) Tickets can be bought - tbe booking-office.
l) Shall we go _. a walk?
j) Every morning the milkman comes - to all the houses.

Describe the pictu re o the obstacle race on Pg, 151.

Hullo, [ohn, How are you? 1 have n't seen you for a long
Oh, I'm all right, thank you. Where are you going?
I'm going home. I've just been (acabo de ir) to an exhibition
of Charles Hutc hinso n's paintings. Do you know them?
Then you certainly ought to go. Sha11 we go together one
day? 1 could not stay longer (ms tiempo) today, as' 1 must
go to the doctor's. 1 have an appointment with him in half an
hour. 1 ough t to have gone last week, as 1 had abad pain in my
leg but 1 waite d a little too long, so that now 1 can't walk very
Then you ough t to take a taxi home. Tomorrow 1'11 ca11
at your house and take you to the exhibition in my car. 1 must
stay at the office until six o'clock, as sorne one is coming to see
me at hal-past fve, but 1 can come for you at abou t a quart er
past six.
Very well, then. I'll see you tomorrow. Goodbye.
Goodbye. D

Tran slatio n
Ayer Peter f ones fue a pasear por los prados con sus amigos
[ohn y David. Salieron de su casa a las nueve de la maana
y antes de las nueve y medi a estaban fuera de la ciudad. Subie-
ron a una colina y en la cumbre se parar on para ver la ciudad
desde una torre que haba all. Subieron a la torre por una es-
calera muy oscu ra y sucia. Despus bajaron y descansaron
debajo de unos rboles. A eso de las doce emprendieron otra vez
la marcha, y el viento les soplaba fuert emen te en la cara. An-
duvieron hasta un bosque cerca de un ro en el valle. Atravesaron
el ro por un puen te y siguieron entre los rboles al otro lado
del ro hasta que llegaron a la granja del seor Robinson, a
quien conocan. Salta ron la cerca que separaba la granja de la
carre tera y llamaron a la puert a del seor Robinson.


Verbo To HELP (ayudar) (verbo regular o dbil)

Gerundio: helping Participio pasado: helped

Presente ((forma habitual Presente (forma continua)
1 help 1 am helping
you help you are helping
he helps he is helping
we help we are helping
you help you are helping
they help they are helping
Pretrito Imperfecto
1 helped 1 was helping
you helped you were helping
he helped he was helping
we helped we were helping
you helped you were helping
they helped they were helping
Perfecto Perfecto (forma continua)
1 have helped 1 have been helping
you have helped you have been helping
he has helped he has been helping
we have helped we have been helping
you have helped you have been helping
they have helped they have been helping
Pluscuamperfecto Pluscuamperfecto (forma cont.)
1 had helped 1 had been helping
you had helped you had been helping
he had helped he had been helping
we had helped we had been helping
you had helped you had been helping
they had helped they had been helping
Futuro Condicional
1 shall help 1 should help
you will help you would help
he will help he would help
we shall help we should help
you will help you would help
they will help they would help
Imperativo: help. - Let us help.


Voz Pasiva

Infinitivo: to be helped.
Gerundio: being helped.
Presente (forma habitual Presente (forma continua)
1 am helped 1 am being helped
you are helped you are being helped
he is helped he is being helped
we are helped we are being helped
you are helped you are being helped
they are helped they are being helped
------ Imperfecto
1 was helped 1 was being helped
you were helped you were being helped
he was helped he was being helped
we were helped we were being helped
you were helped you were being helped
they were helped they were being helped
Perfecto Pluscuampreiecto
1 have been helped 1 had been helped
you have been helped you had been helped
he has been helped he had been helped
we have been helped we had been helped
you have been helped you had been helped
they have been helped they had been helped
Futuro Condicional
1 shall be helped 1 should be helped
you will be helped you would be helped
he will be helped he would be helped
we shall be helped we should be helped
you will be helped you would be helped
they will be helped they would be helped
Imperativo: be helped.
let us be helped,

Verbos irregulares o fuertes

Los verbos irregulares o fuertes se conjugan de la misma
mane ra que los regulares o dbiles. Sin embargo, el pretrito
y participio pasado no se forman sobre la raz del infinitivo,
como en el caso de los dbiles. Vase la tabla siguiente:
to be was been ser
to begin began begun comenzar, empezar
lO blow blew blown soplar
ro break broke broken romper
to bring brought brought traer
to build built built edificar, construir
to buy bought bOllght comprar
ro catch callght caught coger, atrapar
to come carne come venir
to cost cost cost costar
to cut cut cut cortar
to do did done hacer
to draw drew drawn dibujar, diseliar
to drink drank drunk beber
to eat ate eaten comer
to fall fell fallen caerise)
ro feel fe!t felt sentir, palpar
to find found Iound encontrar, descubrir
to get got got obtener, etc.
to give gave given dar
to go went gane ir
to grow grew grown crecer, cultivar
to have had had tener
to hear heard heard or
to keep kept k.ept guardar, retener
to know knew known saber, conocer
to lead led led conducir
to leave left left dejar, abandonar
lO let let let dejar, permitir
to le lay lajn echarse, yacer
to make made made hacer
to meet met met encontrar
to pay paid paid pagar
to put put put poner
to read read read leer
to ring rang rung llamar, sonar
to run ran run correr, regentar
to say said said decir
to see saw seen ver
to sell so!d so!d vender
to send sent sent enviar, mandar
to shine shone shone brillar
to show showed shown mostrar
to shut shut shut cerrar
to sit sat sat sentarse
to sleep slept slept dormir
to speak spoke spoken hablar
to spend spent spent gastar, pasar
to stand stood stood estar de pie
to swim swam swum nadar
to take took taken tomar, llevar
to tell to!d told decir, relatar
to think thought thought pensar
to understand understood understood comprender
to wake woke woken despertar
to wear wore worn llevar puesto
to win won won ganar
to write wrote written escribir


a, an un, una bad malo
abbey abada baker panadero
about alrededor de, cerca ball pelota
to accornpany acompaar [de banana pltano
aeross a travs de bar barra
act acto barrel barril
to add aadir, sumar basket cesto
admirable admirable to bathe baarse
to admire admirar bathroom cuarto de bao
in advance con anticipacin to be ser, estar
aerodrome aerdromo to be in estar en casa
after despus, despus de beach playa
afternoon tarde beautful hermoso, bello
afterwards despus because porque
again otra vez bed cama
against contra bed, to go to acostarse
age edad bedroom dormitorio
ago hace beer cerveza
almost casi before antes, antes de
all todo to begin comenzar, empezar
alone solo, solitario beginning principio
along a 10 largo de behind atrs, detrs de
already an, ya bell timbre, campana
also tambin to belong pertenecer
although aunque better mejor
always siempre between entre
among entre bicyc1e bicicleta
and y big grande
to answer contestar bill cuenta, nota
any algn bird pjaro
anybody alguien brthday cumpleaos
anything algo black negro
appetite apetito blanket manta
apple manzana blouse blusa
appointment cita, compromiso to blow soplar
April abril bine azul
architect arquitecto bone hueso
army eircito book libro
around alrededor de booking-office taquilla
arrival llegada bookshop librera
to arrive llegar bottle botella
arm brazo box caja
as como boy chico, muchacho
as far as hasta bread fJ!l11
to ask (for) preguntar, pedir breakfast desayuno
assstant dependiente bridge puente
at a, en bright brillante
to attend (to) atender brightly brillantemente
August agosto to brng traer, llevar
aunt ta British britnico
authority autoridad brother hermano
brown color, castao
baby beb, criatura to build edificar, construir
back atrs, detrs building edificio


to burn arder, quemar comer rincn, esquina
bus autobs to cost costar
business negocio cotton algodn
but pero to count contar
butcher carnicero country pais, campo
butter mantequilla of course desde luego
button botn cow vaca
to buy comprar to crawl arrastrarse
by al lado de, por to cross atravesar
cup taza
cake pastel customs aduana
tocaIl llamar to cut cortar
camp campamento cut corte
candle vela
capital capital dad pap
captain capitn dance baile, danza
cal' coche, automvil to dance bailar
cal'd tarjeta dark oscuro
cards naipes, cartas, tarje. daughter hija
care cuidado [tas day da
case maleta David David
cat gato dear caro, querido
to catch coger, atrapar December diciembre
centre centro to decide decidir
century siglo degree grado
certain cierto delicate delicado
certainly por cierto, desde to destroy destruir
chair silla [luego different diferente, distinto
chaIk tiza, yeso difficult difcil
change cambio dining-room comedor
to change cambiar dinner cena
to chat charlar direction direccin
cheap barato dirty sucio
cheese queso disagreeable desagradable
chess ajedrez dsh plato, fuente
chief jefe, principal distance distancia
child nio, nia district distrito
Christmas Navidad to divide dividir
church iglesia to do hacer
cgarette cigarrillo, pitillo doctor mdico, doctor
cinema cine dog perro
c1ass clase doJl mueca
clean limpio door puerta
to clean limpiar double doble
chff acantilado down abajo
to climb trepar downstairs abajo, escaleras abajo
clock reloj to draw tirar, dibujar
cloth tela drawer cajn
clothes vestidos dress traje, vestido
coast costa to dress vestir(se)
coat abrigo, americana, drink bebida
coffee caf [chaqueta to drink beber
cold fro, resfriado dry seco
colour color due debido
coloured coloreado duly debidamente
coJumn columna during durante
to come venir
eoncert concierto each cada, cada uno
to continue continuar, seguir ear oreja, odo
to cook guisar early temprano

easily [cilm ente flowe r flor
East Este food manieres, comida
Baste r Pascua foot pie
[cil footba l! ftbol, pelota de [t-
to eat comer for para, por, ya que [bol
educa tion enseanza fork tened or
egg huevo forma l de vestir
ocho ortni ght quincena
eight cuarenta
eighte en dieciocho for ty
ochen ta four cuatro
eighty catorce
eleven once fourte en
embajada free libre
embas sy un francs
end fin, final Frenc hman
Inglaterra fresh fresco
Engla nd vzernes
Engli sh ingls Frida y
bastante friend amigo
enoug h de, desde
espec ially especialmente from
fruit fruta
Eump ean europeo frer
evenin g tarde to fry
full lleno
ever alguna vez compl etame nte, en-
every cada fully
every body todo el mund o juego, partid a
svery thing todo garne
garde n jardn
excur sion excursin gas
exerci se ejercicio gas
gas ring hornillo de gas
exerci se book cuaderno puerta
exhib ton exposicin gate
genera lly generalmente
expen sve caro caballero
to explain explicar gentle man
Georg e Jorge
explo sin explosin obtener, adquirir,
to get
conseguir, llegar
face cara subir a vehculo
hada to get in
to get out bajar de vehculo
to fall caer(se) levantarse
family familia to get up
girl muchacha, chica
far lejos dar
granja to give
farm vaso, cristal
farme r granjero glass
glove guante
father padre ' ir
Febru ary febrero to go
to go back regresar, volver
to feel sentir, palpar bajar
cerca, valla to go down
fence to go in entrar
to fetch traer, llevar continuar, seguir
pocos to go on
few to go out salir
field campo, prado subir
quinc e to go up
frfteen good bueno
fifty cincu enta adis
descubrir, encon trar good-bye
to find gramm ar gramdtica
fine multa grass hierba, csped
fine bonito green verde
finger dedo the groce r's ultramarinos, col-
to finish acabar, termin ar groun d suelo [mado
fire fuego to grow crecer
fire-p lace chime nea
first primero, primera- corte de cabello
fish pescado, pez [ment e haircu t
hairdr esser peluquero
fishm onger pescadero medio , mitad
five cinco half
hall sala, vestb ulo
flanne l franela mano
floor piso, suelo hand

handkerchief pauelo just a moment tun momento!
happy feliz, contento
hard duro, difcil, mucho to keep guardar, mantener
hat sombrero kind clase, especie
to have tener, haber kindly amablemente
he l king rey
to hear or kitchen cocina
heat calor knife cuchillo
help ayuda to knock llamar (a la puerta)
to help ayudar to know saber, conocer
her su (de ella)
her e aqu ladder escalera
high alto land tierra
High Street Calle Mayor landlady patrona, duea
hill colina, loma last ltimo
his su (de l) at last por fin
history historia to last durar
holiday vacacin, fiesta late tarde
home casa, hogar later ms tarde
to hope esperar lawyer abogado
hot caliente to lead conducir
hotel hotel leaf hoja
hour hora lO learn aprender
house casa ro leave dejar, partir
how cmo leg pierna, pata
however sin embargo lemon /
how many cuntos (as) lesson leccin
how much cunto (ta) to let alquilar
hullo hola letter carta
hundred cIen library biblioteca
hurry prisa life vida
to hurry (up) darse prisa lift ascensor
husband marido light luz
to light encender
1 yo like como
idea idea to like gustar
if si liquid liquido
ill enfermo to listen (to) escuchar
immediately inmediatamente little un poco (de)
important importante a little pequeo
impossible imposible ro live vivir
in en, dentro local local
in front of enfrente de, delante lodgings hospedaje, aloja-
ink tinta [de London Londres [miento
inn fonda long largo
instead of en vez de a lot mucho, una gran
interesting interesante to look parecer [cantidad
into en to look after cuidar
to invite invitar to look (at) mirar
it ello luggage equipaje
lunch almuerzo
jacket chaqueta, americana lying echado, tumbado
[anuary enero
Jean Juana main principal
[irnmie Jaime to make hacer, fabricar
[ohn Juan man hombre
journey viaje manager gerente
July julio many muchos (as)
to jump saltar map mapa
Tune junio March marzo

mark marca, sea nought cero
market mercado November noviembre
master amo, dueo, maestro now ahora
match cerilla number nmero
May mayo
Mayor alcalde obstacle obstculo
meal comida occasion ocasin
to measure medir October octubre
measurement medida of de
meat carne off fuera, fuera de
medicine medicina office despacho, oficina
to meet encontrar official empleado, funciona-
to mend remendar often a menudo [rio
rnidday medioda oJd viejo
midnight medianoche on sobre, encima de
milk leche once una vez
milkrnan lechero at once en seguida
rnillion milln on to en, sobre (con mo-
minute minuto vimiento)
moment momento one un, uno (numeral)
Monday lunes only slo, solamente
money dinero to open abrir
month mes or o
monument monumento orange naranja
more ms to order ordenar, encargar
morning maana original original
mother madre other otro
mountin montaa ought deber
mouse ratn our nuestro
mouth boca out fuera
to move mover(se) outfitters tienda para hombres
to move (in) trasladarse outside fuera de, el exterior
much muchota over encima
rnug cubilete
my mi packet paquete
page pgina
name nombre pain dolor
nation nacin paint pintura
near cerca, cerca de painting pintura (arte)
neck cuello pair par
to need necesitar pan cazuela
ner red pantomime especie de represen-
never nunca tacin teatral
new nuevo paper papel, peridico
news noticias paree! paquete
newspaper peridico parents padres
next prximo part parte
next door la casa de los vecinos to pass pasar, probar
nice bonito, agradable past pasado, por delante
night noche Paul Pablo [de
nine nueve to pay (for) pagar
nineteen diecinueve pear pera
ninety noventa pen pluma
no no, ningn pencil ldpiz
nobody nadie penny penique
noise ruido people gente
noon medioda perhaps tal vez, quiz
north norte person persona
not no Peter Pedro
nothing nada phone telfono
piano pzano registered certificado
picture cuadro, grabado, pe- relation pariente, relacin
piece pedazo, trozo [lcula lo remain quedar, permanece
pipe pipa representatiori representacin
place sitio, lugar rest lo dems, lo restan:
plane avin rest descanso
piate plato to rest descansar
to play [ugar restaurant restaurante
please por favor, haga el fa- to ride montar
pleasure placer, gusto [VOl' de right derecho, justo
plenty mucho, abundancia all righ t muy bien
pocket bolsillo to ring llamar, sonar
poet poeta river ro
paje poste road carretera
guardia roof tejado
policeman habitacin, cuarto
porridge sopa de avena room
porter mozo, portero rope cuerda
position posicin round redondo
possible posible round alrededor de
possibly posiblemente to run correr, dirigir
post correo
postman cartero sad triste
pot pote saint's day santo
patata same mismo, igual
pound libra Saturday sbado
to prepare preparar to say decir
present regalo scarf bufanda
pretty bonito, guapa scene escena
price precio school escuela
probably probablemente scissors tijeras
pronunciation pronunciacin sea mar
proof prueba, evidencia sea-side playa
public pblico seat asiento
pudding budn second segundo
to pull tirar to see ver
pullover jersey to seem parecer
pure puro to sell vender
to push empujar to send enviar, mandar
to put poner, colocar to separate separar
to put down apuntar September septiembre
to put on ponerse (prenda) servant criado, sirviente
to put up levantar, erigir to serve servir
set aparato (de radio)
quadruple cudruple seven siete
quarter cuarto seventeen diecisiete
quickJy rpidamente seventy setenta
quite bastante, completa- severaJ varios
[mente shampoo champ
race carrera shave afeitada
radio radio to shave afeitar(se)
rain lluvia she ella
to rain llover sheep oveja
rareJy raramente shilJing cheln
rather bastante to shine brillar
to read leer shirt camisa
ready listo, preparado shoe zapato
really realmente shop tienda
receipt recibo shop-window escaparate
to recommend recomendar shopping de compras
red rojo, encarnado short corto, bajo

show representacin stop parada
1 parar
teatral to stop
e to show ensear, mostrar store almacn
i to shut cerrar story historia, cuento
1: street calle
side lado
to sign firmar stripe raya
silk seda strong fuerte
simple sencillo, umco student estudiante
simply sencillamente to study estudiar
since desde suburb suburbio
single nico, sencillo sueh tal
sister hermana sueh as tal como
to sit down sentarse sugar azcar
sitting sentado suit traje
sitting-room saln to suit sentar bien
six seis sumrner verano
sixteen diecisis sun sol
slxty sesenta Sunday domingo
sze medida, tamao supper cena
sleep sueo to support sostener
to sleep dormir sweets caramelos, dulces
sleeve manga to swim nadar
slowly despacio, lentamente system sistema
small pequeo
to smoke fumar table mesa
so por eso, as, tan table-c1oth mantel
so much tanto to take tomar, coger
so that de manera que to take out sacar
sock calcetin tailor sastre
sofa sof to talk hablar, conversar
sorne algn tall alto
somebody alguien tangerine mandarina
something algo tax impuesto
sornetmes a veces taxpayer contribuyente
son hijo tea t
song cancin teaeher profesor
soon pronto tea-shop saln de t
sorry lo siento telephone telfono
to be sorry sentirlo, compadecer to telephone telefonear
sort clase, tipo to tell decir, relatar
soup sopa temperature temperatura
south sur ten diez
spaee espacio tennis tenis
Spain Espaa tent tien~a (de campaa)
to speak hablar thank you gracias
to spend pasar, gastar thanks gracias
spoon cuchara that aquel, ese, que
sports de deporte the el
square cuadrado theatre teatro
stairs escaleras their su (de el/os)
stamp sello de correos then entonces
to stand estar de pie there all
standing de pie there is hay
to start empezar they ellos
to start off partir thin delgado
station estacin thing cosa
to stay quedarse, permane- to think creer, pensar
still todava, an [cer third tercero
stockng media thirteen trece
stone piedra thirty treinta
this este waiter camarero
thousand mil waiting-room sala de espera
three tres to wake despertar
throat garganta to wake up despertarse
through por, a travs de Wales Gales
Thursday jueves walk paseo
ticket billete to walk pasear, andar
tie corbata wall pared, muralla
till hasta (tiempo) to want desear
time tiempo, hora, vez war guerra
tired cansado warm caliente, clido
to a to wash lavar(se)
tobacco tabaco water agua
the tobacconist's el estanco way camino, manera
today hoy we nosotros
together juntos weather tiempo (atmosfrico)
tomato tomate to wear llevar puesto
tomb tumba to wear out gastar
tomorrow maana Wednesday mircoles
tonight esta noche week semana
too demasiado, tambin well bien
tooth diente well-known bien conocido
top cima, cumbre, parte wet mojado, hmedo
towards hacia [superior what qu
tower torre when cuando, cundo
town ciudad where donde, dnde
Town Hall Ayuntamiento which que
toy juguete while mientras
train tren whte blanco
treble triple who quien, quin
tree rbol whole todo, entero
trousers pantaln why? por qu?
tweed cheviot wife esposa, mujer
twelve doce to win ganar
twenty veinte wind viento
twice dos veces window ventana
two dos wine vmo
wnning-post meta
uncle to winter invierno
under bajo, debajo de with con
underground metro without sin
to understand entender, compren- woman mujer
universty universidad [der wood madera, lea, bosque
until hasta, hasta que wool lana
up arriba word palabra
upstars arriba work trabajo
up to hasta (lugar) to work trabajar
to use emplear, usar worn out gastado
useful til to write 'escribir
valley valle
vegetable verdura, legumbre yard yarda
very muy year ao
village pueblo, aldea yellow amarillo
vision visin yes s
vsit visita yesterday ayer
10 vsit visitar you usted, ustedes, t,
voice voz young joven [vosotros
a young man un joven
to wai t (for) esperar your su (de usted[esD.
vuestro(s), tu(s)


a to, at aqu here

abada abbey rbol tree
abajo down, downstairs arder to burn
abogado launjer arquitecto architect
abrigo overcoat arrastrarse to crawl
abril April arriba up, upstairs
abrir to open ascensor lift
acabar to finish as so
acantilado diff asiento seat
acerca de about atender to attend (to)
acostarse to go to bed atrapar to catch
acto act atrs back, behind
adis good-bue atravesar to cross
~o) admirable an alreadu
admirar to admire aunque although
adonde where autobs bus
adquirir to get automvil car
aduana customs avin plane
aerdromo aerodrome ayer yesterday
afeitada shave ayuda help
afeitar(se) to shaue ayudar to help
agosto August Ayuntamiento Town Hall
agradable nice azcar sugar
agua water azul blue
ahora now
ajedrez chess bailar to dance
aldea oillage baile dance
algo something, anuthing, bajar to go down
any one bajar de vehculo to get out
algodn cotton bajo short, under
alguien somebody, anubodu, baarse to bathe
some one barato cheap
algn some, any barra bar
alguna vez ever barril barrel
all there bastante enough, quite, rather
almacn store beb baby
almuerzo lunch beber to drink
alojamiento lodgings bebida drink
alquilar to let bello beautiiul
alrededor de a,round, round, about biblioteca libraru
le alto tall bicicleta bicucle
amablemente kindly bien well
amarillo yellow bien conocido well-known
americana coat, [acket billete ticket
amigo [riend blanco uihite
amo master blusa blouse
andar to walk boca mouth
antes (de) beiore bolsillo pocket
anticipacin (con) in advance bonito nice, pre tty, fine
aadir to add bosque wood
ao year botella bottle
aparato (de radio) set botn button
apetito appetite brazo arm
, aprender to learn brillante bright
-s aprobar (un brillantemente brightly
examen) to pass brillar to shine
apuntar to put doum britnico British
aquel that budn pudding
bueno good cinco {ive
bufanda scar] cincuenta {i{ty
cine cinema
caballero gentleman cita appointment
cada each, every ciudad town
caer(se) to {all clase class, sort, kind'
caf coijee coche car
caja box coger to take, to catch
cajn drawer colina hill
calcetn sock colmado the grocer' s
clido warm colocar to put
caliente hot color colour
calle street coloreado coloured
Calle Mayor High Street columna column
calor heat comedor dining-room
cama bed comenzar to begin
camarero waiter comer to eat
cambiar to change comida meal, {ood
cambio change cmo how
camino way como as, like
camisa shirt compadecer to be sorry
campamento camp completamente completely
campana bell comprar to buy
campo countru, {ield de compras shopping
cancin song comprender to understaud
cansado tired compromiso appointment
cantidad (una con with
gran) a lot concierto concert
capital capital conducir to lead
capitn captain conocer to know
cara tace conseguir to get
caramelos suieets construir to build
caro dear, expensive contar to count
carne meat contento happy
carnicero butcher contestar to answer
carrera race continuar to continue, to go o
carretera road contra against
carta letter contribuyente tax-pauer
cartas cards convite party
cartero postrnan corbata tie
casa house, home correo post
casi nearlu, almost echar al correo to post
castao broum correr to run
catorce [ourteen cortar to cut
cazuela pan corte de cabello haircut
cena dinner, supper corto short
centro centre cosa thing
cerca (de) near costa coast
cerca (s.) [ence costar to cost
cerilla match crecer to grow
cero nought creer to think
cerrar to shut criado servant
certificado registered criatura baby
cerveza beer cristal glass
csped grass cuaderno exercise-book
cien a hundred cuadrado square
cierto certain cuadro picture
por cierto certainly cudruple quadruple
cigarrillo cigarette cundo when
cima top cuando when
cunto how much despertar(se) to uiake (up)
cuntos how many despus (de) af ter, aiteruiards
cuarenta forty destruir to destroy
cuarto room, quarter detrs back, behind
cuarto de bao bathroom da day
cuatro four dibujar to draw
cubilete mug diciembre December
cuchara spoon diente tooth
cuchillo kniie diferente di{ferent
cuello neck difcil hard, diiticult
cuenta bill dinero money
cuento story direccin direction
cuerda rape dirigir to run
cuidado care distancia distance
cuidar to take care oj, to distinto different
cumbre top [look after distrito district
cumpleaos birthday dividir to divide
dolor pain
champ shampoo domingo Sunday
chaqueta coat, [acket dnde where
charlar to chat donde uihere
cheln shilling dormir to sleep
chica girl dormitorio bedrootri
chico boy dueo master
chimenea [ire-place dulces suieets
durante during
danza dance durar to last
dar to give duro hard
darse prisa to hurry
David Dadd echado lying
de oi, [rom echarse to lie
de vestir formal edad age
debajo (de) under edificar to build
deber ought edificio building
debidamente duly ejercicio exercise
debido due ejrcito army
decidir to decide l he
decir to say, to tell el the
dedo [inger ella she
dejar to leave, to let ello it
delante de in [ront of ellos they
por delante de past embajada embassy
delicado delicate empezar to start, to begin
delgado thin empleado o{ficial
dems rest emplear to use
demasiado too, too much empujar to push
dentro in en in, into, at
dependiente assistant encargar to arder
de deporte sports encender to light
derecho right encima de on, over
desagradable disagreeable por encima de over
desayuno breakjast encontrar to meet, to [ind
descansar to rest enero [anuaru
descanso rest enfermo ill
descubrir to [ind enfrente de in [ront oi
desde sin ce, [rom enseanza education
desde luego certainly, o( course ensear to show
desear to want entender to understand
despacho office enteramente fully
despacio slowly entero uihole

entonces then ftbol [ootbati
to go in i
between, among Gales Wa/es i
enviar to send ganar to win 1

equipaje luggage garganta throat I

gas gas j
erigir to put up
escalera ladder, stairs gastar to spend, to wear 01
escaparate shop-window gato cat J
escena scene generalmente genera/ly J.
to write gente people j
schoo/ gerente manager j
escuchar to listen (to) golpear (puerta) to knock 1
ese that gracias thank uou, thanks J
space grabado picture )
Espaa Spain grado degree J
especialmente especia/ly gramtica grammar J
to hope, to wait (for) grande big j
esperar j
esposa ioije granja iarm
granjero [armer )
esquina comer
estacin station guante glooe )

estanco the tobacconist's guardar to keep

estar to be guardia policeman
este this guerra war
este East guisar to cook
estudiante student gustar to like
estudiar to study gusto pleasure
europeo European haber to hace
evidencia proof habitacin room
excursin excursiori hablar to speak, to talk
explicar to explain hace ago
explosin explosion hacer to do, to make
exposicin exhibition hacia touiards
exterior (el) outside hada fairy
fabricar to make hasta (que) until, as [ar as, up t
fcil easy hay there is, there are
fcilmente easilu hermana sister
familia fami/y hermano brother
por favor please hermoso beautijul, fine
haga el favor please hierba grass
febrero February hija daughter
feliz happy hijo son
fiebre temperature historia historu, story
fiesta ho/iday hogar home
fin end hola hullo
por fin at last hombre man
final end hora hour, time
firmar to sign hospedaje lodgings
flor f/ower hotel hotel
fogn de gas gas ring hoy today
fonda inn hueso bone
franela flannel huevo egg
frer to fry
fresco [reslt idea idea
fro cold iglesia church
fruta [ruit igual same
fuego tire importante important
fuente dish imposible impossible
fuera (de) off, out, outside impuesto tax
fuerte strong Inglaterra England
fumar to smoke ingls Englislt
funcionario ojiicial inmediatamente immediately
intentar to try llevar puesto to wear [tak,
interesante interesting llover to rain
invierno winter lluvia rain
invitar to invite
ir to go madera wood
01 madre mother
Jaime limmy maestro master
jardn garden maleta suit case
jefe chief malo bad
jersey pullover mandar to send
Jorge George mandarina tangerine
es joven young, a young man manera way
Juan [ohn de manera que so that
Juana lean manga sleeve
juego game manjares [ood
jueves Thursday mano hand
jugar to play manta blanket
juguete toy mantel table-clot
julio luly mantener to keep
junio lune mantequilla butter
juntos together manzana apple
justo right maana tomorrow, morning
mapa map
lado side marca mark
lado de (al) by marido husband
lana wool martes Tuesday
lpiz pencil marzo March
largo long ms more
a lo largo de along mayo May
lavar(se) to wash media stocking
leccin lesson medianoche midnight
leche milk medicina medicine
,t lechero milkman mdico doctor
leer to read medida measurement, size
legumbre uegetable medio half
lejos [ar medioda midday, noon
lea wood medir to measure
levantar to put up mejor better
levantarse to get up a menudo often
libra pound mercado market
libre free mes month
librera book-shop mesa table
libro book meta winning-post
limn lemon metro underground
limpiar to clean mi my
limpio clean mientras while
lquido liquid mircoles Wednesday
listo ready milln million
local local minuto minute
loma hill mirar to loo k (at)
Londres I.ondon
lugar mismo same
lunes Monday mitad half
luz light mojado wet
momento moment
llamar to call, to ring, to montaa mountain
knock (puerta) montar to ride
llegada arriual monumento monument
llegar to arrive, to get (to) mostrar to show
lleno full mover(se) to move
llevar to bring, to fetch, to mozo porter
muchacha girl pap dad
muchacho boy papel paper J
rnuch, a lot, plenty paquete packet, parcel
muchos manu par pair I
mujer lVoman, unie para [or I
multa fine parada stop I
mueca doll parar to stop I
muralla wall parecer to seem, to look 1
muy very pared uiall 1
pariente relatiqn J
nacin nation parte part I
nada nothing parte superior top J
nadar to swim pasado past 1
nadie nobody pasar to pass, to spend I
naipes cards partida game 1
naranja orange partir to leaoe, to start o 1
Navidad Christmas pasear to uialk, to go [or 1
necesitar to need paseo walk [lOal J
negocio business Pascua Easter I
negro black pastel cake 1
ningn no pata leg J
nia child patata po tato J
nio child patrona landladu J
no no, not pedazo piece J
noche night pedir to ask (for) I
esta noche tonight Pedro Peter I
nombre nante pelcula picture, film 1
norte North pelota ball J
nosotros we pelota de ftbol [ootball I
noticias nelOs peluquero hairdresser 1
noviembre Nouember penique penny J
nuestro our pensar to think 1
nuevo new pequeo little, small J
nmero number pera pear 1
nunca never peridico neuispaper, paper 1
permanecer to stay, to remain
o or permitir to let
obstculo obstacle pero but
obtener to get perro dog
ocasin occasion persona person
octubre October pertenecer to belong
oficina office pescadero [ishmonger
odo ear pescado iis
or to hear pez [ish
oreja ear piano piano
original original pie foot
oscuro dark de pie standing
otra vez again estar de pie to stand
otro other piedra stone
oveja sheep pierna leg
Pablo Paul pintura paint
padre [ather pipa pzpe
padres parents piso [loor
pagar to pay (for) pitillo cigarette
pgina page placer pleasure
pjaro bird pltano banana
palabra word plato plate, dish
palpar to feel playa beach, sea-side
pan bread pluma pen
panadero baker un poco (de) a little
pauelo handkerchie] pocos [eur
poeta poet representacin representation, show
poner to put lo restante the rest
ponerse (prenda) to put on restaurante restaurant
por [or, by, through retener to keep
por eso so reunin partu
porque because rey king
Jk por qu why ro river
portero porter rojo red
posible possible romper to break
posiblemente possibly ruido noise
posicin position Saturday
post sbado
poste saber to know
Id pote pot to take out
price sacar
precio sala hall
rt o preguntar to ask waitingroom
readq sala de espera
[or preparado salir to go out
wa, preparar to prepare sitting-room
[irst saln
primeramente tea-shop
[irst saln de t
primero to jump
principal main, chie! saltar
santo saint's day
principio beginning tailor
prisa hurry sastre
seco dry
probar to try silk
probar (prenda) to try on seda
segundo second
profesor teacher at once
pronunciacin pronunciation en seguida
seguir to go on, to continue
pronto soon, quickly stamp
prximo next sello (correos)
semana week
prueba prooj
pblico public sencillamente
sencillo simple
pueblo oillage sitting
puente bridge sentado
sentar bien to suit
puerta door, gate to sit down
puro pure sentarse
er sentir to [eel
iin sentirlo to be sorru
que icho, uihich, that
qu what sea mark
quedarse to stay, to remain separar to separa te
quemar to bum septiembre September
queso cheese ser to be
quien who servir to serve
quin who si if
quincena [ortnight s ues
quiz perhaps siempre aluias
siglo centuru
radio radio silla chair
rpidamente quickly sin ioithout
raramente rarelu sin embargo however
rara vez rarelu sistema sustem
ratn mouse sitio place
raya stripe sobre on, on to, over
realmente reallu sof sofa
recibo receipt sol ,un
recomendar to recommend solamente onlu
red net solitario alone
redondo round solo alone
regalo present slo only
regresar to go back, to return sombrero hat
relacin relation sonar to ring
relatar to tell sopa soup
reloj dock, watch soplar to bloui
sostener to support tren train
su his, her, its, your, trepar to climb
subir to go up [their triple triple
subir (vehculo) to get in triste sad
suburbio suburb trozo piece
sucio dirty t you
suelo floor, ground tumba tomb
sueo sleep tumbado lying
sumar to add ultramarinos
sur soutli (tienda de) the grocer's
tabaco tobaeeo ltimo last
tal such un, una a, one
tal corno such as nico simple, only
tal vez perhaps universidad university
tamao size usar to use
tambin also, too usted, ustedes you
tan so til useiul
tanto .so mucli
taquilla booking-ojjice vaca cow
tarde late, aitemoon, vacacin holiday
tarjeta card [eveni~g valla [ence
taza cup valle valley
t tea varios several
teatro theatre a veces sometimes
tejado roof vecinos (la casa
tela clotli de los) next door
telefonear to telephone vela candle
telfono telephone, phone vender to sell
temperatura temperature venir to come
temprano early ventana window
tenedor [ork ver to see
tener to have verano summer
tenis tennis verdaderamente truly
terminar to [inis verde green
ta aunt verduras vegetables
tiempo time, weather vestbulo hall
tienda shop vestido dress
tienda de campaa tent vestidos clothes
tienda para vestir(se) to dress
hombres outiitter's vez time
tierra land en vez de instead o,
tijeras scissors viaje iourneu
timbre bell vida life
tinta ink viejo old
to uncle viento wind
tipo sort vino wine
tiza to drain, to pull visin visin
tirar chalk visita visit
todava still, yet visitar to visit
todo all, eoeruthing vivir to live
todo el mundo everybody vosotros you
tornar to take voz vaice
tomate tomato
torre tower y and
trabajar to work ya que lor
trabajo uiork: yarda yard
traer to bring to fetch yeso chalk
traje suit yo 1
trasladarse to move (in)
a travs de across, throug zapato shoe

Prlogo 5
Introduccin 7
La pronunciacin inglesa 8
Signos fonticos .. .. 8
Sonidos vocales .... "" ... 8
Diptongos '" ."" 10
Triptongos "" .... 11
Sonidos consonantes "" ... 11
La ortografa inglesa ."" . ' 15
La acentuacin del ingls ..... 16

1. Numerales hasta 10 ... 18
El artculo indefinido.
2. Numerales hasta 20 ... 20
El artculo definido.
Forma negativa de los verbos auxiliares.
Forma interrogativa de los verbos auxiliares.
3. Presente de indicativo del verbo to be ... 22
There is, There are.
4. Plural de los substantivos 25
El adjetivo.
5. Presente de indicativo de to ha ve 28
Pronombres demostrativos.
Preposiciones [rom y o],
6. Pretrito de indicativo de to hcn:c . 31
There was There ioere.
Sorne y Any.
7. Adjetivo posesivo 35
Caso posesivo.
8. Forma continua del presente de indicativo 37
Pronombres interrogativos.
Preposiciones through y across.
9. Forma "habitual" del presente de indicativo 41
10. Pronombres personales 46
Imperativo del verbo.
11. Imperativo del verbo <Con t.) 51
Presente de indicativo (cont.).
Complemento directo con a.
Numerales (13-90).
12. Futuro de indicativo 55
Preposiciones at y too
13. Pretrito de indicativo (cont.) "" .... 59
Pronunciacin de la terminacin .ed.
Uso del pretri too
Formas interrogativa y negativa del pretrito pasado.
I like.
14. La hora 64
Alreadu .


15. Verbos irregulares 68

Preposiciones along, until, in y into,
Verbos compuestos.
Construccin de algunos verbos: to ask: [or, to look at.
16. Formas contradas del verbo 73
La edad.
Orden de la oracin.
Caso posesivo (con t.).
17. Imperfecto o pasado progresivo (o continuo) del verbo ... " 77
Uso del imperfecto.
Contracciones. .
Construccin con to wait.
Sorne y Any (con t.).
Palabras compuestas con some, anu, no y eueru.
18. Verbo auxiliar defectivo can 83
Modificaciones grficas.
19. Perfecto de indicativo 88
Uso del perfecto ingls.
Modificaciones grficas.
20. Pronombres interrogativos y relativos 95
Uso calificativo del substantivo,
21. Plural de los substantivos 101
Uso calificativo del substantivo (cont.).
Verbos to look y to arrive.
22. Los numerales, cardinales y ordinales 106
Los das de la semana.
23. Los numerales (cont.) : multiplicativos . 112
Adjetivos indefinidos de cantidad.
Los meses del ao.
Las fechas.
24. El artculo indefinido 119
25. Verbo auxiliar defectivo must .... ' 123
Traduccin de que. seguido de infinitivo.
26. El artculo (cont): definido .. . 128
Construccin con los verbos to like y to spend,
27. Voz pasiva .. 133
Cmo se llama?
28. Pluscuamperfecto de indicativo .... 138
Prepositions around y round; inside y outside.
29. Condicional de indicativo ... 141
Let us, primera persona del plural de imperativo.
30. Adverbios .. 145
Posicin del adverbio.
Ago. Since, Hasta.
31. Preposiciones ... ... 150
Verbo auxiliar defectivo ought,
Construccin de los verbos de sensacin.
Conjugacin de verbos 156
Verbos irregulares 157
Vocabulario 159
Jess Carlos lvarez Crespo y Toru Katsuta
Diccionario japons-espaol y espaol-japons
967 pginas

Javier Boneu
Diccionario eulxico. Para expresarse con estilo y rigor
434 pginas

. Martn y W. Weissmann
Diccionario portuqus-espanhol y espaol-portugus'
524 pginas

Pablo Grosschmid y Cristina Echegoyen

Diccionario de regionalismos de la lengua espaola
616 pginas

ISBN 978-84-261-0927-9


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