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#Eric Ligmans Amazing FreeMicrosofteBookGiveaway

# Thanks David Crosby for the template
# Modified by Robert Cain (
# Added code to check to see if a book was already downloaded,
# and if so was it the correct file size. If so, the book
# download is skipped. This allows users to simply rerun the
# script if their download process is interrupted.

# Set the folder where you want to save the books to

$dest="C:\Book\"# Make sure the file path ends in a \




# Get the total number of books we need to download

$bookCount = $($books).Count

# Set a simple counter to let the user know what book

# number we're currently downloading
$currentBook = 0

# As an option, we can have it log progress to a file

$log = $true

if ($log -eq $true)

# Construct a log file name based on the date that

# we can save progress to
$dlStart = Get-Date
$dlStartDate = "$($dlStart.Year)-$($dlStart.Month)-$($dlStart.Day)"
$dlStartTime = "$($dlStart.Hour)-$($dlStart.Minute)-$($dlStart.Second)"
$logFile = "$($dest)BookDlLog-$dlStartDate-$dlStartTime.txt"


# Increment current book number


# Grab the header with the books full info


# Get the title of the book from the header then

# make it a safe string (remove special characters)

# Construct the path to save the file to


# If the file doesn't exist, download it

if ($(Test-Path $saveTo) -eq $false)

$msg = "Downloading book $currentBook of $bookCount - $title"

if ($log -eq $true) { "`n$($msg)" | Add-Content $logFile }


# If it does exist, we need to make sure it wasn't

# a partial download. If the file size on the server
# and the file size on local disk don't match,
# redownload it

# Get the size of the file from the download site

$dlSize = $hdr.BaseResponse.ContentLength
# Get the size of the file on disk
$fileSize = $(Get-ChildItem $saveTo).Length

if ($dlSize -ne $fileSize)

# If not equal we need to download the book again

$msg = "Redownloading book $currentBook of $bookCount - $title"
if ($log -eq $true) { "`n$($msg)" | Add-Content $logFile }


# Otherwise we have a good copy of the book, just

# let the user know we're skipping it.
$msg = "Book $currentBook of $bookCount ($title) already exists, skipping
if ($log -eq $true) { "`n$($msg)" | Add-Content $logFile }

} # end try


$msg = "There was an error downloading $title. You may wish to try to download
this book manually."
Write-Host $msg -ForegroundColor Red
if ($log -eq $true) { "`n$($msg)" | Add-Content $logFile }

} # end catch

} # end foreach

# Let user know we're done, and give a happy little beep
# in case they aren't looking at the screen.
"Done downloading all books"

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