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Man thinking v/s God’s thinking

Fact v/s faith God created man in his own image, in the
image of God he created him, male & female he

• Some think I am well off, educated, got

everything I need. Others think I’m
healthy, prudent, why to bring God in created them. (Gen. 1:27). Since God is a person
between. Work hard, do good works etc. he created us in his image (as persons with
& live on. personality), we can have a personal relationship
Bible says… a man’s life does not consist in the with God.
abundance of his possessions. (Luke 12:15)
….this very night your life will be demanded • Some take the reality heaven & hell
from you, then who will get what you have lightly. Just like we have our earthly
prepared for yourself? (Luke 12:20). Better to be dwellings (houses), Heaven is God’s
rich towards God is the wise thing to do. dwelling.
Just like there are creatures on earth, sky &
• Some think. I am confused. Everyone under the sea, there are heavenly beings too, viz.
says what they believe is right. How do I angels, cherubims etc.
know the truth?. Just like there is a worldly government to punish
The LORD says ‘Call to Me and I will answer people for their crimes or reward them for their
you and show you great and mighty things which good deeds, there is a heavenly government who
you do not know. (Jer. 33:3) will judge them according to their deeds. Hell is
Jesus said ‘Come to me all you who are weary a place of punishment for the heavenly beings.
and burdened and I will give you rest (Matt. Bible says, ‘Just as man is destined to die once
11:28). & after that to face judgment, so Christ was
I am the way, the truth and the life. No one can sacrificed once to take away the sins of many
come to the Father except through me. (John people & he will appear a second time, not to
14:6) bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are
waiting for Him’. (Heb. 9:27-28)
• Some think. A person like me
cannot approach God because such worse Many Sages & teachers have taught us to do
and sinful is my secret personal life. Will good deeds, to go to heaven. But since death
God ever forgive? came through sin, no one has ever been able to
Though your sins are like scarlet they shall be as overcome death.
white as snow, though they are red as crimson … Christ dies for our sins according to the
they shall be like wool. (Is. 1:18 b) Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was
Jesus Christ is the atoning sacrifice for our sins raised on the third day according to the
and not only for ours but for the whole world. If scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, & then
we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and to the twelve. After that, he appeared to more
will forgive us our sins and purify us from all than five hundred. (I Cor. 15:3-6)
unrighteousness. (I John 2:2, 1:9)
God demonstrates his own love for us in this:
• Some think God is some supernatural while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
power & therefore I cannot relate to him. (Rom. 5:8)
We are born for our parents as persons Now what? You can invite Christ to come into
(individuals) and not as powers. your life to save you from death & give you life
The Bible says, ‘God is spirit and his eternal & meaningful. All who received him, to
worshippers must worship in spirit & in truth. those who believe in his name (Jesus Christ), he
(John 4:24). God is love (I John 4:16 b) gave the right to become the children of God (a
personal relationship). (John 1:2)
Man thinking v/s God’s thinking
Now the Lord is the Spirit where the Spirit of the
Lord (Christ) there is freedom. (I Cor. 3:17)
Here I am! I (Jesus Christ) stand at the door
(your heart) and knock. If anyone hears my voice
and opens the door, I will come in & eat with
him, & he with me.
God’s plan for your life is not Condemnation
(eternal death), despair, restlessness, insecurity,
emptiness, loneliness, sickness, frustration, curse
rather Salvation (eternal life), hope, rest
security, fullness, fellowship, cure, peace,
blessing respectively.
If you want to have that personal relationship
with the one true God, pray wholeheartedly.
‘Father God, thank you for sending your Son
Jesus Christ to die for my sin & save me from
death. Now I invite Jesus Christ to come into my
life. Let your will be fulfilled in me. Make me
the kind of person you want me to be. Amen.

Now that you have received Christ

The moment you have received Christ by faith,
many things happened, including the following:

 Christ came into your life (Rev. 3:20, Col. 1:27)

 Your sins were forgiven (Col. 1:14)
 You became a child of God (John 1:12)
 You received eternal life (John 5:24)
 You began exploring the new life in Jesus Christ
(John 10:10)

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