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My Learning [ournal
Information for Parents and Carers
At lfestward we believe that children setfle best when they have a key person to relate to, who knows them and their parents
well, and who ean meet their individual nceds. Research shows that s key person approaeh benefits the child, the parents, the
_sAff and the setting by providing ssrure relationships in which cliildren thrilre, parnts have sonfidenee, staff are comrqitted
and the setting is a bappy and dedicated place to attend or wark ia.

We want children to feel safe. stimulated and happy at'lcYestuiard and to feel srure and comfortable with sraff We also want
paren* to have confidence in both their children's well being and their role as activepar&ers wi& Westward.

lrVe aira tc make Wesnryard a welcorning place where childrer seule Euicklyand easily because consideration has been given
to the individual needs and circumstances of children aad theirfamilies.

Your child's Learning ]ournal celebrates his or her eryeriences. Over tirne it wilI rell a story about your child - his or her
Iear-ning friends, and the experiences he or she enjoys sharingwith others.

S.taff wateh and nstice each child at play trecause it helps us to understand and support their individual wellbeing and
development l{e really get to know the children as unique people with special skills, interests and ideas. The more we
understand abutyour sperial ehild, tie better we eaR support them in the way that is right for them.

Your child's key person or teacher and family work togetler to huild this Learning fourrral as a record of yaur child's Early tlle value parents and carers taking the Learning fournal home and sharing in their child's learning. Altlrough the
Lealxing fournals will be se*t home at the end of the year, you may wish to borrow tJrem to share with other settings or
important people - iust ask a member of staff! Tlrough*ut the year there will be oppartunities when you wiII he in:rited to
look through, and contribute to, your child's Learning |ournal, but we encourage you ta contribute and look thraugh on a more
inforn:al, regular basis. We also encourage you to talk rarith your child about their l,earning lournal and feei free to add in
family photographs or ather things of significance foryour ehild.

At this age, so rnuch happens sa quiekly and we vrould love to hear abcut everts, activities or achievements which can be put
into your shild's tearaing Journatr! Feel free to rrrAe us a nste, have a chat to a member of staff ar bring in a photo, drawing or
sourenir to share with ue. ltVhen you tell us about your child a clearer picture unfolds a*d together !,!rs cail plan more
effectively to help ycur child's learning and develop;nene lffhen children are ready, they can atrso chsose to put things tttat are
irnportant to them in fheir Learning Journal - tlor:gh it is rnainly kept here it belongs to you and ycur child.

The Le*ruing fournal will include the following:

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Amtngsl ali the notes and observarions you may see reference tc areas of the Early Years Curriculurn known as Early years
Foundation Stage {EYFSI which supports children frorn Lrirth to the end of their Reception year at schaol,

This curriculrrm is plauned around four raain themes:

Every child is a competent Children learn to be strong and The enyironmentplays a key Children develop and learn in
learner from birth who can be independent from a base of role in supporbing and extending differentways and at different
resilienf capable, confident and loving and secure relationships childreak developrnent and rates and all areas of Learning
self-assured. with parents and,lor a key iearning. and Development are equaily
person- imporiant and inter-connected.

There are then 7 areas of learning and development:

tv/ ffi

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The 7 areas cf, and developrnent are ftitther divided into s?ands a*ci age bands. You:: child's progress is,lecj ic
crder lc sitppart and encsurage them th;'oughcut thei: jour*ey in rhe EYFS. For exampie, yclr may see 'PD 30-50 months'. Thjs
telisttsthatthechildis:urrent!.ydemonsiratinganactiv:.ffcrskil!thatrelaiestaFh;v=ica1 }eveiot:men withiniheageband
of 30-50 months,

Alcngside ihese areas of cle-relaprnent, rhere are alss rhe Chararlerisrcs cf Efi' Lear^r:ing, url:icl: describe b*wyourcliiid
Learns besl

Tlie 3 Characteristics of Eifective Learning are:

l-, P{ayiag a:ad Expt*ricg - dngagement - ,qinding cui and exploring, piayiilg itril-tr r,arhai lh,v lsn*'s ard beirig i,r:i}]!cg tc
'harie a go,.
Z. ;3,#.3:'{e L*ar::zeag - Flotivati*n - E=ing i;:vci,r=C anl lcnceltlafing, ktep ffng, ecjiying a:hie*r:g -:,vhat lirey sei cut ic
3. Crea'iiag a:ed thu-ririrlg criijcatlir - Thi.rking - I-{aving tireir ourn id.eas, raai<ing jitks, chaasii"lg r,yalis tc do things.

Siaif wiii refer l:o i:l1ese aieas oilearning ai-!c. cilaraclristics uunen pianning and preparing activ-ldes and i,shec asssssrilg and
gbserving yoar chlld. Adulls i,viLL consider the f,haramerisilcs of Effective J-earnit:g',yiihin the slservai-ion, assess:.:rent an.j
pia::ni:rg cycle of the EYFS.

Vfe hope you eajoy contributing to and l*oking *rr*ugh your ctulC's Learning Journall 1iy'ou have aBy qussiisns please ask a
Frember sf saff. Ti:ark-vou!

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