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Lesson Plan Template Abridged

Name Tessa Swiger
Subject Math
Grade Level Students ages 16-21
Date/Duration 5/27/16
Standards/ anchors/ Alternate Academic Standard:
2.1.3 C Represent equivalent forms of the same number through the
Core/Standards use of concrete objects, drawings, word names and symbols.
(Plus any others as 2.7.3. D Predict and measure the likelihood of events and recognize
may be required)
that the results of an experiment may not match predicted outcomes.
Formative- Students will participate in group movement activity
Formative AND/OR that involves math concepts
Summative Summative- students will complete a math handout before and
Assessment Evidence after the music experience.
Objectives In two out of three trials, students will successfully verbally
A-B-C-D identify the written form of a number with the symbolic picture
representation of the same number.
Bloom's Taxonomy

Webb's Depth of
Knowledge (DOK)
Learning Plan DETAILS
Introduction Activating Prior Knowledge
-Students will begin a math worksheet in which addition and subtraction
are being asked. Depending on the students skill set, math problems will
vary in difficulty.
Hook/Lead-In/Anticipatory Set
-After completing the worksheet, students will come to the half
circle in the front of the room. Tying in our previous science lesson
about bugs with math, we as a group will be doing Ants Go
Marching One by One.
Explicit Instructions Big Idea Statement
Big Ideas Using our prior knowledge of addition and subtraction, we can predict
what will be next in a sequence.
Essential Questions
Essential Questions
How do we figure out what number will be next? What skills can we use to
predict? Using our pictures, what symbolic number matches with the

Key Vocabulary
Addition, subtraction, prediction, counting
Lesson Procedure Pre-Assessment of Students
Must include Students will create movements to the lyrics of the song. Each student will
adaptations & the receive a picture with a certain number of ants on it (up to eight ants,
accommodations for one for each student).
students with special
needs Modeling of the Concept
After students have pictures, we will sing through the song.
Accommodations, Students will do movements while singing the song. Students will
Modifications identify who has the correct number of ants, and place is on the
board under the correct number.

After two have been done, teacher will ask students what number do you
think will be next? Why?

Guiding the Practice

Students will continue through till all pictures are done.

Providing the Independent Practice

After music experience, students will return to seat to complete more
math work (individualized) but themed around ants and summer time.

Adaptations/Accommodations for Students with Special Needs

Verbal and physical prompting
Hand over hand assistance
iPad to communicate (Touch Chat HD app)
Touch point numbers

Materials iPad, math worksheets, cards with ants on them

(reading, technology,
equipment, supplies,
Closure Summary & Review of the Learning
Students will review learning and reinforce addition, subtraction, and
counting skills before and after the music experience.
Any incomplete worksheets will become homework.

Other(This area is
to be determined by
instructor OR student
as needed)
Supervising teacher
comments and

What worked?
What would
you change?

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