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The Rainbow Bridge

Directly perceiving emptiness whilst holding appearance

Susan M. Griffith-Jones

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and civil claims for damages.

First Published, February 2009

Published by Vibgyor Publishing House

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Author’s Note 11

Text of The Rainbow Bridge

Prologue 19

Section 1: “The Pen” 21

Section 2: “The Perception of Intrinsic Awareness” 31

Section 3: “The Blissful Fire of Intrinsic Awareness” 35

Section 4: “The Blissful Mirror of Intrinsic Awareness” 39

Section 5: “Intrinsic Awareness Infused with Compassion” 49

Epilogue 59

Commentary to The Rainbow Bridge

Infra-Red: Introduction 63

Red: The Rainbow Bridge 65

Directly perceiving emptiness whilst holding appearance 71

Orange: Commentary to Prologue 75

Yellow: Commentary to Section 1, “The Pen” 81

Green: Commentary to Section 2,

“The Perception of Intrinsic Awareness” 125

Blue: Commentary to Section 3,

“The Blissful Fire of Intrinsic Awareness” 137

Indigo: Commentary to Section 4,

“The Blissful Mirror of Intrinsic Awareness” 155

Violet: Commentary to Section 5,

“Intrinsic Awareness Infused with Compassion” 189

Ultra-Violet: Commentary to Epilogue 217

In essence, ‘The Rainbow Bridge’ is a text of poetical prose describing a vi-
sion of awareness. As awareness is not something necessarily tangible, yet def-
initely exists in the sense that we are consciously ‘aware’, it may be considered
as both nothing (no-thing) and something (some-thing), simultaneously.

Something = Nothing

Looking at this in simplified mathematical terms, the whole of relative ex-

istence that we are individually aware of may be sum totalled to zero, where the
meaning of zero is not ‘nothing’ as it would seem to be, but ‘something’.

Something = Zero

Although that ‘something’ or relative existence actually appears sponta-

neously as anything at all, its essence or root is hidden within the codes of ‘noth-
ing’, of the zero itself. It has to be ‘something’ for the very reason that within
the make up of this equation, zero equals the entire make up of relative exis-
tence, which so-called ‘exists’.

Relative existence = Zero

For the zero is not an empty void or ‘nothing’ as such, since the equation
would not be complete if a blank space occupied one side of the equals sign, if
the symbolic circular shape of the zero did not appear there, holding its entire
meaning within its perfect form, as well as demonstrating the relative meaning
of awareness in its absolute state.

Relative existence = O

‘Something’ both definable and tangible, in this sense is symbolised by ‘noth-

ing’ at all in particular.

Relative existence = Absolute existence

The realisation of the union of this absolute space of awareness with its
relatively manifesting aspect is the essential meaning of ‘The Rainbow Bridge’.

Relative Awareness = Absolute Awareness

62 The Rainbow Bridge Infra-Red: Introduction 63

“The Rainbow Bridge”
The words of the title of this piece of work, “The Rainbow Bridge” itself
carry the entire meaning of the text. For it is the allegorical ‘Rainbow Bridge’
that we both consciously and sub-consciously seek to pass over as we progress
through life, through existence.
So do the words, ‘Rainbow’ and ‘Bridge’ simultaneously contain both their
most obvious and most hidden meanings as the perceiver contemplating them
unfolds both their relative and absolute truths within the mirror of his or her
understanding of them.
For words on a page each contain their own meanings and when strung to-
gether as sentences form another holistic sense. Depending on the perceiver
perceiving them, they are translated according to his or her individual under-
standing of them back into mind images, namely thoughts and visions of that
The first image that may appear when the word, ‘Rainbow’ is perceived is
one of a largely visual quality where an array of colours arcing across the sky,
hang over some undefined point in the distance. And there one arrives at the
mythical pot of gold at its end, never to be found as long as it may be searched
rather than beheld, yet a reminder of the vast symbolic wealth of the rainbow
The word, ‘Rainbow’ also reminds us of a state of appearance that is not
solid as it cannot be grasped or held, yet nevertheless vividly appears when it is
seen from a certain viewpoint.
And, the correct spatial cocktail must also be mixed for it to come into being.
For example, a certain blend of moisture and sunlight must be present in the at-
mosphere in order to procure the necessary screen upon which the rainbow
image may appear to one’s perception.
So a rainbow may only appear when certain causes and conditions are pres-
ent. The rainbow is in that sense always there, yet remains in a state of non-ap-
pearance until both the atmosphere and viewer are correctly aligned, relatively
In this way, as one perceives existence moment by moment, one’s natural
awareness state of being appears as rainbow images of form and formless as-
Perception, the great tool of awareness that all sentient minds contain thus
consciously perceives whatever appears according to its relative understanding
of it as mind attaches to one or another of those form and formless aspects ap-
pearing within the spatial screen of existence.
Thus perception automatically translates all perceived images, sounds and
sensual experiences according to its level of realisation of its absolute nature,

64 The Rainbow Bridge Red: The Rainbow Bridge 65

depending on its relative viewpoint of existence.
When one’s awareness does not perceive this ongoing chain of appearances
as simultaneously occurring from the same source, because it is stained by ha-
bitual definitions, it instead divides the process into two, and becomes both a
perceiver and what is being perceived as seemingly separated aspects.
So in this way, anything that appears at a seeming distance from the perceiver
seems to be separate from the perceiver.
Thus the illusory world of duality swings back and forth as mind’s percep-
tion is not fully ‘aware’ of its essentially natural state of being as both perceiver
and perceived inseparably united in one perfect state of awareness.
For without holding a mind of pure awareness, where one’s perceptive fac-
ulty is perfectly tuned to one’s inherent awareness nature, one’s perception is
tainted in many ways of attachment, aversion and indifference to whatever ap-
pears within that spatial context.
Yet in absolute truth, one’s inherent awareness nature always perceives what
is to be perceived in an absolutely simultaneous way, as it is really the source of
both the projector and projected image that appears.
So does the viewer’s conscious perception realise that automatically as it
rests in awareness of its essential being. For it is awareness itself that creates a
spatial screen seemingly ‘out there’ within which those images may appear. Referring to the next word, ‘Bridge’, the image of a structure that serves to
In this way, we appear to ‘move around’ within appearance, as in a relative unite two parts that are separated, easily arises.
sense we have a human form and perceive a universe around us as seemingly A bridge provides the crossing point between those two places so that there
separate from our physical forms. is no longer a separation between them, whether they arise externally in what ap-
Yet here it is worth noting one irony that the rainbow symbol presents in that pears around one’s form as a human, like as a bridge between mainland and is-
it would not appear to the viewer if he or she were actually inside the rainbow land or abstractly within the mechanism of one’s awareness mind, as both the
itself. One has to be at a relative distance from it in order to perceive it. perceiver of appearance and that which is perceived as appearance, simultane-
So, the rainbow does not directly appear if you are present within it. ously.
In this neat little way, the rainbow symbol reminds us of two fundamental For commonly termed as ‘mind’, one’s awareness through its faculty of per-
aspects of our being. That of viewpoint as in the position from which form and ception, directs the viewpoint of the human organism within different states of
formless aspects are perceived and appearance or spatial screen, within which being, and simultaneously various appearances arise automatically according to
the appearance of form and formless aspects takes place, from where it may be that particular viewpoint.
perceived. In the present work at hand, the ‘Bridge’ aspect more specifically refers to
The relation between viewpoint and appearance is an essential factor to the way one’s perception connects to these two fore mentioned seemingly dif-
one’s understanding of the nature of phenomenon, as well as being a key mean- ferent aspects of the one same perceptive faculty, namely viewpoint and
ing of ‘The Rainbow Bridge’. appearance so that that which perceives and that which is perceived are no
But perhaps most importantly for the present work in context and the word, longer viewed as separated.
‘Rainbow’ is the idea of something appearing from seemingly nothing, remain- The sense of there being a self and others dissolves at that point and the
ing as something and then disappearing again into seemingly nothing, creating ‘Rainbow Bridge’ of all perceptive awareness attributes melts into its two ends
an image of a time frame where there is a moment of birth, a period of re- united as one, clear quality of pure awareness.
maining for a while and then a moment of death. From this perfect state of awareness, the circle of immortality is born. That
And how many causes and conditions need to meet for this visual time- circle is zero, the symbol that marks the watershed between positive and negative
frame, a dance of sound and light affecting a temporarily existing sensory frame numbers, like a bridge of non-duality.
that transmits and receives signals according to its capacity to rest in its natural For one’s pure, clear, clean awareness nature is immortal, a birth less and
state of being, to appear. therefore death less state of being from which all arises, in which all rests and

66 The Rainbow Bridge Red: The Rainbow Bridge 67

to which all disappears. No time exists in the state of immortality as it is but ever beings inhabit-
present continuously as one’s natural state of being. ing a multitude
Appearing in this way as the symbolic bridge of all relative existence to join of varying phys-
its absolute being, the zero of nothing symbolically appears as an infinite circular ical and non-
line. No point on it can be determined as the starting, nor ending position. If physical bodies,
one point on it is chosen as its starting point and one follows the line, it will perceive the ap-
come back round to that same point again, which therefore may also be termed pearing realm
as its ending point. It could begin and end anywhere relatively speaking, but around them ac-
those two points of seeming beginning and ending would always constantly be cording to the
the actual same one point. So every point on that infinite circle is both a starting limitations of
and ending position, any moment of time is that point. That point is present the perceptive
everywhere in immortal awareness. In this way, the circle of zero perfectly rep- faculties of their
resents its essential being as equal to the whole make up of relative existence. particular physi-
In the absolute sense there is no bridge at all, for who perceives and what is cal forms.
perceived do not arise from separate sources, but are both appearing from the The human
one same energetic essential source of phenomena, awareness. species has the
However, when perception is not perfectly aligned with its pure awareness essential frame
nature, then they relatively speaking need a point of crossing or connection, the and inner net-
‘Rainbow Bridge’. The ‘Rainbow Bridge’ is the absolute connection in the sense work of energy
of non-separation between what arises in the mind at the moment of sensing channels within
any form aspect that appears simultaneously as external to our human form and which percep-
any formless aspect which is simultaneously perceived by our human sensual tion may rest in
perception. It is thus its own inseparable quality of awareness perceiving its ap- its essential
pearing nature. awareness na-
Our sensual receptive attributes and judgement of those arising sensations ture. The human
as perception of them ultimately form our viewpoint that translates the ap- form is there-
pearing creative essence according to one’s vision of existence. If something fore a priceless
else other than pure awareness recognition of that creative essence in manifes- form to have
tation arises in one’s perception, then subject and object are seemingly divided o b t a i n e d
and manifest as appearance of all types. through vast
One then forms relation and judgmental attitudes to the appearance result- numbers of relative causes and conditions having come together.
ing in attachment, aversion and indifference to what is essentially but the creative And complete awareness itself is what may be attained and its inherent qual-
manifestation of one’s essential awareness energy of being. ities awoken, once the absolute reality of the colourful display of appearing
Essential creative energy connects all phenomena, because all phenomena rainbow images that appears and sounds to one’s sensual perception in form and
are themselves manifesting aspects of that creative awareness energy, thus mak- formless ways, is fully realised in its essential aspect.
ing up the vast seeming existence of form and formless realms of appearance. Viewpoint and appearance are present together simultaneously; essentially
Therefore, depending on the perceptive quality of one’s view of existence, combined, manifesting simultaneously and consciously perceived by the aware-
one perceives likewise. One’s perceptive awareness resting in its absolute aware- ness mind as not separate, but completely dependent one upon the other for the
ness state will view relatively appearing phenomena as rainbow images of man- so-called ‘other’s’ existence.
ifesting aspects of essential creative energy, whereas awareness split into dualistic And ever present within one’s awareness is that knowledge of ‘The Rainbow
perception of perceiver and perceived, of self and others will perceive an ap- Bridge’ that our conscious perception must metaphorically ‘cross’ to become
pearing world of form and formless aspects around itself as either harmful or its ultimate potential state of awareness being.
attractive to itself. ‘Rainbow’ and ‘Bridge’ are two words united as one image of the
Thus different species and capabilities of perception faculties within those ‘Rainbow Bridge’.

68 The Rainbow Bridge Red: The Rainbow Bridge 69

“Directly perceiving emptiness whilst
holding appearance”

The meaning of ‘Directly perceiving emptiness whilst holding appearance,’

has already emerged from the words, ‘Rainbow’ and ‘Bridge’ and ‘Rainbow
Bridge’, but here the word, ‘emptiness’ is used to describe the essential manifes-
tation of pure awareness as the absolute nature of appearance, denoting its lack
of any actual concrete reality.
‘Empty’ seems to depict a void, but that is not what it means in this context.
It is merely explaining that what appears as real, does not actually possess any
inherent pre-determined reality as what is perceived always depends on one’s
individual viewpoint, which is entirely made up of its own perceptive cocktail
of judgments.
These are ultimately and simply one’s pure awareness nature, appearing in an
assortment of ways according to one’s filter of perception.
In other words, ‘emptiness’ here describes that whatever appears is inher-
ently empty of any certainty, even though it holds an energetic potential to ap-
pear as anything at all.
What perceives is what is perceived. When mind’s awareness reveals that
viewpoint to itself then it rests in its appearance, as its appearance and can be
termed as in the state of ‘the view’.
In this way, everything that appears is the manifesting appearance of the
view, the creative appearing quality of mind in union with its inherent pure
awareness, yet empty of any actual manifesting reality.
As the mind rests in its truly natural awareness state, the ‘space’ within which
appearance may come into being as a result of that union state of mind is held
or poised in the view.
During the course of our day-to-day lives, forms and impressions of those
forms, namely ‘appearance’, and judgments of that appearance continuously
Just like a rainbow that appears and then disappears again according to the
causes and conditions present, so does the appearance of all phenomena, both
animate and inanimate as well as thoughts about that relatively appearing display
seem real, yet disappear as soon as the causes and conditions for that state of
mind change.
And likewise, in a dream state, where we continue to exist physically as an
impressionable form within a relative universe, another world of images arises
whilst we sleep or even daydream and we feel we really exist there at that mo-
With mind rested in the view, the play of creative essential energy manifest
in a plethora of ways does not affect one’s state of mind, nor does the mind
judge it as this or that. One then meets the naturally arising causes and condi-
tions for certain happenings to relatively occur and animate or inanimate beings

70 The Rainbow Bridge Red: Directly perceiving emptiness whilst holding appearance 71
to physically appear, with joyous feeling. ness being.
And anything that appears within mind held in the view is automatically in- So is the meaning of the rainbow itself in this sense the bridge between
fected by that mirror of essential qualities. viewpoint and appearance.
For all that appears is but an arising expression of un-manifest potential, Knowing this, remaining in the recognition of this, one may naturally rest
which directed by accordingly appearing causes and conditions becomes a re- in the absolute viewpoint of appearance, namely the view, beholding all phe-
alised manifest potential that is the sum total of the multitude of experiences nomena whilst directly perceiving its inherently empty nature, its one taste basic
of all appearing form and formless beings. component pure awareness energy, the appearing zero of all inherently empty
The masses of beings arising within appearance each carry their own pack- appearing relative phenomena.
age of their total experience within appearance, whose individual sum total arises To see that is to directly perceive emptiness whilst beholding appearance.
as the quality of their awareness experience, along with the sum total of the ex-
periences of all beings. The experience of individuals may not be separated
from that of all beings in this sense.
Beings take physical shapes and forms according to the total result of their
experience of existence, yet continuously change shape and form as that expe-
rience mutates within appearance.
Yet ultimately, all beings sub-consciously search to understand total knowl-
edge of their being.

Absolute formless energy of being gives birth to form and form dissolves
back into formless unborn yet arising potential, a process simultaneously going
on all the time.
The subtle formless image of the rainbow compliments this meaning, as it
is itself an apparition that mysteriously appears and subsequently disappears in
a seemingly short relative time frame.
Subject and object are understood as arising from the same source, self
and others are recognised as simply manifest appearances of essential aware-

72 The Rainbow Bridge Red: Directly perceiving emptiness whilst holding appearance 73
Commentary to Prologue

I give you one task

O reader of this text,
Ingest the fire of wisdom nectar
And digest each word,
Then conjure the picture.
For this translation is of images,
Now evaporated
And replaced with words
Of human awareness,
The clarity of perception
The nature of appearance
As it crosses
The rainbow bridge
To its birth less

Here the reader is being instructed to bring his or her mind into the
state of the view before beginning to read the text, whereby awareness di-
rectly recognises itself as all manifesting appearance, yet empty of any in-
herent reality.
In this way one directly perceives emptiness whilst holding appearance.
The ‘fire of wisdom nectar’ refers to the view, which is the necessary aware-
ness space for the words to reveal their correct meaning to the perceptive aware-
ness of the reader.
Thus the reader is connected with that same awareness space of the writer
so that with mind held in the view, he or she may re-live the mind images of per-
ceptive awareness that the writer experienced as an appearing vision in the mind
as the words were written onto the page.
This process should theoretically happen automatically when the text is both
written and read with mind held in the view. Thus the reader should simply read
the words and allow them to naturally translate back into their original visionary
In reality, much of the meaning is of course sub-consciously experienced
and only consciously manifests according to the perception or viewpoint of the

74 The Rainbow Bridge Orange: Prologue 75

This state of mind may be considered as captured by its own sense of self,
or ‘ego’ where the ego places itself as king and centre of the world within which
it appears, separating itself from others and living such a dualistic existence,
seeking its own gain and power over others within the illusory appearance of
Whereas the view reveals all phenomena as illusory, just like a rainbow that
appears and then disappears again according to the causes and conditions in
place, it can be said that the ego mind state is one that is distracted from the view,
by the lure of phenomena as something tangibly real where the ego state grasps
onto appearance and suffers when it cannot be in full control of its actual tran-
sitory nature.
Various transforming states of mind such as jealousy, desire, anger, pride
and ignorance awaken and sleep again, appearing from one’s perception in a
particular way one by one or in groups when they are perceived, sometimes
playing together, sometimes one more dominant than another.
Even though their potential to appear is always there, they will only appear
when certain causes and conditions for them to appear are in place and do not
However, the potential for pure awareness to be perceived through the arise when those conditions are not met.
human form is common to all humans and therefore the reader should be able
to interpret words that were written by such, back into those same mind images
if that pure awareness state of the view is maintained.
In this sense, if the words chosen by the writer’s perceptive awareness are
close enough to the meaning of the vision, then they will reveal this same vision
to the reader and the one same awareness space is attained. Both the writer and
the reader are responsible for this process to be achieved.
In this way, the words now manifest as symbols upon a page may re-manifest
in their subtle form as visual images in the mind.
The so-called ‘level’ of clarity of one’s perceptive awareness is what deter-
mines one’s state of mind and accordingly, the appearance of the world appear-
ing around one’s human form.
Just as a classical rainbow itself is a show of colours merging one into the
other, the colours appearing fixed in bent lines possessing their own track of
space, arcing one next to the other until seven major colours can be perceived
by a viewer in the distance, so does mind display its different moods, or states
of consciousness.
Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet - different frequencies of
refracted light, different moods of mind, different waves of consciousness per-
ceiving appearance. Thus attempting to sway appearance towards its selfish goals, the ego state
It is from within each conscious state that appears as the perceiving mind in of mind swings back and forth between glory and defamy and all other possible
that particular moment that one will perceive that corresponding vision of ap- opposite aspects, like a pendulum.
pearance. However, when the pendulum of opposites stills mind’s perceptive nature
However, if we fail to recognise that appearance as nothing but a display of to its absolute non-dual aspect of pure awareness, the rainbow bridge symbol-
awareness that is also itself perceiving it, then a separate and somewhat hostile ically appears and a union state of mind ensues.
world appears. Then all the qualities of awareness naturally appear from one’s inherent

76 The Rainbow Bridge Orange: Prologue 77

been awoken. Through wisdom understanding its inherent reality as empty of
any fixed nature, it naturally contains compassion for the truthful nature of all
relatively appearing phenomena.
Even though the zero only reveals its circular nature, its many encoded
meanings are hidden simply within its manifest shape.
These qualities are automatically available within mind held in the view and
out of these qualities emerge countless qualities of various manifesting aspects.
Awareness space is filled with these qualities and therefore all appearing phe-
nomena and beings that arise out of that space are naturally replete with such
qualities inherent within their essential state of being.
So as perception becomes unobstructed through mind awakening to levels
of consciousness beyond states usually experienced by a human being operating
within dualistic (or ego) mind, what arises as appearance is also transformed
into a differently perceived space of existence containing manifesting aspects of
that realm appearing everywhere.
The crossing of the rainbow bridge here means passing through the differ-
ent stages of conscious perception, until the birth less natural state of pure
awareness mind is revealed, where no obscuration is present.
Awareness is aware of its natural appearance, the true pot of gold at the
end of the rainbow !

awareness nature as pure perception, bliss, clarity, wisdom and awareness of all
these aspects, inseparable from each other as the negative mind states of ego are
simply purified into their more subtle aspects of awareness.
The circle of zero itself represents these pure aspects of relative awareness.
For as it appears, so is its clear nature revealed and as it is understood, so does
its wisdom arise and wisdom could not appear without its blissful nature having

78 The Rainbow Bridge Orange: Prologue 79

Commentary to Section 1
“The Pen”
The text of ‘The Pen’ is largely an allegory of the natural state of mind
whereby the writer encourages both the writer (as the text is being written) and
the reader (as the text is being read) to place mind in its natural state of aware-
ness, or the state of the view before starting to write or read the text.
So in the direct sense, the pen represents the awareness mind of the writer
that must accurately display the meaning of the text in words and indirectly, the
pen is the reader being instructed on how to interpret the text accurately, as per-
In order to do this, the writer talks directly to the pen that is being used to
write the text by initially instructing the pen to recognize the natural state of
mind and rest in that view so that whatever words appear may perfectly com-
pliment it.
In this way, the perceptive awareness of the reader should automatically be-
come aware of that natural state as he/she interprets the meaning of the text
within his/her own cognitive awareness.
In this way, the written words may be perceived accurately and the exercises
that follow in later sections may be undertaken correctly with mind rested in its
natural state whilst the reader proceeds through the text, reflecting on the nature
of mind through the visual means of the pen and page metaphor, thus placing
mind into the state of the view.
In order to sustain this realization and continue to write using words that
naturally reflect the essential state of being, the pen should take refuge in its
true nature and be confident in the truth of whatever appears.
In this way, mind rests in a natural state of awareness, trusting it through
knowing that all appearing phenomena, both animate and inanimate are the
mere appearing aspect of its essential awareness nature.
So is appearance, made up of all rainbow images of existence, but the multi-
faceted display of the energies of one’s life force flow, interconnectedly inter-
twined with the energies of the life force flow of all beings as a multitude of
sound and light.
These subtle energies, a dance of the five main inner essential elements each
containing certain qualities of mind, arise automatically as an outwardly appear-
ing manifestation. Mind held in awareness of its true nature may perceive it as
such as well as directly behold such subtle energies in manifest form throughout
Pure awareness that is an invisibly present subtle energy, naturally appears
as perception that manifests as sensation and thought that may take on any
formless description as vivid as imagination may be. Appearance of form phe-
nomena can seem as solid as rock and therefore appear as more real.

80 The Rainbow Bridge Yellow: The Pen 81

1.1 The page is blank
The pen wet,
Poised above the pregnant emptiness.
May arise,
May appear
In forms
That speak their truth
Through a multitude of displays.

The page here refers to the absolute ground of all phenomena, yet un-man-
ifest, but ready to burst into any display at all, whilst the pen refers to the power
of creativity of that empty space seething with the energy of its own creativity.
Both its empty and creative aspects inseparably united are the make up of
essential awareness mind, which is here referred to as ‘pregnant emptiness’.
Like the page that is ready to give birth to any appearance upon its blank sur-
face and accept it fully without attachment or rejection to its relative meaning,
so is the pen, wet with the ink of skillful means, ready to spill out its perfectly
encoded meaning, knowledge of an ultimate reality contained within the words
that appear on the page.
In this way by simply resting mind in its natural state, the ink is the method
for the pen to unite with the page, the nectar of creativity of the spacious birth
ground of all phenomena now appearing as words containing their essential
Anything brought forth from awareness mind is in essence this relatively
appearing creative aspect born from an absolute state of un-manifest being.
In this way, a perfect appearance of light (as form appearance) and a perfect These relative and absolute qualities always remain present within everything
potential of sound (as formless appearance) are contained within appearing that appears.
awareness. What exists as form and corresponding formless aspect are there present
Purified by awareness itself into its non-appearing state, the rainbow colours one within the other as all relative appearance is temporal and subject to
of appearance and their corresponding sounds melt into their common essential birth and death, appearance and disappearance, like a dance of changing
clear light nature, without colour, shape or form. images, transforming from one state into another as one’s molecular essen-
Pure awareness nature of perception and awareness of the appearance of tial format mutates shape according to causes planted and subsequent con-
that perception are thus united. Even though they may arise in their own indi- ditions present.
vidual way, they are not containing a separate self as they arise from the same All phenomena, both animate and inanimate contain this blend of form and
womb of all phenomena. So are awareness and appearance in reality the seed formless aspects, whereby relative form is continuously becoming relatively
and fruit of each other. formless, disappearing into its essential aspect and back again into appearance,
Even though everything that is being written in the text is itself a marvellous thus demonstrating its essential truth of existence whilst appearing in a multi-
truth of existence, the writer laments that there is not necessarily anything in tude of different aspects.
particular to write about at all as everything ultimately ends up having the same
essential meaning. 1.2 For inside each character,
However, an ensuing chain of logical arguments reveals the actual meaning Each letter,
of the text and the value of using the creative quality of mind in this way. Is contained

82 The Rainbow Bridge Yellow: The Pen 83

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220 The Rainbow Bridge The Rainbow Bridge 221

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