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By: Melissa Wong and Adrianna Djie

Table of Contents
We will be talking about...

What is Encryption?
Why Do We Use Encryption?
How Does It Work? (x3)
Pros and Cons
Real Life Examples
What is Encryption?
Encryption: The process of coding text
Decryption: The process of decoding text
Decryption is the opposite of encryption

A security method used to protect data

Files on computers
Data being passed through the Internet
ATM machines
Facebook password

Facebook E n c r y p t io n D e c r y p t io n Facebook
g b d fc p p l@ q b ttx p s e
P a s s w o rd P a s s w o rd
Why Do We Use Encryption?
To secure important information e.g. :
Health records
Credit card information
Student records

Prevents information from getting stolen or read

Without encryption, there is no reliable security

How Does It Work?
Encryption allows the sender to transform data from
plain text into ciphertext by using a key
Ciphertext: coded text
Key: what is used to encrypt and decrypt text

Two different types of encryption:

Asymmetric encryption (Public key encryption)
Symmetric encryption

Adrianna wants to send Melissa a message...

How Does It Work? (cont.)
Asymmetric Encryption

M essage: A d r ia n n a s
E ncrypt
d o m o a r ig a to p u b lic k e y

A d r ia n n a

M essage:
e p n p b s jh b u p

M e lis s a

M essage: A d r ia n n a s
d o m o a r ig a to D ecrypt p r iv a te k e y
How does it work? (cont.)
Symmetric Encryption

M essage: E ncrypt M essage: D ecrypt M essage:

d o m o a r ig a to e p n p b s jh b u p d o m o a r ig a t o
P la in te x t C ip h e r te x t P la in te x t
Pros and Cons
Pros Cons
Keeps it confidential Needs to be maintained

Very reliable Sometimes high costs $$

Encrypt as much as you Compatibility?


Time consuming for the

Real Life Examples
Used in the military and the government

Now used in everyday life:

Online banking
Student records, health records, tax records etc.
ATM machines
Social networking (emails, texts, instant messengers)

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