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Huntington Beach State Park

The 2500 acres which comprise Huntington Beach State Park include 1060 acres of salt marsh
and tidal waters, 750 acres of woodlands, 90 acres of freshwater lagoon, 400 acres of maritime
shrub thicket and 200 acres of sandy beach and dunes.

The diversity of habitat at Huntington Beach State Park provides for the corresponding
diversity of bird life. During almost any month, and especially in fall and winter when waterfowl
populations are increased, a full day of birdwatching can yield 100 or more species.

Please report any sightings of birds not listed or shown in season to: the park naturalist at
Huntington Beach State Park, 16148 Ocean Highway, Murrells Inlet, S.C. 29576.

This list provided by the South Carolina Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism and
downloaded from Columbia Audubon Society at Posted to the web
on October 15, 2001.

Seasonal occurrences are coded as follows:

Spring - March - May

Summer - June - August
Fall - September - November
Winter - December - February

A - Abundant - greatest relative numbers.

C - Common.
U - Uncommon.
R - Rare - lowest relative numbers.
X - Exceptional - recorded only once or twice.

SPECIES .............................. S S F W
______Red-Throated Loon...... C _ C C
______Common Loon............. C _ C A

______Pied-Billed Grebe......... C C C C
______Horned Grebe............... U _ U C
______Red-necked Grebe........ R _ _ R
______Eared Grebe.................. _ _ _ R

Shearwaters and Petrals

______Greater Shearwater....... _ X _ _
______Audubon's Shearwater.. _ X _ _
______Wilson’s Storm-Petrel. . _ R _ _

______Magnificent Frigatebird _ X _ _
______Northern Gannet........... U _ U C

______Brown Pelican.............. C C C C
______American White Pelican X _ X X

______Great Cormorant........... _ _ R U
______Double-Crested Cormorant U U A C

______Anhinga........................ U U U U

Herons and Bitterns

______American Bittern.......... U U U U
______Least Bittern................. C C C _
______Great Blue Heron......... C C C C
______Great Egret................... C C C C
______Snowy Egret................. C C C C
______Little Blue Heron.......... U U U U
______Tricolored Heron.......... C C C C
______Reddish Egret............... _ R X _
______Cattle Egret.................. U R U R
______Green-Backed Heron.... C C C R
______Black-Crowned Night Heron C C C C
_____Yellow-Crowned Night Heron C C C R

Ibises and Spoonbills

______White Ibis..................... C C C C
______Glossy Ibis................... U C U R
______Roseate Spoonbill......... _ X _ _
______Wood Stork.................. R U R _

Swans, Geese and Ducks

______Fulvous Whistling-Duck _ X X X
______Tundra Swan................ R _ R C
______Snow Goose................. _ _ R R
______Brant............................. _ _ X X
______Canada Goose.............. _ _ R U
______Wood Duck.................. U U U C
______Green-Winged Teal...... U R U C
______American Black Duck. . U R U U
______Mallard......................... U _ U U
______Northern Pintail............ U _ U U
______Blue-Winged Teal........ U R U C
______Cinnamon Teal............. _ _ X _
______Northern Shoveler........ U _ U U
______Gadwall........................ U _ U C

______Eurasian Wigeon.......... _ _ _ X
______American Wigeon........ U _ U C
______Canvasback.................. U _ U C
______Redhead........................ R _ R U
______Ring-Necked Duck....... C _ C C
______Greater Scaup............... _ _ R R
______Lesser Scaup................ U _ U U
______Common Eider............. _ _ _ R
______King Eider.................... _ _ _ X
______Harlequin Duck............ _ _ _ R
______Oldsquaw..................... U _ U U
______Black Scoter................. U R U C
______Surf Scoter................... U _ U U
______White-Winged Scoter... U _ R U
______Common Goldeneye..... _ _ _ R
______Bufflehead.................... U _ U C
______Hooded Merganser....... U _ U C
______Common Merganser..... _ _ _ R
______Red-Breasted Merganser U _ U C
______Ruddy Duck................. U _ U C

American Vultures
______Black Vulture............... U U U U
______Turkey Vulture............. C C C C

Eagles, Kites and Hawks

______Osprey.......................... C C U R
______Swallow-Tailed Kite.... _ X _ _
______Bald Eagle.................... C R C C
______Northern Harrier........... U _ U C
______Sharp-Shinned Hawk.... U _ U C
______Cooper’s Hawk............. _ R _ U
______Red-Shouldered Hawk. U C C U
______Broad-Winged Hawk.... R _ U R
______Red-Tailed Hawk......... U U U C

______American Kestrel......... U R C C
______Merlin........................... U _ U U
______Peregrine Falcon........... _ _ R U

Quails and Pheasants

______Northern Bobwhite....... U U U U

Rails, Gallinules and Coots

______Clapper Rail................. C C C C
______King Rail...................... _ _ _ R
______Virginia Rail................. R _ R R
______Sora.............................. U R U U
______Purple Gallinule........... _ R _ _
______Common Moorhen....... C C C U

______American Coot............. C U C A

______Sandhill Crane.............. X _ _ _

______Black-Bellied Plover.... C U U C
______Lesser Golden Plover... R _ R _
______Wilson’s Plover............ U C U C
______Semipalmated Plover.... C U C C
______Piping Plover................ U U U C
______Killdeer........................ U C U U

______American Oystercatcher U C U U

Stilts and Avocets

______Black-Necked Stilt....... U U R X
______American Avocet......... _ R R X

______Greater Yellowlegs....... U U U C
______Lesser Yellowlegs........ U U U U
______Spotted Redshank......... _ _ _ X
______Solitary Sandpiper........ U _ R _
______Willet........................... C C C C
______Spotted Sandpiper........ U C U U
______Whimbrel..................... U U C U
______Long-Billed Curlew...... _ _ X _
______Hudsonian Godwit....... _ X X _
______Marbled Godwit........... _ R U R
______Common Snipe............. U _ U U
______American Woodcock.... _ _ _ R
______Ruddy Turnstone.......... U C C A
______Red Knot...................... C U C U
______Sanderling.................... C C C C
______Semipalmated Sandpiper U U U R
______Western Sandpiper....... U U C A
______Least Sandpiper............ U U U C
______White-Rumped Sandpiper R _ R R
______Pectoral Sandpiper....... U U U U
______Purple Sandpiper.......... U _ U C
______Dunlin......................... U C U C
______Stilt Sandpiper.............. _ R R _
______Buff-Breasted Sandpiper _ R _ _
______Ruff............................. X _ _ _
______Short-Billed Dowitcher U U U C
______Long-Billed Dowitcher. R _ R R

______Wilson’s Phalarope...... R _ R R

______Red Phalarope.............. X _ _ _

______Parasitic Jaeger............. _ X _ R

______Laughing Gull.............. C C C U
______Franklin’s Gull............. _ _ X _
______Common Black-Headed Gull X _ X _
______Bonaparte’s Gull.......... U R U C
______Ring-Billed Gull........... U U C A
______Herring Gull................. U U U C
______Lesser Black-Backed Gull _ _ _ X
______Glaucous Gull.............. _ _ _ X
______Great Black-Backed Gull R _ R U

______Gull-Billed Tern........... U U U R
______Caspian Tern................ C U C C
______Royal Tern................... C C C C
______Sandwich Tern............. U U U U
______Common Tern.............. U U U U
______Forster’s Tern............... U R U C
______Least Tern.................... U C C _
______Black Tern.................... U U C _
______Black Skimmer............. C C C U

Auks and Puffins

______Marbled Murrelet......... _ _ _ X
______Razorbill....................... _ _ _ X
______Black Guillemot........... X _ _ X

Pigeons and Doves

______Rock Dove................... R R R R
______Mourning Dove............ U C C U
______Common Ground Dove U U U C

______Yellow-Billed Cuckoo.. U C U _

______Eastern Screech-Owl.... C C U U
______Great Horned Owl........ U U U U
______Burrowing Owl............. _ X _ _
______Barred Owl................... U U U U
______Short-Eared Owl........... _ _ R R

Night Jars
______Common Nighthawk.... U C R _
______Chuck-Will’s-Widow... U C _ _
______Whip-Poor-Will............ _ _ _ X

______Chimney Swift............. U C U _

_____Ruby-Throated Hummingbird U C U _

______Belted Kingfisher......... C U C C

______Red-Headed Woodpecker C C C C
______Red-Bellied Woodpecker C C C C
______Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker U _ U C
______Downy Woodpecker..... U U U U
______Hairy Woodpecker....... U U U U
______Red-Cockaded Woodpecker R R R R
______Northern Flicker........... C C C C
______Pileated Woodpecker.... U U U U

Tyrant Flycatchers
______Eastern Wood-Pewee. . . U C U _
______Acadian Flycatcher....... U C U _
______Eastern Phoebe............. U _ U U
______Vermilion Flycatcher.... X _ _ _
______Great-Crested Flycatcher C C U _
______Western Kingbird......... X _ X X
______Eastern Kingbird.......... U U U _
______Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher _ X X _

______Purple Martin............... U C U _
______Tree Swallow............... C U A R
_Northern Rough-Winged Swallow U U C R
______Bank Swallow.............. U R R _
______Cliff Swallow............... R _ R _
______Barn Swallow............... U C C R

Jays and Crows

______Blue Jay........................ C C C C
______American Crow............ U U U C
______Fish Crow..................... C C C C

Titmouse and Chickadees

______Carolina Chickadee...... C C C C
______Tufted Titmouse........... C C C C

______Red-Breasted Nuthatch. R _ _ R
______White-Breasted Nuthatch R R R R
______Brown-Headed Nuthatch C C C C

______Brown Creeper............. U _ R C

______Carolina Wren (State Bird) C C C C
______House Wren.................. U _ R U
______Winter Wren................. U _ R U
______Sedge Wren.................. U _ R U
______Marsh Wren.................. U U U U

Kinglets and Thrushes

______Golden-Crowned Kinglet U _ U U
______Ruby-Crowned Kinglet C _ U C
______Blue-Gray Gnatcatcher. U C U R
______Eastern Bluebird........... U U U C
______Veery............................ U _ _ _
______Gray-Cheeked Thrush. . R _ _ _
______Hermit Thrush.............. U _ U C
______Wood Thrush................ U C U R
______American Robin........... U R U C

Mimic Thrushes
______Gray Catbird................. C U U C
______Northern Mockingbird.. C C C C
______Brown Thrasher............ C C C C

Pipits and Wagtails

______American Pipit............. U _ R U
______Sprague’s Pipit............. _ _ X _

______Cedar Waxwing............ C _ U A

______Loggerhead Shrike....... U U U U

______European Starling......... C C C C

______White-Eyed Vireo........ U C U _
______Solitary Vireo............... R _ R U
______Yellow-Throated Vireo R U R _
______Red-Eyed Vireo............ U U U _

Wood Warblers
______Blue-Winged Warbler. . R _ _ _
______Tennessee Warbler....... _ _ U _
______Orange-Crowned Warbler _ _ _ U
______Northern Parula............ U C U _

______Yellow Warbler............ U _ C _
______Cape May Warbler....... _ _ U _
______Black-Throated Blue Warbler U _ U
______Yellow-Rumped Warbler C _ C A
___Black-Throated Green Warbler R R U _
______Blackburnian Warbler. . U _ _ _
______Yellow-Throated Warbler U C U _
______Pine Warbler................ C C C C
______Prairie Warbler............. U U U R
______Palm Warbler............... U _ C U
______Blackpoll Warbler........ U _ _ _
______Cerulean Warbler......... R _ _ _
______Black-and-White Warbler U U C U
______American Redstart........ U U C _
______Prothonotary Warbler... R R R _
______Swainson’s Warbler..... R _ _ _
______Ovenbird...................... _ _ U _
______Common Yellowthroat. U C C U
______Hooded Warbler........... U U U _
______Wilson's Warbler.......... R _ _ X
______Yellow-Breasted Chat. . U C U _

Grosebeaks, Buntings and Sparrows

______Northern Cardinal......... C C C C
______Rose-Breasted Grosbeak U _ U _
______Blue Grosbeak.............. U U U _
______Indigo Bunting............. C U U _
______Painted Bunting............ U U U _
______Dickcissel..................... X _ _ _
______Rufous-Sided Towhee. . C C C C
______Chipping Sparrow........ U _ U C
______Field Sparrow............... U _ U C
______Vesper Sparrow............ _ _ _ R
______Lark Sparrow................ _ _ R _
______Lark Bunting................ _ _ X _
______Savannah Sparrow........ U _ U C
______Grasshopper Sparrow... _ _ X _
______Le Conte’s Sparrow...... _ _ R R
______Sharp-Tailed Sparrow. . U _ U C
______Seaside Sparrow........... U C C U
______Fox Sparrow................. U _ U U
______Song Sparrow............... U _ U C
______Swamp Sparrow........... U _ U U
______White-Throated Sparrow C _ U C
______White-Crowned Sparrow _ _ X _
______Dark-Eyed Junco.......... U _ U C
______Lapland Longspur........ _ _ R R
______Snow Bunting............... _ _ X R

Blackbirds and Orioles

______Bobolink....................... U _ U _

______Red-Winged Blackbird. C C C A
______Eastern Meadowlark..... U _ U U
______Rusty Blackbird............ _ _ R R
______Boat-Tailed Grackle..... C C C C
______Common Grackle......... C C C C
______Brown-Headed Cowbird C U U U
______Summer Tanager.......... U C U
______Orchard Oriole............. U C U _
______Northern Oriole............ _ R U _

______Purple Finch................. U _ _ U
______House Finch................. _ _ U _
______Pine Siskin................... _ _ _ R
______American Goldfinch..... U R R U
______Evening Grosbeak........ _ _ _ U

House Sparrow
______House Sparrow............. U U U U

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