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ALUNO (A): ................................................................................................................ N ............
SRIE: 7 Ano DATA: _____/____/____ NOTA:.....................

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2. A interpretao faz parte da avaliao, por isso leia atentamente cada questo. Se houver dvida, chame o professor;
3. No rasure. Questes rasuradas ou desorganizadas equivalem a questes anuladas;
4. No permitido, no momento da avaliao, o uso de cadernos/ livros, corretivo, assim como emprestar material.
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Boa avaliao!

O caminho para a vida de quem guarda o ensino Pv 10.17

One of the things I like best about school is my art class. We have a great teacher named
Mrs. Hilbert. She is a wonderful artist. I love to watch her draw and paint. She taught us
how to mix paint to make just the right colors for our paintings. She plays good music
while we draw and paint. We draw and paint almost
every day in class. Some days we look at pictures of
other artists. It is interesting to do this. It helps me to
think of things that I want to paint or draw. We have an
art exhibit in May this year. Our work will be in one of
the banks in our town. We are inviting people from the
community to our exhibit. Our parents are invited to
go with us. I have three paintings I am working on
now. I hope one of them will be chosen to be in the
exhibit. I like having a goal to work toward.
ANSW b. write great stories
ER c. mix paint
THE d. do long division
: 4. Why does it help this student to see
the works of other artists?
1. What is one of the favorite classes of
this student? a. to learn to draw
b. mix paint
a. math c. to think about what she wants to paint
b. reading d. none of these
c. art
d. music 5. Where will the art exhibit be?

2. The author describes Mrs. Hilbert as a a. at the library

_______________. b. at one of the banks
c. at the school
a. nice lady d. at one of the churches
b. wonderful artist
c. sweet person 6. What does this student hope will
d. beautiful person happen with her paintings?

3. What did Mrs. Hilbert teach the class to a. one of them will be sold
do? b. one of them will be chosen for the exhibit
c. one of them will be of her younger sister
a. bake chocolate cake d. one of them will be lost
Tim loves to go with his mother when she goes grocery shopping. His
favorite store is right next door to the grocery store. It is Billows Book Store.
Tim goes straight to the bookstore when they get to the grocery store. Mom
buys groceries. Tims favorite section is the sports section for children. They
have all kinds of books about sports. There are magazines that tell
everything about sports.
Tim likes sports and he spends a lot of time looking at the books and
magazines in this section. He likes the area with childrens books, too. Tim
always waits in the bookstore for Mom to come and get him. He chooses
one book or a magazine and Mom buys it for him. It is a nice way to spend a
Saturday afternoon.

7. Why does Tim like to go grocery shopping with his Mom?

a.He goes to the ice cream shop. b.He goes to the bookstore.
c.He can see all of his friends. d.He likes to buy clothes.

8. When does Tim go to the bookstore?

a.on Friday morning b.on Saturday morning
c.on Sunday afternoon d.on Saturday afternoon

9. What does Tim like to read about ?

a.animals b. sports
c. cars d. bikes

10. What does Tim's mother do when she comes to get Tim? him food b.takes him to school
c.buys a book or magazine for him d.takes him to see his friends

11. Tim looks for sports books and _____ in the bookstore
a.newspapers b. videos
c. posters d. magazines

12. What sports does Tim like?

a. basketball b. football
c. golf d. all of these

13. Circle the correct form:

1. The film _____________ at midnight.
a) finish b) finishes
2. Many people _____________ chocolate.
a) likes b) like
3. He _____________ homework in his bedroom.
a) does b) do
4. We _____________ to the radio in the car.
a) listens b) listen
5. They _____________ their grandparents on Saturdays.
a) visit b) visits
6. My mother _____________ the street to work.
a) cross b) crosses
7. Tom and Mary _____________ a mile a day.
a) runs b) run
8. The doctor_____________ I have to rest.
a) says b) say
9. He _____________ his family a lot.
a) miss b) misses
10. You _____________ Portuguese food.
a) like b) likes

14. Rewrite the sentences in the negative and interrogative form.

1. He watches TV at night.
2. The students do a test every week.
3. I go on holiday in August.
4. Your friend Anne calls you every day.
5. They dance hip hop very well.
6. I like country music.

Albert Alice


15. Mark T (true) or F (false) according to the picture:

Albert likes cats. ( ) Alice likes salad. ( )

Albert doesnt like eggs. ( ) Alice doesnt like milk. ( )
Albert likes cola drinks. ( ) Alice likes popcorn. ( )
Albert likes French fries. ( ) Alice doesnt like TV. ( )
Albert doesnt like dogs. ( ) Alice likes music. ( )
Albert likes math. ( ) Alice likes candy. ( )
Albert doesnt like fruit. ( ) Alice doesnt like chocolate. ( )
Albert likes soccer. ( ) Alice likes computers. ( )
Albert doesnt like hot dogs. ( ) Alice doesnt like onions. ( )
Albert likes hamburgers. ( ) Alice likes ham and cheese. ( )
Albert likes carrots. ( ) Alice likes coffee. ( )
Albert likes donuts. ( ) Alice likes cheese. ( )
16. Answer the questions using short answers:
1. Does Albert like fruit?
2. Does Albert like cola drinks?
3. Does Alice like ice cream?
4. Does Albert like cats?
5. Does Alice like cheese?
6. Does Albert like eggs?
7. Does Alice like coffee?
8. Does Alice like music?
9. Does Albert like soccer?

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