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Title: I.E.P.

Lesson Plan One

Description: The lesson plan is to teach the initial blend st.
Time: 40 min
Blooms Taxonomy Pre-lesson Questioning:
1. What sound do you think these letters make? (Presentation 1).
2. Do you know any words that start with the st sound? (Presentation 2).

Presentation 1. Hold up a st flashcard and ask student if they recognize the st Notes
5 min blend. Question 1 (Knowledge/Information). If they do not,
have them sound it out and reproduce the blend orally.
2. Prior-knowledge Question 2 (Knowledge/Information).
15 min 3. Give student word/picture sheets (Bowen, C., 2006. p.1, 2 &
5).and have them circle all the words with a st sound at the
4. Student to say the word using word/picture (Bowen,C. 2006. p.
1, 2 &5) association. Use sounding out approach - if not
achievable. If still having difficulties scaffold until the word is
15 min 5. Using flashcards with st blend from word/picture (Bowen, C.,
2006. p. 1, 2 & 5 - (stag, stop, still, step, stick)) CCVC (short
Student to;
a) Sound word using initial blend
b) Say word
c) Trace over word on flashcard with finger and then with pencil.
d) Cover and teacher says word
e) Student to attempt to spell word
5. Student to complete blackline master from LSTCWC
(New wave spelling, 2006. p. 82) using the five words.
5 min 6. Write words on to skateboard shape for student (teacher made)
reference folder.
7. Reflection Question 1 (Comprehension).

Blooms Taxonomy Post-lesson Questioning:

1. In the words we looked at today, was st at the beginning, the middle or at the end of
the word?
Title: I.E.P. Lesson Plan Two
Description: The lesson plan is to teach the long vowel ee
Time: 40 min
Blooms Taxonomy Pre-lesson Questioning:
1. Do you remember what this blend/sound is?
2. Do you remember any words that begin with this sound?
2. What sound do you think these letters make? (Presentation 1).
3. Do you know any words that have the ee sound?

Presentation 1. Hold up a st flashcard Question 1

5 min (Knowledge/Remembering).
2. Question 2 (K & R).
3. Hold up ee flashcard. Question 3 (K & R).
25 min 4. Question 4 (K & R).
5. Discuss how ee, ea and e can have the same sound.
6. Give students a pile of flashcards with words using the different
vowel representation choices. Have them group the words
according to the same grapheme. (tree, knee, bee, free, speed,
deer, seed, been, feast, dear, seat, bead, mean, me, be, she)
7. Write the ee words onto the ee tree (teacher made tree for
word/picture association)
8. Student to read words put on the tree.
9. Student to choose 5 words to put on skateboard shape for
student (teacher made) reference folder.
10. New wave ee blackline master worksheets (New wave spelling,
2006. p. 62-65).
5 min 11. Dictate sentences to student from lesson plan with ee focus
(Fogassy, J., n.d. Sample).
5 min 12. Write words on to skateboard shape for student (teacher
made) reference folder.
13. Reflection Question 1 (Comprehension).

Blooms Taxonomy Post-lesson Questioning:

1. Do the words we looked at today use ee to say a long sound or a short sound?

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