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(2017 ale 2) 1438 524 sla 3 = 6548 se ~ Meant Baye! 2047 eis 27 ph tee 171 9 14 eB tall Ay My sgl AS juceallg Bal g Aayh pall ibpited Ail) Cilbaal gally (get Daal coll Upaps CLS 3S y cplaally Ay zoall y scapes Sly UpoS> ob dpsed obtaglly Glas! SLawhay GLail! 103.12 pd Ugilall Ye oly femngs 24) 1436 SMM aysy cild geylty 1.14.193 dy ciaytll peal! oigarty pola tie 58 SoLL! Lapucdy «(2014 1437 Glin Oe 25 gb peal GL Cline Lit gh) edin! sayy £ (2012 seis ed) Ge hall 1 hy Asta tual Aye jdt) Ligh Ge alsa dita ogi ll ley Gea tall Ally lly Ce palaall y giball gg hea GLdy (2016 seus 10) 1438 du! any 10 «peal gl) Uppal babs y (pS Leal) fp yall Cilaciag Anal) Ay) cibdal gall 4uaniy tag bs au eesaySl Bataya! (2017 yof2) 1438591 salar 3 - 6548.40 Rate plod sgt cle! ri bsltt ASLAM AWN Staal ola Aaaall sliyelyll yy lll Nia guy calydySy veel yl) JLALI 103.12 dy cigilddl Gye SB Ball J doune fp LS OLE Cashes ge lagdy ASLAM! gall Us ga edteall J] araat sMcalanan§hl” gh "Ran§hl” : op ontay Ul} SLALly slyaS> gf tall cabteglly Lgl LAL colyasSly ogy cell Lalo .aMLaalT qasam GULL YS cag SKlt gf Baeza! 2ySN aTLaall 103.12 Opilall go 61 Ball J s2 Bolt J Up LAL AS, Laal) AYU cleat UagyUl agdall eds ge Y al Aabaat cabled! sly colplandly pldll Sy yy All! Ns ga gt Soll! Ladle ASLAM ALY Yepel Ualll ge ylall Wylall fs way Y] ypel 22) 1425 Us gary 2d y3leall 1.03.300 dy cdgysell suglall pS poh aypsall elally Angad ps LS Agata! Gallet episs Sale], (2004 (2015 ypli,20) 1436 Us aga, 28 geht, 1.15.02 ArplyLl ade 2 JIU! ll dale piel) 3 3oUl Nadone LUde gh Updte ensahe deeper QT Ade IS Amylpll ada aay tt pias Leghe ate cy ala Lol] Uilene .cilisdl AMI Uelyaad LaSle ob sddall dle 48] Was Lee Ud ge call oh gad old! Ua ijn} Deeg) Gad ge Cpatl ol Alay tly LE Ge Slogll LAybralll gpere basSAM (2017 ue 2) 14385591 gsr 3 - 6548 ste Raaebly gual! coat clagSUMI guyll Ghelag last Aas Jat 4 Boll! LaSe gf Ragan Lye A4Saty dell pbyly ual Uf cual ASLe Janis sS boll go OB 13] YaS> flay Qual! cling! Q Raahll shel joe ¥ Moana gh amity Lagy 13] Deadly us J 1S tel yall 26 5stt! oof oLaBYt Aaa, AM flat algun cMenyl Ll ade of Lal) aul! at Son} Legh Bab ately ult Lege IS cigSs OF aay ogupll tala 275i babs QE ya gh Barly Uads Seasll Gal on aul gad oll Sar wbdall Bylo cay Uple garll cslyaSIly Jogptell gusem Boars sedan ayaagad cgay caby ghd pads Ot das Salyer Jeeall igs ag Bota Logpttl Bele ae coflal atl asl! gat) Spall ob YS Salt oy ade ale oy 65a Ge AHL ol Leefall Sep SH apsaatll Ue gy shall Gedy Gt emg ld le stall Gaty YT depts wyaall BSL gay Ble J ell vtele Ga ase ye lusty Uajle ne Laugh! ol Ue delve gS all Sy teal 28 boltt MUSSy paylS Luasagll RSL leds Aub Ll ade cyldy Ot Se wdaall by Gola! Ayes Alll Yograill J ple Gegraill Obbesall os Leants capa Lia gga 2 Boll colada dela ao essay! Bye! 2017 sole?) 1498588 ler 3 - 6548 sue 19 Boll! eal Ge peal! uadyi le ail fe AaylM ade Gay cb igme rhe amy Leph plas ple O99 stash, dhagt tay 08 of gall boLadl ge Gis le JS st je gio > CASgrI gob WSlab ol Botene Bus sland! ay gl Lenasll Gyo pare tpl ye GE MBS ate hilly cada Bil Aplaall sa Ge Lagat abo - Ata oP alll a Ag Le agar of llS cal g] ay ola 310 5th! insaball Sey Y del deal ade g gall abo GW 13] cAell Load layed dys ele cpaty Jeaall a cual sly dole] + Hoy Ll ade J Laglol Grall Algae Bale] toad Gay BEY Upaall oo cast! ols dale] - acsatll ob Babys Uylaia sllly 5 Raub hl ols thol= or 311 ball ark east! calle de oly Agate gf ide gads Gl Auenhall oS Sc ee et a ead Toby SM aula" + ebpally gatel sey AayL) ude Gen ot Sap Alles ola dy sign Lansnhll Dial apacay 4S pple a least! le dasa lgeslad ely cbdsSy call caldyalge egll sutras (2017 yulu2) 1438581 olan 3 + 6548.54 = Apeanyll Byat 212 boll Ghagad "Aytll eala” oaay Gdd Alpe ads culled Gf Lesehall GSar BAL y yale ciliae J Mugl ctalye Leesafll Ladtaly peal! acy Jats eBybe oye capa LR US oye Agua All Min gates WT de ded dail! I srl! ely Vardeny Lanseh hl aS quarry Stell Ue gd asad call Lensahll bd al 13) OF psally esl ge coAball pl UY gad wtegll g douall clisalglly Asnaaghl Galley Gb ad Gol LS wfled! b Lasagll Gye Ysa! yeala ajay dy hed gall stl dal gyal ages Gal LL ade ply! apne Aad! hala aja ot deal of LS eqilllag Gob BySY lad godly Aaah Ll sae ply! Ge Leugll eels Ue de Ged gal cath deal gyda! aagady Leesahll 113 ball! oe Asnngll ahanas Gb Sgemy volpstlly egy peal oly puse UL gy lye coe Atlan (gl) cutll daall gyal lade jglty ¥ Liles Qual! bala caflea] alae gly Alla! digo wel 14 5a! pile tegr Suaall ge solell elatl) gol segll cuits ol iste ¥ > aSpeall BSL Ques ll yc pobre aly o* call eld deg peal! ge sateall olpttly galt segll pany sds Lola! jpmy Uy Aladin Gilly GH Dey Ll sicg Leuefll yl Aueuhll db oe ouall ob ade f AebLl 115 ball ef ASo.3} Sysall 2 alld ciple on Opal! AAT GT Leash! Je cise awh ane sas ~ Rpenyl Baya! (2017 ula2) 149855 salar 3 6540 ane Bley sae cdl oll 116 bt Wide ob Yydin Aaah dieser eat ade US Bley tiny dreds Ets Slanted tad dee wat coos slay dyle oe sleSle g loins 17 bal ALS gyad ado sling Sauna bul LY! ade pli! ps 118 5oltt ag bple Gathl Log gene Ide gh Lyd AL SH Yad O9S of Ser uaally Leash ll cy aaall US raguad OAS de adel! yady ol guns dybte ob SI gad OF Id] YS atl edt doy Jal to le aaall Gad of quay 49 Soll vagal Lisle Janay cats gil call le Le 9 ade omy ly Lee Byelaanlt cual O95 ot ear Wy Leal! bee guledl ayy till yeeze gh Lag] aya YALS ce teadll OS pl Le Jleataly 220 Boll! Bayt taal Bacall Ball ly did BLY ude euad peal Say BLY ade p Upien Uple gall Lal WYY oligll 21 59UL peal! Gyras ay ctall ards Gl oe olan! ley! ude Ugads Grad wbdall Jog) Lalo Ranuah hl dybe ye (2017 sola) 14386 lar 9 = 6549 sae = Reel Baya 122 500) MWUSIy GaN Laagll BSL bLasay Byleyl ude cydde o! oS aSaall be Gilad! Aya ALll Gogsaill of lple yegeaill bila! a Leasdy wag salll fda ya 2 doll obsatie SLelye aa 123 Ball! 99 ctasbaalll ge paall digs Jl> J ail Ye L271 ade Yar of ie ; rege Quy Leyte pian phe badly Alaagh olay dtad J Bei lolaadl ge cast Le US sl ae abs - Sibyl gb LAL gh Sots Bue aleadil ay gh Anugll Go Opec fagdaadll ye Ge MAB cats, Leng caded gt Agha biel ge Gaugat abo - AASB Lad gpa (Aad Le aga J cl lt) ay ol 124 alll oaks Saeall coe calle de olay Wyte gf lee gaat Gf Laufall Say HEN 16 Boll! J dae ga LS vijle} ade stb] Gd aihS dike 4 HL SIy galel wey Let ade ent ol Sey Alle! ola do wpa Lensafll Die! apace; I pple peal! Spend Byrad ody lyrsing Joly cileisSs Opal cilisolys se gl! stony . 125 balk des abo dali! ydar glasad Jeaall Go auler gf Qunupall Say sal UNS ye Ayal Al Leia gets FE fe Ayal tala” wus) gudd Apa Gale Lanaegh! Ladtaaty sgipAll ely Lesion Lash Bylo oo call heb Byyall Ul Sou Wy ald alam se7 Rpeseyl Baya 2017 soe) 14385591 solar 3 6548 sae squsang Stoll Set Dd Leeall dpeat cody cael! Leman hl gett gl 13] wdeg Ge GAL AA padty wtegll Qo douadl cldralglly cls! calllag cob AF Gf LS Sled fp Lenape Aral! hala oyieey cl Leeadly Ay Ged gl) cath Yall aya arya Lensnfl Jah LEY sae ply ame Aad bala afta of Ueaall al LS sallag gf 5S Uladl J usally L271 ude ply| oe Lemuefll aelT Ul> Ay Ged gl call Jaall yet yaaygaty Lesh 126 bail Gt Leegll alasas ol jgmy Sy ouegy peal ely pe Ule J WAS ole ye dilesd gill Yaall yaall lade jglayy Y Lys Quast ala aGlaa] Ales gly AMAL! og9 27 5alMl AA Sly eglly AeaSll dybe Goa call lid seg oh SII ude pias GRY ade LILA jg Yy Abadia Gilly EO a heaall Ge obeell gale Auasefll yb ge cual oly uae 128 ball 403.12 py OgilAll ge 5B Ball! Gye (oy) ual go 2 Spdal! Lagles Aygall HleVi ade gyedge Ugkill gh laa Sle Jar SN Lalla! YY alaall ae ely] Jone Wy DLeyl aie Ge Joadte ade rgay cHelatll ley ade slgal aay 1:29 ball AheSg oh Sean ab UE ple coe call gilt ol Laas le ame atlyLaally Aygill Sle yt saad Apoaily (2017 pad) 18 6 olan 3 - 65488 = Apaanstl Saya 230 batt plat llgad ny cleaall gs of all ply] ate Qeaahall inne seal ASLAM ade ral! oll Bate pol -| 31 5 Areufe ASjLide de Gaydll GySy Wt ade JS ASLAM! saay tyady eas ay CUM E93 gy dead ead (SU of dite gate Sle uly J BLL gate pL ASAI Sle Gel) d egeree Gum alll ony tls ASI Aahal CLM aaigt pase Lad lS DE Ye capalall (galls AS; Al day dyads 332 both Atle AS AU ApaLat AaksH, Aalarlt Apap Alll plo Ye sdle soll Mia Slyarde WS LAL uae dels ol 233 dal! fly Lae Las of Lage gf Lads ASN Sls Gal, of Aaaleall gS ol gee G heed tetas cary alge Maal! CAE Llp Ladqtanty oti ll Yasar Oust . ASLAM uae 334 both! hp) dpme YS ASLAM Sle Gel g Uem Ogi gS ot ise Y ASLAM SLusl, f Spall ge ob.2I1 dso 589 ~ Apemugll Susy (2017 susle 2) 14385591 goles 3 - 6548 sue 335 Ball Joe US spage gat G ASLAN ead war le oll bats ol ipa wall ab O46 Oubee OAT 336591! clad le 65 oy CUM aalgt SbaS AS LAL de tay ot as ASLAM Sle aly oe Last gh Vipin suena Ales UES Gd peal adda! yl! 237 5th TUM G0 oh Le Geass le GUY sal ply) tay DESY gee stb bute of cua will sues dd ge Udall 338 boll Las Lan ol apd Goa Apaad gf cures glee SS Ue sel Gonorl noe woada dday Gartsall Spl ag celal we Ge Guatinald 339 dll de Vals ASyLAL! ade Gad, seed 32 ball! olyasia BLelye ga Alb legal FAQ LAM Gab = . 1M Auge - tseBlite g! AU) WLAN yey - be chy cya Lemenls Lpaeds Lprgale 665-20! aya Adlarl! cilaglall ~ 1aGUall FAgdaesll tle a3igis oA cnr CLM wigs OLAS - Lach Bye cys Lanaah ll HSS Jel Uagiad AL Li cilaljilly dgd> PBL ells apelgay lays NS ASLALI ASLAM Jo ca AiSy dogs ~ (2017 le) 14385 an 3-548 ae = eel! Ayadlush| AS, LALLY Ayal plo! 140 Salt of Say agit Mia go alll ll gf baylgll cbysaaal Yo Ble agolel ey qurges Legh piflt Lute Ayadlite WGLide JK AG LAL! isle Wy gute calydgSIl gay SLM f ofS gf eb cat J! Laail cuyyaty wing Y] Lape Wy Megane Bakers Ready Cupaally galt tegll OyS ol ign ASLALI aie ply IS sdse JSS abjLiall agat Qyaliall ASLAN Lb of pjly ¥ 241 batt Apa abtty aur agdey cugdall, golet seglly AGLAM sae pray ple a5 UUM dally Aladia Gilly COU Aylroll ude :yeclell all 342 Boltt cy days yh ade US yy tlll La pygde J Ayballl diay sad Bouse Lgergl ads SU Gal, deergiey eadds (SL Quy) Ciesafe Be gf Leesan Slaul] toad plac iyetig (quleda) catglia Bie gl Ugliag Lae Lea sf Ueyalt Lapel rat g Ua Algal Caplglall gf gla Jarizy can £.9ptee daog JU ay Jang SLY oy Glut dadall cLM1 plaid! aa dell ogy Allies gl AAI gf raall agus gf Jleay ce J ¥] vilasdl slall yb ys sagaladl alles 26,.210 day toads so Rpesayll Baya (2017 sla 2) 1438 5,541 golan 3 - 6548 sue 243 Ball Atle AS Apel UUUy Adal! Ayu till pIKOM Ye Sgdhe alll le Glyarde Ayball ade J ely ol 244 ball! retells GS tol pal gf aylall szal oS de cybaally JM gy wtdall Ub lores Gis gil dsall Aylall lanl, sLatind Leaps lyayS Latly ayball gyaye stat aylall glatLaly qybaal JWI oy berger gear gil bugil ab ayball 254k gh digs Ayball lanl, 145 Salt tg Udlee yasasell CUB Nily Largionty JU cslyt yavar cued pile Ayball uae ob lead ator 146 bolt tab gl ybaall de Lys I gy Rae O98 ol igen ¥ 47 stl celal le SLM on CUM guigt clays Ayball sae suns of gaa Ausland Sle aly cya Quad gf aga auizee Ale SEE yeil y «aaa! guyll 48 boll CUM gob Le Gane Ye GUI dal! ply] tay SUSU jgee nbhLel b.te gl cae cigla) since Adie yo Addl! (2017 yole2) 98 A lan 3 654 ate = Apel Baya! 249 Boll! cream pager gSLndll Jarig CLM atigh cary alll aly! ound 13] Lad US EE Ge AINE gary gal Le AyLall BS) le unl db prover ASAI Radel cL asiss ake 350 Salt! hija Botzee Byol LLY go ol pala of ign ¥ Gre Y day cubeall gh Leap pled de LLM gust 13] ile Yy GW GagS GI Alay cotens pel pla AUS dS of Ayball Glee! gare Ayleall ade G6 Jaiaay gadis sda) Sill aL 351 batt! Ayleall Glacl esad ly Gl Aude igen Y 352 boll we stl] Q Layla] az gl aldlanll GlLar Yyilye Lenhall Gas cpenay Saall lye giles! AyayyAtill agaaill Gy ly Ula! gpliglly Ayla! APL ell tyelyay Class Ye Aybeal ude ya of Arnall gad yball Gls Galas atdy psd of qubaall jger * 353 ball de Vols Uyball sie Gad- wel 43 Goll! cyarie Bele go AYLI oleylall Hylall vat = HOLLY daga - CoA G) teadall lyerday (bade ab gf Biyds) Aylall yess - tJlal Sled gall Gf SLL Glatt Lgaelye ladys Aylalliue - so = eesnpll Baya 2017 ola?) 14985891 salar 3 - 6548 sue tel wigs OLAS - BAL Slay quraill WSs Yardley Uyilhe cL! calyl Garam + PApdsaall the arigiy oualaall ALLY clalily dgd> = Aylall J> SlasSy bay - plea ie syealandl cabal! 254 5sllI gh Aeugll gyudLatl sol clare Joa wie WS pbull siay ads (Gebeadl Sle Gal) grat asny Noutone Lidge (eLaall gy) Lyle ater Jeaall And} cas gave prLily (44) Lalas) Lay Atdyay ply gl p51 silazald Mylo Gate see Jel J Botzes atlas Loygine (44d place) 355 Balt Aaysll pISOY Ligllas OS) ot pba! she tye gull gett day 256 batt OSs ol jgmuy Aya clang pall ade Eydge SxS of gts ¥ Aad 3H Lead cal Ss pl Le sad sl ad lanl! ude Eysrge 57st! apebsall ade gf Lead gill! de ast gh gall Opes C955 OT igen Y (2017 ule 2) 14385 591 gol 3 - 6548 ate 358 dol Eptlly alell cage Ge Legely Aelia! Gatlad lial ude vty SM byliy Uayae Repay plaall ade Eprnga Cy Gl Sar Wy Sagally sally Aa J cats Y ol yatlasl Bostoee sat of plas US yall sade ply] ke gd) USle gb Uy Boggs Vela! O96 of Laity Wy splall 359 Boll dela) Loljusl Gishall day odd Latte pabiall ude gyidye OF |S] Ayan Le ge (ye Y Uyae Malate os Rad J cattsy atlas dapaty Legiyas lull ste Eprige Of 13] wine alias (ye dell lis! gital oy 260 Sattt adlga J Yolutay Llgte elaall ade Egsdge aed! cg of ase GRAD daghad ge gill Katy Go pesLuill Jel Ugl> ate ogegll Aley : adall Jo 361 otk sddiall Egedge Relea pled CAS slags plea ude Sey Waa! Lael gridlaall J yagdl pyballl ie sdall sump al 13} osaall pba] oe ull OgSIt 262 boll! MUSIy gay gist Bl ablyay all use QAay of oSe eSeall lye Gola! MyaypAdll Gagsaill J lobe yeguaill ablasall go Leases Epa wart aelead clea Udy oyyitill Mia ce 2 Ball! culgariie SLelye a pelall ade Mpesuyll Baya (2017 ue 2) 1438 581 paler 3 - 6548 sue 363 bsill of cibylall Glas salt pnd ABI) le plat de Gao! Say AS yall slajtael Jylde 164 bot UU GSap sadall go ouall Jet g deladl palad pia Ube g glade gb Baba gf gall Angle gs ig RAll Jy tay pabacill deol aldall gysage Tela 365 Sok! eight plaall de Epeinge aul! inagal gil! Uillye tay ALU igen NS lyse apalaall ake US LoL LAI Oyo et glo say saul! pt 551 H Ladlge Jatt OgSs ob LULA ge lly take aby gf Galay saysaall Mele all gatlly lal sda} Legvnge 9S eS Joys Sle Jet Ugl> ad Gala nd Gangeall of 13)d Malabe (apd acl!) pall ngpill cogs Wy «Jul! Wi lapis dgad Sle caged Gatley Lana gtteall Sh ple 13] Baths! gatleadell Lat aS callay _ $66 5th Shea] cease shed gtball cogs LIS gl pe Aelanall bgt pte Ue J Gl Gatll slastunly adall pend cay «Slidell dyle has Ygdnn Mel alll tabs 367 Soll aoe ealead coe alll cals Se gall Ue qlall uae Gar of igen AUgle Quill Leap Il ane ley tan ple tgs ga bull de gyetge (2017 goed) 1850 lan 3 = 654830 el) yell gaasgaty aS GLAM Aplllas jlge ga eddie lll alll gAll aruny 4 ded gl caatll gaa 268 bs! ends OLE GALEN Gadd cur cuely plus ude ow AS ply! ig sAdall J Baylgll Gldolghly delay! 269 ball! eilds digas of pel Silbe gSlll Spr ot lyiiee Updisay Lasehall igen spraballl Jel gto se lputlad pba ade gyaige aul! aw Bole] del oo Aad JB Ab pl gap Lecsaball gens ball de gil gb cull el dala Se pL Deals pial rayleall lll 170 Bsltl sdaall Le gyladt clay lll J lle Gagsaill galisll pu dlels ao Ryogl Aygaalll AAS yy AIL Nin GQ Ul] SLAM cleat! ogde Greets ola cag dill Na gga 2 Ball cibysatde Slelye ae cuaaly Lanuahll cy be cibelgld 71 both BiUg!I NISy yy ALL! Ka g Lel] LAL lal age Jaa ol a TSU AML etl Ul ge soloed lll gillaa” bloc Uy Alaa! 725s Bagilly UpalS Leys Eytan J} pads Ale Adac cl pall ign ¥ pall 307 = Aeesusll Basal 2017 os2) 3855 galer 3-654 ake EE ee 173 boll BAD Gh ye olayl dyduall jo pill Lda cilia Jos gaa Baya sSolyal igal ge olay! Ri BH LE JOURNAL DE LA FINANCE ISLAMIQUE %

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