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Total Points: 145 pts. without extra credit
150 pts. with extra credit

To become master drawers, we will be training for and completing a final project. Well spend 2-3 weeks in skills training - aka
completing various activities to develop our skills and build our drawing stamina. Once we complete our training, well finish the
unit with a final project - a high-quality master still-life drawing of objects with personal significance to you.

This drawing unit will be designed around the observational drawing theory, Drawing On the Right Side of the Brain (Betty Edwards, 1979). This
theory focuses on consciously using both sides of the brain to observe and interpret objects we see, to translate into drawings. Edwards believes
that the left side of the brain - the logical left - perceives symbols and recognizes objects in the visual world, interfering with simply seeing what
things really look like. Our focus for these training sessions is to practice methods of quieting the logical left and let the right brain really see what
the eyes receive.

This project will not only challenge your ideas of observation, but also push you at a fast pace to complete drawings and exhibit persistent work
habits. If youre absent, its your responsibility to actively keep to the pace of this schedule. This marathon will not be easy, but will transform your
drawing skills in exciting ways. Each skills training activity will be handed in AT THE END OF THE UNIT.

10/9 Start date
10/9 - 10/20 Skills Training
10/23 - Intro Final Still Life
- Contour layout
- Value layout
140 points total for this entire project
Drawings for each activity are collected at the end
of entire unit
40 points out of the 140 are your final drawing!
You are responsible for turning in all Skills training
activities together AT THE END of the unit!
For the final marathon drawing, there will a rubric outlining the specific components that will be assessed. That will be released with the project

Seeing & Big Ideas ACTIVITIES DONE Points
Drawing. Each activity will be due for grading AT THE END OF THE Check the box
UNIT. when complete to
keep track of your

1) Edges Sometimes called contour Vase Face 2

Upside Down Man 3

Sketchbook Assignment: Blind Contour Drawing Three 5


2) Spaces Called negative spaces Depth Study - Perspective 10

Called Perspective and

3) Lights and Called shading Ebony, media Value Scales 15

Shadows exploration
Sphere with Value 5

Extra Credit: Still-Life Practice 5

5.) A Still-Life with Combining everything weve Explosive Drawing 100

Significance been training for! -Image OR bring in physical objects

8. Art Term The language of Drawing All of the terms that were learned and used during the unit 5
Dictionary -Word, Definition, and Illustration

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