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1 Which of the following is true about the 4 Sample Number of atoms in D 64

meaning of relative atomic mass? Sampel sample 8 The relative formula mass of a
Antara yang berikut, manakah benar tentang hydrated copper (II) sulphate is 250
maksud jisim atom relatif? Bilangan atom dalam sampel
with a formula of CuSO4.nH2O.
A The average mass of one atom of
A 2 1023 atoms Calculate the value of n.
the element when compared with 2 1023 atom [Relative atomic mass: H, 1; O, 16;
S, 32; Cu, 64]
12 of the mass of a carbon-12 B 6 1023 atoms Jisim formula relatif bagi kuprum (II) sulfat
atom. 6 1023 atom terhidrat ialah 250 dengan formula
Purata jisim satu atom bagi unsur itu CuSO4.nH2O. Kira nilai n.
C 4 1023 atoms [Jisim atom relatif: H, 1; O, 16; S, 32; Cu, 64]
4 1023 atom A 2 C 5
apabila dibandingkan dengan 12 kali
B 4 D 8
jisim satu atom karbon-12.
B The average mass of one
molecule of the substance when 9 What is the mass of 2.4 1021
Table 1 Jadual 1 molecules of CO3?
1 Table 1 shows the number of atoms [Relative atomic mass: C, 12; O, 16;
compared with 12 of the mass of contained in three samples of iron A, Avogadros constant = 6.02 1023 mol
a carbon-12 atom. B and C. Which of the following 1
Purata jisim satu molekul bagi bahan itu shows the correct sequence of Berapakah jisim bagi 2.4 1021 molekul
1 samples in an descending order of CO3?
apabila dibandingkan dengan 12 kali number of moles of atoms? [Jisim atom relatif: C, 12; O, 16;
jisim satu atom karbon-12. Jadual 1 menunjukkan bilangan atom yang Pemalar Avogadro = 6.02 1023 mol1]
C The average mass of one atom of the terdapat dalam tiga sampel, ferum A, B dan A 0.02 g C 0.11 g
element when compared with 12 of C. Antara yang berikut, manakah B 0.01 g D 0.24 g
menunjukkan urutan menurun yang betul
the mass of a carbon-12 atom. bagi bilangan mol atom dalam sampel-
Purata jisim satu atom bagi unsur itu sampel tersebut? 10 3 g of element X react with 7.5 g of
apabila dibandingkan dengan 12 kali A A, C, B element Y to form a compound with
jisim satu atom karbon-12. the empirical formula of X2Y3. What
D The average mass of one atom of B B, C, A
C A, B, C is the relative atomic mass of Y?
the element when compared with [Relative atomic mass: X, 60]
the mass of a hydrogen-1 atom. D C, A, B
3 g unsur X bertindak balas dengan 7.5 g
Purata jisim satu atom bagi unsur itu unsur Y untuk menghasilkan satu sebatian
apabila dibandingkan dengan jisim satu 5 Calculate the number of molecules yang mempunyai formula empirik X 2Y3.
atom hidrogen-1. in 0.2 mole of ethene, C2H4. Berapakah jisim atom relatif bagi Y?
[Avogadros constant = 6.02 1023 mol1 ] [Jisim atom relatif: X, 60]
2 How many times does one atom of Hitungkan bilangan molekul dalam 0.2 mol A 25 C 50
sulphur heavier than one atom of helium? etena, C2H4. B 40 D 100
[Relative atomic mass: He, 4; S, 32] [Pemalar Avogadro = 6.02 1023 mol1]
Berapa kalikah satu atom sulfur lebih berat A 0.2 1023 molecules 11 Calculate the volume of distilled
daripada satu atom helium? 0.2 1023 molekul
water needed to mix with 11.7 g of
[Jisim atom relatif: He, 4; S, 32] B 1.2 1023 molecules
A C 4 1.2 1023 molekul sodium chloride to get a solution of
C 2.4 1023 molecules 1.7 mol dm3 sodium chloride.
B D 8 2.4 1023 molekul [Relative atomic mass: Na, 23; Cl,
D 6.0 1023 molecules 35.5]
6.0 1023 molekul Hitungkan isi padu air suling yang
3 Which of the following has the same diperlukan untuk bercampur dengan 11.7 g
number of particles as in 2.8 g of iron? 6 What is the mass of 1 mole of natrium klorida supaya menghasilkan larutan
[Relative atomic mass: H, 1; C, 12; hydrogen gas? 1.7 mol dm3 natrium klorida.
O, 16; Al, 27; Ca, 40; Fe, 56; Cu, 64; [Jisim atom relatif: Na, 23; Cl, 35.5]
[Relative atomic mass: H, 1] A 120 cm3
Avogadros constant = 6.02 1023 mol1 Berapakah jisim bagi 1 mol gas hidrogen?
] [Jisim atom relatif: H, 1] B 300 cm3
Antara yang berikut, manakah mempunyai A 1 C 4 C 3000 cm3
bilangan zarah yang sama dengan dalam 2.8 g B 2 D 6 D 6000 cm3
[Jisim atom relatif: H, 1; C, 12; O, 16; Al,
27; Ca, 40; Fe, 56; Cu, 64; pemalar 7 The relative molecular mass of a 12 A concentration of 0.75 mol dm3 of
Avogadro = 6.02 1023 mol1] metal sulphate, XSO4 is 136. What is sulphuric acid is used as an
A 0.032 g of copper the relative atomic mass of metal X? electrolyte in a car battery. What is
0.032 g kuprum [Relative atomic mass: O, 16; S, 32] the volume of electrolyte of 0.18
B 3 1021 of calcium particles Jisim molekul relatif bagi satu logam sulfat, XSO 4 ialah mole of sulphuric acid?
3 1021 zarah kalsium 136. Berapakah jisim atom relatif bagi logam X? Asid sulfurik yang berkepekatan 0.75 mol dm
C 0.05 mole of oxygen A 23
digunakan sebagai elekrolit dalam bateri
0.05 mol oksigen kereta. Berapakah isi padu elektrolit bagi
B 32 0.18 mol asid sulfurik?
D 9 g glucose, C6H12O6 C 40
9 g glukosa, C6H12O6 A 240 cm3 C 488 cm3

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B 333 cm3 D 560 cm3 A I only
13 Calculate the mass of carbon 18 20 cm3 nitrogen gas and 60 cm3 of I sahaja
contained in 375 g of zinc carbonate, hydrogen gas react completely to B I and II only
I dan II sahaja
ZnCO3. form ammonia gas at room
[Relative atomic mass: C, 12; O, 16; temperature. Which of the following C I, II and III only
I, II dan III sahaja
Zn, 65] calculation steps represents the D II, III and IV only
Hitung jisim karbon yang terkandung dalam empirical formula for this ammonia II, III dan IV sahaja
375 g zink karbonat, ZnCO3.
[Jisim atom relatif: C, 12; O, 16; Zn, 65]
A 12 C 36 [Relative atomic mass: H, 1; N, 14; 21 Relative atomic mass of calcium and
B 24 D 48 molar volume: 24 dm3 mol1 at room bromine are 40 and 80 respectively.
temperature] Which of the following statements
20 cm3 gas nitrogen dan 60 cm3 gas hidrogen are not true?
bertindak balas dengan lengkap untuk Jisim atom relatif bagi kalsium dan bromin
menghasilkan gas ammonia pada suhu bilik. masing-masing ialah 40 dan 80. Antara
Antara langkah pengiraan yang berikut, pernyataan yang berikut, manakah tidak
manakah mewakili formula empirik bagi gas benar?
ammonia itu? I 2 atoms of calcium have same
[Jisim atom relatif: H, 1; N, 14; isi padu
Diagram 1 Rajah 1 molar: 24 dm3 mol1 pada suhu bilik] atomic mass as 1 molecule of
Diagram 1 shows a syringe bromine gas.
containing x g of carbon dioxide gas No. of moles of No. of moles of 2 atom kalsium mempunyai jisim yang
at room temperature. Calculate the nitrogen hydrogen sama dengan satu molekul gas bromin.
value of x. Bilangan mol Bilangan mol II 2 g of calcium have same number
[Relative atomic mass: C, 12; O, 16; nitrogen hidrogen of atoms as 1 g of bromine gas.
2 g kalsium mempunyai bilangan atom
molar volume = 24 dm3 mol1 at A yang sama dengan 1 g gas bromin.
room temperature] III The mass of calcium is 40 g and
Rajah 1 menunjukkan picagari yang
mengandungi x g gas karbon dioksida pada
the mass of bromine is 160 g.
Jisim kalsium ialah 40 g dan jisim bromin
suhu bilik. Hitungkan nilai x. B
ialah 160 g.
[Jisim atom relatif: C, 12; O, 16; isi padu
molar = 24 dm3 mol1 pada suhu bilik] IV 4 moles of calcium have same
A 0.11 C 0.44 mass as 2 moles of bromine gas.
C 4 mol kalsium mempunyai jisim yang
B 0.33 D 0.52
sama dengan 2 mol gas bromin.
A I and II only
15 A compound X contains 19.2% of D I dan II sahaja
copper and 80.8% of iodide. Find B II and IV only
the mass of copper if the mass of the II dan IV sahaja
compound X is 60 g. C I, II and IV only
[Relative atomic mass: Cu, 64; I, 19 Which of the following gases has the I, II dan IV sahaja
127] lowest density at room temperature? D I, II, III and IV
Sebatian X mengandungi 19.2% kuprum dan [Relative atomic mass: H, 1; C, 12; I, II, III dan IV
80.8% iodida. Cari jisim kuprum jika jisim N, 14; O, 16]
sebatian X ialah 60 g. Antara gas-gas yang berikut, manakah 22
[Jisim atom relatif: Cu, 64; I, 127] mempunyai ketumpatan yang paling rendah
A 11.5 g C 48.5 g pada suhu bilik?
B 19.2 g D 80.8 g [Jisim atom relatif: H, 1; C, 12; N, 14; O, 16] The equation above shows the
A O2 C H2 decomposition of metal P when it is
16 0.14 mole of an unknown gas X2 has B CO2 D N2 heated. Calculate the mass of
a mass of 1.4 g. What is the relative carbonate of metal P which is used
atomic mass of X? 20 Which of the following statement is to produce 336cm3 of carbon dioxide
0.14 mol gas X2 mempunyai jisim 1.4 g. true about one mole of oxygen gas gas at s.t.p.
Berapakah jisim atom relatif bagi X? and one mole of ethane gas? [Relative atomic mass: C, 12; O, 16;
A 2.5 C 10.0 Antara pernyataan yang berikut, manakah
P, 64; molar volume: 22.4 dm3 mol1
B 5.0 D 15.0 benar tentang satu mol gas oksigen dan satu
mol gas etana? at s.t.p.]
I They have same volume at room Persamaan di atas menunjukkan penguraian
17 0.3 mole of X combined with 9.6 g logam P apabila dipanaskan. Hitungkan jisim
temperature. karbonat bagi logam P yang digunakan untuk
of oxygen to form X oxide, where X Mempunyai isi padu yang sama pada menghasilkan 336cm3 gas karbon dioksida
is an element. What is the empirical suhu bilik. pada s.t.p.
formula for X oxide? II They have same number of [Jisim atom relatif: C, 12; O, 16; P, 64; isi
[Relative atomic mass: O, 16] atoms. padu molar: 22.4 dm3 mol1 pada s.t.p.]
0.3 mol X bergabung dengan 9.6 g oksigen Mempunyai bilangan atom yang sama. A 0.02 g C 4.82 g
untuk menghasil X oksida, di mana X ialah III They are alcohol. B 1.86 g D 6.22 g
satu unsur. Apakah formula empirik bagi X Merupakan alkohol.
[Jisim atom relatif: O, 16] IV They have same relative atomic 23
A X2O C X2O3 mass.
Mempunyai jisim atom relatif yang sama. CaCO3 CaO + CO2
B XO2 D X3O2
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peroxide, H2O2. Which of the Diagram 2 Rajah 2
Calcium carbonate decomposes following amount of substances are Diagram 2 shows the set-up of the
when it is heated. According to the produced when 0.02 mole of apparatus to determine the empirical
equation above, what is the mass of hydrogen peroxide is decomposed formula of a copper (II) oxide.
calcium oxide formed when 10 g of completely at s.t.p.? Which of the following gas is
calcium carbonate is burnt [Molar volume at s.t.p.: 22.4 dm3 mol1] suitable to be used in the Diagram 2?
completely? Persamaan di atas menunjukkan penguraian Rajah 2 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk
hidrogen peroksida, H2O2. Antara jumlah menentukan formula empirik kuprum (II)
[Relative atomic mass: C, 12; O, 16; oksida. Antara gas yang berikut, manakah
bahan yang berikut, manakah akan
Ca, 40] dihasilkan apabila 0.02 mol hidrogen sesuai diguna dalam Rajah 2?
Kalsium karbonat terurai apabila peroksida diurai selengkapnya pada s.t.p.? A Hydrogen gas
dipanaskan. Berdasarkan persamaan di atas, [Isi padu molar pada s.t.p.: 22.4 dm3 mol1] Gas hidrogen
berapakah jisim kalsium oksida yang I 0.01 mole of water B Oxygen gas
dihasilkan apabila 10 g kalsium karbonat
0.01 mol air Gas oksigen
dibakar selengkapnya?
[Jisim atom relatif: C, 12; O, 16; Ca, 40] II 0.22 dm3 of oxygen gas C Carbon dioxide gas
0.22 dm3 of gas oksigen Gas karbon dioksida
A 0.4 g C 5.6 g
B 0.6 g D 8.0 g III 6.02 1021 of oxygen gas D Nitrogen gas
molecule Gas nitrogen
6.02 1021 molekul gas oksigen
24 IV 1.2 1020 of water molecules 30
1.2 1020 molekul air
2Al2O3 4Al + 3O2 A I and II only C II and III only
I dan II sahaja II dan III sahaja
The equation above shows the reaction of the extraction of
B I and IV only D III and IV only
aluminium from aluminium oxide. Calculate the mass of I dan IV sahaja III dan IV sahaja
aluminium oxide when 108 g of aluminium is extracted from

the reaction. 27 The formula of the sulphate salt of X

[Relative atomic mass: O,16; Al, 27] is XSO4. What is the formula of the
Persamaan di atas menunjukkan tindak balas nitrate salt of X?
pengekstrakan aluminium daripada Formula bagi sulfat garam X ialah XSO 4.
aluminium oksida. Hitungkan jisim Apakah formula bagi garam nitrat X?
aluminium oksida yang digunakan apabila
108 g aluminium diekstrak daripada tindak
A XNO3 C X(NO3)2
Diagram 3 Rajah 3
balas itu. B X2NO3 D X2(NO3)2
Diagram 3 shows the set-up of
[Jisim atom relatif: O, 16; Al, 27] 28 Which of the substances below is
apparatus to determine the empirical
A 102 g C 204 g matched with the correct relative
formula of an oxide of lead. Which
B 180 g D 306 g molecular mass?
of the following are correct in the
[Relative atomic mass: H, 1; C, 12;
set-up of apparatus for this
25 O, 16; Na, 23; S, 32; Cl, 35.5; K, 39;
Element X O Cr, 52; Ba, 137] Rajah 3 menunjukkan susunan radas untuk
Unsur Antara bahan di bawah, manakah menentukan formula empirik bagi suatu
dipadankan dengan jisim molekul relatif yang oksida plumbum. Antara yang berikut,
Mass/g 1.08 0.96 manakah betul tentang susunan radas
Jisim/g [Jisim atom relatif: H, 1; C, 12; O, eksperimen itu?
16; Na, 23; S, 32; Cl, 35.5; K, 39; I No Bunsen burner
Tiada penunu Bunsen
Relative atomic mass 27 16 Cr, 52; Ba, 137]
Jisim atom relatif II The using of oxide of lead
Substance Relative Penggunaan oksida plumbum
Table 2 Jadual 2 Bahan molecular mass III Fixing of the combustion tube
Table 2 shows the mass and the Jisim molekul relatif Pemasangan tabung pembakaran
relative atomic mass of the element IV Position of the thistle funnel
X and O. What is the empirical A BaCl2.2H2O 244 Kedudukan corong tisel
formula for this oxide? A I and II only
B Na2S2O3.5H2O 185 I dan II sahaja
Jadual 2 menunjukkan jisim dan jisim atom
relatif bagi unsur X dan O. Apakah formula C C3H7COOH 81 B II and III only
empirik bagi oxida itu? II dan III sahaja
A XO C X2O3 D K2Cr2O7 292 C III and IV only
B X2O D X3O2 III dan IV sahaja
D I, II and III only
29 I, II dan III sahaja
2H2O2 (aq) 2H2O (l) + O2 (g)
2H2O2 (ak) 2H2O (ce) + O2 (g)
The equation above shows the
decomposition of hydrogen

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Section A Bahagian A

1 Mengapakah penutup mangkuk pijar dibuka sekali-sekala semasa

[2 marks / 2 markah]
(d) Based on the results above,
Berdasarkan keputusan di atas,
(i) calculate the mass of magnesium used and the
mass of oxygen that has reacted with the
hitungkan jisim magnesium yang digunakan dan jisim oksigen
yang telah bertindak balas dengan magnesium.
[2 marks / 2 markah]
Diagram 1 Rajah 1 (ii) determine the empirical formula of magnesium
Diagram 1 shows the set-up of apparatus for an experiment oxide.
to determine the empirical formula of magnesium oxide. tentukan formula empirik magnesium oksida.
Rajah 1 menunjukkan susunan radas bagi satu ___________________________________________________
[2 marks / 2 markah]
eksperimen untuk menentukan formula empirik (e) Write the chemical equation for the reaction in this
magnesium oksida. experiment.
Tuliskan persamaan kimia bagi tindak balas dalam eksperimen itu.
Result ________________________________________________________
Keputusan [1 mark / 1 markah]
(f) What is the precaution needed in this experiment?
Mass of crucible + lid = 26.6 g Apakah langkah berjaga-jaga yang diperlukan dalam eksperimen itu?
Jisim mangkuk pijar + penutup ________________________________________________________
[1 mark / 1 markah]
2 (a) (i) What is meant by relative atomic mass based on
Mass of crucible + lid + magnesium ribbons = 27.2 g
Jisim mangkuk pijar + penutup + pita magnesium
the carbon-12 scale?
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan jisim atom relatif
berdasarkan skala karbon-12?
Mass of crucible + lid + magnesium oxide = 27.6 g ___________________________________________________
Jisim mangkuk pijar + penutup + magnesium oksida [1 mark / 1 markah]
(ii) What is meant by relative molecular mass based
on the carbon-12 scale?
(a) What is meant by empirical formula? Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan jisim molekul relatif
Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan formula empirik? berdasarkan skala karbon-12?
________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
[1 mark / 1 markah] [1 mark / 1 markah]
(b) State the purpose of cleaning the magnesium ribbon (iii) State one reason why carbon-12 was chosen as the
with sand paper. standard atom.
Nyatakan tujuan membersihkan pita magnesium dengan kertas pasir. Nyatakan satu sebab mengapa karbon-12 dipilih sebagai atom
________________________________________________________ piawai.
[1 mark / 1 markah] ___________________________________________________
(c) Why should the crucible lid be opened once in a while [1 mark / 1 markah]
during the experiment? (b) (i) Define Avogadros constant.

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Takrifkan pemalar Avogadro. [1 mark / 1 markah]
[1 mark / 1 markah] (ii) Calculate the mass of 0.05 mole aspirin.
(ii) A sample of zinc contains of 3 1022 zinc atoms. Hitungkan jisim bagi 0.05 mol aspirin.
How many moles of zinc are there in this sample? _________________________________________________________
[Avogadro constant: 6 1023 mol1] [2 marks / 2 markah]
Satu sample zink mengandungi 3 1022 atom zink. Berapa mol (b)
bagi zink yang terdapat dalam sampel itu?
[Pemalar Avogadro: 6 1023 mol1]
[2 marks / 2 markah]

(c) 0.02 mole of a hydrocarbon was completely burnt in air

and 2.4 dm3 of carbon dioxide was released at standard
temperature and pressure. Diagram 3 Rajah 3
0.02 mol hidrokarbon dibakar selengkapnya dalam udara dan 2.4
dm3 karbon dioksida dibebaskan pada suhu dan tekanan piawai. Diagram 3 shows the structural formula of vitamin C.
Rajah 3 menunjukkan formula struktur bagi vitamin C.
(i) Calculate the number of molecules in 0.02 mole of
hydrocarbon. (i) What is the molecular formula of vitamin C?
Apakah formula molekul vitamin C?
Hitungkan bilangan molekul yang terkandung dalam 0.02 mol
___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________
[1 mark / 1 markah] [1 mark / 1 markah]
(ii) Calculate the number of moles of 2.4 dm 3 of (ii) What is the empirical formula of vitamin C?
carbon dioxide. Apakah formula empirik vitamin C?
Hitungkan bilangan mol bagi 2.4 dm3 karbon dioksida. ___________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ [1 mark / 1 markah]
[1 mark / 1 markah] (iii) Compare the molecular formula and empirical
(iii) Calculate the volume of carbon dioxide released at formula of vitamin C.
s.t.p. from one mole of hydrocarbon. Bandingkan formula molekul dan formula empirik bagi vitamin C.
Hitungkan isi padu karbon dioksida yang dibebaskan pada ___________________________________________________
s.t.p. daripada satu mol hidrokarbon. [2 marks / 2 markah]
___________________________________________________ (iv) State the molar mass of vitamin C.
[1 mark / 1 markah] Nyatakan jisim molar bagi vitamin C.
3 [1 mark / 1 markah]
(v) Calculate the percentage of oxygen by mass in a
molecule of vitamin C.
Hitungkan peratus jisim oksigen dalam satu molekul vitamin C.
[1 mark / 1 markah]

(c) Given that the empirical formula of X is CH2O and its

relative molecular mass is 60. Find the molecular
Diagram 2 Rajah 2
formula of X.
Diagram 2 shows the structural formula of aspirin. Diberi formula empirik X ialah CH 2O dan jisim molekul relatifnya
Rajah 2 menunjukkan formula struktur bagi aspirin. ialah 60. Cari formula molekul X.
(a) (i) Write down the molecular formula of aspirin. ________________________________________________________
Tuliskan formula molekul bagi aspirin. [2 marks / 2 markah]

Section B Bahagian B

4 (a) State the meaning of molar mass of a substance by Berapakah isi padu molar gas pada s.t.p. dan keadaan bilik?
Hitungkan isi padu 0.5 mol gas hidrogen pada keadaan bilik
using two suitable examples. dan suhu dan tekanan piawai.
Nyatakan maksud jisim molar bagi satu bahan dengan
menggunakan dua contoh yang sesuai. [4 marks / 4 markah]
[3 marks / 3 markah] (iii) Explain why is the molar volume of gas different
(b) (i) State the meaning of molar volume of a gas by in these two conditions.
Jelaskan mengapa isi padu molar gas berbeza dalam kedua-
using suitable example. dua keadaan ini.
Nyatakan maksud isi padu molar bagi satu gas dengan
menggunakan contoh yang sesuai. [2 marks / 2 markah]
[3 marks / 3 markah] (c) A hydrocarbon compound, X contains 86% of carbon
(ii) What is the molar volume of gas at s.t.p. and and 14% of hydrogen. Given that the relative
room condition? Calculate the volume of 0.5 molecular mass of the compound X is 70.
Satu sebatian hidrokarbon, X mengandungi 86% karbon dan 14%
mole of hydrogen gas at room condition and hidrogen. Diberi jisim molekul relatif sebatian X ialah 70.
standard temperature and pressure. (i) Calculate the empirical formula of compound X.
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Hitungkan formula empirik sebatian X. [2 marks / 2 markah]
[3 marks / 3 markah] (iii) Draw one of the structural formula of the
(ii) Calculate the molecular formula of the compound X and name it.
compound x by using your answer in (c)(i). Lukis dan namakan satu formula struktur sebatian X.
Hitungkan formula molekul sebatian X dengan menggunakan [2 marks / 2 markah]
jawapan anda dalam (c)(i).

Section C Bahagian C

5 (a) (i) Explain what is meant by empirical formula of a

Jelaskan apakah yang dimaksudkan formula empirik bagi
satu sebatian.
[1 mark / 1 markah]
(ii) Write down the empirical formula for vitamin C,
C6H8O6 and ammonia gas, NH3.
Tuliskan formula empirik bagi vitamin C, C6H8O6 dan gas
ammonia, NH3.
[2 marks / 2 markah]
(b) (i) A sample of green oxide of chromium is given.
With the aid of a labelled diagram, describe a
laboratory experiment to determine the empirical
formula for oxides of chromium. Your
experiment should also include observations,
tabulation of results, calculations and all
precautions and safety taken.
Satu sampel oksida kromium hijau diberi. Dengan bantuan rajah
yang berlabel, huraikan satu eksperimen di makmal untuk
menentukan formula empirik oksida kromium. Eksperimen anda
hendaklah mengandungi pemerhatian, penjadualan keputusan,
pengiraan dan semua langkah-langkah berjaga yang perlu diambil.
[10 marks / 10 markah]
(ii) State the reason why the empirical formula for
the oxide of chromium cannot be determined by
heating this solid oxide with magnesium powder.
Nyatakan sebab mengapa formula empirik oksida kromium
tidak boleh ditentu dengan pemanasan pepejal oksida
dengan serbuk magnesium.
[3 marks / 3 markah]
(c) Given that the relative molecular mass of gas X is 72.
Gas X and gas Y are hydrocarbons.
Diberi jisim molekul relatif gas X ialah 72. Gas X dan gas Y ialah
(i) If the formula of gas X is CnH12, what is the value
of n? Name the gas X.
Jika formula gas X ialah C nH12, apakah nilai n? Namakan
gas X.
[2 marks / 2 markah]
(ii) Deduce the formula of gas Y, if the relative
molecular mass of gas Y is 42. Name the gas Y.
Mentaabirkan formula gas Y, jika jisim molekul relatif gas Y
ialah 42. Namakan gas Y.
[2 marks / 2 markah]

Navision (M) Sdn. Bhd. (690640-P) 17 SULIT

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